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Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH More than Money: Wie Sie Ihre Beziehung zu Geld verändern und glücklicher leben
Das Thema Geld füllt bereits zahlreiche Bibliotheken. Angesichts der aktuellen weltpolitischen und auch wirtschaftlichen Geschehnisse steigen die Ängste und Unsicherheiten der Menschen betreffend ihre finanzielle Zukunft. Sie sorgen sich um ihre Jobs, ihre Altersversorgung, den Euro, den Fortbestand der Finanzmärkte, machen sich Gedanken, was ihre diversen Versicherungen später noch wert sein mögen, ob sie ihren gewohnten Lebensstandard halten können. Viele malen sich diverse geistige Katastrophenszenarien aus und erstarren in von Sorge getriebenen Gedankenmustern. Andere wiederum verfügen über ausreichende Mittel, sind aber in der Tretmühle des Geldverdienens dermaßen heftig verhaftet und verstrickt, dass sie keine Zeit mehr haben, richtig und bewusst zu leben. Kurz gesagt: Gelassenheit und ein entspannter Umgang mit Geld sehen anders aus. Es ist an der Zeit für ein neues Denken in all diesen Bereichen, vor allem zum Thema Geld. "More than money" basiert auf einem ungewöhnlichen Ansatz für die brisante Thematik Geld. Es zeigt nicht, wie man Millionär wird. Es enthält keine Investment-Tipps oder Börsenstrategien. Und es zeigt auch nicht, wie Haushaltsbücher effizient geführt werden. "More than money" schildert den individuellen und sicher nicht immer einfachen Weg, wie wir alle einen wirklich entspannten Umgang mit Geld erreichen können - völlig unabhängig davon, wie viel Geld wir tatsächlich im Moment besitzen. Andreas Enrico Brell beschreibt in diesem Buch den individuellen Weg zu mehr Geld und gleichzeitig zu mehr Zeit, zu mehr Lebensqualität, zu besseren Beziehungen, erhöhter Gelassenheit und vor allem zu einer ganzheitlichen Erfüllung und Glück im Leben. Hierzu bedarf es einer neuen Einstellung, dem neuen Denken zu und über Geld. Er ist davon überzeugt, dass Geldnot immer nur das äußere Anzeichen eines viel tiefer liegenden Verhaltensmusters darstellt. Wer es schafft, diese Verhaltensmuster zu ändern, ändert damit automatisch auch den persönlichen Umgang mit der Materie Geld. Der Leser lernt, wie er mit dem wichtigen "Gut" Geld - vor allem auch gedanklich - maßvoll, optimal, entspannt aber doch konsequent und zielorientiert umgeht. Dieses Buch liefert allen, die mit Geld zu tun haben - also uns allen - nachweislich pragmatisch wirksame, vom Autor in seiner langjährigen Praxis als Finanzmakler erprobte Einsichten und Ansätze, langfristig in Bezug auf die Materie Geld wirklich sorgfältig, verlässlich, aber gleichzeitig auch entspannt und gelassen zu denken und zu agieren und dabei auch alle anderen Lebensbereiche erfüllend auszubalancieren. Es geht im Wesentlichen um diese fünf Lebensbereiche: Zeit, Gesundheit, Beruf, Beziehungen und eben Finanzen. Das Buch behandelt diese Bereiche aus der Sicht von Geld und zeigt klar auf, dass erst dann, wenn alle diese Bereiche in Balance sind, ein wirklich entspanntes Leben entsteht. Andreas Enrico Brell zeigt, dass dies nur funktioniert, wenn wir auch unsere Gedanken und Gefühle, persönlichen Werte und den eigentlichen Sinn des Lebens in den Vordergrund dieses neuen Denkens stellen. Mit zahlreichen humorvollen Beispielen aus seiner beruflichen Praxis und aus seinem eigenen Leben sorgt Andreas Enrico Brell zudem für echtes Lesevergnügen.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on European State Aid Law
'This fine collection of essays demonstrates in a very articulate way why EU State aid law has taken the centre stage of EU law. In eighteen chapters the reader is provided with a fascinating snapshot of the main issues and developments of the law. The key elements of the EU policy are analysed in a critical way often leading to new insights. In addition the book contains a wealth of material greatly facilitating further research.'- Piet Jan Slot, University of Leiden, the Netherlands'European state aid law needs more self-questioning and more intellectual debate. In my view, this Research Handbook is a very valuable contribution to this necessary process. It correctly identifies the most intellectually problematic issues within state aid law and asks the right questions. This may be due to the balance in the excellent selection of contributors, coming both from the academia and from practice. This guarantees, on the one hand, that the questions are relevant in practice and not purely theoretical but also provides, on the other hand, for a rigorous analytical approach when confronting the issues. The result is a fresh and interesting new look to many of the basic issues of state aid law.'- Jose Luis Buendia Sierra, Garrigues, Brussels, Belgium, and King's College London, UK This timely new Handbook reflects on current issues that confront State aid law and policy in the EU. State aid was a neglected area of competition law until attempts to modernize it became central to the Lisbon process 2000 where the aim was to encourage 'intelligent' State aid by reducing aid to specific sectors and by making better use of aid for horizontal projects central to EU integration concerns. This policy framework has underpinned the new approach to State aid policy in the EU in recent years and informs many of the chapters in this book. Contributions from leading academics, regulators and practising lawyers, discuss topics devoted to modernization, problems faced by recent enlargements of the EU, the role of State aid in the fiscal crisis and recession, the role of the private market investor test, regional aid, environmental aid and the review of the Altmark ruling. Perspectives on State aid law and policy from the disciplines of economics and political science are also explored in detail. Research Handbook on European State Aid Law will appeal to academics, regulators, national and EU government officials, practitioners and postgraduate students who are involved in State aid law.Contributors: C. Ahlborn, A. Bartosch, A. Biondi, A. Birnstiel, M. Blauberger, L. Coppi, M.-A. Dittel, M. Everson, M. Farley, L. Hancher, H. Heinrich, H.C.H. Hofmann, K.-O. Junginger-Dittel, J. Kavanagh, T. Kleiner, M. Krajewski, R. Krämer, A. Lykotrafiti, C. Micheau, A. Morini, P. Nebbia, G. Niels, D. Piccinin, S. Pilsbury, F. Salerno, M. Schütte, E. Szyszczak
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Progress Over Perfection: A Guide to Mindful Productivity: Volume 12
Emma Norris guides you in setting purposeful plans that are right for you and nurturing a healthier approach to prioritizing, so you can live a more value-based life. She’ll guide you through monotasking, batch working, productivity, and resting—not quitting. As we face uncertainty from all directions and new obstacles at every turn, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. This state of mind leaves little room to figure out what we want to do and lots of room to doubt ourselves. We can fill up our days, but it doesn’t always mean we are being productive. Or we can have lots of plans and not know exactly where to start to achieve what we want. Having more mindful productivity habits can combat these challenges by helping you keep track of your goals and accomplish them. You can pick the right methods to achieve things without feeling stress, anxiety, or the pressure of external factors while also improving your focus and living a purposeful life. Life doesn’t always go as planned, and when that happens, we want to be prepared to be our most productive selves. Each chapter of this book is tailored to help you achieve mindful productivity. You'll learn to: Pursue progress over perfection Embrace the chaos Set boundaries Create realistic objectives Practice mindfulness And much more You’ll not only nurture a more stress-free lifestyle, but also learn to embrace the unexpected challenges that may come your way. You will learn how to cultivate productivity into your everyday routine, so you are able to achieve anything you set your mind to without the pressure of doing everything. With Progress Over Perfection, you’ll find the courage and the resolve to do what you want to do without having to compromise your plans to fit the pressures of everyday society. It’s possible to be your true self and achieve anything you want, even among the chaos. The Live Well series from Rock Point invites you to create a life you love through multiple acts of self-discovery and reinvention. These encouraging gift books touch on fun yet hardworking self-improvement strategies, whether it’s learning to value progress over perfection, taking time to meditate and slow down to literally smell the roses, or finding time to show gratitude and develop a personal mantra. From learning how to obtain more restful sleep and creating a healthy work/life balance to developing personal style and your own happy place, the Live Well series encourages you to live your best life. Other books in the series include: Find Your Flow; Be Happy; Seeking Slow; Finding Gratitude; Eff This! Meditation; The Joy of Forest Bathing; Find Your Mantra; It Had to be You; Men’s Society; Genius Jokes; The Calm and Cozy Book of Sleep; Beating Burnout; Ayurveda for Life; Choose Happy; and You Got This.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Art of Short Selling
A one-of-a-kind book that shows you how to cash in on the latestinvesting trend--short selling "The Art of Short Selling is the best description of this difficulttechnique."--John Train, Train, Thomas, Smith Investment Counsel,and author of The New Money Masters "Kathryn Staley has done a masterful job explaining the highlyspecialized art of short selling. Her approach to telling the truestories of famous investment 'scams' will keep the readerspellbound, while teaching the investor many cruciallessons."--David W. Tice, Portfolio Manager, Prudent BearFund "Selling short is still a misunderstood discipline, but even themost raging bull needs to know this valuable technique to masterthe ever-changing markets."--Jim Rogers, author, InvestmentBiker On the investment playing field, there is perhaps no game moreexciting than short selling. With the right moves, it can yieldhigh returns; one misstep, however, can have disastrousconsequences. Despite the risk, a growing number of players areanteing up, sparked in part by success stories such as that ofGeorge Soros and the billions he netted by short selling theBritish pound. In The Art of Short Selling, Kathryn Staley, anexpert in the field, examines the essentials of this importantinvestment vehicle, providing a comprehensive game plan with whichyou can effectively play--and win--the short selling game. Whether used as a means of hedging bets, decreasing the volatilityof total returns, or improving returns, short selling must behandled with care--and with the right know-how. As Staley pointsout, "Short selling is not for the faint of heart. If a stock movesagainst the position holder, the effect on a portfolio and networth can be devastating. Investors need to understand the impacton their accounts as well as the consequences of getting bought inbefore they indulge in short selling." The Art of Short Sellingguides you--clearly and concisely--through the ins and outs of thishigh-risk, high-stakes game. The first--and most important--move in selling short is to identifyflaws in a business before its share prices drop. To help youtackle this key step, Staley shows you how to evaluate companyfinancial statements and balance sheets, make sense of returnratios, detect inconsistencies in inventory, and analyze thestatement of cash flows. Through real-world examples thatillustrate the shorting of bubble, high multiple growth, and themestocks, you'll proceed step by step through the complete processand learn to carry out all the essentials for a successful shortsell, including quantifying the risk factor and orchestratingcorrect timing, as well as implementing advanced valuationtechniques to execute the sell/buy. Packed with landmark, cutting-edge examples, up-to-the-minuteguidelines, and pertinent regulations, The Art of Short Selling isa timely and comprehensive reference that arms you with thenecessary tools to make a prepared and confident entrance onto theshort selling playing field.
University of Texas Press Attack and Counterattack: The Texas-Mexican Frontier, 1842
It is 1842—a dramatic year in the history of Texas-Mexican relations. After five years of uneasy peace, of futile negotiations, of border raids and temporary, unofficial truces, a series of military actions upsets the precarious balance between the two countries. Once more the Mexican Army marches on Texas soil; once more the frontier settlers strengthen their strongholds for defense or gather their belongings for flight. Twice San Antonio falls to Mexican generals; twice the Texans assemble armies for the invasion of Mexico. It is 1842—a year of attack and counterattack. This is the story that Joseph Milton Nance relates, with a definitiveness and immediacy which come from many years of meticulous research. The exciting story of 1842 is a story of emotions which had simmered through the long, insecure years and which now boil out in blustery threats and demands for vengeance. The Texans threaten to march beyond the Sierra Madres and raise their flag at Monterrey; the Mexicans promise to subdue this upstart Texas and to teach its treacherous inhabitants their place. With communications poor and imaginations fertile, rumors magnify chance banditry into military raids, military raids into full-scale invasions. Newspapers incite their readers with superdramatic, intoxicating accounts of the events. Texans and Mexicans alike respond with a kind of madness that has little or no method. Texas solicits volunteers, calls out troops, plans invasions, and assembles her armies, completely disregarding the fact that her treasury is practically empty—there is little money to buy guns. Meanwhile, in Mexico, where gold and silver are needed for other purposes, “invasions” of Texas are launched—but they are only brief forays more suitable for impressive publicity than for permanent gains. Still, the conflicts of threat and retaliation, so often futile, are frequently dignified by idealism, friendship, courage, and determination. Both Mexicans and Texans are fighting and dying for liberty, defending their homes against foreign invaders, establishing and maintaining friendships that cross racial and national boundaries, struggling with conflicting loyalties, and—all the while—striving to wrest a living for themselves and their families from the grudging frontier. Attack and Counterattack, continuing the account which was begun in After San Jacinto, tells from original sources the full story of Texas-Mexican relations from the time of the Santa Fe Expedition through the return of the Somervell Expedition from the Rio Grande. These books examine in great detail and with careful accuracy a period of Texas history that had not heretofore been thoroughly studied and that had seldom been given unbiased treatment. The source materials compiled in the notes and bibliography—particularly the military reports, letters, diaries, contemporary newspapers, and broadsides—will be a valuable tool for any scholar who wishes to study this or related periods.
ACC Art Books Rowan LeCompte: Master of Stained Glass
"It is an exhaustive overview of LeCompte’s work and is chock-full of expertly photographed images." —Princeton Herald “The book is a magnificent volume. It is as comprehensive as one could hope.” — Anglican and Episcopal History Rowan LeCompte (1925-2014) was a world-renowned stained-glass artist best known for his work in Washington National Cathedral that spanned an unprecedented 70 years of artistic commission. Rowan LeCompte: Master of Stained Glass celebrates LeCompte’s artistic inspiration, distinctive technique, and unique perspective on a medieval decorative art, which he transformed into a fine art for modern times. The book traces his fascinating trajectory, from a determined teenager to a charming octogenarian with a clear vision of what stained glass can do within and beyond cathedral walls. More than an artist biography, this book illuminates the essence of human nature and its balance of light and darkness. Growing up in Baltimore, young Rowan LeCompte was fascinated by colour and light, collecting coloured glass fragments that his older brother – Stuart, a scientist – had discarded from his lab at Johns Hopkins. A visit to the Washington National Cathedral at age 14 would prove transformative for LeCompte, who later described the day as his “second birthday.” At age 15, LeCompte knew what he wanted to do for the rest of his life: combine his love of architecture and painting through the study of stained glass. Just a year later, he earned his first commission in the National Cathedral: the very place that forged his destiny. Rowan LeCompte’s seven decades of work not only fulfilled his teen ambition beyond expectations – it changed the art of stained glass itself. Rowan LeCompte: Master of Stained Glass takes readers behind-the-scenes of LeCompte’s process, hearing from the artist first-hand about his unexpected inspirations – and rejected ideas – for colour and design, and illustrating his work from the first ‘cartoon’ storyboards of windows, to painting the finishing touches on some of his best-known work. This beautiful 4-color photo art book tells of the complete history of Rowan’s life, incorporating brilliant full-colour photos of many of the windows which highlight the details of the imagination and innovation of this modern artist working in an ancient medium. It was his single-minded determination to create works that make the world a more beautiful place that will mark Rowan LeCompte as a great master for years to come. Rowan LeCompte: Master of Stained Glass is a companion to Peter Swanson’s two films about Rowan. One of these films, Let There Be Light, documented LeCompte’s final commission for the Washington National Cathedral’s centennial celebration. The film won the Best of Festival award at Washington, D.C.’s Independent Film Festival.
Open University Press Psychological Interventions in Mental Health Nursing
This ground-breaking and accessible book is the ideal resource for trainee and qualified mental health nurses looking for a guide to the main psychological therapies and interventions available in practice. Framed by the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (2010) standards for pre-registration nursing education and written by experts in the field, the book explains which interventions are most effective for each of the most common mental health disorders. It also shows you how these interventions work in practice and illustrates the skills required to use them in your own practice. The book also: Provides a practical and pragmatic approach to the delivery of psychological interventions Promotes collaboration, effective risk management and consideration of the value-base of mental health nursing practice Encourages critically reflective learning through use of scenarios and interactive quizzes Considers the influence of policies and guidelines Particular attention is paid to the ethical context of psychological interventions and to the use of psychological interventions by newly qualified mental health nurses. The book challenges you to question your underlying beliefs, values and assumptions.Bursting with examples based on real practitioners’ experiences, this is a must have book for pre-registration mental health nursing students and qualified mental health nurses looking to develop their therapeutic skills and understanding.Contributors: Denise Aspinall, May Baker, Ged Carney, John Harrison, Paula Kennedy, Deborah Knott, Denise Parker, Karen Rea, James Ridley, Rebecca Rylance, Peter Simpson and Lisa Woods.“This book provides excellent foundations in common psychological interventions that are used in mental health and other fields of nursing.”Paul Barber, Senior Lecturer, University of Chester, UK“This accessible scenario based text gets to the heart of how to effectively integrate psychological values and emotional intelligence with professional, ethical and cognitive skills to develop a meaningful collaborative therapeutic relationship with mental health service users and their families."Linda Cooper, Professional Head Mental Health Nursing, Learning Disability and Psychosocial Care, Cardiff University, UK (former Chair Mental Health Nurse Academics UK“This is an ideal text for student nurses and qualified practitioners ... and is particularly rewarding given the balance of authors from a clinical, academic and research background.”Dr Joy A Duxbury, Head of Centre of Mental Health and Wellbeing, University of Central Lancashire, UK“Whether you struggle with mental health as a service user, or a student embarking on a career in mental health nursing, you will find this book accessible and useful … It provides students and health professionals from a variety of backgrounds the opportunity to advance their knowledge and skills, and offers a developing and innovative approach that will place them at the forefront of mental health practice.”Robert Walker, Fellow Member of the Institute of Mental Health and Associate Expert for the School of Inclusion and Communities, UK
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Cassandra Speaks: When Women Are the Storytellers, the Human Story Changes
What story would Eve have told about picking the apple? Why is Pandora blamed for opening the box? And what about the fate of Cassandra who was blessed with knowing the future but cursed so that no one believed her? What if women had been the storytellers? Elizabeth Lesser believes that if women’s voices had been equally heard and respected throughout history, humankind would have followed different hero myths and guiding stories—stories that value caretaking, champion compassion, and elevate communication over vengeance and violence. Cassandra Speaks is about the stories we tell and how those stories become the culture. It’s about the stories we still blindly cling to, and the ones that cling to us: the origin tales, the guiding myths, the religious parables, the literature and films and fairy tales passed down through the centuries about women and men, power and war, sex and love, and the values we live by. Stories written mostly by men with lessons and laws for all of humanity. We have outgrown so many of them, and still they endure. This book is about what happens when women are the storytellers too—when we speak from our authentic voices, when we flex our values, when we become protagonists in the tales we tell about what it means to be human. Lesser has walked two main paths in her life—the spiritual path and the feminist one—paths that sometimes cross but sometimes feel at cross-purposes. Cassandra Speaks is her extraordinary merging of the two. The bestselling author of Broken Open and Marrow, Lesser is a beloved spiritual writer, as well as a leading feminist thinker. In this book she gives equal voice to the cool water of her meditative self and the fire of her feminist self. With her trademark gifts of both humor and insight, she offers a vision that transcends the either/or ideologies on both sides of the gender debate. Brilliantly structured into three distinct parts, Part One explores how history is carried forward through the stories a culture tells and values, and what we can do to balance the scales. Part Two looks at women and power and expands what it means to be courageous, daring, and strong. And Part Three offers “A Toolbox for Inner Strength.” Lesser argues that change in the culture starts with inner change, and that no one—woman or man—is immune to the corrupting influence of power. She provides inner tools to help us be both strong-willed and kind-hearted. Cassandra Speaks is a beautifully balanced synthesis of storytelling, memoir, and cultural observation. Women, men and all people will find themselves in the pages of this book, and will come away strengthened, opened, and ready to work together to create a better world for all people.
Little, Brown Book Group Tonight, I Burn
'A spell of a book, with romance, betrayal, and mystery smoldering on every page. Readers will burn with Penny every step of the way' Heather Walter, author of the Malice duologyA thorn witch with the power to walk between the realms of Life and Death finds herself at the centre of a magical rebellion - and a dangerous romance - that could destroy her coven and her soul in this dark and decadent debut.Thorns, Tides, Embers, Storms, and Ores. All five covens are bound in servitude to the tyrant High Warden of Halstett. Penny Albright is a daughter of the thorn coven, forced to patrol the veil between the realms of Life and Death. Each night, one thorn witch - and only one - must cross the veil by burning at the stake. Each morning, that witch draws on their magic to return. Failure to follow the rules risks the veil and risks them all.But one morning, Penny's favourite sister Ella doesn't return. And that night, determined to find her, Penny breaks the rules. She burns in secret. And she discovers that all isn't as it seems in Life or Death.Her journey leads her to Malin, a devastating lord with too many secrets; to Alice, a mysterious captive prophet; and to a rebellion brewing in the shadows beneath the city. And as Penny's world splits, she'll face a devastating choice. Because it's not just her sister's life that hangs in the balance. It's the fate of all magic.All it takes is one witch - and one spark - to set the world ablazePraise for Tonight, I Burn:'With polyamory and a strong, queer main character, this is a breathtaking must-read for fans of Sarah J. Maas and Jennifer L. Armentrout' Library Journal (Starred Review)'I absolutely loved the witchcraft of TONIGHT, I BURN. The magic, secrets, and sisterhood of the Thorn Witch Coven ensnared me immediately, and I was quickly drawn into the plot of deathscapes and spinners of fate. Highly recommended for all lovers of magical fantasies' Kendare Blake, New York Times bestselling author of the Three Dark Crowns series'Tonight, I Burn kept me turning pages with fascinating magic, compelling dark fairytale vibes, and heart-wrenching plot twists. I can't wait for the next one!' Melissa Caruso, author of the Swords and Fire and Rooks and Ruin series'Readers will find themselves at the center of a magical rebellion and delight in the power of many kinds of love. A hard-fought ending sets the stage for a sequel that impatient readers will crave' Kirkus'[A] gripping debut....Penny's wry voice brings some fun to Adams's dark but impactful worldbuilding, while plenty of twists keep the pages turning. Fans of gothic fantasies will be hooked' Publishers Weekly
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Management Accounting, 6e
Management Accounting is a market-leading textbook that offers comprehensive coverage of issues related to managing business accounts, enabling students to utilize both financial and non-financial data to paint a picture of the organization they are working in. The book provides an introduction to cost and management accounting, understanding information for decision making, planning and controlling budgets and reporting, and understanding performance management in a strategic context. The new sixth edition has been adapted for management accounting courses across the UK, Europe and South Africa by Emeritus Professor Will Seal and Professor Carsten Rohde. It offers comprehensive coverage as well as a balance between the technical and conceptual approaches to management accounting. Retaining its student friendly writing style and practical approach, it is the ideal text for students studying management accounting, from introductory through to advanced levels. Key features:•Brand new real-world examples in every chapter to increase application; ensuring students fully understand how management accounting is relevant to their future careers. •Provides a balanced approach with examples from both the manufacturing and services industries to reflect the current economic environment and varied nature of management accounting.•Plentiful opportunities to practice key concepts and techniques through the book’s assessment material which brings the practical uses of management accounting to the fore. Fully updated for the sixth edition, questions, exercises, problems and cases are categorized by level of difficulty to offer progressive learning for students. •New to Connect are case studies with associated case analysis questions specifically tailored for courses in the UK and Europe as well as brand new problems and cases for the South African market. NEW TO CONNECT for 2022:In response to customer needs, 75 brand new calculation based Problems have been added to Connect to further develop students practical application skills and cement theoretical understanding.Supported by McGraw-Hill Education’s market-leading digital adaptive technology including:•Connect, a highly reliable, easy-to-use homework and learning management solution that embeds learning science and award-winning adaptive tools to improve student results. •SmartBook®, our adaptive reading, study and practice environment specific to the book’s content.For students: Connect features assignments that help you contextualize what you’ve learned through application, helping you synthesize information and think critically. SmartBook® helps you study more efficiently by highlighting where in the chapter to focus, asking review questions, and pointing you to resources until you understand.For instructors: Create auto-graded assignments, tests and quizzes online that can be easily tailored to the goals of your course and your students’ needs. Connect will automatically grade assignments and quizzes, providing you with easy-to-read reports, so you know which students need more guidance. Instructor resources also include PowerPoints, instructors’ manual and solutions manual.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trade Secrecy and International Transactions: Law and Practice
The great virtue of this work is found in its excellent structure. The first part provides a neat introductory road map for fundamental trade secrets concepts, then considers the TRIPS obligation, the trade secret law of the United States with well explained sections on trade secrets in business transactions, employment relations, enforcement and litigation, government secrets and data exclusivity. The second part provides country overviews with sections for common law and civil law countries and the appendices examine aspects of the proposed EU Directive. This is a comprehensive, sensible, practical, intelligently balanced, thoroughly researched and well written work that will be of real value to anyone interested in this increasingly important area of commercial law.'- Ping Xiong, University of South Australia'This book makes a remarkable contribution to the understanding of the legal foundations and main features of trade secret law in several jurisdictions. It also provides useful guidance to deal with practical issues concerning trade secrets protection. While carefully addressing the balance between the protection of private interests and the principles of free competition, the book examines recent initiatives to fight cyber-espionage and their implications for the configuration of trade secrets law, the enforcement of rights and professional practice.'- Carlos M. Correa, University of Buenos Aires, ArgentinaTrade secret protection has long been of critical strategic importance to business interests and globalization of commerce has driven an increasing need to govern the preservation of confidentiality in international business transactions. This book offers an authoritative and unparalleled resource on US and international trade secret law and identifies optimal practices for securing trade secrets in varying jurisdictions.Defined as the international standard for trade secret protection, the United States' trade secret laws are explained in depth, illustrating their capacity and impediments. The proposed EU Trade Secret Directive and the impact this will have on international transactions is also closely examined, along with overviews of the laws in common law, civil law and mixed-law countries.The book combines detailed substantive analysis with clear practical guidance on questions such as how businesses can avoid misappropriation and maintain data exclusivity when engaging in global commerce, through the utilization of alternative self-help strategies.Key features:- Presents a roadmap for understanding trade secrets, including requirements for, defences to, and remedies.- Covers both business-to-business and employment relationships.- Authoritative commentary on US and EU trade secrecy laws in addition to coverage of the UK, India, China, Mexico, Brazil, Canada and Japan.- Dependable analysis from two leading scholars in the field.- Practical advice on overcoming the challenges businesses face when engaging in international transactions, including strategies for avoiding misappropriation.- Clear guidance on enforcement mechanisms and litigation procedure.This well-organized reference work will benefit legal practitioners in the commercial field across many jurisdictions, particularly those advising on business transactions or implementing protection strategies for trade information. Policymakers will find the definition of trade secret law characteristics for multiple countries, alongside the consideration of the proposed EU Trade Secret Directive, pragmatic and informative.
Cornell University Press The Devil: A New Biography
"Although the Devil still 'lives' in modern popular culture, for the past 250 years he has become marginal to the dominant concerns of Western intellectual thought. That life could not be thought or imagined without him, that he was a part of the everyday, continually present in nature and history, and active at the depths of our selves, has been all but forgotten. It is the aim of this work to bring modern readers to a deeper appreciation of how, from the early centuries of the Christian period through to the recent beginnings of the modern world, the human story could not be told and human life could not be lived apart from the 'life' of the Devil. With that comes the deeper recognition that, for the better part of the last two thousand years, the battle between good and evil in the hearts and minds of men and women was but the reflection of a cosmic battle between God and Satan, the divine and the diabolic, that was at the heart of history itself."—from The Devil Lucifer, Mephistopheles, Beelzebub; Ha-Satan or the Adversary; Iblis or Shaitan: no matter what name he travels under, the Devil has throughout the ages and across civilizations been a compelling and charismatic presence. In Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, the supposed reign of God has long been challenged by the fiery malice of his opponent, as contending forces of good and evil have between them weighed human souls in the balance. In The Devil, Philip C. Almond explores the figure of evil incarnate from the first centuries of the Christian era. Along the way, he describes the rise of demonology as an intellectual and theological pursuit, the persecution as witches of women believed to consort with the Devil and his minions, and the decline in the belief in Hell and in angels and demons as corporeal beings as a result of the Enlightenment. Almond shows that the Prince of Darkness remains an irresistible subject in history, religion, art, literature, and culture. Almond brilliantly locates the "life" of the Devil within the broader Christian story of which it is inextricably a part; the "demonic paradox" of the Devil as both God's enforcer and his enemy is at the heart of Christianity. Woven throughout the account of the Christian history of the Devil is another complex and complicated history: that of the idea of the Devil in Western thought. Sorcery, witchcraft, possession, even melancholy, have all been laid at the Devil's doorstep. Until the Enlightenment enforced a "disenchantment" with the old archetypes, even rational figures such as Thomas Aquinas were obsessed with the nature of the Devil and the specific characteristics of the orders of demons and angels. It was a significant moment both in the history of demonology and in theology when Benedict de Spinoza (1632–1677) denied the Devil's existence; almost four hundred years later, popular fascination with the idea of the Devil has not yet dimmed.
Wolters Kluwer Health Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy
Ready to master the medication process? Tap into the go-to resource for nursing pharmacology basics, with the fully updated new fifth edition of Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy!®. Offering clear, concise descriptions of crucial nursing pharmacology concepts and procedures, this easy-to-follow, colorfully illustrated guide offers step-by-step guidance so to can grasp the fundamentals in enjoyable Incredibly Easy style. From initial assessment to safe medication administration and patient care plans, this is the perfect supplement to class materials, offering solid preparation for NCLEX®, as well as a handy refresher for experienced nurses. Learn the ins and outs of nursing pharmacology care, with the latest data and protocols: NEW chapters on patient education, sensory drugs, and dermatologic drugs NEW chapter on medication safety, including abbreviations to avoid and a review of dosage calculations NEW content on current approved medications and dosages, and expected versus adverse effects NEW content on emergency drugs, herbs/supplements, immunization schedule, and more Hundreds of colorful diagrams, drawings, and charts that illustrate core concepts, with easy-to-retain definitions and clear direction on administering drugs; drug distribution, absorption, and metabolism; drug classes and their uses; and potential drug interactions Quick-scan outline format offers up-to-date guidance on areas including: Nursing pharmacology fundamentals Concepts of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacotherapeutics Pain drugs, autonomic nervous system drugs, neurologic and neuromuscular drugs Psychotherapeutic, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergy, and immunosuppressant drugs Antineoplastic drugs, drugs for fluid and electrolyte balance Ways a drug may affect patients of different ages and other warnings Content reflects the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model – guidance from initial assessment to evaluating outcomes “Practice Makes Perfect” end-of-book practice exam – approximately 100 new NCLEX®-style questions, to increase your exam confidence Chapter features include: Prototype pro – Actions, indications, and nursing considerations for common prototype drugs A three-step process is provided throughout the chapters to help you care for individuals taking commonly prescribed medications Pharm function – Explains and illustrates how drugs act in the body, and addresses how to recognize and treat adverse reactions Before you give that drug – Warnings to consider before you administer a drug Education edge – Information to share with your patient Black Box Warnings boxes draw attention to life-threatening concerns Lifespan Lightbulb boxes highlight information about how a drug or drug class may affect patients of different ages Quick quiz – End-of-chapter questions with answers/explanations, to help you remember the essentials Nurse Joy and Jake illustrated characters offer tips and insights throughout About the Clinical Editors Cherie R. Rebar, PhD, MBA, RN, CNE, CNECI, COI, FAADN, is a Professor of Nursing at Wittenberg University in Springfield, OhioNicole Heimgartner, DNP, MSN, RN, CNE, CNECI, COI, is a Nursing Faculty member at Galen College of Nursing in Louisville, Kentucky Carolyn Gersch, PhD, MSN, RN, CNE, is a Professor of Practice in the Nursing Program at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio
Open University Press Facilitating Action Learning: A Practitioner's Guide
Action Learning is based on the simple idea that leaders and managers learn best by working together in a group, helping each other find solutions to real work problems through discussions. Facilitating Action Learning is a clear, concise and straightforward guide to this well-established leadership and management development technique.The role of the facilitator is to provide guidance in the action facilitation process. In this practical guide, Mike Pedler and Christine Abbott present a new threefold model of the facilitator's role - as initiator, set adviser and facilitator of organizational learning.Supported by many real life cases and practical examples, this superbly practical book shows you how - as a manager, business coach, trainer or facilitator - you can add to your repertoire of skills and abilities, and enhance your effectiveness as a leader and developer.Suitable as the course text for ILM Level 5 and 7 qualifications in Action Learning Facilitation."A 'must read' book providing a very practical method and approach for all those interested and passionate about helping people help themselves, and in optimizing Action Learning."Dr Yury Boshyk, Chairman, The Global Executive Learning Network, and the Annual Global Forum on Executive Development and Business Driven Action Learning, Canada"This book best reflects my lived experience of integrating learning and change in a large complex organisation; reading it was like coming home!"Mandy Chivers, Assistant Chief Executive, Mersey Care NHS Trust, UK"This is a superb, well-crafted book. The balance it achieves between conveying the spirit of action learning while providing concrete and practical tools is exemplary."Bob Dick, independent scholar, Australia"With this book, Christine and Mike have brought a significant maturity to the field of action learning. This book will go some way in helping action learning advisors improve their craft. An important contribution."Professor Jeff Gold, Leeds Business School, UK"Pedler and Abbott have done a masterful job in presenting and analyzing the wide array of roles and responsibilities that one can undertake in facilitating action learning groups."Michael Marquardt, President, World Institute for Action Learning, USA"Pedler and Abbot pack lifetimes of experience into this book - which shine through in the depth, breadth, and practicality of its coverage. Reflective tools accompany the reader throughout to help practitioners develop their own thinking and practice of Action Learning. This is a must-have for both practitioner and scholar resource libraries!"Victoria J. Marsick, Professor, Columbia University, Teachers College, New York, USA"The authors have written a book that is engaging, inspiring and practical - a book to make you think also about learning relationships as constructionist practice; which they put forth as the correct approach and warn against action learning for power, influence and dominance."Paul Olson"This is an extremely significant contribution to understanding and developing practices in action learning. It will add value, provide direction and stimulate practitioners and academics in equal measure."Brian Milsom, University of Hull, UK
Vesuvian Books The Christmas Spirit
An uplifting and heartwarming romance about second chances with a ghostly twist and an unusual cat make this enchanting story set in the Smoky Mountains a festive treat any time of year. Fans of Debbie Macomber, Sheila Roberts, and Fern Michaels will enjoy this gorgeous feel-good story.“Ghostly occurrences and ancient folklore make this feel like a modern, romantic twist on A Christmas Carol.” ~Library Journal"A woman heals from heartbreak with the help of some unusual strangers in this enjoyable, supernaturally tinged Christmas romance [with] genuine emotion driving the plot ... a touch of magic sets this holiday romance apart." ~Publishers WeeklyCourtney Winston is a writer on a deadline. Eager to finish her book and get over a recent break-up, she ditches Christmas with her family and retreats to a secluded cabin in the Smoky Mountains. Appliances rarely work and cell service is spotty, but Courtney senses there is more to her rustic rental near the abandoned town of Elkmont—something dark and haunting. Then Peter, the attractive mountain lodge owner, and a meddling cook, Mrs. Finn, keep coming around, shattering her peace and offering advice on how to fix her heavy heart. Courtney grows closer to Peter, but Mrs. Finn warns her of his troubled past. Undaunted, Courtney sets out to win him over. But being with the brooding stranger may end up costing her more than she ever imagined. * * * “A blend of holiday inspirational and romance that adopts a more detailed story than most novels in either genre ... embracing both holiday spirit and a growth process that begins with pain and prejudice and moves steadily outward into recognizing new opportunities. The result embraces more than its title's promise, making The Christmas Spirit an inspirational story that is much needed and highly recommended year-round.” ~Midwest Book Review “A one-of-a-kind paranormal romance with a good balance between heart-wrenching drama and light comedy. The fast pace is consistent and the suspense is wild, making the book unputdownable. The twist at the end is just priceless. This is one of those books that can be made into a blockbuster movie. The excitement does not change whether it is read around the Christmas season or not.” ~Risah Salazar, Readers' Favorite “A bit of a ghostly “Christmas Carol” story ... there is definite substance here. This is more than romance--a fun, memorable read. I hope we see more of this author in the future.” ~Feathered Quill Book Awards Judges’ CommentsAWARDS* Gold Medal Winner: Romance—Feathered Quill Book Awards* Recipient of the BestsellersWorld Award for Best Romance—Feathered Quill Book Awards* Romantic Fiction 1st Place Winner—Chatelaine Book Awards* Silver Award Winner in Romance—Kops-Fetherling International Book Awards
The Library of America The Debate on the Constitution: Federalist and Antifederalist Speeches, Articles, and Letters During the Struggle over Ratification Vol. 1 (LOA #62): September 1787-February 1788
Here, on a scale unmatched by any previous collection, is the extraordinary energy and eloquence of our first national political campaign: During the secret proceedings of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the framers created a fundamentally new national plan to replace the Articles of Confederation and then submitted it to conventions in each state for ratification. Immediately, a fierce storm of argument broke. Federalist supporters, Antifederalist opponents, and seekers of a middle ground strove to balance public order and personal liberty as they praised, condemned, challenged, and analyzed the new Constitution Gathering hundreds of original texts by Franklin, Madison, Jefferson, Washington, and Patrick Henry—as well as many others less well known today—this unrivaled collection allows readers to experience firsthand the intense year-long struggle that created what remains the world’s oldest working national charter. Assembled here in chronological order are hundreds of newspaper articles, pamphlets, speeches, and private letters written or delivered in the aftermath of the Constitutional Convention. Along with familiar figures like Franklin, Madison, Patrick Henry, Jefferson, and Washington, scores of less famous citizens are represented, all speaking clearly and passionately about government. The most famous writings of the ratification struggle — the Federalist essays of Hamilton and Madison — are placed in their original context, alongside the arguments of able antagonists, such as "Brutus" and the "Federal Farmer." Part One includes press polemics and private commentaries from September1787 to January 1788. That autumn, powerful arguments were made against the new charter by Virginian George Mason and the still-unidentified "Federal Farmer," while in New York newspapers, the Federalist essays initiated a brilliant defense. Dozens of speeches from the state ratifying conventions show how the "draft of a plan, nothing but a dead letter," in Madison's words, had "life and validity...breathed into it by the voice of the people." Included are the conventions in Pennsylvania, where James Wilson confronted the democratic skepticism of those representing the western frontier, and in Massachusetts, where John Hancock and Samuel Adams forged a crucial compromise that saved the country from years of political convulsion. Informative notes, biographical profiles of all writers, speakers, and recipients, and a detailed chronology of relevant events from 1774 to 1804 provide fascinating background. A general index allows readers to follow specific topics, and an appendix includes the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution (with all amendments).LIBRARY OF AMERICA is an independent nonprofit cultural organization founded in 1979 to preserve our nation’s literary heritage by publishing, and keeping permanently in print, America’s best and most significant writing. The Library of America series includes more than 300 volumes to date, authoritative editions that average 1,000 pages in length, feature cloth covers, sewn bindings, and ribbon markers, and are printed on premium acid-free paper that will last for centuries.
Human Kinetics Publishers Active Games for Children on the Autism Spectrum: Physical Literacy for Life
Every school wants to be inclusive. But often children on the autism spectrum are left behind when it comes to participating in physical education and becoming physically literate—in part because many physical educators feel unprepared to include children on the spectrum in class activities. That’s where Active Games for Children on the Autism Spectrum comes in.Theoretical Framework, Games, and Lesson PlansThis text provides both the adaptive framework teachers need and more than 80 games to help children on the spectrum take part in physical activity, learn from games, and enjoy being active.Beyond the framework and games, the book will help physical educators, parents and caregivers, and others develop the courage, competence, and confidence they need to teach and help children on the autism spectrum.Active Games for Children on the Autism Spectrum offers an exploration of the ABCs of physical literacy (agility, balance, coordination, and speed); breakdowns of 16 specific skills, including fundamental movement skills, bike riding, skateboarding or scootering, swimming, and ice skating 22 games to practice the ABCs and skills; 30 single equipment games using Hula-Hoops, bean bags, scarves, rubber balls, gator balls, and racquets and balloons; 29 lesson plans for target games, net and wall games, striking and fielding games, and invasion games using the Teaching Games for Understanding approach; 21 bonus games to practice what is learned in the lessons; 14 warm-up and sport skill games; 4 warm-up games to be used in an inclusive class; and 1 sample home or gym fitness program. Games Are Easy to Use and PurposefulThe games are easy to use, with clear instruction on how to effectively teach movement skills to all students, including those on the spectrum. The games are active, enjoyable, and imbued with purpose. They are accessible to anyone working with children on the autism spectrum in school, at home, or in other settings.What Sets This Book ApartWhat sets this text apart from similar books is its wealth of theoretical and practical content beyond the games. Its focus on physical activity, wellness, health, inclusion, and physical literacy in a wide variety of environments, along with its foundational content, makes Active Games for Children on the Autism Spectrum highly valuable to both experienced and inexperienced teachers, as well as parents and others working with children with autism. Chapters on physical literacy, adapting physical activity, planning, movement skills, community, family and friends, and fitness create a well-rounded, thorough exploration of how to help children on the spectrum enjoy the benefits of physical education and an active lifestyle. In doing so, these children can enhance their health, improve their motor skills, and strengthen their social skills.
PublicAffairs,U.S. The Trade: My Journey into the Labyrinth of Political Kidnapping
In 2008, American journalist Jere Van Dyk was kidnapped and held for 45 days. At the time, he had no idea who his kidnappers were. They demanded a ransom and the release of three of their comrades from Guantanamo, yet they hinted at their ties to Pakistan and to the Haqqani network, a uniquely powerful group that now holds the balance of power in large parts of Afghanistan and the tribal areas of Pakistan. After his release, Van Dyk wrote a book about his capture and what it took to survive in this most hostile of circumstances. Yet he never answered the fundamental questions that his kidnapping raised: Why was he taken? Why was he released? And who saved his life?Every kidnapping is a labyrinth in which the certainties of good and bad, light and dark are merged in the quiet dialogues and secret handshakes that accompany a release or a brutal fatality. In The Trade, Jere Van Dyk uses the sinuous path of his own kidnapping to explain the recent rise in the taking of Western hostages across the greater Middle East. He discovers that he was probably not taken by the anonymous "Taliban," as he thought, but by the very people who helped arrange his trip and then bargained for his release. It was not a matter of chance: CBS, Van Dyk's employer at the time, launched a secret rescue and, he learned later, paid an undisclosed ransom to a tribal chief who controlled the area in which he was kidnapped and who delivered him and his guide safely to a US Army base. In 2013, Van Dyk returned to the Middle East to unravel the links among jihadist groups, specifically that of the Haqqani network. His investigation finally paid off in 2015, when Van Dyk was taken to a discreet room in a guesthouse in Islamabad where he met Ibrahim Haqqani, part of the leadership of the Haqqani network who has been seen by very few outsiders since 9/11. There, Van Dyk learned of the Haqqanis' links to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the ISI, and the CIA and their involvement in the kidnapping of Bowe Bergdahl and many others. Back in the United States, Van Dyk saw the other side of the kidnapping labyrinth as he became involved with other former hostages and the families of recent kidnapping victims murdered by the Islamic State. Van Dyk's investigation shows how America's foreign policy strategy, the terrible cynicism of the kidnappers, and a world of shadowy interlocutors who play both sides of many bargains combine to create a brutal business out of the exchange of individual human lives for vast sums of money.
University of Notre Dame Press On Having a Heart Attack: A Medical Memoir
“As I walked away with my refreshments, I felt something peculiar. It was so strange it stopped me mid-step. I was forty-five years old, and I had felt many things, but never before this particular feeling: I felt a click deep inside. The image the sensation produced in my mind was of a BB, a small round piece of copper-colored lead, falling into a socket. It was a very clear image. A BB is tiny, but the one I imagined felt infinitesimal, microscopic. Yet I felt it, a click, metal on metal—like an expensive, microscopic gear had slipped, some exquisite piece of machinery falling out of alignment. Some medieval example of craftsmanship, a gyroscope, something intricate, needing fine balance. The feeling, the event, was located in my chest, below my left breast. It was thoroughly interior, as if a signal had been sent and registered, what those giant satellite dishes are poised waiting for, a transmission from deep space.” —from Chapter 1 That was October 26, 1991, in what became a singularly awful day in the life of William O’Rourke. Minutes later, at the beginning of a Notre Dame football game, he began to suffer his heart attack. O’Rourke’s account of that day, and everything that followed, is personal, informative, humorous, and highly literate. With its extended description of what an MI feels like and how people around the patient react, his memoir provides a bedside view of his experience and all of the emotions—both extraordinary and quotidian—that accompanied it. What is startling is how that momentous event, the heart attack, divides life irretrievably into a “before” and “after.” Gone are the assumptions of what is safe and healthy; replacing them is a newly-forged relation of mind and body, a treacherous one which breeds a physical paranoia that only lessens after months. O’Rourke vividly describes the extreme pain of the attack, the forced inactivity of recuperation, and the melancholy of embracing life anew while accepting a heightened awareness of mortality. He knows his luck in having supportive family and friends, and uses his time away from normal routine to examine his family history for likely genetic proclivities for heart disease. Through his description of his experience—from MI, to angioplasty, to cardiac catheterization to, fourteen years later, a quintuple bypass and a second round of cardio-rehabilitation—he asks us to change behaviors we can affect and pay attention to our health. It does, after all, come down to this: “Here’s to life.” Enriched with a medical glossary and selected bibliography, this is a helpful compendium for other recuperating patients and their families, or anyone concerned about heart disease, or interested in memoir.
Simon & Schuster Ltd A Dangerous Man
'Just keeps getting better and better' DAVID BALDACCI ‘Slick and enjoyable’ SUN 'Top-notch fun noir' SUNDAY TIMES CRIME CLUB (starred review)DESPERATE MEN ARE DANGEROUS . . .Joe Pike wasn't looking to save someone's life on the day he left the bank. But when he saw Isabel, a young teller, being forced into a car by two men, he had no choice but to chase them down. Not long after being released on bail, the men are found dead and Isabel is missing. After his handling of the men, Pike is a prime suspect, along with Izzy – was this an abduction gone wrong? Or did it go exactly how she planned? Convinced that her life is in danger, Pike involves Elvis Cole in a search for the truth, and for Izzy. But they’re not the only ones desperate to find her – and desperate men are dangerous.As explosive as Michael Connelly and as addictive as Lee Child, A Dangerous Man has 'the smoothest writing and best storytelling you'll ever read' (DAVID BALDACCI) *THE NEW COLE AND PIKE THRILLER*Why Crais is the King of Crime . . . 'Bob is like a Porsche when it comes to writing. Indeed, it's quite fitting that he drives that model of car. Like the Porsche, his writing is elegant, stylish, funny, can fire on turbos when need be and dive deep when the plot demands it, but this is far and away some of the smoothest writing and best storytelling you'll ever read. He's written a lot of books, but just keeps getting better and better' DAVID BALDACCI ‘[Crais] expertly delivers his customary modern-day riff on the 1940s hardboiled idiom’ Guardian'Outstanding . . . Crais begins the story with deceptive simplicity but slowly ratchets up both the tension and the action with surgical precision . . . This one’s sure to hit the bestseller charts' Publishers Weekly (starred review) ‘Another rewarding page-turner by one of the most reliable storytellers in modern crime fiction’ Daily Mail 'Crais is a whip-smart writer. Cole and Pike are carefully drawn, multilayered characters who've grown more complex through the years. This is one of the very best entries in a long-running and still first-rate series' Booklist on A Dangerous Man (starred review) ‘Cleverly plotted, stylishly written’ Washington Post 'If you've always wished Lee Child's Jack Reacher had a little more balance in his life - but the same formidable talents - you'll love Joe Pike and the latest book in this long, superb series . . . Crais never loses control of his clean, clear prose or his ability to sketch fully fleshed characters in a few scenes . . . A taut, exceptional thriller' Kirkus on A Dangerous Man (starred review)
Open University Press Writing for Academic Journals 4e
This comprehensive guide to writing journal articles addresses all the stages and recurring challenges, from targeting a journal to dealing with reviewer feedback. Drawing on many years of running ‘Writing for Publication’ workshops, Murray explores not only style and structure but also behaviours and emotions. As a key component of both research courses and careers, this timely text also addresses the struggle to make time for high quality academic writing and how to ensure a writing-life balance.Examining a variety of approaches, relevant to many different academic disciplines, this core text demystifies and defines writing practices and makes this form of high-stakes academic writing seem manageable. Writing for journals has never been more competitive, and writers, researchers, practitioners and students need expert guidance on productive practices and ways of maintaining focus and motivation, which Murray provides. This latest edition is completely updated and more relevant than ever for clinicians, practitioners and students. "This book was already a classic, but the update makes it even more useful. From finding time to write, doing a short literature review and identifying scam journals, Rowena Murray provides an excellent, concise and accessible companion for writing academic journal papers, which is appropriate for both students and working academics."Associate Professor Inger Mewburn, Director of Research Training, The Australian National University, Australia “Rowena Murray has approached publishing in a journal with scientific rigour. Following this book’s recommendations will make it impossible to find a convincing excuse for failure to publish. She herself writes with a high level of artisanal skill; this book is fast paced, stylish and highly readable. Her own extensive experience in supporting journal article writers tempers this book with the credibility of a seasoned veteran. Best of all, there is a wealth of wisdom here—in advising on how to publish, Murray is also advising on how to live a satisfying life as a writer.”Associate Professor Susan Carter, University of Auckland, New Zealand“In Writing for Academic Journals (4th edition), Rowena Murray’s voice is direct, down-to-earth and wise. Drawing on a depth of practical experience as both published author and writing teacher, she conveys the message that, yes, publishing in academic journals is demanding, but it’s also very possible. And that once you are successful, there is still much to be learned from reading books like this one and hanging out with others in writing groups and workshops. To that end, the book is a trove of tips and techniques helpful to all who pursue the challenging craft of (good) academic writing.”Barbara Grant, Associate Professor in the School of Critical Studies in Education at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and author of Academic writing retreats: A facilitator's uide
John Wiley & Sons Inc Investment Banking: Valuation, LBOs, M&A, and IPOs, University Edition
Investment Banking Praise for Investment Banking, UNIVERSITY EDITION “This book will surely become an indispensable guide to the art of buyout and M&A valuation, for the experienced investment practitioner as well as for the non-professional seeking to learn the mysteries of valuation.” —David M. Rubenstein, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Chairman, The Carlyle Group Host, The David Rubenstein Show: Peer to Peer Conversations “The two Joshes present corporate finance in a broad, yet detailed framework for understanding valuation, balance sheets, and business combinations. As such, their book is an essential resource for understanding complex businesses and capital structures whether you are on the buy-side or sell-side.” —Mitchell R. Julis, Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Canyon Partners, LLC “Investment Banking provides a highly practical and relevant guide to the valuation analysis at the core of investment banking, private equity, and corporate finance. Mastery of these essential skills is fundamental for any role in transaction-related finance. This book will become a fixture on every finance professional’s bookshelf.” —Thomas H. Lee, President, Lee Equity Partners, LLC Founder, Thomas H. Lee Capital Management, LLC “As a pioneer in public equities, Nasdaq is excited to be partnering with Rosenbaum and Pearl on Investment Banking as they break new ground on content related to IPOs, direct listings, and SPACs. We recommend the book for any shareholder and senior executive looking to take a company public, as well as their bankers and lawyers.” —Adena Friedman, President and CEO, Nasdaq “Investment Banking requires a skill set that combines both art and science. While numerous textbooks provide students with the core principles of financial economics, the rich institutional considerations that are essential on Wall Street are not well documented. This book represents an important step in filling this gap.” —Josh Lerner, Jacob H. Schiff Professor of Investment Banking, Harvard Business School Co-author, Venture Capital and Private Equity: A Casebook “Valuation is the key to any transaction. Investment Banking provides specific step-by-step valuation procedures for LBO and M&A transactions, with lots of diagrams and numerical examples.” —Roger G. Ibbotson, Professor in the Practice of Finance, Yale School of Management Chairman and CIO, Zebra Capital Management, LLC Founder, Ibbotson Associates “Investment Banking provides fresh insight and perspective to valuation analysis, the basis for every great trade and winning deal on Wall Street. The book is written from the perspective of practitioners, setting it apart from other texts.” —Gregory Zuckerman, Special Writer, The Wall Street Journal Author, The Greatest Trade Ever, The Frackers, and The Man Who Solved the Market Also available from the authors: Investment Banking WORKBOOK Investment Banking FOCUS NOTES Investment Banking ONLINE COURSE
Transworld Publishers Ltd The Ghost
With a wife he loves and an exciting London-based career, architect Charles Waterston's life seems in perfect balance. Nothing in his comfortable existence prepares him for the sudden end to his ten-year marriage - or his unwanted transfer to his firm's New York office. With nothing left to lose, Charlie takes a leave of absence from his job to drive through New England, hoping to make peace with himself. Christmas is approaching when Charlie leaves New York, heading to Vermont to ski. But a sudden, blinding snowstorm strands him in a small Massachusetts town. There, as if by chance, Charlie meets an elderly widow who offers to rent him her most precious possession: a remote, exquisite lakeside chateau. Hidden deep in the woods, it once belonged to a woman who lived and died there two centuries before. Her name was Sarah Ferguson. And from the moment Charlie sets foot inside the chateau's graceful depths, he feels her presence, and longs to know more about the life she led. It is Christmas Eve when Charlie first glimpses her, a beautiful young woman with jet black hair. He thinks it is a neighbour playing a joke on him, until he finds her diaries hidden away in an old trunk. As he begins to turn the brittle, dusty pages, Sarah Ferguson comes alive. Intrigued and unafraid, Charlie immerses himself in the diaries, eager to learn more about the woman for whom the house was built. Sarah's first entry is dated 1789, the year she arrived in America. Without self-pity or sentiment, she writes of her harrowing journey from her native England, having fled the brutality of her aristocratic husband. Settling in Massachusetts, Sarah finds an unfamiliar land seething with the turbulence of the Indian wars. Determined to start a new life in the vast new world, Sarah finds freedom - and danger - as she builds her home in the wilderness and meets a man who will transform her life. His name is François de Pellerin, a French nobleman adopted by Indians and drawn into the battle for the growing nation. Their fateful union is a testament to a love so powerful it reaches across the centuries. And for Charlie Waterston, caught between Sarah's world and his own, their story is a gift - one that gives him the courage to let go of his past, and the freedom to grasp a future that is right before his eyes.In The Ghost, Danielle Steel has created a stunning blend of history and drama. Brilliantly interweaving past and present, she brings to life two stories, centuries apart, in a timeless novel of courage, healing and love.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Constructing Musical Healing: The Wounds that Sing
June Boyce-Tillman's new book identifies and discusses the very issues that could render the education that we offer through music more engaging and relevent to those whom we teach. The book presents a wide-ranging and rich mix of psychological, ethnomusicological, philosophical, educational, mythological and theological material. Into this rich tapestry is woven a concern to consider seriously New Age phenomena and to empathize with people's experiences and life stories. Very occasionally, a book is published that has the potential of seriously challenging current orthodoxy and practice. This is such a book.'- British Journal of Music Education.'June Boyce-Tillman has published this beautifully researched essay at what I think may prove to be a vital re-balancing point in our history, when there is a developing realisation that post-Enlightenment culture with its emphasis on scientific reason and logic needs to incorporate again the "subjugated ways of knowing" as June Boyce-Tillman terms Gooch's value "system B" which favours being, subjectivity, personal feeling, emotion, magic, involvement, associative ways of knowing, belief and non-causal knowledge... The bibliography and referencing are excellent, massively extending the hub of resource which this book itself presents for further study, investigation and good practice by people from many walks of life. Many thanks to June Boyce-Tillman for her work.'- The Christian Parapsychologist'In Constructing Musical Healing, June Boyce-Tillman attempts to blend ancient and modern ideas and practices with her own perspective as a New Age practitioner. In an interdisciplinary effort, Boyce-Tillman describer particular philosophical aspects concerning Western music, practices of shamans and healers, and explorations of the new consciousness reflected in the New Age movement and music therapy. Her goal is to establish a new model of healing as balance including physical, psychological, and spiritual elements in a process approach, which she parallels with music therapy practice...Boyce-Tillman has some promising ideas. And certainly she adds her words, her thoughts, and beliefs to the continuing questions about the compatibility between "healing" and "therapy"...The strength of the book is that it has the potential to encourage our own discourse by giving us an opportunity to compare and contrast our own ideas about music therapy with at least one New Age practitioner.'- The Arts in PsychotherapyDrawing on literature from philosophy, anthropology, psychology and musicology, Boyce-Tillman looks at musical traditions and notions of healing in different societies. Her work includes a number of case studies in various cultures - spirit possession cults in Africa and shamans in various traditions. It explores contemporary musical practice in the New Age including neo-shamanism and notions of musical healing in Western musical aesthetics. The use of music in Western medicine is also studied, as Boyce-Tillman draws together a theory of what actually occurs when music is associated with therapeutic intention and examines the role of music within healthcare, education and the community.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Capitalism and Democracy: A Fragile Alliance
This is a well-structured book on a complex question that has been relevant for centuries leading up to the actual crisis in the EU and the international financial markets. The book offers a rich picture of empirics, and discusses, explains and criticizes a number of classical theories in the field (Marx, Schumpeter, Polanyi), as well as modern theories (Greif, North et al., Acemoglu, Perez and others). The familiar topics of property rights, technological development and long waves are presented in an illuminating way, whereas a number of new topics including open and limited access societies, hyper globalization, and the European Union are viewed in a broad perspective of 'political economy' and 'institutional economics'. The limitations of neoclassical economics are well presented as are the benefits (and costs) of political economy.'- John Groenewegen, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands'This book is a very coherent and up-to-date work. It presents a clear and sophisticated view on the role of economic institutions and aspects of political economy in the process of modern economic growth. The author demonstrates significant originality in combining insights from different sub-fields to successfully understand economic growth and the distribution of income in the economy. It will be a rich source of ideas for anyone interested in how the modern world, and various countries and regions in particular, attained high levels of economic welfare.'- Sjak Smulders, Tilburg University, the NetherlandsCapitalism is driven by technological revolutions, leading to alternating periods of regulation and deregulation in leading economies. Technologically backward countries face a different situation as they have to catch up with the leaders. Against this backdrop, Theo van de Klundert examines the relationship between capitalism and democracy, combining economic theory and historical description to analyse long-run economic development. Emphasis is placed on the interrelation between economic and political power, and a robust state-of-the-art overview of today's political economy is presented.The author addresses two fundamental questions raised in the analysis of the relationship between capitalism and democracy. Firstly, he explores why capitalism in leading economies is characterized by alternating periods of regulation and deregulation, and secondly, whether developing countries can opt for different types of capitalism once the potential for catching up with developed countries has expired. The consequences of a shift in the balance of power in the global economy are also considered in detail.Broad in scope and employing various methodological approaches, this book will prove a fascinating read for academics, students and researchers in the fields of economics and heterodox economics.Contents: Preface Introduction Part I: Economic Theory in a Historical Perspective 1. Emerging Markets 2. Political Economy Revisited 3. Engines of Growth 4. Follow the Leader Part II: Historical Developments in a Theoretical Perspective 5. The Long Wave 6. A Tale of Two Continents 7. The World Economy at Large 8. Democracy at Bay References Index
Stanford University Press Crook County: Racism and Injustice in America's Largest Criminal Court
Winner of the 2017 Eduardo Bonilla-Silva Outstanding Book Award, sponsored by the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Finalist for the C. Wright Mills Book Award, sponsored by the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Winner of the 2017 Oliver Cromwell Cox Book Award, sponsored by the American Sociological Association's Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Winner of the 2017 Mary Douglas Prize for Best Book, sponsored by the American Sociological Association's Sociology of Culture Section. Honorable Mention in the 2017 Book Award from the American Sociological Association's Section on Race, Class, and Gender. NAACP Image Award Nominee for an Outstanding Literary Work from a debut author. Winner of the 2017 Prose Award for Excellence in Social Sciences and the 2017 Prose Category Award for Law and Legal Studies, sponsored by the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division, Association of American Publishers. Silver Medal from the Independent Publisher Book Awards (Current Events/Social Issues category). Americans are slowly waking up to the dire effects of racial profiling, police brutality, and mass incarceration, especially in disadvantaged neighborhoods and communities of color. The criminal courts are the crucial gateway between police action on the street and the processing of primarily black and Latino defendants into jails and prisons. And yet the courts, often portrayed as sacred, impartial institutions, have remained shrouded in secrecy, with the majority of Americans kept in the dark about how they function internally. Crook County bursts open the courthouse doors and enters the hallways, courtrooms, judges' chambers, and attorneys' offices to reveal a world of punishment determined by race, not offense. Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve spent ten years working in and investigating the largest criminal courthouse in the country, Chicago–Cook County, and based on over 1,000 hours of observation, she takes readers inside our so-called halls of justice to witness the types of everyday racial abuses that fester within the courts, often in plain sight. We watch white courtroom professionals classify and deliberate on the fates of mostly black and Latino defendants while racial abuse and due process violations are encouraged and even seen as justified. Judges fall asleep on the bench. Prosecutors hang out like frat boys in the judges' chambers while the fates of defendants hang in the balance. Public defenders make choices about which defendants they will try to "save" and which they will sacrifice. Sheriff's officers cruelly mock and abuse defendants' family members. Delve deeper into Crook County with related media and instructor resources at Crook County's powerful and at times devastating narratives reveal startling truths about a legal culture steeped in racial abuse. Defendants find themselves thrust into a pernicious legal world where courtroom actors live and breathe racism while simultaneously committing themselves to a colorblind ideal. Gonzalez Van Cleve urges all citizens to take a closer look at the way we do justice in America and to hold our arbiters of justice accountable to the highest standards of equality.
Hay House Inc Wisdom of the Hidden Realms Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook for Spiritual Guidance, Peace, Happiness and Prosperity
A beautiful 44-card oracle card deck to guide you with wisdom from the magical hidden realms from world-renowned oracle card expert with over a million decks sold, best-selling author, and internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher Colette Baron-Reid.These oracle cards feature Divine guides from the hidden realms to help you manifest your dreams and connect you to your true purpose, peace, and happiness. Mystics have passed down stories of magical realms hidden from mortal sight, bridging the world of Nature and Spirit. Even before the written word, the ancients established a Divine partnership between humans and these Hidden Realms. Both agreed to form an eternal Sacred Alliance to establish harmony and balance between the material and the spiritual. The Alliance ensured that when we asked for guidance in manifesting our reality, they would help us find our way to the highest good for all. But in time, humanity turned itself away from the natural world as a source for the Divine and forgot about the realms in the Unseen realities. These cards represent some of those realms and their Queens and Kings, Princes, and other magical helpers. Let the Swan Queen point the way to transformation, the Arrow Master help you reach your goals, the Sun Dancers herald your victories, and the Sacred Union speak to the depth of your longing for love. Ask and ye shall receive, for the Highest Good is their motto. If you call upon them, they will answer.Example Oracle Cards and Meanings Include: The Winged Wise OnesAlways Allies and never Challengers, the Winged Wise Ones represent the aid of all the angels. When you enter their realm, know that your sincere prayers will be answered according to the will of the Divine. The Resting TreeResting Tree is a sign for you to stop focusing and planning and be at peace in the moment. This is the representative of nonaction and relaxation. The Eagle KingThe Eagle King is a sign that your highest destiny is within reach. You’re on the right path now, even if you can’t see where you’re going. “I created these cards with the magical symbolism and images given to me in a series of dreams among the red rocks of spiritual Sedona, Arizona.Every person who fulfills his or her highest personal destiny creates a shift of healing for all living things. Be reminded of the truth of unity in Spirit and among us all. All my blessings and hope that you maybenefit from the wisdom hidden deep within you and reflected in the mirror of these cards.” Love,Colette Baron-ReidInvoke the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle cards’ Divine power and use them well—only and always for the highest good—and they will help show you the way to the Divine path for your destiny.
HarperCollins Publishers Find Me (Shatter Me)
Perfect for fans of Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me trilogy, this book collects the final two companion novellas, Shadow Me and Reveal Me, leading up to the explosive final in the series… Shadow MeJuliette is still reeling from Warner's betrayal, and Kenji is trying to balance his friendship with her with his responsibilities as a leader of the resistance against the Re-establishment. Things get even more interesting when an unexpected person from Omega Point’s past surfaces. Reveal MeReaders are brought back to the Shatter Me world one last time before the final novel instalment in the series hits shelves in 2020. Perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Holly Black and Leigh Bardugo. Tahereh Mafi is the New York Times bestselling author of the Shatter Me series which has been published in over 30 languages around the world. She is also the author of the ravely reviewed A Very Large Expanse of Sea. he was born in a small city somewhere in Connecticut and currently resides in Santa Monica, California, with her husband, Ransom Riggs, fellow bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children, and their young daughter. She can usually be found overcaffeinated and stuck in a book. You can find her online at @TaherehMafi. Praise for the Shatter Me series: "Dangerous, sexy, romantic, and intense. I dare you to stop reading." – Kami Garcia, #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of the Beautiful Creatures series "Addictive, intense, and oozing with romance. I'm envious. I couldn't put it down." – Lauren Kate, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Fallen series "Tahereh Mafi's bold, inventive prose crackles with raw emotion. A thrilling, high-stakes saga of self-discovery and forbidden love, the Shatter Me series is a must-read for fans of dystopian young adult literature – or any literature!" -Ransom Riggs, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children Praise for A Very Large Expanse of Sea: 'This is a gorgeous book. It's tender and fierce, beautiful even as it depicts some ugly truths. The prose is passionate and honest, unsentimental and big-hearted. The very best books move you to reconsider the world around you and this is one of those. I truly loved it.' – Nicola Yoon, bestselling author of Everything, Everything 'A raw yet astoundingly elegant examination of identity, loneliness and family that is unflinching in its honesty and power. Tahereh Mafi holds nothing back – and the reader is better for it.' – Sabaa Tahir, New York Times bestselling author of Ember in the Ashes 'A Very Large Expanse of Sea reads like a beautiful heart – one that shines and aches and yearns, and above all else, one that loves fiercely against all odds. Years from now, you will remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when you experienced this. A transcendent story about truth, love and finding joy.' – Marie Lu, New York Times bestselling author of the Legend series.'
Fonthill Media Ltd Nigel Kennedy Uncensored!
Nigel Kennedy changed the course of classical music in the late 1980s with his interpretation of Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’. He was revolutionary: in his performance and presentation; in his technique and his open-minded attitude. A natural boundary-pusher and musical adventurer, Nigel Kennedy blew minds - and sales records - as he became the best-selling violinist of all time. Instead of an Introduction, Nigel opens with a tongue-in-cheek ‘Warning’: readers should beware of his politically incorrect writing style and his frank take on the BBC, record companies, the Bavarian Police and any other ‘self-appointed wielders of power.’ It sets the tone for a truly original memoir that is as playful, unconventional and carefully executed as his music. The book is structured like a musical performance, with ‘Interludes’, ‘Outros’ and an ‘Encore’ separating the regular chapters which cover Nigel’s life story, from his humble beginnings and scholarship to the newly created Yehudi Menuhin School - and then New York at The Juilliard School - to his flourishing career and break-through as a world-class superstar. ‘Interludes’ cover subjects varying from Nigel’s best and worst gigs (“It might seem strange that shit gigs stick in the mind so much more than the good ones but I suppose it makes sense…”), to run-ins with rock stars and Police forces around the world. His anecdote on the London Metropolitan Police’s handling of a noise complaint at an after-show all-star jam is particularly funny: “These guys (the Met) were cheerful, they dealt with the situation and didn’t escalate the problem when there wasn’t one. 10/10” ‘Outros’ cover Nigel’s thoughts on classical music today - fascinating reading from the perspective of a virtuoso - to Brexit, where the spelling of the word alone leaves the reader in little doubt as to which side of the fence the author sits. ‘Encores’ is a comprehensive section on Nigel’s recorded output, covering his early classical work, the Four Seasons and later albums. There are insights into his work with rock musicians including Robert Plant, the late drummer Michael Lee, Killing Joke singer Jaz Coleman, and producers Eddie Kramer (Jimmy Hendrix) and John Leckie (Stone Roses). Nigel’s writing on Gershwin, Yehudi Menuhin, Stephan Grappelli (‘my biggest inspiration’), Jimi Hendrix and the Doors is compelling. Nigel writes of his interests outside music - boxing and football - which provide inspiration and balance to his creative output (on Aston Villa - “a true blessing for me to have an outlet in which I was surrounded by normal, honest, hard-working people who did ‘proper jobs’”). There is a splendid chapter on ‘Kitchen Golf’, a not-without-risk variation of the game, conjured up with close friend and mischief-maker Gary Lineker, during a messy late night kitchen session. “My whole life has been spent breaking down barriers between people and this book is proof of that.” states Nigel in his ‘Warning’. It’s a Mission Statement borne out in ‘Uncensored’ with aplomb.
Human Kinetics Publishers Outdoor Leadership: Theory and Practice
Outdoor Leadership, Second Edition, is the definitive text for developing student leadership in outdoor and adventure settings throughout the world. Crafted by an author team internationally recognized for their research, teaching, and experience in outdoor and adventure leadership, this new edition provides students with the foundational knowledge they need to develop as competent professionals in the field. Grounded in Eight Core Competencies Through Outdoor Leadership, Second Edition, students are introduced to eight core competencies that the authors consider essential to outdoor leadership: 1. Foundational knowledge 2. Self-awareness and professional conduct 3. Decision making and judgment 4. Teaching and facilitation 5. Environmental stewardship 6. Program management 7. Safety and risk management 8. Technical ability This unique approach to outdoor and adventure leadership will help students meet current professional standards in the field as they prepare for careers in education and recreation. The students move step by step through the materials and assignments, gaining and demonstrating leadership competencies, which they will document through a portfolio of their course experiences. The development of these portfolios is a highly practical and valuable takeaway for students looking to get a leg up as they ready themselves for their careers. New to the Text This latest edition of Outdoor Leadership offers new features, material, and resources, including: • The expertise and perspectives of new author Marni Goldenberg • A new chapter on program assessment • A new chapter on developing cultural and social justice competencies as an outdoor leader • A redistribution of the content on values and ethics (formerly a single chapter) across multiple chapters • An increased emphasis on international perspectives • A stronger focus on outdoor leadership in the area of ecotourism • Revisions to address critical issues in the evolving field of outdoor and adventure leadership • New ancillaries, including an instructor guide (which includes learning and portfolio activities for each chapter, as well as other new learning experiences), a test package, and a presentation package Emphasizing Both Theory and Practice While primarily directed at novice outdoor leaders, Outdoor Leadership, Second Edition, is useful for more experienced outdoor leaders as well, including administrative and supervisory personnel in outdoor leadership organizations. The authors have created a balance between theory and practice as they explore the eight core competencies by doing the following: • Introducing students to a wide variety of theories and concepts integral to outdoor leadership • Using chapter-opening vignettes to illustrate the theories and concepts addressed in the chapter • Acquainting readers with numerous organizations and agencies in which outdoor leaders work • Offfering a series of learning activities and professional development exercises to transform the theoretical into the practical Preparing Students for Successful Careers The result is a highly useful resource that grounds students in the theories, concepts, and competencies that they need in order to be successful leaders in outdoor and adventure settings. This competency-based approach will help aspiring outdoor leaders plan safe, enjoyable, and ecologically responsible expeditions; acquire and showcase their leadership abilities, culminating in a professional portfolio; and develop the knowledge and expertise they need to be effective leaders.
Human Kinetics Publishers Client-Centered Exercise Prescription
Client-Centered Exercise Prescription, Third Edition With Web Resource, emphasizes a personalized approach to exercise in which unique programs meet the interests and needs of individual clients. This resource will help you to prescribe exercise and guide clients in adopting, enjoying, and maintaining active lifestyles. Client-Centered Exercise Prescription, Third Edition, expands the role of the fitness professional from simple exercise prescription to include activity counseling, design modification, exercise demonstration, functionally integrated exercise, injury prevention, and follow-up monitoring for a variety of clients. Central to the book are seven client-centered models for each major fitness component that serve as a template of options for each decision in the prescription process: activity counseling, musculoskeletal exercise design, exercise demonstration, cardiovascular exercise prescription, resistance training prescription, muscle balance and flexibility prescription, and weight management prescription. The text explains the vital role that functionally integrated exercise plays in improving performance and maintaining musculoskeletal health and teaches how to recognize muscle imbalance and prevent complications. Fitness professionals will learn to make informed, client-centered decisions and address the following issues: • Establishing rapport and increasing adherence by prescribing exercise programs that match clients’ desires, needs, and lifestyles • Understanding clients’ unique psychological needs and using that information to keep them motivated • Monitoring clients’ needs both as they are originally presented and as they evolve over time • Applying strategies for treating and preventing overuse injuries so that clients avoid injury and frustration, thereby avoiding withdrawal from the program • Addressing the unique considerations of aging clients, including musculoskeletal conditions and functional mobility The third edition of Client-Centered Exercise Prescription retains the client-centered approach of previous editions, offering simulated initial interviews with clients, teaching cues for demonstration, sample sessions, and sample counseling dialogue. The text also features numerous updates: • More than 40 reproducible forms included in the text and duplicated in printable format in the web resource that can be shared with clients • Applied exercise prescription worksheets that facilitate the flow from the prescription models to the prescription card • Three new chapters on exercise prescription for aging adults that offer specific exercise recommendations for this growing demographic • Expanded sections on applied nutrition, reliable field tests, safety and referrals, and a unique biomechanical approach to exercise modifications and functional progressions • Five new case studies and other updated case studies that allow you to grasp how the material may be used in practice • Theory to Application sidebars, numerous photos, and chapter summaries that will engage you and help you find the most relevant information Using reliable field tests, practical nutrition guidelines, and applied exercise physiology conceepts, this text will help both professionals and students better serve their current and future clients. Candidates preparing for certification exams, including the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Certified Personal Trainer (CSEP-CPT) exam, will find comprehensive treatment of the theory and applications covering the competencies required before entering the field. Practical examples, applied models, and scientific knowledge also make the text accessible to undergraduate students in fitness, exercise science, and health promotion programs.
SAGE Publications Inc The SAGE Handbook of European Union Politics
′This volume is one to which anyone trying to make sense of the EU of the early 21st century will return again and again. A terrific line-up that combines diverse talents from North America and Europe. Few books of this kind could live up to the billing ′definitive benchmark′, but this one certainly does′ - John Peterson, University of Edinburgh ′A most useful book that can be highly recommended. A strong analytical framework coupled with unparalleled coverage of the major issues of the political science research of the EU makes this volume a formidable tool for teaching and a significant input to new scholarly research. It is both relatively sophisticated and very accessible to graduate students and advanced researchers. The clear writing style and the richness of information presented will certainly make this book interesting for non-academic readers′ - Igor Vidacak, Institute for International Relations, Zagreb - Journal of Common Market Studies ′An admirably comprehensive source book for those interested in how the tools of political science inspire EU area studies. The editors enlist leading researchers to synthesize the state of the art in their field of expertise. The Handbook of European Union Politics will be an indispensable intellectual resource for researchers, teachers, and graduate students of the European Union′ - Liesbet Hooghe, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA ′Presents an excellent overview of political science research on the EU. It finds the right balance between establishing the state of the art and pointing the reader to theoretical diversity. Highly recommended for advanced students and scholars looking for quick and solid orientation in a fragmented field - and for new ideas for research′ - Frank Schimmelfennig, ETH Zurich, Switzerland ′This is a milestone in the study of EU politics. The authors include the most knowledgeable practitioners in the field, and collectively they provide a comprehensive and highly competent overview of the state of theory and research on EU institutions, politics and policies′ - Fritz Scharpf, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Germany The European Union (EU) poses quite profound questions for scholars and students of the social and political sciences. This benchmark handbook is designed to: - provide an authoritative state-of-the art guide to the scope of the field suitable for both established scholars and students of the EU - reflect and contribute to the debates about the nature of the field of EU studies and EU politics in particular - explore in detail the development of the many approaches to the study of EU politics. Divided into four sections, the Handbook focuses on theorizing European integration; the EU as polity; politics and policy making in the EU; and the EU and the international system. Its appeal will reside not only in its comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the field, but also in the quality of its contributors, and the diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches included. The resulting volume is a ′must have′ for all scholars and advanced students of the EU and European integration.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Doing It All: Stop Over-Functioning and Become the Mom and Person You're Meant to Be
Discover how to stop doing it all and start doing what matters with this step-by-step guide to beating burnout and thriving as a working mom. In Doing It All, Dr. Whitney Casares, author, pediatrician, and mother of two, shares the step-by-step plan she developed as a modern working mom to help her stop over-functioning at work and home, stop blaming herself for everything that went wrong, and start living a balanced and intentional life. Today’s working moms are burned-out, overwhelmed, and just plain stuck. Caught amid the endless, conflicting demands of motherhood, work, household management, and a million-and-one everyday tasks, chores, and responsibilities, they truly are doing it all—but getting nowhere. They think they're out of options—but they're wrong. Dr. Whitney tried to do it all for years, until one particularly bad week brought her to knees, and then, to a revelation: It wasn't her that was broken, it was her system. She needed a new system, a plan of action that would look squarely at all the common problems of working mom life—over-scheduling, inequitable partnerships, lack of boundaries, lack of support—, recognize the social and cultural causes behind them, and give her the tools and structure she needed to tackle the chaos, find her work-life balance, and start living a life that worked for her. In Doing It All, she shares that system with you, a system that will help you prioritize what really matters and where everything—even laundry—has its place. Work calls? Yep. Time with your kids? Absolutely. Time for yourself? A top priority.Doing It All features Dr. Whitney's complete step-by-step plan to achieving your Centered Life—that is, a life centered on you—, as well as over forty targeted exercises, prompts, and activities to help you: Create a vision of your life that aligns with your values and goals and then break that vision into actionable priorities so you can start making it a reality. Implement systems to deal with the annoying-but-necessary “have-tos” in your life quickly and efficiently. Develop equity in your relationship with your parenting partner. Create and maintain boundaries around emotionally laden calls on your attention. Give your kids what they need to be healthy, happy, and successful—without giving away too much of yourself. Prioritize your own mental health and emotional well-being with intentional scheduling and rest. And more! Featuring powerful personal stories from real working moms, as well as quotes and interview excerpts from parenting experts, medical professionals, and mental health advocates, Doing It All meets working moms where they are, recognizes the personal and systemic challenges they face, and offers solutions that really work. It’s time to stop merely “surviving” motherhood. Join Dr. Whitney and thousands of other working moms across the country and discover the tools, systems, and support you need to parent, work, and thrive in your daily life.
Human Kinetics Publishers Dynamic Human Anatomy
Dynamic Human Anatomy, Second Edition With Web Study Guide, is back—with a new title, significant new material and learning aids, and the same goals: to cover concepts not found in traditional anatomy texts and to help students apply those concepts. Formerly titled Dynatomy, the new edition of this introductory to upper-level biomechanics and anatomy text sets itself apart from other texts in this field by connecting biomechanical principles with applications in sports and dance, strength training, work settings, and clinical settings. Dynamic Human Anatomy offers applied dance- and sport-specific information on how the body performs dynamic movement, providing students an understanding of the body’s structure and function as it explores the elegance and complexity of the body’s functional movement anatomy. New Tools and Learning AidsDynamic Human Anatomy comes with many tools and learning aids, including a web study guide and new instructor resources, each featuring new material and tools. The web study guide offers the following: • Tables that indicate articulations for the spine and upper and lower extremities • Tables that list the origin, insertion, action, and innervation for all major muscle groups • Practice problems that allow students to apply the muscle control formula discussed in chapter 6 • Critical thinking questions The instructor resources include: • A presentation package with slides that present the key concepts from the text and can be used for class discussion and demonstration • An image bank that includes the figures and tables from the book to develop a custom presentation • An instructor guide that includes a sample syllabus, chapter summaries, lecture outlines, ideas for additional assignments, and answers to the critical thinking questions presented in the web study guide • A test package that includes 330 questions Dynamic Human Anatomy also offers a full-color design and learning aids that include an updated glossary, chapter objectives, summaries, and suggested readings. Each chapter has Applying the Concept sidebars, which provide practical examples of concepts, and Research in Mechanics sidebars, which highlight recent research in biomechanics and human movement. Organized Into Four PartsDynamic Human Anatomy is organized into four parts. Part I provides a concise review of relevant anatomical information and neuromechanical concepts. It covers the dynamics of human movement, the essentials of anatomical structure and the organization of the skeletal system. Part II details the essentials of a dynamic approach to movement, including a review of mechanical concepts essential to understanding human movement, the muscle control formula, and topics relevant to movement assessment. In part III, the focus is on fundamental movements as the chapters examine posture and balance, gait, and basic movement patterns. Part IV explores movement-related aspects for strength and conditioning applications, sport and dance applications, clinical applications, and ergonomic applications. Brings Anatomy to LifeDynamic Human Anatomy, Second Edition, explores the potential of the human body to express itself through movement, making it a highly valuable text for students who have taken, or are taking, introductory anatomy and who need a more detailed exposure to concepts in human movement anatomy.
APress Building and Managing High-Performance Distributed Teams: Navigating the Future of Work
The age of the distributed team is upon us. Teams can now operate and collaborate from locations other than a central office, and events surrounding the 2020 COVID pandemic have thrown its practicality into sharp relief. Managing a team whose members are distributed across several locations requires a different mindset and will remain a must-have for all areas of business from this point forward.Building and Managing High-Performance Distributed Teams explains what the distributed teams concept means to the future of your company. Author Alberto S. Silveira Jr. leverages his industry knowledge to explore why the high-performance distributed team model is vital to the future of business, and explains how to build and maintain one through times of change. You will learn to differentiate between distributed teams, remote work, offshoring, and what each means in a modern context. Silveira also weaves in stories from his other life as a boater and sailor, using analogies and lessons gained from humankind’s thousands of years of maritime adventure to illustrate the value of well-managed teams, and to also convey the importance of life-work balance in today’s working world.The book analyzes team management strategies from some of the great successes and failures in recent years so that you can learn from the experiences of others. Building and Managing High-Performance Distributed Teams is your definitive guide for building a dynamic distributed team, using collaboration technology to attract and engage the most important element of any business—your people. Whether you are a department head, a business owner, or a team leader, this book presents the no-nonsense knowledge you need now to chart your course for success. What You Will Learn Understand what the new era of connected business means, and the role distributed teams will play. Differentiate between distributed teams, remote work, nearshore, and offshoring, and what each means to modern business. Discover the true heart of a high-performance distributed team (hint: it’s not the technology). Find out what the era of distributed teams means to existing infrastructure. Uncover what we can learn about team management from some of the great successes and failures of recent years. Appreciate the techniques honed by seafarers, pilots, and software designers combined to create a successful project plan for team management and company navigation. Comprehend the effective simplicity of the “power of three” in building successful teams. Apply proven techniques of measurement and metrics without leaving the human factor behind to improve team morale and productivity. Who This Book Is ForTeam leaders or officers of small-ish companies, with populations in the tens through to the mid-hundreds. It’s also for managers of somewhat autonomous departments within larger companies, and for everyone else in the boat because everyone in a company ultimately needs to know what being in a distributed team is all about.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Living Dead: Switched Off, Zoned Out - The Shocking Truth About Office Life
Switch on the business news and you will probably be bombarded with yet more workplace experts telling you that everyone nowadays is grossly overworked, madly juggling their work-life balance until they finally keel over and die from the sheer stress of it all. We all know that's right, don't we? The real truth is that there are millions upon millions of people who are actively disengaged from their jobs, who spend months and years sitting in offices doing next to nothing, lost in the cracks of laughably inefficient and abysmally managed large organisations, their talents wasted and long forgotten. The Living Dead unmasks the myth of the workplace for the first time. It tells the truth. Not cloaked in humour, as in Dilbert and The Office, but in plain black and white. The Living Dead will captivate anyone anywhere in the world who has ever worked in a large office environment, or those who have a genuine desire to make people's working lives more productive and enjoyable. Here are some astonishing statistics about office life you probably never knew: 40 per cent of all casual drugs users in the US (people who use drugs just once a month) still choose to do it at work. 19.6 per cent of people who take drugs at work do so at their workstation. One in three mid-week visitors to the theme park Alton Towers has taken the day off work on a dishonest pretext. One in five US workers has had sex with a co-worker during work hours. Full sex, that is. 44 per cent of men and 35 per cent of women have had at least some sexual contact at work. One third of UK young professionals are hungover at least twice a week on working days. Two thirds admitted to having called in sick due to alcohol at least once in the previous month. 70 per cent of Internet porn sites are accessed during the 9 to 5 working day. More than half of the UK's 14.5 million pet owners say they would need between two and five days off work to grieve for a dead pet, while 10 per cent said they would need as much as two weeks. Monday (23 per cent) and Friday (25 per cent) are the days most commonly taken off sick by UK employees. Wednesday is the most rarely taken (8 per cent). UK doctors receive 9 million 'suspicious' or 'questionable' requests each year for sick notes. David Bolchover writes frequently on business and management issues for The Times and The Sunday Times as well as a number of other national newspapers and specialist publications. His first book, The 90-Minute Manager, outlines the lessons which business managers can learn from football managers. Previously, he was employed for several years in a large office. But now he wants to do something with his life.
Zaffre The Winter Guest: The perfect chilling, gripping mystery as the nights draw in
A gripping, unsettling historical mystery with a classic feel, for fans of Agatha Christie'Haunting and exquisitely written. Part intricate mystery and part ghost story. This book will stay with me for a long time' Anna Mazzola'A beautifully taut and evocative thriller' Sarah HilaryThe drive leads past the gate house and through the trees towards the big house, visible through the winter-bared branches. Its windows stare down at Harkin and the sea beyond . . .January 1921. Though the Great War is over, in Ireland a new, civil war is raging. The once-grand Kilcolgan House, a crumbling bastion shrouded in sea-mist, lies half empty and filled with ghosts - both real and imagined - the Prendevilles, the noble family within, co-existing only as the balance of their secrets is kept.Then, when an IRA ambush goes terribly wrong, Maud Prendeville, eldest daughter of Lord Kilcolgan, is killed, leaving the family reeling. Yet the IRA column insist they left her alive, that someone else must have been responsible for her terrible fate. Captain Tom Harkin, an IRA intelligence officer and Maud's former fiancé, is sent to investigate, becoming an unwelcome guest in this strange, gloomy household.Working undercover, Harkin must delve into the house's secrets - and discover where, in this fractured, embattled town, each family member's allegiances truly lie. But Harkin too is haunted by the ghosts of the past and by his terrible experiences on the battlefields. Can he find out the truth about Maud's death before the past - and his strange, unnerving surroundings - overwhelm him?A haunting, atmospheric mystery set against the raw Irish landscape in a country divided, The Winter Guest is the perfect chilling read.Praise for THE WINTER GUEST and W.C. Ryan'Haunting, gripping . . . hugely evocative' Elodie Harper'Works superbly on several levels. This is a most welcome winter guest indeed, to be greeted by the fire with drink in hand' Irish Times'Superb . . . I could not put it down' Elizabeth Buchan'Atmospheric and genuinely eerie, this is an ideal winter read' Sinead Crowley'A terrifically atmospheric, gripping novel' Amanda Craig, The Golden Rule'Haunting, beautifully crafted, and full of heart. Perfect reading for dark days' A.K. Benedict, author of The Christmas Murder Game'Beautifully written, haunting and unmissable' Cass Green'A haunting tale, beautifully told' Erin Kelly'Almost unbearably creepy and beautifully written' Liz Nugent'A splendid tale of wartime skullduggery, featuring both kinds of spooks - perfect fireside reading' Mick Herron'Hugely enjoyable . . . a taut thriller wrapped up in the gorgeous romance of its ghostly setting' Jane Casey'Perfect for a dark and stormy evening: a truly creepy and ingenious ghost story and murder mystery with an irresistible setting' Ragnar Jonasson'A tremendously enjoyable, ingeniously-plotted take on the haunted house mystery. Best read before dark!' Tammy Cohen'An atmospheric, hugely entertaining mystery. Ryan is a wonderful storyteller and will keep you up reading (and shivering) deep into the night' Antonia Hodgson
O'Reilly Media HTML & XHTML
"...lucid, in-depth descriptions of the behavior of every HTML tag on every major browser and platform, plus enough dry humor to make the book a pleasure to read." --Edward Mendelson, PC Magazine "When they say 'definitive' they're not kidding." --Linda Roeder, Put everthing you need to know about HTML & XHTML at your fingertips. For nearly a decade, hundreds of thousands of web developers have turned to HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide to master standards-based web development. Truly a definitive guide, the book combines a unique balance of tutorial material with a comprehensive reference that even the most experienced web professionals keep close at hand. From basic syntax and semantics to guidelines aimed at helping you develop your own distinctive style, this classic is all you need to become fluent in the language of web design. The new sixth edition guides you through every element of HTML and XHTML in detail, explaining how each element works and how it interacts with other elements. You'll also find detailed discussions of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which is intricately related to web page development. The most all-inclusive, up-to-date book on these languages available, this edition covers HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, and CSS2, with a preview of the upcoming XHTML2 and CSS3. Other topics include the newer initiatives in XHTML (XForms, XFrames, and modularization) and the essentials of XML for advanced readers. You'll learn how to: * Use style sheets to control your document's appearance * Work with programmatically generated HTML * Create tables, both simple and complex * Use frames to coordinate sets of documents * Design and build interactive forms and dynamic documents * Insert images, sound files, video, Java applets, and JavaScript programs * Create documents that look good on a variety of browsers The authors apply a natural learning approach that uses straightforward language and plenty of examples. Throughout the book, they offer suggestions for style and composition to help you decide how to best use HTML and XHTML to accomplish a variety of tasks. You'll learn what works and what doesn't, and what makes sense to those who view your web pages and what might be confusing. Written for anyone who wants to learn the language of the Web--from casual users to the full-time design professionals--this is the single most important book on HTML and XHTML you can own. Bill Kennedy is chief technical officer of MobileRobots, Inc. When not hacking new HTML pages or writing about them, "Dr. Bill" (Ph.D. in biophysics from Loyola University of Chicago) is out promoting the company's line of mobile, autonomous robots that can be used for artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic research, and education. Chuck Musciano began his career as a compiler writer and crafter of tools at Harris Corporations' Advanced Technology Group and is now a manager of Unix Systems in Harris' Corporate Data Center.
Hemeria The Sowers of Joy
As she crosses Asia on her own, the path of a 30-year-old French girl accidentally crosses that of a unique religious community, tiny and composed exclusively of women. They live in Puntsokling: one of the ten totally destitute Buddhist nunnery of Zanskar, a valley on the edge of the Himalayas in northwestern India, still isolated from the rest of the country by its inhospitable geography.This meeting at the end of the world will change the course of her existence and, without a doubt, that of the nuns. A revelation and a long human as well as spiritual journey.Caroline Riegel's book is a two-sided journey. Through the story she tells us, we discover both the charm of a unique "tribe" with astonishing sorority (a journey into the intimate) and the masterful beauty of their territory (a journey into the landscapes). But humans are inseparable from the environment in which they live. Here, the harshness of the elements did not generate that of the characters but their dazzling vitality. The hostile environment strengthened hearts, embracing in one movement the spirituality and uncompromising beauty of Nature. Devoid of the superfluous, these Sowers rub shoulders with the essence of the soul, the awareness of Happiness.Caroline Riegel's photographs demonstrate the closeness that she has created with her "subjects", giving photographic work the power to reveal the Other and to make him access the universal. The still image gives them a voice and opens up intercultural and intergenerational dialogue. Caroline Riegel is not just a simple spectator, her photography is not sidelined, it does not freeze the Other. On the contrary, it is the source of life, and testifies to the flourishing of bodies, faces and souls. Her camera is a tool she uses to testify to the uniqueness of this extraordinary community to as many people as possible.Caroline Riegel delivers a luminous tribute, in images and words, to these women who have found, in the heart of the Zanskar mountains, far from the modern world, a balance of life. Faced with destitution: joy. Faced with loneliness: solidarity. In the face of autarky: authenticity.In the same way that Matthieu Ricard - the preface's author - speaks of wonder to the world, the smile of The Sowers of Joy testifies to their singular gaze on what surrounds them, on the meaning of existence, on simplicity of life.In the great tradition of books by traveling photographers, The Sowers of Joy is both an ode to Nature, a unique encounter with otherness, an openness to the world, a quest for meaning, a tribute humanist, a family album where love, respect and benevolence burst out on every page.Photographer Caroline Riegel has lived day after day with these nuns from afar. His photographs are snapshots of simple gestures in a mostly agrarian community, where each activity gives its rhythm to the unfolding of the days, according to the seasons. Often ancestral practices, carried by a Buddhist culture almost 1000 years old.
De Gruyter Human and Technological Progress Towards the Socio-Economic Paradigm of the Future: Part 1
This book explores the social consequences of digitization. The authors determine the problems, substantiate the perspectives, and offer recommendations for determining the role of human in modern digital society. The scientific concept "homo digital" is developed, and the essence of its formation in the process of evolution of "homo economicus" is studied. The transition from the post-industrial to the information society is also considered. The authors show that in the context of the digital economy the problem of economization (commercialization) of non-economic (non-profit) spheres and types of economic activity become more urgent; they are analyzed through the prism of the theory of time in economics. Based on this, the increase of the influence of the consumer society on the modern social environment is shown. The key role of human capital in formation of a new quality of economic growth in the digital economic environment is substantiated, and transformation processes in the structure and practice of application of human capital are analyzed. The idea of social justice is reconsidered through the prism of digital society as a social environment with equal opportunities but different competences and motives. Attention is paid to the modern Russian practice of influence of the digital economy on society on the whole and each human. Scientific and methodological recommendations for indicative evaluation of quality of economic growth in the conditions of digitization of Russia’s economic system are offered, and the specifics of the problem of socio-economic differentiation of the Russian population in the conditions of technological progress are shown. Based on this, it is proved that the digital economy has a contradictory influence on society, increasing the accessibility of goods and services, in particular hi-tech ones, but also causing an urgent need for adapting to the new economic conditions. This adaptation is largely determined by capabilities of people, flexibility of their thinking, and ability for learning and development. Thus, instead of the expected provision of balance of society, its disproportions could grow in practice. Also, specific features of regional migration in modern Russia in the context of digitization are determined. The role of emotional intellect in formation of the critical thinking of a company’s employees is outlined. Due to this, it is shown that so called "human factor", which is traditionally treated as a source of economic risks and costs, acquires a new role in the conditions of the digital economy – a source of value creation and reduction of risks of technological progress, due to justified opposition to unfavorable changes. Informal labor relations based on digital communications, as the highest form of evolution of these relations that is achieved in the conditions of Industry 4.0, is considered. The central role of higher education in the process of social adaptation to the conditions of Industry 4.0 is outlined. The economic and legal issues of the digital economy are considered – in particular, the issue of democracy in the digital society in the conditions of e-government.
Rowman & Littlefield Crazy Sexy Diet: Eat Your Veggies, Ignite Your Spark, And Live Like You Mean It!
The New York Times bestseller, now in paperback! Kris Carr, author of the best-selling Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips and Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor, takes on the crazy sexy subject of what and how we eat, drink, and think. Infused with Carr's signature sass, wit and advice-from-the-trenches style, Crazy Sexy Diet is a beautifully illustrated resource that puts you on the fast track to vibrant health, happiness and a great ass! Along with help from her posse of experts, she lays out the fundamentals of her Crazy Sexy Diet: an anti-inflammatory, vegetarian program that emphasizes balancing the pH of the body with lush whole and raw foods, nourishing organic green drinks, and scrumptious smoothies. Plus, she shares the steps of her own twenty-one-day cleanse, and simple but delectable sample recipes. Carr empowers readers to move from a state of constant bodily damage control to one of renewal and repair, making this a must-have for anyone who seeks to be a confident and sexy wellness warrior. Including contributions by: Dean Ornish, M.D. – author and founder and president of the Preventive Medicine Research InstituteNeal Barnard, M.D. – author, founder of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), author of Food for LifeKathy Freston – author of Quantum Wellness and health advocateAlejandro Junger, M.D. – author of Clean: The Revolutionary Program to Restore the Body's Natural Ability to Heal Itself, and director of integrative medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital, NYCRory Freedman – coauthor of Skinny Bitch and health advocateMark Hyman, M.D. – author of The UltraMind Solution and pioneer in functional medicineEmily Deschanel – star of the Fox series Bones and health advocateSharon Gannon – author of Yoga and Vegetarianism, and cofounder of Jivamukti YogaWayne Pacelle – president & CEO, The Humane Society of the United StatesStacy Malkan – author and cofounder of the Campaign for Safe CosmeticsDr. Lilli Link – specialist in raw foods and integrative nutrition Frank Lipman – author of Revive: Stop feeling Spent and Start Living Again and founder of the Eleven Eleven Wellness Center Do you have any idea what it's like to feel blissfully whole and comfortable in your skin? You will. The Crazy Sexy Diet and lifestyle will give you the tools to navigate through life with clarity, balance, and flow. Health is more than just the absence of disease; it is the presence of vitality. Health is freedom from obstruction; it's living in a harmonious way that creates both inner and outer peace. . . . The Crazy Sexy Diet is loaded with wisdom, tips and advice from personal experience. If I feel great living and eating this way then you can feel fantastic! What I present to you is what works for me and countless other wellness warriors. This information just might save your life, or at the very least reduce the pesky cellulite. It's an awakening without the disease, knowledge without the price. Changing your mind is the biggest obstacle you face. But once you do, you'll realize that you are the one you've been waiting for. . . . From the Introduction
Penguin Books Ltd The Eagle Unbowed: Poland and the Poles in the Second World War
In Halik Kochanski's extraordinary book, the untold story of Poland and the Poles in the Second World War is finally heardBy almost every measure the fate of the inhabitants of Poland was the most terrible of any group in the Second World War. Following the destruction of its armed forces in the autumn of 1939, the Republic of Poland was partitioned between Nazi and Soviet forces and officially ceased to exist. As the war progressed millions of Poles were killed, with each phase unleashing a further round, from the industrialised genocide of Treblinka to the crushing of the Warsaw Rising. Polish Jews were all to be murdered, Christians reduced to a semi-literate slave class. This powerful and original new book is perhaps the most important 'missing' work on the whole conflict, describing both the fate of those trapped within occupied Poland and of the millions of Poles who were able to escape.Reviews:'A remarkable book ... [Kochanski] brings to the subject not only an impressive grasp of the military and political context, but also a balance, neutrality and honesty few could manage, combined with the intelligence, imagination and empathy necessary to grasp the true depth of the experience she recounts ... This book is history at its best. It tells the whole story, and tells it well, with just the right mixture of detachment and empathy, in crisp, readable prose. But it also speaks to the imagination and makes the reader think - and not just about the subject in hand' Standpoint'Until Halik Kochanski's The Eagle Unbowed nobody had written a comprehensive English-language history of Poland at war ... She uncovers details that will surprise even history geeks ... Ms Kochanski marshals an impressive and comprehensive array of English and Polish material' Economist'Poland's war was so terrible as to almost defy summary ... this book is opinionated, fluid and forceful' Oliver Bullough, New Statesman'An informative, authoritative and wide-ranging account of the tragedy that befell Poland and its inhabitants, Gentiles and Jews, during the war and its aftermath ... An engaging and important book' Hubert Zawadzki (author of A Concise History of Poland)About the author:Halik Kochanski read Modern History at Balliol College, Oxford and then completed a PhD at King's College London. She has taught at both King's College London and University College London and presented papers to a number of military history conferences. She has written a number of articles and is the author of Sir Garnet Wolseley: Victorian Hero (1999). She is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. She has been a member of the councils of the Army Records Society and Society for Army Historical Research and remains a member of both societies. She is also a member of the British Commission for Military History and the Institute for Historical Research. She is currently a judge for the Templer Medal book prize.
Cornerstone Godmersham Park: The Sunday Times top ten bestseller by the acclaimed author of Miss Austen
From the number one bestselling author of Miss Austen, a powerful and moving novel featuring Jane Austen's closest friend and confidante . . .* Waterstones Fiction Book of the Month *'So envious of anyone yet to read this. A triumph!' Nigella Lawson'A masterly piece of storytelling.' Helena Kelly'The great writer is brought to life in this clever, well-researched piece of fiction' The Times'Thoroughly entertaining, Godmersham Park has some of the same understated wit and sharp observation as Austen's novels' Sunday Times'Displays a keen sense of wit and rich characterisation ... a thoroughly enjoyable book' Observer________________January 1804: Anne Sharpe arrives at Godmersham Park in Kent to take up the position of governess.At thirty-one years old, she has no previous experience of either teaching or fine country houses. But her mother has died and she desperately needs an independent income if she is to survive.For her new charge, twelve-year-old Fanny Austen, Anne's arrival is all novelty and excitement.But Anne is keenly aware that her new role is an awkward one: she is neither one of the servants nor one of the family, and to balance a position between the 'upstairs' and 'downstairs' members of the household is a diplomatic chess game. One wrong move may result in her instant dismissal.She has just begun to settle into her position when dashing Henry Austen and his younger sister Jane come to stay.Both take an immediate interest in the pretty, clever governess who quickly becomes drawn into the above stairs life of the Austen family.Despite her best endeavours, Anne finds that she is beginning to fall in love. But has her survival at Godmersham Park just become a good deal more precarious?________________More love for Godmersham Park . . .'If you love Jane Austen you're sure to enjoy Gill Hornby's stylish glimpse into the life of young governess Anne Sharp ... this elegantly written tale skilfully recreates a world where governesses are midway between the family upstairs and the servants downstairs.' The Independent 'Utterly absorbing and illuminating ... Gill Hornby's best book yet.' Esther Freud'I read it straight through without looking up.' Karen Joy Fowler'Meticulously researched, Hornby's absorbing novel revels in the joys and tensions of life above and below stairs.' Mail on Sunday'An invigorating riff on an author whose life and works keep on giving, and an ideal companion for your beach towel this summer.' Metro'Gill Hornby has created another winning tribute to the genius of Jane.' Woman________________Readers can't get enough of Godmersham Park . . .***** 'An utter joy - powerful, moving, clever and entirely delightful.'***** 'I enjoyed the pace of the story as well as learning about the family.'***** 'I was quite transported by Godmersham Park, which often feels as if from Austen's own pen.'***** 'I have never loved a book so much!'***** 'I thoroughly enjoyed the story.'Sunday Times bestseller, January 2023
Stanford University Press Crook County: Racism and Injustice in America's Largest Criminal Court
Winner of the 2017 Eduardo Bonilla-Silva Outstanding Book Award, sponsored by the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Finalist for the C. Wright Mills Book Award, sponsored by the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Winner of the 2017 Oliver Cromwell Cox Book Award, sponsored by the American Sociological Association's Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities. Winner of the 2017 Mary Douglas Prize for Best Book, sponsored by the American Sociological Association's Sociology of Culture Section. Honorable Mention in the 2017 Book Award from the American Sociological Association's Section on Race, Class, and Gender. NAACP Image Award Nominee for an Outstanding Literary Work from a debut author. Winner of the 2017 Prose Award for Excellence in Social Sciences and the 2017 Prose Category Award for Law and Legal Studies, sponsored by the Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division, Association of American Publishers. Silver Medal from the Independent Publisher Book Awards (Current Events/Social Issues category). Americans are slowly waking up to the dire effects of racial profiling, police brutality, and mass incarceration, especially in disadvantaged neighborhoods and communities of color. The criminal courts are the crucial gateway between police action on the street and the processing of primarily black and Latino defendants into jails and prisons. And yet the courts, often portrayed as sacred, impartial institutions, have remained shrouded in secrecy, with the majority of Americans kept in the dark about how they function internally. Crook County bursts open the courthouse doors and enters the hallways, courtrooms, judges' chambers, and attorneys' offices to reveal a world of punishment determined by race, not offense. Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve spent ten years working in and investigating the largest criminal courthouse in the country, Chicago–Cook County, and based on over 1,000 hours of observation, she takes readers inside our so-called halls of justice to witness the types of everyday racial abuses that fester within the courts, often in plain sight. We watch white courtroom professionals classify and deliberate on the fates of mostly black and Latino defendants while racial abuse and due process violations are encouraged and even seen as justified. Judges fall asleep on the bench. Prosecutors hang out like frat boys in the judges' chambers while the fates of defendants hang in the balance. Public defenders make choices about which defendants they will try to "save" and which they will sacrifice. Sheriff's officers cruelly mock and abuse defendants' family members. Delve deeper into Crook County with related media and instructor resources at Crook County's powerful and at times devastating narratives reveal startling truths about a legal culture steeped in racial abuse. Defendants find themselves thrust into a pernicious legal world where courtroom actors live and breathe racism while simultaneously committing themselves to a colorblind ideal. Gonzalez Van Cleve urges all citizens to take a closer look at the way we do justice in America and to hold our arbiters of justice accountable to the highest standards of equality.
Oxford University Press Animal Physiology: an environmental perspective
Wild animals survive in a variety of complex environments; they are exposed to predictable and unpredictable changes in their particular environment on a daily or seasonal basis. However, we live in a time when almost all natural environments are undergoing relatively rapid change, and many of these changes, such as the pollution of air and water, removal of natural food sources, environment fragmentation, and climate change, are the result of human activity. Animal Physiology: an environmental perspective shows how an understanding of the physiology of animals in their natural habitats helps us to understand not only how and why animals evolved the way they did, but how we can act to protect at least some of them from the extreme effects of the changes affecting their environments. Part One sets the foundation for the topics covered in the remainder of the book by introducing a range of fundamental processes that are essential to life. It considers the diversity of habitats on Earth in which animals live, and examines animal groups and their evolutionary relationships. It then explores the different feeding strategies used by animals to obtain the energy they require to carry out all the essential functions of life, and how animals convert the chemical energy in food molecules into the energy they need to power all body functions. Finally, it explores the general properties of animal cells, and how animals maintain a suitable internal environment in which their cells are protected from external influences. We then examine those fundamental principles governing the main exchanges between the cells within animals, and between an animal and its environment. Parts two to four of the book explore how different organ systems - respiratory and circulatory systems, excretory organs and endocrine systems - enable animals to interact with their environment, and how environmental temperature profoundly affects the physiology of animals. Part five considers how the sensory and nervous systems provide animals with information on their internal as well as their external environment, and how they, together with the endocrine system, are involved in the control and co-ordination of muscles, reproduction, salt and water balance, and the cardio-respiratory systems. Digital formats and resources Animal Physiology: an environmental perspective is supported by online resources and is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: The book's online resources include: For students: - Original articles: a list of original articles consulted during the writing of each chapter so that you can explore the original research for yourself. - Additional case studies and experimental approach panels to augment those in the printed book. - Answers to numerical questions: full solutions to numerical questions so that you can verify your working. For registered adopters of the text: - Digital image library: Includes electronic files in JPG format of every illustration, photo, graph and table from the text
Hodder & Stoughton The Reset: Ideas to Change How We Work and Live
"The Reset is a provocative guide to how we fit into an ecosystem' - The Financial Times ________________ Being busy isn't an Identity Perks aren't office Culture Profit isn't all we want from Business Loneliness shouldn't happen in a Community Inequality isn't inevitable in a City We can all shape Society From the award-winning author and Financial Times columnist Elizabeth Uviebinené, a fundamental rethink of how we work and live. Because if we're going to really benefit from the radical shift of 2020, we have to rethink how we fit into an ecosystem. Elizabeth started with a simple desire to explore our relationship with work, and how it was impacting our lives. It became clear if we want to reset how we work as individuals, we're going to need to reset the work culture we exist in, the businesses we work for, the communities we're a part of, the cities we live in and the society we can shape. We can't just rethink one strand of society; we need to rethink everything together. It's time for a Reset. The Reset is a short, digestible book for people who want to work better, and live better. Elizabeth addresses our urge to work differently, to work in a way that suits more parts of our lives. It's optimistic, positive and provocative, offering fresh perspectives on the way we live now, and a punchy idea for how we might live in the future. So what's possible now that would have seemed impossible before?Some people seek purpose in work. Others see work as a tool to live with purpose outside of work. Where do you sit on this scale?'An exciting, refreshing, curious read which addresses not just the future of work but how to fundamentally rethink the way we live' -EMMA GANNON, author of The Sunday Times bestseller The Multi-Hyphen Method "At a time when many of us are reconsidering our work/life balance in the long-term, it's an illuminating read." - Cosmopolitan"Uviebinené's passion about resetting how we live and work is infectious and eye-opening." - Marie Claire "This book made me stop and rethink my relationship with work. Elizabeth challenges us all to create a new social contract with trust, purpose and community at its heart. Where we work by design and not by default and in doing so, create a world of work that is more balanced, inclusive and better for everyone." - Helen Tupper, CEO of Amazing If and co-author of The Squiggly Careers The Reset features interviews from: Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London Alex Mahon, CEO of Channel 4 Ete Davies, CEO of Engine Group Rachel Botsman, Oxford University's first Trust fellow Sereena Abassi, Worldwide Head of Culture and Inclusion, M&C Saatchi Anna Whitehouse (Mother Pukka), flexible working campaigner Cassandra Stavrou, Founder of Proper Indy Johar, Founder of think tank Dark Matter Labs Nadia Whittome, Labour MP for Nottingham Pip Jameson, Founder of the Dots Karen Rosenkranz, trend forecaster and consultant Joanna Lyall, UK CEO of Brainlabs
Open University Press The Social Work Dissertation: Using Small-Scale Qualitative Methodology
"This book is an indispensable and uniquely placed resource for any social work student daunted by the prospect of the dissertation, or indeed for practitioners who are starting out in research. Malcolm Carey has managed the difficult task of producing a guide which is not only accessible and full of practicable advice, but is also grounded in theory and strongly informed by social work values. As a social work PhD student, I would highly recommend this book to fellow students at all levels of qualification."Hannah Jobber, PhD student, University of York, UK"Malcolm Carey has written an excellent second edition. It combines discussion of theoretical issues with practical guidance, supported with clear examples. It achieves a rare balance of conceptual sophistication combined with the provision of down-to-earth advice. Students at undergraduate and postgraduate levels will find it answers the majority of their questions about how to do a dissertation in a very clear and accessible way."Professor Steven M Shardlow, The University of Salford, UK and Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Social Work "I have recommended the first edition of this book to undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking dissertations and I will definitely be recommending this 2nd edition. It is a very clearly written and accessible guide to the process of writing a research-based dissertation from first thoughts through to final writing up. The book is well laid out with excellent summaries of key points in table form. Carey takes the student through the research process discussing the importance of the different stages in contributing to the dissertation as a whole.This new edition has been updated to take account of new areas such as the growth of systematic reviews and remains an excellent sourcebook for students and anyone taking their first steps in undertaking research."David Saltiel, Lecturer in Social Work, School of Healthcare, University of Leeds, UK"This book conveys complex information pertaining to research in a clear and accessible way… this is a comprehensive guide which is easy to follow."Val Sylvester, Senior Lecturer, The School of Health and Social Care, Birmingham City University, UKResearch is now identified as comprising an integral part of everyday practice within health and social care. The second edition of this popular book equips students and practitioners within social work with the skills and knowledge to effectively undertake research and complete their dissertation. Written in a clear and straight forward way, the book demystifies tasks which may at first seem difficult, such as the literature review or interviews with practitioners, and clarifies the research process by providing a straightforward guide to the basics. Topics include: Deciding a topic Setting a research question and clear objectives The stages followed whilst completing a dissertation How to undertake a literature review Analysis and writing up Ethical issues This new edition has been fully updated to include more guidance on doing a literature review and literature based research, how the internet can be used to undertake research and more details of ethics and writing up. This book provides an essential guidebook to qualitative research methodology for social work students and practitioners.
University of Minnesota Press Farm Prices: Myth and Reality
Farm Prices was first published in 1958. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions.Few domestic questions are so controversial as the farm problem, yet the average city man finds it difficult to understand the basic issues involved. In this book Professor Cochrane describes for the layman the nature and causes of the commercial farm problem and the rural poverty problem and provides the basis for making informed judgments about these problems and their possible solutions. He analyzes the economic and political forces which are at work in the farm economy, explains the organization of modern agriculture, showing the unique structure of farming, and draws a vivid picture of the revolutionary developments which have taken place in agriculture. He discusses behavior patterns of farmers and consumers as they relate to the farm economy, and the role of government in the farm industry and in the lives of farmers.Farm prices are constantly fluctuating, and out of this price variability emerge such serious and continuing farm problems as variable incomes, low incomes over extended periods, and uncertainty in production planning. In this study Professor Cochrane seeks to get at the root of the trouble by, first, exploring and exposing what he considers a basic fallacy in our present day thinking and approach to the farm problem. This is the widely held myth of an automatically adjusting agriculture, an agriculture that is always out of balance because of an "emergency." This myth, he points out, beclouds the issues involved in the whole farm problem.The farm price myth splits two ways in the public mind, Mr. Cochrane explains, but these divergent attitudes represent differences only in mechanics, not in principle, and they are equally effective in obscuring the real picture. One segment of the public believes that agriculture, if left alone for a while, would gravitate toward and stabilize at some desirable level and pattern of prices, production, and incomes. The other segment believes that the same result would occur if agriculture were given a temporary, helping hand by the government. Mr. Cochrane shows the fallacies inherent in both of these convictions by presenting an integrated, overall picture of farm price behavior as it really exists. On a basis of this realistic view, he presents the two alternatives or hard policy choices that he believes the American farmer faces today. Willard W. Cochrane is Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Minnesota. He is the author of a number of books, including The City Man's Guide to the Farm Problem and Farm Prices: Myth and Reality. He previously served as an economist with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He is the co-author of Economics of American Agriculture and Economics of Consumption.