Search results for ""Author Craig""
Guilford Publications Applied Missing Data Analysis
The most user-friendly and authoritative resource on missing data has been completely revised to make room for the latest developments that make handling missing data more effective. The second edition includes new methods based on factored regressions, newer model-based imputation strategies, and innovations in Bayesian analysis. State-of-the-art technical literature on missing data is translated into accessible guidelines for applied researchers and graduate students. The second edition takes an even, three-pronged approach to maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), Bayesian estimation as an alternative to MLE, and multiple imputation. Consistently organized chapters explain the rationale and procedural details for each technique and illustrate the analyses with engaging worked-through examples on such topics as young adult smoking, employee turnover, and chronic pain. The companion website ( includes data sets and analysis examples from the book, up-to-date software information, and other resources. New to This Edition *Expanded coverage of Bayesian estimation, including a new chapter on incomplete categorical variables. *New chapters on factored regressions, model-based imputation strategies, multilevel missing data-handling methods, missing not at random analyses, and other timely topics. *Presents cutting-edge methods developed since the 2010 first edition; includes dozens of new data analysis examples. *Most of the book is entirely new.
Baker Publishing Group Acts: An Exegetical Commentary – 15:1–23:35
Highly respected New Testament scholar Craig Keener is known for his meticulous and comprehensive research. This commentary on Acts, his magnum opus, may be the largest and most thoroughly documented Acts commentary available. Useful not only for the study of Acts but also early Christianity, this work sets Acts in its first-century context. In this volume, the third of four, Keener continues his detailed exegesis of Acts, utilizing an unparalleled range of ancient sources and offering a wealth of fresh insights. This magisterial commentary will be an invaluable resource for New Testament professors and students, pastors, Acts scholars, and libraries.
Baker Publishing Group Ancient Texts for New Testament Studies – A Guide to the Background Literature
One of the daunting challenges facing the New Testament interpreter is achieving familiarity with the immense corpus of related literatures. Scholars and students alike must have a fundamental understanding of the content, provenance, and utility for New Testament interpretation of a wide range of pagan, Jewish, and diversely Christian documents. Ancient Texts for the Study of the New Testament provides descriptions of all ancient literature that is relevant for serious study of the New Testament writings. Readers can quickly survey the literature clustered under various headings (such as the Apocrypha, Dead Sea Scrolls, or early Rabbinic literature), easily access brief definitions and descriptions, and then consider examples of how the literature sheds light on the background and interpretation of specific passages in the New Testament. There are several helpful appendices, including one that lists, beginning with Matthew and ending with Revelation, potentially significant parallels between New Testament passages and the ancient writings treated in the book. This thoroughly revised and significantly expanded edition of Noncanonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation examines a vast range of ancient literature, masterfully distilling details of date, language, text, and translation into an eminently usable handbook. Craig Evans evaluates the materials' relevance for interpreting the New Testament and provides essential biographies. Although the book is written at an introductory level, its comprehensive scope makes it useful even for the seasoned scholar.
Baker Publishing Group Interpreting the Old Testament – A Guide for Exegesis
Every serious student of the Old Testament quickly realizes the inherent difficulty of the interpretive task. The literature of the Old Testament poses unique challenges and requires methodologies different from those used to interpret the New Testament. This textbook has been designed to provide students with a useful methodology for interpreting Old Testament texts. Not simply a book of theory, this work provides practical help to students as they seek to understand and apply the Old Testament. The authors, all leading evangelical scholars, were chosen because of their particular expertise in the various aspects of the interpretive process.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Brenner and Stevens' Pharmacology
More detailed than an outlined review but less overwhelming than an encyclopedic reference, Brenner and Stevens' Pharmacology, 6th Edition, focuses on the essential principles you need to know in a concise, easy-to-understand manner. Authored by Craig W. Stevens, PhD, this highly illustrated introductory text helps you learn and retain key information in pharmacology-taking you from course exams and the USMLE Step 1 right through to clinical practice. New and extensively revised content keeps you up to date with the latest pharmacologic mechanisms and applications. Teaches the fundamental aspects of pharmacology using full-color illustrations, detailed explanations, and a consistent format to present classification of drugs for each system/disease. Helps you understand both the basic science foundations and clinical applications of pharmacology, with useful tables, drug classifications boxes, case studies, and self-assessments in each chapter to help you review and prepare for course exams and Step 1. Includes the latest drugs and therapeutic indications (more than 100 are new to this edition), along with an entirely new chapter on recent developments of immunopharmacology drugs, including antivirals and vaccinations. Addresses key topics such as antiviral and monoclonal drugs to treat COVID-19, the opioid epidemic, and gene therapy. Features more than 700 new and updated images, with many revised figures focused on clearing presenting the mechanism of action of drugs. Includes access to bonus eBook content such as animations, an additional glossary, chapter-by-chapter summaries and case studies, a full list of featured drugs, 150 USMLE-style self-assessment questions, and more. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Oxford University Press Inc Nimitz at War
From America''s preeminent naval historian, the first full-length portrait in over fifty years of the man who won the war in the Pacific in World War TwoD destined, says Andrew Roberts, to be the defining life of Chester Nimitz for a long time to come. Nimitz at War is the greatest biography yet written about the greatest admiral in American history. - Ian TollOnly days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt tapped Chester W. Nimitz to assume command of the Pacific Fleet. Nimitz was not the most senior candidate available, and some, including his new boss, U.S. Navy Admiral Ernest J. King, considered him a desk admiral, more suited to running a bureaucracy than a theater of war. Yet FDR''s selection proved nothing less than inspired. From the precarious early months of the war after December 7th, 1941 to the surrender ceremony in Tokyo Bay nearly four years later, Nimitz transformed the devastated and dispirited Pacific fleet into the most powerful an
Nova Science Publishers Inc Inherently Governmental Functions
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Artistry in Chip Carving: A Lyrical Style
Drawing from the ancient art of Asian brush painting, Craig Vandall Stevens introduces a unique form of chip carving to the hobbyist. With clean flowing lines the knife creates delicate images in wood, relying on the play of the grain and light to bring the images to life. These make beautiful wall hangings on their own, or can be used as a decoration on plates boxes, and screens. Craig goes step-by-step through the carving, beginning with an introduction to the tools and the wood. Two projects are included with clear color photographs and concise descriptions of the carving technique. The pattterns are included as is a gallery of variations and applications.
Oxford University Press Australia Papua New Guinea Tok Pisin English Dictionary
The perfect dictionary for learners of English and Tok Pisin. This concise bilingual reference is the only one of its kind in the world, fully revised and updated to provide a comprehensive language tool. With double the size of the previous edition, it's an invaluable resource for speakers of Tok Pisin who want to improve their English, and speakers of English who want to learn Tok Pisin. Tok Pisin is the official name for the largest lingua franca of Papua New Guinea, a country with more than 800 spoken languages. In a population of more than 5 million, over half are conversant with Tok Pisin. The language has been developed naturally over the last 150 years by the people themselves, as the means of communicating among different language groups.
John Ritchie Ltd Following Christ in an Age of Confusion
Inter-Varsity Press Contagious holiness: Jesus' Meals With Sinners
One of humanity's most basic and common practices - eating meals - was transformed by Jesus into an occasion of divine encounter. In sharing food and drink with his companions, he invited them to share in the grace of God. His redemptive mission was revealed in his eating with sinners, repentant and unrepentant alike. Jesus' 'table fellowship' with sinners in the Gospels has been widely agreed to be historically reliable. However, this consensus has recently been challenged, for example, by the claim that the meals in which Jesus participated took the form of Greco-Roman symposia - or that the 'sinners' involved were the most flagrantly wicked within Israel's society, not merely the ritually impure or those who did not satisfy strict Pharisaic standards of holiness. In this excellent and thorough study, Craig Blomberg engages with the debate and opens up the significance of the topic. He surveys meals in the Old Testament and the intertestamental period, examines all the Gospel texts relevant to Jesus' eating with sinners, and concludes with some contemporary applications.
Baker Publishing Group Miracles Today – The Supernatural Work of God in the Modern World
Do miracles still happen today? This book demonstrates that miraculous works of God, which have been part of the experience of the church around the world since Christianity began, continue into the present. Leading New Testament scholar Craig Keener addresses common questions about miracles and provides compelling reasons to believe in them today, including many accounts that offer evidence of verifiable miracles. This book gives an accessible and concise overview of one of Keener's most significant research topics. His earlier two-volume work on miracles stands as the definitive word on the topic, but its size and scope are daunting to many readers. This new book summarizes Keener's basic argument but contains substantial new material, including new accounts of the miraculous. It is suitable as a textbook but also accessible to church leaders and laypeople.
Baker Publishing Group Acts: An Exegetical Commentary – 24:1–28:31
Highly respected New Testament scholar Craig Keener is known for his meticulous and comprehensive research. This commentary on Acts, his magnum opus, may be the largest and most thoroughly documented Acts commentary ever written. Useful not only for the study of Acts but also early Christianity, this work sets Acts in its first-century context. In this volume, the last of four, Keener finishes his detailed exegesis of Acts, utilizing an unparalleled range of ancient sources and offering a wealth of fresh insights. This magisterial commentary will be an invaluable resource for New Testament professors and students, pastors, Acts scholars, and libraries. The complete four-volume set is available at a special price.
Baker Publishing Group Where Mortals Dwell – A Christian View of Place for Today
Place is fundamental to human existence. However, we have lost the very human sense of place in today's postmodern and globalized world. Craig Bartholomew, a noted Old Testament scholar and the coauthor of two popular texts on the biblical narrative, provides a biblical, theological, and philosophical grounding for place in our rootless culture. He illuminates the importance of place throughout the biblical canon, in the Christian tradition, and in the contours of contemporary thought. Bartholomew encourages readers to recover a sense of place and articulates a hopeful Christian vision of placemaking in today's world. Anyone interested in place and related environmental themes, including readers of Wendell Berry, will enjoy this compelling book.
American School of Classical Studies at Athens Agora Excavations, 1931-2006: A Pictorial History
In 2006, the American School of Classical Studies at Athens celebrated 75 years of archaeological work in the Athenian Agora, the civic centre of classical Athens. Since the first trench was dug on May 25, 1931, excavations have continued in a series of yearly campaigns, only briefly interrupted by World War II. The impact these discoveries have made on our understanding of Athenian history and topography is well documented, but relatively little has been published about the fascinating history of the excavations themselves. This book fills that gap, presenting a pictorial history of the project illustrated with many archival photographs and primary documents. Rather than presenting a continuous narrative, the author focuses on some key moments in the Agora's history including the reconstruction of the Stoa of Attalos, the restoration of the Church of the Holy Apostles, and the landscaping of the archaeological park.
Craig Hazen My Dad Is Braver Than Your Dad
Oxford University Press Inc World War II at Sea: A Global History
Author of Lincoln and His Admirals (winner of the Lincoln Prize), The Battle of Midway (Best Book of the Year, Military History Quarterly), and Operation Neptune, (winner of the Samuel Eliot Morison Award for Naval Literature), Craig L. Symonds has established himself as one of the finest naval historians at work today. World War II at Sea represents his crowning achievement: a complete narrative of the naval war and all of its belligerents, on all of the world's oceans and seas, between 1939 and 1945. Opening with the 1930 London Conference, Symonds shows how any limitations on naval warfare would become irrelevant before the decade was up, as Europe erupted into conflict once more and its navies were brought to bear against each other. World War II at Sea offers a global perspective, focusing on the major engagements and personalities and revealing both their scale and their interconnection: the U-boat attack on Scapa Flow and the Battle of the Atlantic; the "miracle" evacuation from Dunkirk and the pitched battles for control of Norway fjords; Mussolini's Regia Marina-at the start of the war the fourth-largest navy in the world-and the dominance of the Kidö Butai and Japanese naval power in the Pacific; Pearl Harbor then Midway; the struggles of the Russian Navy and the scuttling of the French Fleet in Toulon in 1942; the landings in North Africa and then Normandy. Here as well are the notable naval leaders-FDR and Churchill, both self-proclaimed "Navy men," Karl Dönitz, François Darlan, Ernest King, Isoroku Yamamoto, Erich Raeder, Inigo Campioni, Louis Mountbatten, William Halsey, as well as the hundreds of thousands of seamen and officers of all nationalities whose live were imperiled and lost during the greatest naval conflicts in history, from small-scale assaults and amphibious operations to the largest armadas ever assembled. Many have argued that World War II was dominated by naval operations; few have shown and how and why this was the case. Symonds combines precision with story-telling verve, expertly illuminating not only the mechanics of large-scale warfare on (and below) the sea but offering wisdom into the nature of the war itself.
John Wiley & Sons Trench Rescue Principles and Practice to NFPA 1006 and 1670
MP-OKL Uni of Oklahoma Crow Is My Boss The Oral Life History of a Tanacross Athabaskan Elder
Born in 1922, Kenny Thomas Sr. has been a trapper, firefighter, road builder, river-freight hauler, and soldier. Today he is a respected elder and member of a northern Athabaskan tribal group. Over a three-year period, Craig Mishler conducted interviews with Thomas about his life experiences. Crow Is My Boss is the result of this collaboration.
Orion Publishing Co Guess the Artist: The Art Quiz Game
Moustache + Lobster + Flying Cat = which artist? Can you identify a famous artist from just three visual clues? Test your knowledge of art history by puzzling out the answer from Craig & Karl's entertaining illustrations (... the answer is of course Dalí!) Featuring 60 artists – from Michelangelo to Marina Abramovi?, Hokusai to Damien Hirst – this after-dinner game is an ideal gift for art lovers everywhere.
Hendrickson Publishers Inc A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Gospels
Tiger Tales Baby's First Bedtime: With Sturdy Flaps
Chicago Review Press Ultimate Speed: The Fast Life and Extreme Cars of Racing Legend Craig Breedlove
An L.A. hot-rodder with a high school education, a family to support, and almost no money, Craig Breedlove set out in the late 1950s to do something big: harness the thrust of a jet in a car. With a growing obsession that would cost him his marriage, he started building in his dad’s garage. The car's name was Spirit of America. Through perseverance and endless hard work, Craig completed Spirit and broke the land speed record on the Bonneville Salt Flats, setting a new mark of 407 mph in 1963. He went on to be the first person to drive 500 and 600 mph, breaking the land speed record five times. In the early 1970s he turned to rockets and set an acceleration record at Bonneville that stands to this day. He built a jet car in the 1990s, Spirit of America–Sonic Arrow, to go head to head against Britain’s ThrustSSC to be the first to Mach 1. Craig’s subsequent crash at 675 mph remains the fastest in history. Even today, at the age of eighty, he is going strong with plans for yet another Spirit of America racer. The ultimate goal: 1,000 mph.Ultimate Speed is the authorized biography of Craig Breedlove, with a foreword by Craig himself. A candid revelation of one of motorsports' most interesting figures, the book is based primarily on countless hours of interviews with Craig and dozens of people connected to his life.
Hal Leonard Corporation Microphones for the Recording Musician
Rowman & Littlefield Great Food Finds San Francisco: Delicious Food from the City's Top Eateries
Food, cooking and restaurants reflect the spirit of San Francisco, the people who live there, and their many cultures and cuisines. Culinary traditions here are firm, but there is a dynamic food/dining evolution taking place––from the finest white tablecloth restaurants to homey mom and pop cafes and chic new eateries. Great Food Finds San Francisco features recipes for the home cook from some of the city’s most celebrated eateries alongside beautiful photography.
Simon & Schuster 11/22/63
International Polar Institute Press The Man Who Became a Caribou
Dinjii Vadzaih Dhidlit: The Man Who Became a Caribou is a new bilingual volume based on a series of oral interviews with Gwich'in elders living in rural northeast Alaska and the Yukon Territory. Richly illustrated, the book covers a wide range of topics based on traditional harvesting and use of caribou from ancient to contemporary times. It also reveals traditional beliefs and taboos about caribou and includes a detailed naming system for caribou anatomy.
Simon Spotlight John Adams Speaks for Freedom
Scholastic US The Wonky Donkey
Penguin Putnam Inc I Want My Mtv
Remember When All You Wanted Was Your MTV? The perfect gift for the music fan or child of the eighties in your life.Named One of the Best Books of 2011 by NPR – Spin - USA Today – CNBC - Pitchfork - The Onion - The Atlantic - The Huffington Post – VEVO - The Boston Globe - The San Francisco Chronicle Remember the first time you saw Michael Jackson dance with zombies in "Thriller"? Diamond Dave karate kick with Van Halen in "Jump"? Tawny Kitaen turning cartwheels on a Jaguar to Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again"? The Beastie Boys spray beer in "(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (To Party)"? Axl Rose step off the bus in "Welcome to the Jungle"? It was a pretty radical idea-a channel for teenagers, showing nothing but music videos. It was such a radical idea that almost no one thought it would actually succeed, much less become a force in the worlds of music, television, film, fashion, sports, and even politics. But it did work. MTV became more than anyone had ever imagined. I Want My MTV tells the story of the first decade of MTV, the golden era when MTV's programming was all videos, all the time, and kids watched religiously to see their favorite bands, learn about new music, and have something to talk about at parties. From its start in 1981 with a small cache of videos by mostly unknown British new wave acts to the launch of the reality-television craze with The Real World in 1992, MTV grew into a tastemaker, a career maker, and a mammoth business. Featuring interviews with nearly four hundred artists, directors, VJs, and television and music executives, I Want My MTV is a testament to the channel that changed popular culture forever.
Random House USA Inc Ulysses (Gabler Edition)
Maverick Arts Publishing Slug Love
Temple University Press,U.S. Telling Young Lives: Portraits of Global Youth
Examines the changing political and social strategies of contemporary young people around the globe
Workman Publishing The Kids' Building Workshop: 15 Woodworking Projects for Kids and Parents to Build Together
Pass the hammer to a new generation! This kid-friendly guide covers the essentials of carpentry, including the proper way to drive a nail, the safe way to drill a hole, and the importance of measuring. You’ll be amazed at how fast your miniature carpenter acquires the skills to complete 15 projects that include game boards, play sets, lemonade stands, birdhouses, equine sawhorses, and more. Young crafters will be ready for the woodshop in no time.
Taylor & Francis Inc Analyzing Longitudinal Clinical Trial Data: A Practical Guide
Analyzing Longitudinal Clinical Trial Data: A Practical Guide provides practical and easy to implement approaches for bringing the latest theory on analysis of longitudinal clinical trial data into routine practice.The book, with its example-oriented approach that includes numerous SAS and R code fragments, is an essential resource for statisticians and graduate students specializing in medical research. The authors provide clear descriptions of the relevant statistical theory and illustrate practical considerations for modeling longitudinal data. Topics covered include choice of endpoint and statistical test; modeling means and the correlations between repeated measurements; accounting for covariates; modeling categorical data; model verification; methods for incomplete (missing) data that includes the latest developments in sensitivity analyses, along with approaches for and issues in choosing estimands; and means for preventing missing data. Each chapter stands alone in its coverage of a topic. The concluding chapters provide detailed advice on how to integrate these independent topics into an over-arching study development process and statistical analysis plan.
Baywood Publishing Company Inc Robbery and Redemption: Cancer as Identity Theft
First Published in 2017. This volume is a totally candid account about the facts and feelings surrounding the diagnosis of and battle against lung cancer—a battle the author waged with every ounce of his being. It has an enlightening quality because he shares how he transformed his previous knowledge of family dynamics, coping strategies, and empowerment into wisdom. He shares his journey of taking the knowledge from the Before Cancer phase of his life, “and like an alchemist, converting one raw material—his life and his diagnosis and battle—into an element quite unlike the original. Robbery and Redemption: Cancer as Identity Theft is chock-full of wisdom that has been learned the old fashioned, visceral way—from lived experience and keen reflection. This personal, upfront, “rubber-hit-the-road” treatise is a gift from the author to each reader. It is his wise interpretation of his own experiences of integrating values, problem solving, and coping strategies.
New York University Press Business as Usual: The Roots of the Global Financial Meltdown
Situates the current crisis in the historical trajectory of the capitalist world-system, showing how the crisis was made possible not only by neoliberal financial reforms but by a massive turn away from manufacturing things of value towards seeking profit from financial exchange and credit. Much more basic than the result of a few financial traders cheating the system, this is a potential historical turning point. In original essays, the contributors establish why the system was ripe for crisis of the past, and yet why this meltdown was different. The volume concludes by asking whether as deep as the crisis is, it may contain seeds of a new global economy, what role the US will play, and whether China or other countries will rise to global leadership. Contributors include: Giovanni Arrighi, Gopal Balakrishnan, Manuel Castells, Daniel Chirot, Fernando Coronil, Nancy Fraser, James K. Galbraith, David Harvey, Caglar Keyder, Beverly J. Silver, and Immanuel Wallerstein. The three volumes can purchased individually or as a set. Business as Usual is the first part of a trilogy comprised of the first three books in the Possible Future series. Volume 1: Business as Usual Volume 2: The Deepening Crisis Volume 3: Aftermath The three volumes are linked by a common introduction and can be purchased individually or as a set.
New York University Press The Deepening Crisis: Governance Challenges after Neoliberalism
Response to financial meltdown is entangled with basic challenges to global governance. Environment, global security and ethnicity and nationalism are all global issues today. Focusing on the political and social dimensions of the crisis, contributors examine changes in relationships between the world’s richer and poorer countries, efforts to strengthen global institutions, and difficulties facing states trying to create stability for their citizens. Contributors include: William Barnes, Rogers Brubaker, Vincent Della Sala, Nils Gilman, David Held, Mary Kaldor, Adrian Pabst, Ravi Sundaram, Vadim Volkov, Michael Watts, and Kevin Young. The Deepening Crisis is the second part of a trilogy comprised of the first three books in the Possible Future series. Volume 1: Business as Usual Volume 2: The Deepening Crisis Volume 3: Aftermath The three volumes are linked by a common introduction and can be purchased individually or as a set.
University of Pennsylvania Press "Beowulf" and Other Old English Poems
The best-known literary achievement of Anglo-Saxon England, Beowulf is a poem concerned with monsters and heroes, treasure and transience, feuds and fidelity. Composed sometime between 500 and 1000 C.E. and surviving in a single manuscript, it is at once immediately accessible and forever mysterious. And in Craig Williamson's splendid new version, this often translated work may well have found its most compelling modern English interpreter. Williamson's Beowulf appears alongside his translations of many of the major works written by Anglo-Saxon poets, including the elegies "The Wanderer" and "The Seafarer," the heroic "Battle of Maldon," the visionary "Dream of the Rood," the mysterious and heart-breaking "Wulf and Eadwacer," and a generous sampling of the Exeter Book riddles. Accompanied by a foreword by noted medievalist Tom Shippey on Anglo-Saxon history, culture, and archaeology, and Williamson's introductions to the individual poems as well as his essay on translating Old English, the texts transport us back to the medieval scriptorium or ancient mead hall to share an exile's lament or herdsman's recounting of the story of the world's creation. From the riddling song of a bawdy onion that moves between kitchen and bedroom, to the thrilling account of Beowulf's battle with a treasure-hoarding dragon, the world becomes a place of rare wonder in Williamson's lines. Were his idiom not so modern, we might almost think the Anglo-Saxon poets had taken up the lyre again and begun to sing after a silence of a thousand years.
Scholastic Where's Wonky Donkey? Felt Flaps
A gorgeous lift-the-felt-flap book in the bestselling Wonky Donkey series. Everyone's favourite donkey characters are now available as beautiful cased board books with soft felt flaps for toddlers to lift and learn. Hee Haw! Where has Wonky Donkey gone? Can you find him? Lift the colourful felt flaps in this fun chunky board book, perfect for small hands, until you find Wonky Donkey! Watch your little ones learn through play as this board book helps increase hand-eye co-ordination, develop speech and aids learning through repetition. The Wonky Donkey was recommended as a favourite bedtime read by Tom Fletcher on BookTrust Based on the bestselling book The Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith and Katz Cowley
Princeton University Press A Corporate Solution to Global Poverty: How Multinationals Can Help the Poor and Invigorate Their Own Legitimacy
World leaders have given the reduction of global poverty top priority. And yet it persists. Indeed, in many countries whose governments lack either the desire or the ability to act, poverty has worsened. This book, a joint venture of a Harvard professor and an economist with the International Finance Corporation, argues that the solution lies in the creation of a new institution, the World Development Corporation (WDC), a partnership of multinational corporations (MNCs), international development agencies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). In A Corporate Solution to Global Poverty, George Lodge and Craig Wilson assert that MNCs have the critical combination of capabilities required to build investment, grow economies, and create jobs in poor countries, and thus to reduce poverty. Furthermore, they can do so profitably and thus sustainably. But they lack legitimacy and risk can be high, and so a collective approach is better than one in which an individual company proceeds alone. Thus a UN-sponsored WDC, owned and managed by a dozen or so MNCs with NGO support, will make a marked difference. At a time when big business has been demonized for destroying the environment, enjoying one-sided benefits from globalization, and deceiving investors, the book argues, MNCs have much to gain from becoming more effective in reducing global poverty. This is not a call for philanthropy. Lodge and Wilson believe that corporate support for the World Development Corporation will benefit not only the world's poor but also company shareholders as a result of improved MNC legitimacy and stronger markets and profitability.
McGill-Queen's University Press Expo 67 and Its World: Staging the Nation in the Crucible of Globalization
In 1967, Montreal hosted Man and His World/Terre des hommes. By far the most successful cultural event ever produced in Canada, it was embraced by the public at the same time as intellectuals from Marshall McLuhan to Umberto Eco hailed it as a new type of exhibition for a new global age.Because it was held where and when it was – on a man-made archipelago in the St Lawrence River seven years into Quebec’s Quiet Revolution – Expo 67 also provided a prism through which the idea of the nation could be refracted and recast in original ways. Misunderstood by some scholars as an expensive exercise in official patriotism, while maligned by Quebec intellectuals as a crypto-federalist distraction from the real business of national independence, the fair nevertheless showcased Montreal as the de facto capital of a suddenly modern Quebec engaging with a late-modern world.Expo 67 and Its World proposes a reappraisal of the 1967 Montreal International and Universal Exhibition across a range of political, social, and cultural spaces: from the dispossession of Indigenous Peoples and what was then known as the Third World, through the aspirations of Montreal, Quebec, and Canada, to the increasingly global ambit of youth culture, medicine, film, and finance. A new approach to understanding Expo 67, the collection challenges assumptions about the significance of the event to Canadian, Québécois, and First Nations history.
Imprint Academic Democracy and the Fall of the West
Nova Science Publishers Inc National Nuclear Security Administration & the Nuclear Security Enterprise: Issues & Assessments
Te Papa Press Lost Gold: Ornithology of the subantarctic Auckland Islands
This special book-format issue of Birds New Zealands journal Notornis is devoted to the birds of the Auckland Islands Maukahuka/Motu Maha, the largest and biologically most diverse island group in the New Zealand subantarctic region. Its 19 chapters, written by leading ornithologists, cover a wide range of topics, including the history of ornithological discovery, biogeography, the impacts of introduced mammals and people, prehistoric bird communities based on bone assemblages, and population, ecological and genetic studies of several of the endemic or otherwise notable birds of the island group including Auckland Island snipe, white-headed petrel, and several albatross species.
Publishing Print Matters No Other World: Essays on the Life-Work of Don Maclennan
The the indispensable guide to the life and work of Don Maclennan - one of South Africa’s most incisive and important poets of the last few decades. No one who encountered Don Maclennan (1929-2009) during the more than three decades of his teaching career at Rhodes University is likely to forget the piercing appraisal of his blue eyes, the penetration of his questions, or the incisiveness of his opinions. He eventually largely eschewed the pretensions of academic publishing. His favoured medium became the short, pithy talk, rich with original aphorisms on the value of story and poem, and laden with quotations from his favourite writers. And of course poetry. Don published or printed some twenty volumes of poetry, increasingly spare and lapidary, increasingly concerned with his approaching death. Though sometimes disturbing, they above all celebrated the simple fact of being alive, being in love, being sensuous. He knew that there is “no other world” than this one. There is probably no poetry in South Africa’s national oeuvre more thoughtfully authentic than his.
Cengage Learning, Inc Listening to Music
Combining a student-friendly presentation with cutting-edge digital resources, Wright/Candelaria's LISTENING TO MUSIC, 9th EDITION, equips you with the tools to actively listen to and inspire a lifelong appreciation for music. Known for its clear, conversational style, LISTENING TO MUSIC, 9th EDITION, guides you -- even if you have no music background -- about what to listen for and why it is important to the piece. The music clips are curated and clipped to keep you focused and engaged on a few musical elements at a time. The text is organized chronologically and discusses musical examples from each era in its social context, describing the construction and culture of each piece. LISTENING TO MUSIC is fully integrated with MindTap to better help you develop your listening skills and maximize your course success. Online resources include interactive exercises, streaming music, Directed Listening Guides, chapter and listening quizzes.