Search results for ""Author Susanna Isern""
Cuento de Luz SL La La voz del bosque
The characters from The Lonely Mailman and A Mystery in the Forest return in a story about bullying and the importance of speaking up when it happens around us.A little beaver with droopy ears and a sad expression.A mischievous boar.And a squirrel who doesn’t miss a thing.Little Beaver always went unnoticed. At school, he always sat in the back of the classroom; in the forest, he would hide behind the trees so that no one would spot him. However, although he would have wished to be invisible, misfortune and setbacks haunted him. Little Beaver seemed like bad luck’s shadow. But… Why did everything happen to him? One day Squirrel realized that coincidence was not the reason for Beaver's sad eyes. Willing to discover who is behind these small injustices, Squirrel will seek the help of all her friends to awaken the voice of the forest, that voice that always brings peace and unity.Regresan los personajes de Cartas en el bosque y Un misterio en el bosque. Una historia sobre el acoso y la importancia de alzar la voz cuando sucede ante nosotros.Un castorcillo con las orejas caídas y la mirada triste.Un jabalí un tanto sospechoso.Una ardilla con los ojos muy abiertos. Castorcillo siempre pasaba desapercibido. En el colegio, él siempre se sentaba al fondo de la clase; en el bosque, se escondía detrás de los árboles para que nadie lo viera. Sin embargo, aunque le hubiera gustado ser invisible, las calamidades y los contratiempos lo perseguían. Castorcillo parecía la sombra de la mala suerte. Pero… ¿Por qué todo le pasaba a él? Un día, Ardilla advirtió que la casualidad no era el motivo de los ojos tristes de Castorcillo. Dispuesta a descubrir quién hay detrás de estas pequeñas injusticias, Ardilla buscará la ayuda de todos sus amigos para despertar la voz del bosque, esa voz que siempre trae la paz y la unión.
NubeOcho Squirrel Has Trouble Saying No
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO El emocionómetro del inspector Drilo
Inspector Croc is a great detective of emotions. Everyone in Forestville calls him when they feel overwhelmed. Croc will help his friends to identify, measure and regulate their EMOTIONS in a fun and simple way with his great invention, Inspector Croc’s EMOTION-O-METER.
Cuento de Luz SL The Music of the Sea
Gold Medal Winner –Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards 2017 A story about the power of hope, and the universal language of music. The beautiful story of Daniel and his daughter who decide to stay behind when the storm batters their little coastal village. Guided Reading Level: N, Lexile Level: 840L
Cuento de Luz SL Oso quiere volar (Bear Wants to Fly)
Premiado en Estados Unidos en los 2016 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards “Oso sueña con volar” es la extraña noticia que causa un gran alboroto entre los animales del bosque. Algunos piensan que eso es imposible, pero… ¿qué se pierde por intentarlo? Oso quiere volar es una emotiva historia que nos hará reflexionar sobre las ventajas del trabajo en equipo y la importancia de luchar por los sueños, por imposibles que parezcan. Lexile Level: 700L No se pierdan el booktrailer! Las primeras páginas:
Cuento de Luz SL El ovillo mágico (The Magic Ball of Wool)
One morning, a hedgehog wakes up to find a mysterious ball of wool caught in his prickles. Fascinated, all of the forest animals come to his house and the hedgehog happily knits something for each of his visitors, woolen garments that suddenly and magically turn into the very thing each animal loves most. But when a fellow animal is in trouble and the ball of wool has reached its end, the rest of the animals need to come to the hedgehog's aid. This charming tale of friendship and generosity will bring out the best in young readers by encouraging them to help others. Una manana, un erizo se despierta y encuentra un misterioso ovillo de lana clavado en sus puas. Fascinados, todos los animales del bosque vienen a su casa y el erizo felizmente le teje algo a cada uno de sus visitantes, vestimentas de lana que de repente y magicamente se convierten en lo que cada animal mas desea. Pero cuando un animal se encuentra en peligro y el ovillo de lana ha llegado a su final, los demas animales necesitan ayudar al erizo. Una encantadora historia sobre la amistad y la generosidad. Lexile Level 820L
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Dormouse and his Seven Beds
The animals in Green Forest keep waking up to the surprise of Little Dormouse sleeping in their houses. After they tell him to stop without asking why he does it, they'll have to rescue him from Wolf’s house.
Also available in Spanish as Abrazo de OsoNatuk and White Bear are the very best of friends. But when a terrible catastrophe strikes the village, they might be separated forever.
La Fragatina Kiwi
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La armadura de Hugo / Hugo's Armor
NubeOcho The Little Magician
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Ardilla no sabe decir que no
Always pleasing others can sometimes have a cost. After 'Raccoon Wants To Be First' and 'Fox Tells a Lie', comes 'Squirrel Has Trouble Saying No', a book about learning to be assertive.Tras Mapache quiere ser el primero y Zorro dice mentiras, llega Ardilla no sabe decir que no, un libro sobre la importancia de la asertividad. No es bueno decir siempre que sí a los deseos y a las peticiones de los demás. Aprender a decir NO es importante. It is Bear’s birthday tomorrow and Squirrel would like to prepare some delicious blueberry cookies for him. With just enough time to make them, she is about to set off to gather the blueberries from the forest when Fox arrives needing her help, followed by Duck and Doe too!When she finishes doing favors for all her friends, it is already night time and she still needs to gather the blueberries! With the light of the moon, she enters the forest, but by morning, she is still not back and her friends begin to worry. What has happened to Squirrel?A thoughtful story about your finding your voice and learning to say no.Pronto es el cumpleaños de Oso. Ardilla decide hacerle un bonito regalo, pero cuando va a salir de casa…“Ardilla, ¿puedes esperar al cartero y darle este paquete?”.“Ardilla, ¿puedes cuidar de Patita un rato?”.“Ardilla, ¿puedes ayudarme con las matemáticas?”.Zorro, Pato, Cierva… Todos sus amigos le piden ayuda, y ella no sabe decir que no. ¿Le dará tiempo a preparar su regalo para Oso?
Cuento de Luz SL La música del mar (The Music of the Sea)
Gold Medal Winner at the 2017 Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards. A story about the power of hope, and the universal language of music. Daniel and his daughter stay behind when the storm batters their little coastal village and find a surprising turn of events.Limanda was a tiny fishing village. Life was quiet there, and its inhabitants, mainly fishermen, lived happily gathering what the land and sea provided. When a terrible storm destroys the crops and drives the fish away, everyone was devastated and decided to leave their home to find a prosperous future elsewhere. Limanda was empty, but not entirely. Daniel, a fisherman who felt a deep love for his land, decided to stay, together with his daughter Marina, despite knowing that life in Limanda would be very hard and lonely.Determined to do his best to change his fate, one night Daniel sneaked out of the house to surprise Marina. Wait, had you lost hope? The incredible music of the sea always sounds to change the course of life of those who are willing to listen to it.Ganador del premio Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards en 2017. Una historia sobre el poder de la esperanza y el lenguaje universal de la música. Daniel y su hija deciden quedarse en su pueblo cuando una despiadada tormenta lo barre todo, pero una sorpresa maravillosa los aguarda.Limanda era un pueblo costero de pescadores. La vida allí era tranquila y sus habitantes, principalmente pescadores, vivían felices de lo que la tierra y el mar proveían. Cuando una terrible tormenta arrasó el pueblo y todos los peces huyeron despavoridos, los ciudadanos, desolados, decidieron abandonar su hogar e ir en busca de un futuro próspero. Limanda quedó vacía, pero no del todo. Daniel, un pescador que sentía un amor profundo por su tierra, decidió quedarse, juntamente con su hija Marina, aun sabiendo que allí la vida iba a ser muy dura y solitaria.Decidido a poner lo mejor de su parte para cambiar su destino, Daniel salió de casa a escondidas para darle una sorpresa a Marina. ¿Habíais perdido la confianza? La increíble música del mar siempre empieza a sonar para cambiar el rumbo de la vida del que está dispuesto a escucharla.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Raccoon Wants to Be First
Raccoon wants to be the first in everything, and he almost always succeeds at it. But one day, Fox arrives in the forest . . . Excessive competition can be negative and can sometimes bring anguish to children. Most of Susanna Isern's books are distributed internationally and they have been translated into over a dozen languages. She has been awarded the Silver Medal in the Moonbeam Children's Book Awards 2013 in the United States. She works as a child psychologist and writer. The illustrations of Leire Salaberria were selected to appear in Bologna Children's Book Fair 2012.
NubeOcho La pequeña maga
Cuento de Luz SL La música del mar (The Music of the Sea)
Premiado con Medalla de Oro en Estados Unidos en los 2017 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards Tras la despiadada tormenta que azota una pequeña aldea costera, solamente un pescador y su hija deciden permanecer allí. Una noche Daniel sale de casa a escondidas para darle una sorpresa a Marina. La increíble música del mar empieza a sonar para cambiar el rumbo de sus vidas. Una historia sobre el poder de la esperanza y el lenguaje universal de la música. Lexile Level: 750L No se pierdan el booktrailer! Las primeras páginas:
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Las siete camas de Lirón
The animals in Green Forest keep waking up to the surprise of Little Dormouse sleeping in their houses. After they tell him to stop without asking why he does it, they'll have to rescue him from Wolf’s house.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO I Wasn´t Invited to the Birthday
The children leaving the school are all very excited.There is a birthday party, but someone is not invited . . .What will happen when the enormous whale with the tiny hat appears?This title is also available in Spanish as No me invitaron al cumpleaños.Susanna Isern works as a child psychologist and writer. Most of her books have been translated into over a dozen languages. She has been awarded the Silver Medal in the Moonbeam Children's Book Awards 2013 in the United States.Adolfo Serra has won many awards, and including being selected for the Bologna Book Fair, the fourth Ibero-American Catalog of Illustration, and the fourh CJ Picture Book Awards. He was also selected for the Fondo de Cultura Award in Mexico.
PLANET 8 GROUP SL D/B/A NUBEOCHO Mapache quiere ser el primero
Raccon wants to be first in everything, and he almost always succeds at it. But one day, Fox arrives at the forest… A fun adventure to teach us that “being first” is not the most important thing. Excessive competition can be negative and can sometimmes bring anguish to children. From the child psychologist Susanna Isern, author of 'Fox Tells a Lie' and 'Squirrel Has Trouble Saying No'.Mapache quiere ser el primero en todo, y casi siempre lo consigue. Pero un día llega Zorro al bosque… Una divertida aventura para enseñarnos que «ser el primero» no es lo más importante. El exceso de competitividad puede ser negativo y traer sufrimiento a los niños. De la psicóloga infantil Susanna Isern, autora de Zorro dice mentiras y Ardilla no sabe decir que no.
Barefoot Books, Incorporated The Last Hazelnut
When two woodland friends have a misunderstanding over who ate the last hazelnut, they eventually find that holding a grudge is a lot less rewarding than mending their relationship. Chic illustrations and punchy text make for a relatable and humorous conflict resolution story.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El bosque de la serenidad. Cuentos para educar en la calma / The Forest of Serenity. Stories to Teach In The Calm
Cuento de Luz SL The Voice of the Forest
The characters from The Lonely Mailman and A Mystery in the Forest return in a story about bullying and the importance of speaking up when it happens around us.A little beaver with droopy ears and a sad expression.A mischievous boar.And a squirrel who doesn’t miss a thing.Little Beaver always went unnoticed. At school, he always sat in the back of the classroom; in the forest, he would hide behind the trees so that no one would spot him. However, although he would have wished to be invisible, misfortune and setbacks haunted him. Little Beaver seemed like bad luck’s shadow. But… Why did everything happen to him? One day Squirrel realized that coincidence was not the reason for Beaver's sad eyes. Willing to discover who is behind these small injustices, Squirrel will seek the help of all her friends to awaken the voice of the forest, that voice that always brings peace and unity.
Barefoot Books, Incorporated The Last Hazelnut
When two woodland friends have a misunderstanding over who ate the last hazelnut, they eventually find that holding a grudge is a lot less rewarding than mending their relationship. Chic illustrations and punchy text make for a relatable and humorous conflict resolution story.
A fun story emerges which differs from the usual pirate story in many satisfying ways. ~Maverick Children's Books CBC Best Books of the Year (Under Five), 2019 Is being a pirate only for boys? That’s not what Daniela thinks. She dreams of becoming a pirate on the legendary ship, the Black Croc. She searches and searches through the seven seas, until one day, she finally finds it. But oh dear! These pirates seem to be a little chauvinist. Particularly Captain Choppylobe, who will make Daniela go through difficult challenges to prove her worth as a pirate. Will she make it? Will they let her be part of the crew? A story about equality and realizing your dreams.
Cuento de Luz SL What Are You Scared of Little Mouse?
Winner at the 2015 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards What Are You Scared of, Little Mouse? is a tender tale that will help the youngest children overcome their fears. Guided Reading Level: J, Lexile Level: 470L
Cuento de Luz SL Bear Wants to Fly
Winner at the 2016 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards “Bear wants to fly!” is the amazing news that has all of the forest animals talking. Some of them think it’s impossible, but . . .why not give it a try? Bear Wants to Fly is an emotional tale about the benefits of working as a team, and the importance of fighting for your dreams, however impossible they may seem. Guided Reading Level: O, Lexile Level: 690L Don't miss the booktrailer! Read the first pages:
Cuento de Luz SL The Magic Ball of Wool
Winner at the 2013 Moonbeam Children's Book Awards. A magic ball has mysteriously appeared and will help to weave the most beautiful friendship between the animals of the forest.One morning, a hedgehog wakes up to find a mysterious ball of wool caught in his prickles. Why would he want a ball of wool?, he wonders in dismay. His friend the spider, who was an expert knitter, encouraged him to start knitting, teaching him all the keys and secrets to making a perfect sweater. Fascinated, all of the forest animals come to his house and the hedgehog happily knits something for each of his visitors. CLICKETY-CLICK, CLICKETY-CLICK… A stitch here, a stitch there… When the hedgehog stops knitting, he realizes something amazing—the ball of wool is magic! A charming tale of friendship, generosity and kindness that will bring out the best in young readers by encouraging them to help others.
Cuento de Luz SL The Lonely Mailman
"A loving tribute to problemsolvers, quarrel menders, and peacemakers." -Kirkus Reviews. Each day, the old mailman faithfully delivers special letters to the forest animals. But the mailman has never received any letters of his own. Then one day everything changes. This touching story of friendship and love will delight readers and letter writers of all ages. Guided Reading Level: M, Lexile Level: 710L Check out the booktrailer: Read the first pages: