Search results for ""EVERYMAN CHESS""
Everyman Chess The Magic of Mikhail Tal
In this book Grandmaster Joe Gallagher takes a fresh look at Tal's games and career, focusing on the previously neglected period from 1975 to 1992 during which he played some of his most accomplished chess. Despite periodic bouts of ill-health Tal occupied a place in the world's top ten for most of this period, winning many top-class events and securing dozens of wonderful victories, many of which are annotated in detail here.
Everyman Chess The Life and Games of Mikhail Tal
Everyman Chess Play the Accelerated Dragon
The Accelerated Dragon remains one of Black's most popular choices in the Sicilian, and the attractions are obvious. Black's opening strategy is easy to understand, and his pieces are quickly developed on active squares. Furthermore, White players hoping to attack in the same way as against the traditional Dragon will be shocked by the Accelerated Dragon's greater flexibility and possibilities for a swift counterattack. In this book, Peter Lalic presents a repertoire for Black based on this line. He outlines a reliable system of development with the aim of choosing clear, consistent plans. Firstly, he demonstrates why the Accelerated Dragon exponent need not fear the Yugoslav Attack. Secondly, if White chooses instead the Maroczy Bind approach he emphasizes that positional understanding is far more important than memorization of move sequences. He studies the thematic middlegame and endgame positions which may arise and answers all the frequently asked questions. This book tells you everything you need to know to play the Accelerated Dragon with confidence. *An Accelerated Dragon repertoire for Black *Packed with new ideas and critical analysis *Covers Black's key tactics and strategies
Everyman Chess The Killer Sicilian: Fighting 1 e4 with the Kalashnikov
Are you searching for a new weapon against 1 e4? Look no furtherchoose the Killer Sicilian! In this book, opening expert Tony Rotella presents a Sicilian repertoire for Black, the backbone of which consists of the Kalashnikov Variation. The Kalashnikov is an ideal choice for those looking to take up the Sicilian. Black follows an easy-to-learn system of development, with clear strategic aims. What's more, in many lines Black can choose between aggressive and positional options. It's no coincidence that the Kalashnikov has attracted such attacking talents as World Championship candidate Teimour Radjabov and four-time US Champion Alexander Shabalov. Rotella critically examines the main lines and explains the key positional and tactical ideas for both sides. He also demonstrates what Black should do against White's numerous Anti-Sicilian options. Read this book and unleash the Killer Sicilian! *A Sicilian repertoire for Black*Includes Anti-Sicilian coverage*Packed with new ideas and analysis
Everyman Chess The Nimzo-Indian: Move by Move
'Move by Move' is a brand new series which provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, 'Move by Move' greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved, and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general opening skills and knowledge. In this book, Grandmaster John Emms revisits the Nimzo-Indian, an opening which is highly popular at all levels of chess. The Nimzo-Indian has been his favourite defence to 1 d4 for over 30 years. Here he shares his experience and knowledge, examines the opening from both sides of the board and offers answers to the all key questions. *Essential guidance and training in the Nimzo-Indian *Written by a renowned Nimzo-Indian expert *Incorporates an ideal approach to opening study
Everyman Chess Attacking Chess: The King's Indian: v. 1
The King's Indian remains a hugely popular opening - unsurprising given the attacking opportunities it offers. In many of the ultra-sharp main lines, White wins the queenside battle but this often turns out to be a Pyrrhic victory as Black wins the war by checkmating on the kingside! Black is hunting the enemy king and - in practical play - this gives him a psychological edge. David Vigorito presents an aggressive King's Indian repertoire for Black based on the main lines. Vigorito is renowned for his opening expertise, and his suggested lines are full of innovative ideas. In addition, his lucid explanations of the key plans and tactics will benefit all players. Volume 1 deals with the Main Line (Classical) and Samisch variations. Attacking Chess is a brand new series which focuses on traditional attacking openings, as well as creative and aggressive ways to play openings that are not always associated with attacking chess. It provides hard-hitting repertoires and opening weapons designed for players of all levels. * A King's Indian repertoire for Black * State-of-the-art coverage of the key lines * Packed with new ideas and critical analysis
Everyman Chess How to Play Against 1 e4
It's not easy finding a good opening to play against 1 e4, especially if you don't have endless time available to study the latest theoretical developments. If you choose fashionable openings, it's often a necessity to keep pace with modern theory if you want to succeed with Black. This book provides a solution. Neil McDonald advocates his favourite opening - the very popular French Defence - but chooses a repertoire for Black that requires only the minimum amount of move memorization. The lines he selects are very easy to learn and play - perfect for those who are unwilling to be slaves to opening theory. But there's also something here for more experienced players, as McDonald goes on to offer a second repertoire based on counter-attacking lines against 3 Nc3 and 3 Nd2. *An easy-to-learn defence against 1 e4 *Provides solutions to all of White's options *Written by a world-renowned expert on the French *Ideal for improvers, club players and tournament players
Everyman Chess The Colle
The Colle is a solid, reliable system of development based on the popular opening move 1 d4. A major selling point is that although the system is very easy to learn and play it leads to complex, exciting middlegame positions where White often launches a violent attack against Black's king. The Colle is a particular favourite amongst club players, but is often also seen at grandmaster level
Everyman Chess Chess Secrets: The Giants of Strategy: Learn from Kramnik, Karpov, Petrosian, Capablanca and Nimzowitsch
The chess world has been blessed by a number of wonderful strategists, and in Chess Secrets: The Giants of Strategy, Neil McDonald decides upon his selection of the most prominent ones, highlighting the major contributions they have made. McDonald examines their differing approaches and styles, and from Nimzowitsch to Kramnik, how they followed in each other's footsteps. Throughout history there have been many famous players who have dazzled the chess world with their swashbuckling approach to opening play. In Chess Secrets: The Great Gambiteers, John Cox picks out his selection of famous gambiteers and studies the mark they made in the sphere of attacking play in the opening. Themes include attacking the opponent's king, exploiting a lead in development, controlling the centre, as well as the significant enhancement of opening theory through the invention of numerous dangerous gambits. *Learn from the greats of the game *Discover how famous chess minds work *Written in an easy-to-read format *Ideal for improvers, club players and tournament players*
Everyman Chess Play the Queen's Gambit
Few would disagree that the Queen's Gambit is one of the most important openings in chess. It has a long and distinguished history and has been played by virtually all the strongest Grandmasters: Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Anatoly Karpov, Vishy Anand--the list goes on and on! From the very beginning White develops actively, takes the initiative and strives to dominate the center. Most agree that the Queen's Gambit is White's best chance for an opening advantage after 1 d4 d5. Despite its many advantages, some prospective Queen's Gambit players are put off by the possibility of having to learn a labyrinth of different variations. In Play the Queen's Gambit Chris Ward solves this problem by presenting the reader with a concise and workable repertoire, offering a solution against each of Black's possible defences, whether it's a critical major variation or a tricky sideline. Ward examines the tactical and strategic motifs for both players and arms the reader with enough information and self-assurance to begin playing the Queen's Gambit in his or her own games.
Everyman Chess Play the Nimzo-Indian
The Nimzo-Indian is one of Black's most universally popular and respectable answers to 1 d4. It could be said that no other opening allows Black to play for a win from such a sound positional basis, while its flexibility gives rise to a multitude of different positions rich in tactical and positional play. The list of Nimzo-Indian admirers runs like a who's who of the chess world: Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik, Vishy Anand, Anatoly Karpov, and Michael Adams are just a handful of top Grandmasters who have utilized it with great effect. With the Nimzo-Indian being such a fashionable opening, some Black players are put off by the possibility of having to learn a labyrinth of different variations. However, in Play the Nimzo-Indian, Edward Dearing solves this problem by constructing a concise and workable repertoire for Black, offering a solution against each of White's tries, whether it's a critical main line or a tricky side variation. Readers will gain the necessary knowledge and confidence to begin playing the Nimzo-Indian in their games.
Everyman Chess Tango!: A Complete Defence to 1 D4
Tired of constantly defending passive positions with the black pieces? Looking for something new and exciting to unleash at the chessboard? This book provides an answer to these perennial questions. International Master and renowned openings theoretician Richard Palliser presents a complete repertoire for Black against queen's pawn openings based on the dynamic and very much underrated Black Knights Tango. Using illustrative games, Palliser gives a thorough grounding on the key tactics and strategies behind this ambitious opening, while also highlighting the various tricks and traps that both sides have to watch out for. Studying in depth both the main lines and White's more offbeat tries for an advantage, Palliser gives the readers the required knowledge and confidence to immediately try the Tango in their own games. *An easy-to-learn repertoire for club and tournament players *Written by a Tango expert *Covers all of White's possibilities
Everyman Chess Winning Chess Endings
Winning Chess Endings teaches endgame strategies in an exciting new way--by putting the player in the middle of the action with firsthand stories taken directly from famous matches. Pull up a chair and watch the world's most exciting chess endings. Then become an endgame master! Winning Chess Endings explains how to: *Relentlessly find checkmates, from easy to hard, in all basic endgame patterns *Master the intricacies of King and Pawn Endings *Win consistently in the most common endgame--the Rook ending *Master the pros and cons of Bishop vs. Knight Endgames *Seize the advantage in Rook Pawn and Queen Pawn endings *Play like a grandmaster in solitaire endings
Everyman Chess Nizmo-Larsen Attack
In this, the first book on the Nimzo-Larsen Attack for more than ten years, Byron Jacobs and Jonathan Tait explain how you can use this dynamic opening to attack your opponent from move one. The Nimzo-Larsen Attack has been unfairly neglected in recent times, and this book aims to redress the balance.
Everyman Chess Checkmate!: My First Chess Book
Discover all the various pieces - the king, the queen, the knights, the bishops and the pawns. Find out how the pieces move, the values of the chessmen, how to attack and how to defend, how to capture, how to employ special moves such as castling, how to write the moves down and, crucially, how to give check and deliver checkmate. Learn the numerous tricks and traps that you can set your unwary opponents and, just as importantly, how to avoid falling into them yourself. Make a journey through this book and, with the help of the world's best player, readers will be ready for your first chess battle. *Covers all the crucial rules, aims and aspects of the game *Full color illustrations throughout *Innovative design *Written by a legend of the chess world
Everyman Chess Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein: Complex Lines with 4e3
The Nimzo-Indian Defence continues to be one of Black's most popular and respected defences to queen's pawn openings, and finding an antidote for White has proved to be a difficult task for even the strongest players in the world. One of the most straight-forward replies is the Rubenstein Variation (4 e3), in which White ignores Black's 'threats' and instead simply gets on with the process of developing his remaining pieces. This plan has found favor with many top players; indeed, Brain Games World Champion Vladimir Kramnik used it to defeat Garry Kasparov in just 25 moves in their 2000 match in London. In this book, renowned openings theoretician Angus Dunnington explains the ideas and strategies for both white and black players. All the major variations are covered and readers are brought up-to-date with the constantly increasing opening theory. *Written by a leading openings expert *Full coverage of all the major variations *Deals with one of the most fashionable lines of the Nimzo
Everyman Chess Improve Your Chess Now
Self-improvement manual for players who wish to develop their skills.
Everyman Chess Chess Fundamentals
Jose Capablanca's classic instructional manual Chess Fundamentals first appeared in 1921, the year he defeated Emanuel Lasker for the world championship title. This handbook is packed with timeless advice on different aspects of practical play and illustrated by Capablanca's own games.
Everyman Chess Squeeze Play
The hero has no advantage whatsoever but somehow manages to keep setting the opponent problems. Their opponent goes slightly astray and suddenly hero has a tiny advantage. It’s not much but now that they have a little something to work with, they are in their element. They play accurately and remorselessly and make life incredibly difficult for their opponent. Suddenly, and almost imperceptibly, their advantage increases. Further tiny inaccuracies follow, hero turns the screw and bags the full point. Their opponent is left shaking their head, wondering where on earth they went wrong. This is the squeeze and the great champions have been capable of squeezing opponents to death. José Capablanca, Tigran Petrosian, Anatoly Karpov and, in the current era, Magnus Carlsen are legendary in this respect. How do they do it? How do they set problems in apparently sterile positions? How can they continuously manage to defeat world class opposition from positions that others would simply give up as drawn? In this book, Cyrus Lakdawala explains the mechanisms commonly used in squeeze plays. Using examples from the world’s greatest strategic masters he unpicks the secrets of the squeeze.
Everyman Chess A Disreputable Opening Repertoire
A highly adventurous repertoire designed to meet 1 e4 with 1...e5 and take the initiative! The main problem Black faces in answering 1 e4 with 1...e5 is the plethora of opening systems available to White: the Ruy Lopez, Giuoco Piano, Scotch, Ponziani, King's Gambit, Vienna, Bishop's Opening and so on. Each is likely to be White's pet line, which usually means conducting the chess battle on the opponent's turf. One solution is to study the main lines of all these openings and hope to remember what to do if they appear on the board. Another, more enterprising approach is to turn the tables and make White fight on your territory. Adopting the latter course, CC-SIM Jonathan Tait shares their investigations into a myriad of disregarded, "disreputable" responses, which can set White thinking as early as move three. These lines are greatly under-estimated by contemporary theory and include weird and wonderful variations such as the Calabrese Counter-Gambit (1 e4 e5 2 Bc4 f5), the Wagenbach Defence to the King's Gambit (1 e4 e5 2 f4 exf4 3 Nf3 h5), the Romanishin Three Knights (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Nc3 Bc5), the Two Knights Ulvestad Variation (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Nf6 4 Ng5 d5 5 exd5 b5) and ultra-sharp lines of the Jaenisch Gambit (1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 f5). The theory of the variations in this book is generally poorly understood. This has made them successful at all forms of play, including against online computer-assisted assault.
Everyman Chess Opening Repertoire: Richter-Veresov Attack
The Richter-Veresov Attack is characterized by the moves 1 d4, 2 Nc3 and 3 Bg5. It is a great system for players who want to take their opponents away from well-known theory, force them into unfamiliar situations and make them fight on their own resources. There are various modern interpretations of the Richter-Veresov Attack which usual involve White playing f3 at some point. However, in this book, the highly experienced chess author and coach Cyrus Lakdawala focuses on the traditional treatment which generally eschews f3 in favour of more classical development with moves such as Nf3, e3 or even Qf3. In Opening Repertoire: Richter-Veresov Attack, Lakdawala guides the reader through the complexities and carves out a repertoire for White. He examines all aspects of this highly complex opening and provides the reader with well-researched, fresh, and innovative analysis. Each annotated game has valuable lessons on how to play the opening and contains instructive commentary on typical middlegame plans. * A complete repertoire for White to counter all replies. * The question and answer approach provides an excellent study method.
Everyman Chess Chess Bootcamp: Beyond the Basics
Benjamin Katz is a renowned chess coach with over 20 years experience coaching students of all ability levels throughout the United States. He has helped numerous students improve and achieve chess success. This book details the training program he has developed based on this extensive experience. It cultivates the core skill set required to advance beyond the basics in chess. Included are key strategies, basic endgame positions and techniques, information on what to do when you're stuck, how to convert an advantage, and a high-level opening repertoire for both black and white. There are also numerous practical exercises that utilize a combination of recent examples from the games of Benjamin's students, as well as games played by the top players in the world, both contemporary and from the game's history. Benjamin Katz is a National Chess Master and the co-founder of Growing Minds Chess Academy, a progressive chess instruction company in New York City that incorporates the latest in modern educational theory with tried and trusted approaches to chess learning.
Everyman Chess Attack!: The Subtle Art of Winning Brilliantly
"To be passive... is fatal to the beginner or medium player - such players must be aggressive. He must attack, because only in that way can he develop his imagination, which is a very important thing." This quote comes, perhaps surprisingly, from Jose Capablanca, a world champion far better known for his brilliant strategic and positional play than his attacking prowess. This emphasizes the fundamental importance of having a clear understanding of how to build up and execute an attack. Every chess player loves to attack. Directing one's forces towards the enemy king, probing to create weaknesses and ultimately crashing through with a brilliant sacrifice is always a thrilling experience. However, attacking play must always be based on sound principles and carried out in a forceful and logical manner. This is not always a straightforward task. In this book, the highly experienced author and grandmaster Neil McDonald guides the reader through all the complexities of attacking play. Topics include: * Attacking a king trapped in the centre. * Exploiting weaknesses to develop an attack. * Preventing reinforcements from rescuing the king.
Everyman Chess Practical Chess Puzzles: 600 Positions to Improve Your Calculation and Judgment
Chess puzzle books are undoubtedly popular - and with good reason. Solving chess puzzles helps to sharpen a player's tactical and combinational skills. This ability is absolutely fundamental for chess development. You won't get better at tennis until you can consistently hit the ball with accuracy and you won't get better at chess until you improve your ability to calculate. It is that simple and there are no shortcuts. Many puzzle books take a far too simplistic approach and offer endless positions where the solution is nearly always along the lines of: queen takes something check, king takes queen, check, check and a pretty mate. Aesthetically pleasing perhaps but of minimal use for actual improvement as the patterns are so familiar. Practical Chess Puzzles avoids this pitfall. The positions chosen are far more like those that actually appear on the board during the vast majority of games. Furthermore, at all stages, the puzzles are ranked, enabling the student to gauge progress and identify and correct weaknesses. * 600 puzzles featuring instructive, typically "game-like" positions * A ranking system to assess progress.
Everyman Chess Planning: Move by Move
"First the idea and then the move!" Miguel Najdorf used to say in his habitually enthusiastic fashion; that statement is the perfect summary of planning in chess. Planning is of crucial importance in chess and yet this is an area that has not been well discussed or explained to ambitious players who wish to improve. A very well known saying in chess is "Better a bad plan than no plan at all". Playing without a plan - effectively staggering from one move to the next - is a recipe for disaster. It is essential to have some kind of idea of what you are trying to achieve and how to go about it. However, planning is not a straightforward matter. A good plan might be very short, lasting just two or three moves. Another plan might require almost an entire game to implement. A plan can be highly ambitious and complex or somewhat modest and simple. In chess, as in life, circumstances can change quickly and when they do, new plans are needed. How is a player expected to juggle all these different concepts while dealing with the immediate problems posed by the opponent's most recent move? In this book, grandmaster and experienced author Zenon Franco explains planning in detail. He organises material in terms of: typical structures, advantage in space, manoeuvring play, simplification and, finally attack and defence. Using games played by elite players he explains how plans are formed and carried out in these different scenarios. If you want to take your game to the next level, then Planning Move by Move will enable you to do this.
Everyman Chess Garry Kasparov on My Great Predecessors, Part Five
Everyman Chess Garry Kasparov on My Great Predecessors, Part Two
Everyman Chess The Reti: Move by Move
This book examines what might be described as the "pure" Reti Opening. White starts with 1 Nf3 and intends to meet 1...d5 with the "Reti" response 2 c4. One of the major advantages of playing these systems is that they rely far more on general strategic understanding than rote memorisation. However, this does not mean that Black is not set difficult problems to solve. In the modern era these lines have mainly been championed by Vladimir Kramnik and Lev Aronian. Both these players have frequently set very difficult problems for their elite opponents with these complex systems. This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general chess skills and knowledge. * Essential guidance and training in the Reti Opening * Analyses all key variations * Utilizes an ideal Q+A approach to chess study
Everyman Chess Lasker: Move by Move
Emanuel Lasker was world champion for a remarkable 27 years (1894-1921) and is generally regarded as having been way ahead of his time in his understanding of chess. He primarily regarded chess as a fight and considered that the strongest move in a position was the one that created greatest problems for the opponent and not necessarily the one that was objectively "best". His strengths included: ----- * His skill at accumulating small advantages with quiet manoeuvring. --- * His astonishing ability to find tactical resources in defence. --- * His uncanny knack of provoking errors in balanced positions. ----- Lasker was, essentially, a complete chessplayer and his games feel thoroughly modern. Indeed many contemporary elite players (the most obvious one being the current world champion Magnus Carlsen) exhibit a very similar style. ----- The Move by Move series provides an ideal format for the keen chessplayer to improve their game. While reading you are continually challenged to answer probing questions - a method that greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of chess knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study chess while providing the best possible chance to retain what has been learnt.
Everyman Chess First Steps: King's Indian Defence
The King's Indian Defence is one of the great classical counter-attacking openings. The most aggressive world champions (including Mikhail Tal, Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov) have all scored brilliant knockout victories with this opening. In this book the highly experienced coach international master Andrew Martin explains the basic ideas behind all the different variations that occur after 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 Nc3 Bg7 4 e4 d6. The focus on strategic elements such as pawn structures, attacking plans and typical piece manouevres allows the reader to quickly gain an excellent feel for this complex opening. First Steps is an opening series that is ideal for improving players who want simple and straightforward explanations. First Steps emphasizes: * the basic principles * the basic strategies * the key tricks and traps First Steps books are based around carefully selected instructive games which demonstrate exactly what both sides are trying to achieve. There is enough theory to enable the improving player to get to grips with the opening without feeling overwhelmed. If you want to take up a new opening, First Steps is the ideal place to start.
Everyman Chess It's Your Move X 3
3 Chess classics in one one volume. It's Your Move: This book provides the reader with a selection of puzzles to solve. However, unlike other books of the White to play and mate in three' variety, it simulates real game scenarios, offering readers a choice of tempting alternatives and requiring them to pick the best. It's Your Move Improvers: In this highly original and instructive test yourself book Chris Ward invites readers to solve a selection of carefully chosen puzzles. In this, the second book in the series, the positions are aimed at improving players, specifically the low level club players who are looking to hone their skills in order to climb further up the chess ladder. The reader is given a choice of five plausible plans for each position and has to decide which is the most likely to succeed. The answers then identify the most promising plan and explain why the other choices are less attractive. It's Your Move Tough Puzzles: The puzzles might be a bit more difficult this time but, in the same style of the previous two books, the reader is once again helped by the choice of five plausible plans and has to decide which is the most likely to succeed.
Everyman Chess Keres: Move by Move
Estonian grandmaster Paul Keres is one of the greatest players in chess history. Along with Viktor Korchnoi he is one of the best never to have gained the ultimate title of world champion. He was numbered among the very top players in the world for more than three decades. He was an unusually well-rounded chessplayer, writing numerous books and, additionally, also composing problems and endgame studies. Paraguay grandmaster, Zenon Franco has long been a fan of Paul Keres and has now collected together 38 of his finest games, along with numerous extracts from other encounters. ----- The Move by Move series provides an ideal format for the keen chessplayer to improve their game. While reading you are continually challenged to answer probing questions - a method that greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of chess knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study chess while providing the best possible chance to retain what has been learnt.
Everyman Chess The Hedgehog
An understanding of Hedgehog structures is an essential component in any chessplayer's knowledge. These structures arise when the black c-pawn is exchanged early on for the white d-pawn (as in the Sicilian Defence). White then adopts a formation with pawns on c4 and e4 and Black curls up in a Hedgehog formation with pawns on a6, b6, d6 and e6. ----- These structures are important as they can arise from an extraordinary variety of openings including the Sicilian Defence, the English Opening and the Queen's Indian Defence. Play is usually highly intricate with White hoping to exploit the natural space advantage while Black remains solid and looks to break out of his or her carapace with the classical thrusts ...b7-b5 and ...d7-d5. ----- Everything you need to know about the Hedgehog systems. --- The structure emphasizes plans and strategies. --- Written by an expert on the opening.
Everyman Chess The Veresov: Move by Move
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practicing of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general chess skills and knowledge. The Veresov Opening is characterized by the moves 1 d4, 2 Nc3 and 3 Bg5. It's a perfect weapon for those who wish to steer the game into relatively uncharted territory and to set their opponents problems from the outset. The Veresov is a flexible opening and White may choose lines that are either positional or tactical in nature. International Master Jimmy Liew has played the Veresov successfully for many years, and in this book he invites you to join him in a study of his favorite opening. He explains the main positional and tactical ideas for both sides, provides answers to all the key questions and tells you everything you need to know about playing the Veresov. *Essential guidance and training with the Veresov*Written by a renowned Veresov expert *Utilizes an ideal approach to chess study
Everyman Chess Opening Repertoire: Nimzo and Bogo Indian
International Master Christof Sielecki presents a repertoire for Black based on the Nimzo-Indian and Bogo-Indian defenses. The Nimzo-Indian has always enjoyed a reputation as a dynamic, reliable defense against 1 d4 and continues to be as popular as ever at all levels. When White avoids the Nimzo-Indian with 3 Nf3 or 3 g3, however, Black needs to find another solution. Sielecki solves this perennial problem by also offering a repertoire with the Bogo-Indian Defense. In both the Nimzo and the Bogo-Indian, Sielecki focuses on lines in which Black adopts a dark-square strategy. This creates a system-type approach which links the variations to a common theme, making the repertoire much easier to learn and understand. Using illustrative games, Sielecki examines the typical tactics and strategies for both sides, and highlights key move order issues. This book tells you all you need to know about playing the Nimzo and Bogo-Indian. *A repertoire for Black against mainline 1 d4 *Packed with new ideas and critical analysis *Explains the important thematic ideas
Everyman Chess The Tarrasch Defence: Move by Move
This series provides an ideal platform to study chess openings. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of opening knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study any chess opening and at the same time improve your general chess skills and knowledge. The Tarrasch is an ambitious defence to the Queen's Gambit. Black's concept is an aggressive one - he willingly accepts an isolated queen's pawn but in return seizes space in the centre and gains freedom of development for all his pieces. In this book, International Master and Tarrasch expert Sam Collins takes an in-depth look at this popular opening and its many variations. Using illustrative games, Collins highlights the typical plans and tactics for both sides, presents repertoire options for Black and provides answers to all the key questions. *Essential guidance and training in the Tarrasch Defence *Utilizes an ideal approach to chess study *Includes repertoire options for Black
Everyman Chess Botvinnik: Move by Move
Mikhail Botvinnik was a three-time World Chess Champion and is widely regarded as one of the World's greatest ever chess players. Botvinnik possessed a universal, all-round style with an iron grasp of logic and strategy. He loved to attack, but most of his attacks were systematically built, step by step, on strategic gains. Botvinnik's games include an abundance of instructive masterpieces, and studying his games is essential for any aspiring chess player. In this book, former American Open Champion Cyrus Lakdawala invites you to join him in a study of his favourite Botvinnik games. Lakdawala examines Botvinnik's renowned skills in the key areas of attack and defence, initiative, exploiting imbalances, accumulating advantages and endgame play, and shows how we can all improve by learning from Botvinnik's play. Move by Move provides an ideal platform to study chess. By continually challenging the reader to answer probing questions throughout the book, the Move by Move format greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to improve your chess skills and knowledge. *Learn from the games of a chess legend *Important ideas absorbed by continued practice *Utilizes an ideal approach to chess study
Everyman Chess Break the Rules!: A Modern Look at Chess Strategy
As we progress as chess players we quickly learn a set of guidelines which help us to formulate plans, develop typical strategies and recognize key tactics. However, chess is not an easy game, with fixed 'rules' that can be applied to every single position. In fact, blindly following such rules proves to be counterproductive and prevents a player from moving on to the next level, whereas knowing when to 'break' these rules is precisely the skill which separates the best from the rest. In this instructive book, Grandmaster Neil McDonald studies in depth the key components of successful rule-breaking in chess. Drawing upon his own experience and using illuminating examples from modern grandmaster chess, McDonald examines how to avoid stereotypical thinking, how to exploit typical thinking patterns, and how to confuse and beat opponents with surprising ideas. *Enhance your chess strategy and creativity *Recognize and exploit typical thinking processes *Covers opening, middlegame and endgame play
Everyman Chess Slay the Spanish!
Former US Open Champion Timothy Taylor presents weapons for Black against the hugely popular Spanish Opening, basing his repertoire on the Modern Steinitz Defence. This opening can lead to razor-sharp lines, such as the Siesta Variation, where one slip by either player could prove to be fatal. But a major attraction of the Modern Steinitz is its flexibility, as Black can also choose to play in a more positional manner. Taylor studies in depth the critical main lines, and also what to do if White avoids these. Read this book and be ready to slay the Spanish!
Everyman Chess How to Beat the Sicilian Defence: An Anti-Sicilian Repertoire for White
The Sicilian Defence is by far the most popular chess opening. If you play 1 e4 as White, on average you are likely to meet the Sicilian in virtually every other game! You need to be prepared to face the Sicilian at all times, and a ready-to-use repertoire against it is an indispensible weapon. In this book, Gawain Jones confronts the challenge of meeting the Sicilian head on. He builds an Anti-Sicilian repertoire for White based on lines he has successfully employed at grandmaster level. These are sound, reliable options but they also contain more than a drop of poison. Variations covered include the highly popular King's Indian Attack and various Bb5 systems. *A Grandmaster's repertoire against the Sicilian *Highlights key tactical and positional ideas for both sides *Ideal for improvers, and club and tournament players
Everyman Chess Play Chess Like the Pros
What separates the greatest chess players from mere mortals? Grandmaster Danny Gormally believes that understanding, preparation and will to win are three crucial factors. In Play Chess Like the Pros he examines these key aspects and attempts to bridge the gap between the best and the rest. He believes that a player's capacity to improve is limitless, and in this age of computer-assisted learning the opportunity to do so is greater than ever before. But are you prepared to stretch yourself, to take yourself out of the comfort zone? However, this is more than a self-improvement book. Nearly 15 years of experience as a chess professional makes the author ideally placed to tell the stories, not just behind the moves but also the characters who play them, giving the reader an insider's view of professional chess in the modern age.
Everyman Chess Modern Chess: Move by Move: A Step-by-step Guide to Brilliant Chess
Leading chess author Colin Crouch selects and explains over 30 sensational games, all from the new millennium. By studying battles between the world's best players, Crouch examines in detail all the key areas of modern chess. Powerful attacking and resourceful defending, bloodthirsty tactical battles, profound positional mastery, deep opening preparation and superb endgame play are all in evidence here, while Crouch also explores the ever-increasing role of computers and the way human imagination can work in harness with them. There is something for everyone in this book: aspiring players will benefit greatly from the clear explanations of the fundamentals, while stronger players will gain considerably from Crouch's deep insight and analysis in more complex positions. This book reflects the continuing changes in modern chess, and how you can use the lessons learned to great effect in your own games.
Everyman Chess Anti-Sicilians: Dazzle Your Opponents!
Prominent opening specialists take a revolutionary look at a popular group of openings - the Anti-Sicilians - and select a wealth of 'dangerous' options for both Black and White.
Everyman Chess Flank Openings: Dazzle Your Opponents!
Three well-known opening experts get together to take a revolutionary look at Flank Openings. They concentrate on fresh or little-explored variations, selecting a wealth of 'dangerous' options for both colours.
Everyman Chess The Complete Chess Workout: Train Your Brain with 1200 Puzzles!
All top chess players agree that to keep your tactical muscles in shape it's imperative to continue training, and the easiest and most fun way to do this is by performing tactical exercises. Even solving a few puzzles for ten minutes each day can be of utmost benefit for the aspiring player. But where can one find the required number of suitable puzzles to satisfy this demand? Look no further than "The Complete Chess Workout". In this book, tactics expert Richard Palliser presents the reader with a massive 1200 puzzles, all checked for accuracy by the latest computer engines. There is something for players of all levels here: many basic tactics - forks, pins, skewers and checkmates - to appeal to beginners and improvers, and a considerable number of brain-teasers that will tax even the strongest of players. Palliser has meticulously collected puzzles from practical play in recent years - a large percentage of the exercises here will be completely new to most readers. All the important tactical themes are covered, while there are special sections on opening traps and end games. Work your way through this book, and your opponents will soon be on the receiving end of your increased tactical powers!
Everyman Chess Play the English!: An Active Opening Repertoire for White
The English is a sophisticated opening which is very popular at all levels of chess: from up-and-coming players to World Champions such as Garry Kasparov and Vladimir Kramnik. It has many attractions, including flexibility and diversity: White can play either aggressively or quietly, and positions are rich in both strategy and tactics.In Play the English, Craig Pritchett provides an active repertoire for White, offering answers to Black's key defences both in the main lines and sidelines. Drawing upon his wealth of experience in this opening from both sides of the board, Pritchett highlights the positional and tactical ideas for White and Black, and the subtle move-order nuances so important in the modern game. This book contains all you need to know to play the English with confidence in your own games.
Everyman Chess The Classical King's Indian Uncovered
The King's Indian is an exciting, challenging opening which is very popular at all levels of chess. It is favoured by ambitious and aggressive players such as the two chess legends Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov who perfected the King's Indian into an opening weapon to be feared throughout the chess world. In recent years, however, White players, led by World Champion Vladimir Kramnik, have hit back hard with many important new ideas. Most experts agree that the Classical Variation is the critical test of the King's Indian. Pulling no punches, White questions Black's entire strategy and seeks nothing less than a direct refutation; it could be said that the reputation of the King's Indian rests entirely on the assessments of this hotly debated subject. In The Classical King's Indian Uncovered, Krzysztof Panczyk and Jacek Ilczuk, theoreticians renowned for their original analysis, uncover the secrets behind this contentious opening and share their discoveries with the reader. Using illustrative games, they study both the fashionable main lines and the tricky sidelines, and provide a thorough grounding in the key tactical and positional ideas for both White and Black.
Everyman Chess The Masters: Rudolf Spielmann Master of Invention
Rudolph Spielmann was one of the most fearsome attacking players in the history of chess. He was very much from the so-called "Romantic School," where gambits were always accepted and checkmating the king was the only real thought of the players. His love of the King's Gambit and similar aggressive openings earned him the respect of his peers early in his career and he went on to become one of the strongest Grandmasters of his time. His philosophy on chess could be summed up by his quote: "A good sacrifice is one that is not necessarily sound but leaves your opponent dazed and confused." In this book, Neil McDonald takes a look back at how Spielmann overcame his opponents in dazzling style, carefully choosing and analyzing some of Spielmann's most glorious attacks and famous combinations. A deep study of his games cannot fail to entertain and inspire any true chess enthusiast.