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Brill U Fink Exotismen in Der Kritik
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Integrale Planung der Gebäudetechnik: Erhalt der Trinkwassergüte - Vorbeugender Brandschutz - Energieeffizienz
Mit zunehmender Komplexität der Haustechnik sind in Planungsprozessen von öffentlich-gewerblichen wie auch privaten Bauvorhaben – unabhängig von Größe und Investitionsvolumen – immer häufiger kontraproduktive Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Gewerken beziehungsweise den Systemen festzustellen. Die einzelnen Planungsziele – wie die der Betriebssicherheit und Energieeffizienz, des Erhalts der Trinkwassergüte oder des vorbeugenden Brandschutzes – sind gerade in fortgeschrittenen Planungsphasen oft nur noch mit erheblichen Mehrkosten und Zeitverzug zu synchronisieren! Das vorliegende Fachbuch vermittelt ein Grundverständnis von integralen Planungsprozessen und zeigt auf, wie schon in der Frühphase einer Projektkonzeption Zielkonflikte zwischen den Gewerken erfolgreich vermieden oder zumindest minimiert werden können. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele erläutern dem Fachingenieur potenziell risikobehaftete Schnittstellen. Schließlich werden auf Basis aktueller Gesetze und Regelwerke sowie neuester Erkenntnisse aus Forschung und Lehre zahlreiche Tipps für die alltägliche Planungspraxis gegeben.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Praxishandbuch Wirtschaft in Afrika
Afrika ist ein Kontinent im Aufschwung, der eine große wirtschaftliche Dynamik entwickelt. Wenn deutsche Unternehmen am Aufschwung Afrikas partizipieren wollen, müssen sie mit einigen Besonderheiten vertraut sein. Das Buch zeigt diesen Weg zu erfolgreichen Geschäften in Afrika. Es ist ein praxisorientierter, gleichwohl wissenschaftlich fundierter Ratgeber für alle Unternehmer und wirtschaftlich Interessierten, die in Afrika erfolgreich sein wollen. Es vereint dabei die Erfahrungen vieler Unternehmen mit der wissenschaftlichen Perspektive und den Erkenntnissen des Centre for Business und Technology in Africa der Hochschule Flensburg.In der 2. Auflage werden neue Entwicklungen auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent aufgegriffen und aktuelle Antworten gegeben auf die klassischen Fragen, die jeder Akteur für sich beantworten muss, der in Afrika wirtschaftlich erfolgreich sein will: WARUM Afrika für das Geschäft interessant ist, WO die größten Erfolgsaussichten bestehen, WIE vorzugehen ist und WELCHE Ansätze zur künftigen Gestaltung der Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Deutschland und Afrika erfolgsvorsprechend sind.Das Buch beschreibt, wie in Afrika investiert werden kann und bündelt die aktuellen Erfahrungen von Managern großer Konzerne und Familienunternehmen mit langjähriger Geschichte auf dem Kontinent.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Statistik: Eine verständliche Einführung
Dieses Lehrbuch der statistischen Datenanalyse wurde speziell für Einführungskurse konzipiert und richtet sich an alle, die eine leicht verständliche Einführung in die sozialwissenschaftliche Statistik suchen. Es bezieht sich auf das Feld der Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften und behandelt den Stoff nicht als inhaltsunabhängiges mathematisches Wissen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Fidus: Latein entdecken: Ein Comic fÃ"r Einsteiger
Mit dem Hund "Fidus" lernen die SchÃ"lerinnen und SchÃ"ler das Köln der frÃ"hen Kaiserzeit kennen.Die Comics im Fidus ermöglichen einen sanften und motivierenden Einstieg in die lateinische Sprache: Inhalt und Grammatik erschließen sich mÃ"helos anhand der Zeichnungen.Die Kinder lernen so erste Formen und Wörter, sodass der Einstieg ins Latein-Lehrbuch stark entlastet wird. Kurze und einfache Ãbungen festigen das Gelernte.Die Fidus-HintergrÃ"nde Ã"ber das antike Köln sind genau recherchiert. In den Comics tauchen immer wieder Gegenstände auf, die tatsächlich aus der Antike erhalten und im Museum zu besichtigen sind. So wird das antike Köln greifbar wie nie, und mit Fidus sind wir mittendrin!Der Comic Fidus eignet sich besonders gut fÃ"r das erste Lernjahr bei Latein als erster oder zweiter Fremdsprache.Der Titel ist auch als Schullizenz erhältlich!
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Wissenschaftskorrespondenz: Auf Dem Weg Zur 'Generellen Morphologie'. April 1858 Bis Oktober 1866
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Junger Debatte: Band 6 (2023): Uber Den Schmerz
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Michael Stolleis - Zum Gedenken
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Wissen des Rechts
Das positive Recht ist das Objekt des rechtlichen Wissens. Aber wer oder was ist sein Subjekt? Ist es "die" Rechtswissenschaft? Ist es die jeweils zu einer Entscheidung befugte Stelle? Oder ist es gar "das Recht selbst"? Im Hauptbeitrag dieses Bandes wird die provokante These entfaltet, dass das Recht nicht bloß Gegenstand der Erkenntnis, sondern auch Subjekt des Erkennens ist. Den Schlüssel zum Verständnis dieser These bildet eine Theorie der Rechtsquellen. Diese lassen sich als Formen des Urteilens begreifen, etwa in der Form der Behauptung, etwas gehe nicht an, weil es das noch nie gegeben habe (Gewohnheitsrecht), oder etwas sei unerlaubt, weil das so entschieden worden sei (Gesetzesrecht). Keine Quelle kann für sich selbst sprechen. Sie bedarf der Vermittlung durch eine andere. Zwischen den Quellen entsteht solcherart ein spannungsreiches Verhältnis von wechselseitiger Anerkennung und Zurückweisung. Im Fall der Beziehung zwischen der hoheitlichen Rechtsanwendung und der wissenschaftlichen Rechtserkenntnis lässt sich dieses Verhältnis unter Anknüpfung an Hegel als Dialektik von Herrschaft und Knechtschaft beschreiben. Aus der Sackgasse, in die das rechtliche Wissen damit gerät, lässt sich ein Ausweg nur finden, indem man die Theorie der Rechtsquellen zur Theorie des Rechtsverhältnisses erweitert. Auf deren Grundlage lässt sich die Rechtsgeltung als Konstrukt begreifen, dessen wir uns bedienen, um mit moralischen Auffassungsunterschieden fertig zu werden.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband II Gefühl und Wert Texte aus dem Nachlass (1896-1925)
Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden,vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der zweite Teilband enthält Husserls deskriptive Untersuchungen der Gefühlsakte und der Konstitution der Werte in solchen Akten. In detaillierten Beschreibungen unterscheidet er zwischen verschiedenen Gefühlsarten, zwischen Gefühlspassivität und Gefühlsaktivität und er ringt mit dem Problem der objektivierenden Leistung der Gefühlsakte. Dieser Band ist der zweite Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält keine Einleitung (erhältlich als Teil des Teilbandes 1) und keinen Index (erhältlich als Teilband 4). This volume is the second part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It does not contain the Introduction (available as part of the first volume of the set) nor Index (available as the fourth volume of the set).
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Institutions of the Enlarged European Union: Continuity and Change
How have the main institutions and decision-making processes of the EU responded to the arrival of new member states? This book assesses the actual state of the EU institutions in the years after the 2004 enlargement, examining each of the main institutional actors as well as trends in legislative output, implementing measures and non-legislative approaches. The contributors outline the key changes as well as patterns of continuity in the institutional politics of the EU.The analysis finds that breakdown has been avoided by a combination of assimilation of the new member states and adaptation of the system, without any fundamental transformation of the institutions. Nonetheless, they conclude that it is not just 'business as usual'. The streamlining and formalization of procedures, together with increased informal practices, has implications for transparency and accountability. Widening has not prevented deepening of European integration, but it has deepened normative concerns about the democratic legitimacy of that process which will remain very much on the agenda of the enlarged EU.This nuanced approach to the complexities of studying institutional politics and change contains important new and original data. As such it will be invaluable for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate students of EU politics and administrative science, as well as researchers, practitioners and journalists working in the fields of European studies more widely.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Single Parents and Child Support Systems: An International Comparison
Taking a novel approach to child support policy analysis, Single Parents and Child Support Systems locates the transfer of payments between separated parents within a wider social policy ecosystem and compares the political, institutional and administrative dimensions of child support policy enactment across the globe. Featuring contributions from an interdisciplinary collective of researchers in social policy, social work, sociology, economics and law, the book assesses how child support policies align conceptually with other social policies. Single Parents and Child Support Systems begins by setting out how children’s and single parents’ economic welfare is conceived across countries in relation to the triple burden of financial, caring and administrative responsibilities faced by single mothers. Chapters map how post-separation child support policy reinforces or breaks from the gender and family logics that underpin welfare and family policies in 10 different countries spanning corporatist, liberal and Nordic welfare regimes. Offering extensive coverage of a diverse range of international legal provisions and social policies, this stimulating book will be an essential resource for academics and researchers of social policy, social work, family law and gender studies. Its practical insights and suggested avenues for reform will also benefit policy makers, child support administrators and legal professionals.
Liverpool University Press Enlightenment at court: Patrons, philosophes, and reformers in eighteenth-century Europe
This is the first comprehensive analysis of the royal and princely courts of Europe as important places of Enlightenment. The households of European rulers remained central to politics and culture throughout the eighteenth century, and few writers, artists, musicians, or scholars could succeed without establishing connections to ruling houses, noble families, or powerful courtiers. Covering case studies from Spain and France to Russia, and from Scandinavia and Britain to the Holy Roman Empire, the contributions of this volume examine how Enlightenment figures were integrated into the princely courts of the Ancien Régime, and what kinds of relationships they had with courtiers. Dangers and opportunities presented by proximity to court are discussed as well as the question of what rulers and courtiers gained from their interactions with Enlightenment men and women of letters. The book focusses on four areas: firstly, the impact of courtly patronage on Enlightenment discourses and the work as well as careers of Enlightenment writers; secondly, the court as an audience to be catered for by Enlightenment writers; thirdly, the function of Enlightenment narratives and discourses for the image-making of rulers and courtiers; and fourthly, the role the interaction of courtiers and Enlightenment writers played for the formulation of reform policies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Harmonization and Protection of Trade Secrets in the EU: An Appraisal of the EU Directive
This book addresses the growing importance of trade secrets in today's society and business and the related increase in litigation, media and scholarly attention. Written by a team of international experts, it uses the new EU Trade Secrets Directive as a prism through which to discuss the complex legal issues involved. Featuring both EU and wider international perspectives, chapters examine the Directive's aim of harmonizing legislation on the protection of trade secrets across the EU, and discuss how this has been implemented by member states. Contributors also explore the effects of the new regime on contentious issues and crucial sectors such as medicine, big data and AI, as well as considering its relationship with US law in particular. Scholars and students of patent law, innovation, and EU law and governance, particularly those with an interest in the topic of information freedom, will find this book of great significance in their research. Practitioners working in trade secrets and intellectual property more broadly will also find this book's comprehensive analysis of the Directive and its practical implications invaluable. Contributors include: T. Aplin, R. Arnold, N. Bruun, R. Cooper Dreyfuss, B. Díaz Alaminos, B. Domeij, N. Lee, T. Minssen, A. Nordberg, A. Ohly, N. Rajam, T. Riis, S.K. Sandeen, J. Schovsbo, J.S. Sherkow, H. Udsen, B. van der Donk, M. van Eechoud
Profile Books Ltd Beneath the Skin: Love Letters to the Body by Great Writers
'These essays lift back the skin to reveal something secret and precious, articulating private truths and distilling sensation into language ... this collection is a timely, triumphant celebration of our embodiment' - iNews Buried beneath layers of flesh, our hearts pump, our lungs inflate, our kidneys filter. These organs, and others, are essential to our survival but remain largely unknown to us. In Beneath the Skin, fifteen writers each explore a different body part: Naomi Alderman unravels the intestines and our obsession with food; Thomas Lynch celebrates the womb as a miracle; AL Kennedy explores the nose's striking ability to conjure memories; and Philip Kerr traces the remarkable history of brain surgery. Moving, intimate and often unexpected, this is an awe-inspiring voyage through the mysterious landscape of our bodies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of International Human Resource Development: Context, Processes and People
This comprehensive Handbook sets out the nature and scope of International Human Resource Development (IHRD) to advance our understanding of research and practice in the field. Drawing on expertise from a global team representing some of the field's most distinguished researchers, the Handbook explores a range of contextual, process and people development practice issues impacting IHRD research and practice. Focusing on IHRD as a distinct field of research and practice, the authors offer comprehensive coverage of a number of critical contextual dimensions that shape the IHRD goals that organisations pursue; impact the IHRD systems, policies and practices that are implemented; and influence the types of IHRD research questions that are investigated. The Handbook examines the processes or actions taken by organisations to globalise IHRD practices and discusses important people development practices that come within the scope of IHRD. By bringing together a variety of research strands and engaging in key debates while also acknowledging the emergent, dynamic and constantly evolving nature of the field, the authors of this Handbook have created an invaluable resource for academics, students, professionals and practitioners in IHRD, HRD, HRM, international management, organisational behaviour and leadership.Contributors: M. Alagaraja, H. Alhejji, V. Anderson, A. Ardichvili, E.E. Bennett, A. Bratton, R. Carbery, N. Clarke, N. D'Annuzio Green, T. Garavan, J. Gedro, K. Grant, C. Gubbins, M. Hammond, J. Kim, S. Kim, Y. Lai, A. McCarthy, A. McDonnell, R.R. McWhorter, H. Moon, C.T. Nolan, D. O'Shea, J. Pearson, V. Pereira, O. Pruetipibultham, W.E.A. Ruona, V. Shanahan, M. Sheehan, C. Valentin, J. Winterton
CABI Publishing Antimicrobial Stewardship: Principles and Practice
In an age where antimicrobial resistance amongst pathogens grows more prevalent, particularly in the hospital setting, antimicrobial stewardship is an evidence-based, proven measure in the battle against resistance and infection. This single comprehensive, definitive reference work is written by an international team of acknowledged experts in the field. The authors explore the effective use of coordinated antimicrobial interventions to change prescribing practice and help slow the emergence of antimicrobial resistance, ensuring that antimicrobials remain an effective treatment for infection. Amongst the first of its kind, this book provides infectious disease physicians, administrators, laboratory, pharmacy, nursing and medical staff with practical guidance in setting up antimicrobial stewardship programs in their institutions with the aim of selecting the optimal antimicrobial drug regimen, dose, duration of therapy, and route of administration.
New Harbinger Publications The Grit Guide for Teens: A Workbook to Help You Build Perseverance, Self-Control, and a Growth Mindset
Today's teens face intense pressures-academically, socially, and personally. In order to succeed in today's fast-paced world, teens require perseverance, tenacity, resilience, self-control, and the ability to fail well. Based in the latest psychology research, this is the first workbook written directly to teens to help them develop "grit," a trait that embodies stamina, a growth mindset, and competence for success.When the going gets tough, it's time to get gritty. Written by a clinical-child and school psychologist and based in the latest research, The Grit Guide for Teens will help you build perseverance, resilience, self-control, and stamina.As a teen, setting and reaching goals is an important part of growing up. Whether you want to do well in school, get into a good college, make friends, excel in sports, or master the fine arts or music-you know you need to persevere in order to succeed. You've probably heard the term "grit" at school or from your parents, but what does it really mean?Made popular by Angela Duckworth in her New York Times bestseller, the term "grit," embodies all the characteristics that help people accomplish the things they want, such as self-control, tenacity, and the ability to fail well. Using the skills outlined in this book, you'll develop both grit and a growth mind-set-a way of thinking that focuses on improvement and hard work in order to achieve any goal you set for yourself. You'll learn how to make grit an everyday habit, turn disappointments into opportunities, embrace challenges, manage stress, and be the very best version of you that you can be.Studies show that grit isn't something you have to be born with-it can be taught and learned! This book will give you everything you need to get gritty, open your mind to all life's possibilities, and succeed in everything you do.
Hanser Publications Composite Technology: Prepregs and Monolithic Part Fabrication Technologies
Prepreg materials are pre-impregnated fibers for the manufacture of composite components, and are widely applied in the wind energy and aerospace industries. The properties of these semi-finished products, the type of processing, and the component design collectively play an important role in the quality and suitability for mass production of a fiber composite component. This book provides a holistic approach, showing the influence and mutual interaction of the parameters involved in the production of fiber composite components. ""Composite Technology"" gives an overview of the current state of prepreg technology, generation, and development as well as their variations and trends. It covers the fundamentals of prepreg preparation and starting materials; processing technology and automation; interactions between construction/design and material and between tooling material and composite components/design; testing of prepreg semi-finished products and components; and typical error patterns. New in this second edition is an extension of the coverage to include thermoplastic prepregs (TPPs) and their production, processing, and testing. Further updates on prepreg production and processing are also included.
University of Minnesota Press Machine
On the social consequences of machines Automation, animation, and ecosystems are terms of central media-philosophical concern in today’s society of humans and machines. This volume describes the social consequences of machines as a mediating concept for the animation of life and automation of technology. Bernard Stiegler’s automatic society illustrates how digital media networks establish a new proletariat of knowledge workers. Gertrud Koch offers the animation of the technical to account for the pathological relations that arise between people and their devices. And Thomas Pringle synthesizes how automation and animation explain the history of intellectual exchanges that led to the hybrid concept of the ecosystem, a term that blends computer and natural science. All three contributions analyse how categories of life and technology become mixed in governmental policies, economic exploitation and pathologies of everyday life thereby both curiously and critically advancing the term that underlies those new developments: ‘machine.’
Taylor & Francis Inc Nanocomposite Materials: Synthesis, Properties and Applications
This book provides a comprehensive collection of the latest information on nanomaterials and nanocomposites. It covers material synthesis, processing, structure characterization, properties and applications. It presents a coherent treatment of how composite properties depend on nanostructure, and covers cutting-edge topics like bionanocomposites for sustainable development. This book summarizes many developments in the field making it an ideal resource for researchers from industry, academia, government and private research institutions.
Edinburgh University Press Jane Porter, Thaddeus of Warsaw: A Novel
Published in 1803, Thaddeus of Warsaw is a beguiling romance that also exposes the hardships faced by migrants in Britain two hundred years ago.
Hodder Education TeeJay Maths CfE Second Level Book 2B Second Edition
Trust TeeJay's proven approach, which successfully develops mathematical skills and adds fun to learning.Completely updated in line with the latest CfE requirements, this new edition Second Level Maths textbook provides hundreds of practice questions, with progression and consolidation - the core TeeJay philosophy - underpinning every exercise and chapter.- Confidently deliver a comprehensive and consistent curriculum, with one book available for each year of Second Level and content matched to the CfE benchmarks- Brush up on past teaching with the exercises in Chapter 0, which revise key skills from Book 2A- Engage students with varied exercises and opportunities for play-based learning- Help students of all abilities progress at their own pace with tasks for differentiation flagged throughout- Continuously build and consolidate knowledge and monitor progression with end-of-chapter 'Review Revisit, Revise' exercises- Answers for the exercises are provided in the book
Hodder Education TeeJay Maths CfE First Level Book 1C Second Edition
Trust TeeJay resources to successfully develop your pupils' knowledge, skills and confidence by adding fun to learning.Packed with colourful and accessible content, this new textbook refreshes and strengthens TeeJay's proven approach to mathematical learning. Enable all pupils to practise and consolidate their knowledge, whilst building mathematical confidence and interest as they complete First Level. - Confidently deliver your curriculum: ensure comprehensive and consistent coverage, with updated content matched to the CfE requirements- Brush up on past teaching: 'Chapter 0' exercises are the perfect way to revise key skills from Book 1B- Explore a more playful approach to maths: 'Let's try this' activities offer opportunities for play-based learning to encourage collaborative work and engage pupils with the content- Support all pupils to progress: differentiated tasks enable you to provide targeted learning, with bespoke 'building blocks' and 'stretch' questions included throughout- Bring maths to life: accessible content coverage is combined with a clear layout, colour-coded exercises and bright illustrations to create an engaging learning experience- Develop confident mathematicians: progression is built into the textbook, with end-of-chapter 'Review, Revisit, Revise' exercises and an 'End-of-year Revision' section to continuously build and consolidate knowledge- Mark work easily: answers for all exercises are provided at the back of the book
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mastering Illiquidity: Risk management for portfolios of limited partnership funds
Arms investors with powerful new tools for measuring and managing the risks associated with the various illiquid asset classes With risk-free interest rates and risk premiums at record lows, many investors are turning to illiquid assets, such as real estate, private equity, infrastructure and timber, in search of superior returns and greater portfolio diversity. But as many analysts, investors and wealth managers are discovering, such investments bring with them a unique set of risks that cannot be measured by standard asset allocation models. Written by a dream team of globally renowned experts in the field, this book provides a clear, accessible overview of illiquid fund investments, focusing on what the main risks of these asset classes are and how to measure those risks in today's regulatory environment. Provides solutions for institutional investors in need of guidance in today's regulatory environment Offers detailed descriptions of risk measurement in illiquid asset classes, illustrated with real life case studies Helps you to develop reliable risk management tools while complying with the regulations designed to contain the individual and systemic risks arising from illiquid investments Features real-life case studies that capture an array of risk management scenarios you are likely to encounter
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook of Innovation for a Circular Economy
The transition to a circular economy requires innovation at all levels of society. This insightful Research Handbook is the first comprehensive edited work examining how innovation can contribute to a more circular economy.Illustrating the critical part played by individuals, organisations and system-level actors in the development of circular innovations, this Research Handbook demonstrates that while many firms are working towards a circular economy, most of the innovations are incremental. Hence, the loop is far from closed, and much more radical work remains to be done by both academics and practitioners. The content and structure reflect a multi-level understanding of innovation for a circular economy, with conceptual chapters and strong empirical research with both quantitative and qualitative research designs. Highlighting the urgent need for a circular economy, authors call for more comprehensive and radical innovation efforts to achieve it.This Research Handbook will be an invaluable resource for academics and students of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as those more broadly interested in the circular economy. Practitioners and policymakers will also find this useful for providing practical examples of how to understand innovation processes and frameworks that contribute to a circular economy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law
Consumer law and policy has emerged in the last half-century as a major policy concern for all nations. This Handbook of original contributions provides an international and comparative analysis of central issues in consumer law and policy in developed and developing economies.The Handbook encompasses questions of both social policy and effective business regulation. Many of the issues are common to all countries and are becoming increasingly globalised due to the growth in international trade and technological developments such as the Internet. The authors provide a broad coverage of both substantive topics and institutional questions concerning optimal approaches to enforcement and the role of class actions in consumer policy. It also includes comparative insights into the influential EU and US models of consumer law and relates consumer law to contemporary trends in human rights law. Written by a carefully selected group of international experts, this text represents an authoritative resource for understanding contemporary and future developments in consumer law. This Handbook will provide students, researchers and policymakers with an insight to the main policy debates in each context and provide models of legal regulation to assist in the evaluation of laws and the development of consumer law and policy.
Seagull Books London Ltd Old Masters: A Comedy
Thomas Bernhard's Old Masters has been called his "most enjoyable novel" by the New York Review of Books. It's a wild satire that takes place almost entirely in front of Tintoretto's White-Bearded Man, on display in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, as two typically Viennese pedants (serving as alter egos for Bernhard himself) irreverently, even contemptuously take down high culture, society, state-supported artists, Heidegger, and much more. It's a book built on thought and conversation rather than action or visuals. Yet somehow celebrated Austrian cartoonist Nicholas Mahler has brought it to life in graphic form and it's brilliant. This volume presents Mahler's typically minimalist cartoons alongside new translations of selected passages from the novel. The result is a version of Old Masters that is strikingly new, yet still true to Bernhard's bleak vision, and to the novel's outrageous proposition that the perfect work of art is truly unbearable to even think about let alone behold.
Stanford University Press Selected Writings
Sarah Kofman (1934-1994), Professor of Philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris and the author of over twenty books, was one of the most significant postwar thinkers in France. Kofman's scholarship was wide-ranging and included work on Freud and psychoanalysis, Nietzsche, feminism and the role of women in Western philosophy, visual art, and literature. The child of Polish Jewish immigrants who lost her father in the Holocaust, she also was interested in Judaism and anti-Semitism, especially as reflected in works of literature and philosophy. This book is an anthology of some of Kofman's most significant writings on these and other topics. Its purpose is to provide a general introduction to Kofman's thought, which has been highly influential in both Europe and America. Although some of the selections have been published previously, the majority of the books contents appear in English translation for the first time.
McGill-Queen's University Press The Perils of Pedagogy: The Works of John Greyson
Whether addressing HIV/AIDS, the policing of bathroom sex, censorship, or anti-globalization movements, John Greyson has imbued his work with cutting humour, eroticism, and postmodern aesthetics. Mashing up high art, opera, community activism, and pop culture, Greyson challenges his audience to consider new ways that images can intervene in both political and public spheres. Emerging on the Toronto scene in the late 1970s, Greyson has produced an eclectic, provocative, and award-winning body of work in film and video. The essays in The Perils of Pedagogy range from personal meditations to provocative textual readings to studies of the historical contexts in which the artist's works intervened politically as well as artistically. Notable writers from a range of disciplines as well as prominent experimental and activist filmmakers tackle questions of documentary ethics, moving image activism, and queer coalitional politics raised by Greyson's work. Close to one hundred frame captures and stills from almost sixty works, along with articles, speeches, and short scripts by Greyson - several never before published - supplement the collection. Celebrating thirty years of passionate, brilliant, and affecting moviemaking, The Perils of Pedagogy will fascinate both specialists and general readers interested in media activism and advocacy, censorship, and freedom of expression.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Causes of Structural Unemployment: Four Factors that Keep People from the Jobs they Deserve
There is a specter haunting advanced industrial countries: structural unemployment. Recent years have seen growing concern over declining jobs, and though corporate profits have picked up after the Great Recession of 2008, jobs have not. It is possible that “jobless recoveries” could become a permanent feature of Western economies. This illuminating book focuses on the employment futures of advanced industrial countries, providing readers with the sociological imagination to appreciate the bigger picture of where workers fit in the new international division of labor. The authors piece together a puzzle that reveals deep structural forces underlying unemployment: skills mismatches caused by a shift from manufacturing to service jobs; increased offshoring in search of lower wages; the rise of advanced communication and automated technologies; and the growing financialization of the global economy that aggravates all of these factors. Weaving together varied literatures and data, the authors also consider what actions and policy initiatives societies might take to alleviate these threats. Addressing a problem that should be front and center for political economists and policymakers, this book will be illuminating reading for students of the sociology of work, labor studies, inequality, and economic sociology.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Transnational Migration
Increasing interconnections between nation-states across borders have rendered the transnational a key tool for understanding our world. It has made particularly strong contributions to immigration studies and holds great promise for deepening insights into international migration. This is the first book to provide an accessible yet rigorous overview of transnational migration, as experienced by family and kinship groups, networks of entrepreneurs, diasporas and immigrant associations. As well as defining the core concept, it explores the implications of transnational migration for immigrant integration and its relationship to assimilation. By examining its political, economic, social, and cultural dimensions, the authors capture the distinctive features of the new immigrant communities that have reshaped the ethno-cultural mix of receiving nations, including the US and Western Europe. Importantly, the book also examines the effects of transnationality on sending communities, viewing migrants as agents of political and economic development. This systematic and critical overview of transnational migration perfectly balances theoretical discussion with relevant examples and cases, making it an ideal book for upper-level students covering immigration and transnational relations on sociology, political science, and globalization courses.
INGRAM PUBLISHER SERVICES US Creativity And The Mind: Discovering The Genius Within
Blending leading scientific research with real life experiences, Creativity and the Mind helps readers unlock their creative potential and embrace alternate ways of thinking about everyday problems.
Harvard University Press Secret Weapons: Defenses of Insects, Spiders, Scorpions, and Other Many-Legged Creatures
Mostly tiny, infinitely delicate, and short-lived, insects and their relatives--arthropods--nonetheless outnumber all their fellow creatures on earth. How lowly arthropods achieved this unlikely preeminence is a story deftly and colorfully told in this follow-up to the award-winning For Love of Insects. Part handbook, part field guide, part photo album, Secret Weapons chronicles the diverse and often astonishing defensive strategies that have allowed insects, spiders, scorpions, and other many-legged creatures not just to survive, but to thrive. In sixty-nine chapters, each brilliantly illustrated with photographs culled from Thomas Eisner's legendary collection, we meet a largely North American cast of arthropods--as well as a few of their kin from Australia, Europe, and Asia--and observe at firsthand the nature and extent of the defenses that lie at the root of their evolutionary success. Here are the cockroaches and termites, the carpenter ants and honeybees, and all the miniature creatures in between, deploying their sprays and venom, froth and feces, camouflage and sticky coatings. And along with a marvelous bug's-eye view of how these secret weapons actually work, here is a close-up look at the science behind them, from taxonomy to chemical formulas, as well as an appendix with instructions for studying chemical defenses at home. Whether dipped into here and there or read cover to cover, Secret Weapons will prove invaluable to hands-on researchers and amateur naturalists alike, and will captivate any reader for whom nature is a source of wonder.
University of California Press Vision and Place: John Wesley Powell and Reimagining the Colorado River Basin
The Colorado River Basin’s importance cannot be overstated. Its living river system supplies water to roughly forty million people, contains Grand Canyon National Park, Bears Ears National Monument, and wide swaths of other public lands, and encompasses ancestral homelands of twenty-nine Native American tribes. John Wesley Powell, a one-armed Civil War veteran, explorer, scientist, and adept federal administrator, articulated a vision for Euro-American colonization of the “Arid Region” that has indelibly shaped the basin—a pattern that looms large not only in western history, but also in contemporary environmental and social policy. One hundred and fifty years after Powell’s epic 1869 Colorado River Exploring Expedition, this volume revisits Powell’s vision, examining its historical character and its relative influence on the Colorado River Basin’s cultural and physical landscape in modern times. In three parts, the volume unpacks Powell’s ideas on water, public lands, and Native Americans—ideas at once innovative, complex, and contradictory. With an eye toward climate change and a host of related challenges facing the basin, the volume turns to the future, reflecting on how—if at all—Powell’s legacy might inform our collective vision as we navigate a new “Great Unknown.”
WW Norton & Co Master Pieces: The Curator's Game
As Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a decade, Thomas Hoving brought art to a new level of public awareness by pioneering such blockbuster shows as the King Tut exhibit. Early in his career, Hoving was introduced to the "curator's game." Each week, he and his contemporaries met to examine details of larger museum masterpieces. Whoever correctly identified the detail in context won free coffee: the losers paid. In an imaginative adaptation of this exercise, Hoving introduces us to the challenge and the fun of identifying art, and to the rewards of familiarity with the great works. A section of paintings accompanied by brief essays introduces a range of artists, themes, techniques, and styles, while progressively demanding "clues" are provided to help identify visual details in context. No experience is necessary to play this game. Readers at all levels will discover the fun of identifying and remembering great art.
Random House USA Inc A General Theory of Love
University of Illinois Press Rethinking American Music
In Rethinking American Music, Tara Browner and Thomas L. Riis curate essays that offer an eclectic survey of current music scholarship. Ranging from Tin Pan Alley to Thelonious Monk to hip hop, the contributors go beyond repertory and biography to explore four critical yet overlooked areas: the impact of performance; patronage's role in creating music and finding a place to play it; personal identity; and the ways cultural and ethnographic circumstances determine the music that emerges from the creative process. Many of the articles also look at how a piece of music becomes initially popular and then exerts a lasting influence in the larger global culture. The result is an insightful state-of-the-field examination that doubles as an engaging short course on our complex, multifaceted musical heritage. Contributors: Karen Ahlquist, Amy C. Beal, Mark Clagu,. Esther R. Crookshank, Todd Decker, Jennifer DeLapp-Birkett, Joshua S. Duchan, Mark Katz, Jeffrey Magee, Sterling E. Murray, Guthrie P. Ramsey Jr., David Warren Steel, Jeffrey Taylor, and Mark Tucker
Columbia University Press Worlds of Journalism: Journalistic Cultures Around the Globe
How do journalists around the world view their roles and responsibilities in society? Based on a landmark study that has collected data from more than 27,500 journalists in 67 countries, Worlds of Journalism offers a groundbreaking analysis of the different ways journalists perceive their duties, their relationship to society and government, and the nature and meaning of their work.Challenging assumptions of a universal definition or concept of journalism, the book maps a world populated by a rich diversity of journalistic cultures. Organized around a series of key questions on topics such as editorial autonomy, journalistic ethics, trust in social institutions, and changes in the profession, it details how the practice of journalism differs across the world in a range of political, social, and economic contexts. The book covers how journalism as an institution is created and re-created by journalists and how they experience their profession in very different ways, even as they retain a commitment to some basic, widely shared professional norms and practices. It concludes with a global classification of journalistic cultures that reflects the breadth of worldviews and orientations found in disparate countries and regions. Worlds of Journalism offers an ambitious, comparative global understanding of the state of journalism in a time when it is confronting a series of economic and political threats.
Columbia University Press Worlds of Journalism: Journalistic Cultures Around the Globe
How do journalists around the world view their roles and responsibilities in society? Based on a landmark study that has collected data from more than 27,500 journalists in 67 countries, Worlds of Journalism offers a groundbreaking analysis of the different ways journalists perceive their duties, their relationship to society and government, and the nature and meaning of their work.Challenging assumptions of a universal definition or concept of journalism, the book maps a world populated by a rich diversity of journalistic cultures. Organized around a series of key questions on topics such as editorial autonomy, journalistic ethics, trust in social institutions, and changes in the profession, it details how the practice of journalism differs across the world in a range of political, social, and economic contexts. The book covers how journalism as an institution is created and re-created by journalists and how they experience their profession in very different ways, even as they retain a commitment to some basic, widely shared professional norms and practices. It concludes with a global classification of journalistic cultures that reflects the breadth of worldviews and orientations found in disparate countries and regions. Worlds of Journalism offers an ambitious, comparative global understanding of the state of journalism in a time when it is confronting a series of economic and political threats.
Columbia University Press Philosophical Temperaments: From Plato to Foucault
Peter Sloterdijk turns his keen eye to the history of western thought, conducting colorful readings of the lives and ideas of the world's most influential intellectuals. Featuring nineteen vignettes rich in personal characterizations and theoretical analysis, Sloterdijk's companionable volume casts the development of philosophical thinking not as a buildup of compelling books and arguments but as a lifelong, intimate struggle with intellectual and spiritual movements, filled with as many pitfalls and derailments as transcendent breakthroughs. Sloterdijk delves into the work and times of Aristotle, Augustine, Bruno, Descartes, Foucault, Fichte, Hegel, Husserl, Kant, Kierkegaard, Leibniz, Marx, Nietzsche, Pascal, Plato, Sartre, Schelling, Schopenhauer, and Wittgenstein. He provocatively juxtaposes Plato against shamanism and Marx against Gnosticism, revealing both the vital external influences shaping these intellectuals' thought and the excitement and wonder generated by the application of their thinking in the real world. The philosophical "temperament" as conceived by Sloterdijk represents the uniquely creative encounter between the mind and a diverse array of cultures. It marks these philosophers' singular achievements and the special dynamic at play in philosophy as a whole. Creston Davis's introduction details Sloterdijk's own temperament, surveying the celebrated thinker's intellectual context, rhetorical style, and philosophical persona.
The University of Chicago Press Hierarchy: Perspectives for Ecological Complexity
Although complexity surrounds us, its inherent uncertainty, ambiguity, and contradiction can at first make complex systems appear inscrutable. Ecosystems, for instance, are nonlinear, self-organizing, seemingly chaotic structures in which individuals interact both with each other and with the myriad biotic and abiotic components of their surroundings across geographies as well as spatial and temporal scales. In the face of such complexity, ecologists have long sought tools to streamline and aggregate information. Among them, in the 1980s, T. F. H. Allen and Thomas B. Starr implemented a burgeoning concept from business administration: hierarchy theory. Cutting-edge when Hierarchy was first published, their approach to unraveling complexity is now integrated into mainstream ecological thought. This thoroughly revised and expanded second edition of Hierarchy reflects the assimilation of hierarchy theory into ecological research, its successful application to the understanding of complex systems, and the many developments in thought since. Because hierarchies and levels are habitual parts of human thinking, hierarchy theory has proven to be the most intuitive and tractable vehicle for addressing complexity. By allowing researchers to look explicitly at only the entities and interconnections that are relevant to a specific research question, hierarchically informed data analysis has enabled a revolution in ecological understanding. With this new edition of Hierarchy, that revolution continues.
Pearson Education Limited Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability, Global Edition
For courses in Strategic Management and Business Policy. Picking up where the popular previous editions left off, Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability, 15th Edition further sharpens and modernises this classic text’s approach to teaching strategy with an emphasis on globalisation, innovation, and sustainability. Throughout, the authors equip students with the strategic concepts they will need to know as they face the issues that all organisations must build upon to push their businesses forward. In this edition, Alan Hoffman and Chuck Bamford bring a fresh perspective to this extraordinarily well-researched and practically crafted lesson. Also included is a new chapter on Global Strategy, along with new vignettes and comprehensive, real-world case studies.
Pearson Education Limited Mathematics with Applications in the Management, Natural and Social Sciences, Global Edition
Mathematics with Applications in the Management, Natural, and Social Sciences presents sound mathematics in an understandable manner, proceeding from the familiar to new material and from concrete examples to general rules and formulas. The Eleventh Edition retains its focus on real-world problem solving, but has been refreshed with revised and added content, updated and new applications, fine-tuned and newly-integrated pedagogical devices, and enhanced exercise sets. The new edition supports students with a tightly integrated MyMathLab® course and quality applications and exercises. Teaching and Learning Experience This program will provide a better teaching and learning experience. Here’s how: Personalized help with MyMathLab®: MyMathLab delivers proven results by personalizing the learning process. Strong foundation of algebra: The authors devote the first four chapters to algebra topics that form the foundation for the finite mathematics and calculus topics that follow. Built for student success: proven pedagogy, robust exercise sets, and comprehensive end-of-chapter material help students succeed in the course. Motivation: Students constantly see the math applied to their major areas of study. Please note that the product you are purchasing does not include MyMathLab. MyMathLab Join over 11 million students benefiting from Pearson MyLabs. This title can be supported by MyMathLab, an online homework and tutorial system designed to test and build your understanding. Would you like to use the power of MyMathLab to accelerate your learning? You need both an access card and a course ID to access MyMathLab. These are the steps you need to take: 1. Make sure that your lecturer is already using the system Ask your lecturer before purchasing a MyLab product as you will need a course ID from them before you can gain access to the system. 2. Check whether an access card has been included with the book at a reduced cost If it has, it will be on the inside back cover of the book. 3. If you have a course ID but no access code, you can benefit from MyMathLab at a reduced price by purchasing a pack containing a copy of the book and an access code for MyMathLab (ISBN:9781292072630) 4. If your lecturer is using the MyLab and you would like to purchase the product... Go to to buy access to this interactive study programme. For educator access, contact your Pearson representative. To find out who your Pearson representative is, visit
Action Lab Entertainment, Inc. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir: Season Two – Double Trouble
Enjoy two more miraculous adventures with the super powered heroes of Paris, Ladybug and Cat Noir! In “Frightningale”, Adrien and Marinette are picked to play Ladybug and Cat Noir in a music video. But the singer gets akumatized and uses her magic mike to turn Paris into a giant musical! Now, Ladybug and Cat Noir need to keep rhyming to win against her. Then, in “Troublemaker”, Jagged Stone’s assistant is always solving problems, until she becomes akumatized and starts causing them! It’s up to Ladybug and Cat Noir to try and stop her… but how can they when she can literally make herself untouchable?! It’s time for our heroes to suit up and save the day! SPOTS ON, CLAWS OUT!
Broadview Press Ltd The History of Sandford and Merton
Among the earliest novels written about children, for children, The History of Sandford and Merton was enormously popular for a century and a half after its first publication in 1783-9. The novel is Enlightenment for beginners, offering a course of education in class, race, and gender to its six year-old protagonists, the robust farm-boy Harry Sandford and Tommy Merton, the spoiled boy from the big house. Sandford and Merton offers entertaining and practical lessons in manners, masculinity, and class politics.This Broadview Edition includes the original illustrations, along with contemporary reviews and other material on childhood by John Locke, Thomas Day, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and others.