Search results for ""MK - Stanford University Press""
MK - Stanford University Press Monuments Decolonized Algerias French Colonial Heritage
MK - Stanford University Press The Baron Maurice de Hirsch and the Jewish Nineteenth Century
MK - Stanford University Press India Is Broken A People Betrayed Independence to Today
MK - Stanford University Press Kabbalah and Catastrophe Historical Memory in Premodern Jewish Mysticism
MK - Stanford University Press Before Trans Three Gender Stories from NineteenthCentury France
MK - Stanford University Press Near and Far Waters The Geopolitics of Seapower
MK - Stanford University Press Red Tape Radio and Politics in Czechoslovakia 19451969
MK - Stanford University Press Fragile Hope Seeking Justice for Hate Crimes in India
MK - Stanford University Press Descartes Meditative Turn Cartesian Thought as Spiritual Practice
MK - Stanford University Press Descartes Meditative Turn Cartesian Thought as Spiritual Practice
MK - Stanford University Press Compton in My Soul A Life in Pursuit of Racial Equality
MK - Stanford University Press Disorder and Diagnosis
MK - Stanford University Press Seductive Spirits Deliverance Demons and Sexual Worldmaking in Ghanaian Pentecostalism
MK - Stanford University Press The Influencer Factory
MK - Stanford University Press The Residential Is Racial A Perceptual History of Mass Homeownership
MK - Stanford University Press Reworking Citizenship Race Gender and Kinship in South Africa
MK - Stanford University Press Stolen Fragments Black Markets Bad Faith and the Illicit Trade in Ancient Artefacts
MK - Stanford University Press Hive Mind How Your Nations IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own
MK - Stanford University Press Translating the Jewish Freud Psychoanalysis in Hebrew and Yiddish
MK - Stanford University Press Leading Outside Your Comfort Zone
MK - Stanford University Press Why Literary Periods Mattered Historical Contrast and the Prestige of English Studies
This book explains how period survey courses became central to literary study in the nineteenth century, why they remained central in the twentieth, and why, in the digital age, they may now be giving ground to alternate models of literary history.
MK - Stanford University Press English Presbyterianism 15901640
Drawing on hitherto unexamined manuscripts, this book challenges the standard narrative that English presbyterianism was successfully extinguished from the late sixteenth century until its prominent public resurgence during the English Civil War.
MK - Stanford University Press Children of a Modest Star Planetary Thinking for an Age of Crises
MK - Stanford University Press The Business of Transition
MK - Stanford University Press Circular Ecologies Environmentalism and Waste Politics in Urban China
MK - Stanford University Press Seductive Spirits Deliverance Demons and Sexual Worldmaking in Ghanaian Pentecostalism
MK - Stanford University Press Struggling for Time Environmental Governance and Agrarian Resistance in IsraelPalestine
MK - Stanford University Press Struggling for Time Environmental Governance and Agrarian Resistance in IsraelPalestine
MK - Stanford University Press Seeking News Making China Information Technology and the Emergence of Mass Society
MK - Stanford University Press The Political Outsider Indian Democracy and the Lineages of Populism
MK - Stanford University Press Millennial North Korea Forbidden Media and Living Creatively with Surveillance
MK - Stanford University Press Dictatorship on Trial Coups and the Future of Justice in Thailand
MK - Stanford University Press Fragile Hope Seeking Justice for Hate Crimes in India
MK - Stanford University Press The Structure of Ideas Mapping a New Theory of Free Expression in the AI Era
MK - Stanford University Press Out of the World
MK - Stanford University Press The Borders of Privilege 1.5Generation Brazilian Migrants Navigating Power Without Papers
MK - Stanford University Press The Borders of Privilege 1.5Generation Brazilian Migrants Navigating Power Without Papers
MK - Stanford University Press The Making of Chinese Foreign and Security Policy the Era of Reform
This is the most comprehensive, in-depth account of how Chinese foreign and security policy is made and implemented during the reform era. It includes the contributions of more than a dozen scholars who undertook field research in the People's Republic of China, South Korea, and Taiwan.
MK - Stanford University Press Mobilizing the Masses Building Revolution in Henan
Based on recently acquired internal party documents, this study of the roots of revolution in the Chinese province of Henan describes in detail more than two decades of the efforts of the Communist Party to build mass support for revolution.
MK - Stanford University Press The China White Paper
MK - Stanford University Press On Historicizing Epistemology
This book shows how, from the late nineteenth to the late twentieth century, the philosophy of science was increasingly confronted with historical questions and how it became historicized accordingly.
MK - Stanford University Press The CEO Playbook for Strategic Transformation Four Factors That Will Make or Break Your Organization
MK - Stanford University Press The City as Anthology Eroticism and Urbanity in Early Modern Isfahan
MK - Stanford University Press Conflicted Making News from Global War
MK - Stanford University Press The Order and Disorder of Communication Pamphlets and Polemics in the SeventeenthCentury Ottoman Empire
MK - Stanford University Press Passionate Work Choreographing a Dance Career
MK - Stanford University Press Queer Obscenity Erotic Archives in Dictatorial Spain
MK - Stanford University Press The Residential Is Racial A Perceptual History of Mass Homeownership