Search results for ""Libris""
Ex Libris Press Wildlife of the Channel Islands
Exit Palabra de artista 30 entrevistas con artistas españoles
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: Exi(it) LibrisTodas las entrevistas que Rosa Olivares ha hecho con artistas españoles recopiladas, por primera vez en dos volúmenes. Conversaciones durante 30 años con los artistas que han construido el arte contemporáneo en España. Cada entrevista va precedida de un breve texto en el que se sitúa personal e históricamente el momento de la entrevista, la importancia del artista en aquella fecha, las razones y las relaciones con cada uno de ellos. Pintores, fotógrafos, escultores, nombres históricos y de proyección internacional, algunos posiblemente casi olvidados, todos y cada uno de ellos hablan de arte, de experiencia, de conocimiento y de nuestra propia historia. Un libro imprescindible para escuchar a los propios artistas. Palabra de artista es un homenaje al arte español y a los artistas españoles que han conseguido llevar adelante nuestro arte, que han construido el presente del arte español.
Visor libros, S.L. De la llama en que arde
El nombre de María Victoria Atencia dejó de ser un secreto entre iniciados cuando -rebasado el cerco de muy exclusivas entregas- su poesía alcanzó un cálido reconocimiento unánime. Desde entonces se ha ido coincidiendo en el motivo de aquella sorpresa: María Victoria, despegada de la generación que le corresponde - la << segunda de posguerra >> , la de los 50- e incluso ajena a ella, como puede verse en estudios y antologías, tenía que ser -por su sensibilidad y su escritura- un hallazgo y descubrimiento de la generación << novísima >> . La colección Visor de poesía conoce bien la obra de María Victoria desde que, en 1984, dio en Ex libris su recapitulación y su progreso. Ahora, con De la llama en que arde, vemos cómo María Victoria se adentra en la tersura y sosiego de su propia voz hasta un límite que, de algún modo, va a exigirle un giro definitivo.
Grolier Club of New York Grolier Club Bookplates: Past and Present
A lavishly illustrated volume showcasing some of the most important bookplates produced in America from the collection of the Grolier Club. A miniature work of art, a bookplate may be viewed as a metaphorical portrait of a collector or library, using the designer’s personal graphic style. It also tells a story about the relationship between the artist and the patron. Illustrious collectors ranging from Eleanor Roosevelt to Harry Elkins Widener, J.P. Morgan and Paul Mellon come to life through bookplates by such celebrated figures as Dorothy Sturgis Harding, Eric Gill, Walter Crane, Rudolph Koch, and Rockwell Kent. Grolier Club Bookplates, Past & Present is a veritable who’s-who of both book collectors and the graphic artists who created their personalized ex-libris over the past 130 years, down to the present day. This carefully researched and amply annotated book not only provides a feast for a bibliophile’s eyes but also explores the meaning behind bookplates and their legacy as cultural indicators in book history.
Astra Publishing House Revisionary
Hugo winner Jim C. Hines's hilarious and clever Magic ex Libris series, where books come alive and libriomancer Isaac Vainio combats magical threats that spring from the page “Superior worldbuilding.” —Charlaine Harris • “Really, really clever.” —Patrick Rothfuss • “Magic librarian and ass-kicking dryad adventure story we’ve all been waiting for.” —Seanan McGuire When Isaac Vainio helped to reveal magic to the world, he dreamed of a utopian future, a new millennium of magical prosperity. One year later, things aren’t going quite as he’d hoped. An organization known as Vanguard, made up of magical creatures and ex-Porters, wants open war with the mundane world. Isaac’s own government is incarcerating “potential supernatural enemies” in prisons and internment camps. And Isaac finds himself targeted by all sides. It’s a war that will soon envelop the world, and the key to victory may lie with Isaac himself, as he struggles to incorporate everything he’s learned into a new, more powerful form of libriomancy. Surrounded by betrayal and political intrigue, Isaac and a ragtag group of allies must evade pursuit both magical and mundane, expose a conspiracy by some of the most powerful people in the world, and find a path to a better future. But what will that futures cost Isaac and the ones he loves?
Europa Editions (UK) Ltd Beautiful
“Massimo Cuomo’s writing, not the protagonist’s beauty, is what’s truly wonderful about this book.” - Coooperazione “Intense, engaging, psychologically deep. Beautiful lives up to its title.” - Ex Libris “With this Márquezian novel Massimo Cuomo outdid himself.” - Corriere del Veneto A magical tale of love and rivalry between two brothers. Miguel is beautiful. His beauty is so rare and miraculous that it has made him the object of cult-like devotion in the city. Santiago, his older brother, watches with a mix of admiration and disquiet the prodigious effect that Miguel’s looks have on his mother and father, on passersby, their neighbours, and the droves of female suitors that follow him everywhere. With Miguel constantly under the spotlight, Santiago is left to inhabit darker, hidden places, from where he will finally learn that life is not easy for anyone, even his prodigiously handsome brother. Set in Mexico, this story shines at every turn with the colours and mythical light of magical realism. The conflict between brothers, the role of the parents, the loves, the violence, the journeys are presented with realism and deep psychological insight yet possess an aura of legend. Disappointments, flights, regrets, reunions, goodbyes, epiphanies make up this story, as we follow the two brothers, and the people around them—all forever marked, each in their own way, by their extraordinary encounter with Beauty. “In contemporary Italian literature, never has the theme of the close-knit yet ambivalent relationship between two brothers been addressed with such clarity, depth, and ability to bring to light the conflict raging within each soul.” - Avvenire
DK Artists: Inspiring Stories of Their Lives and Works
Extraordinary reference book of over 80 famous painters, their lives, their loves and their iconic paintings.This art book includes insightful biographies of artists accompanied with remarkable reproductions of their famous artworks. Begin with the early Renaissance and follow art movements through the centuries to some of the most well-known artists alive today.A gorgeous exploration of the defining people of the art world including pioneers like Giotto and Jan van Eyck, the greats like Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael, and the visionaries like Frida Kahlo and Hokusai. The large format art book is overflowing with information and pictures of your favorite classics. The full-page prints are especially spectacular, allowing you to get the full effect of the work that inspired, defined and encapsulated art movements.Over 500 years of the craft is discussed, with the chapters organized by century starting with "Before 1500” and ending with “1945 – Present.” Each chapter features the relevant painters of those years with its own directory. Read about the historical context of art movements in sections which include timelines and fact panels giving incredible insight into the art world, the past lives of artists and their visions and techniques. Discover the unconventional stories of the artists' lives, including their influences, developments, friendships, loves and rivalries. Read about the portraits that Holbein did for Henry VIII to play matchmaker, Caravaggio's astonishing reaction to a badly cooked artichoke and the many romantic affairs of Picasso. Sometimes scandalous and often tumultuous, the lives of artists like Raphael, Hogarth, van Gogh, O'Keeffe, Magritte, Warhol and Kiefer are as interesting and captivating as their work. The Artists Behind the Paint BrushesA beautiful coffee table book that would make a lovely gift for those interested in art history and artist biographies, or to browse the attractive reproductions of the famous artworks. Includes a foreword by Ross King, who is the author of the bestselling Brunelleschi's Dome and Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling, as well as the novels Ex-Libris and Domino. • Over 80 biographies of the standout artists over the centuries since the early Renaissance. • Beautiful reproductions of artworks that allow you to get up close to their brush strokes. • Insight into historical art themes and movements that influenced the periods.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Death: A Graveside Companion
Death is an inevitable fact of life. Throughout the centuries, humanity has sought to understand this sobering thought through art and ritual. The theme of memento mori informs medieval Danse Macabre, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Renaissance paintings of dissected corpses and “anatomical Eves,” Gothic literature, funeral effigies, Halloween, and paintings of the Last Judgment. Deceased ancestors are celebrated in the Mexican Day of the Dead, while the ancient Egyptians mummified their dead to secure their afterlife. A volume of unprecedented breadth and sinister beauty, Death: A Graveside Companion examines a staggering range of cultural attitudes toward death. The book is organized into themed chapters: The Art of Dying, Examining the Dead, Memorializing the Dead, The Personification of Death, Symbolizing Death, Death as Amusement, and The Dead After Life. Each chapter begins with thought-provoking articles by curators, academics, and journalists followed by gallery spreads presenting a breathtaking variety of death-related imagery and artifacts. From skulls to the dance of death, statuettes to ex libris, memento mori to memorabilia, the majority of the images are of artifacts in the astonishing collection of Richard Harris and range from 2000 BCE to the present day, running the gamut of both high and popular culture. Essays: Death in Ancient and Present-Day Mexico, Eva Aridjis,The Power of Hair as Human Relic in Mourning Jewelry - Karen Bachmann, Medusa and the Power of the Severed Head, Laetitia Barbier, Anatomical Expressionism, Eleanor Crook, Poe and the Pathological Sublime, Mark Dery, Eros and Thanatos, Lisa Downing, Death-Themed Amusements, Joanna Ebenstein, The Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, Bruce Goldfarb, Theatre, Death and the Grand Guignol, Mel Gordon, Holy Spiritualism, Elizabeth Harper, Playing dead – A Gruesome Form of Amusement, Mervyn Heard, The Anatomy of Holy Transformation, Liselotte Hermes da Fonseca, Collecting Death, Evan Michelson, Art and Afterlife: Ethel le Rossignol and Georgiana Houghton, Mark Pilkington, The Dance of Death, Kevin Pyle, Art, Science and the Changing Conventions of Anatomical Representation, Michael Sappol, Spiritualism and Photography, Shannon Taggart, Playing with Dead Faces, John Troyer, Anatomy Embellished in the Cabinet of Frederik Ruysch, Bert van de Roemer 900 illustrations in color and black and white