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Vintage Publishing Angels And Insects
Like A.S. Byatt’s Booker Prize-winning novel, Possession, these two mesmerising novellas are set in the nineteenth century. In Morpho Eugenia, an explorer realises that the behaviour of the people around him is alarmingly similar to that of the insects he studies. In The Conjugal Angel, curious individuals – some fictional, others drawn from history – gather to connect with the spirit world. Throughout both, Byatt examines the eccentricities of the Victorian era, weaving fact and fiction, reality and romance, science and faith into a sumptuous, magical tapestry.
HarperCollins Publishers A Slice of Christmas Magic (The Magic Pie Shop, Book 2)
A magical, cosy Christmas read…Debbie Macomber meets Bewitched! ‘This holiday read was a whole lot of fun!’ Robyn Grady A recipe for festive disaster… With Aunt Erma back in charge of her magical pie shop Susanna Daniels thought life would return to normal. But there is no ‘normal’ in Hocus Hills and as the most magical time of year approaches Susie finds herself in a race to stop a magic revolution. Add in the unexpected arrival of the one that got away and a mysterious dog named Duncan, and it’s clear that this will be one Christmas that Susie will never forget! Readers love The Magic Pie Shop cozy mystery series: ‘ A lovely festive novel…made me smile and feel good’ Anna Maria, Netgalley ‘I loved the cozy magic throughout! I love the unique close-knit community, the magical pies…perfect read’ Jody Jonas, Netgalley ‘Christmassy fun, joy and magic and it was a perfect story to enjoy with a mug of hot chocolate and a large Christmas cookie’ Bridget East, Goodreads ‘Extremely enjoyable and funny to read’ Jeanne Grace, Goodreads ‘Truly magical…the festive cheer was so perfect’ Suzanne Waters ‘The love triangle among Susie, Josh, and Henry offers perfect spice to make this little book even more delectable’ Diary of a Book Fiend
HarperCollins Publishers End of Story
The brand new edge-of-your-seat thriller from the author of the smash hit No.1 bestseller The Woman in the Window.''Elegant, absorbing, full of Hitchcockian menace' Lucy FoleyI was mesmerized' Lisa Jewell''Brilliantly plotted'' Liz NugentFans of detective fiction will be thrilled!' Shari LapenaI'll be dead in three months. Come tell my story.This is the chilling invitation from Sebastian Trapp, renowned mystery novelist, to his long-time correspondent Nicky Hunter, an expert in detective fiction. Welcomed into his lavish San Francisco mansion, Nicky begins to unravel Trapp's life story under the watchful eyes of his enigmatic wife and plainspoken daughter.But Sebastian Trapp is a mystery himself. And maybe probably a murderer.Two decades ago, his first wife and son vanished, the case never solved. Is the master of mystery playing a deadly game? If so, who will be the loser?And when a body surfaces in the family''s garden, they all realize the past isn''t buried it''s waiting.What re
Vintage Publishing The Case for Love: My Adventures In Other Minds
An exhilarating journey into the unfathomable depths of the human mind, from the acclaimed author of Let Me Not Be Mad.What does it take to care for a stranger? Really care.The Case for Love is a reflection on a career treating patients with brain trauma - people whose thoughts and feelings are largely unknowable - and how and why those treatments failed.It is a reconstruction of three haunting cases in which the patients were tragically misunderstood - and an attempt through the power of the imagination to understand and make amends.It then describes the author's abandonment of his career and his tumultuous quest for healing and redemption.It is also a story of intimate relationships, pets, fatherhood and heartbreak, culminating in a moment of psychedelic transcendence and rebirth.It is about the overpowering need for connection - and how, increasingly, we are trapped in ourselves.It is a meditation on empathy and an act of atonement.It is a unique, hybrid work of clinical case study and pure invention that destroys the boundary between fact and fiction in order to bring us face-to-face with the shocking, liberating truth.__________Praise for Let Me Not Be Mad'Imagine a gonzo Oliver Sacks communing with Edward St Aubyn's Patrick Melrose, R.D. Laing and the spirit of Kafka's 'The Country Doctor', and you still won't quite have the flavour of this wild and strikingly original book' William Fiennes'Stunning: clever, troubling, restless, honest, dishonest; one of the best portraits of madness and clinical practice I've read' Olivia Laing'A perfectly extraordinary - not to mention extraordinarily perfect - tense Hitchcockian psychodrama. I have rarely read a more haunting and enthralling account of a descent into madness. An important, profound and fascinating book' Stephen Fry'Blackly comic, warmly compassionate, a unique take on the human mind offering uncomfortable universal truths' Stewart Lee'A slow-burn belter of a book ... terrific ... so finely described, the result has the terse force of a classic short story' Roddy Doyle'Exhilarating ... dazzling ... a miraculous feat' Guardian
HarperCollins Publishers Devon A-Z Visitors Map
Explore the whole county of Devon extending from Taunton to Plymouth. With detailed road mapping and illustrated town plans of major cities, this feature-rich, helpful tourist guide is ideal for visitors to Devon. Published at a clear 3.33 miles to 1 inch scale (2.11 cm to 1 km), this handy map is a detailed and informative exploration of all Devon has to offer. Highlights include:• 8 inset street maps to major cities and popular destinations, including: Exeter, Paignton, Dartmouth and Torquay, with detailed descriptions and places of interest• Locations of visitor centres and tourist information sites• Useful key to map symbols making it a clear and easy read The perfect map for exploring Devon whether you are a tourist or a local.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Current Status of Sugarcane Research in India
Chelsea House Publishers E.L. Doctorow: Ragtime
Bloom's Guides - successor to the acclaimed Bloom's Notes and Bloom's Reviews Comprehensive reading and study guides with a selection of critical excerpts providing a scholarly overview of each work Each book includes a biographical sketch of the author, a descriptive list of characters, an extensive summary and analysis, plus an annotated bibliography
Derrydale Press My Privileged Life: With the Scarteen Black and Tans
The Ryans of Scarteen have been hunting their distinctive "Black and Tan" hounds for over three hundred years. The author, a universally loved sportsman, was Master and huntsman of this world-famous pack for a half century. In this warmly personal autobiography, he introduces his ancestors -a who's who of Ireland's great families- and recounts his own sporting life.
Fernwood Publishing Co Ltd Maternity Rolls: Pregnancy, Childbirth and Disability
Combining ethnology and memoir, this fascinating book describes the issues surrounding childbirth and motherhood for disabled women. The author, a paraplegic, tells about her own hunt for medical advice before getting pregnant-and then about the normal births of her two children-before widening the conversation to other disabled women and sympathetic members of the medical community.
Thames & Hudson Ltd Rings: Jewelry of Power, Love and Loyalty
Now available in paperback, this book devotes itself exclusively to rings, considering them thematically rather than chronologically. The author, a world expert, has rich historical and literary knowledge. As she considers rings in all their forms she makes us delight in them as works of art, and makes their context come alive through paintings, drawings and vivid quotations.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Annotated Multiple Choice Questions: Australian Medical Council
The Australian Medical Council (AMC) has prepared this book to assist overseas-trained doctors who are preparing for the AMC AMCQ examination. This book will be a valuable guide and self-assessment tool to assist in sitting for this exam. It also illustrates the best-practice principles for a wide range of medical conditions found in the Australian community. All medical students will find this book an invaluable aid as an educational resource in preparation for their clinical assessments, as should postgraduate trainees preparing for higher degrees across the spectrum of general and specialist practice. The questions are representative of curricula of medical schools at universities across Australia.
WHO Regional Office for South East Asia Health Care Quality: An International Perspective
Peeters Publishers Nouvelle Perspective Sur Le Systeme Verbal De L'hebreu Ancien: Les Formes *qatala, *yaqtul Et *yaqtulu
Ce livre est l'aboutissement d'une these doctorale soutenue en fevrier 2006 a l'Institut Orientaliste de l'Universite Catholique de Louvain. Cette recherche porte sur les formes verbales finies de l'hebreu ancien et la logique de leur emploi tel qu'il est atteste dans la Bible hebraique. Apres quelques reflexions sur la problematique et la methodologie, ainsi que sur la valeur du texte massoretique en tant que temoin de la langue hebraique ancienne (pp. 7-22), l'ouvrage presente une esquisse critique des theories explicatives proposees jusqu'a present et fondees pour la plupart sur le systeme verbal traditionnel quadripartite qatal, yiqtol, weqatalti et wayyiqtol (pp. 23-200). Cette deuxieme partie s'acheve sur les principaux problemes qui rendent inadequates ces approches qui comportent beaucoup trop d'exceptions a leurs regles. La troisieme et principale partie de l'ouvrage (pp. 201-375) propose une remise en question du point de depart de la recherche en adoptant un systeme tripartite (qatal, yiqtol long et yiqtol court) fonde sur une prise de distance par rapport a certains elements massoretiques et sur la grammaire comparee des langues semitiques. Ce systeme tripartite permet ainsi d'aboutir a une description du systeme verbal de l'hebreu ancien beaucoup plus adequate que le systeme quadripartite. This book is the outcome of a doctoral thesis presented in February 2006 at the Institut Orientaliste of the Universite Catholique of Louvain. This work investigates the finite verbal forms of ancient Hebrew and the logic of their use as is attested in the Hebrew Bible. After some reflections on the problems and the methodological issues involved, as well as on the value of the Masoretic text as a witness to the ancient Hebrew language (pp. 7-22), the book presents a critical sketch of the theories advanced until now and shows that most of these are built on the traditional quadripartite system (qatal, yiqtol, weqatalti and wayyiqtol) and involve too many exceptions to the rules (pp. 23-200). The second part of the book ends with the main problems of these theories and shows their inadequacy. The third and main part of the book (pp. 201-375) challenges the starting point of much contemporary research by adopting a tripartite system (qatal, long yiqtol and short yiqtol) based on a somewhat different approach than some masoretic elements and on the comparative grammar of the Semitic languages. This tripartite system leads to a description of the Hebrew verbal system which is much more adequate than the quadripartite system.
Peeters Publishers L'"Epitome" De La "Collection D'hippiatrie Grecque": Histoire Du Texte, Edition Critique, Traduction Et Notes
Associe a tant de ses activites, pacifiques ou belliqueuses, le cheval fut toujours pour l'homme un auxiliaire precieux et un fidele compagnon, indispensable a sa mobilite. Il n'est des lors pas surprenant que ce noble animal, dont Aristote deja soulignait la complexion fragile, ait eu droit a des soins particulierement attentifs. Ainsi, dans le sillage de la medecine antique, l'hippiatrie a connu un developpement remarquable. En temoigne, aux premiers siecles de notre ere, une importante litterature specialisee, que n'epargnerent pas les aleas d'une transmission mouvementee, et qui, de ce fait, demeure relativement peu etudiee.Le present ouvrage a pour objet un traite medieval partiellement inedit, l'"Epitome", tire de la "Collection d'hippiatrie grecque" constituee a l'epoque byzantine. Le premier tome esquisse un rapide apercu de la litterature hippiatrique greco-latine et explore les quatre recensions connues de la "Collection", avant d'aborder l'histoire du texte de l'"Epitome" lui-meme, dont l'edition et la traduction paraitront dans les tomes II et III. Le cederom joint au livre contient les plans, inventaires et tables qui etayent cette etude, et inclut une premiere transcription des textes inedits du "Parisinus Graecus" 2244.
Peeters Publishers Hartslag Van De Kerk: De Parochie Vanuit Kerkrechtelijk Standpunt. Deel II
De parochie is voor katholieken de meest nabije en herkenbare plek waar hun gelovige overtuiging gestalte krijgt. De vitaliteit van parochies weerspiegelt in zekere zin de vitaliteit van de Rooms-katholieke Kerk. In deze parochies wordt momenteel hard gewerkt aan een schaalaanpassing die alle parochiele werkvelden raakt. Het canoniek recht, zowel in het pauselijk wetboek van 1983 als in de bisschoppelijke regelingen ter plaatse, biedt een instrument om de ontwikkeling van het parochiele leven richting te geven. In "Hartslag van de Kerk" wordt het canonieke recht ten aanzien van de parochie becommentarieerd. Dit tweede deel - het eerste dat geschreven is door A.H. Eijsink, werd gepubliceerd in 1995 - behandelt onderwerpen die nog niet in deel I aan bod gekomen zijn. Bovendien wordt hier nog sterker ingegaan op de Nederlandse situatie. Juist ten aanzien van het parochiele bestuur, de arbeidsrechtelijke relatie van de parochie met haar medewerk(st)ers - pastores en anderen - en de samenwerking van parochies zijn in de Nederlandse bisdommen heel eigen oplossingen ontwikkeld die een duidelijke stempel drukken op het dagelijkse parochiele leven. Het boek opent met twee algemene hoofdstukken die de juridische basis van de parochie en de parochianen verhelderen. Op deze wijze is een boek tot stand gekomen dat, samen met deel I, een geheel vormt dat niet alleen aan betrokken vrijwilligers en pastores veel informatie biedt, maar ook aan anderen die meer inzicht willen krijgen in de institutionele ontwikkeling van katholieke parochies.
Peeters Publishers Bits, Bytes, and Binyanim: A Quantitative Study of Verbal Lexeme Formations in the Hebrew Bible
This study offers a new approach to one of the central elements of Hebrew and Semitic grammar, viz. the binyanim or conjugations. Using various quantitative methods, the book analyzes the complete verbal vocabulary of the Hebrew Bible as contained in the machine-readable text developed at the Werkgroep Informatica (Department of Biblical Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) focusing on morphological characteristics as well as on some basic semantic and syntactic features. It is argued, i.a., that the Qal should be regarded as the default binyan of the Hebrew Bible, and that the Pi' 'el acts to some extent as a rival to the Qal. Among the features discussed, it is transitivity which emerges as the most important one. The author (1959) reads theology at the University of Amsterdam, specializing in Old Testament studies and Biblical Hebrew. After his 1990 Leiden PhD on a linguistic comparison of the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, he joined the Werkgroep Informatica in 1992.
Gregorian & Biblical Press Corporate Elements in Pauline Anthropology: A Study of Select, Terms, Idioms, and Concepts in the Light of Paul's Usage and Background
Amat Editorial Comprender la insuficiencia cardíaca por qué aparece diagnóstico y tratamiento autocuidados y actividad física vivir con insuficiencia cardíaca
Descripción: 22x14 cmEncuadernación: RústicaEl síndrome de insuficiencia cardiaca tiene lugar cuando el corazón es incapaz de satisfacer las necesidades del organismo o logra hacerlo pero con dificultad.Se trata de una epidemia cardiovascular de primera magnitud en nuestro entorno. Cada año se diagnostican más enfermos con insuficiencia cardiaca como consecuencia del envejecimiento de la población.Es un síndrome que se caracteriza por la presencia de ahogo, cansancio e hinchazón de los tobillos.En este libro descubrirá las claves esenciales de la insuficiencia cardiaca: cómo aparece, cómo se previene y cómo se trata, tanto con medicamentos como con otras medidas.Con esta obra: Aprenderá a vivir correctamente con la insuficiencia cardiaca, un problema crónico grave sobre el que el paciente y sus cuidadores pueden tomar medidas para controlarlo. Encontrará recomendaciones sumamente útiles sobre dieta, cuidados, ejercicio físico y estilo de vida.<
Cambridge University Press La evolucin de la mente Sobre la naturaleza de la materia y el origen de la conciencia
La mente humana merece figurar entre las maravillas del mundo natural. Resulta difÃcil creer que un conjunto ordenado de molÃculas pueda generar sentimientos, emociones y sensaciones como lo hace el cerebro humano. CÃmo es posible que el cerebro fÃsico origine la mente consciente? La evoluciÃn de la mente estudia esta cuestiÃn centrÃndose principalmente en dos temas: cÃmo han evolucionado las teorÃas de la mente en la ciencia y la evoluciÃn de la mente en la Naturaleza. Escrito en un lenguaje muy accesible, este libro es entretenido, serio e informativo.
Ecole francaise d'Athenes Les mosaïques de Délos
Broadstreet Publishing En Esto Pensad: Sabiduría Para La Vida de Proverbios
Undena Publications,U.S. The IIwy Verbs and the Vowel System of Proto-West Semitic
Dissatisfaction is expressed with the theories generally offered as explanation for the development of the IIwy verbs in West Semitic. As a result, recourse is made to an internal reconstruction of the relevant groun as it occurs in Classical Arabic, in terms of its lin guistic context in that language. From this the conclusion is drawn that mid vowels (e: and o:) existed as phonemes in these verbs at an earlier stage. The comparative data from Ethiopic and Hebrew is then examined, and found to be in broad agreement with the Arabic conclusions. Reasons for the loss of the phonemes, and the circum stances of that loss, are briefly discussed.
Johns Hopkins University Press Earth's Magnetism in the Age of Sail
From about 1600 to 1800 scientists and mariners made increasingly sophisticated attempts to understand the earth's magnetic field and use it in navigation. Europeans had long understood the difference between magnetic and true north, but why did it vary as one traversed the sea? Could this variation be used to pinpoint longitude? Drawing on a wealth of unpublished sources-including manuals, treatises, sailing directions, and logbooks in a half-dozen languages-A. R. T. Jonkers explores these early efforts both for what they reveal about the history of science and navigation and as a unique record of the actual changes in the earth's magnetic field. The result, a masterful combination of science and history, will appeal to a broad audience of specialists as well as general readers.
Penguin Putnam Inc The Silent Wife: A Novel
Not Stated Gedichte
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic Approach to Environmental Policy: The Selected Essays of A. Myrick Freeman III
The Economic Approach to Environmental Policy draws together a selection of Myrick Freeman's most influential papers on key analytical and policy issues in the field of environmental economics.The papers collected in this significant volume cover a wide range of topics pertinent to the study of environmental economics including: the effects of environmental and resource policies on the distribution of income the incorporation of distribution effects into environmental policy analysis the role of economic incentives in environmental policy the economic valuation of environment changes the consideration of risk and uncertainty in economic valuation and policy making This outstanding collection also includes several papers that communicate, in a non-technical way, the ethical basis of environmental economics and the economic approach to environmental policy.It will be of great interest to academics and policymakers concerned with working in the area of environmental economics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Innovation Collective Intelligence and Resiliency in Healthcare Organizations
Imagine & Wonder The Beatles Finally Let It Be
The Beatles Finally Let It Be includes the January 1969 rehearsals and recording sessions; the unreleased "Get Back" albums; "Let It Be" and "Let It Be...Naked;" along with American; British and Canadian perspectives. This volume also includes a detailed breakdown of every song released from those sessions as well as firsthand stories from lucky fans who were there for the Beatles final public performance on the roof of Apple Studios; January 30, 1969.
Nordic African Institute The Quest for Sustainable Development and Peace: The 2007 Sierra Leone Elections
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at Actinomycetes
Actinomycetes are a versatile group of Gram positive bacteria widely distributed in the terrestrial and aquatic environments. The specialty of the actinomycetes is that they have a mycelial appearance unlike most bacteria. This group of bacteria is well known for their ability to produce a range of bioactive molecules, including antibiotics and various kinds of enzymes. As they are known for their ability to produce various antibiotics, the actinomycetes are widely explored by various research groups in search of novel drug molecules. Since the cultivation and maintenance of actinobacteria are not that easy as in the case of other bacteria, they are rather underexplored. With the frequent emergence of multidrug resistant bacteria, which are outpacing the discovery of new antibiotics, there is a renewed interest in actinomycetes from special habitats such as extreme habitats in the marine environment, salt pans, geothermal springs, permanently frozen polar environments etc. Endophytic actinomycetes are also attracting the attention of current researchers in this field. This book titled "A Closer Look at Actinomycetes" is a compilation of articles which deals with interesting topics such as "actinomycetes as microbial drug factories", endophytic fungi from special habitats of Pakistan as well as strategies for exploration of actinomycetes diversity and the taxonomy of actinomycetes should be of great interest to those who are interested in Actinomycetes research. People with interest in general microbiology will also find it an interesting read.
West Col Productions Central Tien Shan
Oxford University Press The Struggle for Mastery in Europe, 1848-1918
The system of international repression ended with the fall of Metternich in 1848. The conflicting ideals of international revolution and collective security came into being with Lenin and Wilson in 1918. Nationalism, tempered by the Balance of Power, dominated Europe in the intervening seventy years. Drawing on a wealth of diplomatic documents, A. J. P. Taylor examines the relations of the Great Powers, when Europe was still the centre of the world. Written in characteristically vigorous prose, this is a challenging and original diplomatic history, that also considers the political and economic forces which made continental war inevitable.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Qualitative Analysis of Hydrodynamical Models of Charge Transport in Semiconductors
Peeters Publishers Societe Et Institutions Traditionnelles De L'Islam: Une Introduction Sociologique
Peeters Publishers Virtuelle Vergangenheit: Die Textrekonstruktion Einer Verlorenen Mittelniederlandischen Evangelienharmonie. Die Handschrift Utrecht Universitatsbibliothek 1009
Bei dem in dieser Studie veroffentichten Text der Evangelienharmonie handelt es sich um eine Rekonstruktion, eine Textversion, die in dieser Gestalt niemals existiert hat. Dennoch vertritt die Rekonstruktion den Anspruch, eine Textgestalt zu reprasentieren, die den mittelniederlandischen Wortlaut der nunmehr als verschollen geltenden Handschrift Utrecht, Universitatsbibliothek 1009 an vielen Stellen sehr prazise wiedergibt. Als Einfuhrung in diese Ausgabe werden Inhalt und Forschungsgeschichte der Utrechter Handschrift beschrieben, anschliessend folgt ein Abschnitt, in dem der Verlust der Handschrift und die Versuche, sie zuruck zu bekommen bzw. etwas uber ihren Verbleib in Erfahrung zu bringen, erlautert werden. Sodann wird die Textrekonstruktion selbst sowie ihr technischer Gebrauch verdeutlicht. Im Zusammenhang damit finden sich zudem Hinweise auf verschiedene Textphanomene, die Anstoss fur weitere Untersuchungen bieten konnten. Am Ende der Ausgabe finden sich Literaturverzeichnis und Bibelstellenregister.
Societe d'etudes latines de Bruxelles-Latomus Un poète latin redécouvert: Latinius Pacatus Drepanius, panégyriste de Théodose
Les Belles Lettres Phedre, Fables
Smithsonian Books Tex Johnston: Jet-Age Test Pilot
Scarecrow Press A Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists and Inventors in American Film and TV since 1930
Films that dramatize historical events and the lives of historical figures—whether they are intended to educate or to entertain—play a significant role in shaping the public's understanding of the past. In A Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists and Inventors in American Film and TV since 1930, A. Bowdoin Van Riper focuses on the dramatized portrayals of a particular group of historical figures—scientists, engineers, and inventors—that have appeared on American film and television screens. This volume analyzes individual portrayals, the public images of particular scientists and inventors, and the ideas about science and technology that, collectively, they represent. In this first in-depth study of how historic scientists and inventors have been portrayed on screen, Van Riper catalogs nearly 300 separate performances and includes essays on the screen images of more than 80 historic scientists, inventors, engineers, and medical researchers. The individuals covered include Isaac Newton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Dian Fossey, and Bill Gates. Arranged chronologically by the subject's date of birth, entries for each individual explain their major contributions to science and technology, analyze the ways in which they've been portrayed in film and on television, and conclude with a complete list of screen portrayals and a discussion of suggestions for further reading. A Biographical Encyclopedia of Scientists and Inventors in American Film and TV since 1930 will be of interest to anyone concerned with the depiction of historical events and historical figures in film and television, and to anyone interested in the public understanding of science and technology.
Schaper M. & H. Kunstbrut. Handbuch für Züchter
Outlook Verlag Ueber Goethes Tasso
Valley Press Cosmonaut
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Accounting
The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Accounting provides clear, concise and highly informative definitions and explanations of the key concepts in accounting.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Invitation to Law
An illuminating guide to the pervasiveness and intricacies of law and an ideal invitation for those interested in its mechanics, purposes and functions. It is a thorough guide to a mysterious and complex institution and profession.
John Wiley & Sons Inc An Introduction to Radiobiology
This new edition of A.H.W. Nias' successful book provides an updated and revised introduction to quantitative radiobiology, particularly, to those aspects of the subject which have a practical application. Radiation is used to cure cancer but can also cause it. Radiation is also used in medical diagnosis and in nuclear power stations. In these areas, where questions of benefit and detriment arise, the biological effects of the radiation can now be predicted. There are few aspects of life where risk estimates are so firmly founded on quantitative data. This is not only because of the precision with which radiation dose can be measured but also because of the large body of radiobiological observations which have been made since X-rays were discovered. Written by a scientist with many years experience in the field, An Introduction to Radiobiology will appeal to a wide variety of readers who need to understand the mechanisms by which ionizing radiation causes cellular damage. It will be of interest to technologists in radiation therapy, nuclear medicine and diagnostic radiography, cancer research students and technicians, medical physicists, trainee radiotherapists and nuclear medicine specialists. Reviews of the First Edition: "In summary, this is an excellent general text that should fill an important gap in many teaching needs, especially those where the major focus is on the biological effects of radiation on humans." Journal of the National Cancer Institute "This is undoubtedly one of the better introductions to the subject which I have read, and I would certainly recommend it not only to beginners but also to mature students of the subject." The British Journal of Radiology
Oxford University Press A History of the County of Cambridge and the Isle of Ely: Volume VI
This volume contains the histories of 24 parishes in south-east Cambridgeshire, forming the hundreds of Chilford, Radfield, and Whittlesford. Traversed, and in part bounded, by the Icknield Way and the ancient Wool Street, they stretch from the neighbourhood of Cambridge to the Suffolk border. In the valley of the Cam or Granta the arable was cultivated in open fields until the early- rgth-century inclosures. On the south-eastern upland the medieval clearance of ancient woodland in the heavy clays produced much early inclosure, while the heathland lying along the Icknield Way encouraged sheep-farming, and nearer Newmarket is used for stud-farms. Babraham was notable for 17th-century irrigated meadows, and as the home of the Victorian sheep-breeder, Jones Webb. The villages in the river valleys are mostly nucleated; in the less populous eastern part settlement has been more scattered. The former market townof Linton, near the centre of the area, had once two small religious houses, and Castle Camps a motte-and-bailey castle, held by the Veres. Among later mansions, the Tudor Babraham Hall, and Horseheath Hall, a grand classical house, destroyed through its owner's extravagance, have gone. Sawston Hall, the seat of the Catholic Huddlestons during four centuries, survives. The village of Sawston and its neighbours have grown since the 19th-century through the presence of such industries as tanning, paper-making, and the production of fertilizers, and more recently of adhesives, besides light engineering. Further east the land is still devoted mainly to farming.
Independently Published Penguin: Picture Perfect Photo Book