Search results for ""Hackett Publishing Co, Inc""
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Readings in Later Chinese Philosophy: Han to the 20th Century
An exceptional contribution to the teaching and study of Chinese thought, this anthology provides fifty-eight selections arranged chronologically in five main sections: Han Thought, Chinese Buddhism, Neo-Confucianism, Late Imperial Confucianism, and the Twentieth Century. The editors have selected writings that have been influential, that are philosophically engaging, and that can be understood as elements of an ongoing dialogue, particularly on issues regarding ethical cultivation, human nature, virtue, government, and the underlying structure of the universe. Within those topics, issues of contemporary interest, such as Chinese ideas about gender and the experiences of women, are brought to light. Introductions to each main section provide an overview of the period, while brief headnotes to selections highlight key points. The translations are the works of many distinguished scholars, and were chosen for their accuracy and accessibility, especially for students, general readers, and scholars who do not read Chinese. Special effort has been made to maintain consistency of key terms across translations. Also included are a glossary, bibliography, index of names, and an index locorum of The Four Books.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Daily Life of the Ancient Greeks
Significantly expanded and updated in light of the most recent scholarship, the second edition of Garland's engaging introduction to ancient Greek society brings this world vividly to life--and, in doing so, explores the perspectives and morals of typical ancient Greek citizens across a wide range of societal levels. Food and drink, literacy, the plight of the elderly, the treatment of slaves, and many more aspects of daily life in ancient Greece also come into sharp focus. More than sixty illustrations are included, as are maps, a chronology, a glossary of Greek terms, and suggestions for further reading.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Philoctetes
First published in Peter Meineck and Paul Woodruff's Sophocles: Four Tragedies , this riveting translation by Peter Meineck of Sophocles' Philoctetes features a new Introduction by Paul Woodruff. "Peter Meineck has given us a superbly vivid rendering of the play, informed throughout by his practical experience in the theater. His is a Philoctetes that is supremely alive, from start to finish. . . . [I]deal for classroom use . . . accompanied by a new and thoughtful introduction from philosopher and classicist Paul Woodruff. Woodruff anchors the play in the complex web of fears and anxieties of 409 BCE, as both Sophocles' life and Athens' imperial heyday drew to a close. . . . [A]n exceptionally fine work of translation and scholarship that will go far toward demolishing dismissals of the play as inaccessible or unengaging for the modern reader. Sophocles, Meineck and Woodruff eloquently remind us, speaks to every age, not least our own." —Thomas R. Keith, Loyola University Chicago in CJ-Online
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc A Student Handbook of Greek and English Grammar
The study of classical languages by earlier generations of English-speaking students was greatly facilitated by the study of English grammar in the schools, a tradition now out of favor but one that emphasized precisely the concepts, terms, and constructions needed for the study of Greek and Latin.Recent classical language textbooks, while presuming little or no grammatical sophistication on the part of their students, often provide little more by way of remediation than definitions of grammatical terminology.A Student Handbook of Greek and English Grammar offers a student-friendly comparative exposition of English and ancient Greek grammatical principles that will prove a valuable supplement to a wide range of beginning Greek textbooks as well as a handy reference for those continuing on to upper-level courses.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Persuasion: History, Theory, Practice
George Pullman's lively and accessible introduction to the study of persuasion is an ideal text for use in courses where the understanding and practice of argumentation, rhetoric, and critical thinking are central. Continually challenging his readers to seek and recognize sound evidence, to question the obvious, and to assess and reassess the credibility of claims made by others--including the author's own--Pullman shows the way to strong writing, effective speaking, and rigorous critical thinking.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Orestes Plays
Featuring Cecelia Eaton Luschnig's annotated verse translations of Euripides' Electra, Iphigenia among the Tauri, and Orestes, this volume offers an ideal avenue for exploring the playwright's innovative treatment of both traditional and non-traditional stories concerning a central, fascinating member of the famous House of Atreus.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Satires
The Satires of Horace offer a hodgepodge of genres and styles: philosophy and bawdry; fantastic tales and novelistic vignettes; portraits of the poet, his contemporaries, and his predecessors; jibes, dialogue, travelogue, rants, and recipes; and poetic effects in a variety of modes. For all their apparent lightheartedness, however, the poems both illuminate and bear the marks of a momentous event in world history, one in which Horace himself played an active role--the death of the Roman Republic and the birth of the Principate.John Svarlien's lively blank-verse translation reflects the wide range of styles and tones deployed throughout Horace's eighteen sermons or conversations, deftly reproducing their distinctive humor while tracking the poet's changing mannerisms and moods.David Mankin's Introduction offers a brief account of the political upheavals in which Horace participated as well as the social setting in which his Satires were produced, and points up hallmarks of the poet's distinctive brand of satire. His detailed commentary offers a behind-the-scenes look at Roman society and an often between-the-lines examination of a key work of one of Rome's sharpest observers.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Discourse on Voluntary Servitude
An elegant English version of La Boetie's Discourse on Voluntary Servitude, which is both a key to understanding much of Montaigne and a major piece of early modern political thought. --Timothy Hampton, Professor of French and Comparative Literature, University of California, Berkeley
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
A dazzling recreation of the most memorable Middle English poem, and one that captures the original alliterative verse in all its dimensions: sense, sound, and rhythm. --Ad Putter, Professor of Medieval English Literature, University of Bristol
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Human Nature: A Reader: A Reader
This anthology provides a set of distinctive, influential views that explore the mysteries of human nature from a variety of perspectives. It can be read on its own, or in conjunction with Joel Kupperman’s text, Theories of Human Nature.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Ireland and Britain, 1798-1922: An Anthology of Sources
The clash between Britain and Ireland--and between Catholics and Protestants within Ireland--is among the oldest and most enduring nationalist, ethnic, and religious conflicts in the modern world, rooted in the colonization of Ireland by English and Scottish Protestants in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.Through fifty-six original sources, many of which have never been reprinted, this volume traces the origins and development of the conflict during the years of the legislative union between Britain and Ireland--years shaped by the rise of, and British and Irish Unionist responses to, Irish nationalism.Dworkin’s Introduction provides both a history of the conflict and a discussion of its causes; headnotes and footnotes set each selection in historical, political, and cultural context, and identify those terms and names that may be unfamiliar to modern readers. A map, a glossary, a chronology of events, and a select bibliography are included, as are an index and several contemporary illustrations.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Erasmus and Luther: The Battle over Free Will: The Battle Over Free Will
This compilation of writings from Erasmus and Luther's great debate--over free will and grace, and their respective efficacy for salvation--offers a fuller representation of the disputants' main arguments than has ever been available in a single volume in English. Included are key, corresponding selections from not only Erasmus' conciliatory A Discussion or Discourse concerning Free Will and Luther's forceful and fully argued rebuttal, but--with the battle now joined--from Erasmus' own forceful and fully argued rebuttal of Luther. Students of Reformation theology, Christian humanism, and sixteenth-century rhetoric will find here the key to a wider appreciation of one of early modern Christianity’s most illuminating and disputed controversies.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Writing a Successful Research Paper: A Simple Approach
This brief, practical guide offers a clear and comprehensive strategy for conceptualizing, approaching, and executing the task of writing a research paper in the humanities and social sciences. In addition, it provides: a critical and process-oriented approach to the tasks of topic selection, formulation of the research question, thesis development, and argumentation. judiciously selected examples drawn from a broad range of disciplines. concise treatment of the aims, methods, and conventions of scholarly research, including the opportunities and pitfalls of Internet use. a wealth of conceptual and organizational tools, and more.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Theories of Human Nature
Questions for Further Consideration and Recommended Further Reading, which follow each relevant chapter, encourage readers to think further and to craft their own perspectives.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Metamorphoses
Ovid's Metamorphoses gains its ideal twenty-first-century herald in Stanley Lombardo's bracing translation of a wellspring of Western art and literature that is too often treated, even by poets, as a mere vehicle for the scores of myths it recasts and transmits rather than as a unified work of art with epic-scale ambitions of its own. Such misconceptions are unlikely to survive a reading of Lombardo's rendering, which vividly mirrors the brutality, sadness, comedy, irony, tenderness, and eeriness of Ovid's vast world as well as the poem’s effortless pacing. Under Lombardo's spell, neither Argus nor anyone else need fear nodding off.The translation is accompanied by an exhilarating Introduction by W. R. Johnson that unweaves and reweaves many of the poem’s most important themes while showing how the poet achieves some of his most brilliant effects.An analytical table of contents, a catalog of transformations, and a glossary are also included.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Cherry Orchard
Drawn from Sharon Marie Carnicke's volume of Chekhov, Four Plays and Three Jokes (Hackett), this edition of The Cherry Orchard features Carnicke's groundbreaking translation of a play that has been called Chekhov's ultimate theatrical coup d'etat.** Donald Rayfield, The Cherry Orchard: Catastrophe and Comedy
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Essential Petrarch
Petrarch fashioned so many different versions of himself for posterity that it is an exacting task to establish where one might start to explore. . . . Hainsworth's study meets this problem through examples of what Petrarch wrote, and does so decisively and succinctly. . . . [A] careful and unpretentious book, penetrating in its organization and treatment of its subject, gentle in its guidance of the reader, nimble and dexterous in its scholarly infrastructure—and no less profound for those qualities of lightness. The translations themselves are a delight, and are clearly the result of profound meditation and extensive experiment. . . . The Introduction and the notes to each work form a clear plexus of support for the reader, with a host of deft cross-references. --Richard Mackenny, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Poems to Friends
Owing to the rich storehouse of information it contains, the poetry of Venantius Fortunatus (c. 535--600) has long been mined as a historical source for Merovingian society, a focus that overshadows an appreciation of the poems' literary value. This volume, offering free-verse translations of Fortunatus' personal poetry, remains faithful to the historical sweep of the poet's lines while paying attention to the literary qualities that make these poems masterpieces of their kind. The volume includes an overview of late antique Gaul, Fortunatus' biography, interpretations of the poems, prosopographical introductions, maps, bibliography, and indices.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc A History of Philosophy in America (2 Volume Set): Vol. 1: From the Puritans through Transcendentalism; Vol. 2: From the St. Louis Hegelians through C. I. Lewis
Volume I: From the Puritans through Transcendentalism. Volume I: From the St. Louis Hegelians through C. I. Lewis
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Tartuffe and the Misanthrope
Prudence Steiner's lively prose translations remain close to the original French, giving us the speech of the characters in a slightly compressed and formalized language that echoes the effect created by Moliere's verse.Roger Herzel's thoughtful Introduction discusses Moliere's life; Tartuffe, The Misanthrope, and the comic tradition; and the setting, casting, and style of the plays.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Possibility of Weakness of Will
"A powerful study of weakness of will combining ethical, semantic, and literary insights." -- Michael Stocker, Syracuse University
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Two Comic Dialogues: Ion and Hippias Major: Ion AND Hippias Major
Together these two dialogues contain Plato’s most important work on poetry and beauty.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Three Treatises on the Nature of Science
Contents:Introduction, BibliographyOn the Sects for BeginnersAn Outline of EmpiricismOn Medical ExperienceIndex of the Persons Mentioned in the TextsIndex of the Subjects Mentioned in the Texts
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Metaphysics: (Bks. 7–10)
This translation of the central books of the Metaphysics aims at no literary value, only literalness.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Joseph Butler: Five Sermons
CONTENTS: Introduction Selected BibliographyFive Sermons:The Preface Sermon I - Upon Human Nature Sermon II - Upon Human Nature Sermon III - Upon Human Nature Sermon IV - Upon The Love Of Our Neighbor Sermon V - Upon The Love Of Our NeighborA dissertation upon the Nature of Virtue
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Pragmatism: The Classic Writings
A reprint of the New American Library edition of 1970.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Pragmatism: The Classic Writings
A reprint of the New American Library edition of 1970.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc A Companion To Plato's Republic
A step by step, passage by passage analysis of the complete Republic. White shows how the argument of the book is articulated, the important interconnections among its elements, and the coherent and carefully developed train of though which motivates its complex philosophical reasoning. In his extensive introduction, White describes Plato's aims, introduces the argument, and discusses the major philosophical and ethical theories embodied in the Republic. He then summarizes each of its ten books and provides substantial explanatory and interpretive notes.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Essential Augustine
TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword to the Second Edition. I. THE MAN AND HIS WRITINGS: How Augustine Came to the Episcopacy (Sermon 355, 2); Augustine Chooses Eraclius as His Successor (Letter 213, 1, 5, & 6); Augustine on His Own Writings (Retractations Prol. I, 1-3). II. FAITH AND REASON: Belief is Volitional Consent (On the Spirit and Letter 21, 54; 34, 60); To Believe Is to Think with Assent (Predestination of the Saints 5); Believing and Understanding (On Free Choice II, 2, 4-6); Authority and Reason (Against the Academics III, 20, 43); Two Ways to Knowledge (On Order II, 9, 26-27); Reason and Authority in Manicheism (Value of Believing 1-4); The Relation of Authority to Reason (True Religion 24, 45 -- 25, 47); If I Am Deceived, I Am Alive (City of God XI, 26); I Know that I Am Alive (The Trinity XV, 12, 21-22); Knowledge and Wisdom (The Trinity XII, 14, 21 -- 15, 25); Error and Ignorance (Enchiridion 17). III. THREE LEVELS OF REALITY: Creator, Human Soul, Body (Questions for Simplicianus I, 2, 18); Natures on Three Levels (Letter 18, 2); Soul, Ruled by God, Rules Its Body (On Music VI, 5, 12-13); Soul: Above the Sensible, Below God (True Religion 3. 3); God, Mutable Spirits, and Bodies (Nature of the Good 1-25); Divine, Psychic and Bodily Nature (City of God VIII, 5-6); Causality: Divine, Psychic and Bodily (City of God V, 9); Divine Ideas as Prototypes (Eighty-Three Different Questions 46, 1-2); God Set Spiritual Creation Above the Corporeal (Literal Commentary on Genesis VIII, 20, 39; 25, 46; 26, 48); Evil: the Privation of the Good (Enchiridion 10-12). IV. MAN'S SOUL: Existence, Life, Sense and Reason (On Free Choice II, 3, 7-8, 10); Sensation as an Activity of the Soul (On Music VI, 5, 9-10); Memory, Understanding and Will (The Trinity X, 11, 17-18); The Wonders of Memory (Confessions X, 8-26); Three Levels of Vision (Literal Commentary on Genesis XII, 6, 15 -- 11, 22; 30, 58 -- 31, 59). V. THE WORLD OF BODIES: All Bodily Natures Are Good (City of God XII, 4); Invisible Seeds in the Elements (The Trinity III, 8, 13); The Elements Contain Seminal Reasons (Literal Commentary on Genesis IX, 17, 32); Measure, Number, and Weight (Literal Commentary on Genesis IV, 3, 7); Concerning Formless Matter (Confessions XII, 3. 3 -- 9, 9); Place, Time and the Physical World (City of God XI, 5-6); The Wonders of Nature (City of God XXI, 4-5); God Works Throughout Nature (The Trinty III, 5, 11 -- 6, 11); Man's Natural Endowments (City of God XXII, 24); The Physical World and the Christian (Enchiridion 9). VI. APPROACHING GOD THROUGH UNDERSTANDING: Creation is a Great Book (Sermon, Mai 126, 6); The Journey of the Soul to God (On Free Choice II, 12, 33-34; 15, 39-40; 16, 41-42); The Soul's Ascent to God (Confessions VII, 10, 16 -- 17, 23); The Whole World Proclaims Its Maker (On Psalm 26, Serm. 2, 12); Ascending to the Supreme Truth (True Religion 29, 52 -- 31, 58); Plato's View of God (City of God VII, 4); How to Think About God (The Trinity V, 1, 2 -- 2, 3); The Problem of Speaking About God (The Trinity VII, 4, 7-9); God Is the Selfsame (On Psalm 121, 3, 5); A Divine Invocation (Soliloquies I, 2-6); Late Have I Loved Thee (Confessions X, 27, 38 -- 28, 39). VII. MORAL AND RELIGIOUS LIFE: All Men Desire Happiness (On Psalm 32, Serm. 3, 15-16); Man's Greatest Good (Moral Behavior of the Catholic Church 3-8); Good Love and Bad Love (City of God XIV, 6-7); Moral Evil Stems from Bad Will (City of God XII, 6); Two Precepts of Love (City of God XIX, 14); On Diversities of Local Customs (Letter 54, 1-4); Doing Good to Body and Soul (Moral Behavior of the Catholic Church 27-28); The Evil of Telling a Lie (Enchiridion 18, 19, 22); Lying and Concealing the Truth (On Psalm 5, 7); Faith, Hope and Charity (Enchiridion 8); No Virtues Apart from God (City of God XIX, 25); Our Reward Is Not in This Life (On Psalm 48, Serm. 2). VIII. DIMENSIONS OF GRACE: What the Grace of God Is (On Admonition and Grace 2, 3); Augustine Was Never a Pelagian (Retractations I, 9, 2-4); What True Grace Is (On the Grace of Christ 26, 27); The Work of Grace (City of God XXI, 15-16); How Freedom Is Restored by Grace (Enchiridion 30-32); God's Foreknowledge and Human Willing (City of God V, 10); Grace Before and After the Fall (Enchiridion 104-106); Grace and Good Works (On Psalm 31, Serm. 2, 6-8); Prevenient Grace (On Psalm 18, Serm. 2); Grace and Human Miseries (City of God XXII, 20-22); The Beatific Vision (On Psalm 36, Serm. 2, 8). IX. THE TWO CITIES: Augustine's Analysis of the City of God (Letter to Firmus); How the Two Cities Differ (City of God XIV, 1); Two Loves Make Two Cities (Literal Commentary on Genesis XI, 15, 20); Two Cities Formed by Two Loves (City of God XIV, 28); The Unimportance of Externals (City of God XIX, 19); Relation of the Heavenly and Earthly Cities (City of God XIX, 17); Jerusalem and Babylon (On Psalm 64, 2); Summary of the Two Cities (City of God XVIII, 1); All Nations Are in the City of God (On Psalm 86, 5); The Church and the City of God (On Psalm 98, 4); The Foundation of the Holy City (On Psalm 121, 4); Religion and Human Destiny (True Religion 7, 13 -- 8, 14); The Meaning of a People (City of God XIX, 23-24); Peace: the Tranquility of Order (City of God XIX, 11-13); Two Kingdoms After the Resurrection (Enchiridion 111). X. PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY: Belief and Historical Events (Eighty-Three Different Questions 48); The Universality of Providence (City of God V, 11); Meaning in History (True Religion 50, 98-99); Six Ages in Biblical History (On Psalm 92, 1); Symbolic Meaning of Jewish History (On Psalm 64, 1); Christ in History (Letter 137, 4, 15-16); The Two Cities in History (On Catechizing the Uninstructed 21, 37); What Is Time? (Confessions XI, 14, 17 -- 30, 40); Critique of Cyclicism (City of God XII, 13-15). APENDIXES: I. Selected, Annotated Bibliography. II. Alphabetical List of Augustine's Writings. III. Glossary of Terms. INDEX.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Four Plays and Three Jokes
This volume offers lively and accurate translations of Chekhov's major plays and one-acts (complete contents listed below) along with a superb Introduction focused on the plays' remarkably enduring power to elicit the most widely divergent of responses, the life of the playwright in its historical and aesthetic contexts, suggestions for reading the plays under a microscope, and notes designed to bring Chekhov's world into immediate focus--everything needed to examine his drama with fresh eyes and on its own artistic terms.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Religion within the Bounds of Bare Reason
Werner S. Pluhar's masterful rendering of Kant's major work on religion is meticulously annotated and presented here with a selected bibliography, glossary, and generous index.Stephen R. Palmquist's engaging Introduction provides historical background, discusses Religion in the context of Kant's philosophical system, elucidates Kant's main arguments, and explores the implications and ongoing relevance of the work.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Ten Speeches
The ten speeches in this volume illustrate Cicero's entire career and exemplify all the major contexts for his oratory: before the senate, the people, and the courts. They illuminate the major political crises of Cicero's time and offer portraits of many of the major political figures. Several of these speeches also shed light on the most important cultural and literary debates of the late Republic.James Zetzel's general Introduction discusses Cicero's public life; the social, political, and cultural contexts of his speeches; and the challenges of translating them into modern English. This edition also includes an introduction to each speech, a section on Roman institutions and offices, a chronological table, maps, a bibliography, and a biographical index.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The White Snake and Her Son: A Translation of the Precious Scroll of Thunder Peak
A cornerstone of Chinese popular culture, the legend of the White Snake--the admirable demon who loves her victim--has been continually rewritten, reinterpreted, and readapted for over five hundred years. The Precious Scroll of Thunder Peak was one of the most popular nineteenth-century versions of the legend.In bringing together translations of the Scroll, four anonymous youth books, and other texts related to the development of the White Snake legend, this volume opens a window into the richness and variety of premodern Chinese popular literature. It also illustrates the ways in which traditional and modern Chinese societies have treated a host of vital cultural issues, including the role of women in society, perceptions of sexuality, and folk religion.Wilt L. Idema's Introduction traces the evolution of the legend and places the translated texts in the history of Chinese popular literature and culture. Annotations explaining terms and references that may be unfamiliar to Western readers, a glossary, and a thorough bibliography further enhance the value of this book for both scholars and students.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Le Morte Darthur: The Seventh and Eighth Tales: The Seventh and Eighth Tales
P. J. C. Field, the world's preeminent Malory specialist, has wisely chosen to offer here Malory's seventh and eighth tales, recounting the decline and end of Camelot. The authoritative text is accompanied by indispensable notes and preceded by a remarkably thorough and learned--but never obscure--Introduction sufficient to prepare students and other readers to profit fully from the texts. This book is ideal for those coming to Malory for the first time and a distinct pleasure for those who already know him well. --Norris J. Lacy, E. E. Sparks Professor of French and Medieval Studies, Penn State University
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Medea
This is the Medea we have been waiting for. It offers clarity without banality, eloquence without pretension, meter without doggerel, accuracy without clumsiness. No English Medea can ever be Euripides', but this is as close as anyone has come so far, and a good deal closer than I thought anyone would ever come. Arnson Svarlien has shown herself exceedingly skillful in making Euripides sound Euripidean.--David M. Schaps, Bryn Mawr Classical Review
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Book of John Mandeville: with Related Texts
A fictive traveler's guide to the East, both Near and Far, The Book of John Mandeville was a late--medieval best seller, more popular in its day than Marco Polo's Travels. In addition to a fresh, vibrant translation--the first from the Middle French original since the fifteenth century—this edition of The Book of John Mandeville offers a succinct, broad-ranging Introduction to the work that touches on the question of authorship, the sources on which the text drew, and the transformation and reception of the work down to the present day.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Treatise on Slavery: Selections from De Instauranda Aethiopum Salute
In De instauranda Aethiopum salute (1627)--the earliest known book-length study of African slavery in the colonial Americas--Jesuit priest Alonso de Sandoval described dozens of African ethnicities, their languages, and their beliefs, and provided an exposé of the abuse of slaves in the Americas.This collection of previously untranslated selections from Sandoval's book is an invaluable resource for understanding the history of the African diaspora, slavery in colonial Latin America, and the role of Christianity in the formation of the Spanish Empire; it also provides insights into early modern European concepts of race. A general Introduction and headnotes to each selection provide cultural, historical, and religious context; copious footnotes identify terms and references that may be unfamiliar to modern readers. A map and an index are also provided.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Prince
To investigate the imaginative leaps of so agile and incisive a mind as Machiavelli's one needs as much commentary about history, political theory, sources, and language as possible. I have gradually come to realize that readers who remain unaware of these topics frequently finish reading The Prince, put down their copies, and wonder what the shouting was all about. Thus commented eminent Machiavelli scholar James B. Atkinson thirty years ago in justifying what remains today the most informative English-language edition of Machiavelli's masterpiece available.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Zen Sourcebook: Traditional Documents from China, Korea and Japan
"Featuring a carefully selected collection of source documents, this tome includes traditional teaching tools from the Zen Buddhist traditions of China (Ch'an), Korea (Son), and Japan (Zen), including texts created by women. The selections provide both a good feel for the varieties of Zen and an experience of its common core. . . . The texts are experiential teachings and include storytelling, poetry, autobiographies, catechisms, calligraphy, paintings, and koans (paradoxical meditation questions that are intended to help aspirants transcend logical, linguistic limitations). Contextual commentary prefaces each text. Wade-Giles transliteration is used, although Pinyin, Korean, Japanese, and Sanskrit terms are linked in appendixes. An insightful introduction by Arai contributes a religious studies perspective. The bibliography references full translations of the selections. A thought-provoking discussion about the problems of translation is included. . . . Summing Up: Highly recommended. All levels." --Choice
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Prince
To investigate the imaginative leaps of so agile and incisive a mind as Machiavelli's one needs as much commentary about history, political theory, sources, and language as possible. I have gradually come to realize that readers who remain unaware of these topics frequently finish reading The Prince, put down their copies, and wonder what the shouting was all about. Thus commented eminent Machiavelli scholar James B. Atkinson thirty years ago in justifying what remains today the most informative English-language edition of Machiavelli's masterpiece available.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Commentary on Aristotle's Politics
Offering the first complete translation into modern English of Aquinas' unfinished commentary on Aristotle's Politics, this translation follows the definitive Leonine text of Aquinas and reproduces in English those passages of William of Moerbeke's exacting yet elliptical translation of the Politics from which Aquinas worked. Bekker numbers have been added to passages from the Politics for easy reference.Students of the history of political thought will welcome this study of a great classic, a commentary by a student of Aristotle who is also a great political theorist in his own right.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Commentary on Aristotle's Politics
Offering the first complete translation into modern English of Aquinas' unfinished commentary on Aristotle's Politics, this translation follows the definitive Leonine text of Aquinas and reproduces in English those passages of William of Moerbeke's exacting yet elliptical translation of the Politics from which Aquinas worked. Bekker numbers have been added to passages from the Politics for easy reference.Students of the history of political thought will welcome this study of a great classic, a commentary by a student of Aristotle who is also a great political theorist in his own right.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Faerie Queene, Book Two
From its opening scenes--in which the hero refrains from fighting a duel, then discovers that his horse has been stolen--Book Two of The Faerie Queene redefines the nature of heroism and of chivalry. Its hero is Sir Guyon, the knight of Temperance, whose challenges frequently take the form of temptations. Accompanied by a holy Palmer in place of a squire, Guyon struggles to subdue himself as well as his enemies. His adventures lead up to a climactic encounter with the arch-temptress Acrasia in her Bower of Bliss, which provides the occasion for some of Spenser's most sensuous verse. With its mixture of chivalric romance, history, and moral allegory, Book Two succeeds in presenting an exuberant exploration of the virtue of self-restraint.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Edgar Huntly; or, Memoirs of a Sleep-Walker: With Related Texts
In addition to the definitive UVA text of Brown's seminal novel, this edition includes an introduction setting the work in its historical, literary, and intellectual contexts. Related texts include selections from William Godwin's Enquiry Concerning Political Justice (1793), Erasmus Darwin's Zoonomia; or, The Laws of Organic Life (1794), Benjamin Franklin's A Narrative of the Late Massacres (1764), and Thomas Barton's The Conduct of the Paxton-Men (1764), as well excerpts from Brown's own essays on somnambulism and the uses of history in fiction.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Underdogs: with Related Texts
In addition to a fresh translation of Los de Abajo, Azuela's classic novel of the Mexican Revolution, this volume offers both a general Introduction to the work and an extensive appendix setting the novel in its historical, literary, and political context. Related texts include contemporary reviews of Azuela's book, an excerpt from Anita Brenner's Idols Behind Altars (1929), and selections from John Reed's Insurgent Mexico (1914).
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc History of How the Spaniards Arrived in Peru: (Relasçion de como los Españoles Entraron en el Peru), Dual-Language Edition
Catherine Julien's new translation of Titu Cusi Yupanqui's Relasçion de como los Españoles Entraron en el Peru--an account of the Spanish conquest of Peru by the last indigenous ruler of the Inca empire--features student-oriented annotation, facing-page Spanish, and an Introduction that sets this remarkably rich source in its cultural, historical, and literary contexts.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Government of the Qin and Han Empires: 221 BCE - 220 CE
In this concise volume, Michael Loewe provides an engaging overview of the government of the early empires of China. Topics discussed are: the seat of supreme authority; the structure of central government; provincial and local government; the armed forces; officials; government communications; laws of the empire; control of the people and the land; controversies; and problems and weaknesses of the imperial system. Enhanced by details from recently discovered manuscripts, relevant citations from official documents, maps, a chronology of relevant events, and suggestions for further reading keyed to each topic, this work is an ideal introduction to the ways in which China's first emperors governed.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc The Practice of Virtue: Classic and Contemporary Readings in Virtue Ethics
This collection provides readings from five classic thinkers with importantly distinct approaches to virtue theory, along with five new essays from contemporary thinkers that apply virtue theories to the resolution of practical moral problems. Jennifer Welchman's Introduction discusses the history of virtue theory. A short introduction to each reading highlights the distinctive aspects of the view expressed.