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CABI Emerging Voices for Animals in Tourism
While the study of animal-human interactions within the context of tourism has been explored in a greater number and diversity of ways within the last decade, the discourse remains divided between traditional tourism academia and outside disciplines 'looking in'. Tourism academia has borrowed philosophical, ethical, gender studies, sociological, ecological conservation, and economic lenses to explore animals in tourism, however collaboration with authors external to tourism studies remains few.This edited volume strengthens the bridge between tourism academia and other disciplines by highlighting the fresh perspectives, emerging methodologies and innovative interdisciplinary conventions at the forefront of animals in tourism research, whilst critically working towards more ethical human-animal interactions within the tourism and leisure space. Split into four parts 'emerging motivations', 'emerging cultures', 'emerging narratives', and 'emerging reflections', this book offer
CABI Climate Change and Global Health
There is increasing understanding that climate change will have profound, mostly harmful effects on human health. In this authoritative book, international experts examine long-recognized areas of health concern for populations vulnerable to climate change, describing effects that are both direct, such as heat waves, and indirect, such as via vector-borne diseases. Set in a broad international, economic, political and environmental context, this unique book expands these issues by reviving and championing a third ('tertiary') category of longer term impacts on global health: famine, population dislocation, conflict and collapse. This edition has an expanded foundation, with new chapters discussing nuclear war, population and limits to growth, among others. This lively yet scholarly resource explores all these issues, finishing with a practicaldiscussion of avenues to reform. As Mary Robinson, former UN High Commissioner for Hum
CABI Publishing Distribution Maps of Quarantine Pests for Europe
This book is an essential companion volume to Quarantine Pests for Europe, 2nd Edition and Illustrations of Quarantine Pests for Europe. The three titles are the result of collaboration between CABI and EPPO in the compilation of data on the pests of phytosanitary significance for the European and Mediterranean region. This present publication provides updated geographic distributions of over 350 pests for which data sheets and illustrations are already available. A map is provided for each pest showing the current world distribution graphically. This is supported by a list of the countries and provinces in which the pest has been recorded with a coded indication of its current status. Coverage extends to insects, mites, nematodes, fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasitic plants. The pests concerned are either entirely absent from the European and Mediterranean region (A1 list) or have a restricted distribution (A2 list). Text within the book is provided in both English and French.
CABI Publishing Crop Improvement, Adoption and Impact of Improved Varieties in Food Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa
Following on from the CGIAR study by Evenson and Gollin (published by CABI in 2003), this volume provides up-to-date estimates of adoption outcomes and productivity impacts of crop variety improvement research in sub-Saharan Africa. The book reports on the results of the DIIVA Project that focussed on the varietal generation, adoption and impact for 20 food crops in 30 countries. It also compares adoption outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa to those in South Asia, and guides future efforts for global agricultural research
CABI Publishing Free Time and Leisure Participation: International Perspectives
In the 21st century free time is an increasingly precious resource. At the same time, leisure has never been more vital for ensuring individual and social health, wellbeing and quality of life. Around the world, governments and industry have responsibilities and opportunities to ensure provision of facilities for rest and play. To do this they require information on trends in free time and leisure in the community.This book is an expanded and updated edition of a previous work entitled World Leisure Participation: Free Time in the Global Village, by the same editors (CABI, 1996). It brings together the results of the most recent national leisure participation surveys from 15 countries, including three countries not previously covered. The book also includes increased coverage of time-budget surveys and new themes such as public policy dimensions. It also examines the methodological problems and challenges of conducting national surveys in the field, and their future prospects.
CABI Publishing Pines of Silvicultural Importance
The genus Pinus is of great ecological and commercial importance and it is notable for its vast geographic range and the sheer area that its various species occupy. Its natural range is almost exclusively in the northern hemisphere, where it often forms the dominant vegetation cover. However, it is also of silvicultural significance in many countries in the southern hemisphere. Pines play an important role in the ecosystems of which they form part, and provide a valuable source of fibre, timber and other secondary products for human use. Worldwide, pines form a large part of the annual wood harvest and the immature plantation forests of the future. This reflects their amenability to cultivation, their broad site tolerances, and the ease of processing their wood for a multitude of end-uses. This book is compiled from 65 datasheets on pine from the Forestry Compendium Global Module (published by CABI on CD-ROM). For each species, there is information on common names, taxonomy, botanical features, natural distribution, latitude range, climate, soil properties, silvicultural characteristics, pests, wood and non-wood products.
CABI Publishing Climate Change and Crop Production
Current trends in population growth suggest that global food production is unlikely to satisfy future demand under predicted climate change scenarios unless rates of crop improvement are accelerated. In order to maintain food security in the face of these challenges, a holistic approach that includes stress-tolerant germplasm, sustainable crop and natural resource management, and sound policy interventions will be needed. The first volume in the CABI Climate Change Series, this book provides an overview of the essential disciplines required for sustainable crop production in unpredictable environments. Chapters include discussions of adapting to biotic and abiotic stresses, sustainable and resource-conserving technologies and new tools for enhancing crop adaptation. Examples of successful applications as well as future prospects of how each discipline can be expected to evolve over the next 30 years are also presented. Laying out the basic concepts needed to adapt to and mitigate changes in crop environments, this is an essential resource for researchers and students in crop and environmental science as well as policy makers.
CABI Publishing Chemical Pesticide Markets, Health Risks and Residues
Biopesticides Series, No. 1During recent decades there has been a steady increase in the use of chemical pesticides in both developed and developing countries. This has caused widespread concern about their impact on human health and on the environment. This is particularly the case in less developed countries which may lack appropriate resources to minimise risks and rectify problems.The purpose of this short book is to provide a review of: Chemical pesticide markets, including global figures, exports from developed countries, and markets in Latin America, Asia and Africa Information on the scale of manufacture, import, export and use of chemical pesticides Examples of direct risks to human welfare in terms of acute poisonings caused by occupational exposure and pesticide residues in food Examples of problems with the storage of obsolete stocks of pesticides in developing countries.The focus is on acute problems in developing countries, particularly in Latin America, Asia and Africa, but some information is also provided about developed countries.This is the first volume in a new "Biopesticides Series" developed by the Biopesticides Programme at CABI Bioscience.
CABI Publishing Poultry Behaviour and Welfare
This authoritative textbook provides an introduction and guide to poultry behaviour and welfare. It describes the origin and biology of the various species of bird that are of agricultural importance, as well as giving a succinct overview of their key behaviour patterns. There is careful discussion of the many factors that influence their welfare, and detailed consideration of the ways in which legislation and commercial interests interact in an attempt to satisfy the many needs involved. The final chapters discuss possible future developments within the subject. The book is in part an update of a previous work, Poultry Production Systems: Behaviour, Management and Welfare (CABI, 1992), completely rewritten and with much new material added.
CABI Publishing Nitrate, Agriculture and the Environment
There is widespread public concern about the effects of nitrate derived from farming on water quality and public health. But research on nitrate during the past decade has revealed wide discrepancies between public perceptions and reality. The main problems from nitrate are ecological changes in coastal and estuarine waters and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. This gas, largely derived from nitrate, is a threat to the ozone layer in the stratosphere and is also a greenhouse gas. This book builds on Farming, Fertilizers and the Nitrate Problem (CABI, 1991) by Addiscott, Whitmore and Powlson but has been restructured to take account of new developments and to bring out more clearly the role of politicians and economists in the 'nitrate problem'.
CABI Publishing Temperate Agroforestry Systems
Agroforestry is a land use system that allows for the concurrent production of trees and agricultural crops and/or animals from the same piece of land. It has a rich history of development and has been practised in some parts of the world for more than 6,000 years. In 1997, CABI published the seminal book on this subject, Temperate Agroforestry Systems, which was a break from the norm as almost all agroforestry texts up to that date were only relevant to tropical areas. The book explored the development of temperate agroforestry and agroforestry systems, concentrating on those areas within temperate zones where the greatest advances, adoptions and modifications had taken place up to that time: North and South America, China, Australia, New Zealand and Europe. This second fully-updated and expanded edition includes additional chapters on India and Chile and, as a result of ongoing advances in the field, separate chapters on the US, Canada, the UK and continental Europe. Today's challenges of climate change, population growth and food security, in concert with the ongoing global requirement for the energy and water needed for a resilient agricultural paradigm, can be met through the wide-scale adoption of agroforestry practices, in both tropical regions and temperate zones. The 2nd edition ofTemperate Agroforestry Systems brings together many examples of temperate agroforestry and will make valuable reading for all those working in this area as researchers, practitioners and policy makers. The book is also of importance to students and teachers of agriculture, ecology, environmental studies and forestry in temperate regions.
CABI Publishing Farm Business Management: The Decisive Farmer
Management research has shown successful farmers have quite distinct personal characteristics which most farmers have seldom thought about. Farmers who are less successful tend to have processes and systems which are likely to be biased. The aim of this book is to help all farmers discover more about these personal attributes that impinge on the success of their management, and to show how their attitudes and personal resources can be improved. This book is not a straightforward textbook. Rather, it tells the story of a group of farmers who take part in an expert-guided experiment designed to test approaches to improving management skill. The group meet at each other's farms to learn about their issues and develop solutions to improving what is called their 'management style' with the aim of removing any identified decision system biases. The book covers issues like optimal decision rule systems and how they can become second nature. Each chapter is devoted to one of the common issues defining management approaches. One chapter, for example, has the farmers sorting out issues around succession planning, another covers the vexed problem of farmer anxiety, and still another has the farmers learning skills on self-critiquing. Overall, there are fifteen chapters covering both general and specific issues. The book is designed for all farmers but is also a valuable resource for students of farm management and agribusiness. A strong learning feature of the book are the references to formal theories and explanations provided in addenda to each chapter. These cover and list the main teaching points highlighted in each farmer meeting giving details of where the detailed methods of solving each situation can be found. Exercises and case studies can also be accessed both on line and in other CABI books.
CABI Publishing Free Time and Leisure Participation: International Perspectives
This new edition is a reprint of the hardback book, first published in 2005. As the pace of life increases and the effects of globalisation invade more and more areas of everyday life, free time becomes an increasingly precious resource. For those who are experiencing a shortage of free time - a 'time-squeeze' - and for the growing numbers looking forward to abundant free time in retirement, leisure has never been more vital for ensuring individual and social health and wellbeing and the enhancement of social capital and the quality of lifeThis book is an expanded and updated edition of a previous work entitled World Leisure Participation: Free Time in the Global Village, by the same editors (CABI, 1996). It brings together the results of the most recent national leisure participation surveys from 15 countries, including three countries not previously covered. The book also includes increased coverage of time-budget surveys and new themes such as public policy dimensions. It also examines the methodological problems and challenges of conducting national surveys in the field, and their future prospects.
CABI Publishing Farm Business Management: The Strategic Farmer
Farmers face ever-changing production systems, markets and regulations. This means they must constantly review their long-term plans to ensure continuing economic and environmental sustainability. The challenge for the future is for farmers to assess opportunities strategically as they appear and overcome the temptation of just meeting the demand of day-to-day tactical decision-making. This long-term view is the world of strategic planning. Farm owners and managers must constantly review the future and systematically assess likely future scenarios in order to make adjustments to suit prevailing needs. Any manager or owner thinking about purchasing a new farm business either to expand, or replace, an existing property must conduct similar assessments. This book addresses these issues and provides methods and procedures that enable the development and assessment of future strategies. This book explains how to be a "strategic farmer" in an unusual way. Rather like a novel, it tells the story of a newly reconstituted farming couple who are searching for a new property on which to carry out their primary production plans following their departure from a family farm which was being assigned to the next generation. In a previous book in this series (Farm Business Management: The Decisive Farmer), this same couple were involved in a team approach to improving decision-making. This book covers the couple's efforts to find a suitable property meeting all their strategic needs having analysed the expected future scenarios. In this process the couple interacts with many of their farmer friends and advisors who also featured as characters in the previous books. Each chapter is devoted to one of the common issues facing the modern farmer when trying to create a long-term strategic plan. To assess each issue, tried-and-tested strategic planning procedures are demonstrated with full explanations of their logic and methods. Each topic is fully referenced to provide further reading and discussion. Lecture guides, case studies and exercises are also provided online on the CABI Digital Library. This book is a valuable resource for all farmers and students of farm management and agribusiness.
CABI Publishing Responsible Tourism: Concepts, Theory and Practice
Tourism is one of the world's biggest industries. Responsible tourism is concerned with the effects of tourism on people, ecology, and communities, and seeks to ameliorate these impacts by providing tourism which benefits host communities, improves working conditions, involves the local community, promotes cultural heritage, and benefits the environment. This book discusses responsible tourism as a whole, including the politics, policy and planning behind it, and major sub-topics such as poverty reduction, the environment, transport, governance, wildlife tours and heritage.
CABI Publishing Deafness in Dogs and Cats
Deafness in pets is a very common problem and is increasingly being presented to veterinarians, as owners and breeders become more aware and concerned about such issues. This book provides complete coverage of the subject describing the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system, types of deafness, testing for deafness, methods of amelioration and management, behaviour of deaf animals, and other issues associated with living and dealing with deaf pets.
CABI Publishing Biopesticides: Pest Management and Regulation
Greater use of biological control utilizing natural predation, parasitism or other natural mechanisms, is an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical pesticides, which are becoming less readily available due to increasing resistance problems and the prohibition of some substances. This book addresses the challenges of insufficient information and imperfectly understood regulatory processes involved in biological alternatives through an interdisciplinary approach providing an internationally comparative analysis on the registration of biopesticides and the best way forward. An essential read for researchers, students and professionals in political and biological sciences.
CABI Publishing Guide to Cultivated Plants
Representing almost 80 years of combined experience, Guide to Cultivated Plants includes concise textual descriptions and attractive full colour illustrations of over 300 crop species. These comprise 11 commodity groups ranging from vegetables, both horticulture and forages species, and arable crops to the major fruits and plantation crops. All major cultivated plants from temperate, Mediterranean and tropical climates are covered and the morphology, botany, ecology, agronomy and use of cultivated crops is fully discussed.
CABI Publishing School Health, Nutrition and Education for All: Levelling The Playing Field
Providing good quality education to all children in the poorest countries of the world is not a simple task. However, improving children’s health and nutrition is one simple step that can be taken towards achieving this goal. Health and nutrition programmes offer substantial benefits to children’s education, helping them to attend school and learn while there. What is more, the education of the poorest in society benefits the most from such programmes because the poor are more likely to suffer from ill health or poor nutrition and are also more likely to experience a disruption in their learning as a result. School health and nutrition programmes make use of the education system to deliver simple treatments for common conditions. The result is a highly cost-effective way to reduce inequalities in education and to help all children around the world reach their educational potential. This argument is examined through a discussion of the challenges to child health and nutrition and the impact of these on education and an analysis of the costs, benefits and policy options involved in the implementation of health and nutrition programmes in schools. Providing a simple and achievable solution to improving access, gender equity and the quality of basic education, this book will be essential to policy makers, educational and health organizations and researchers in international development, public health, psychology and education.
CABI Publishing Global Pesticide Resistance in Arthropods
Pesticide resistance has had a substantial impact on crop production and has been an important driver of change in modern agriculture, animal production and human health. Focusing specifically on arthropods, this book provides a comprehensive review of relevant issues in pesticide resistance. Detailed listings and references to all documented reports of resistance from around the world are included.
CABI Publishing Ecology and Management of Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
The Giant Hogweed Heracleum mantegazzianum is a pernicious invasive species, with significant impact on human health due to its phytoxic sap. From its native area, the Caucasus, it has spread across Europe creating serious environmental and health problems. This book, the output of a three-year EU project involving 40 European experts, is an authoritative compendium of current knowledge on this amazing invasive plant and will facilitate improved management. It is an invaluable resource for both practitioner and student, and covers topics including taxonomy, genetics, reproduction, population ecology, and invasion dynamics. It also reviews the possibilities of mechanical, chemical and biological control.
CABI Publishing Broom and Frasers Domestic Animal Behaviour and Welfare
Completely updated and revised, and synthesizing the recent explosion in animal welfare literature, the sixth edition of this best-selling textbook continues to provide a thorough overview of behaviour and welfare of companion and farm animals, including fish.The introductory section has been completely revised, with all following chapters updated, redesigned and improved to reflect our changing understanding.This edition includes:- New and revised chapters on climate change and sustainability, ethics, and philosophy to ensure that the book provides the latest information in a changing world;- New information on human interactions with other animal species, big data, modern technologies, brain function, emotions and behaviour; - Solutions and advice for common abnormal behaviours.Written by a world-leading expert and key opinion leader in animal behaviour and welfare, this text provides a highly accessible guide to the subject. It is an essential foundation for any veterinary, animal s
CABI Publishing Agriculture for Improved Nutrition: Seizing the Momentum
Agriculture's vast potential to improve nutrition is just beginning to be tapped. New ideas, research, and initiatives developed over the past decade have created an opportunity for reimagining and redesigning agricultural and food systems for the benefit of nutrition. To support this transformation, this book reviews the latest findings, results from on-the-ground programs and interventions, and recent policy experiences from countries around the world that are bringing the agriculture and nutrition sectors closer together. Drawing on IFPRI's own work and that of the growing agriculture-nutrition community, this book strengthens the evidence base for, and expands our vision of, how agriculture can contribute to nutrition. Chapters cover an array of issues that link agriculture and nutrition, including food value chains, nutrition-sensitive programs and policies, government policies, and private sector investments. By highlighting both achievements and setbacks, Agriculture for Improved Nutrition seeks to inspire those who want to scale up successes that can transform food systems and improve the nutrition of billions of people. Key features: -Investigates the latest evidence on the relationship between agriculture and nutrition. -Includes insights from internationally renowned researchers. -Presents data from real-world settings that is highly relevant to the challenges faced by developing countries. This book is ideal for policy-makers, practitioners, and students working in agriculture, international development and nutrition.
CABI Publishing Millets Value Chain for Nutritional Security: A Replicable Success Model from India
This book demonstrates a successful and sustainable model for value addition to millets from production to consumption. Within the work the authors outline practical interventions to revive the demand for millets as a convenient and nutritive option for consumers, whilst presenting a reliable model that can be adapted for the development of other commodities. Based on practical experience and the output of a National Agricultural Innovation Project, Millets Value Chain for Nutritional Security: A Replicable Success Model from India explores the development of an integrated approach to value addition to millets. All phases of the model are covered, including chapters on: · nutritional evaluation · on-farm cultivation · intervention in food processing · entrepreneurship development · commercialization · popularization and policy sensitization. The development of successful value chains to revive demand for traditional cereals such as millets plays an important role in ensuring health and nutrition security in India. As such, this book is an invaluable resource for researchers and advanced students in the fields of agriculture, food science and business management, in addition to policy makers, manufacturers and breeders.
CABI Publishing Service Quality in Leisure Events Tourism and Sport
This enhanced new edition addresses key points and principles of managing service quality across the sector. It considers the underpinning theory of service quality, informs the reader of the practical application of service quality management tools and techniques in the leisure and tourism industry and is fully illustrated with case-studies.
CABI Publishing Regenerating Forests and Livelihoods in Nepal: A new lease on life
Regenerating Forests and Livelihoods in Nepal: A New Lease on Life documents the success story of an innovative rural development programme in the Himalayan foothills, Nepal. The project has made a real difference by transforming increasingly degraded land, where farmers carved out a meagre existence, into a fertile and prosperous zone where they could thrive. Project activities included bringing in effective cultivation techniques to protect the environment and introducing new local crops and goats, as well as promoting entrepreneurial spirit. Every intervention was carefully selected and conducted to mitigate climate change as well as to help farmers become more resilient to its effects. The ingredients of the project's success, from both the technical and human perspectives, are presented in this book, demonstrating people's commitment in a country prone to natural disasters and earthquakes.
CABI Publishing Animal Science Reviews 2011
Animal Science Reviews 2011 provides scientists and students in animal science with timely analysis on key topics in current research. Originally published online in CAB Reviews, this volume makes available in printed form the reviews in animal science published during 2011.
CABI Publishing Soy Protein and Formulated Meat Products
Soy-based foods represent a growing sector in today's food industry markets. They tend to be low in fat and high in protein and overall nutritional quality. Soy protein offers a broad spectrum of functionality and is now a key component of many processed meat products.This book provides an authoritative review of soy protein science and technology, particularly in relation to meat formulations. These topics are related to the major issues that face consumers and manufacturers, including healthy lifestyles, food safety and market dynamics. One key feature of the book is the large number of tables providing formulations for a range of products, including emulsified meats, sausage, pate, poultry- and other meat-based foods. The author has vast experience in industry and is a pioneer of the use of soy proteins, of the concept of "lifestyle foods" and of the growing impact of vegetarian food preferences.
CABI Publishing Volunteering as Leisure/Leisure as Volunteering: An International Assessment
Volunteerism is a topic of increasing importance in this age of budget cuts, declining employment and amid the threat posed by other competing leisure pursuits. There are both social and economic benefits of volunteering. As we are becoming more reliant on volunteers, there is a need for a better understanding of why people take up volunteering, and how to recruit, manage, motivate, and support volunteers most effectively. In order for organisations that host volunteers to achieve the most from their volunteers, they must understand how to give them the best "leisure" experience. This book examines critical aspects of contemporary volunteerism, from the perspective of a variety of volunteering contexts. It will appeal to academic researchers and students in disciplines such as leisure, recreation, tourism, management and sociology as well as practitioners in the voluntary sector (including volunteers), National and Local Government and those organising special events that depend on voluntary support.
CABI Publishing Seeds of Concern: The Genetic Manipulation of Plants
This book makes a significant contribution to the debate about the applications and implications of gene technology from the perspective of a plant biologist. It is written in an accessible way and therefore will be appropriate for non-specialists and the more general reader, as well as students and others in plant breeding and biotechnology. The author is a well-known Australian botanist, who has written or edited several previous books on both academic and popular topics in plant science. In this book he addresses questions such as:How are genetically modified plants producedWhich breeding goals are worthwhile?Can the escape of transferred genes be controlled?Who is monitoring the unexpected effects of gene transfer?Will GM plants ever be acceptable to organic growers?
CABI Publishing Advances in Stored Product Protection
The International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection, held every four years, is the premier world forum for the presentation of research results and reviews on the safe storage of durable foodstuffs, of which cereal grains, pulses and oilseeds make up the largest components. This book presents the proceedings of the 8th conference, held in York, UK, in July 2002. This book highlights work on the pests and diseases that may cause spoilage, adverse health effects and loss of the crop after harvest, and discusses new techniques for the safe, effective and environmentally friendly management of stored commodities. With nearly 200 keynote, oral and poster papers and contributions from leading experts from around the world, the contents cover the future of stored product protection and the impacts of global issues, food safety, chemical and physical control, and processing and applications.The volume will interest applied entomologists, plant pathologists, postharvest biologists, and agricultural engineers.
CABI Publishing Giardia: The Cosmopolitan Parasite
This book covers all aspects of research into Giardia as an organism and giardiasis the disease. Based on papers presented at the 2000 'Giardia in the Rockies conference, held in Alberta, Canada, it contains contributions from leading international experts. Includes chapters on: biochemistry, biology, detection and diagnosishost-parasite relationships, zoonotic transmission and epidemiology therapeutics and new drug targets water treatment, legislation and policy, Giardia in companion animals, in farm animals, and as a public health problem.
CABI Publishing Trees, Crops and Soil Fertility: Concepts and Research Methods
Successful agroforestry requires an understanding of the complex relationship between trees, crops and soils. This book provides a review of both economic and biophysical aspects of soil use and research in agroforestry, with an emphasis on nutrient-poor forest and savanna soils. Key topics covered include the economics of soil fertility management, cycling of water, nutrients and organic matter, soil structure, and soil biological processes. The book combines synthetic overviews of research results and a review of methods used in research.
CABI Publishing Spice Crops
The first authentic record of spice and herb usage is on clay tablets form the Sumarian Kingdom about 3,000 BC and many spices were used or imported into Egypt for embalming, as incense, ointments, perfumes, poison antidotes, cosmetics and medicines. Plants that are the source of spices became important cash crops over the centuries, and since their introduction, their uses have multiplied. This has resulted in a rise in consumer demand following the popularity for natural flavourings, which has in turn increased interest in their production in temperate and tropical countries. This book is concerned with the profitable production of spice crops at all levels of management, more efficient processing and greater utilization.
CABI Publishing Convention on Biological Diversity and Product Commercialisation in Development Assistance Projects: A Case Study of LUBILOSA
The LUBILOSA (Lutte Biologique contre les Locustes et Sauteriaux) Programme was initiated in 1989 and has been successful in developing a bioinsecticide for the biological control of locusts and grasshoppers. The efficacy of the product named Green Muscle has been clearly demonstrated in Africa, and provides an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical insecticides. Although it predates the Convention on Biological Diversity, LUBILOSA has been conducted in accordance with the benefit sharing and related provisions of the Convention.This book provides a review of the programme in order to demonstrate how such research and product commercialisation can be accomplished in the context of a development assistance project. In particular it shows how the provisions of the Convention can be fulfilled with respect to: equitable sharing of research results and benefits; access to and transfer of technology; exchange of information; technical and scientific cooperation; participation in research; financial resources.
CABI Publishing Crop-Soil Simulation Models: Applications in Developing Countries
The use of crop-soil modelling has so far been mainly confined to the research community. Practical applications have occurred in the areas of decision tools for irrigation studies and pest management. However, there is potential to increase its applied use.This book reviews progress in crop-soil simulation modelling and assesses its application to agriculture in developing countries. It is based on work sponsored by the Natural Resources Systems Programme of the UK Department for International Development.
CABI Publishing Securing the Harvest: Biotechnology, Breeding and Seed Systems for African Crops
Improved food security, led by increased productivity among Africa’s many small-scale farmers, has been the aim of significant national and international effort in recent decades.This book grew out of a two-year exploration conducted by the food security theme of The Rockefeller Foundation focusing on the potential for crop genetic improvement to contribute to food security among rural populations in Africa. It provides a critical assessment of the ways in which recent breakthroughs in biotechnology, participatory plant breeding, and seed systems can be broadly employed in developing and delivering more productive crop varieties in Africa’s diverse agricultural environments.
CABI Publishing Trends in Outdoor Recreation, Leisure and Tourism
This book focuses on the issues and trends in outdoor, ‘nature-based’ recreation, leisure and tourism and explores the implications for public policy, planning, management and marketing. It is intended as supplementary reading for advanced students and is a useful reference tool.
CABI Publishing Japan and World Timber Markets
Two thirds of Japan is covered with forest that is rapidly reaching maturity and could be felled in the near future. This would dramatically increase domestic timber supply and have implications, not only for Japan, but also the main timber exporting nations of the world. However, Japanese domestic supply has been stagnating and forest management has become less intensive. At the same time, timber suppliers to Japan are themselves coming under various pressures which are likely to lead to reductions in their timber harvests and export potential. This book examines these issues and looks at what would happen if Japan were to utilise this resource within the next two decades, from both a domestic and international point of view. Primarily aimed at advanced students of forestry, economics and business, this book will also be of interest to government research agencies, timber processors and exporters of timber to Japan.
CABI Publishing Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy: The Case of the MacSharry Reforms
This book discussed the reform of the common agricultural policy.
CABI Publishing Against the Grain: Agri-Environmental Reform In the United States and European Union
Agricultural policy has long been regarded as a driving force for rural environmental change in industrial countries. While the causes of recent habitat loss, landscape degradation, soil erosion and water pollution in the EU and US are undoubtedly complex, the most convincing explanations are still ones that are strongly policy driven. By the mid-1980s, environmentalists had come to the conclusion that a major change to farm support in favour of the environment was required if the environmental problems of modern agriculture were to be tackled at source. Against the Grain tells the story of the long campaign for agri-environmental reform which followed. The central argument of this timely book is that in order to appreciate the significance of the reforms themselves, and to predict where they are going, it is necessary to understand why they occurred and how they were accomplished. The book offers a unique comparative analysis of the greening process in the US and EU, connecting policy outcomes to the political battles which produced them. It reflects on what has been achieved in each case and seeks to identify what countries can learn from each other. With its fresh analysis of what promises to be an increasingly central component of rural policy, this book is essential reading for analysts and policy-makers as well as an important text for senior undergraduates and postgraduates in rural geography, agricultural and environmental economics and environmental studies.
CABI Publishing European Environment and CAP Reform: Policies and Prospects for Conservation
As part of the reform of its Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), in 1992 the European Community adopted a regulation of Accompanying Measures aimed at supporting farmers in conserving the European environment. This book explores the implementation of the Regulation throughout Europe and examines its genesis, delivery and prospects. Individual chapters explore the politics of the regulation and the ecological resources on which it has to work. Eight further chapters examine its implementation in individual member states, highlighting the remarkable diversity both of the ecosystems being conserved and the ways in which the regulation is being implemented. The volume concludes with two speculative chapters, one on the extent and measurement of potential economic benefits from these measures and another offering some broad conclusions on the potential impact of the regulation and its possible evolution. The volume is multidisciplinary, including political scientists, economists, sociologists, geographers and civil servants amongst its authors. The area covered by its country chapters amounts to more than eighty per cent of the European Union of fifteen states.
CABI Publishing Fishery Co-Management: A Practical Handbook
During the last decade, there has been a shift in the governance and management of fisheries to a broader approach that recognizes the participation of fishers, local stewardship, and shared decision-making. Through this process, fishers are empowered to become active members of the management team, balancing rights and responsibilities, and working in partnership with government. This approach is called co-management. This handbook describes the process of community-based co-management from its beginning, through implementation, to turnover to the community. It provides ideas, methods, techniques, activities, checklists, examples, questions and indicators for the planning and implementing of a process of community-based co-management. It focuses on small-scale fisheries (freshwater, floodplain, estuarine, or marine) in developing countries, but is also relevant to small-scale fisheries in developed countries and to the management of other coastal resources (such as coral reefs, mangroves, sea grass, and wetlands). This handbook will be of significant interest to resource managers, practitioners, academics and students of small-scale fisheries.
CABI Publishing Diseases of Tropical Pasture Plants
Increasingly, diseases are being identified as major constraints to the productivity and persistence of improved tropical pastures. This book provides a comprehensive review of diseases of tropical pasture legumes and grasses. The book represents a comprehensive, fully referenced sourcebook for plant pathologists and pasture agronomists.
CABI Publishing Revised Tabular Key to Species of Phytophthora
Mycological paper on a revision of the Tabular Key to species of Phytophthora.