Search results for ""IAEA""
IAEA Sustaining a Nuclear Security Regime (French Edition)
This publication addresses the sustainability of all aspects of a national nuclear security regime, including those relating to nuclear material and nuclear facilities, other radioactive material and associated facilities, and nuclear and other radioactive material out of regulatory control. The publication is relevant for States that have established a nuclear security regime as well as for States that are in the process of establishing one. It includes guidance on how to address challenges in sustaining a nuclear security regime over time. It also addresses the initial development and implementation of the regime, particularly where sustainability can be built into it as part of its design.
IAEA INPRO Methodology for Sustainability Assessment of Nuclear Energy Systems: Environmental Impact of Stressors: INPRO Manual
This publication provides guidance on assessing of sustainability of a nuclear energy system (NES) in the area of environmental impact of stressors. The INPRO methodology is a comprehensive tool for the assessment of sustainability of an NES. Basic principles, user requirements and criteria have been defined in different areas of the INPRO methodology. These include economics, infrastructure, waste management, proliferation resistance, environmental impact of stressors, environmental impact from depletion of resources, and safety of nuclear reactors and fuel cycle facilities. The ultimate goal of the application of the INPRO methodology is to check whether the assessed NES fulfils all the criteria, and hence the user requirements and basic principles, and therefore presents a system for a Member State that is sustainable in the long term.
IAEA Modelling and Simulation of the Source Term for a Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Under Hypothetical Severe Accident Conditions
Within the overall objective to support the development of fast reactor technology and to extend the predictive capabilities of existing simulation tools for design and safety analysis, this publication aims to improve the understanding of key phenomena involving radioactive material transport and reduce uncertainties in the estimation of potential releases to the environment. It arises from an IAEA coordinated research project (CRP), launched to perform modelling and simulation of the source term for sodium cooled fast reactors under hypothetical severe accident conditions. The publication presents the results and conclusions of the CRP to verify and validate modelling the in-vessel and in-containment source terms. The technical aspects addressed by the CRP are divided into three main parts: the in-vessel source term estimation, the primary system/containment interface source term estimation and the in-containment phenomenology. This publication documents the models, simulations, results and discussions.
IAEA Preventive and Protective Measures Against Insider Threats (Arabic Edition)
This publication is a revision of IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 8, Preventive and Protective Measures against Insider Threats, published in 2008. The new publication provides updated guidance to States, their competent authorities and operators, and shippers and carriers on selecting, implementing and evaluating measures for addressing insider threats. It applies to any type of nuclear facility, notably nuclear power plants, research reactors and other nuclear fuel cycle facilities (e.g. enrichment plants, reprocessing plants, fuel fabrication plants, storage facilities), whether in design, redesign, construction, commissioning, operation, shutdown or decommissioning.
IAEA Structural Materials for Heavy Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Reactors: Proceedings of a Technical Meeting
The compatibility of structural materials, such as steels with lead and lead-bismuth eutectic, poses a critical challenge in the development of heavy liquid metal (HLM) cooled fast reactors. Factors such as the high temperatures, fast neutron flux and irradiation exposure and corrosiveness provide a severe environment for the materials in these advanced reactor systems. The compatibility of liquid coolant with structural materials is critical for the development of innovative nuclear energy systems. To understand the current status of the research and development in this area as well as to provide a forum to exchange information on structural materials for HLM cooled reactors at the national and international levels, the IAEA organized a technical meeting. This resulted in the current publication which presents the summaries of the technical and the group sessions, conclusions and recommendations, and the papers presented at the event.
IAEA Advances in Neutron Activation Analysis of Large Objects with Emphasis on Archaeological Examples: Results of a Coordinated Research Project
This publication is a compilation of the main results and findings of an IAEA coordinated research project (CRP). In particular, it discusses an innovative variation of neutron activation analysis (NAA) known as large sample NAA (LSNAA). There is no other way to measure the bulk mass fractions of the elements present in a large sample (up to kilograms in mass) non-destructively. Examples amenable to LSNAA include irregularly shaped archaeological artefacts, excavated rock samples, large samples of assorted ore, and finished products, such as nuclear reactor components. Advantages of LSNAA applications, limitations and scientific and technological requirements are described in this publication, which serves as a reference of interest not only to the NAA experts, research reactor personnel, and those considering this technique, but also to various stakeholders and users such as researchers, industrialists, environmental and legal experts, and administrators.
IAEA Ageing Management of Nuclear Power Plants during Delayed Construction Periods, Extended Shutdown and Permanent Shutdown Prior to Decommissioning
As part of the IAEA programme on International Generic Ageing Lessons Learned (IGALL), this publication provides a summarized description of internationally accepted practices. Examples of the national approaches to ageing management for the specific periods of extended shutdown, delayed construction and post final shutdown as applied in the nuclear power plants of participating IGALL Member States are presented. In addition, some of the information is also applicable for the evaluation of ageing effects prior to and after restarting operation. The publication complements existing IAEA publications on ageing management approaches of Member States during normal operation and is intended for use by regulatory bodies, operating organizations, manufacturers, designers and technical support organizations.
IAEA Hybrid Simulation to Assess Performance of Seismic Isolation in Nuclear Power Plants
Seismic isolation technology has the potential to significantly reduce the overall risk posed by earthquake ground motions to nuclear power plants. A testing programme is an integral part of a seismic isolation project. Not only must the isolating devices be characterized for design purposes, but also validation of the analytical procedures used in design is required. Hybrid simulation is a testing technique which is a good candidate to experimentally assess the behaviour of an isolation system. The method combines the computation of the response of the isolated structure with the experimental determination of the behaviour of full-scale isolators under the demand imposed by the movement of ground and structure. This publication contributes to the assessment of the method as a tool for the design and safety demonstration of base-isolated nuclear facility buildings.
IAEA Nuclear Educational Networks: Experience Gained and Lessons Learned
Nuclear educational networks have demonstrated their value to support Member States in establishing, running and maintaining nuclear education programmes that are sustainable and aligned with the actual needs and priorities of the sector. Through co-operation among universities, training organizations and industry, national and international networks have enabled the retention, expansion and enhancement of nuclear educational programmes. This publication provides the background, context and drivers for developing and promoting collaboration in nuclear educational, capturing best practices and mechanisms that can aid the establishment and operation of networks. It showcases the experience and achievements of existing networks, providing practical examples of their benefits, outcomes and lessons learned. The publication will be useful to institutions seeking to develop or improve their nuclear education programmes by embarking on collaborative efforts.
IAEA Developing a National Framework for Managing the Response to Nuclear Security Events
This publication provides guidance to States on the development, implementation, maintenance and sustainment of a national framework for managing the response to nuclear security events. Such a framework involves a structure and a set of principles and agreements around which a State can frame its nuclear security response functions, addressing the interfaces which need to exist between responding agencies to ensure effective, coordinated response. By using this Implementing Guide, a State will ensure that it has considered all relevant key issues as it develops its national framework for responding to nuclear security events.
IAEA Environmental Impact Assessment of the Drawdown of the Chernobyl NPP Cooling Pond as a Basis for Its Decommissioning and Remediation
This publication provides technical and scientific information regarding the radiation monitoring, radio-ecological research and management of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP) cooling pond. It focuses on the assessment of the environmental and radiological conditions after the pond drawdown, as a basis for justification of the decommissioning and remediation strategy for the pond. Special attention is paid to the analyses of remedial actions to reduce ongoing or potential doses to members of the public and staff of the ChNPP due to radiological impacts resulting from the drawdown of water level in the pond. The publication also outlines practical experience gained throughout the cooling pond decommissioning project, which started in 2014 and continues until the present. It presents data from a monitoring programme, comparing modelling predictions of the dynamics of the cooling pond drainage and related radiological and ecological impacts, with the consequences of the drawdown of the water level in the cooling pond that were actually observed. Additionally, the publication summarizes lessons learned and addresses outstanding issues.
IAEA Decommissioning after a Nuclear Accident: Approaches, Techniques, Practices and Implementation Considerations
This publication describes differences in post-accident situations compared with normal decommissioning (i.e. decommissioning after a planned final shutdown) and identifies significant decision factors as applicable. It focuses on the on-site decommissioning aspects of a technical nature, which need to be addressed after a nuclear accident. Non-technical issues, such as policy and strategy, project planning, organization and management are also covered. The collection of experience on approaches, techniques, practices and implementation considerations is based on practical examples and lessons learned from past events, including the Fukushima Daiichi accident. Although the publication addresses decommissioning of nuclear power reactors after an accident, many aspects and considerations are also relevant for non-power nuclear facilities as well as legacy nuclear facilities.
IAEA Strategies and Practices in the Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in Agriculture: Report of a Technical Workshop Held in Vienna, Austria, 17–18 October 2016
This publication presents the proceedings of a workshop on the remediation of radioactive contamination in agriculture. The workshop brought together specialists from different countries and technical backgrounds and sought to disseminate research findings and encourage future studies aimed at the development of technologies to support sustainable agricultural production and rural development after a nuclear accident. The presentations and discussions at the meeting focused on both laboratory findings and practical field-work experience in planning and implementing remediation activities. The participants provided information related to agricultural production in Japan after the Fukushima Daiichi accident and in the many different countries affected by the Chernobyl accident. The workshop contributed to the dissemination of information and knowledge in this very distinct area and produced conclusions, recommendations and observations to enhance preparedness and response planning for nuclear emergencies and radiological incidents in relation to food and agriculture. This publication is targeted at authorities responsible for food and agriculture, international organizations working in this area, as well as professionals and academics involved in the remediation of radioactive contamination. It will also be of interest to nuclear safety or emergency planning and response specialist.
IAEA Considerations of Safety and Utilization of Subcritical Assemblies
This publication was developed in view of the growing interest from Member States in subcritical assemblies (SCAs). It supplements the IAEA safety standards by providing practical information on safety in the design and operation of SCAs. It also provides information on and examples of utilizing SCAs for various types of research and training experiments.
IAEA Application of a Graded Approach in Regulating the Safety of Radiation Sources
A properly established governmental, legal and regulatory framework for safety provides for the effective regulatory control of facilities and activities with radiation sources. An important aspect of a regulatory framework is to ensure that the implementation of the regulatory programme is commensurate with the radiation risks associated with facilities and activities, in accordance with a graded approach. This publication provides practical guidance on the application of a graded approach in regulating the safety of radiation sources. Examples of applying this approach in some Member States are included. The proposed methodologies promote a systematic and consistent approach to regulating in accordance with the IAEA safety standards.
IAEA Level 1 Probabilistic Safety Assessment Practices for Nuclear Power Plants with CANDU-Type Reactors
This publication provides a comprehensive summary of experiences and results collected at a series of technical meetings of Member States currently operating CANDU-type nuclear power plants. Special emphasis is placed on supporting future harmonization in the regulatory framework, level 1 PSA methodologies and tools and level 1 PSA scope. In addition, information is shared on actions undertaken in response to lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi accident.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Radiation In Tissue Banking: Basic Science And Clinical Applications Of Irradiated Tissue Allografts
This important book discusses the need for gamma irradiation in the processing of tissue allografts. With particular emphasis on tissue banking in the Asia-Pacific region, it covers a wide range of issues in tissue banking, including the basic science of radiation, quality control of the irradiation process, and clinical applications of irradiated bone grafts and amnions.A compulsory textbook for the well-regarded Singapore-based IAEA/NUS Diploma Course in Tissue Banking, it is also a useful guide for tissue bankers in establishing quality systems in their banks. Whether they be tissue banking students, tissue graft producers, radiation scientists, or transplantation surgeons, readers of this book will discover the latest developments in this exciting interdisciplinary field.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Industrial and Medical Nuclear Accidents: Environmental, Ecological, Health and Socio-economic Consequences
The peaceful use of atomic energy has given rise to a variety of nuclear accidents from the start. This concerns all forms of use, industrial and medical. For each accident, Industrial and Medical Nuclear Accidents details the contamination of the environment, flora and fauna, and quantifies the effects of ionizing radiation. The book also examines the adverse effects on the health, both physical and mental, of the human populations concerned. The monetary cost is also evaluated. The research presented in this book is based on scientifically recognized publications and on the reports of national and international organizations competent in this field (IAEA, WHO, UNSCEAR, IRSN, etc.). The book contains chapters devoted to the most recent accidents (Chernobyl and Fukushima), with a large body of institutional and academic literature.
Taylor & Francis Inc Environmental Radioactivity and Emergency Preparedness
Radioactive sources such as nuclear power installations can pose a great threat to both humans and our environment. How do we measure, model and regulate such threats? Environmental Radioactivity and Emergency Preparedness addresses these topical questions and aims to plug the gap in the lack of comprehensive literature in this field. The book explores how to deal with the threats posed by different radiological sources, including those that are lost or hidden, and the issues posed by the use of such sources. It presents measurement methods and approaches to model and quantify the extent of threat, and also presents strategies for emergency preparedness, such as strategies for first-responders and radiological triage in case an accident should happen. Containing the latest recommendations and procedures from bodies such as the IAEA, this book is an essential reference for both students and academicians studying radiation safety, as well as for radiation protection experts in public bodies or in the industry.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Nuclear Accidents: Prevention and Management of an Accidental Crisis
Detailing the estimation and perception of nuclear risk, this book follows military and civilian nuclear accidents, plus the systems put in place by national and international authorities for recording and analyzing feedback. Prevention and anticipation being the best defenses against a nuclear accident, the authorities have also categorized the different types of accidents, and are doing research to better understand and control them. In light of this, this book shows how the authorities take practical measures to protect neighboring populations and limit radioactive contamination of the environment. France�s experience in this arena is well-documented and a chapter of this book is devoted to the fight against terrorist attacks in the nuclear field. Nuclear Accidents is based on scientifically-recognized publications, as well as on reports from the various countries concerned, and the national and international organizations competent in this field (IAEA, WHO, UNSCEAR, IRSN, etc.).
Scarecrow Press Historical Dictionary of Atomic Espionage
Almost from the moment in 1940 that Otto Frisch and Rudofl Peierls suggested, from their small office in the University of Birmingham, that an atomic weapon could be miniaturized and delivered to its target by aircraft, the concept of atomic espionage can be said to have existed. No sooner had the famous Frisch-Peierls Memorandum been received by the British War Cabinet than a Soviet mole, John Cairncross, passed the details on to his Soviet contact. And 70 years later with the International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA) estimating that up to 40 countries now have the capability of building nuclear weapons, the need to monitor this activity remains crucial. The Historical Dictionary of Atomic Espionage relates the history of atomic espionage through a chronology, an introductory essay, and cross-referenced dictionary entries on the agencies, agents, and operations. This book is an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about atomic espionage.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Military Nuclear Accidents: Environmental, Ecological, Health and Socio-economic Consequences
The use of atomic energy for military purposes has given rise to a variety of nuclear accidents from the outset. This applies to all levels of use: from the manufacture of weapons to their commissioning. This book provides an overview of the potential impact of such accidents. The prospective consequences of local and global nuclear war are detailed. Similarly, for each accident, the environmental, ecological, health and socio-economic consequences are reviewed. The contamination of the environment and its fauna and flora is detailed and the effects of ionizing radiation are reported. The same is provided for human populations and the adverse effects on the health and physical and mental states of the populations concerned. The economic cost of accidents is also evaluated. The research presented in this book is based on scientifically recognized publications, and reports from the military forces of the various countries concerned and from the national and international organizations competent in this field (IAEA, WHO, UNSCEAR, IRSN, ICPR, etc.).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Disarmament and Decommissioning in the Nuclear Domain
Following the acquisition of the atomic bomb by five states, the United Nations began drafting several treaties to limit nuclear proliferation. These efforts failed, as four more states also acquired nuclear weapons. In a similar vein, an attempt to limit atomic weapons - primarily within the two superpowers - was initiated.While the number of weapons has decreased, the new bombs now being manufactured are more powerful and more precise, negating any reduction in numbers. In the field of civil nuclear use, all nuclear facilities (reactors, factories, etc.) have a limited lifespan. Once a plant is permanently shut down, these facilities must be decommissioned and dismantled.These operations are difficult, time-consuming and costly. In addition, decommissioning generates large volumes of radioactive waste of various categories, including long-lived and high-activity waste. Risks to the environment and to health are not negligible during decommissioning. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have produced numerous publications with recommendations. Each state has its own decommissioning strategy (immediate or delayed) and final plan for the site - whether it be returning it to greenfield status or obtaining a nuclear site license with centuries-long monitoring.
CABI Publishing Mutation Breeding in Oil Palm: A Manual
This is a practical guide to mutation breeding in oil palm, representing completely novel work supported by the Plant Breeding and Genetics Section of the Joint FAO/IAEA Division (Vienna, Austria). Oil palm is the top oil crop and the only major crop and only oil crop not to have been improved by plant mutation breeding. The manual is hands-on, providing step-by-step illustrated methods in mutation induction, mutation detection and mutant line development for oil palm improvement. Presenting sound practices based on scientific innovation and knowledge, this guide provides techniques integrated with expertise and is authored by practitioners actively engaged in oil palm seed production and breeding. Promoting green, eco-friendly agriculture, this book features coverage of: Radio-sensitivity testing Challenges and opportunities for mutation breeding Protocol for developing mutant generations for mutant screening Services in irradiation treatments The only available resource containing protocols and guidelines on how oil palm can be manipulated for mutation breeding, this book is essential reading for oil palm breeders, seed producers and plantation companies, oil palm traders, students and research institutes across the world. It provides a resource for training, a knowledge base for people new to oil palm and a reference guide for managers, to ensure best practices in maximising sustainability and production of this important crop. .
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Practical Radiation Oncology Physics: A Companion to Gunderson & Tepper's Clinical Radiation Oncology
Perfect for radiation oncologists, medical physicists, and residents in both fields, Practical Radiation Oncology Physics provides a concise and practical summary of the current practice standards in therapeutic medical physics. A companion to the fourth edition of Clinical Radiation Oncology, by Drs. Leonard Gunderson and Joel Tepper, this indispensable guide helps you ensure a current, state-of-the art clinical practice. Covers key topics such as relative and in-vivo dosimetry, imaging and clinical imaging, stereotactic body radiation therapy, and brachytherapy. Describes technical aspects and patient-related aspects of current clinical practice. Offers key practice guideline recommendations from professional societies throughout - including AAPM, ASTRO, ABS, ACR, IAEA, and others. Includes therapeutic applications of x-rays, gamma rays, electron and charged particle beams, neutrons, and radiation from sealed radionuclide sources, plus the equipment associated with their production, use, measurement, and evaluation. Features a "For the Physician" box in each chapter, which summarizes the key points with the most impact on the quality and safety of patient care. Provides a user-friendly appendix with annotated compilations of all relevant recommendation documents. Includes an enhanced Expert Consult eBook with open-ended questions, ideal for self-assessment and highlighting key points from each chapter. Download and search all of the text, figures, and references on any mobile device.
Collective Ink Armageddon
Armageddon is a contemporary epic poem about the major event of our own time. Written in blank verse, it narrates the defining event for civilisation today: the American President Bush's struggle against the Islamic extremism of Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda, in the course of which Bush transforms himself, the US and the world. It follows the War on Terror from September 11, 2001 through the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, which some believe were illegally waged for reasons of oil. Covertly supported by Iran, bin Laden is shown as possessing at least 20 nuclear suitcase bombs (a purchase confirmed by Hans Blix of the IAEA in 2004), some of which he plans to explode simultaneously in 10 American cities - hence the title. The poem presents all sides of the War on Terror and makes sense of the first decade of the 21st century. Armageddon is Nicholas Hagger's second poetic epic. It is the successor to his Overlord, which was the first major poetic epic in the English language since Milton's Paradise Lost. Overlord was about the Second World War from D-Day to the dropping of the atomic bomb and also followed an American hero, Eisenhower. Like Overlord, Armageddon is also in the tradition of Homer's Iliad and Virgil's Aeneid, and its epic sweep includes higher and lower worlds in the Universalist manner. Both qualify as American epics, though written by an English poet. The only other poet to have written two major poetic epics is Homer.
CABI Publishing Mutation Breeding, Genetic Diversity and Crop Adaptation to Climate Change
The year 2018 marked the 90th anniversary of induced mutagenesis in plants. The FAO/IAEA International Symposium on Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology held in 2018 reviewed achievements in crop improvement through mutation breeding in several countries across the globe, and discussed innovations in mutation induction, precision phenotyping and genomics applications. Induced genetic variation is important for crop improvement especially in instances where there is limited variation in existing germplasm pools to achieve desired levels of crop performance, and where techniques such as hybridization cannot be easily applied. Its application becomes further significant as the dual threats of population growth and climate change increasingly challenge global food and nutrition security. Higher production of nutritional food and reduction of crop losses imposed by extreme events like droughts, high temperatures, floods, diseases and pests call for induced novel genetic variation. While recent breakthroughs in whole genome-based mutation detection technologies increase the efficiency and precision of breeding in all crops, in vitro techniques coupled with mutagenesis broaden the genetic base of vegetative and horticultural tree crops and reduce their breeding cycles. In this book an international team of expert authors review achievements, new developments, trends and challenges in the field of plant mutation breeding, across the scientific community and the private sector. Chapters highlight specific challenges, such as emerging transboundary threats to crop production, and assess the overall importance of mutation breeding to food security. Coverage includes: · Contribution and impact of mutant varieties to food security. · Mutation breeding for adaptation to climate change in seed propagated crops. · Mutation breeding for ornamental and vegetatively propagated crops. · Enhancing agro biodiversity through new mutation induction techniques. · New challenges and technologies in plant genomics and breeding. This book is a comprehensive and essential resource for students, researchers and professionals in plant breeding.
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Iran and the Bomb: The Abdication of International Responsibility
The Iranian regime is in the midst of a dangerous nuclear poker game with the West, playing for the highest possible stakes. Iran, ruled today by Ali Khamenei, the Guide of the Revolution, and the recently elected President Ahmadinejad, has no intention of yielding to international pressure exhorting it to suspend all uranium enrichment activity, a necessary but intermediate step in the process of building nuclear weapons. Iran is also seeking to join the WTO and it had been offered this incentive by the United States and the EU '3' (France, Britain and Germany) in exchange for a promise to cease enrichment. However, President Ahmadinejad's 12 April announcement that Iran has successfully enriched uranium takes the crisis to a higher plane. It also leaves many questions unanswered, above all, how the international community should respond to this unwelcome development. In this hard-hitting analysis of Tehran's intentions, Therese Delpech, one of the world's leading authorities on international nuclear security, outlines how Iran has successfully beguiled the international community for years, aided and abetted by China and Russia, both of which are eager to benefit commercially from Iran acquiring nuclear power. She dissects Iran's nuclear programme in minute detail, drawing on her inside knowledge. The first section of the book retraces the history of Iran's nuclear project from the 1970s -- one that was launched by the former Shah with help from several Western countries -- till today, when national pride, exemplified by Ahmadinejad's bellicose rhetoric, makes it highly unlikely that Tehran will bow to the diktats of the international community. She also examines the period when the programme was resumed, during Iran's war with Iraq (1985-90). The second section picks apart the strategy of the various actors in this global crisis: Iran, the EU '3', the United States, Russia, China and the IAEA (the International Atomic Energy Agency). In the third section, she sets out the various possible solutions in terms of their feasibility, practically and politically: dismantling by force, supervised third party reprocessing, referral to the Security Council, Iranian appeasement. In conclusion, Delpech unravels the tangled regional and international dimensions of the crisis, setting out the enormous impact it is having on the Persian Gulf, Turkey, Israel, America's presence in Iraq and the wider Middle East and the future of the much weakened Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NTP).