Search results for ""Author Hubert""
Reichl, O. Das gesunde Haus Unser naher Umweltschutz
Österr. Jagd-/Fischerei Murmeltiere Mankei Murmandl Munggen
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Jan Faktor trifft Wilhelm Raabe
Bod Third Party Titles Echinodermen Stachelhuter 1 Band
Link, Carl Verlag Vom Unterrichts zum Schulmanager
Herder Verlag GmbH Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Lehrbuch der traditionellen ThaiMassagetherapie GrundlagenTechnikenKrankheitsbilder
C.H. Beck Albert Einstein
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Fundamente der Mathematik 5. Schuljahr Thüringen Schülerbuch
ARAVAIPA-Verlag Sommersprossen auf dem Asphalt
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Local Enterprises in the Global Economy: Issues of Governance and Upgrading
This book opens a fresh chapter in the debate on local enterprise clusters and their strategies for upgrading in the global economy. The authors employ a novel conceptual framework in their research on industrial clusters in Europe, Latin America and Asia and provide new perspectives and insights for researchers and policymakers alike.The debate on local upgrading capacity is torn between two lines of thinking: those who believe that local relationships between enterprises and institutions are key to upgrading, and those who argue that the spaces for upgrading are defined by the sourcing strategies of global buyers. From this debate a number of important questions arise: how feasible is it to develop local upgrading strategies? Can local policy networks make a difference, or do global forces undermine them? Do global quality and labour standards marginalise developing country producers or do they help them to upgrade? To answer these questions, the book brings together theoretical and empirical research on local and regional clusters, global value chains and global standards, using case studies from developed and developing countries. The authors provide a new understanding of how global and local governance interact, highlighting power and inequality in global chains but also identifying scope for local action.By showing how and why insertion in global value chains can accelerate or inhibit local upgrading, this book represents a significant contribution to the academic and political debate on globalization. It will be essential reading for all students, academics and researchers interested in global political economy, global and local governance structures, economic geography and innovation studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Local Enterprises in the Global Economy: Issues of Governance and Upgrading
This book opens a fresh chapter in the debate on local enterprise clusters and their strategies for upgrading in the global economy. The authors employ a novel conceptual framework in their research on industrial clusters in Europe, Latin America and Asia and provide new perspectives and insights for researchers and policymakers alike.The debate on local upgrading capacity is torn between two lines of thinking: those who believe that local relationships between enterprises and institutions are key to upgrading, and those who argue that the spaces for upgrading are defined by the sourcing strategies of global buyers. From this debate a number of important questions arise: how feasible is it to develop local upgrading strategies? Can local policy networks make a difference, or do global forces undermine them? Do global quality and labour standards marginalise developing country producers or do they help them to upgrade? To answer these questions, the book brings together theoretical and empirical research on local and regional clusters, global value chains and global standards, using case studies from developed and developing countries. The authors provide a new understanding of how global and local governance interact, highlighting power and inequality in global chains but also identifying scope for local action.By showing how and why insertion in global value chains can accelerate or inhibit local upgrading, this book represents a significant contribution to the academic and political debate on globalization. It will be essential reading for all students, academics and researchers interested in global political economy, global and local governance structures, economic geography and innovation studies.
Penguin Putnam Inc Yogurt Every Day: Healthy and Delicious Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Dessert
North Star Editions Biggest Names in Sports: Gerrit Cole: Baseball Star
This exciting book introduces readers to the life and career of baseball star Gerrit Cole. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
North Star Editions Biggest Names in Sports: Stephen Curry: Basketball Star
This exciting book introduces readers to the life and career of basketball star Stephen Curry. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
North Star Editions Biggest Names in Sports: Ja Morant: Basketball Star
This exciting book introduces readers to the life and career of basketball star Ja Morant. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
North Star Editions Biggest Names in Sports: Ronald Acuna Jnr: Baseball Star
This exciting book introduces readers to the life and career of baseball star Ronald Acuña Jr. Colorful spreads, fun facts, interesting sidebars, and a map of important places in his life make this a thrilling read for young sports fans.
North Star Editions World's Fastest Motorcycles
Liverpool University Press Supreme Doctrine: Psychological Studies in Zen Thought; 2nd edition
Astiberri Ediciones Belleza
Cuando la joven Hedionda, conocida en todo el pueblo por su fealdad, es transformada por un hada en una mujer bellísima, la vida empieza a sonreírle, embelesa a todos y obtiene todo lo que quiere. Sube los escalones sociales hasta volverse reina, desencadena pasiones y provoca guerras allá por donde va, y poco a poco va descubriendo que su nueva apariencia es en realidad una maldición... Una fábula venenosa y cruel, donde la estética de Kerascoët mezcla con sutileza art nouveau y estampas japonesas.
Reprodukt In der Haut eines Mannes
Reprodukt FruleinRhrMichNichtAn Gesamtausgabe
Picus Verlag GmbH Lesereise Wien
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Material Aspects of Building and Craft Traditions: Spatial Programme - Building Material - Natural Environment. a Himalayan Case Study
de Gruyter Microscopic Theory of Crystal Growth
Editions Heimdal Bataille Pour La Pointe Du Hoc
Éclairé par les récentes découvertes, cet ouvrage propose enfin un récit précis, détaillé et dynamique, adapté aussi bien aux néophytes qu’aux passionnés, de la spectaculaire bataille menée par les Rangers et les forces de la Wehrmacht sur la Pointe du Hoc. La prise de la Pointe du Hoc, le 6 juin 1944, constitue l’un des événements les plus spectaculaires du Jour J. Deux cent vingt-cinq soldats américains, surentrainés, se voient confier « la plus dure des missions », selon les mots du General Bradley : escalader des falaises de plus de trente mètres de haut, prendre d’assaut une position allemande hautement défendue et y détruire six canons susceptibles de déverser un feu dévastateur sur les plages d’Utah et Omaha Beach. Voici le récit complet de cet événement. Nous commençons par les lointaines origines des Rangers au tout début du dix-septième siècle et les premiers colons d’Amérique. Après la mise en place de cette élite de soldats en 1942, on y découvre leur long et douloureux entraînement aux États-Unis et au Royaume-Uni ainsi que les premiers combats sur Dieppe, en Afrique du Nord, en Sicile et en Italie. Puis vient le débarquement du 6 juin 1944. Un détaillé très minutieux des bombardements sur la Pointe du Hoc nous permet de saisir toute la puissance des destructions que subit le point d’appui en vue de l’assaut. Le récit complet de l’incroyable traversée en mer des Rangers jusqu’aux plages de Normandie nous plonge ensuite rapidement au coeur d’Overlord. Puis, il laisse place aux violents combats jusqu’au 8 juin, sur la Pointe du Hoc, mais aussi tous les affrontements sur Omaha Beach. De nombreux témoignages poignants, de soldats mais aussi de civils normands, permettent de rentrer dans l’âme de la bataille. Après la prise de la Pointe du Hoc, nous est révélé l’avenir des Rangers en Europe et le destin très singulier de certains d’entre-eux après la guerre. Plus de deux cent soixante-dix photographies, dont de nombreuses inédites et en haute définition, ainsi que des cartes intuitives, permettent de se repérer sur les champs de bataille. Un détaillé des bombardiers, des péniches et du matériel innombrable utilisé pour les combats offre, en plus, un éclairage passionnant pour se plonger dans l’événement et répondre de manière poussée à de nombreuses questions.
Les Belles Lettres Le Cens de l'Etat: Comprendre La Crise Du Politique Par La Modernite Fiscale
Sutton Verlag GmbH Gelsenkirchen. 55 Highlights aus der Geschichte
Regionalkultur Verlag Gmb Kleiner Sprachatlas von BadenWrttemberg
Hamburger Edition Militärische Missionen
Don Bosco Medien GmbH Biografiearbeit als Schatzsuche Grundlagen und Methoden Fr Erwachsenenbildung und Beratung
Tyrolia Verlagsanstalt Gm Ein Brief fr die Welt Die Enzyklika Laudato si von Papst Franziskus fr Kinder erklrt
Leykam Wandertouren Steiermark Nord
FISCHER Taschenbuch Der Platz der Gehenkten
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Cicero Zum Kennenlernen: Clara. Kurze Lateinische Texte
Heyne Taschenbuch Der schmale Grat
Verlag Herder Gott Glauben - Judisch, Muslimisch, Christlich
Goldmann TB Flüchtig
Haus Publishing Salzburg: City of Culture
As the seat of prince-bishops it found wealth and power, as the birthplace of Mozart it found fame, and as a festival city it found its purpose and destiny. But can today’s Salzburg really be described by anything more than music and majestic baroque architecture? Hubert Nowak, who lived and worked in Salzburg for many years, sets out to find the lesser-known side of the city. Leaving the festival district, he plunges into the atmospheric old quarter and places known only to natives – and often not even to them. Through the stories of those who visited the city over the centuries, he gives the reader a fresh perspective and gives the old city new life. Salzburg: A City of Culture is essential reading for anyone interested in visiting the city.
Salammbo Press The Universe Explained To My Grandchildren
European Interuniversity Press Banque Et Bourgeoisies: La Société Bordelaise de CIC (1880-2005)
Shoestring Press Hello Dear
Shoestring Press Whistling Back