Search results for ""Author Brückner"
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Wilhelm Furtwängler: Art and the Politics of the Unpolitical
A pathbreaking, new intellectual biography of the composer and conductor Wilhelm Furtwängler. Wilhelm Furtwängler (1886-1954) has entered the historical memory as a renowned interpreter of the canon of Austro-German musical masterworks. His extensive legacy of recorded performances of Beethoven, Brahms, Bruckner and Wagneris widely regarded as unsurpassed. Yet more than sixty years after his death he remains a controversial figure: the complexities and equivocacy of his high-profile position within the Third Reich still cast a long shadow over hisreputation. This book builds an intellectual biography of Furtwängler, probing this ambiguity, through a critical examination of his extensive series of essays, addresses and symphonies. It traces the development of his thought from its foundations in late nineteenth-century traditions of Bildung and associated discourses of conservative-minded nationalism, through the turbulent years of the Weimar Republic and the cultural and moral dilemmasof the Nazi period, to the post-World War II years of Bundesrepublik reconstruction, in which the beleaguered idealist found himself adrift in an alien cultural environment overshadowed by the unfolding narrative of the Nazi holocaust. The book will be of interest not only to music scholars but to cultural and intellectual historians as well. ROGER ALLEN is a Fellow of St Peter's College, Oxford and author of Richard Wagner's Beethoven (1870): A New Translation (Boydell Press, 2014)
Boydell & Brewer Ltd August Halm: A Critical and Creative Life in Music
The first detailed study of a prolific and influential early twentieth-century composer, critic, educator-a true sage of music. In the early 1900s, August Halm was widely acknowledged to be one of the most insightful and influential authors of his day on a wide range of musical topics. Yet, in the eighty years since his untimely death at age 59 (in 1929),Halm -- the author of six widely read books and over 100 essays -- has received much less attention than such contemporaries as Hugo Riemann, Heinrich Schenker, Ernst Kurth, and Arnold Schoenberg. Lee Rothfarb's engaging and deeply researched study provides the missing images that comprise the multifaceted life of this astute musical sage. August Halm: A Critical and Creative Life in Music begins by setting the cultural stage and examining Halm's life with rich details from unpublished personal letters, diaries, notebooks, and lecture notes. Further chapters explore Halm's notion of musical logic and his proposal that the evolution of compositional technique had, by hisday, culminated in three successive musical "cultures" epitomized in Bach (fugue), Beethoven (sonata), and Bruckner (symphony). Another chapter examines, for the first time anywhere, Halm's own compositions, their motivating aesthetic premises, and their connection with late twentieth-century postmodernism. The volume closes with an assessment of Halm's significance for present-day music theory, including its branches that deal with narrativity, plot theory, embodiment, and semiotics. Halm's subject matter and creative activities ranged widely, and he aimed at maintaining a style that would be accessible and intriguing to music amateurs and music educators at all levels. LeeRothfarb's book -- written in the same spirit -- will interest not only music theorists and musicologists but also composers and classroom and private music teachers. Lee Rothfarb is Professor of Music at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His previous publications include Ernst Kurth as Theorist and Analyst and Ernst Kurth: Selected Writings.
Temple Lodge Publishing The Essence of Tonality / The Parsifal Christ-Experience: An Attempt to View Musical Subjects in the Light of Spiritual Science
The unique scholarship and artistic sensitivity of Prof. Dr Hermann Beckh (1875–1937) is in the process of being rediscovered. The great linguist, Orientalist and Christian priest – an active music-lover who also composed – penned pioneer works on our musical system that are respected by musicians and musicologists. This volume brings together two revised versions of his best-loved books. The Essence of Tonality is written ‘…for musicians and music-lovers who, because of their particular musicality experience something spiritual – and for spiritual seekers and sensitive people who, because of their particular spirituality, have experienced a connection with music.’ Beckh believed a spiritual view of tonality would ensure music’s, and humanity’s, future. The author elucidates the correspondence of the circle of fifths (the keys) to the zodiac. Research should be directed towards the twelve vital, spiritual key-centres, as expressing the cosmic rhythms in which we all live, rather than the abstract twelve chromatic notes of atonality. In The Parsifal Christ-Experience, Beckh’s original insights throw new and powerful light on the search for meaning in our age, for a knowledge of the heart. In the poetic libretto and remarkable music of his final creation, Wagner – acknowledged by Bruckner as ‘the Master’ – presents the Grail legend and its imagery. The psychological drama and its ultimate solution provide insights to anyone who is prepared to reflect on inner experience. Through Beckh’s references to Wagner’s own letters, as well as a remarkable letter from Nietzsche, the reader gains knowledge of the true nature of Wagner and his work.
Acantilado El vértigo de Babel cosmopolitismo y globalización
A pesar del tiempo transcurrido desde su redacción, este finísimo ensayo de PascalBruckner sobre los extravíos del cosmopolitismo? la globalización?sigue siendode una increíble actualidad: Un combate titánico enfrenta a dos posturas, tanalérgicas la una a la otra como el capitalismo al comunismo: la postura nacionalistay xenófoba, aferrada a su patrimonio, y la postura cosmopolita, ávida de losotros y de cambiar la estrechez nacional por un ropaje más amplio. Para superarla estéril confrontación de posiciones, el filósofo intenta pensar en el espacio de uncosmopolitismo no adocenado, en el que la diferencia entre las culturas no impida larelación, ni ésta anule las diferencias.
The University of North Carolina Press The Social Life of Maps in America, 1750-1860
In the age of MapQuest and GPS, we take cartographic literacy for granted. We should not; the ability to find meaning in maps is the fruit of a long process of exposure and instruction. A ""carto-coded"" America - a nation in which maps are pervasive and meaningful - had to be created. The Social Life of Maps tracks American cartography's spectacular rise to its unprecedented cultural influence. Between 1750 and 1860, maps did more than communicate geographic information and political pretensions. They became affordable and intelligible to ordinary American men and women looking for their place in the world. School maps quickly entered classrooms, where they shaped reading and other cognitive exercises; giant maps drew attention in public spaces; miniature maps helped Americans chart personal experiences. In short, maps were uniquely social objects whose visual and material expressions affected commercial practices and graphic arts, theatrical performances and the communication of emotions. This lavishly illustrated study follows popular maps from their points of creation to shops and galleries, schoolrooms and coat pockets, parlors and bookbindings. Between the decades leading up to the Revolutionary War and the Civil War, early Americans bonded with maps; Martin Bruckner's comprehensive history of quotidian cartographic encounters is the first to show us how.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Hans Richter
Christopher Fifield's remarkable study explores the personality, life and work of a conductor who influenced and inspired the leading composers, singers and instrumentalists of his day. The Austro-Hungarian Hans Richter (1843-1916) was the first career-conductor to gain international fame. His first appointment was to Budapest, and he went on to dominate music-making in Vienna, Bayreuth, London, Manchester (withthe Hallé Orchestra) and other towns and cities in Britain and Europe between 1865 and 1912. Richter gave first performances of works by Wagner, Brahms, Elgar, Bruckner, Tchaikovsky, Stanford and Parry and helped to further the careers of Dvorák, Sibelius, Bartók and Glazunov. Christopher Fifield's remarkable study explores the personality, life and work of a conductor who influenced and inspired the leading composers, singers and instrumentalists of his day. Originally published in 1993, this revised and expanded edition contains extensive new material in the form of Richter's conducting books. Translated and reproduced in full, they detail every one of the 4,351 public performances Richter gave in a professional life spanning 47 years. Drawing on Richter's own diaries, the book also presents his correspondence with many contemporary composers (Wagner in particular) and performers. Fifield's biography of this seminal figure provides a revealing insight into British and European music and concert life during the long nineteenth century. CHRISTOPHER FIFIELD is a conductor, music historian, lecturer and broadcaster.He is the editor and author of the Letters and Diaries of Kathleen Ferrier and Max Bruch: His Life and Works, both published in new editions by The Boydell Press. He has also written Ibbs & Tillett - The rise andfall of a Musical Empire and The German Symphony between Beethoven and Brahms.
University of Texas Press Feminism, Film, Fascism: Women's Auto/biographical Film in Postwar Germany
German society's inability and/or refusal to come to terms with its Nazi past has been analyzed in many cultural works, including the well-known books Society without the Father and The Inability to Mourn. In this pathfinding study, Susan Linville challenges the accepted wisdom of these books by focusing on a cultural realm in which mourning for the Nazi past and opposing the patriarchal and authoritarian nature of postwar German culture are central concerns—namely, women's feminist auto/biographical films of the 1970s and 1980s. After a broad survey of feminist theory, Linville analyzes five important films that reflect back on the Third Reich through the experiences of women of different ages—Marianne Rosenbaum's Peppermint Peace, Helma Sanders-Brahms's Germany, Pale Mother, Jutta Brückner's Hunger Years, Margarethe von Trotta's Marianne and Juliane, and Jeanine Meerapfel's Malou. By juxtaposing these films with the accepted theories on German culture, Linville offers a fresh appraisal not only of the films' importance but especially of their challenge to misogynist interpretations of the German failure to grieve for the horrors of its Nazi past.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the United States: A Handbook
Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the United States is a comprehensive Handbook, providing a detailed, step-by-step examination of the private enforcement process, as illuminated by many of the country's leading practitioners, experts, and scholars. Written primarily from the viewpoint of the complainant, the Handbook goes well beyond a detailed cataloguing of the substantive and procedural considerations associated with individual and class action antitrust lawsuits by private individuals and businesses. It is a collection of thoughtful essays that delves deeply into practical and strategic considerations attending the decision-making of private practitioners. This eminently readable and authoritative Handbook will prove to be an invaluable resource for anyone associated with the antitrust enterprise, including both inexperienced and seasoned practitioners, law professors and students, testifying and consulting economists, and government officials involved in overlapping public/private actions and remedies. Contributors: W.K. Arends, A.C. Briggs, W.J. Bruckner, P.B. Clayton, C.C. Corbitt, E.L. Cramer, M.B. Eisenkraft, A.A. Foer, A.J. Gaughan, P. Gilbert, J. Goldberg, D.E. Gustafson, M.D. Hausfeld, K. Kinsella, R.H. Lande, J. Langenfeld, S. Martin, K.J.L. O'Connor, H.L. Renfro, J.D. Richards, V. Romanenko, J.L. Rubin, M.R. Salzwedel, A.E. Shafroth, D.C. Simons, S.P. Slaughter, R.M. Stutz, B.E. Sweeney, J. Tabacco, M.J. Waters, S. Wheatman, K.C. Wildfang, G.G. Wrobel, J.A. Zahid
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Music at the Limits
_______________ ‘Edward Said had a lifelong passion for music, and possessed the rare ability to write about it for the general reader with a lucid and penetrating intelligence' - TLS ‘There are few whose command of words is sufficient not only to illuminate music, but to help music illuminate the world of those who make and listen to it. Said was one' - Daily Telegraph 'The sheer eloquence of Said's writings reminds us that with his untimely death we have lost one of our most distinguished music critics.' - Maynard Solomon, The Julliard School _______________ WITH A FOREWORD BY DANIEL BARENBOIM Music at the Limits brings together three decades of Edward W. Said's essays and articles on music. Addressing the work of a wide variety of composers and performers, Said analyses music's social and political contexts, and provides rich and often surprising assessments. He reflects on the censorship of Wagner in Israel; the relationship between music and feminism; and the works of Beethoven, Bruckner, Rossini, Schumann, Stravinsky and others. Always eloquent and often surprising, Music at the Limits reinforces Said's reputation as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century. _______________ ‘This fine collection by one of the most perceptive music critics of the last half-century is highly recommended' - Library Journal
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Has Marriage for Love Failed?
Today we like to think that marriage is a free choice based on love: that we freely choose whom to marry and that we do so, not so much for survival or social advantage, but for love. The invention of marriage for love inverted the old relationship between love and marriage. In the past, marriage was sacred, and love, if it existed at all, was a consequence of marriage; today, love is sacred and marriage is secondary. But now marriage appears to be becoming increasingly superfluous. For the past forty years or so, the number of weddings has been declining, the number of divorces exploding and the number of unmarried individuals and couples growing, while single-parent families are becoming more numerous. Love has triumphed over marriage but now it is destroying it from inside. So has the ideal of marriage for love failed, and has love finally been liberated from the shackles of marriage? In this brilliant and provocative book Pascal Bruckner argues that the old tension between love and marriage has not been resolved in favour of love, it has simply been displaced onto other levels. Even if it seems more straightforward, the contemporary landscape of love is far from euphoric: as in the past, infidelity, loss and betrayal are central to the plots of modern love, and the disenchantment is all the greater because marriages are voluntary and not imposed. But the collapse of the ideal of marriage for love is not necessarily a cause for remorse, because it demonstrates that love retains its subversive power. Love is not a glue to be put in the service of the institution of marriage: it is an explosive that blows up in our faces, dynamite pure and simple.
University of Notre Dame Press Cultural Narratives: Textuality and Performance in American Culture before 1900
This collection of original essays examines debates on how written, printed, visual, and performed works produced meaning in American culture before 1900. The contributors argue that America has been a multimedia culture since the eighteenth century. According to Sandra M. Gustafson, the verbal arts before 1900 manifest a strikingly rich pattern of development and change. From the wide variety of indigenous traditions, through the initial productions of settler communities, to the elaborations of colonial, postcolonial, and national expressive forms, the shifting dynamics of performed, manuscript-based, and printed verbal art capture critical elements of rapidly changing societies. The contributors address performances of religion and government, race and gender, poetry, theater, and song. Their studies are based on texts—intended for reading silently or out loud—maps, recovered speech, and pictorial sources. As these essays demonstrate, media, even when they appear to be fixed, reflected a dynamic American experience. Contributors: Caroline F. Sloat, Matthew P. Brown, David S. Shields, Martin Brückner, Jeffrey H. Richards, Phillip H. Round, Hilary E. Wyss, Angela Vietto, Katherine Wilson, Joan Newlon Radner, Ingrid Satelmajer, Joycelyn Moody, Philip F. Gura, Coleman Hutchison, Oz Frankel, Susan S. Williams, Laura Burd Schiavo, and Sandra M. Gustafson
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the United States: A Handbook
Private Enforcement of Antitrust Law in the United States is a comprehensive Handbook, providing a detailed, step-by-step examination of the private enforcement process, as illuminated by many of the country's leading practitioners, experts, and scholars. Written primarily from the viewpoint of the complainant, the Handbook goes well beyond a detailed cataloguing of the substantive and procedural considerations associated with individual and class action antitrust lawsuits by private individuals and businesses. It is a collection of thoughtful essays that delves deeply into practical and strategic considerations attending the decision-making of private practitioners. This eminently readable and authoritative Handbook will prove to be an invaluable resource for anyone associated with the antitrust enterprise, including both inexperienced and seasoned practitioners, law professors and students, testifying and consulting economists, and government officials involved in overlapping public/private actions and remedies. Contributors: W.K. Arends, A.C. Briggs, W.J. Bruckner, P.B. Clayton, C.C. Corbitt, E.L. Cramer, M.B. Eisenkraft, A.A. Foer, A.J. Gaughan, P. Gilbert, J. Goldberg, D.E. Gustafson, M.D. Hausfeld, K. Kinsella, R.H. Lande, J. Langenfeld, S. Martin, K.J.L. O'Connor, H.L. Renfro, J.D. Richards, V. Romanenko, J.L. Rubin, M.R. Salzwedel, A.E. Shafroth, D.C. Simons, S.P. Slaughter, R.M. Stutz, B.E. Sweeney, J. Tabacco, M.J. Waters, S. Wheatman, K.C. Wildfang, G.G. Wrobel, J.A. Zahid
University of Notre Dame Press Cultural Narratives: Textuality and Performance in American Culture before 1900
This collection of original essays examines debates on how written, printed, visual, and performed works produced meaning in American culture before 1900. The contributors argue that America has been a multimedia culture since the eighteenth century. According to Sandra M. Gustafson, the verbal arts before 1900 manifest a strikingly rich pattern of development and change. From the wide variety of indigenous traditions, through the initial productions of settler communities, to the elaborations of colonial, postcolonial, and national expressive forms, the shifting dynamics of performed, manuscript-based, and printed verbal art capture critical elements of rapidly changing societies. The contributors address performances of religion and government, race and gender, poetry, theater, and song. Their studies are based on texts—intended for reading silently or out loud—maps, recovered speech, and pictorial sources. As these essays demonstrate, media, even when they appear to be fixed, reflected a dynamic American experience. Contributors: Caroline F. Sloat, Matthew P. Brown, David S. Shields, Martin Brückner, Jeffrey H. Richards, Phillip H. Round, Hilary E. Wyss, Angela Vietto, Katherine Wilson, Joan Newlon Radner, Ingrid Satelmajer, Joycelyn Moody, Philip F. Gura, Coleman Hutchison, Oz Frankel, Susan S. Williams, Laura Burd Schiavo, and Sandra M. Gustafson
University of Pennsylvania Press Turns of Event: Nineteenth-Century American Literary Studies in Motion
American literary studies has undergone a series of field redefinitions over the past two decades that have been consistently described as "turns," whether transnational, hemispheric, postnational, spatial, temporal, postsecular, aesthetic, or affective. In Turns of Event, Hester Blum and a splendid roster of contributors explore the conditions that have produced such movements. Offering an overview of the state of the study of nineteenth-century American literature, Blum contends that the field's propensity to turn, to reinvent itself constantly without dissolution, is one of its greatest strengths. The essays in the volume's first half, "Provocations," trace the theoretical and methodological development and institutional emergence of certain turns, as well as providing calls to arms. The geopolitically oriented turns toward the transnational, hemispheric, and oceanic (whether Atlantic, Caribbean, Pacific, or archipelagic in focus) have held a certain prevalence in American studies in recent years, and the second half of this volume presents a series of scholarly essays that exemplify these subfields. Taken together, these essays survey the field of American literary studies as it moves beyond new historicism as its primary methodology and evolves in light of ideological, conceptual, and material considerations. There is much at stake in these movements: the consequences and opportunities range from citational and evidentiary practices to canon expansion, resource allocation, and institutional futurity. Contributors: Monique Allewaert, Ralph Bauer, Hester Blum, Martin Brückner, Michelle Burnham, Christopher Castiglia, Sean X. Goudie, Meredith L. McGill, Geoffrey Sanborn.
Liberties Journal Foundation Liberties Journal of Culture and Politics: Volume II, Issue 4
“A Meteor of Intelligent Substance”“Something was Missing in our Culture, and Here It Is”"Liberties is THE place to be.” Liberties, a journal of Culture and Politics, is essential reading for those engaged in the cultural and political issues and causes of our time.Liberties features serious, independent, stylish, and controversial essays by significant writers throughout the world; new poetry; and, introduces the next generation of writers and voices to inspire and impact the intellectual and creative lifeblood of today’s culture and politics.In this edition of Liberties: Oksana Forostyna’s A Diary from Lviv; Robert Kagan argues All Wars are Wars of Choice; Justin E. H. Smith grapples with The Gamification of Reality; James Wolcott questions The Poetry of Rock; Pascal Bruckner sees The Oblomovization of the West; William Deresiewicz on higher education’s Schools for Souls; Jaroslaw Anders writes An Open Letter to an Enemy in My Native Land; Elliot Ackerman reveals The Politicization of the American Military; Jonathan Baskin on Sheila Heti and the Fight for Art; A Conversation About Modern History between Isaiah Berlin and Adam Michnik; David Thomson goes back to Chinatown with Roman Polanski and John Huston; Helen Vendler reads John Donne for How to Talk to God; Celeste Marcus on Why Women Mortify Themselves; Leon Wieseltier on Ukraine and Us; and, poetry from Valzhyna Mort, Daryna Gladun, Lesyk Panasiuk, Uri Tzvi Greenberg, Henri Cole, Claire Malroux, La Fontaine, and Devin Johnston.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Celestial Music?: Some Masterpieces of European Religious Music
Articles on masterpieces of European religious music, from the middle ages to Stravinsky and Tavener. The late Wilfrid Mellers, who occupies a special place among music critics, described himself as a non-believer; but his preference for music that "displays a sense of the numinous" (in his words) will strike a chord with many wholisten to religious music nowadays, and who share his view that music that confronts first and last things is likely to offer more than music that evades them. The essays form five groups, which together offer a survey of religious music from around the first millennium to the beginning of the second, in the context of the difficult issues of what religious music is, and, for good measure, what is religion? The parts are: The Ages of Christian Faith; The Re-birth of a Re-birth: From Renaissance to High Baroque; From Enlightenment to Doubt; From "the Death of God" to "the Unanswered Question"; and The Ancient Law and the Modern Mind. Musical discussion, with copious examples, is conducted throughout the book in a context that is also religious - and indeed philosophical, social, and political, with the open-endedness that such an approach demands in the presentation of ideas aboutmusic's most fundamental nature and purposes. COMPOSERS: Hildegard of Bingen; Perotin; Machaut; Dunstable, Dufay; William Corniyshes father and son; Tallis; Byrd; Monteverdi; Schutz; J.S. Bach; Couperin; Handel; Haydn;Mozart; Beethoven; Schubert; Bruckner; Berlioz, Faure; Verdi, Brahms; Elgar, Delius; Holst, Vaughan Williams, Howells; Britten; Janacek; Messiaen, Poulenc; Rachmaninov; Stravinsky; Part, Tavener, Gorecki, Macmillan, Finnissy; Copland.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Founding Feminisms in Medieval Studies: Essays in Honor of E. Jane Burns
Essays using feminist approaches to offer fresh insights into aspects of the texts and the material culture of the middle ages. Feminist discourses have called into question axiomatic world views and shown how gender and sexuality inevitably shape our perceptions, both historically and in the present moment. Founding Feminisms in Medieval Studies advances that critical endeavour with new questions and insights relating to gender and queer studies, sexualities, the subaltern, margins, and blurred boundaries. The volume's contributions, from French literary studies as well as German, English, history and art history, evince a variety of modes of feminist analysis, primarily in medieval studies but with extensions into early modernism. Several interrogate the ethics of feminist hermeneutics, the function of women characters in various literary genres, and so-called "natural" binaries - sex/gender, male/female, East/West, etc. - that undergird our vision of the world. Others investigate learned women and notions of female readership, authorship, and patronage in the production and reception of texts and manuscripts. Still others look at bodies - male male, female, neither, and both - and how clothes cover and socially encode them. Founding Feminisms in Medieval Studies is a tribute to E. Jane Burns, whose important work has proven foundational to late twentieth- and early twenty-first-century Old French feminist studies. Through her scholarship, teaching, and leadership in co-founding the Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship, Burns has inspired a new generation of feminist scholars. Laine E. Doggett is Associate Professor of French at St. Mary's College of Maryland, St. Mary's City; Daniel E. O'Sullivan is Professor of French at the University of Mississippi. Contributors: Cynthia J. Brown, Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner, Kristin L. Burr, Madeline H. Caviness, Laine E. Doggett, Sarah-Grace Heller,Ruth Mazo Karras, Roberta L. Krueger, Sharon Kinoshita, Tom Linkinen, Daniel E. O'Sullivan, Lisa Perfetti, Ann Marie Rasmussen, Nancy Freeman Regalado, Elizabeth Robertson, Helen Solterer
University of Delaware Press Elusive Archives: Material Culture in Formation
The essays that comprise Elusive Archives raise a common question: how do we study material culture when the objects of study are transient, evanescent, dispersed or subjective? Such things resist the taxonomic protocols that institutions, such as museums and archives, rely on to channel their acquisitions into meaningful collections. What holds these disparate things together here are the questions authors ask of them. Each essay creates by means of its method a provisional collection of things, an elusive archive. Scattered matter then becomes fixed within each author’s analytical framework rather than within the walls of an archive’s reading room or in cases along a museum corridor. This book follows the ways in which objects may be identified, gathered, arranged, conceptualized and even displayed rather than by “discovering” artifacts in an archive and then asking how they came to be there. The authors approach material culture outside the traditional bounds of learning about the past. Their essays are varied not only in subject matter but also in narrative format and conceptual reach, making the volume accessible and easy to navigate for a quick reference or, if read straight through, build toward a new way to think about material culture.
University of Delaware Press Elusive Archives: Material Culture in Formation
The essays that comprise Elusive Archives raise a common question: how do we study material culture when the objects of study are transient, evanescent, dispersed or subjective? Such things resist the taxonomic protocols that institutions, such as museums and archives, rely on to channel their acquisitions into meaningful collections. What holds these disparate things together here are the questions authors ask of them. Each essay creates by means of its method a provisional collection of things, an elusive archive. Scattered matter then becomes fixed within each author’s analytical framework rather than within the walls of an archive’s reading room or in cases along a museum corridor. This book follows the ways in which objects may be identified, gathered, arranged, conceptualized and even displayed rather than by “discovering” artifacts in an archive and then asking how they came to be there. The authors approach material culture outside the traditional bounds of learning about the past. Their essays are varied not only in subject matter but also in narrative format and conceptual reach, making the volume accessible and easy to navigate for a quick reference or, if read straight through, build toward a new way to think about material culture.
Tessloff Verlag Super Rätselblock ab 10 Jahren.Logicals Brückenrätsel Zahlenpyramiden und viele andere Rätsel
John Wiley & Sons Inc Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services
A must-have guide for the latest updates to the new release of Reporting Services SQL Server Reporting Services allows you to create reports and business intelligence (BI) solutions. With this updated resource, a team of experts shows you how Reporting Services makes reporting faster, easier and more powerful than ever in web, desktop, and portal solutions. New coverage discusses the new reporting tool called Crescent, BI semantic model's impact on report design and creation, semantic model design, and more. You'll explore the major enhancements to Report Builder and benefit from best practices shared by the authors. Builds on the previous edition while also providing coverage of the new features introduced with SQL Server 2012 Explains Reporting Services architecture and BI fundamentals Covers advanced report design and filtering techniques, walking you through each design, discussing its purpose and the conditions where it could be more efficient Discusses semantic model design, Report Builder, Crescent, and more Targets business analysts and report designers as well as BI solution developers Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services is mandatory reading if you are eager to start using the newest version of SQL Server Reporting Services.
Createspace Independent Pub Elementary Real Analysis 2008
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Ehe Die Spuren Verwehen
Noguer Ediciones Sadako quiere vivir
Encuadernación: Rústica conCC solapasColección: Noguer juvenilDescripción: 256 p. 21x14 cmSadako, con apenas cuatro años, ve cómo estalla la bomba más letal jamás inventada en Hiroshima, sembrando una estela de muerte y destrucción por doquier. Ella se ha salvado. De momento. Pero su lucha no ha hecho más que comenzar. Va a necesitar un ejército de grullas de papel para seguir adelante...
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Symphony No 9 Miniature Score Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Mass in D Minor Satb with Satb Soli Latin Language Edition Kalmus Edition
£10.29 Auch Tränen glitzern
Hansebooks Peter der Große
Zytglogge AG Kartenland Schweiz
Buchner, C.C. Verlag Buchners Kolleg Geschichte Ausgabe Rheinland Pfalz Lehrbuch Unterrichtswerk fr die Oberstufe
Ullstein Taschenbuchvlg. Ein Frhling im Tessin
Verlag Ullstein Jauche und Levkojen/Nirgendwo ist Poenichen/Die Quints
Watson-Guptill Publications Pop Sculpture
This book is targeted at enthusiasts, both those interested as a hobby and professionally. This book provides a complete guide to the design, sculpting and marketing of pop culture action figures, statues and collectibles. It begins by tracing the history of toy making and collectibles and then shows how figurative sculpture is created by today's top professional technicians and artists using modern-day tools, techniques and applications. Each chapter progresses chronologically through the stages of creating a sculpture, providing discussion and instruction about all aspects of the process from start to finish, including concepts, sculpting, mold-making, casting, painting, manufacturing, distribution and business and legal considerations.
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Symphony No 7 in E Major Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Symphony No 8 in C Minor Miniature Score Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Mass No 2 in E Minor Orch Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Sacred Choruses Satb Divisi Latin Language Edition Kalmus Edition
Performanzverlag What is dance What is a choreography What is a performance
Neissufer Verlag Haus über Kopf
Redline Auffällig gut
Kopp Verlag Digitale Zentralbankwährung
Reise Know-How Rump GmbH Reise KnowHow Reiseführer Kolumbien