Search results for ""August House""
August House Publishers Holy Mole'!
August House Publishers The Girl Who Wore Too Much: A Folktale from Thailand
August House Publishers In Full Bloom: Tales of Women in Their Prime
August House Publishers The Time Machine
August House Publishers Juan Bobo Sends the Pig to Mass
August House Publishers Anansi Goes to Lunch
August House Publishers The Ogre Bully
August House Publishers The Clever Monkey: A Folktale from West Africa
August House Publishers Storytime Stretchers: Tongue Twisters, Choruses, Games, and Charades
August House Publishers Priceless Gifts: A Tale from Italy
August House Publishers Fat Cat: A Danish Folktale
August House Publishers Zigzag
August House Publishers The Hidden Feast: A Folktale from the American South
August House Publishers The Old Woman Who Lived in a Vinegar Bottle
August House Publishers Through the Grapevine: World Tales Kids Can Read & Tell
August House Publishers Tell it Together: Foolproof Scripts for Story Theatre
August House Publishers Tuck-Me-In Tales
August House Publishers Noodlehead Stories: World Tales Kids Can Read & Tell
August House Publishers Big Quiet House: A Yiddish Folktale from Eastern Europe
August House Publishers I Scream, You Scream: A Feast of Food Rhymes
August House Publishers Improving Your Storytelling
August House Publishers Who Says?: Essays on Pivotal Issues in Contemporary Storytelling
August House Publishers Stories to Play with
For storytellers who are just starting out, it seems appropriate to begin telling to young children. Yet young children can present the most difficult audience a storyteller can face. So where does one begin? Simple. With some old newspaper and the story Rain Hat or Mountain Climbing, children will be enthralled at the action of the kid-hero as you fold and tear and create mountains, hats, fans, and boats right before their very eyes. Or take a milk carton, and shape it into a frog puppet to tell the story of Wide-Mouth Frog. Stories to Play With is written and designed for storytellers, parents, teachers, and activity leaders who work with young children. The stories are fun and useful, put forth in a playful, informal family style of telling. The materials used for puppets and visual props can be found in your kitchen or supply closet. Translated and adapted from the original Japanese, these stories have been tested extensively in front of American audiences and are sure to
August House Publishers Sweet Tamales for Purim
August House Publishers Fiesta!: A Celebration of Latino Festivals
August House Publishers North American Pirates and Their Lost Treasure
August House Publishers A Natural Man: The True Story of John Henry
August House Publishers The Stolen Smell
August House Publishers The Pig Who Went Home on Sunday: An Appalachian Folktale
August House Publishers Anansi and the Tug O' War
August House Publishers Five Minute Tales: More Stories to Read and Tell When Time is Short
August House Publishers Guess Again!: Riddle Poems
August House Publishers Going to Grandma's
August House Publishers Tales of Wisdom and Justice: Vol 3
August House Publishers Tales of Insects: Vol6
August House Publishers Tales of Holidays: Vol 5
August House Publishers Eleven Nature Tales: a Multicultural Journey
August House Publishers The Little Moose Who Couldnt Go to Sleep
Another Maynard Moose Tale from the award-winning author, Willy Claflin. If you love Maynard Moose tales from the Northern Piney Woods, then be forewarned, this book might just be the funniest yet. The fourth installment in the Maynard Moose series, provides the back story for the Maynard Moose tales. In this whimsical telling of how Little Moose struggled with going to sleep each night, you''ll meet Little Moose (Maynard''s youngest cousin and his favorite kin), her parents Mr. and Mrs. Moose, the sheep, and most importantly, you''ll learn the legend of Mother Moose and her kitchen. You''ll also visit Moose Academy where young moose go to learn proper posture, Woodland Skills and counting to three over and over again. Follow Little Moose as she flies through this story. Young readers will relate to her struggle to fall asleep. Little Moose resorts to the tried and true trick of counting sheep, but one those sheep l
August House Publishers The Drum: A Folktale from India
August House Publishers Bear's All-Night Party
August House Publishers America's Outlaws and the Treasures They Left Behind
August House Publishers Kindness Tales: World Folktales to Talk about
August House Publishers Ancient and Epic Tales: From Around the World
Heather Forest's artful prose and keen curatorial selection brings an array of ancient tales of adventure, quests, and heroics to life for modern readers. This multicultural anthology presents pivotal episodes from epic tales such as Gilgamesh, Beowulf, the Odyssey, the Ramayana, and more. The collection illuminates large-scale narratives that were passed on and preserved through the oral tradition long before being captured in written form by early scribes. With the publication of Ancient and Epic Tales, Heather completes her long awaited trilogy of Tales From Around the World including Wonder Tales and Wisdom Tales. These epic narratives remain relevant today as they provide insights into the complexity of human relationships and the intimate, personal journey of anyone seeking to understand the meaning of life. This collection of timeless stories includes Norse legends, Greek myths, Japanese folktales, Persian stories, Irish Ballads and Chinese lore. Offering a global overview, this anthology of concise retellings also provides endnotes with cultural and historical background to inspire readers' further inquiry into these enduring tales.
August House Publishers The Little Red Hen: An Old Fable
August House Publishers Rapunzel and the Seven Dwarfs
August House Publishers Uglified Ducky
August House Publishers Party People
August House Publishers Surf War!: A Folktale from the Marshall Islands