Search results for ""Author Hubert""
Hierophant Ein magisches Tor zur Freiheit
Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd. Mother Blessed Mother: The Story of a Girl Named Agnes
Cle International Tous les jours, c'est foot!
Kommunal-u.Schul-Verlag Recht der Ratsfraktionen
The New Press Four Soldiers
Jacoby & Stuart Das Universum
Tecklenborg Verlag GmbH Himalaya Im Reich der Gtter
Innsalz, Verlag Letzte Chance
Marix Verlag Die groen Erfinder der Weltgeschichte
Österr. Jagd-/Fischerei Baum und Wildtier Heimische Bume im Portrt
Österr. Jagd-/Fischerei Birkwild Haselhuhn Schneehuhn
Uni-Med Verlag AG Urologische Fragen in der Praxis
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Urkundenbuch der Stadt Rinteln
Bachem J.P. Verlag BURDA und MÜNCHEN
TÜV Media GmbH, Köln Vom Instandhaltungs zum Assetmanagement
Tyrolia Verlagsanstalt Gm Ein Ausflug auf die Alm
Tyrolia Verlagsanstalt Gm Die Spur führt in den Hühnerstall
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Die Wiedergewinnung des Realismus
Ludwig Verlag Eine gute Zeit zu leben
C.H. Beck Die geheimen Archive des Vatikan
C.H. Beck COVID19 Rechtsfragen zur CoronaKrise
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Monetary Unions: Institutions and Policies
This textbook explains the notion of monetary union, highlighting the key concepts, procedures, and challenges involved. The book is organized in three parts. In the first part, the reader learns about monetary issues, like definitions and typology of monetary unions, rationale of monetary unions, monetary policy, monetary institutional matters. The second part is devoted to fiscal matters and the interplay between fiscal and monetary policies, such as deficits, transfers, public debt sustainability issues, fiscal policy, policy mix. The last part focuses on other distinct but related issues, necessary to complete the union: banking and fiscal unions, structural adjustments in a monetary union. It ends with a chapter on the fate of monetary unions: how they develop, mature and sometimes dissolve.The book addresses students at undergraduate and graduate level, interested in a better understanding of international macroeconomics and monetary unions, as well as policy-makers, practitioners and economists in central banks, ministries of economics, economic institutions and banks.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Participatory Governance
Can participatory governance really improve the quality of democracy? Concentrating on democracy beyond governmental structures, this Handbook argues that it is a political task to engage individuals at all levels of governance. The Handbook on Participatory Governance reveals that transforming governance arrangements does in fact enhance democracy and that the democratic quality of participatory governance is crucial. The contributors reflect on the notion of democracy and participatory governance and how they relate to each other. Case studies are presented from regional, national and international levels, to identify how governance can be turned into a participatory form. With chapters reviewing participatory governance?s role alongside power, science and employment relations, innovative ideas for future progress in participatory governance are presented.Academics and postgraduate students with an interest in governance and public policy will find this Handbook a useful guide for further and future research. Practitioners interested in improving citizen participation will also benefit from the insight into increasing participation at every level of governance.Contributors include: R. Atkinson, B. Denters, F. Fischer, B. Geißel, M. Haus, H. Heinelt, P. Heß, P.-J. Klok, N. Kortendiek, K.-O. Lindgren, S. McKay, T. Persson, T. Pogrebinschi, T. Saretzki, R. Schmalz-Bruns, W. Schroeder, S.J. Silvia, J. Steffek, J. Steiner, P. Stolzenberg, B. Wampler, M.E. Warren, K. Zimmermannis
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Early History of Railway Tunnels
To the early railway traveller, the prospect of travelling to places in hours rather than days hitherto was an inviting prospect, however a journey was not without its fears as well as excitement. To some, the prospect of travelling through a tunnel without carriage lighting, with smoke permeating the compartment and the confined noise was a horror of the new age. What might happen if we broke down or crashed into another train in the darkness? To others it was exciting, with the light from the footplate flickering against the tunnel walls or spotting the occasional glimpses of light from a ventilation shaft. To the directors of early railway companies, planning a route was governed by expense and the most direct way. Avoiding hills could add miles but tunnelling through them could involve vast expense as the Great Western Railway found at Box and the London and Birmingham at Kilsby. Creating a cutting as an alternative was also costly not only in labour and time, but also in compens
O'Reilly Media Streaming Databases
North Star Editions Biggest Names in Sports: Gerrit Cole: Baseball Star
This exciting book introduces readers to the life and career of baseball star Gerrit Cole. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
North Star Editions Extreme Sports: Snowmobiling
North Star Editions World's Fastest Cars
North Star Editions World's Fastest Spacecraft
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe PBS Illustrated Guide to Aerodynamics 2/E
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The principles of flight made easy to understand, even fascinating, to pilots and techniciansMost pilots and flight students wince at the mention of the term "aerodynamics" because most courses and books dealing with the subject do so using complicated scientific theory and intricate mathematical formulas. And yet, an understanding of aerodynamics is essential to the people who operate and maintain airplanes. This unique introductory guide, which sold more than 20,000 copies in its first edition, proves that the principles of flight can be easy to understand, even fascinating, to pilots and technicians who want to know how and why an aircraft behaves as it does. Avoiding technical jargon and complex calculations, Hubert "Skip" Smith demonstrates how aerodynamic factors affect all aircraft in terms of lift, thrust, drag, in-air performance, stability, and control.Readers also get an inside look at how modern aircraft are designed-including all the steps in the design process, from concept to test flight and the reasoning behind them. This edition features expanded coverage of aircraft turning and accelerated climb performance, takeoff velocities, load and velocity-load-factors, area rules, and hypersonic flight, as well as the latest advances in laminar flow airfoils, wing and fuselage design, and high-performance lightplanes. Question and answer sections are added for classroom use.
University of Minnesota Press Education Of A Public Man: My Life and Politics
Oxford University Press The Nuns of Sant' Ambrogio: The True Story of a Convent in Scandal
Discovered in a secret Vatican archive, this is the true, never-before-told story of poison, murder, and lesbian initiation rites in a nineteenth century convent. In 1858, Katherina von Hohenzollern, a German princess recently inducted into the convent of Sant'Ambrogio in Rome, wrote a frantic letter to her cousin, a confidant of the Pope, claiming that she was being abused and feared for her life. The subsequent investigation by the Church's Inquisition uncovered the extraordinary secrets of Sant'Ambrogio and the illicit behavior of the convent's beautiful young mistress, Maria Luissa. What emerges through the fog of centuries is a sex scandal of ecclesiastical proportions, skillfully brought to light and vividly reconstructed in scholarly detail by one of the world's leading papal historians. Offering a broad historical background on female mystics and the cult of the Virgin Mary, and drawing upon written testimony and original documents, Hubert Wolf tells an incredible story of deception, heresy, seduction, and murder in the heart of the Catholic Church.
North Star Editions Biggest Names in Sports: LeBron James: Basketball Star
This exciting book introduces readers to the life and career of basketball star LeBron James. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
Picus Verlag GmbH Lesereise Wien
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Material Aspects of Building and Craft Traditions: Spatial Programme - Building Material - Natural Environment. a Himalayan Case Study
de Gruyter Microscopic Theory of Crystal Growth
Editions Heimdal Bataille Pour La Pointe Du Hoc
Éclairé par les récentes découvertes, cet ouvrage propose enfin un récit précis, détaillé et dynamique, adapté aussi bien aux néophytes qu’aux passionnés, de la spectaculaire bataille menée par les Rangers et les forces de la Wehrmacht sur la Pointe du Hoc. La prise de la Pointe du Hoc, le 6 juin 1944, constitue l’un des événements les plus spectaculaires du Jour J. Deux cent vingt-cinq soldats américains, surentrainés, se voient confier « la plus dure des missions », selon les mots du General Bradley : escalader des falaises de plus de trente mètres de haut, prendre d’assaut une position allemande hautement défendue et y détruire six canons susceptibles de déverser un feu dévastateur sur les plages d’Utah et Omaha Beach. Voici le récit complet de cet événement. Nous commençons par les lointaines origines des Rangers au tout début du dix-septième siècle et les premiers colons d’Amérique. Après la mise en place de cette élite de soldats en 1942, on y découvre leur long et douloureux entraînement aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni ainsi que les premiers combats sur Dieppe, en Afrique du Nord, en Sicile et en Italie. Puis vient le débarquement du 6 juin 1944. Un détaillé très minutieux des bombardements sur la Pointe du Hoc nous permet de saisir toute la puissance des destructions que subit le point d’appui en vue de l’assaut. Le récit complet de l’incroyable traversée en mer des Rangers jusqu’aux plages de Normandie nous plonge ensuite rapidement au coeur d’Overlord. Puis, il laisse place aux violents combats jusqu’au 8 juin, sur la Pointe du Hoc, mais aussi tous les affrontements sur Omaha Beach. De nombreux témoignages poignants, de soldats mais aussi de civils normands, permettent de rentrer dans l’âme de la bataille. Après la prise de la Pointe du Hoc, nous est révélé l’avenir des Rangers en Europe et le destin très singulier de certains d’entre-eux après la guerre. Plus de deux cent soixante-dix photographies, dont de nombreuses inédites et en haute définition, ainsi que des cartes intuitives, permettent de se repérer sur les champs de bataille. Un détaillé des bombardiers, des péniches et du matériel innombrable utilisé pour les combats offre, en plus, un éclairage passionnant pour se plonger dans l’événement et répondre de manière poussée à de nombreuses questions.
Les Belles Lettres Le Cens de l'Etat: Comprendre La Crise Du Politique Par La Modernite Fiscale
Krenn, Hubert Verlag Austrias Imperial Cuisine
Sutton Verlag GmbH Gelsenkirchen. 55 Highlights aus der Geschichte
Regionalkultur Verlag Gmb Kleiner Sprachatlas von BadenWrttemberg
Hamburger Edition Militärische Missionen
Don Bosco Medien GmbH Biografiearbeit als Schatzsuche Grundlagen und Methoden Fr Erwachsenenbildung und Beratung