Search results for ""Author Juan""
Cuentos y encuentros
Cuentos y Encuentros es una portentosa colección de relatos muy breves, habitantes todos ellos de ese espacio mínimo que separa lo imaginario (Cuentos) de lo real (Encuentros).
Ibukku, LLC Nuestras creencias limitadas
Picture Window Books Anthony's Zoo
Skyhorse Publishing At Your Best as a Welder
Rowohlt Berlin Glück ist kein Ort
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Glück ist kein Ort
Carl Hanser Verlag Unter einem ferneren Himmel
Titan Books Ltd Star Trek The Next Generation: The Art of Juan Ortiz
Following on from Juan Ortiz's fabulous Original Series movie-poster collection, this latest treat for art-loving Trek fans features 178 posters that capture the essence of The Next Generation. Inspired by indie-film and black-light posters, comics and rock/punk culture and showcasing Ortiz's unique creative vision, this new instalment of original Trek art is sure to delight fans worldwide."
Ulysses Press What They Didn't Teach You In Spanish Class: Slang Phrases for the Cafe, Club, Bar, Bedroom, Ball Game and More
Humanoids, Inc The Fourth Power
The odyssey of Exether Mega, a young military pilot caught up in an interplanetary conflict between humans — under the banner of the Planetary United States — and the Krommiums. After narrowly escaping an attack by an enemy patrol, Mega begins a perilous journey across enemy lines. Through a series of encounters —with both friends and foes — Mega discovers she's at the center of a complex, secret experiment to create the ultimate weapon of war. As further clues to her role, identity, and destiny are revealed to her, the powers that be ramp up their efforts to capture her. A spectacular and riveting space opera by the creator of Leo Roa and the illustrator of The Metabarons saga.
PublicAffairs,U.S. Treasury's War: The Unleashing of a New Era of Financial Warfare
Finalist for the 2015 William E. Colby AwardFor more than a decade, America has been waging a new kind of war against the financial networks of rogue regimes, proliferators, terrorist groups, and criminal syndicates. Juan Zarate, a chief architect of modern financial warfare and a former senior Treasury and White House official, pulls back the curtain on this shadowy world. In this gripping story, he explains in unprecedented detail how a small, dedicated group of officials redefined the Treasury's role and used its unique powers, relationships, and reputation to apply financial pressure against America's enemies.This group unleashed a new brand of financial power,one that leveraged the private sector and banks directly to isolate rogues from the international financial system. By harnessing the forces of globalization and the centrality of the American market and dollar, Treasury developed a new way of undermining America's foes. Treasury and its tools soon became, and remain, critical in the most vital geopolitical challenges facing the United States, including terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and the regimes in Iran, North Korea, and Syria.This book is the definitive account, by an unparalleled expert, of how financial warfare has taken pride of place in American foreign policy and how America's competitors and enemies are now learning to use this type of power themselves. This is the unique story of the United States' financial war campaigns and the contours and uses of financial power, and of the warfare to come.
Taylor & Francis Inc Microprobe Characterization of Optoelectronic Materials
Each chapter in this book is written by a group of leading experts in one particular type of microprobe technique. They emphasize the ability of that technique to provide information about small structures (i.e. quantum dots, quantum lines), microscopic defects, strain, layer composition, and its usefulness as diagnostic technique for device degradation. Different types of probes are considered (electrons, photons and tips) and different microscopies (optical, electron microscopy and tunneling). It is an ideal reference for post-graduate and experienced researchers, as well as for crystal growers and optoelectronic device makers.
Cornell University Press Bartolomé de Las Casas in History: Toward an Understanding of the Man and His Work
A controversial figure in his own day (1474-1566), Las Casas might well be the New World's first political activist. Championing the cause of the Indians in "Overseas Spain," Las Casas threw his heart, soul, and fortune into a highly volatile movement. He became the "Protector of the Indians" and devoted fifty years to the destruction of Indian slavery. Friede and Keen's collection of essays increases the understanding of the man and his work by presenting English translations of the findings of leading modern European and Latin American specialists on Las Casas.
University of British Columbia Press Merry Laughter and Angry Curses: The Shanghai Tabloid Press, 1897-1911
The end of the Qing dynasty in China saw an unprecedented explosion of print journalism. By the turn of the twentieth century, not only had Chinese-owned newspapers become more influential than anyone could have anticipated, but it was the supposedly frivolous xiaobao, the “little” or “minor” papers, that captivated and empowered the public.Merry Laughter and Angry Curses reveals how the late-Qing-era tabloid press became the voice of the people. As periodical publishing reached a fever pitch, tabloids had free rein to criticize officials, mock the elite, and scandalize readers. Tabloid writers produced a massive amount of anti-establishment literature, whose distinctive humour and satirical style were both potent and popular. This book shows the tabloid community to be both a producer of meanings and a participant in the social and cultural dialogue that would shake the foundations of imperial China and lead to the 1911 Republican Revolution.
The University of Chicago Press The Spirit of the Laws in Mozambique
Mozambique has been hailed as a success story by the international community, which has watched it evolve through a series of violent political upheavals: from colonialism, through socialism, to its current democracy. As Juan Obarrio shows, however, this view neglects a crucial element in Mozambique's transition to the rule of law: the reestablishment of traditional chief-tanship and customs entangled within a history of colonial violence and civil war. Drawing on extensive historical records and ethnographic fieldwork, he examines the role of customary law in Mozambique to ask a larger question: what is the place of law in the neoliberal era, in which the juridical and the economic are deeply intertwined in an ongoing state of structural adjustment? Having made the transition from a people's republic to democratic rule in the 1990s, Mozambique offers a fascinating case of postwar reconstruction, economic opening, and transitional justice, one in which the customary has played a central role. Obarrio shows how its sovereignty has met countless ambiguities within the entanglements of local community, nation-state, and international structures. Ultimately, he looks toward local rituals and relations as producing an emergent kind of citizenship in Africa, which he dubs "customary citizenship," forming not a vestige of the past but a yet ill-defined political future.
Penguin Putnam Inc Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America: Second Revised and Updated Edition
Arcturus Publishing The Ultimate Guide to Creating Comics
William Potter has written and edited a wide range of well-known comics and magazines, such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sonic the Comic, Marvel Fact Files, Marvel Chess Specials and DC Chess Collection. Juan Calle is an illustrator, concept artist, and comic book artist based in Colombia. He has worked as a concept artist for Disney and as an illustrator and character artist for a variety of publishers.
Artpower International Eco-Friendly Building Facade
In architecture, a facade is the skin of a building. Eco-Friendly Building Facade demonstrates just how important this 'skin' is by illustrating its impact on energy efficiency. Sunlight, ventilation, low energy, noise minimisation, rainwater harvest, prefabricated components, flexibility, etc., all the environmental elements are taken into consideration in the design process and are illustrated here with sufficiently detailed images, drawings and articles.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Alphanumeric Cosmology From Greek into Arabic: The Idea of Stoicheia Through the Medieval Mediterranean
Juan Acevedo embarks on a semantic journey to track the origin and adventures of the Greek term stoicheion, which for at least eighteen centuries, from Pythagoras to Fibonacci, simultaneously meant "element", "letter", and "numeral". Focusing on this triple meaning and on how it was translated and interpreted in Latin, Hebrew, and Arabic - especially in key texts of the Abrahamic faiths- a metaphysical study takes shape. With touches of alchemy and theology, it reveals how a shared fundamental alphanumeric cosmology underlay many basic paradigms of science and faith around the Mediterranean until the advent of the Indo-Arabic numerals broke the "marriage" of letter and numeral. Careful readings of Plato, Philolaos, Nicomachus and Philo, of Genesis and the Sefer Yetsira, of the Qur'ān, the Ikhwān al-Ṣafā', and Ibn 'Arabī are all woven together into a synthesis full of implications for many disciplines.
Assimil LEspagnol Book Mp3
Audio now available for download. Do you want to learn German or get back to it? In following us carefully -- and regularly you will learn the vocabulary of the language in a few months current as well as the basic rules of grammar. Very quickly, this beautiful language will sound familiar, thanks to the hundred dialogues taken from the daily life that we present to you, in this gift box, for download. The recordings include all of the texts in German lessons and exercises in book translation. They are interpreted, at a progressive rate, by professional native speakers: Living dialogues. A very studied progression. Pronunciation through audio.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Digital Signal Processing (DSP): Fundamentals, Techniques & Applications
The New Press Reclaiming Gotham
How Bill de Blasio's mayoral victory triggered a seismic shift in the nation's urban political landscapeand what it portends for our cities in the futureIn November 2013, a little-known progressive stunned the elite of New York City by capturing the mayoralty by a landslide. Bill de Blasio''s promise to end the Tale of Two Cities had struck a chord among ordinary residents still struggling to recover from the Great Recession. De Blasio''s election heralded the advent of the most progressive New York City government in generations. Not since the legendary Fiorello La Guardia in the 1930s had so many populist candidates captured government office at the same time. Gotham, in other words, had been suddenly reclaimed in the name of its people. How did this happen? De Blasio''s victory, journalist legend Juan González argues, was not just a routine change of government but a popular rebellion against corporate-friendly policies that had dominated New Yor
Artpower International Retail Design
Assimil Lespagnol livre3CD audio
This new edition of our bestseller from the collection 'Sans Peine' with 100% new content. The dialogues of this new method are alive, current, rich in useful vocabulary and perfectly illustrate the realities and evolutions of the colorful Spanish oral language and idiomatic expressions. The grammatical notes accompanying each dialogue will enable the reader to understand all the pitfalls and difficulties of the language without difficulty, and the many notes of civilization will present him with a very endearing culture. Spanish is spoken by more than 500 million people on all continents and especially the American continent in its almost complete since after Mexico, the United States is now the second country with the most Spanish speakers in the world. It ranks 2nd in the world in number of native speakers. The study of Spanish is rewarding: spelling is simple, phonetic peculiarities are quickly made, and the learner soon has the pleasure of understanding and speaking. The recording
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Peace Movements in Islam: History, Religion, and Politics
Contrary to the distorted and in many places all-too prevalent view of Islam as somehow inherently or uniquely violent, there is a dazzling array of Muslim organizations and individuals that have worked for harmony and conciliation through history. The Qur’an itself, the Muslim scripture, is full of peace verses urging returning good for evil and wishing peace upon harassers, alongside the verses on just, defensive war that have so often been misinterpreted. This groundbreaking volume fills a gaping hole in the literature on global peace movements, bringing to the fore the many peace movements and peacemakers of the Muslim world. From Senegalese Sufi orders to Bosnian women’s organizations to Indian Muslim freedom fighters who were allies of Mahatma Gandhi against British colonialism, it shows that history is replete with colorful personalities from the Muslim world who made a stand for peaceful methods.
MIT Press Ltd Right/Wrong: How Technology Transforms Our Ethics
Arcturus Publishing Ltd The Totally Gruesome Horror Colouring Book
Inspired by Lovecraftian fantasy, classic horror movies and ancient myths, this incredible collection of more than 120 terrifying images will transport you to uncharted plains of existence. Inside you will find otherworldly horrors, spliced creatures, satanic rituals, reanimated corpses, killer clowns, axe murderers and more. The original, specially created artwork is illustrated by Juan and Santiago Calle and appears on single-sided pages to prevent bleed-through.So make a selection of pens or pencils in suitably gruesome colours and have a great time making these images as horrifying as possible.
Europe Books Diario Secreto De MI Despertar
Ediciones Rm El Llano en Llamas
Ediciones Península Estambul otomano
Juan Goytisolo, con su pasión y maestría literaria características, abre en canal la sociedad del Estambul otomano, desde los sultanes hasta los jenízaros, apegada tenazmente a las tradiciones, igualitaria y móvil, y nos da a conocer las creencias, las tradiciones, las costumbres, en suma, la forma de vivir y de morir de las gentes que conformaron, desde su profundo apego a la naturaleza hasta sus rituales de tránsito, desde el hammam hasta el mazarlik, pasando por el Gran Bazar y los caravanserrallos. Asistimos, pues, a la exaltación y reivindicación de una sociedad mucho más libre de lo que se nos ha hecho creer, y sin cuya volubilidad cultural y artística sería imposible entender la literatura y artes occidentales.
Visor libros, S.L. Hecho en falta poesa reunida
Juan Bonilla (Xerez, 1966) es autor de seis libros de relatos, varias recopilaciones de trabajos periodísticos y cinco novelas, la última de las cuales, Prohibido entrar sin pantalones, protagonizado por el poeta Vladimir Maiakovski, obtuvo el Premio Bienal Vargas Llosa, a la mejor novela publicada en español en los años 2012/2013. "Se utilliza el poder corrosivo de la ironía, la parodia y el sarcasmo contra el yo hipertrófico y sacralizado del arte y la literatura modernos; si ensalza los lugares detestados por su ensimismamiento intelectual, como los estadios y los centros comerciales... ofrece algo como alterantiva? Sí, la intrascendencia de las cosas que se llevan en los bolsillos y gusta compartir: ciertos recuerdos, las incertidumbres, la poesía en la calle, el brillo de un instante." José Angel Cilleruelo (El Ciervo)
Visor libros, S.L. De atrsalante en su porfa Palabra de Honor Spanish Edition
Descripción: 21x14 cm.Encuadernacion:Tela.Colección: Colección Palabra de honor,9.
Editorial Crítica El antiguo Oriente historia sociedad y economía
Es evidente la importancia de las civilizaciones del antiguo Oriente para nuestra cultura occidental. Fue en Oriente Próximo donde se dieron las primeras innovaciones decisivas en la historia mundial y a pesar de que existen numerosas síntesis sobre la cuestión, faltaba una obra de conjunto que adoptara una metodología histórica más rigurosa, capaz de describir las formaciones económicas de Oriente Próximo a partir de la interacción entre ideología, sociedad y economía.Este libro se ha convertido ya en un clásico de la historia antigua y su autor, uno de los orientalistas más reconocidos del momento actual, ha conseguido dotar a esta disciplina, que permanecía anclada en metodologías basadas en la tradición filológica o en la simple erudición, en una disciplina viva, dinámica y rigurosa.
Linkgua El Pájaro Verde
Radames Molina Los cordobeses en Creta
Debolsillo Un dia volvere
Biblioteca Nueva Filosofia de Lo Cotidiano
Linkgua Espejo de Matsuyama
Baile del Sol SRL Nadie
Editorial Drácena La heredera y los usurpadores
Alfaqueque Ediciones Por qué no me amas
Editorial Berenice Basado en hechos reales
Basado en hechos reales es la recopilación definitiva de los cuentos escritos por Juan Bonilla hasta la fecha. La amplia selección -en la que conviven textos inéditos con los ya editados, algunos de ellos prácticamente inencontrables- ha sido realizada por el propio Bonilla, quien también ha escrito, expresamente para la ocasión, un epílogo con interesantes comentarios a cada uno de ellos.