Search results for ""Hau""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves: Theories and Applications
A timely and authoritative guide to the state of the art of wave scattering Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves offers in three volumes a complete and up-to-date treatment of wave scattering by random discrete scatterers and rough surfaces. Written by leading scientists who have made important contributions to wave scattering over three decades, this new work explains the principles, methods, and applications of this rapidly expanding, interdisciplinary field. It covers both introductory and advanced material and provides students and researchers in remote sensing as well as imaging, optics, and electromagnetic theory with a one-stop reference to a wealth of current research results. Plus, Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves contains detailed discussions of both analytical and numerical methods, including cutting-edge techniques for the recovery of earth/land parametric information. The three volumes are entitled respectively Theories and Applications, Numerical Simulation, and Advanced Topics. In the first volume, Theories and Applications, Leung Tsang (University of Washington) Jin Au Kong (MIT), and Kung-Hau Ding (Air Force Research Lab) cover: * Basic theory of electromagnetic scattering * Fundamentals of random scattering * Characteristics of discrete scatterers and rough surfaces * Scattering and emission by layered media * Single scattering and applications * Radiative transfer theory and solution techniques * One-dimensional random rough surface scattering
John Wiley & Sons Inc Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves: Numerical Simulations
A timely and authoritative guide to the state of the art of wave scattering Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves offers in three volumes a complete and up-to-date treatment of wave scattering by random discrete scatterers and rough surfaces. Written by leading scientists who have made important contributions to wave scattering over three decades, this new work explains the principles, methods, and applications of this rapidly expanding, interdisciplinary field. It covers both introductory and advanced material and provides students and researchers in remote sensing as well as imaging, optics, and electromagnetic theory with a one-stop reference to a wealth of current research results. Plus, Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves contains detailed discussions of both analytical and numerical methods, including cutting-edge techniques for the recovery of earth/land parametric information. The three volumes are entitled respectively Theories and Applications, Numerical Simulation, and Advanced Topics. In the second volume, Numerical Simulations, Leung Tsang (University of Washington) Jin Au Kong (MIT), Kung-Hau Ding (Air Force Research Lab), and Chi On Ao (MIT) cover: * Layered media simulations * Rough surface and volume scattering simulations * Dense media models and simulations * Electromagnetic scattering by discrete scatterers and a buried object * Scattering by vertical cylinders above a surface * Electromagnetic waves scattering by vegetation * Computational methods and programs used for performing various simulations
Guetersloher Verlagshaus Getröstet
Herder Verlag GmbH Schluss Kein Kuss Das Allerkleinste sagt laut Nein
Die Werkstatt GmbH Erling Haaland Das groe Fanbuch
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Windkraftanlagen: Grundlagen. Technik. Einsatz. Wirtschaftlichkeit
Das Handbuch behandelt die Technologie von Windkraftanlagen systematisch und umfassend. Nach einem Abriss der historischen Entwicklung werden die physikalisch-technischen Grundlagen der Windenergiewandlung sowie Konstruktion, Einsatzkonzeptionen und Betriebseigenschaften von Windkraftanlagen, ihre Umweltverträglichkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit analysiert und an Beispielen dargestellt. Die 5. Auflage wurde um neueste technische Entwicklungen ergänzt, die Offshore-Nutzung wird ausführlich besprochen. Der Band enthält viele detaillierte Abbildungen.
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Wie feiern Wiesel Weihnachten
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Arabella will Trompete spielen
Die Werkstatt GmbH Harry Kane
NordSüd Verlag AG Das Dunkle und das Helle
Ateneo de Manila University Press On the Subject of the Nation: Filipino Writings from the Margins, 1981 to 2004
The volume examines the critical interfaces between the personal and political that frame the utopian visions of Bai Ren's fictional autobiography about the education of Filipino-Chinese sojourners; Robert Francis Garcia's firsthand account of the communist purges; Cesar Lacara's memoirs of a veteran revolutionary; Zelda Soriano's feminist narratives; Peter Bacho's novelistic dissection of Filipino-American identity crisis; and Rey Ventura's ethnography of illegal migrant workers in Japan. They illuminate the ongoing transformation and redefinition of the Philippine nation-state while highlighting the ways in which the individual and collective experiences, struggles, dreams, and aspirations of Filipinos serve to rethink and reinvent notions of belonging, sacrifice, learning, labor, and love that underpin the theory and practice of nation-making.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Computer Vision In Medical Imaging
The major progress in computer vision allows us to make extensive use of medical imaging data to provide us better diagnosis, treatment and predication of diseases. Computer vision can exploit texture, shape, contour and prior knowledge along with contextual information from image sequence and provide 3D and 4D information that helps with better human understanding. Many powerful tools have been available through image segmentation, machine learning, pattern classification, tracking, reconstruction to bring much needed quantitative information not easily available by trained human specialists. The aim of the book is for both medical imaging professionals to acquire and interpret the data, and computer vision professionals to provide enhanced medical information by using computer vision techniques. The final objective is to benefit the patients without adding to the already high medical costs.
Katuz beteta dago liburu hau, eta era guztietako jolasetan aritu nahi dute zurekin: itzalak aurkitu, labirintoan bide egokia aukeratu, desberdintasunak bilatu eta beste asko.
Peter Lang AG France-Allemagne: La Difficile Convergence
North-South Books The Dark and the Light
Penguin Random House Australia KING: Life, Death and Hip Hop
Xarpa Books Jadezko dragoia
Kaixo!Txano dut izena, eta anaia biki bat dut: Oscar.Badakizu non hasten den istorio hau?Txinako urrutiko monasterio batean. Han, jadezko dragoi bitxi batek eta hari buruzko kondairak mendeak zeramatzaten soto ilun batean ahaztuta.Behin, lurrikara gogor batek astindu zuen Txinako inguru hura, eta erreskate-taldekoak monasteriora iritsi zirenean, osorik aurkitu zuten, mirariz, dragoia.Patuak hala nahita, Twin Cityra iritsi zen halako batean dragoia, eta guk, nahi gabe, 800 urteko misterio baten erdian aurkitu genuen geure burua.Abentura hau bizitzera gurekin etorri nahi?
Arantzazuko artxiboko bertsopaperak
ADK liburu saileko azken tomo hau ez da Arantzazuri buruzko bertso-bilduma berria, Arantzazuko artxiboan bildutako bertsopaperen, edozein gaitakoen, testigutza baizik. Horietako gehienak oraindik inolako liburutan jaso eta argitaratu gabeak. Horrelakoak ezagutzera ematearekin batera, Arantzazuko fraideek horrelako herri-literatura biltzeko izan duten arduraren aitortza izan nahi du.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Large Wind Turbines: Design and Economics
In the light of the extensive debate surrounding the economics of scale of wind turbines, this timely work examines the engineering implications of developing lightweight compliant designs. Through the development of a unique modelling approach, the authors quantify the weight and cost of a diverse range of design solutions, enabling systematic quantitative comparisons to be made for the first time. This innovative reference will provide a valuable guide to engineers and consultants involved in wind energy development as well as academic researchers and postgraduate students of wind turbine technology. FEATURES INCLUDE: * Coherent analysis of the inter-relationship between the economics of wind turbines and engineering design configurations. * Discussion of the main factors driving the weight and cost of large wind turbines eg. rotor design, number of blades, blade materials, flexibility and control strategy. * Accessible overview of the development of large wind turbines and the direction that designs are taking now and into the future. * Examination of the cost implications of specific design issues such as vertical versus horizontal axis, fixed or variable speed-rotor strategy, compact versus modular drive train and direct drive configurations. * Evaluation of the economics of onshore and offshore generation sites and the prospects for the deployment of large wind turbines in offshore wind farms.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Operations Management in the Era of Fast Fashion: Technologies and Circular Supply Chains
This book reports the latest business practices, operations models, technologies and circular supply chain structure of the fast fashion companies and provides many important managerial insights on the sustainable operations management in the fast fashion era. Sustainability is a timely topic in both the academia and the business world. In the fast fashion era, there are considerable criticisms about its environmental pollution generated in the manufacturing and post-consumption processes. Over the past decades, many fast fashion companies, such as H&M, Zara, and Uniqlo, have implemented different sustainable programs to mitigate the negative impacts to the environment. Nowadays, the industry is moving one step further by addressing zero landfill through 3Rs principle (i.e., reducing, reusing and recycling), and pursuit of the circular supply chains. This book aims to reveal the exploratory, qualitative empirical and quantitative analytical studies on how to achieve the goal of being environmentally sustainable in the fast fashion era.
Oihan hitzean mundua
Kolonizazio bortitz batek athshetarren bizitza baketsua hautsi du. Selver ameslariak gidatuta, azkar baino lehen ikasiko dute haiek ere bortxaren mintzaira, euren munduak biziraunen badu. Nora darama itzulbiderik gabeko biolentziaren hautuak?Ursula K. Le Guin literatura fantastikoak XX. mendeak eman duen idazle nabarmenetarikoa da. Hau da euskarara itzulitako bere lehen liburua.
Bitoriano Gandiaga Arantzazu dut kantagai
Gandiaga izan da Arantzazuko euskal poetarik handiena. Oteiza eta Arantzazuko beste artistekin batera, berak irudikatu eta kantatu du modu poetikoan eta sakontasunez ?Arantzazu berria?, beste inork baino hobeto. ADK liburu sailaren gain-titulua beraren olerkietako batetik hartuta dago. Gandiagaren olerkien antologia berezia da ADK saileko VII. tomo hau: zuzenean Arantzazu dutenena gaitzat.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Heterogeneous Catalysts: Advanced Design, Characterization, and Applications, 2 Volumes
Presents state-of-the-art knowledge of heterogeneous catalysts including new applications in energy and environmental fields This book focuses on emerging techniques in heterogeneous catalysis, from new methodology for catalysts design and synthesis, surface studies and operando spectroscopies, ab initio techniques, to critical catalytic systems as relevant to energy and the environment. It provides the vision of addressing the foreseeable knowledge gap unfilled by classical knowledge in the field. Heterogeneous Catalysts: Advanced Design, Characterization and Applications begins with an overview on the evolution in catalysts synthesis and introduces readers to facets engineering on catalysts; electrochemical synthesis of nanostructured catalytic thin films; and bandgap engineering of semiconductor photocatalysts. Next, it examines how we are gaining a more precise understanding of catalytic events and materials under working conditions. It covers bridging pressure gap in surface catalytic studies; tomography in catalysts design; and resolving catalyst performance at nanoscale via fluorescence microscopy. Quantum approaches to predicting molecular reactions on catalytic surfaces follows that, along with chapters on Density Functional Theory in heterogeneous catalysis; first principles simulation of electrified interfaces in electrochemistry; and high-throughput computational design of novel catalytic materials. The book also discusses embracing the energy and environmental challenges of the 21st century through heterogeneous catalysis and much more. Presents recent developments in heterogeneous catalysis with emphasis on new fundamentals and emerging techniques Offers a comprehensive look at the important aspects of heterogeneous catalysis Provides an applications-oriented, bottoms-up approach to a high-interest subject that plays a vital role in industry and is widely applied in areas related to energy and environment Heterogeneous Catalysts: Advanced Design, Characterization and Applications is an important book for catalytic chemists, materials scientists, surface chemists, physical chemists, inorganic chemists, chemical engineers, and other professionals working in the chemical industry.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence Paradigms for SDGs: Select Proceedings of ICRTAC-CVMIP 2021
This book constitutes refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Recent Trends in Advanced Computing - Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence Paradigms for Sustainable Development Goals. This book covers novel and state-of-the-art methods in computer vision coupled with intelligent techniques including machine learning, deep learning, and soft computing techniques. The contents of this book will be useful to researchers from industry and academia. This book includes contemporary innovations, trends, and concerns in computer vision with recommended solutions to real-world problems adhering to sustainable development from researchers across industry and academia. This book serves as a valuable reference resource for academics and researchers across the globe.
Hualde Alfaro, Luis Enrique y Pascual Loyarte, Unai Euskal mitologia haurrentzako ipuinak euskal ipuin herrikoien bilduma
EUSKAL MITOLOGIAHAURRENTZAKO IPUINAKBelaunaldiz-belaunaldi, ahoz-aho gure kultura osatzen duten pertsonai, mito eta kondairak iritsi zaizkigu. Historian zehar, gure zaharrek naturan gertatzen diren fenomeno ezberdinak, ingurua eta natura bera ere ulertu dituzte mitologian oinarrituz. Ezagutza eta sinismen hauek belaunaldiz-belaunaldi hazten joan dira.Oraingoan aberastasun hau gure 3-7 urteko txikiengana hurbildu nahi dugu. Aurkezten dugun lan honek ondare kultural hori gurasoengandik umeengana ahoz trasmititzeko helburua dauka.
Hualde Alfaro, Luis Enrique y Pascual Loyarte, Unai Euskal mitologia II Haurrentzako ipuinak
EUSKAL MITOLOGIAHAURRENTZAKO IPUINAK IIBelaunaldiz-belaunaldi, ahoz-aho gure kultura osatzen duten pertsonai, mito eta kondairak iritsi zaizkigu. Historian zehar, gure zaharrek naturan gertatzen diren fenomeno ezberdinak, ingurua eta natura bera ere ulertu dituzte mitologian oinarrituz. Ezagutza eta sinismen hauek belaunaldiz-belaunaldi hazten joan dira.Oraingoan aberastasun hau gure 3-7 urteko txikiengana hurbildu nahi dugu. Aurkezten dugun lan honek ondare kultural hori gurasoengandik umeengana ahoz trasmititzeko helburua dauka.
Familiako lexikoa
Hau da Natalia Ginzburgen libururik intimoena. Bere familiako lexikoa du oinarri, azalean behintzat. Familiako hitzek, esaldiek eta esaerek gogora ekartzen dizkioten gertaerak kontatuko dizkigu.Bere familia-kronika osatzen duten lehengaiak, hots, heriotzak, jaiotzak edo maitasunak erabiliz, azalduko ditu Natalia Ginzburgek faxismoaren gorakada, Bigarren Mundu Gerra, hala nola Levi familiaren eta haren lagunen gorabeherak. Hitz propioek ekartzen dizkioten oroitzapenen bidez biziaraziko digu bere familiako giroa, baita XX. mendeko Italiakoa ere.
Luis Bonaparteren Brumairearen hemezortzia
Hegelek nonbait dio historia unibertsaleko gertakari eta pertsonaia handi guztiak bi aldiz gertatzen direla nolabait. Baina atzendu zitzaion eranstea aurrena tragedia gisa eta hurrena fartsa gisa jazo ohi direla...Horrela hasten da Karl Marxen ezinbesteko lan hau, gaztea zela sutsuki idatzia, zeinean argi azaltzen dituen iraultzari, estatuari eta historiari buruzko bere ideiak.Bide luzea egin du testu klasiko honek zure eskuetara iritsi arte, tartean lurrikara politiko basa eta ederrak sortuz. Orain zurea ere bada. Probestu!
Jainkoaren seme
Lester Ballard izaki ustela da. Bere infernurako bidea da hau. Ez da esperantzarik Tennesseeko baso goibeletan.Zergatik da, bada, hain nobela nabarmena? Faulknerren oinordeko behinenak idatzi duelako, humanitatearen akaberak zer dakarren erakusten digulako, uste baino gertuago ditugun Tennesseeko baso goibelei ere euskara darielako.Gau eremu ilunagorik egon balitz, aurkituko zukeen, dio narratzaileak. Zenbatetan ez garen ilunpean galdu. Lester Ballard izaki ustela da. Eta, halere, zu izan zintezke Lester Ballard.
Mikrobioen mundu liluragarria 21
Liburu honen helburua mikrobioen mundua desmitifikatzea da. Jakina da kaleko jendeak informazio okerra izaten duela sarritan mikrobioez, irudi desitxuratu eta aurreiritziz betea. Oro har, mikrobioak gauza negatiboekin lotzen ditugu, eta ez gara jabetzen mikrobio gehienak ez direla kaltegarriak; kontrara, horietako asko onuragarriak ere badira. Beraz, mikrobioen mundua hobeto ezagutarazi nahi genuke liburu honekin. Ez da, ordea, liburu tekniko bat (horretarako badaude liburu onak eskura). Aitzitik, liburu honek biologia gutxi dakitenei lagundu nahi die, azalpen ulerterrazak emanez, mikrobioen mundua hobeto konpreni dezaten. Dibulgaziozko lana duzue hau, bada, zorroztasun zientifikoari uko egin gabe ulergarritasuna ere bilatzen duena.
Goazen aldizkaria 12
10 urte eta 100 atal beteko ditugu aurten. Hau dena ez litzateke posible izango zuek gabe, eta, horregatik, mila esker! Denboraldi berria ia-ia prest daukagu, baina datalak iristen diren bitartean, zer iruditzen zaizue aurreko denboraldiei errepasoa egiten badiegu eta pertsonaia berriak ezagutzen baditugu? Adi, aurtengo denboraldia oso berezia izango baita.Hamabigarren zenbaki honetan honako eduki hauek izango dituzu:Filmazio egunerokoaPertsonaia berriak10 urte BasakabinNoari, Marina Ostolazari eginiko elkarrizketaAgur-gutunakDenboraldi berriaren posterra eta pegatinakDenbora pasak
Desclée De Brouwer Maleren biadia
Male gaztearen historia, Bobwamu bere herriskako izpirituek aukeratu dute jasaten dituzten lehorte, epidemia, uholde eta izurriteen madarikazioa desegiteko elefante-letagina bilatzearren. Historia sarbide-bidaia bat da, eta bertan protagonistaren eroapena eta irmotasuna, bere tribuarekiko elkartasuna eta inguruarekiko bizitza harmoniatsua balore goren bezala goraipatzen dira. Inongo-Vi-Makome Lobe-n (Kribi) jaio zen, Kamerungo hegoaldean. Atlantiko itsaso ondoan dagoen herriska batean. Bere jaioterrian bere lehenengo ikasketak burutu zituen. Handik itsasoa zeharkatu, Valentzian batxirlegoa bukatu eta Medikuntza ikasketak egiten hasi zen. Gaur egun, Afrikako ipuinak idatzi eta kontatu egiten ditu. Bilduma honetan bigarren lana du hau, 'Gorila zuri bihurtu zen mutiko beltza' ipuinaren ondoren.
Freytag-Berndt Lower Rhine, cycling and hiking map 1:50,000
Numerous experiences await cyclists and hikers on the Lower Rhine. Modern art in old walls can be discovered in Moyland Castle in Bedburg-Hau. The Wunderland Kalkar shows how a nuclear power plant can be fun: The nuclear power plant, which never went into operation, is now home to an amusement park. Anyone who has always wanted to know how a wafer is made is in the right place in the glass wafer bakery in Kevelaer. In the Wetten district, you feel transported to Africa at the Strausshof, and the Roman town of Xanten invites you to travel back in time to the world of the Romans. Off to the Lower Rhine.
Erein Argitaletxea, S.A. Euli zamorroa
Ni ez naiz Paularen izeba besterik. Baina Paula nire etxera etorri da, bere gurasoengandik iheska, eta zaindu egin behar dut neska hau, nire laguntza guztia eskaini behar diot, dagoen zulo beltz horretatik atera behar dut. Paula ez baitago batere ondo. Ez du ikasi nahi, Institutora joateari ere utzi egin dio. Asko jaten badu ere, flakiak jota dago, argala eta ahula. Ez dauka ezertarako gogorik, haserre dago beti, eta edozein bidaltzen du haizea hartzera... Lagundu egin nahi nioke, baina zer egin dezaket, Paulak berak laguntzarik onartzen ez badu? Nik ere baditut neure arazoak. Lanez gainezka nago, Damianorekin joan nahi nuke oporretara, ez naiz ni inoren neskame...
Alexander Wolfen mamua
Migrante errusiar batek, 1920ko hamarkada zoroko Parisen dela, narrazio liburu bat erosi, eta bertan topatuko du zehatz-mehatz bere bizitzako gertakari lazgarriena idatzita: Errusiako Gerra Zibilean etsai bat tiroz hil zuenekoa. Ezinezkoa da baina. Liburuaren autorea ezin da bizirik egon. Alexander Wolf idazlearen bilaketa hasi besterik ez da egin?Zer da Gaito Gazdanoven liburu hau? Ispilu hautsia, zaldi zuri bat, boxeolari alegera eta kazetari ilunen pagotxa, zaldi zuri bat, gauaren barreneko thrillerra, zaldi zuri bat, maitasun hirukien tratatua, zaldi zuri bat, abiada bizian datorren ihes ederra, Errusiako baso amaigabeetatik Parisen diren migranteen borsch plater epeletara, eta zaldi zuri bat. Ez zorabiatu, eta on egin.
Euskal Herrian ezagutu beharreko landaeremuko 101 lore
Gidaliburu honetan, Euskal Herriko landa-eremuko loreen -habitat erruderal eta soroak- hautaketa adierazgarria erakusten da, lurralde osoko ikusgarrienak eta arruntenak. Talde bakarra baztertu da, ugaria den arren lore apalak dituelako: gramineoen taldea. Hemen deskribatzen diren loreetako asko, edozein ibilbidetan topatuko dituzue, bai ingurune naturalean, bai hirigunetik hurbil, bai nekazaritza-lurretan. Horietako batzuk urte osoan zehar ikusiko ditugu, eta beste batzuk, berriz, epe laburrean bakarrik. Espezie inbaditzaile batzuk ere barneratu dira, horiek ezagutu eta gure ekosistemetan eragin dezaketen kalteez jabetzeko. Loreak landareen atalik ikusgarrienak dira eta udaberria iristean gure paisaiak koloreztatzen dituzte. Forma eta kolore asko hartzen dituzte, eta, haien edertasunari esker, intsektu ugari erakarri eta elikatzen dituzte: erleak, tximeletak eta kakalardoak. Horregatik guztiagatik, gida honetako 101 espezieak loreen kolorearen arabera antolatu dira, gida hau edozein er
Igela Argitaletxea Gure etxeko kontuak
Hau da, dudarik gabe, Natalia Ginzburgen libururik adierazgarrienetako bat. Bere familiaren â??lexikoaâ? du oinarri, axalean behintzat; baina batez ere hitzek, esaldiek, esaerek gogora ekartzen dizkioten gertaerak kontatuko dizkigu, horrek sortzen etxeko giroa adierazteko.Natalia Ginzburgen liburuak irakurtzean berehala konturatzen gara oso hurbileko kontuak eta giroak berpizten dituela: horrela lortu zuen familia-kronikak osatzen dituzten lehengaiak erabiliz, hots, heriotzak, jaiotzak, senargai-andregai aldiak, ezkontzak, garai zail batean â??faxismoaren gorakada, bigarren mundu-gerraâ??, Levi familiak eta haren ingurukoek (Pavese, Olivetti...) bizi izan zituen gorabeherak kontatuz, garai hartako familiako giro berezia, hitzek ekartzen dizkioten oroitzapenen bidez, guri biziaraztea.Igelak argitaratutako Natalia Ginzburgen beste liburu batzuk:HIRIRA DOAN BIDEAARRATSEKO AHOTSAK
University of Minnesota Press Cooking from the Heart: The Hmong Kitchen in America
The first cookbook of Hmong-American cuisine, filled with unique recipes and stories Simple, earthy, fiery, and fresh, Hmong food is an exciting but still little-known South Asian cuisine. In traditional Hmong culture, dishes are created and replicated not by exact measurements but by taste and experimentation—for every Hmong recipe, there are as many variations as there are Hmong cooks—and often served to large, communal groups. Sami Scripter and Sheng Yang have gathered more than 100 recipes from Hmong-American kitchens, illustrated them with color photos of completed dishes, and provided descriptions of unusual ingredients and cooking techniques.Cooking from the Heart is the first cookbook to clearly set out the culinary traditions of the Hmong people as well as the cultural significance such traditions hold. The recipes are accompanied by anecdotes, aphorisms, and poems that demonstrate the importance of food and cooking in Hmong culture and offer a dramatic perspective on the immigrant experience. Scripter and Yang outline diet restrictions and taboos as well as how herbs and foods are traditionally used for healing purposes. The dishes featured in Cooking from the Heart range from well-known items such as egg rolls and green papaya salad to more unfamiliar dishes such as Nqaij Qaib Hau Xyaw Tshuaj (Chicken Soup for New Mothers) and Dib Iab Ntim Nqaij Hau Ua Kua (Stuffed Bitter Melon Soup). The oral tradition by which these recipes have been passed down has meant that Hmong cooking has not yet reached a wide audience in the United States. While designed for an American kitchen, Cooking from the Heart encourages readers to seek out Hmong herbs and vegetables only recently introduced in the United States. After all, the authors say, the essence of Hmong cuisine is cooking with an adventurous and creative spirit—from the heart.
Hachette Aotearoa New Zealand Te Pamu o Koro Meketanara
"I a Koro Meketanara tetahi pamu - TI-HAI-TI-HAI-HAU . . ." E mohio whanuitia ana tenei waiata. Engari, inaianei to Koro Meketanara he pamu ataahua kei Aotearoa tonu - a, kei taua pamu etahi kararehe whakaharahara - kei te aha ano ratou inaianei?He parekareka tenei pukapuka pikitia ma te kohungahunga na Donovan Bixley, koia nei tetahi o nga kaita pikitia e tino kaingakautia ana ki Aotearoa nei, ko etahi o ana pukapuka atu, ko NGA WIRA O TE PAHI [THE WHEELS ON THE BUS] me te LOOKY BOOK, he mea tino hokohoko atu i Aotearoa nei.With the same vibrant illustrations as the original book, the te reo Maori translation retains the cheeky humour and energy of the classic English-language edition.Translated by Ross Calman.
Igela Argitaletxea 1280 arima
Nick Corey, Pottsvilleko sheriffa, kezkaturik dabil. Ez daki zer arraio egin. Ez du argi ikusten orain dagoen kargurako berriro hautatuko duten ala ez. Ken Lacey aldameneko herri bateko sheriffari joango zaio aholku eske. Bi putazain aspaldian adarra jotzen ari zaizkiola-eta, zer egin behar duen erakusten dionean, berehala beteko du haren esana: jo'ta bertan garbituko ditu biak. Hori hasiera besterik ez da... Ez da erraza aurkitzen eleberri beltzaren mundu osoan Nick Corey bezalako pertsonaia bitxi eta barne-bihurririk, berezko makiabelismoz hain hornitutakorik, oharkabean ere beti azioren bat hain erraz egin dezakeenik. Baina, aldi berean, erdi ergela dirudien sheriff hau, itxurakeriak alde batera utzirik, gauza da boterearen izaera egiazkoa agerian uzteko: giza harremanen katramila askaezinak gain hartzen dionean, parean jartzen zaiona aurretik kentzeko joera nabarmena.NOSEY PARKERIgelak argitaratutako Jim Thompson -en beste liburu batzuk:1280 ARIMAAMORRUARE
Igela Argitaletxea Guizzardiren abenturak umezurtz baten historia
Euskarazko argitalpenerako egin hitzondoan, Celatik dio Erretolika irrigarri hauen bidez Pinocchioren istorioa hiru aldiz kontatu nahi izan zuela. Guizzardiren abenturak da lehenbizikoa. Nor da Guizzardi? Umezurtz bat, beti batetik bestera lasterrean dabilen bat, zinema mutuko heroiak bezala. Celatik berak esana da Harry Langdon zuela buruan liburua idaztean. Eta beste hau ere gaineratu du:Guizzardiren lexikoak eta sintaxiak ero batzuek zuten idazmoldeari buruz eroetxe batean nik egindako ikerketa luze bat dute jatorria. Erotutako gizagaixo baten tonua islatzen da liburuan, ero lotsati, obsesiodun eta katatoniko baina dotore hitz egin nahi lukeen batena.Hona hemen zer aurkituko duen irakurleak Guizzardiren abenturak liburuan: ero baten diskurtsoa, eskizofreniko batena zehazkiago, haren eldarnio eta haluzinazioen kontakizuna. Eta Guizzardiri, eskizofrenikoei bezala, zail egingo zaio diskurtso koherente bat antolatzea. Errealitatean horrelako norbait ikustea latza izan badaiteke ere,
Igela Argitaletxea Galton kasua
Galton kasuan, Lew Archer detektibeak Anthony Galton aurkitu behar du, hogei urte lehenago etxetik alde egin eta desagertutako gaztea. Orain Galtonen amak, heriotza hurbil baitu, semearekin baketu eta bere ondarea utzi nahi dio. Archer detektibeak susmo txarra hartzen du, berehala konturatzen baita misterioaren pieza guztiak azkarregi hasten direla lotzen elkarrekin.Ross MacDonaldentzat nobela hau mugarri bat izan zen, bai bere nobelagintzan, bai Archer protagonista duen sailean. Hammett eta Chandler maisuak abiapuntu harturik, haien protagonista Sam Spade eta Philip Marlowe baino detektibe hurbilagoa jarriko digu aurrean MacDonaldek. Idealista, bai, baina errealismoan oinarritutako idealismo batez hornitua, eta sistematik "kanporatutako" batek bezala ibili nahiago duena. Oinak lurrean izango ditu, eta horregatik bereizten da behin eta berriz han-hemenka aurkituko dituen idealista ameslariengandik.NOSEY PARKERIgelak argitaratutako Ross Macdonald -en beste liburu batz
El ciclo de la piedra
GABRIEL ARESTI (Bilbao, 1933-1975) fue un gran renovador de la literatura vasca en los años sesenta. La publicación de sus libros Harri eta herri (Piedra y pueblo, 1964), Euskal harria (La piedra vasca, 1967) y Harrizko herri hau (Este pueblo de piedra, 1970), en los que utilizó la metáfora de la piedra como un símbolo de identidad y de resistencia a la dictadura de Franco, generó una verdadera revolución por su acercamiento al compromiso social, desplazando a un simbolismo que se había manifestado sin cambios durante décadas.El ciclo de la piedra recoge los poemas más significativos de esa aventura creativa y expone una imagen completa y compleja de la expresión literaria y del pensamiento social del autor. Gabriel Aresti utilizaba su biografía para convertirla en una alegoría de carácter social. El poeta, que había leído con atención a los escritores clásicos vascos, expresó su mundo urbano a través de una dicción poética que subrayaba el registro cotidiano con el fin de consegui
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Reforms of Civil Procedure in Germany and Norway
Norwegian civil procedure used to be heavily influenced by German and Austrian law. Even the new Civil Procedure Act of 2005 does not represent a full break with the German roots of Norwegian civil procedure. Further, although not a member of the European Union, the Norwegian participation in the European Economic Area leaves the approximation of the laws of civil procedure in the EU relevant also in the Norwegian context. Considering the common heritage and acknowledging the common challenges on the national and European level, the stage should be set for a fruitful comparison of German and Norwegian civil procedure.A major obstacle for genuine interaction of German and Norwegian law on civil procedure has always been the language barrier. Thus, a very first German translation of the 2005 Act has been prepared and annexed to this book together with an English translation. With contributions by:Christoph Althammer, Inge Lorange Backer, Halvard H. Fredriksen, Ulrich Haas, Wolfgang Hau, Burkhard Hess, Volker Lipp, Henry J. Mæland, Anna Nylund, Jørn Ø. Sunde
World Wisdom Books The Rock Maiden: A Chinese Tale of Love and Loyalty
When her fisherman husband fails to come home after a storm at sea, the beautiful maiden Ling Yee is heartbroken. Every morning, she puts her baby on her back and clambers to the top of a cliff looking for any signs of his return. But day after day, she is disappointed. The villagers try to convince her to give up her vigil. No," she would say, He will come home soon." Tin Hau, the Goddess of the Heavens, takes pity on her grief and turns Ling Yee and her child into stone so that they would mourn no more. The fisherman eventually finds his way homeonly to discover that his wife has been transformed into the Rock Maiden. Will the family forever be kept apart? Or will devotion and faithfulness ultimately be rewarded? Find out in this re-envisioning of an old Hong Kong legend by award-winning author Natasha Yim, featuring stunning illustrations by renowned Finnish artist Pirkko Vainio.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) German National Reports on the 20th International Congress of Comparative Law
Contributions from members of the German Association for Comparative Law will be among the papers presented at this summer's twentieth International Congress of Comparative Law, to be held for the first time in Asia at Fukuoka, Japan, in July. In a strong range of topics, one focus during the six-day congress will be on questions of multiculturalism and language that concern both comparative law methodology and other legal fields such as family law. Further dealt with will be matters particularly relevant to consumer protection, ranging from choice of court agreements to price control in contracts, duty of information, the regulation of crowd-funding, as well as leisure and travel contracts. Another focus will be on digitalisation's far-reaching economic, societal and legal implications, with questions of data protection in the realm of comparative law accentuated by contributions on the right to be forgotten or current national legal orders. Overall, the volume will reflect the present state of discussions within German jurisprudence. With contributions by:Christina Breunig, Moritz Brinkmann, Johanna Croon-Gestefeld, Anatol Dutta, Katharina Erler, Matthias Fervers, Stefan Grundmann, Beate Gsell, Dirk Hanschel, Wolfgang Hau, Leonhard Hübner, Luca Kaller, Jürgen Kühling, Sebastian Mock, Joachim Münch, David Rüther, Anne Sanders, Bianca Scraback, Stefanie Schmahl, Martin Schmidt-Kessel, Boris Schinkels, Andreas Spickhoff, Klaus Tonner; Jan Thiessen, Tobias H. Tröger, Lars Viellechner, Marc-Philippe Weller, Matthias Weller, Bettina Weisser