Search results for ""author the editors of field"
John Wiley & Sons Inc Coach Yourself to Success: Winning the Investment Game
Praise for Coach Yourself to Success "Knowing how to make money and hold onto your money has never been easy. Joe's strategies are clear, accessible, and performance based. Joe, thanks for taking the mystery out of investing." --Maria Bartiromo, host and managing editor of the nationally syndicated program the Wall Street Journal Report with Maria Bartiromo and CNBC's Closing Bell. "Leave it to Joe to look out for the rest of us Joes and Joannes. Practical. Useful. Meaningful. The man who democratized trading has now leveled the playing field." --Neil Cavuto, Vice President of FOX News Channel, host of Your World with Neil Cavuto and author of the New York Times bestseller, More than Money "Joe Moglia has provided a coach's playbook for everyone. This is an invaluable tool for executing the right investing moves to win the game!" --Bill Bolster, former CEO CNBC, CNBC Intl. "If there is a parallel between football and investing, it is that to be successful you have to stick to the fundamentals. 'Coach' Joe Moglia lays out the fundamentals for you in a concise, straightforward manner. Read it and win." --Vince Lombardi, Jr. "Coach Joe Moglia knows the game and knows it well. His clearly written book is indispensable for the novice and great fun for the knowledgeable." --Bob Kerrey, President, New School University "As the president of Ameritrade, Joe Moglia revolutionized online trading, making individual investors successful as never before. In Coach Yourself to Success, Moglia's insights give individual investors a new and powerful tool to achieve their financial objectives." --Roger McNamee, cofounder of Elevation Partners, Silver Lake Partners, and Integral Capital Partners, and author of The New Normal
Victoria County History A History of Wiltshire: XVII: Calne
The history of Calne, a market and industrial town in north Wiltshire, and the places around it. Calne, a small town in north Wiltshire, stood on a large royal estate, and the witan met there - St Dunstan survived the partial collapse of a building at one meeting. It sent members to parliament from the thirteenth century, andit became a pocket borough in the eighteenth. The town stands on what until 1971 was the main London to Bristol road; markets and fairs were held, and inns flourished. It was also industrial: water-powered mills were used for fulling, and from the sixteenth century to the 1840s it was a centre for cloth making. The topography of the town, its growth, government and cultural life are fully explored, and churches, chapels and schools discussed. In Calne's hinterland most settlement was in small villages with open fields and commonable pastures. Bowood park was inclosed from the forest c.1618 and Bowood House was built in the park c.1727. The house, the changes to it by Robert Adam and others, and the redesigning of its park by 'Capability' Brown are fully described. In the nineteenth century many estate cottages were built. For the places around Calne the history of the settlement and churches in each village, the manorial descents, and the evolution of farming and farms are all traced, and there are architectural descriptions of the churches.D.A.CROWLEY is County Editor, Victorial History of Wiltshire.
Royal Society of Chemistry Drug Design Strategies: Computational Techniques and Applications
This book documents the latest research into the theory and application of force-fields, semi-empirical molecular orbital, density functional and ab initio calculations, Quantum Mechanical (QM) based modelling, Atoms in Molecules (AIM) approach, and biomolecular dynamics. It also covers theory and application of 2D cheminformatics, QSAR/QSPR, ADME properties of drugs, drug docking/scoring protocols and approaches, topological methodology, and modelling accurate inhibition constants of enzymes. Finally, the book gives the theory and applications of multiscale modelling of proteins and biomolecular systems. The information need for a book in this area is due to the continuing rapid advance of firstly theoretical approaches, secondly software/hardware and lastly the successful application of the technology and this book fills a gap in the literature. The co-editors have extensive experience of teaching and researching in the field and the book includes contributions from cutting-edge academic and industrial researchers in their respective fields. It is essential reading for medicinal chemists, computational chemists and those in the pharmaceutical industry.
Ebury Publishing Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Happier Life
In Thrive, Arianna Huffington, the co-founder and editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post and one of the most influential women in the world, has written a passionate call to arms, looking to redefine what it means to be successful in today’s world.She likens our drive for money and power to two legs of a three-legged stool. It may hold us up temporarily, but sooner or later we’re going to topple over. We need a third leg – a Third Metric for defining success – in order to live a healthy, productive, and meaningful life.In this deeply personal book, Arianna talks candidly about her own challenges with managing time and prioritising the demands of a career and two daughters. Drawing on the latest groundbreaking research and scientific findings in the fields of psychology, sports, sleep and physiology that show the profound and transformative effects of meditation, mindfulness, unplugging and giving, Arianna shows us the way to a revolution in our culture, our thinking, our workplaces, and our lives.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Shame 4.0: Investigating an Emotion in Digital Worlds and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
This edited volume provides new perspectives on how shame is experienced and transformed within digital worlds and Industry 4.0. The editors and authors discuss how individuals and organisations can constructively transform shame at work, in professional and private contexts, and with regard to socio-cultural lifestyle changes, founded in digitalisation and Industry 4.0. The contributions in this volume enable researchers and practitioners alike to unlock the topic of shame and its specifics in the highly dynamic and rapidly changing times to explore this emotion in depth in connection with remote workplaces, home office, automated realities and smart systems, or digitalised life- and working styles. By employing transdisciplinary and transcultural perspectives, the volume further discusses shame in the context of new lifestyles, religion, gender, sexual suppression, mental illness, and the nature of citizenship. Researchers, practitioners and students in the fields of industrial and organisational psychology, positive psychology, organisational studies, future studies, health and occupational science and therapy, emotion sciences, management, leadership and human resources will find the contributions highly topical, insightful and applicable to practice. Fresh, timely, thought-provoking with each turn of the page, this impressive volume explores shame in today’s world. Moving beyond the simple “guilt is good; shame is bad” perspective, authors from diverse disciplines examine adaptive and maladaptive aspects of shame in the context of contemporary issues (e.g., social media use, COVID-19) via multiple cultural and social lenses. Aptly named, Shame 4.0 is a treasure trove of rich ideas ripe for empirical study – a blueprint for the next generation of research on this complex and ubiquitous emotion. Bravo! --June Tangney, PhD, University Professor and Professor of Psychology, George Mason University, USA Uncovering Shame - To a much greater extent than other emotions like anger, grief, and fear, until recently most shame in modern societies has been hidden from sight. The text you see in this book is one of the steps that is being taken to make it more visible and therefore controllable. -- Thomas Scheff, Prof. Emeritus Department of Sociology, UCSB, Santa Bararbara, Ca.
HarperCollins Focus Your Bedroom is a Rainforest!: Bring Rainforest Animals Indoors with Reusable, Glow-in-the-Dark Stickers of Monkeys, Tigers, Sloths, Parrots, Jaguars, Tarantulas, Pandas, Fireflies, and More!
Go on a journey through the jungle without ever leaving your bed! With Your Bedroom is a Rainforest!, kids can transform an ordinary room into a habitat for some of Earth's most amazing creatures with reusable, wall-safe (and BPA-free!), glow-in-the-dark stickers--everything from blue morpho butterflies to Bengal tigers to poison dart frogs! What's your favorite animal? The answer to this question, much like one's favorite color, can say a lot about a kid. Maybe they're into gorillas because they admire their nobility; maybe the colors of a toucan capture their imagination; maybe they like crocodiles because they take to water. While there are countless possible answers to this question, one thing is almost certain: they probably aren't going to say, squirrel. No, the favorite animal of a child tends to be exotic, dangerous, fast, and maybe even endangered. In the past, a long and expensive trip to the zoo was required for kids to pay a visit to their beast of choice. Well, not anymore! Your Bedroom is a Rainforest! brings the incredible ecosystems of Central America, northern South America, western Africa, Southeast Asia, and beyond, right to the walls of your child's bedroom! Within this keepsake-worthy hardcover book you will find more than 60 reusable stickers of jaguars, capybara, scarlet macaws, monkeys, forest elephants, anacondas, and many more adorable--and sometimes ferocious--animals glow in the dark and bring your environment to life. Along with the stickers, kids can look forward to pages packed with illustrations of their favorite animals accompanied by fascinating, and often hard-to-believe facts, such as: Most pandas spend half the day eating. Toxic poison dart frogs have neon colors to warn predators. Tiger urine smells like buttered popcorn. Without sloths, there would be no avocados! Lions may be called the kings of the jungle, but they don't live anywhere near them. Much of the life in the rainforest is found in the trees. Unlike many other cats, jaguars do not avoid water; in fact, they are excellent swimmers. The high-quality, glow-in-the-dark stickers might be what gets kids interested, but the amazing facts are sure to be what keeps them around. And the best part? You're never too old to appreciate amazing jungle animals!About the Author: Hannah Sheldon-Dean is a writer, editor, and educator specializing in publications for children and young adults. She has written several licensed activity books and gift books with Penguin Young Readers, and she writes and edits fiction, nonfiction, and educational materials for a variety of outlets. She is currently a writing consultant at the Columbia University School of Social Work and a volunteer mentor with Girls Write Now. Hannah received a Master's of Social Work from New York University and a BA in Literary Arts and Education Policy from Brown University, and she loves to work on projects that fall at the intersection of those fields. She lives in Brooklyn but grew up in Vermont, so you might see her wandering the city in search of pine trees, mourning doves, caterpillars, or whatever other bits of nature she can find. She also loves singing with Khorikos choir, baking bread, and dreaming about the animal sanctuary she'll open someday.
Royal Society of Chemistry High Throughput Screening Methods: Evolution and Refinement
High throughput screening remains a key part of early stage drug and tool compound discovery, and methods and technologies have seen many fundamental improvements and innovations over the past 20 years. This comprehensive book provides a historical survey of the field up to the current state-of-the-art. In addition to the specific methods, this book also considers cultural and organizational questions that represent opportunities for future success. Following thought-provoking foreword and introduction from Professor Stuart Schreiber and the editors, chapters from leading experts across academia and industry cover initial considerations for screening, methods appropriate for different goals in small molecule discovery, newer technologies that provide alternative approaches to traditional miniaturization procedures, and practical aspects such as cost and resourcing. Within the context of their historical development, authors explain common pitfalls and their solutions. This book will serve as both a practical reference and a thoughtful guide to the philosophy underlying technological change in such a fast-moving area for postgraduates and researchers in academia and industry, particularly in the areas of chemical biology, pharmacology, structural biology and assay development.
Oxford University Press Reformation, Resistance, and Reason of State (1517-1625)
The period 1517-1625 was crucial for the development of political thought. During this time of expanding empires, religious upheaval, and social change, new ideas about the organisation and purpose of human communities began to be debated. In particular, there was a concern to understand the political or civil community as bounded, limited in geographical terms and with its own particular structures, characteristics and history. There was also a growing focus, in the wake of the Reformation, on civil or political authority as distinct from the church or religious authority. The concept of sovereignty began to be used, alongside a new language of reason of state--in response, political theories based upon religion gained traction, especially arguments for the divine right of kings. In this volume Sarah Mortimer highlights how, in the midst of these developments, the language of natural law became increasingly important as a means of legitimising political power, opening up scope for religious toleration. Drawing on a wide range of sources from Europe and beyond, Sarah Mortimer offers a new reading of early modern political thought. She makes connections between Christian Europe and the Muslim societies that lay to its south and east, showing the extent to which concerns about the legitimacy of political power were shared. Mortimer demonstrates that the history of political thought can both benefit from, and remain distinctive within, the wider field of intellectual history. The books in The Oxford History of Political Thought series provide an authoritative overview of the political thought of a particular era. They synthesize and expand major developments in scholarship, covering canonical thinkers while placing them in a context of broader traditions, movements, and debates. The history of political thought has been transformed over the last thirty to forty years. Historians still return to the constant landmarks of writers such as Plato, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Rousseau, and Marx; but they have roamed more widely and often thereby cast new light on these authors. They increasingly recognize the importance of archival research, a breadth of sources, contextualization, and historiographical debate. Much of the resulting scholarship has appeared in specialist journals and monographs. The Oxford History of Political Thought makes its profound insights available to a wider audience. Series Editor: Mark Bevir, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for British Studies, University of California, Berkeley.
Royal Society of Chemistry Raman Spectroscopy in Archaeology and Art History: Volume 2
Ten years after the first volume, this book highlights the important contribution Raman spectroscopy makes as a non-destructive method for characterising the chemical composition of objects with archaeological and historical importance. The original book was ground-breaking in its concept, but the past ten years have seen some advancement into new areas, consolidation of some of the older ones and novel applications involving portable instrumentation, on site in museums and in the field. This new volume maintains the topic at the cutting edge, the Editors have approached prominent contributors to provide case-studies sorted into themes. Starting with a Foreword from the British Museum Director of Scientific Research and an Introduction from the Editors, which offer general background information and theoretical context, the contributions then provide global perspectives on this powerful analytical tool. Aimed at scientists involved in conservation, conservators and curators who want to better understand their collections at a material level and researchers of cultural heritage.
Princeton University Press The Best Writing on Mathematics 2017
The year's finest mathematics writing from around the world This annual anthology brings together the year's finest mathematics writing from around the world. Featuring promising new voices alongside some of the foremost names in the field, The Best Writing on Mathematics 2017 makes available to a wide audience many articles not easily found anywhere else--and you don't need to be a mathematician to enjoy them. These writings offer surprising insights into the nature, meaning, and practice of mathematics today. They delve into the history, philosophy, teaching, and everyday occurrences of math, and take readers behind the scenes of today's hottest mathematical debates. Here Evelyn Lamb describes the excitement of searching for incomprehensibly large prime numbers, Jeremy Gray speculates about who would have won math's highest prize--the Fields Medal--in the nineteenth century, and Philip Davis looks at mathematical results and artifacts from a business and marketing viewpoint. In other essays, Noson Yanofsky explores the inherent limits of knowledge in mathematical thinking, Jo Boaler and Lang Chen reveal why finger-counting enhances children's receptivity to mathematical ideas, and Carlo Sequin and Raymond Shiau attempt to discover how the Renaissance painter Fra Luca Pacioli managed to convincingly depict his famous rhombicuboctahedron, a twenty-six-sided Archimedean solid. And there's much, much more. In addition to presenting the year's most memorable writings on mathematics, this must-have anthology includes a bibliography of other notable writings and an introduction by the editor, Mircea Pitici. This book belongs on the shelf of anyone interested in where math has taken us--and where it is headed.
University of Virginia Press Haitian Revolutionary Fictions: An Anthology
The Haitian Revolution (1791–1804) was the first antislavery and anticolonial uprising led by New World Africans to result in the creation of an independent and slavery-free nation state. The momentousness of this thirteen-year-long war generated thousands of pages of writing. This anthology brings together for the first time a transnational and multilingual selection of literature about the revolution, from the beginnings of the conflicts that resulted in it to the end of the nineteenth century.With over two hundred excerpts from novels, poetry, and plays published between 1787 and 1900, and depicting a wide array of characters including, Anacaona, Makandal, Boukman, Toussaint Louverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, and Henry Christophe, this anthology provides the perfect classroom text for exploring this fascinating revolution, its principal actors, and the literature it inspired, while also providing a vital resource for specialists in the field. This landmark volume includes many celebrated authors—such as Alexandre Dumas, Victor Hugo, Heinrich von Kleist, Alphonse de Lamartine, William Wordsworth, Harriet Martineau, and William Edgar Easton—but the editors also present here for the first time many less-well-known fictions by writers from across western Europe and both North and South America, as well as by nineteenth-century Haitian authors, refuting a widely accepted perception that Haitian representations of their revolution primarily emerged in the twentieth century. Each excerpt is introduced by contextualizing commentary designed to spark discussion about the ongoing legacy of slavery and colonialism in the Americas. Ultimately, the publication of this capacious body of literature that spans three continents offers students, scholars, and the curious reader alike a unique glimpse into the tremendous global impact the Haitian Revolution had on the print culture of the Atlantic world.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Radiology and Follow-up of Urologic Surgery
The first guide to identifying and assessing changes following urologic surgery—with follow-up protocols What is the normal appearance of a kidney after radio frequency ablation of a tumor and what does a local recurrence look like? How does the urine flow down the ureters after a trans-uretero-ureterostomy? What is the normal appearance of the urinary tract after a cystoplasty? Most clinicians would be hard-pressed to provide answers to such fundamental questions concerning post-surgical anatomy and physiology, and equally challenged to find evidence-based information on the subject. Most of the literature in radiology and urologic surgery is orientated towards diagnosis and disease management. Although this often includes complications and outcomes, the clinician is often in the dark as to the anatomical and physiological changes that follow successful treatment—especially in cases involving conservative or reconstructive surgery. To rectify this, the editors invited colleagues to share insights gleaned during their careers. The results are contained in Radiology and Follow-up of Urologic Surgery. Extremely well-illustrated throughout with color photographs and line drawings, Radiology and Follow-up of Urologic Surgery: Features sections devoted to each of the organs of the genito-urinary tract with chapters covering the major diseases and operations that are used to treat them Focuses on the “new normal” following surgery with an emphasis on the identification of normal changes versus complications Covers the radiologic changes and biochemical and histological findings which are found following reconstructions Offers guidelines for clinical and radiological follow up after urological surgery in some key areas Radiology and Follow-up of Urologic Surgery is essential reading for surgical residents in urology, as well as radiology residents specializing in urology. It also belongs on the reference shelves of urologists, urological surgeons, obstetric/gynecologic surgeons, and radiologists with an interest in the field, at whatever stage in their career.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics
The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics is a major new reference work which highlights the common ground between all the branches of the school while demonstrating the breadth and diversity within it. The Companion reflects the many areas where Austrian economists have made contributions, including technical economics, methodology of the social sciences, political theory and political science. This book includes contributions from an international group of scholars whose work demonstrates a basic similarity and interest in questions which have historically been associated with the Austrian approach to economics, although many of the contributors would not consider themselves to be strictly of this school. The distinguished team of contributors commissioned by the editor includes: K.D. Hoover, I.M. Kirzner, A. Klamer, D. Lavoie, C.K. Rowley, M. Rizzo, M. Rutherford, R.E. Wagner, U. Witt, L. Yeager.Each entry is fully referenced and includes suggestions for further readings on the topic. The Companion will be the standard reference work for all those engaged in the field of Austrian Economics. It not only introduces students to the Austrian school, but also serves as an important research tool for scholars working within the Austrian tradition.
New York University Press Fictions of Masculinity: Crossing Cultures, Crossing Sexualities
We are just beginning to understand masculinity as a fiction or a localizable, historical, and therefore unstable construct. This book points the way to a much-needed interrogation of the many modes of masculinity, as represented in literature. Both women and men who are engaged in critical thinking about genders and sexualities will find these essays always thoughtful and often provocative. Thas E. Morgan, Associate Professor of English, Arizona State University Peter Murphy has assembled an innovative, challenging, and important set of contributions to a growing field of inquiry into constructions of masculinities in literature, inspired principally by feminist and gay studies. Illuminatingly crossing lines of genders, sexualities, cultures, and methodologies, Fictions of Masculinity greatly advances our understanding of representations of men, masculinities, misandry, and misogyny in a wide range of literary works and genres, and helps us to imagine (and thereby ultimately bring about) alternative constructions. Harry Brod, Editor, The Making of Masculinities: The New Men's Studies, A Mensch Among Men: Explorations in Jewish Masculinity, and Theorizing Masculinities. Women writing about women dominates contemporary work on sexuality. Men have been far more willing to discuss female sexuality than male sexuality, while the most radical and insightful analyses of male sexuality have come from women. When men consider the issue of female sexuality they often speak from assumptions of security about their own unexamined sexuality. This book maintains that men have to interrogate their own sexuality if there is to be a revision of phallocentric discourse; and, that this revision of masculinity must be done in dialogue with women. The essays included in this collection examine the deep structure of masculine codes. They ask the question Who are the men in modern literature? Examining the force of the dominant values of Western masculinity, they synthesize insights from feminism, psychoanalysis, post-structuralism, and new historicism. These perspectives help explain how male sexuality has been structured by fictional representations. By examining the images of masculinity in modern literature, the essays explore traditional and non-traditional roles of men in society and in personal relationships. They look at how men are represented in literature, the fiction of manhood. They attempt to unravel the assumptions behind these representations by looking at the implications of this imagination. And they speculate on possibilities for creating a new imaginary of masculinity by identifying what literature has to say about that change. With analyses of a range of genres (novels, poetry, plays and autobiography), Western and Third World literatures, and theoretical perspectives, Fictions of Masculinity provides a significant contribution to this rapidly growing field of study. Contributors are: David Bergman (Towson State University), Miriam Cooke (Duke University), Martin Danahy (Emory University), Richard Dellamora (Trent University, Ontario), Leonard Duroche (University of Minnesota), Jim Elledge (Illinois State University), Alfred Habegger (University of Kansas), Suzanne Kehde (California Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo), David Leverenz (University of Florida), Christopher Metress (Wake Forest University), Peter F. Murphy (SUNY, Empire State College), Rafael Prez-Torres (University of Pennsylvania), David Radavich (Eastern Illinois University), and Peter Schwenger (St. Vincent University, Nova Scotia).
Wolters Kluwer Health Kaplan & Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Accurate, reliable, objective, and comprehensive, Kaplan & Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry has long been the leading clinical psychiatric resource for clinicians, residents, students, and other health care professionals both in the US and worldwide. Now led by a new editorial team of Drs. Robert Boland and Marcia L. Verduin, it continues to offer a trusted overview of the entire field of psychiatry while bringing you up to date with current information on key topics and developments in this complex specialty. The twelfth edition has been completely reorganized to make it more useful and easier to navigate in today’s busy clinical settings. A revised table of contents moves the most clinically relevant material to the beginning of the book, including sections on diagnosis, psychopathology and psychiatric conditions, treatment across the lifespan, and therapy and other interventions. Reformats clinical chapters to include clearer section headings and easy-to-digest summaries of important information, all with the goal of helping you find information quickly and easily locate answers to specific problems. Includes numerous case studies to enhance the learning experience. Presents the most current treatment methods including descriptions of all modern psychotherapeutic techniques. Includes descriptive tables for all relevant DSM-5 and ICD-10 diagnoses and an up-to-date psychopharmacology section organized according to mechanisms of action. Carries on the tradition of excellence established by Drs. Benjamin J. Sadock and Virginia A. Sadock, with Dr. Pedro Ruiz returning as Consulting Editor. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
CRC Press Encyclopedia of Optical and Photonic Engineering Print Five Volume Set
The first edition of the Encyclopedia of Optical and Photonic Engineering provided a valuable reference concerning devices or systems that generate, transmit, measure, or detect light, and to a lesser degree, the basic interaction of light and matter. This Second Edition not only reflects the changes in optical and photonic engineering that have occurred since the first edition was published, but also: Boasts a wealth of new material, expanding the encyclopediaâs length by 25 percent Contains extensive updates, with significant revisions made throughout the text Features contributions from engineers and scientists leading the fields of optics and photonics today With the addition of a second editor, the Encyclopedia of Optical and Photonic Engineering, Second Edition offers a balanced and up-to-date look at the fundamentals of a diverse portfolio of technologies and discoveries in areas ranging from
Southern Illinois University Press Institutional Sexual Abuse in the #MeToo Era
Examining the evolving reach of the #MeToo MovementIn this timely and important collection, editors Jason D. Spraitz and Kendra N. Bowen bring together the work of contributors in the fields of criminal justice and criminology, sociology, journalism, and communications. These chapters show #MeToo is not only a support network of victims' voices and testimonies but also a revolutionary interrogation of policies, power imbalances, and ethical failures that resulted in decades-long cover-ups and institutions structured to ensure continued abuse. This book reveals #MeToo as so much more than a hashtag.Contributors discuss how #MeToo has altered the landscape of higher education; detail a political history of sexual abuse in the United States and the UK; discuss a recent grand jury report about religious institutions; and address the foster care and correctional systems. Hollywood instances are noted for their fear of retaliation among victims and continued accolades for alleged abusers. In sports, contributors examine the Jerry Sandusky scandal and the abuse by Larry Nassar. Advertising and journalism are scrutinized for covering the #MeToo disclosures while dealing with their own scandals. Finally, social media platforms are investigated for harassment and threats of violent victimization.Drawing on the general framework of the #MeToo Movement, contributors look at complex and very different institutions-athletics, academia, religion, politics, justice, childcare, social media, and entertainment. Contributors include revelatory case studies to ensure we hear the victims' voices; bring to light the complicity and negligence of social institutions; and advocate for systemic solutions to institutional sexual abuse, violence, and harassment.
Human Kinetics Publishers Dimensions of Leisure for Life
Dimensions of Leisure for Life, Second Edition With HKPropel Access, guides students through a study of leisure from both individual and societal perspectives. The editors and contributors, all key experts in the field, use social science methods and current research to study the multidisciplinary field of leisure and its practical applications. Relevant career opportunities within the broad scope of the leisure services delivery system are also presented. The text emphasizes inclusivity and prepares students and professionals to incorporate inclusive practices into their work. Part I of Dimensions of Leisure for Life, Second Edition, examines the broad dimensions of leisure and its related industries. It looks at leisure as a social science and analyzes its societal value. Part II discusses how individual dimensions of leisure affect a person’s quality of life, physical and mental health, and level of physical activity. Part III details how recreation history informs contemporary leisure studies. It uncovers the intersection of leisure and society, family life, technology, natural resources, economics, and public policy. Part IV presents the study of leisure from a consumer perspective. Awareness of local options as well as age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic status; geographic distribution of leisure spaces; and stage of development all affect an individual’s participation in and level of involvement in leisure activities. Throughout the text, students will consider the role that recreation and leisure play in their own lives. They are encouraged to seek out the resources that are available to them, learn to recognize and challenge the obstacles to participation, and commit to a leisure plan that will enhance personal growth. The book’s full-color design contains photographs and illustrations that enhance student engagement. Learning outcomes and review questions in each chapter help students set learning goals and retain key information. Vocabulary terms allow students to identify important content.Dimensions of Leisure for Life, Second Edition, has been updated with current research and applications within the field. The second edition features the following enhancements to help students connect theoretical concepts to practical applications they can use in their future careers: On the Job sidebars in each chapter help students better understand common issues in the recreation and leisure workforce. Self-Exploration sidebars throughout the chapters provide opportunities for students to reflect on the role of leisure in their lives. A new chapter on leisure and family life discusses the impact of leisure on family structures and how to create valuable leisure experiences for all family members. The chapter on technology has been updated to reflect the digital advancements in leisure and their effect on individual equality and privacy. New interactive activities delivered online through HKPropel include chapter overviews, research assignments, key term flash cards, and chapter quizzes that can be automatically graded to assess student comprehension. Dimensions of Leisure for Life, Second Edition, addresses the ways that leisure affects individual lives and even our larger society. The more we understand the dimensions of leisure that contribute to quality of life for us and those in our communities, the more likely we are to appreciate them. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is included with all new print books.
New York University Press Latino Politics en Ciencia Política: The Search for Latino Identity and Racial Consciousness
More than 53 million Latinos now constitute the largest, fastest-growing, and most diverse minority group in the United States, and the nation’s political future may well be shaped by Latinos’ continuing political incorporation. In the 2012 election, Latinos proved to be a critical voting bloc in both Presidential and Congressional races; this demographic will only become more important in future American elections. Using new evidence from the largest-ever scientific survey addressed exclusively to Latino/Hispanic respondents, Latino Politics en Ciencia Política explores political diversity within the Latino community, considering how intra-community differences influence political behavior and policy preferences. The editors and contributors, all noted scholars of race and politics, examine key issues of Latino politics in the contemporary United States: Latino/a identities (latinidad), transnationalism, acculturation, political community, and racial consciousness. The book contextualizes today’s research within the history of Latino political studies, from the field’s beginnings to the present, explaining how systematic analysis of Latino political behavior has over time become integral to the study of political science. Latino Politics en Ciencia Política is thus an ideal text for learning both the state of the field today, and key dimensions of Latino political attitudes.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Solidarity in EU Law: Legal Principle in the Making
The European Union has evolved from a purely economic organisation to a multi-faceted entity with political, social and human rights dimensions. This has created an environment in which the concept of solidarity is gaining a more substantial role in shaping the EU legal order. This book provides both a retrospective assessment and an outlook on the future possibilities of solidarity?s practical and theoretical meaning and legal enforcement in the ever-changing Union.Solidarity in EU Law examines the less explored topics of the European solidarity debate, such as the practical enforceability of solidaristic obligations in EU law and non-EU investment into the economic services of general interest via ?golden shares?, at the same time contributing to the ongoing debates on solidarity in the context of European financial crisis and immigration, asylum and border checks. The expert editors bring these fields together to create a cohesive analysis of the ways in which solidarity is becoming a principle of EU constitutional law rather than merely a philosophical or political concept.Unique and insightful, this book is ideal reading for European law academics and research students. Its exploration of the current laws on solidarity regarding asylum and human rights would also benefit advisors in non-governmental organisations, as well as legal advice professionals working with EU citizens.Contributors: J. Bast, A. Biondi, E. Dagilyte, D. Gallo, I. Goldner Lang, E. Küçük, G. Lo Schiavo, C. Rieder, P. Van Cleynenbreugel
Edinburgh University Press The New Soundtrack: v. 1, Issue 1
The New Soundtrack brings together leading edge academic and professional perspectives on the complex relationship between sound and moving images. Former editors of The Soundtrack, Stephen Deutsch, Larry Sider and Dominic Power, bring their expertise to this project, providing a new platform for discourse on how aural elements combine with moving images. The New Soundtrack also encourages writing on more current developments, such as sound installations, computer-based delivery, and the psychology of the interaction of image and sound. The journal has an illustrious Editorial Board containing some of the most prominent people working with sound in the arts and media and the discourse which surrounds it. The New Soundtrack includes contributions from recognised practitioners in the field, including composers, sound designers and directors, giving voice to the development of professional practice, alongside academic contributions. Each issue also features a short compilation of book and film reviews on recently released publications and artefacts.
Royal Society of Chemistry Chemical Processes for a Sustainable Future
This comprehensive book approaches sustainability from two directions, the reduction of pollution and the maintaining of existing resources, both of which are addressed in a thorough examination of the main chemical processes and their impact. Divided into five sections, each introduced by a leading expert in the field, the book takes the reader through the various types of chemical processes, demonstrating how we must find ways to lower the environmental cost (of both pollution and contributions to climate change) of producing chemicals. Each section consists of several chapters, presenting the latest facts and opinion on the methodologies being adopted by the chemical industry to provide a more sustainable future. A follow-up to Materials for a Sustainable Future (Royal Society of Chemistry 2012), this book will appeal to the same broad readership - industrialists and investors; policy makers in local and central governments; students, teachers, scientists and engineers working in the field; and finally editors, journalists and the general public who need information on the increasingly popular concepts of sustainable living.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids: Never the Twain?
For many years, the related fields of molten salts and ionic liquids have drifted apart, to their mutual detriment. Both molten salts and ionic liquids are liquid salts containing only ions - all that is different is the temperature! Both fields involve the study of Coulombic fluids for academic and industrial purposes; both employ the same principles; both require skilled practitioners; both speak the same language; all then that is truly different is their semantics, and how superficial is that? The editors of this book, recognising that there was so much knowledge, both empirical and theoretical, which can be passed from the molten salt community to the ionic liquid community, and vice versa, organised a landmark meeting in Tunisia, designed to bridge the gap and heal the rift. Leaders from both communities met for a week for a mutual exchange, with a high tutorial content intermixed with cutting edge findings. This volume is a condensate of the principal offerings of that week, and emphasises the success which was achieved. Indeed, four future biannual meetings, under the title of “EUCHEM Conferences on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids”, have now been planned as a direct result of this meeting of minds. Topics discussed in this volume include structure, dynamics, electrochemistry, interfacial and thermodynamic properties, spectroscopy, synthesis, and theoretical studies. Experimental and theoretical methods for investigating these data are elaborated, as are techniques for data collection and analysis. This book represents the first serious discussion on the transfer of these methods and techniques between the differing temperature regimes, and is a major contribution to the future of both fields.
Springer International Publishing AG Introduction to Medical Humanities: Medicine and the Italian Artistic Heritage
This book proposes an integrated and interdisciplinary approach recording and interpreting the human experience of illness, disability, care, and medical intervention. In our age of deeply technologically-driven medicine, it is crucial to re-establish and promote the neglected relationship between medicine and the arts. This textbook contains contributions by scholars in various fields, who offer their qualified insights in order to reflect on illness, medicine, and the role of physicians and nurses. All chapters overcome a reductive conception of a medicine that is only able to biologically explain illness.All three editors of this book are researchers in Padua, a city that has been described as the cradle of modern medicine. Galileo Galilei taught for eighteen years at the University of Padua and developed the scientific method there. During the same period, Padua was also the “nursery of arts”, as Shakespeare wrote. In fact, Padua developed, especially in the XIV, XV, and XVI centuries, an impressive and unique artistic culture thanks to artists such as Giotto, Donatello and Titian. Finally, the city of Saint Anthony is a place where a religious feeling strongly oriented towards charity is deeply rooted and strictly linking its history to that of its hospital. This textbook is a unique resource for students of medicine, nursing, bioethics, psychology, theology, and history of art.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Employee Voice
This Handbook is an important contribution to knowledge about employee voice which combines a variety of approaches to the subject by drawing on different disciplines, forms and philosophies. It provides new research from a wide range of national and international experience and covers both collective and individual means of expressing the views of employees in the workplace. A feature of the Handbook is that it covers not only employment relations perspectives on the subject but also draws upon human resource management as well as organizational studies. The editors are leading authors in the subject area and have brought together both established authors and emerging scholars who have fresh approaches to the role of employee voice in organizations and society. I am sure that the Handbook will become a standard reference in the future.'- Russell Lansbury, University of Sydney, Australia'Given that employee voice has become more important recently across a range of disciplines, this book is very timely indeed. It brings together contributions from 50 well-known academics from different countries who provide a comprehensive account of employee voice from a variety of historical and contemporary angles. Crucially it also raises key questions for current and future research and practice. In my view this book should be compulsory reading for academics, policy-makers, practitioners and students in the subject area.'- Michael Marchington, University of Strathclyde and University of Manchester, UKThe term 'employee voice' refers to the ways and means through which employees can attempt to have a say and influence organizational issues that affect their work and the interests of managers and owners. The concept is distinct, but related to and often overlapping with issues such as participation, involvement and, more recently, engagement. This Handbook provides an up-to-date survey of the current research into employee voice, sets this research into context and sets a marker for future research in the area.The contributors are all expert in their field. The book examines the theory and history of employee voice and what voice means to various actors, including employers, middle managers, employees, unions and policy-makers. The authors observe how these actors engage in various voice processes, such as collective bargaining, grievance procedures, task-based voice, partnership and mutual gains. The efforts that have been made to date to evaluate voice across and between firms are then assessed, before the contributors go on to open up the debate on potential new areas for voice research, with a focus on voice and its relationship to organizational inclusion and exclusion.Contributors: B. Abbott, M.M.C. Allen, A.C. Avgar, N. Balnave, A. Barnes, C. Benassi, J. Benders, C.T. Brinsfield, A. Bryson, J.W. Budd, S. Chillas, N. Cullinane, T. Dobbins, V. Doellgast, J. Donaghey, T. Dundon, J. Foley, R.B. Freeman, P.J. Gollan, R. Gomez, M.G. Menéndez, J.A. Gruman, B. Harley, E. Heery, P. Holland, S. Johnstone, S. Kaine, B.E. Kaufman, T. Kretschmer, D. Lewin, A.A. Luchak, M.M. Lucio, C. MacMillan, A. Marks, W. Nienhüser, S. Owens, M.F. Ozbilgin , G. Patmore, D.M. Pohler, S. Procter, A. Pyman, A.M. Saks, M. Sameer, J. Syed, L. Thornthwaite, K. Townsend, A. Wilkinson, S. Williams, P. Willman, Y. Xu
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Employee Voice
This Handbook is an important contribution to knowledge about employee voice which combines a variety of approaches to the subject by drawing on different disciplines, forms and philosophies. It provides new research from a wide range of national and international experience and covers both collective and individual means of expressing the views of employees in the workplace. A feature of the Handbook is that it covers not only employment relations perspectives on the subject but also draws upon human resource management as well as organizational studies. The editors are leading authors in the subject area and have brought together both established authors and emerging scholars who have fresh approaches to the role of employee voice in organizations and society. I am sure that the Handbook will become a standard reference in the future.'- Russell Lansbury, University of Sydney, Australia'Given that employee voice has become more important recently across a range of disciplines, this book is very timely indeed. It brings together contributions from 50 well-known academics from different countries who provide a comprehensive account of employee voice from a variety of historical and contemporary angles. Crucially it also raises key questions for current and future research and practice. In my view this book should be compulsory reading for academics, policy-makers, practitioners and students in the subject area.'- Michael Marchington, University of Strathclyde and University of Manchester, UKThe term 'employee voice' refers to the ways and means through which employees can attempt to have a say and influence organizational issues that affect their work and the interests of managers and owners. The concept is distinct, but related to and often overlapping with issues such as participation, involvement and, more recently, engagement. This Handbook provides an up-to-date survey of the current research into employee voice, sets this research into context and sets a marker for future research in the area.The contributors are all expert in their field. The book examines the theory and history of employee voice and what voice means to various actors, including employers, middle managers, employees, unions and policy-makers. The authors observe how these actors engage in various voice processes, such as collective bargaining, grievance procedures, task-based voice, partnership and mutual gains. The efforts that have been made to date to evaluate voice across and between firms are then assessed, before the contributors go on to open up the debate on potential new areas for voice research, with a focus on voice and its relationship to organizational inclusion and exclusion.Contributors: B. Abbott, M.M.C. Allen, A.C. Avgar, N. Balnave, A. Barnes, C. Benassi, J. Benders, C.T. Brinsfield, A. Bryson, J.W. Budd, S. Chillas, N. Cullinane, T. Dobbins, V. Doellgast, J. Donaghey, T. Dundon, J. Foley, R.B. Freeman, P.J. Gollan, R. Gomez, M.G. Menéndez, J.A. Gruman, B. Harley, E. Heery, P. Holland, S. Johnstone, S. Kaine, B.E. Kaufman, T. Kretschmer, D. Lewin, A.A. Luchak, M.M. Lucio, C. MacMillan, A. Marks, W. Nienhüser, S. Owens, M.F. Ozbilgin , G. Patmore, D.M. Pohler, S. Procter, A. Pyman, A.M. Saks, M. Sameer, J. Syed, L. Thornthwaite, K. Townsend, A. Wilkinson, S. Williams, P. Willman, Y. Xu
Royal Society of Chemistry Hierarchical Nanostructures for Energy Devices
Surface area has a directly relationship with the efficiency of energy devices. Hierarchical nanostructuring has the potential to greatly increase surface area, and their electrical properties are favourable, not only to energy generation and storage, but also energy-consuming electronic circuits. This book provides systematic coverage of how nanostructured materials can be applied to energy devices, with an emphasis on the process of generation to storage and consumption. The fundamentals (including properties, characterisation and synthesis) are clearly presented across the first chapters of the book, providing readers new to the field with a clear overview of this expanding topic. The detailed discussion of applications will be an inspiration to those already well-versed in the field. The editors have more than a decade of experience in working on all aspects of energy generation and storage - in academia, national laboratories and industry. The book presents a balanced view from all sectors and is presented in a format accessible by postgraduate students and professional researchers alike.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology: A Volume in the Series: Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology
Now fully revised to include recent advances in the field, the third edition of Gastrointestinal and Liver Pathology Pathology, a volume in the Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology series, is an essential foundation text for residents and pathologists. The popular template format makes it easy to use, and new information throughout brings you up to date with what's new in the field, including advances in molecular diagnostic testing and new diagnostic biomarkers. Practical and affordable, this resource is ideal for study and review as well as everyday clinical practice.Key features of this practical text include: A consistent, user-friendly format that explores each entity's clinical features, gross and microscopic findings, ancillary studies, differential diagnoses, and prognostic and therapeutic considerations. A focus on specific features of selected neoplastic and non-neoplastic entities, including broad and in-depth differential diagnoses. Clinical information on treatment and prognosis, enabling you to better understand the clinical implications of the diagnosis. Nearly 1,000 full-color, high-quality illustrations with extensive figure legends, as well as abundant boxes and tables throughout. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. What's NEW in this edition: Advances in molecular diagnostic testing and its capabilities and limitations, including targeted/personalized medicine. New diagnostic biomarkers and their utility in differential diagnosis, newly described variants, and new histologic entities. The latest TNM staging and WHO classification systems. New co-editors Drs. Amitabh Srivastava and Daniela S. Allende lead a team of expert, internationally recognized pathologists who keep you up to date with the latest information in the field.
World Scientific Europe Ltd Modern Finance And Risk Management: Festschrift In Honour Of Hermann Locarek-junge
Modern Finance and Risk Management is dedicated to our colleague, academic mentor, and adviser Professor Hermann Locarek-Junge. During his academic career, Hermann Locarek-Junge published several important contributions to the field of risk management and portfolio management and served as the chairman and board member of the German Finance Association (DGF) and the Data Science Society (Gesellschaft für Klassifikation).A short foreword by the mentors of Hermann Locarek-Junge and an introduction by the editors mark the beginning of the Festschrift. The first section on Modern Finance includes chapters on asset management, entrepreneurship, and behavioural finance. The second section on Modern Risk Management contains seven contributions covering considerations of risk measurement, risk management, and regulation. Finally, the third section includes topics on commodities and energy finance.This Festschrift comprises 20 original contributions of notable scholars in finance who have worked with Hermann Locarek-Junge over the last four decades. Due to numerous connections to practice and applications, Modern Finance and Risk Management is relevant and attractive not only to academics and researchers but also to practitioners in industry and banking.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Bridging the Digital Divide: Technology, Community and Public Policy
Bridging the Digital Divide investigates problems of unequal access to information technology. The author redefines this problem, examines its severity, and lays out what the future implications might be if the digital divide continues to exist. Examines unequal access to information technology in the United States. Analyses the success or failure of policies designed to address the digital divide. Draws on extensive fieldwork in several US cities. Makes recommendations for future public policy. Series editor: Manuel Castells.
MP-FLO Uni Press of Florida Jazz Dance
Unique in its focus on history rather than technique, Jazz Dance offers the only overview of trends and developments since 1960. Editors Lindsay Guarino and Wendy Oliver have assembled an array of seasoned practitioners and scholars who trace the many histories of jazz dance and examine various aspects of the field.
Ilios Editore Luigi Moretti. Fencing Academy in the Mussolini's Forum, Rome 1933-1937
Set in the widest urban neighbourhood of the fascist Rome, the "casa delle armi" building show the deep and sophisticated typological research around the "balilla houses". Born as an advanced typological experiment it is the most modern of the "National Balilla Opera" buildings: an architecture both with a solid image and a massive functional complexity. The "fluxes" of athletes and the one of clients are sharply driven with no interference in the body of the building. Notwithstanding such a complexity, the parts are clear: two different immense interiors so much different each other. But, like in a Dostoevsky drama, the plot meet some troubles that made impossible the full completion and the celebration of its success. Quickly inaugurated, never really opened, abandoned and soon forgotten, it can be told that the building was born dead. Its oblivion lasted for thirty years when, in the eighties, the need to find a safe place to celebrate the trials against the terrorism, convinced the Ministry of Justice to finally destroy the interiors. The aim of this book is rather not to enter in the field of refurbishment of modern architecture than to tell about the story and the composition rules of this architecture: an affresco of the history and political, urban and architectural frame in which "Casa delle armi" is set. A very sharp 3d model help to come over the old shots imposed by the architect to the photographer, to set new points of view discovering, again, new sides and emotions.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd A World Scientific Encyclopedia Of Business Storytelling, Set 1: Corporate And Business Strategies Of Business Storytelling (A 5-volume Set)
This set of multi-reference works is meant to be read together as the five volumes interlace one another like the laces of a shoe in the famous painting by Vincent van Gogh. Who will wear the shoes is a question long debated in art history and philosophy. If we take these five volumes from different points of view on the theory and practice of business storytelling then we have a crisscrossing, a new and impressive dialogue for the reader. This set is presented as a new way to lace up the laces of business storytelling.Volume 1 aims to recount narratives in a variety of ways so that the precepts of entrepreneurial storytelling can be made accessible to a variety of audiences — academic, practitioner, student, and community member. Entrepreneurship has a long history and tradition but there are disputed ways of doing business storytelling in entrepreneurship that the next four volumes articulate.Volume 2 provides insights into stories fostering the idea of business (and not necessarily business itself). It focuses specifically on history — contributing to the current debates within management and organizational history around the idea of 'the historic turn'. It reflects on the idea of business and beyond; could there be more to history and business storytelling than what has previously been accepted in the field? This book sets out to explore a diverse array of alternative modes and multiple ways of storying organizations. The editors intentionally sought to involve an international network of authors with diverse storytelling accounts of history as a way of helping build out this new storytelling paradigm in a diverse and inclusive ethic. As a result, this volume showcases a broad spectrum of critical storytelling from geographically diverse authors working in universities, small businesses, and public service throughout Brazil, Canada, Finland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. To reflect these dynamics, and for the stories in this volume to fit together, chapters were organized into three themes: stories of processing history, tales of history-as-method, and narratives of history through a business opportunity.Volume 3 features stories that reflect the exacerbated inequalities of race, gender, and income across the world. These inequalities and power relations remain continuously con-tested, particularly in these trying times, despite being captive to a particular economic ideology built on the premise of exploitation and subjugation. The stories told in this volume tell against the orthodoxy, the colonizer, and the (seemingly) powerful. They are organized as stories of resistance, emancipation, and transformation. They invite us to rethink the multiple ways to (re)structure power relations between the colonizer and the colonized, and open up spaces for the marginalized underprivileged voices.Volume 4 is designed to create a new business storytelling paradigm that critically approaches business narratives that have historically privileged a corporate agenda. It explores the various ways that images of the other in business are developed, presented, and accounted for through powerful and dominant narratives. The stories in this volume, collectively, help readers to understand, resist, and provide strategies for change through various analyses of how business narratives come to develop, get written, are legitimized, are challenged, and get changed over time.Volume 5 brings together the practices specific to the socioeconomic approach to management (SEAM). SEAM is a method of change management developed through research interventions carried out in more than 2,000 companies and organizations since 1975. This method is systemic, it considers the whole company, and tends to simultaneously increase social and economic performance by focusing mainly on the development of human skills and behaviors, making it possible to reduce dysfunctions and recycle hidden costs into added value.
Texas State Historical Association,U.S. Lone Star Blue and Gray: Essays on Texas and the Civil War
From the bitter disputes over secession to the ways in which the conflict would be remembered, Texas and Texans were caught up in the momentous struggles of the American Civil War. Tens of thousands of Texans joined military units, and scarcely a household in the state was unaffected as mothers and wives assumed new roles in managing farms and plantations. Still others grappled with the massive social, political, and economic changes wrought by the bloodiest conflict in American history.The sixteen essays from some of the leading historians in the field (eleven of them new) in the second edition of Lone Star Blue and Gray illustrate the rich traditions and continuing vitality of Texas Civil War scholarship. Along with these articles, editors Ralph A. and Robert Wooster provide a succinct introduction to the war and Texas and recommended readings for those seeking further investigations of virtually every aspect of the war as experienced in the Lone Star State.
University of Illinois Press Writing for Their Lives: Death Row USA
Going well beyond graphic descriptions of death row's madness and suicide-inducing realities, Writing for Their Lives offers powerful, compassionate, and harrowing accounts of prisoners rediscovering the value of life from within the brutality and boredom of the row. Editor Marie Mulvey-Roberts brings together the writings of prisoners (many of whom are also prize-winning authors) and the words of those who work in the field of capital punishment, whose roles have included defense attorney, prison psychiatrist, chaplain and warden, spiritual advisor, abolitionist and executioner, as well as a Nobel Prize nominee and a murder victim family member. The material is presented through articles, journal extracts, letters, short stories, and poems. Exposing little-known facts about the five modes of execution practiced in the United States today, Writing for Their Lives documents the progress of life on death row from a capital trial to execution and beyond, through the testimony of the prisoners themselves as well as those who watch, listen, and write to them. What emerges are stories of the survival of the human spirit under even the most unimaginable circumstances, and the ways in which some prisoners find penitence and peace in the most unlikely surroundings. In spite of the uniformity of their prison life and its nearly inevitable conclusion, prisoners able to read and write letters are shown to retain and develop their individuality and humanity as their letters become poems and stories. Writing for Their Lives serves ultimately as an affirmation of the value of life and provides bountiful evidence that when a state executes a prisoner, it takes a life that still had something to give. This edition features an introduction by the editor as well as a foreword by Jan Arriens. Dr. Mulvey-Roberts will be donating her profits from the sale of this volume to the legal charity Amicus, which assists in capital defense in the United States."
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research Methods on Trust: Second Edition
Acclaim for the first edition:'A tour-de-force of trust research methodologies, from survey methods to critical incidents to hermeneutics... will prove invaluable to trust researchers of every stripe.'- Aks Zaheer, University of Minnesota'This book fills an important gap. The burgeoning field of trust research has employed a wide variety of definitions and methods, but until the appearance of this Handbook there was no comprehensive overview of them. Its contributions, many written by leading international experts, cover conceptual issues as well as qualitative and quantitative methods. The editors are all working at the frontiers of trust research and in this Handbook they have compiled an indispensable source of reference for years to come.'- John Child, University of Birmingham, UK'This is the right book at the right time. Central to the advancement of research on trust is the need to address a host of methodological, empirical, and analytical challenges. This Handbook provides a vital resource for doing so and holds the promise of infusing the literature with novel and enhanced approaches for studying and understanding trust. Researchers new to the field as well as established experts will find a wealth of insights contained herein.'- Bill McEvily, University of Toronto, CanadaDrawing together a wealth of research methods knowledge gained by trust researchers into one essential volume, this book provides an authoritative in-depth consideration of quantitative and qualitative methods for empirical study of trust in the social sciences.This second edition of the Handbook of Research Methods on Trust provides a fully updated and extended account of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods for empirical research. While many researchers have already drawn inspiration and insight from the previous edition, the dynamic development of trust research calls for further and deeper engagement with methodological issues, particular methods, practical research experience, and current challenges and innovations as offered by this new edition.Identifying innovative methods for researching trust, this important handbook will prove invaluable for students and academics in the social sciences who are interested in trust, particularly postgraduates planning empirical research on trust, undergraduates researching issues of trust, faculty teaching research-based courses on trust and related topics, and experienced trust researchers looking for reflection, discussion and inspiration.Contributors: S.J. Addison, N. Alex, M.J. Ashleigh, R. Bachmann, D. Barrera, K.M. Bijlsma-Frankema, M.C. Bligh, B.F. Blumberg, G. Breeman, C. Brinsfield, C. Burns, V. Buskens, J.S. Carroll, S.M. Conchie, D.L. Ferrin, D.E. Gibbons, N. Gillespie, C. Goodall, J.C. Kohles, R.M. Kramer, T.M. Kühlmann, A. Langley, V. Le Gall, R.J. Lewicki, E. Meyer, M. Muethel, R. Münscher, B. Nooteboom, J.M. Peiró, A. Pentland, R.L. Priem, W. Raub, R.A. Roe, D.M. Rousseau, R.H. Searle, M. Tillmar, E.M. Uslaner, B. Waber, A.A. Weibel, F. Welter, M. Williams, R. Zolin
Oxford University Press Inc Music for Prime Time: A History of American Television Themes and Scoring
With hundreds of interviews conducted over a 35-year span, this book is the most comprehensive history of television scoring to date. Music composed for television had, until recently, never been taken seriously by scholars or critics. Catchy TV themes, often for popular weekly series, were fondly remembered but not considered much more culturally significant than commercial jingles. Yet noted composers like John Williams, Henry Mancini, Jerry Goldsmith and Lalo Schifrin learned and/or honed their craft in television before going on to major success in feature films. Oscar-winning film composers like Bernard Herrmann, Franz Waxman and Maurice Jarre wrote hours of music for television projects, and such high-profile jazz figures as Duke Ellington, Dave Brubeck and Quincy Jones also contributed music to TV series. Concert-hall luminaries from Aaron Copland to Leonard Bernstein, and theater writers from Jerome Moross to Richard Rodgers, penned memorable scores for TV. Music for Prime Time is the first serious, journalistic history of music for American television. It is the product of 35 years of research and more than 450 interviews with composers, orchestrators, producers, editors and musicians active in the field. Based on, but vastly expanded and revised from, an earlier book by the same author, this wide-ranging narrative not only tells the backstory of every great TV theme but also examines the many neglected and frequently underrated orchestral and jazz compositions for television dating back to the late 1940s. Covering every series genre (crime, comedy, drama, westerns, action-adventure, fantasy and sci-fi), it also looks at music for animated series, news and documentary programming, TV-movies and miniseries, and how music for television has evolved in the era of cable and streaming options. It is the most comprehensive history of television scoring ever published.
Hachette Children's Group The Best Ever Jobs In: Technology
Does your child dream of a future career in the exciting world of technology? This book will show them that there is so much more to a science career than using a spanner.The perfect book for budding architects, robotics experts, space technicians, racing bike designers or even film editors. This book highlights the importance of studying STEAM subjects at school to open up the route into these professions. There are lots of careers that use technology in one way or another and this book will open their eyes and mind to the possibilities that technology can bring. Famous and leading tech experts in their fields are featured throughout. Readers will go behind the scenes with architects, radiologists, racing car designers, and CGI experts to discover more about how they do their jobs.This series is ideal for readers aged 9+ who are considering their options at school. Many children worry about job opportunities in the future and these books highlight a great range of jobs in STEM and STEAM subject areas, which can help inspire them to think about where they want their lives to take them.Titles in the series:The Best Ever Jobs in ArtThe Best Ever Jobs in EngineeringThe Best Ever Jobs in MathsThe Best Ever Jobs in ScienceThe Best Ever Jobs in Technology
Pinter & Martin Ltd. Squaring the Circle: Normal birth research, theory and practice in a technological age
Squaring the Circle is a cutting-edge and comprehensive collection of the latest research and debate on normal childbirth. Based on a salutogenic approach – focusing on factors that support human health and well-being, rather than on factors that cause disease – it helps our understanding of what works and why it works, as well as helping health practitioners turn this knowledge into best practice. Written by world-renowned experts in their field, and edited by Soo Downe and Sheena Byrom, the editors of the acclaimed The Roar Behind the Silence, Squaring the Circle includes an examination of a range of associated evidence in areas as diverse as architecture for optimal birth environments, the impact of birth events on neonatal DNA methylation and the microbiome, the current knowledge base around oxytocin production in labour, and the role of emotion in the workplace. Case studies of successful change from around the world – from service users, activists and maternity care staff – provide inspiration for innovation while hints and tips help to make such change happen.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics
The Elgar Companion to Austrian Economics is a major new reference work which highlights the common ground between all the branches of the school while demonstrating the breadth and diversity within it. The Companion reflects the many areas where Austrian economists have made contributions, including technical economics, methodology of the social sciences, political theory and political science. This book includes contributions from an international group of scholars whose work demonstrates a basic similarity and interest in questions which have historically been associated with the Austrian approach to economics, although many of the contributors would not consider themselves to be strictly of this school. The distinguished team of contributors commissioned by the editor includes: K.D. Hoover, I.M. Kirzner, A. Klamer, D. Lavoie, C.K. Rowley, M. Rizzo, M. Rutherford, R.E. Wagner, U. Witt, L. Yeager.Each entry is fully referenced and includes suggestions for further readings on the topic. The Companion will be the standard reference work for all those engaged in the field of Austrian Economics. It not only introduces students to the Austrian school, but also serves as an important research tool for scholars working within the Austrian tradition.
University of Toronto Press Global Citizenship Education: Challenges and Successes
The idea of citizenship and conceptions of what it means to be a good citizen have evolved over time. On the one hand, good citizenship entails the ability to live with others in diverse societies and to promote a common set of values of acceptance, human rights, and democracy. On the other hand, in order to compete in the global economy, nations require a more innovative, autonomous, and reflective workforce, meaning good citizens are also those who successfully participate in the economic development of themselves and their country. These competing conceptions of good citizenship can result in people’s participation in activities, such as profit-driven labor exploitation, that contradict human rights and democratic tenants. Thus, global citizenship education is fundamental to teaching, learning, and redressing sociopolitical, economic, and environmental exploitation around the world. Detailing the historical development of this field of study to achieve recognition, Global Citizenship Education: Challenges and Successes provides a critical discourse on global citizenship education (GCE). Authors in this collection discuss the underpinnings of global citizenship education via contemporary theories and methodologies, as well as specific case studies that illustrate the application of GCE initiatives. Editors Eva Aboagye and S. Nombuso Dlamini aim to motivate learners and educators in post-secondary institutions not only to understand the issues of social and economic inequality and political and civil unrest facing us, but also to take action that will lead to equitable change in both local and global spaces.
Rodale Press Runner's World The Runner's Diet: The Ultimate Eating Plan That Will Make Every Runner (and Walker) Leaner, Faster, and Fitter
If you are a serious runner, or are thinking about starting running or run/walk program to keep fit and help you loss weight, forget about the traditional food pyramid - or today' low-carb diets. As noted dietician Madelyn Fernstrom, Ph.D C.N.S., explains, the eating plan that best meets the needs (runners at all levels is based on a 50 percent carb, 25 percent protein, 25 percent fat ratio. Here Dr. Fernstrom details realistic program, individualized for each person's activity level, that will enable runners to maximize their performance while maintaining long-term success at weight control. In "Runner's World: The Runner's Diet", the reader will discover: why the 50-25-25 ratio works best for runners-an even walkers; how to match your eating pattern to your running style; and how to make use of a daily food and activity log. With the imprimatur of Runner's World, the leading authority in the running field, this is the first book to recognize that runners cannot depend solely on physical activity to control their weight - and to outline a lifetime weight-loss plan that is best for their special needs.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Sustainability in Management Education: In Search of a Multidisciplinary, Innovative and Integrated Approach
This Handbook strives to enhance knowledge and application within sustainability in management education (SiME) across different academic programs, geographic regions and personal/professional contexts. Cross-disciplinary and boundary spanning, this book focuses on specific themes and is therefore split into four distinct sections: one on theory and practice, one on transformational interventions in business programs, one on the role of external agents and the last on innovative approaches in SiME. The co-editors expertly provide a roadmap for sustainability in management education while discussing key implications, applications and utilities that explore motivations and project possible outcomes for advances and integration of SiME. In addition to identifying new discursive strategies in SiME research, the co-editors provide a critical narrative and discussion on newly identified commonalities and connections within the Handbook's chapters. This content assessment highlights prevalent intersections for advancing, challenging, and questioning how to implement SiME in various programs. Management scholars, researchers, educators and practitioners as well as current, emerging and future leaders in various academic and private sectors will find this Handbook invaluable. It will serve as a key reference for more advanced studies in this rapidly developing field.Contributors include: F. Ahen, M. Albert, J.A. Arevalo, K.R. Bandyopadhyay, L. Barin Cruz, R.G. Bell, S. Benn, M. Bidart Carneiro de Novaes, N. Boyd, J. Bressler, M. Brueckner, J. Brunstein, T. Bunn Hiller, N. Christopher, M. Edwards, Q. Evansluong, D. Fodness, C.J. Fox, A. Girardi, T.A. Hart, J.R. Hendry, S. Hüsig, P.R. Jacobi, Y. Jakobcic, S. Klomp, J. Korstad, L. Krzykowski, R. Mahajan, S.L. Manring, E. Martin, E. Meliou, P. Miesing, R. Miller, S.F. Mitchell, E.E. Nill, F.S. Nobre, E.E. Nordman, M. Paull, M. Pozzebon, M. Ramirez Pasillas, E. Raufflet, E. Rich, A.J. Richardson, I. Rimanoczy, M.F. Sambiase, P. Schmitt Figueiró, S. Schutel, C.A. Simmers, S. Soderstrom, R. Spencer, R. Sroufe, M. Starik, A. Sulkowski, D. Vazquez-Brust, A. Vidal da Silva Martins, J.L. Whittington, J. Williams, L.T. Wong, N. Yakovleva
John Wiley & Sons Inc NMR of Quadrupolar Nuclei in Solid Materials
NMR OF QUADRUPOLAR NUCLEI IN SOLID MATERIALS Over the past 20 years technical developments in superconducting magnet technology and instrumentation have increased the potential of NMR spectroscopy so that it is now possible to study a wide range of solid materials. In addition, one can probe the nuclear environments of many other additional atoms that possess the property of spin. In particular, it is possible to carry out NMR experiments on isotopes that have nuclear spin greater that ½ (i.e. quadrupolar nuclei). Since more that two-thirds of all NMR active isotopes are quadrupolar nuclei, applications of NMR spectroscopy with quadrupolar nuclei are increasing rapidly. The purpose of this handbook is to provide under a single cover the fundamental principles, techniques and applications of quadrupolar NMR as it pertains to solid materials. Each chapter has been prepared by an expert who has made significant contributions to out understanding and appreciation of the importance of NMR studies of quadrupolar nuclei in solids. The text is divided into three sections: The first provides the reader with the background necessary to appreciate the challenges in acquiring and interpreting NMR spectra of quadrupolar neclei in solids. The second presents cutting-edge techniques and methodology for employing these techniques to investigate quadrupolar nuclei in solids. The final section explores applications of solid-state NMR studies of solids ranging from investigations of dynamics, characterizations of biological samples, organic and inorganic materials, porous materials, glasses, catalysts, semiconductors and high-temperature superconductors. About EMR Handbooks The Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance (EMR) publishes a wide range of online articles on all aspects of magnetic resonance in physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The existence-of this large number of articles, written by experts in various fields, is enabling the publication of a series of EMR Handbooks on specific areas of NMR and MRI. The chapters of each of these handbooks will comprise a carefully chosen selection of Encyclopedia articles. In consultation with the EMR Editorial Board, the EMR Handbooks are coherently planned in advance by specially-selected Editors, and new articles, are written (together with updates of some already existing articles) to give appropriate complete coverage. The handbooks are intended to be of value and interest to research students, postdoctoral fellows and other researchers learning about the scientific area in question and undertaking relevant experiments, whether in academia or industry. Have the content of this handbook and the complete content of the Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance at your fingertips! Visit:
Johns Hopkins University Press New Ideas on Development after the Financial Crisis
The global financial crisis of 2008-9 has changed the way people around the world think about development. The market-friendly, lightly regulated model of capitalism promoted by the United States is now at risk, and development thinking worldwide is at something of an impasse. Editors Nancy Birdsall and Francis Fukuyama bring together leading scholars to explore the implications of the global financial crisis on existing and future development strategies. In addressing this issue, the contributors contemplate three central questions: What effect has the crisis had on current ideas in development thinking? How has it affected and how will it affect economic policy and political realities in Latin America and Asia, including China and India? Will the financial collapse reinforce shifts in geopolitical power and influence, and in what form? Essays answering these questions identify themes that are essential as economic and political leaders address future challenges of development. To help move beyond this time of global economic turmoil, the contributors-the foremost minds in the field of international development-offer innovative ideas about stabilizing the international economy and promoting global development strategies. Contributors: Nancy Birdsall, Center for Global Development; Michael Clemens, Center for Global Development; Kemal Dervis, Brookings Institution; Larry Diamond, Stanford University; Francis Fukuyama, Stanford University; Peter S. Heller, Johns Hopkins University; Yasheng Huang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Justin Yifu Lin, World Bank; Jose Antonio Ocampo, Columbia University; Mitchell A. Orenstein, Johns Hopkins University; Minxin Pei, Claremont McKenna College; Lant Pritchett, Harvard University; Liliana Rojas-Suarez, Center for Global Development; Arvid Subramanian, Johns Hopkins University
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook of Urban Policy, Volume 1: Contentious Global Issues
This first Handbook in a series of three original reference works looks at globally contentious urban policy issues from a wide variety of different angles and perspectives. Matters related to urban densification, population mobility, urban inequality and sustainability are analysed in a manner that will not only interest the advanced student but also the novice.Urban policy covers a vast field. This first volume combines chapters covering three broad themes: policy issues pertaining to the spatial aspects of the city; social and mobility issues; and issues of urban governance. The spotlight initially falls on urban structure, urban densification, the disappearing urban/rural divide, the urban economic landscape and the transformation of socialist economies. The Handbook then goes on to focus on migration, social mobility, crime, terrorism and social inequality. Finally, urban sustainability and urban governance come under the spotlight. Integration of the planning process, flexibilities in infrastructure and areas of neglect in environmental management feature strongly in this section of the Handbook. Books of this nature are often slanted in one particular direction: however, this Handbook's approach is different. Not only has the editor avoided shying away from politically sensitive issues but contributions have also been included that reflect distinct differences of opinion on politically sensitive issues - hence the volume's subtitle of 'contentious global issues'.As a Handbook, the chapters have been written not only for the advanced student and academics but also with undergraduate students in mind. The Handbook will appeal to scholars and researchers of geography and urban and development planning, demography and social science and environmental scientists for the focus on urban sustainability issues.
Columbia University Press All the Art That's Fit to Print (And Some That Wasn't): Inside The New York Times Op-Ed Page
All the Art That's Fit to Print reveals the true story of the world's first Op-Ed page, a public platform that-in 1970-prefigured the Internet blogosphere. Not only did the New York Times's nonstaff bylines shatter tradition, but the pictures were revolutionary. Unlike anything ever seen in a newspaper, Op-Ed art became a globally influential idiom that reached beyond narrative for metaphor and changed illustration's very purpose and potential. Jerelle Kraus, whose thirteen-year tenure as Op-Ed art director far exceeds that of any other art director or editor, unveils a riveting account of working at the Times. Her insider anecdotes include the reasons why artist Saul Steinberg hated the Times, why editor Howell Raines stopped the presses to kill a feature by Doonesbury's Garry Trudeau, and why reporter Syd Schanburg--whose story was told in the movie The Killing Fields--stated that he would travel anywhere to see Kissinger hanged, as well as Kraus's tale of surviving two and a half hours alone with the dethroned peerless outlaw, Richard Nixon. All the Art features a satiric portrayal of John McCain, a classic cartoon of Barack Obama by Jules Feiffer, and a drawing of Hillary Clinton and Obama by Barry Blitt. But when Frank Rich wrote a column discussing Hillary Clinton exclusively, the Times refused to allow Blitt to portray her. Nearly any notion is palatable in prose, yet editors perceive pictures as a far greater threat. Confucius underestimated the number of words an image is worth; the thousand-fold power of a picture is also its curse. Op-Ed's subject is the world, and its illustrations are created by the world's finest graphic artists. The 142 artists whose work appears in this book hail from thirty nations and five continents, and their 324 pictures-gleaned from a total of 30,000-reflect artists' common drive to communicate their creative visions and to stir our vibrant cultural-political pot.
Archaeopress Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 7 2022
In this rich volume our articles range across all the main phases of Greek Archaeology from Prehistory to the Postmedieval era, and cover a wonderful range of topics. Studies of individual sites begin with an overview by Michael Boyd of Colin Renfrew’s research project on the Cycladic island of Keros at the truly remarkable prehistoric sanctuary centre of Dhaskaleio, but we also have an update by Corien Wiersma on the exciting new survey and excavations at the Mycenaean palace of Agios Vassilios near Sparta. Welcome news appears from Northern Greece, till not so long ago rather neglected by scholarship, with Bronze to Iron Age house and household cooking research papers from the Toumba mound and sites around Mount Olympus, by Kalliopi Efkleidou and Anastasia Dimoula. Landscape studies begin at the grandest scale with Bernard Knapp’s article on the interconnections of Bronze Age Cyprus and Kostas Sbonias’ article on the coastal economy of Corfu, then scale down geographically to Nadia Coutsinas’ analysis of long-term settlement dynamics in Eastern Crete and Natasha Dakouri-Hild’s high-tech survey project at Aphidna in Attica. Michalis Karambinis follows up his earlier study of the Roman cities of the province of Achaia (JGA 3, 2018), with a survey of the cities of Roman Crete. In a related topic, Anastasia Yangaki offers us an authoritative study of the archaeology of beekeeping on Late Antique Crete. We try hard never to neglect Greek art and architecture in our Journal, and are delighted to have a redating of the architectural history of the famous Archaic to Classical Athena Aphaia temple on Aegina by Hansgeorg Bankel, partnered by a study of the significance of its terracotta votive figurines by Maria Spathi. Andrew Stewart exhibits his immense learning in the field of Greek and Roman sculpture with an in-depth investigation of the statues of the Homeric hero Protesilaos. Always enthusiastic to keep up our coverage of the Medieval and Post-Medieval archaeology of Greece, we welcome two articles on Byzantine and Frankish ceramics from Nauplia and Crete, by Anastasia Vassiliou and Matteo Randazzo. Finally Michael Fotiadis dissects debates concerning the origins and nature of ‘Aegean prehistoric civilisation’ during the 19th century’s discovery and subsequent evaluation of Bronze Age Greece, a theme which has continued to be central to later and current approaches to ethnic and cultural continuity on the Greek homeland. - From the foreword by John Bintliff, General Editor