Search results for ""American Society of Overseas Research""
American Society of Overseas Research Preliminary Reports of AsorSponsored Excavations 19821989 27 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental research supplements
American Society of Overseas Research Views from Phlamoudhi, Cyprus: AASOR 63
Includes 76 b/w figures. Fieldwork in the village of Phlamoudhi, Cyprus from 1970-1973 by the Columbia University Expedition to Phlamoudhi recorded the only systematically excavated evidence for Middle to Late Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement north of the Kyrenia Mountains. Halted by the war of 1974 that divided the island, most of the discoveries in Phlamoudhi remained unpublished until 2000 when the Phlamoudhi Archaeological Project began the systematic study, analysis, and publication of the material. This book's chapters cover the two main excavated sites, the hilltop site of Vounari and the larger settlement at Melissa; the region's patterns of settlement in the Bronze and Iron Ages and the Hellenistic through Medieval periods; and the geology and palaeobotany of the region. Chapters with perspectives on the excavations by original team members, the history of work in the area, and an overview of archaeology on Cyprus before and after the war place the fieldwork in historical perspective. This volume derives from papers at a symposium that was held together with an exhibition of the finds from Phlamoudhi in 2005. It is the first in the final publication series.
American Society of Overseas Research Preliminary Reports of ASORSponsored Excavations 198183 23 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental research supplements
American Society of Overseas Research Shechem I: The Middle Bronze IIB Pottery
This is the first volume of the final report on the site of Tell Balatah, biblical Shechem. Work at the site spanned the years 1956-1973, a period when significant changes in field methodology were developing in Palestinian archaeology. Dr. Cole's study of the MB IIB ceramic corpus is prefaced by an introduction to the field technique as it was employed at Shechem, especially as it pertained to the recovery, sorting, and analysis of sherds from each soil deposit. The analysis of the Field VI ceramic sequences presented here will be of crucial importance in studying the chronology and history of the MB II period in the Levant. A report of interest, not only for its reportage of excavation results, but also for the methodological questions it raises.
American Society of Overseas Research All Things Cypriot: Studies on Ancient Environment, Technology, and Society in Honor of Stuart Swiny
This volume is dedicated to Stuart Swiny who served as long-time Director of the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute. Stuart Swiny was professor in Classics and Anthropology at the University at Albany; he is an archaeologist whose work on Cyprus now spans six decades. His research, mentorship as professor, and leadership as CAARI Director has had a profound effect on the development of the discipline on the island and benefited many archaeologists working there. The book celebrates his contributions to Cypriot archaeology with papers from colleagues, friends, and former students, covering a wide range of topics that reflect his interests in the history and culture of Cyprus. Ranging from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic to ethnoarchaeology in the recent past, the papers cover archaeological landscapes, material culture, settlement studies, and regional interaction. The influence of Swiny's contributions is a common thread tying topics together. Beginning chapters recount the personal and professional history of Stuart Swiny, and the focus then moves to academic papers that document his methodological foresight in archaeological survey and excavation, build from his prior work with particular artifact classes, publish new information about his major excavation site Sotira Kaminoudhia, or take inspiration from his interest and encouragement in studying all things Cypriot. Specific chapter topics include: Bronze Age climate change, textile technology, evidence for use of the opium poppy, ancient board games, Roman to modern carob trade, Iron Age Cypriot coinage, ethnoarchaeology of pottery production, and intra-island interaction in the Neolithic. The volume is also forward-looking, taking stake of where Cypriot archaeology stands after roughly forty years since Swiny's directorship began. It anticipates new projects, innovations and approaches that the next generation of Cypriot scholars will use to build on his work.
American Society of Overseas Research Humayma Excavation Project, 1: Resources, History and the Water-Supply System
Includes 397 b/w figures and 31 tables. Humayma, ancient Hawara, was the only significant settlement in the Hisma, the desert between Petra and Aqaba. Founded by a Nabataean king in the late first century B.C., the site flourished for 750 years as a Nabataean, Roman, Byzantine, and Early Islamic settlement. In 25 years of survey and excavation, the author has recovered unique architectural and artifactual remains of all these cultures. In this final report volume, the first of four, he presents the topography and ecology of the region, the history of the site, and a detailed examination of the integrated water-supply system that made the settlement possible. A long synthetic chapter evaluates this system in the context of the water-supply technology of the ancient Near East. This book will be of interest to both students and scholars concerned with ancient hydraulic technology, the Nabataeans, the Romans in the Near East, early Byzantine culture, and the origins of the Abbasid family.
American Society of Overseas Research Shechem IV: The Persian-Hellenistic Pottery of Shechem/Tell Balat'ah
Illustrated in b/w with 70 figures and 43 plates. This is the final publication of the Persian and Hellenistic pottery from the American Joint Expedition to Shechem, 1956-1968. Since these were the last periods of occupation of the site, most of the pottery comes from the early seasons, especially 1956, 1957, 1960, and 1962. The later strata were defined by these excavations as Early Persian (Stratum V) and Early Hellenistic to Late Hellenistic (Strata IV-I). This volume presents the complete pottery corpus of these periods from Shechem.
American Society of Overseas Research The Near East in the South West: Essays in Honor of William G. Dever, AASOR 58
Illustrated with 35 b/w figures. These essays were written in honour of William G Dever, doyen of Syro-Palestinian archaeology, and Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Archaeology and Anthropology at the University of Arizona, where he was Professor from 1975 until his retirement in 2001.
American Society of Overseas Research Shechem III: The Stratigraphy and Architecture of Shechem/Tell Balatah: Two Volume Set
This volume presents the stratigraphy and architectural remains of the tell of ancient (biblical) Shechem on the eastern outskirts of the modern municipality of Nablus, in what was at the time of excavation the independent village of Balatah. First identified as an ancient ruin and proposed as ancient Shechem in 1903, the site was excavated by an Austro-German team in the period between 1913 and 1934, and by the Drew-McCormick Archaeological Expedition, later named the Joint Expedition, between 1956 and 1973. Now, 87 years after Ernest Sellin began the dig, and 27 years after the expedition mounted by G. Ernest Wright left the field, this volume sets out to give that sort of portrayal to this mound of ancient cities that began its history at least 4000 years BCE and ended its premodern history in 107 BCE.
American Society of Overseas Research Pyla-Koutsopetria I: Archaeological Survey of an Ancient Coastal Town
Pyla-Koutsopetria I presents the results of an intensive pedestrian survey documenting the diachronic history of a 100 ha microregion along the southern coast of Cyprus. Located around 10 km from the ancient city of Kition, the ancient coastal settlements of the Koutsopetria mircoregion featured an Iron Age sanctuary, a Classical settlement, a Hellenistic fortification, a Late Roman town, and a Venetian-Ottoman coastal battery situated adjacent to a now infilled, natural harbour on Larnaka Bay. This publication integrates a comprehensive treatment of methods with a discussion of artefact distribution, a thorough catalogue of finds, and a diachronic history to shed light on one of the few undeveloped stretches of the Cypriot coast. Illustrated in b&w with 137 illustrations and 56 tables.