Search results for ""Thomas Nelson Publishers""
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Five Money Personalities: Speaking the Same Love and Money Language
Thomas Nelson Publishers Lo vas a lograr: 50 devocionales matutinos y vespertinos para calmar tu mente, aquietar tu corazón y experimentar la sanidad hoy
Incorpora un nuevo ritmo para los días en que la vida te parece demasiado dura mediante la práctica diaria de recibir y soltar: recibir el aliento, la instrucción y la verdad de Dios para empezar el día y soltar a Dios todo lo que te agobia al final de cada jornada. Él te pondrá en el camino de la curación.En su nuevo devocional, la autora best seller del New York Times, Lysa TerKeurst, te ayuda a permanecer conectada con Dios y a seguir amando a los demás incluso en medio de circunstancias desalentadoras, decepcionantes o incluso devastadoras. Experimenta 50 días de devocionales matutinos y vespertinos complementados con hermosas fotografías en color de lugares significativos en los que Lysa ha trabajado a través de su propia sanación. Cada devoción contiene un versículo bíblico para empezar el día una declaración de verdad para recordar a lo largo del día un espacio para escribir y devolver algo a Dios al final del día una oración que debes recibir antes de irte a dormir para prepararte mejor para mañana Sin estos componentes cruciales entretejidos en la rutina de nuestras temporadas más duras, conectar con el Señor puede empezar muy pronto a sentirse abrumador y como un elemento más de nuestras listas de tareas pendientes. Lysa comprende esta lucha y quiere crear un espacio sagrado donde las mujeres puedan cerrar sus días con Dios simplemente apareciendo, empapándose de la verdad y recordando que no están solas en su viaje de sanación.A su manera amable y sin pretensiones, Lysa te guía a través de las páginas de Lo vas a lograr, donde podrás recibirás la verdad bíblica y el ánimo que necesitas cuando las situaciones hirientes te dejan agotada y sin motivación para pasar tiempo con Dios. escaparás de la soledad de intentar sanar por tu cuenta con la sabiduría de confianza de una maestra de la Biblia y amiga que comprende tu dolor y quiere ayudarte a seguir adelante. tener la seguridad de que, aunque esta temporada difícil forme parte de tu historia, no será toda tu historia. Esta temporada difícil no tiene por qué ser una época de adormecer el dolor o de seguir por las ramas. Deja que este devocional te ayude a ser intencional y a saber que, aunque sea una época difícil, también puede ser una época santa.You're Going to Make ItIncorporate a new rhythm for those days when life feels too hard through the daily practice of receiving and releasing—receiving God's encouragement, instruction, and truth to start your day and releasing to God all that's weighing you down at the end of each day. He'll set you on a path toward healing.In her newest devotional, New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps you stay connected to God and continue loving others even in the middle of discouraging, disappointing, or even devastating circumstances. Experience 50 days of morning and evening devotions complimented with beautiful color photography of significant locations where Lysa has worked through her own healing. Each devotion contains: a Bible verse to start your day a statement of truth to remember throughout your day space to write and release something back to God at the end of your day a prayer to receive before you go to sleep to better prepare for tomorrow
Thomas Nelson Publishers El milagro de la paz: Puedes encontrar la paz en cada desafío que enfrentes
En El milagro de la paz, el autor de confianza Jack Countryman y otras personas dinámicas de fe de treinta a noventa años compartirán inspiración y esperanza sobre la paz milagrosa que solo Dios puede traer durante las temporadas más tormentosas de la vida. Dios nos ha instruido en la Biblia que no nos preocupemos por el mañana. Suena simple, así que ¿por qué es tan difícil de lograr?, ¿por qué no podemos encontrar la paz? Explora lo que la Biblia dice acerca de dejar ir la ansiedad y el miedo y abrazar una nueva forma de pensar que nos lleva a una relación más cercana con Dios.Con El milagro de la Paz, te sentirás animado mientras descubres cómo: Entender los planes de Dios cuando nada parece tener sentido Encontrar la calma cuando todo a tu alrededor es el caos Confiar en que Dios te tiene en la palma de Su mano Este hermoso libro incluye: Una página de presentación para regalar Una cinta marcadora para mantener su lugar 52 meditaciones sobre cómo encontrar la paz en un mundo turbulento Dios no quiere que sus seres queridos sufran con preocupación. A medida que te acercas a Él, experimentas el milagro de la paz que está disponible para ti. Solo tienes que pedirlo.The Miracle of peaceIn The Miracle of Peace, trusted author Jack Countryman and other dynamic people of faith from their thirties to their nineties will share inspiration and hope about the miraculous peace that only God can bring about during the stormiest seasons in life. God has instructed us in the Bible not to worry about tomorrow. It sounds simple, so why is it so difficult to achieve? Why can't we find peace? Explore what the Bible says about letting go of anxiety and fear and embracing a new way of thinking that brings us into a closer relationship with God.In The Miracle of Peace, you'll be encouraged as you discover how to: Understand God's plans when nothing seems to make sense Find calm when all around you is chaos Trust that God has you in the palm of His hand This beautiful book includes: A presentation page for gift-giving A ribbon marker to keep your place 52 meditations about finding peace in a troubled world God doesn't want His loved ones to suffer with worry. As you draw closer to Him, you'll experience the miracle of peace that is available to you. You only need ask.
Thomas Nelson Publishers But God Can
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Single-Column Reference Bible, Verse-by-verse, Brown Genuine Leather, Red Letter, Comfort Print
Thomas Nelson Publishers Salvaje de corazón, Edición ampliada: Descubramos el secreto del alma masculina
John Eldredge revisó y amplió su fenomenal best seller, Salvaje de corazón, e invita a los hombres a convertirse en seres más completos mediante: recuperar su corazón masculino; verse a sí mismos en la imagen de un Dios apasionado; y deleitarse con la fuerza y el desenfreno para el que fueron creados. En este libro que cambia vidas, John Eldredge ofrece una mirada al interior del verdadero corazón de un hombre y les da permiso a los hombres para ser como Dios los diseñó: arriesgados, apasionados, vivos y libres.Wild at HeartJohn Eldredge has revised and expanded his phenomenal bestseller, Wild at Heart,and invites men to become more complete by: recovering their masculine heart; seeing themselves in the image of a passionate God; and delighting in the strength and wildness that they were created to offer. In this life-changing book, John Eldredge provides a look inside the true heart of a man and gives men permission to be what God designed them to be--dangerous, passionate, alive, and free.
Thomas Nelson Publishers KJV Holy Bible: Super Giant Print with 43,000 Cross References, Black Genuine Leather, Red Letter, Comfort Print (Thumb Indexed): King James Version
Thomas Nelson Publishers Sleep Sweet, My Little One
With soothing text and lovely illustrations,Sleep Sweet, My Little One is a wonderful way to send children to peaceful dreams.In the deep darkness of the night, the light of the moon is such a comfort to children. In this adorable rhyming board book from popular author and speaker Patsy Clairmont, a sleepy child plays in the glow of the moon and is thankful for the light it provides as it lulls him to sleep. With soft watercolor illustrations, Sleep Sweet, My Little One is a wonderful way to calm young hearts to sleep.Features & Benefits: Nighttime is when little ones’ fears often arise, and this sweet book helps settle young hearts to sleep Sweet, sleepy art and rhyming bedtime text is sure to be a favorite for parents and little ones Bedtime board books are timeless, solid sellers Patsy Clairmont will appear at Women of Faith 2013–2014
Thomas Nelson Publishers God's Wisdom for Sisters in Faith
Thomas Nelson Publishers God Listens: Praying with Passion and Power
God’s Word is the food of life for a Christian, and prayer is the breath.Prayer is the most powerful spiritual tool available to a believer. Through an open heart and a willingness to be immersed in Scripture, people will find that they are covered by God’s Spirit. When people completely depend on God, they find that they are richly blessed and forgiven, and all of their needs will be met by God and His grace.Written by bestselling author Jack Countryman, God Listens will help revive the prayer life of readers from any background. The book opens with sections of Confession, Thanksgiving, Praise, Supplication, and Intercession. Then come prayers for twenty specific needs ranging from physical healing, financial needs, worship and hope, to salvation and eternal life. Each of the more than 100 prayers is based on Scripture. Every prayer reflects a believer’s sincere, heartfelt desire to be more of the person God calls His people to be. Journaling space is included for writing your own prayers.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The NKJV, Explorer's Study Bible, Leathersoft, Blue: Seeking God's Treasure and Living His Word
The Explorer's Study Bible takes kids on an adventure of a lifetime to find the treasure of God's message.A full New King James Version Study Bible just for kids. Incredible study helps include maps, keyword verses, interesting Bible facts, dictionary/concordance, and more—all designed to bring God’s Word—its people, places, events, and message—into a kid’s world! It’s full of fascinating features that make the Bible fun to read and explore, entertaining to learn about, and easy to study and understand.Colorful pages are full of special features: WordDecoders: "Compass" to the meaning of Bible terms Discoveries: Experience living in Bible times Bible Treasures: Learn wisdom from the lessons learned by Bible characters Digging In: Find rich treasures in story backgrounds, the meaning of key passages, and more Mystery Solved: Answers to the most asked questions about the Word
Thomas Nelson Publishers 100 Days of Thanks
Focus on the things that bring you joy with 100 Days of Thanks. Short inspirational readings, space to record your thoughts, and brief Scripture references in a high-designed four-color gift book will help you find a peaceful, happier life.The rush of a busy schedule, a barrage of disheartening news stories, and the wear and tear of everyday life can be enough to drag anyone down. Simply pausing to recognize and express thanks for the good gifts that surround you has proven to make a major difference in happiness, peace, and contentment.100 Days of Thanks, a beautifully designed inspirational book of short readings, Scripture verses, and journaling space is the perfect tool to promote Christian mindfulness and gratitude. Whether you are looking for a thoughtful gift to encourage a loved one or a simple tool to create a habit of thankfulness, this lovely little book is a wonderful place to start.Take a few moments out of your day to be grateful and feel your burdens get a little lighter, starting today.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesus Always, Leathersoft, with Scripture References: Embracing Joy in His Presence (a 365-Day Devotional)
Life today is full of difficulties--loss, sadness, fear. In the midst of these challenges, joy often feels impossible or out of reach. But Jesus has more for His followers than a life of striving, pain, and discontent.If you love Jesus Calling, you'll enjoy Jesus Always. With Scripture and personal reflections, the #1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah Young brings Jesus' message of joy--for today and every day with this 365-day devotional. The Jesus Calling® brand has impacted more than 40 million lives! This small deluxe edition of Jesus Always is: Perfect for an elegant gift or self-purchase A great size for traveling or your nightstand By taking the time to draw near to Him with Jesus Always, you will discover how to: Intimately and gently connect with Jesus--the One who meets you where you are Identify joy-filled reminders from the Word of God Process challenging situations, anxiety, and grief with a hopeful outlook Strengthen your faith and create a deeper bond with Jesus Written as if Jesus Himself is speaking directly to the reader, Jesus Always invites you into a new way of living--a life of joy.
Thomas Nelson Publishers A Call for Courage: Living with Power, Truth, and Love in an Age of Intolerance and Fear
Thomas Nelson Publishers Cartas a Bruno: Treinta consejos para treinta peligros
La vida actual está llena de riesgos para los jóvenes, cuyo buen juicio, tierno y en formación, está más propenso a extraviarse.La sociedad pone poco freno al libertinaje y ahora parece que más importante que lo sustancial es lo accesorio: el vicio predomina por sobre la virtud, la temeridad por sobre la prudencia, el exceso por sobre la moderación y la injusticia por sobre la honradez. Quienes se ven más desorientados por esta pérdida de valores son los jóvenes, por eso, a la manera de las epístolas clásicas, Rogelio Guedea le escribe estas cartas a su hijo, en las cuales le provee de las herramientas necesarias para poder sortear las amenazas que le imponga la vida. Desde las drogas, el alcohol, la pornografía, el sexo hasta las redes sociales, las malas compañías, la ansiedad, etcétera, y a través de ejemplos sacados de la vida propia y de la de otros, estas cartas no son más que una forma de evidenciar el amor de un padre a su hijo, y de proveerle con las herramientas de ética y sabiduría los elementos que necesitan más que nunca.Letters to BrunoLife today is fraught with danger for the young, whose tender, forming good judgment is most likely to err.Society puts little brake on licentiousness and now it seems that the accessory is more important than the substantial: vice prevails over virtue, imprudence over prudence, excess over moderation and injustice over honesty. The most disoriented by this loss of values ??are the young, therefore, in the manner of the classic epistles, Rogelio Guedea writes these letters to his son, in which he provides him with the necessary tools to improve himself. the threats that life imposes on me. From drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex to social networks, bad company, anxiety, etc., and through examples drawn from one's own life and that of others, these letters are nothing more than a way of demonstrating the love of a father to his son, and endow him with the tools of ethics and wisdom, the elements that he needs more than ever.
Thomas Nelson Publishers El puntito más chiquitito: Las pequeñas cosas que nos hacen distintos. Las grandes cosas que nos hacen iguales
Linsey Davis, autora best seller de libros infantiles, corresponsal ganadora de un Emmy y presentadora de ABC News, nos trae El puntito más chiquitito, un divertido y conmovedor libro ilustrado que celebra cómo todos formamos parte de la raza humana.Sólo el 0,1% de nuestros genes nos hace únicos. Somos en un 99,9% idénticos, parecidos, iguales. Este libro refleja al 100% esa verdad. Combinando un texto divertido y el atractivo arte de Lucy Fleming, El puntito más chiquitito es: Una historia inspiradora de conexión e igualdad Un libro infantil multicultural y multirracial que reconoce nuestras similitudes y nuestra singularidad La lectura en voz alta perfecta para niños de 4 a 8 años Un regalo único para los cumpleaños y las fiestas Linsey Davis también es autora de Un gran corazón.The Smallest Spot of a DotLinsey Davis, bestselling children’s author, Emmy-winning correspondent, and host for ABC News brings us The Smallest Spot of a Dot—a playful and poignant picture book that celebrates how we are all part of the human race.Only .1% of our genes make us uniquely who we are. We are 99.9% identical, alike, the same—equal. This book is 100% about that truth. Combining a playful text and Lucy Fleming’s engaging art, The Smallest Spot of a Dot is: An inspiring story of connection and equality Multicultural, multiracial children’s picture book that recognizes our similarities and our uniqueness The perfect read-aloud for kids ages 4–8 A unique gift for birthdays and holidays Linsey Davis is also the author of One Big Heart.
Thomas Nelson Publishers La alegoría del amor: Un estudio sobre tradición medieval
Esta obra, publicada originalmente en 1936, constituye uno de los trabajos académicos más influyentes de C. S. Lewis en el campo de la literatura medieval. En ella se desarrolla un profundo estudio sobre la poesía amorosa alegórica de la Edad Media, cuyo origen se sitúa en los poemas de «amor cortés» de los trovadores del Languedoc desde el siglo XI, a través de su transformación y fin a finales del siglo XVI.Esta poesía de los trovadores, que constituiría el primer modo de expresión del amor «romántico», supuso tal cambio respecto de la literatura precedente que, como el propio Lewis señala, «no dejó intocado rincón alguno en nuestra ética, nuestra imaginación y nuestra vida diaria, erigiendo barreras infranqueables entre nosotros y el pasado clásico o el presente oriental. Comparado con esta revolución, el Renacimiento es un simple remolino en la superficie de la literatura».Resulta particularmente relevante dentro del presente ensayo el estudio que Lewis realiza de El libro de la rosa, obra cumbre del género dentro de la literatura tardo medieval.The Allegory of LoveThis work, originally published in 1936, constitutes one of the most influential academic works of C.S. Lewis in the field of medieval literature. It develops an in-depth study of the allegorical love poetry of the Middle Ages, whose origins lie in the "courtly love" poems of the Languedoc troubadours in eleventh century, through its transformation and gradual demise at the end of the sixteenth century.This poetry of the troubadours, which would constitute the first mode of expression of «romantic» love, supposed such a change with respect to the preceding literature that, as Lewis himself points out, "it left no corner untouched in our ethics, our imagination and our lives. daily, erecting insurmountable barriers between us and the classical past or the Eastern present. Compared with this revolution, the Renaissance is a mere whirlpool on the surface of literature."Lewis's study of The Book of the Rose, the masterpiece of the genre within late medieval literature, is particularly relevant in this essay.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Buenas noches, angelito / Good Night Angel (Edición bilingüe / Biligual edition): Una celebración de Navidad de ensueño
¡Es la época de la alegría! Celebra la diversión familiar y las bendiciones de la temporada navideña con un joven zorro ártico mientras tu familia recuerda que Jesús es el mejor regalo de todos. Las encantadoras rimas de Amy Parker y las tiernas ilustraciones de Virginia Allyn hacen de Buenas noches, angelito - Edición Bilingüe la lectura perfecta para niños pequeños y preescolares que disfrutan de la temporada navideña.Al pequeño zorro le encanta toda la emoción que trae la Navidad al bosque: hacer regalos creativos, colocar la estrella en el árbol y asegurarse de estar listo para ser el centro de atención en la gran obra de teatro navideña. Pero pronto se da cuenta de que el regalo perfecto ya ha sido dado por el bebé que llegó en la primera noche de Navidad.Este libro de cartón de Navidad de la exitosa marca de libros de cuentos para dormir Night Night ofrece a las familias una forma divertida de dar las buenas noches durante el tiempo de Adviento celebra los momentos especiales de las actividades navideñas en familia recuerda suavemente a los niños que el Niño Jesús es el motivo de la temporada El tema navideño y la brillante cubierta hacen que Buenas noches, angelito - Edición Bilingüe sea perfecto para un regalo de Adviento, para rellenar un calcetín o para sorprender a los padres, abuelos, maestros de la escuela dominical y amigos en la mañana de Navidad. Tu angelito estará listo para acurrucarse durante la noche mientras celebran juntos todas las bendiciones de la Navidad.Night Night Angel'Tis the season for joy! Celebrate the family fun and season's blessings of Christmas with a young arctic fox as your family remembers that Jesus is the best gift of all. Amy Parker's delightful rhymes and Virginia Allyn's sweet illustrations make Night Night, Angel – Bilingual edition the perfect read-aloud for toddlers and preschoolers enjoying the Christmas season.Little fox loves all the excitement that Christmas brings to the forest: making creative presents, placing the star on the tree, and making sure she is spotlight-ready for the big Christmas play. But soon she realizes that the perfect gift has already been given through the baby who arrived on the first Christmas night!This Christmas board book from the hugely successful Night Night bedtime storybook brand gives families a fun way to say goodnight during the Advent season celebrates the special moments of family holiday activities gently reminds children that Baby Jesus is the reason for the season The Christmas theme and sparkling cover make Night Night, Angel – Bilingual edition perfect for an Advent gift, stocking stuffer, or Christmas morning surprise from parents, grandparents, Sunday school teachers, and friends. Your little angel will be ready to snuggle in for the night as together you celebrate the many blessings of Christmas!
Thomas Nelson Publishers Cómo orar: Reflexiones y ensayos
Las ideas de C. S. Lewis sobre el cristianismo y sus reflexiones sobre la vida cristiana continúan guiándonos aún más de cincuenta años después de su muerte. Cómo orar muestra la sabiduría perdurable de Lewis sobre la oración y su lugar en nuestra vida diaria. Cultivado a partir de sus numerosos ensayos, artículos y cartas, así como de sus obras clásicas, Cómo orar, proporciona sabiduría práctica e instrucción para ayudar a los lectores a nutrir sus creencias espirituales y abrazar la oración en todas sus formas. Si bien a muchas personas les gustaría hablar con Dios, a menudo no saben cómo empezar. Lewis las guía a través de la práctica, iluminando el significado de la oración y por qué es fundamental para la fe.How to PrayThe revered teacher and bestselling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God—prayer—in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings.Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, How to Pray provides practical wisdom and instruction to help readers nurture their spiritual beliefs and embrace prayer in all its forms. While many people would like to speak to God, they often don’t know how to begin. Lewis guides them through the practice, illuminating the significance of prayer and why it is central to faith.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Cuando hacer felices a los demás te hace sentir miserable: Cómo romper el patrón de agradar a otros y vivir con confianza
¿Estás abrumado por las expectativas poco realistas de los demás de ti? ¿Te sientes arrastrado en demasiadas direcciones mientras tratas de hacer felices a todos los que te rodean? Si está listo para terminar el ciclo de búsqueda de aprobación, ¡Karen Ehman, la autora de best sellers y una persona en el proceso de recuperación de complacer a la gente, está aquí para ayudarlo!Cuando hacer felices a los demás te hace sentir miserable comparte las refrescantes y sinceras lecciones que Karen aprendió de primera mano durante su propio viaje de liberarse de complacer a la gente para vivir su propósito dado por Dios. Deja que Karen sea tu nueva guía mientras que aprendes a romper con éxito el patrón destructivo de complacer a la gente y comienzas a abrazar completamente la vida que Dios te ha llamado a liderar.Con humor y vulnerabilidad, Karen explora por qué es tan fácil caer en comportamientos de complacencia con la gente y nos recuerda que no podemos cumplir nuestro propósito divino si estamos demasiado ocupados viviendo el de los demás. Ella ofrece sus consejos oportunos para vivir con menos agobio y con más paz y propósito, compartiendo palabras de sabiduría que te ayudarán: Priorizar lo que Dios dice por encima de lo que piensan los demás Vivir tu vida sin preocuparte por las opiniones y expectativas de los demás Cultivar una estrategia para saber cuándo decir sí y cómo decir no Crear y mantener límites saludables con los que te presionan, los que hacen pucheros, los que te hacen sentir culpable y otros que intentan tomar las decisiones en tu vida. Aprender a navegar la tensión entre agradar a Dios y amar a tu comunidad Únete a Karen mientras ella te anima a caminar de cerca, y con confianza, con nuestro amoroso Creador, a pesar de las opiniones y expectativas de los demás. Es hora de terminar con el juego de complacer a la gente y finalmente disfrutar de la vida pacífica y decidida que te mereces.When Making Others Happy Is Making You Miserable Are you overwhelmed by others' unrealistic expectations of you? Do you feel torn in dozens of directions as you try to make everyone around you happy? If you're ready to end the cycle of approval seeking, New York Times bestselling author and recovering people pleaser Karen Ehman is here to help!When Making Others Happy Is Making You Miserable shares the refreshing, heartfelt lessons that Karen learned firsthand during her own journey of breaking free from people pleasing in order to live out her God-given purpose. Let Karen be your new go-to guide as you learn to successfully break the destructive pattern of people pleasing and start fully embracing the life God has called you to lead.With equal parts humor and vulnerability, Karen explores why it's so easy to fall into people-pleasing behaviors and reminds us that we can't fulfill our divine purpose if we're too busy living everyone else's. She offers her timely advice for living with less overwhelm and with more peace and purpose, sharing words of wisdom that will help you: Prioritize what God says above what other people think Live your life without worrying about the opinions and expectations of others Cultivate a strategy for knowing when to say yes and how to say no Create and maintain healthy boundaries with the pushers, pouters, guilt bombers and others who try to call the shots in your life Learn to navigate the tension between pleasing God and loving your community
Thomas Nelson Publishers Vive confiado en un mundo caótico: Esperanza cierta en tiempos inciertos
El autor best seller del New York Times, el Dr. David Jeremiah, actualiza su libro clásico,nos brinda sabiduría para el fin de los tiempos en Vive confiado en un mundo caótico Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, que ofrece instrucciones prácticas y basadas en la Biblia para vivir una vida segura en un mundo lleno de caos y crisis. «No dejes que tu corazón esté preocupado...»La confianza puede ser difícil de conseguir en estos días. La gente está perdiendo sus trabajos, sus casas y los ahorros de toda su vida a un ritmo sin precedentes. La violencia, los desastres naturales y la depravación moral parecen estar disparándose. En medio de todo este caos, necesitamos saberlo... ¿Qué exactamente deberíamos hacer ahora?David Jeremiah trae un mensaje de esperanza y confianza del invaluable consejo de la Palabra de Dios. Responde nuestras preguntas más urgentes, que incluyen: ¿Cómo podemos pasar esta tormenta con un corazón tranquilo? ¿Qué significa realmente «esperar en el Señor»? ¿Qué le está diciendo Jesús a nuestro mundo caótico de hoy? ¿Cómo es que nos metimos en este lío? ¿Podemos tomar un mundo quebrantado y reconstruirlo en algo fructífero? Living with Confidence in a Chaotic WorldNew York Times bestselling author, Dr. David Jeremiah updates his classic book,presents us with endtime wisdom in Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World, offering which offers biblically based, practical instruction for living a confident life in a world filled with chaos and crisis.“Let not your heart be troubled . . .”Confidence can be hard to come by these days. People are losing their jobs, their houses, and their life savings at an unprecedented rate. Violence, natural disasters, and moral depravity seem to be skyrocketing. In the midst of all this chaos, we need to know . . . what on earth should we do now?David Jeremiah brings a message of hope and confidence from the priceless counsel of the Word of God. He answers our most urgent questions, including: How can we weather this storm with a calm heart? What does it truly mean to “wait on the Lord”? What is Jesus saying to our chaotic world today? How on earth did we get into this mess? Can we take a broken world and rebuild it into something fruitful?
Thomas Nelson Publishers From the Ground Up: Building a Dream House---and a Beautiful Life---through Grit and Grace
Built by hand. Built to last. The best dreams start with love.Noell Jett’s home is more than a farmhouse. It’s a testament to overcoming challenges, working side by side with those you love, and learning to say yes to your dreams again and again, even when the world says no.Growing up in poverty, in a family with extremist religious beliefs, Noell Jett knows what it’s like to work hard to survive. When she married Daniel and they began a family together, she discovered the joy of working hard to achieve her dreams.In From the Ground Up, Noell shares the unbelievable story behind her 3,700-square foot custom farmhouse—built by hand and savvy influencer marketing—and the key strategies she learned about never giving up. With beautiful photos, reflections questions, and Noell’s trademark DIY tips, From the Ground Up offers a vision for living beyond the confines of your past, inspiration for home renovation on a budget, tricks to make influencer marketing work for you, spiritual insight into finding true freedom, and encouragement to take that life-changing leap of faith. From the Ground Up is a powerful reminder that following your passion is worth a few sacrifices along the way. After all, some dreams are worth giving it all you’ve got. Why not follow yours?
Thomas Nelson Publishers 31 Ways to Show Him What Love Is: One Month to a More Lifegiving Relationship
In Alyssa Bethke's newly revised edition of 31 Ways to Show Him What Love Is, readers will discover practical and inspiring tips for bringing more romance, joy, and vibrancy to their marriages.In 31 Ways to Show Him What Love Is, Alyssa Bethke gives wives thirty-one specific tips for strengthening and deepening their relationship. Each day readers find a new suggestion for encouraging and loving their husbands. Topics include serving each other, offering forgiveness, laughing together, praying for one another, affirming each other through words, and even making a favorite snack. From serious to lighthearted, each tip challenges readers to make their marriage a priority and reminds them of the importance of a healthy, vibrant relationship. Designed with new covers and revised content, these books take readers on a one-month journey that will bring them closer to their husbands than ever before.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Palabras de fuego: Cómo Casiodoro de Reina entregó su vida por el libro que cambiaría la historia
«Cuando los hombres tienen que morir por sus ideas, algo nuevo está a punto de comenzar». Con una combinación de intriga y rigor histórico, Palabras de fuego traslada a los lectores a un momento histórico, en el que la palabra impresa podía ser el arma más transformadora.Año 1557. Fray Daniel de Ecija es un novicio del Monasterio de los Jerónimos de San Isidoro del Campo, que se encuentra fascinado por las nuevas ideas que está introduciendo su amigo Casiodoro de Reina. Sevilla parece revolucionada por las riquezas que llegan de América y las ideas de Alemania. La imprenta ha conseguido que las enseñanzas de Lutero y Erasmo se extiendan por Europa, pero la Inquisición acecha. Los monjes son advertidos de una inminente redada y escapan hacia Cádiz para buscar un barco que los lleve hasta Italia.La Inquisición envía tras los monjes «herejes» a dos monjes que intentarán traerlos de nuevo a España para que sean juzgados y quemados en la hoguera. Mientras que Daniel de Ecija y sus compañeros huyen por Europa, Casiodoro de Reina comienza a gestar la idea de traducir la Biblia al castellano, pero los espías de Felipe II están en todas partes y tienen mucho interés en que el libro no se publique.«Hubo un tiempo en que los libros podían cambiar el mundo, hacer tambalear los poderes más fuertes y cambiar para siempre la historia».The Words of Fire"When men have to die for their ideas, something new is about to begin.” With a combination of intrigue and historical rigor, The Words of Fire takes readers back to an historical moment when the printed word could be the most transformative weapon.The year 1557. Fray Daniel de Ecija is a novice of the Hieronymite Monastery of San Isidoro del Campo, who is fascinated by the new ideas being introduced by his friend Casiodoro de Reina. Seville seems to be revolutionized by the riches coming from America and the ideas from Germany. The printing press has managed to spread the teachings of Luther and Erasmus throughout Europe, but the Inquisition is lurking. The monks are warned of an imminent raid and escape to Cadiz to find a ship to take them to Italy.The Inquisition sends two monks after the "heretical" monks who will try to bring them back to Spain to be judged and burned at the stake. While Daniel of Ecija and his companions flee through Europe, Casiodoro de Reina starts to develop the idea of translating the Bible into Spanish, but Philip II’s spies are everywhere and are very interested in the book not being published."There was a time when books could change the world, shake up the strongest powers, and change history forever."
Thomas Nelson Publishers Perdona lo que no puedes olvidar: Descubre cómo seguir adelante, hacer las paces con recuerdos dolorosos y crear una vida nuevamente hermosa
Descubre el paso que aún no has logrado y que podría resolver el caos en las relaciones de tu vida.¿Alguna vez te has sentido atrapado en un ciclo de dolor sin resolver, repitiendo las ofensas una y otra vez en tu mente? Sabes que no puedes continuar así, pero no sabes qué hacer. Lysa TerKeurst ha luchado en este proceso también. Pero de una manera sorprendente, ha descubierto cómo deshacerse del resentimiento acumulado y superar la resistencia a perdonar a las personas que no están dispuestas a hacer las cosas bien.Con profunda empatía, perspicacia terapéutica y amplia enseñanza bíblica que surge de más de 1,000 horas de estudio teológico, Lysa te ayudará a: Aprender a seguir adelante cuando la otra persona se niega a cambiar y nunca dice que lo lamenta. Seguir un proceso paso a paso para liberarte del dolor de tu pasado y sentirte menos ofendido hoy. Descubrir lo que la Biblia dice realmente sobre el perdón y la paz que proviene de vivirlo en este momento. Identificar qué está robando la confianza y la vulnerabilidad de tus relaciones para que puedas creer que todavía hay algo bueno por delante. Disminuir el impacto de los detonantes que se apropian de tus emociones adoptando las dos partes necesarias del perdón. Forgiving What You Can't ForgetDiscover the step you have not yet taken that could resolve the chaos in your life's relationships.Have you ever felt trapped in a cycle of unresolved pain, playing the offenses over and over in your mind? You know you can't go on like this, but you don't know what to do. Lysa TerKeurst has struggled in this process as well. But in a surprising way, she has discovered how to get rid of the bound-up resentment and overcome the resistance to forgive people who are not willing to make things right.With deep empathy, therapeutic insight, and rich Bible teaching coming out of 1,000 hours of theological study, Lysa will help you: Learn how to move on when the other person refuses to change and never says they're sorry. Walk through a step-by-step process to free yourself from the hurt of your past and feel less offended today. Discover what the Bible really says about forgiveness and the peace that comes from living it out right now. Identify what's stealing trust and vulnerability from your relationships so you can believe there is still good ahead. Disempower the triggers hijacking your emotions by embracing the two necessary parts of forgiveness.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Falling Home: Creating a Life That Catches You When You Fall
Beloved speaker and radio host Hallie Lord shows how to use unexpected hardships and challenges to build a life that will make you more secure and grounded than ever before. Hallie Lord understands the upheaval life can bring. From her parents' divorce when she was a preteen to moving eleven times in fifteen years with her family, the radical changes she faced relentlessly pushed her toward fear and helplessness. Yet by digging into her faith and through much self-reflection, she realized that even though those challenges had left her a bit battered and bruised, they had also equipped her for any difficulty that may arise.In Falling Home, she describes the four interconnected foundations that now give her strength and security during life's upheavals: committed, supportive friendships, healthy family relationships, an intimate love affair with God, and a compassionate sense of self. Inviting readers into her hard-fought journey, Lord shows them how they, too, can embrace whatever life brings their way. With lyrical prose and a tender, inviting voice, she shares how hurts and sacrifices are also the groundwork for creating a beautiful life that can catch them whenever they fall.
Thomas Nelson Publishers If My People: A Prayer Guide for Our Nation
When a nation is divided, to whom can we turn? Perfectly timed and updated for the election season, If My People provides us with 40 days of prayers and reflections in the spirit of 2 Chronicles 7:14: "If My people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."If My People also stirs our hearts and minds with seven prayers from past presidents that were inspired during some of our country's darkest days. This hardcover edition is an ideal book to share with: Entire church congregations Sunday school classes Small groups Prayer partners to pray through together This prayer guide not only reminds us that "in God we still trust," but it also brings a greater sense of pride in and hope for our country, just when we need it most. With biblical and historical reminders of the power of prayer, If My People will inspire anyone who feels uncertain about how to make a difference as the country heads into another election season.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Solo hay uno como tú - Bilingüe: Lo que te hace diferente te hace único
A algunos niños les gusta bailar y reír en voz alta, y otros se sientan en silencio e inventan historias en sus cabezas, pero todos somos diferentes, y eso está bien porque ¡el Creador de todo nos hizo de esta manera! En este imaginativo libro ilustrado, la autora best seller Sally Clarkson y su hijo Nathan animan a los niños a descubrir sus fortalezas en el viaje. El dúo de madre e hijo recurre a los temas de su primer libro, Different, la emotiva historia de las experiencias de Nathan al crecer con una enfermedad mental y discapacidades de aprendizaje, y el viaje de Sally para amarlo incondicionalmente. Con la poderosa verdad de que lo que te hace diferente te hace único, Solo tú puedes ser tú ayudará a los niños a aceptar sus diferencias y celebrar las diferencias en los demás. Con rimas irresistibles y las ilustraciones juguetonas de Tim Warnes, este libro es un regalo significativo para cumpleaños, días festivos y fiestas infantiles. Ya sea que son tranquilos o artísticos, divertidos o bulliciosos, a los niños les encantará esta reafirmación conmovedora de que son maravillosos tal como son.Only You Can be YouSome kids like to dance and laugh out loud, and some sit quietly and make up stories in their heads - but we're all different, and that's okay because the maker of everything made us this way! In this imaginative picture book, bestselling author Sally Clarkson and her son Nathan encourage children on the journey to discovering their strengths. Mother and son duo draw on themes from their first book, Different, the emotive story of Nathan's experiences growing up with mental illness and learning disabilities and Sally's journey to loving him unconditionally. With the powerful truth that what makes you different makes you great, Only You Can Be You will help children embrace their differences and celebrate the differences in others.With irresistible rhymes and Tim Warnes's whimsical illustrations, this book is a meaningful gift for birthdays, holidays, and baby showers. Whether they are quiet or artistic, funny or boisterous, children will love this heartwarming reassurance that they are wonderful exactly as they are.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Jesús te llama, devocional para la familia: 100 devocionales para disfrutar la paz en su presencia
Esta edición especial del libro más vendido de Sarah Young, Jesús te llama®, es perfecta para la familia.Cada día ofrece una lectura devocional para adultos de Jesús te llama® y una lectura devocional para niños extraído de Jesús te llama®: 365 lecturas devocionales para niños. Con las lecturas devocionales lado a lado, los padres y los niños pueden leer su propia lectura y luego leer, hablar y orar juntos. Estas lecturas devocionales amadas se basan en las Escrituras y están escritas como si Jesús les estuviera hablando directamente a usted y a sus hijos, se incluyen preguntas enriquecedoras diseñadas para llevarlo más profundamente al corazón del Salvador para su familia.La autora Sarah Young ha tocado millones de vidas a través de sus devocionales. Esta edición especial de Jesús te llama® lo invita a llevar a sus hijos a lo largo del viaje: acérquese mientras experimenta el amor de Jesús de una manera fresca y alegre.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Gentle on My Mind: In Sickness and in Health with Glen Campbell
The page-turning, never-before-told story of Kim Campbell's roller-coaster thirty-four-year marriage to music legend Glen Campbell, including how Kim helped Glen finally conquer his addictions only to face their greatest challenge when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.Kim Campbell was a fresh-faced twenty-two-year-old dancer at Radio City Music Hall when a friend introduced her to Glen Campbell, the chart-topping, Grammy-winning, Oscar-nominated entertainer. The two performers from small Southern towns quickly fell in love, a bond that produced a thirty-four-year marriage and three children.In Gentle on My Mind, Kim tells the complete, no-holds-barred story of their relationship, recounting the highest of highs—award shows, acclaimed performances, the birth of their children, encounters with Mick Fleetwood, Waylon Jennings, Alan Jackson, Alice Cooper, Jane Seymour, and others—and the lowest of lows, including battles with alcohol and drug addiction and, finally, Glen’s diagnosis, decline, and death from Alzheimer's. With extraordinary candor, astonishing bravery, and a lively sense of humor, Kim reveals the whole truth of life with an entertainment giant and of caring for and loving him amid the extraordinary challenge of Alzheimer's disease. This is a remarkable account of enduring love, quiet strength, and never-faltering faith.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Renovate Your Relationships: A Proven Guide to Setting Boundaries and Building Bridges with Those Who Matter Most
What do you do when a relationship goes off course?Whether it’s with a manipulative boss, a critical neighbor, or a controlling spouse, a challenging relationship can leave you feeling worn down, confused, and helpless. How do you narrow the gap between where things are and where you want them to be? How do you decide whether to lean in with understanding or set more healthy boundaries? In Renovate Your Relationships, Scott Vaudrey gives you the tools you need to bring healing and new life to even your most difficult relationships. With real-life stories and practical ideas, Scott explores how to diagnose destructive patterns in specific relationships, avoid over-acceptance of others or over-protection of yourself, and foster new and healthy relational patterns with the most important people in your life. Using groundbreaking practical tools, Scott unearths the root causes of relational breakdowns and gives you the confidence you need to move into life-giving patterns of loving others—and yourself—well.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Covert Cows and Chick-fil-A: How Faith, Cows, and Chicken Built an Iconic Brand
The longtime chief marketing officer for Chick-fil-A tells the inside story of how the company turned prevailing theories of fast-food marketing upside down and built one of the most successful and beloved brands in America.Covert Cows will help you… Discover unexpected, out-of-the-box marketing methods and new ways of approaching business problems. Understand the positive impact of building a business based on biblical principles. Receive an insider’s look at the evolution of one of America’s most beloved brands. Learn key marketing and business insights from the man who was the chief marketing officer for Chick-fil-A for thirty-four years. During his thirty-four-year tenure at Chick-fil-A, Steve Robinson was integrally involved in the company’s growth--from 184 stores and $100 million in annual sales in 1981 to over 2,100 stores and over $6.8 billion in annual sales in 2015--and was a first-hand witness to its evolution as an indelible global brand. In Covert Cows and Chick-fil-A, Robinson shares behind-the-scenes accounts of key moments, including the creation of the Chick-fil-A corporate purpose and the formation and management of the now-iconic "Eat Mor Chikin" cow campaign. Drawing on his personal interactions with the gifted team of company leaders, restaurant operators, and the company's founder, Truett Cathy, Robinson explains the important traits that built the company's culture and sustained it through recession and many other challenges. He also reveals how every aspect of the company's approach reflects an unwavering dedication to Christian values and to the individual customer experience. Written with disarming candor and revealing storytelling, Covert Cows and Chick-fil-A is the never-before-told story of a great American success.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Everywhere Holy: Seeing Beauty, Remembering Your Identity, and Finding God Right Where You Are
“Readers who are dealing with depression, parenting struggles, questions of identity and self-image, or who simply find it hard to bring prayer into their chaotic life will find welcome encouragement in Lawler’s rejuvenating words.” – Publishers WeeklyPopular writer and blogger Kara Lawler shows women how to embrace the sacred in mundane, ordinary life--and in the process, discover themselves.Life doesn't have to be lived on grand mountaintops for it to be meaningful. We can see God at work right where we are: in our ordinary and mundane routines, in the faces of our family and friends, and--especially--in nature.Kara Lawler speaks to the hearts of those who find themselves lost in the midst of their chaotic schedules and weary attempts to be all that is expected of them. Everywhere Holy addresses our deepest struggles, including: How to feel joy, despite depression and anxiety Dealing with hardships and understanding unconditional love How to view life as an adventure, even when that feels too hard How to feel more connected, more grateful, and more at peace In beautiful prose, Lawler describes the unique sacredness found in God's creation and offers fifteen inspiring insights for cultivating it day-to-day. She encourages you to make this lifestyle change through the observance of small acts. In so doing, you will discover a holy space that honors God and the life you’ve been given--and will discover yourself and your unique place in the holy that is everywhere, whether it’s in the woods behind your house or in the face of a stranger on a bus in a busy city. No matter where you are, there is holy free for the taking.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Luckiest Man: How a Seventeen-Year Battle with ALS Led Me to Intimacy with God
How do you experience God's intimate, comforting, tangible presence? In The Luckiest Man, John Paine reveals how he found the answer to this most important of all questions--by facing a terminal diagnosis.At middle age, John Paine thought he knew what it meant to have a relationship with God. He was a successful businessman, a well-respected Christian leader, a Bible teacher, and--outwardly, at least--the spiritual leader of his family. He was satisfied and thought he understood what it meant to know and experience God. But did he?John's journey into true, mystical intimacy with God began when a neurologist diagnosed him with ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease, and said, "Go home and get your affairs in order." Seventeen years later, John tells his story, recounting the ways God intervened in his life, freeing him from all that prevented intimacy with God, even as John slipped into pain, paralysis, and further toward death. In stunning, insightful prose, The Luckiest Man points to the God who lovingly, though occasionally painfully, drew John into the richness of friendship. In this profoundly moving memoir, John Paine reveals the secret to intimacy with God and provides hope to all who are in the middle of their own trials. They, too, will understand why John considers himself the "luckiest man."
Thomas Nelson Publishers Beyond the Storm: How to Thrive in Life's Toughest Seasons
Beyond the Storm is an essential help for flourishing after the devastating effects of life’s blows so you can actively pursue the purpose you were designed to fulfill.When the storms of life blow in unexpectedly, wreaking havoc and leaving a trail of destruction, why does one person fall apart while another perseveres and even finds a deeper sense of purpose afterward? In Beyond the Storm, Debra Morton reveals why, providing the techniques and strategies that helped her and many others not only survive but also thrive, even in the most painful of circumstances.While ministering to victims of Hurricane Katrina and grieving the death of her granddaughter, Morton realized that the key to pushing forward in the midst of setbacks was having a defined set of coping skills. So she created the “Storm Playbook,” which teaches how to renew your hope, reclaim your passion, and experience fulfillment and joy again. That playbook is here for you to use immediately, along with interactive tools, journaling questions, and scripture studies that will guide you through pain and struggle and into strength and victory once again.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Scary God: Introducing The Fear of the Lord to the Postmodern Church
“Scary God brings you face-to-face with our Warrior-King God.”—John Bevere,bestselling author of The Bait of Satan Discover the great wonder and wild freedom the fear of the Lord can bring.God’s character is like a mighty diamond—a glorious convergence of respect, awe, reverence, adoration, thanksgiving, and yes, fear.Yet why is it so difficult to reconcile the wrath of God with the love of God?As Mattie teaches, it is simply a continual awareness of Jesus, our mighty Warrior King.We should not be afraid to come to God; rather we should be afraid to be against Him.Fans of Jefferson Bethke, John Bevere, and Brian Head Welch, will love the straight-talk in Scary God.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Wasted Prayer: Know When God Wants You to Stop Praying and Start Doing
Faith without obedience is dead. Prayer without action is wasted.What would your life look like if you stopped praying about God’s will and just did it instead? How would your church look if it spent as much time serving as it spent praying about serving?The truth is, sometimes when you think you’re praying, you’re really just procrastinating. And when you think you’re asking that God’s will be done, you’re really telling him no. In times that call for action, prayer can be disobedience in disguise. Wasted Prayer uncovers the ways we use prayer to dodge responsibility for the work God has assigned us.Complete with punch-in-the-gut biblical exposition that will help get you off your knees—and out of your chair—Wasted Prayer will provide you with the jolt you need to start living like a Christian, instead of just praying like one.It’s time to stop praying and start doing.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Doing Life Differently: The Art of Living with Imagination
Thomas Nelson Publishers Love and Respect in the Family: The Respect Parents Desire; The Love Children Need
The secret to parenting success is out! Children need love, parents need respect. It's as simple and complex as that.Bestselling author Dr. Emerson Eggerichs has studied family dynamics for more than 30 years, earning a Ph.D. in Child and Family Ecology. As a senior pastor for nearly two decades, he builds on a foundation of strong biblical principles, walking the reader through an entirely new way to approach the family dynamic.When frustrated with an unresponsive child, a parent doesn’t declare, “You don’t love me.” Instead, the parent asserts, “You are being disrespectful right now.” A parent needs to feel respected, especially during conflicts. When upset a child does not whine, “You don’t respect me.” Instead, a child pouts, “You don’t love me.” A child needs to feel loved, especially during disputes. But here’s the rub: An unloved child or teen negatively reacts in a way that feels disrespectful to a parent. A disrespected parent negatively reacts in a way that feels unloving to the child. This dynamic gives birth to the FAMILY CRAZY CYCLE.This book teaches you to: See love and respect as basic family needs Stop the Family Crazy Cycle of conflict Parent in six biblical ways that energize your children Discipline defiance and overlook childishness Be the mature one since parenting is for adults only Become a loving parent in God's eyes, regardless of a child's response Based on what the Bible says about parenting, this book focuses on achieving healthy family dynamics. Dr. Eggerichs offers unprecedented transparency from his wife and three adult children, who share wisdom gained from the good, the bad, and the ugly of their family life. It's all here in this eye-opening exploration of the biblical principles on parenting that can help make families function as God intended.
Thomas Nelson Publishers God's Promises for Your Every Need
God's Promises® for Your Every Need quickly guides you to the most beloved and helpful verses for your circumstances, whether you're seeking God's promises and answers for your own life or for a friend.No matter what season of life we are in, we need reassurance of God's promises to us--reminders that God is with us, ready to meet our needs with His love, provision, and direction. God's Promises for Your Every Need provides: Short readings and prayers, making it a perfect companion for time alone with God or as a giftable keepsake A collection of hundreds of verses from the Bible arranged topically to address every season of life and answer your most pressing questions Scriptures to comfort in times of worry, offer direction in times of crisis, and reassure you of God's love in times of discouragement Whether you're considering this for a gift or self-purchase, you should know God's Promises® for Your Every Need: Has a beautiful leather cover Includes a ribbon marker Contains a presentation page to personalize your gift Is perfect for all ages With 15 million copies of God's Promises® books sold, these books are a perfect guide for when you crave a word of encouragement or you need biblical direction. When you live with God's promises in your life, you will be blessed beyond your wildest imagination.
Thomas Nelson Publishers The Key to Personal Peace
People are seeking the answer to the confusion, the moral sickness, the spiritual emptiness that oppresses the world. We are all crying out for guidance. For comfort. For peace. Is there a way out of our dilemma? Can we really find personal peace with God? Yes! But only if we look in the right place.The Key to Personal Peace not only includes trusted Biblical insights from renowned evangelist Dr. Billy Graham, but also includes the full gospel of John, making the book a perfect gift for evangelism or outreach. The Key to Personal Peace offers a look into how to live life in the fullness of God.Sections include: The Great Quest Our Dilemma What is God Like What Did Jesus Do for Us? Finding the Way Back Peace at Last Heaven, Our Hope
Thomas Nelson Publishers Gánale la guerra a la preocupación: Cultiva un corazón en paz y una mente confiada
Dios es más grande que el miedo y todos sus primos: la depresión, la ansiedad, el pánico y la preocupación. Louie Giglio nos recuerda que, gracias a esa verdad, podemos comenzar de inmediato el proceso de restar importancia a la preocupación y sustituirla por confianza.Gánale la guerra a la preocupación tiene el potencial de poner a los lectores en un nuevo camino y darles las herramientas que necesitan para sustituir la preocupación por un mayor sentido de confianza en el Todopoderoso. Cuando experimentemos la paz de Dios, que supera todo lo que podríamos comprender, Él guardará nuestros corazones y mentes mientras vivimos en Cristo Jesús.Jesús te ha dado todo lo que necesitas para la vida y la piedad. Él ya ha ganado la guerra a la preocupación, derrotando a la muerte, al infierno y a la tumba de una vez por todas. A medida que leas este sencillo, pero poderoso, libro, empezarás a ver más claramente cómo: la preocupación es un pensamiento mentiroso, pero podemos elegir si queremos escuchar al enemigo o a nuestro Padre Celestial el miedo alimenta la preocupación, que alimenta nuestra necesidad de control, pero el amor perfecto de Dios expulsa el miedo puedes mantenerte firme en la verdad de que Jesús quiere y es capaz de encargarse de lo que te preocupa podemos sustituir los pensamientos ansiosos por pensamientos que se alineen con el carácter y la naturaleza de Dios Gánale la guerra a la preocupación puede ponerte en un nuevo camino y darte las herramientas que necesitas para sustituir la preocupación por un mayor sentimiento de confianza en el Todopoderoso. A través del viaje práctico que se expone en este libro, permite que Louie Giglio te señale a Aquel que es más grande, al Dios que anima a Su pueblo.Winning the War on Worry God is greater than fear and all its cousins: depression, anxiety, panic, and worry. And Louie Giglio reminds us that because of that truth, we can immediately start the process of resizing worry and replacing it with trust.Winning the War on Worry has the potential to set readers on a new path and give them the tools they need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. When we experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we could ever comprehend, He will guard our hearts and minds as we live in Christ Jesus.Jesus has given you all that you need for life and godliness. He has already won the war on worry, defeating death, hell, and the grave once and for all. As you read this simple yet powerful book, you will begin to see more clearly how: Worry is a liar, but we can choose whether we want to listen to the enemy or our Heavenly Father Fear fuels worry, which fuels our need for control, but God's perfect love drives out fear You can stand firm on the truth that Jesus both wants to and is able to carry what's worrying you We can replace anxious thoughts with thoughts that line up with the character and nature of God Winning the War on Worry can set you on a new path and give you the tools you need to replace worry with a greater sense of trust in the Almighty. Through the practical journey laid out in this book, allow Louie Giglio to point you to the One who is greater, to the God who encourages His people.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Children's Ministry Resource Bible, Hardcover: Helping Children Grow in the Light of God's Word
The Children's Ministry Resource Bible, developed in conjunction with Child Evangelism Fellowship, is filled with almost endless options for Bible study with children, whether at home, school, or church. Teaching aids are designed to be used with children ages 5-12.Full-page articles and a pronunciation dictionary complement the lessons. Comes complete with a special teacher training section and the Wordless Book, a colorful way to share the gospel message.Features include: Thousands of footnotes clarify important Bible terms, phrases, and ideas to provide you with cultural and historical background and insights on the Bible's people and events Teacher Training Sections help you learn how to communicate important Bible lessons in a kid-friendly manner Lesson Outlines take selected Bible stories and break them down into an Introduction, Progression of Events, Climax, and Ending, prefaced with a Teacher's Objective and Child-Related Truth Full-Page Articles address foundational skills for evangelising and disciplining children The Wordless Book presents the gospel message in a way children can understand Full Bible text of the New King James Version 7.5-point type size With the Children's Ministry Resource Bible, you will be fully prepared to present the content of Scripture and the message of salvation to young children in a way they will understand and enjoy.More than 165,000 Children's Ministry Resource Bibles sold to dateThe New King James Version—More than 60 million copies sold in 30 years
Thomas Nelson Publishers Thru the Bible Vol. 2: Joshua through Psalms
Thomas Nelson Publishers Thru the Bible Vol. 1: Genesis through Deuteronomy
Thomas Nelson Publishers NKJV, Bread of Life Gospel of John, Paperback: with Notes for Christian Living
This great evangelistic resource contains Notes for Christian Living prepared by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Steps for salvation and Christian living are simply explained. An economical evangelism tool effective with people of all ages and denominations.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Billy: The Untold Story of a Young Billy Graham and the Test of Faith that Almost Changed Everything
The remarkable true story of a young Billy Graham and his best friend who walked away from the faith.We all know howthe story ends but how did it begin? Before he became a household name, and America's Pastor,he was simply known asBilly. When he wasn't playing baseball, he was discovering his lovefor Christian ministry. His best friend, Charles Templeton, wasalready ontrack to be a highly successful evangelist and the two young men beganstrategizing on how to win the world for Christ. That plan takes adrastic turn, however, when Templeton deserts the faith and becomes anatheist. The impact of this decision on a young Billy Graham isimmeasurable and agonizing. Charles would later become the greatintellectual architect for agnosticism and atheism. Billy wouldbecome the single greatest messenger for the Christian Gospel. It isone of the great untold dramas between friends - Atheism vsChristianity, betrayal and hope.