Search results for ""edward elgar publishing ltd""
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Women Entrepreneurs and the Global Environment for Growth: A Research Perspective
Women?s entrepreneurship research and the understanding of factors influencing the growth of women-owned business have advanced significantly over the last decade. Yet, challenges remain. Women Entrepreneurs and the Global Environment for Growth provides wide-ranging insights on the challenges that women entrepreneurs face growing their businesses and how these may be addressed. This volume is rooted in research and considers growth challenges, provoking thought and enriching the current literature on gender and entrepreneurship. Part I highlights how contextual factors, and especially social and familial settings of entrepreneurs, have a differential impact on men and women. Part II examines strategies, constraints and enablers of growth and performance. The authors aptly demonstrate that a well-focused gender lens is necessary to better explain the phenomenon of women?s entrepreneurship. Extending previous studies about women?s entrepreneurship, this volume is unique in its application of research from the Diana Project, a path-breaking initiative dating from 1999 to study female entrepreneurial success. Contributions from an international cast of authors make this a comprehensive and broadly appealing reference work.Lending a fresh perspective to the field, this book will serve not only as a learning tool and teaching implement but will cultivate further progress in women?s entrepreneurship. As such, it is ideally suited for students and scholars of entrepreneurship and women?s studies, policy-makers, economic development analysts and gender researchers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Law and Theory of Trade Secrecy: A Handbook of Contemporary Research
This timely Handbook marks a major shift in innovation studies, moving the focus of attention from the standard intellectual property regimes of copyright, patent, and trademark, to an exploration of trade secrecy and the laws governing know-how, tacit knowledge, and confidential relationships. The editors introduce the long tradition of trade secrecy protection and its emerging importance as a focus of scholarly inquiry. The book then presents theoretical, doctrinal, and comparative considerations of the foundations of trade secrecy, before moving on to study the impact of trade secrecy regimes on innovation and on other social values. Coverage includes topics such as sharing norms, expressive interests, culture, politics, competition, health, and the environment.This important Handbook offers the first modern exploration of trade secrecy law and will strongly appeal to intellectual property academics, and to students and lawyers practicing in the intellectual property area. Professors in competition law, constitutional law and environmental law will also find much to interest them in this book, as will innovation theorists.Contributors include: R.G. Bone, C.M. Correa, R. Denicola, R.S. Eisenberg, V. Falce, H. First, J.C. Fromer, G. Ghidini, C.T. Graves, M.A. Lemley, D.S. Levine, D.E. Long, M.L. Lyndon, M.J. Madison, F.A. Pasquale, J.H. Reichman, M. Risch, P. Samuelson, S.K. Sandeen, G. Van Overwalle, E. von Hippel, D.L. Zimmerman
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Political Economy of Northeast Asian Regionalism: Political Conflict and Economic Integration
Functional integration in the economy has developed sufficiently in Northeast Asia. The problem, identified by this book, lies in the lag or deficiency of institutional integration. The main impediments to such a move come from non-economic factors including political conflict. This study proposes a Northeast Asian version of the regional integration model. A crisis model and a political leadership model are suggested, with political leadership playing a critical role in utilizing crises to advance regional integration. A market-based transition model and a development model are also offered to show how to ease the transition of North Korea and the development of underdeveloped parts of the region.This book is an objective analysis combining both 'insider' and 'outsider' (most notably US) perspectives of Northeast Asian regionalism. It also usefully applies regional integration theories to the realities of the Northeast Asian situation and presents policy options for regional integration. As the contributions form an interdisciplinary approach, covering economics and political science, the book will appeal to a wide readership. This will include academics and researchers of regional studies, political economy and Asian studies. Practitioners and policymakers working in this area will also appreciate it.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on Diversity Management at Work: Country Perspectives on Diversity and Equal Treatment
Managing and developing diversity is on the political and business agenda in many countries; therefore diversity management has become an area of knowledge and practice in its own right. Yet all too often it is referred to as a unifying concept, as if it were to be interpreted uniformly across all cultures and countries. The contributors to this volume expertly examine the relationship between diversity management and equality legislation within the different participating countries? national contexts. They advocate that such separation and sequencing between equality at work and diversity management is far from natural. This important original reference work will enhance awareness of potential pitfalls in addressing diversity. As such, it will be greatly appreciated by scholars who wish to better contextualize their research. The Handbook will also provide policy-makers with benchmark data regarding equal treatment and diversity as understood in other countries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Global Business and the Terrorist Threat
Global business is affected by global terrorism and the two are intricately linked on many levels. This book is an eclectic and enlightening compendium of research that explores the interrelationships between the two. A companion to and expansion on the authors' previous books in the area, Global Business and the Terrorist Threat takes a closer look at practical business management, as influenced by terrorist infrastructure, networks and actions.Many overlapping areas of influence between business and terrorism are explored in depth in the book. Among other topics, the authors discuss terrorism and news flows and their effect on stock markets, as well as the effects of transitional terrorism on bilateral trade. The importance of business continuity in the face of ongoing threats is detailed, as are efforts to avoid inadvertent interactions with terrorist groups. Border issues, challenges of benefit-cost analysis for terrorism security regulations, the impact of 9/11 on the travel industry and the assessment and management of global interdependent risks close out the book.This book will be a choice addition to the bookshelves of researchers and practitioners in international business, public policy, and terrorism and security.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash Jr., Reinhard Selten, Robert J. Aumann and Thomas C. Schelling
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates' careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trygve Haavelmo, James J. Heckman, Daniel L. McFadden, Robert F. Engle and Clive W.J. Granger
This groundbreaking series brings together a critical selection of key papers by the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics that have helped shape the development and present state of economics. The editors have organised this comprehensive series by theme and each volume focuses on those Laureates working in the same broad area of study. The careful selection of papers within each volume is set in context by an insightful introduction to the Laureates' careers and main published works. This landmark series will be an essential reference for scholars throughout the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Without Tears: From the First Ideas to Published Output
Research Without Tears provides a concise and fascinating guide for those starting their first research project and writing a paper, report or thesis. John Creedy, a widely published writer himself in both journals and books, argues that the process of planning and executing a research project, and producing a research paper which communicates results in a clear and succinct way, is far from self-evident even to those with extensive experience of writing other types of report or essay. This unique and invaluable book therefore sets down explicitly some of those points that even experienced researchers often take for granted.The book covers topics including: planning a first research project; writing a first research paper; writing a thesis and the relationship with a supervisor; the differences between journal and book publishing and what to expect from editors of both publishing formats. It also offers invaluable advice on structure, writing clearly and pitfalls to avoid as well as the processes involved in publishing.This highly interesting and valuable book will be essential reading for students and academics in economics and other related disciplines.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Internationalization, Entrepreneurship and the Smaller Firm: Evidence from Around the World
This forward-looking volume contains state-of-the-art analysis of the current research themes and challenges influencing the internationalization of SMEs.The editors have brought together perspectives from both academics and practitioners, who in turn use theoretical and empirical studies to identify gaps in research evidence, present case studies of internationalizing SMEs, and illustrate potential for future research. The book features some of the best known researchers in the field of international entrepreneurship, and combines a range of theoretical perspectives - including network and social capital, internationalization process, and international new venture frameworks as well as knowledge, learning and absorptive capacity paradigms.This timely study will appeal strongly to academics, researchers and students focusing on business and management, international business, entrepreneurship and international marketing. It will also provide important insights for international entrepreneurs and policy-makers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Gender and Entrepreneurship: A Multilevel Theory and Analysis
Amanda Elam proposes and tests an alternative view of entrepreneurship based on contemporary sociological theory. The resulting cross-national theory of gender and entrepreneurship specifies the context from which individuals initiate the creation of new businesses.This book examines three distinct contributions to the study of entrepreneurship. Firstly, it contributes to both sociological and institutional theories of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneur. Secondly, it presents a cross-national comparative framework for the multilevel analysis of entrepreneurship. Finally, this book produces a key multilevel finding with regard to the importance of national gender beliefs for the likelihood of business creation among both men and women. Gender and Entrepreneurship will be an invaluable tool for researchers and policymakers interested in testing assumptions about the importance and influence of key national factors on rates of entrepreneurial activity.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Primer for Benefit–Cost Analysis
Benefit-cost analysis (BCA) is the best technique for analyzing proposed or previously enacted projects to determine whether undertaking them is in the public interest, or for choosing between two or more mutually exclusive projects. An introduction to BCA for students as well as practitioners, this accessible volume describes the underlying economic theory and legal and philosophical foundations of BCA. BCA provides an objective framework around which discussion, correction and amendment can take place. Stated simply, it is the calculation of values for all the inputs and outputs from a project and then the subtraction of the first from the second. The authors' goal here is to take the mystery out of the process. They discuss practical issues of market-based valuation and aggregation, non-market valuation, practical applications of general equilibrium models, issues in discounting, and the impacts of risk and uncertainty in BCA. They also provide a list of resources and case studies looking at ethanol and the use of cellular phones by drivers. Straightforward in style and cutting-edge in coverage, this volume will be highly usable both as a text and a reference. Advanced undergraduates and masters students in public policy, public administration, economics and health care administration programs will find this a valuable resource. It will also be of great use to agencies that perform benefit-cost analyses.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Working Poor in Europe: Employment, Poverty and Globalization
For a long time in-work poverty was not associated with European welfare states. Recently, the topic has gained relevance as welfare state retrenchment and international competition in globalized economies has put increasing pressures on individuals and families. This book provides explanations as to why in-work poverty is high in certain countries and low in others.Much of the present concern about the working poor has to do with recent changes in labour market policies in Europe. However, this book is not primarily about low pay. Instead, it questions whether gainful employment is sufficient to earn a living - both for oneself and for one's family members. There are, however, great differences between European countries. This book argues that the incidence and structure of the working poor cannot be understood without a thorough understanding of each country's institutional context. This includes the system of wage-setting, the level of decommodification provided by the social security system and the structure of families and households. Combining cross-country studies with in-depth analyses from a national perspective, the book reveals that in-work poverty in Europe is a diverse, multi-faceted phenomenon occurring in equally diverse institutional, economic and socio-demographic settings.With its rich detail and conclusions, this genuinely comparative study will be of interest to academics and researchers of labour and welfare economics, social policy and European studies as well as to policy advisers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Entrepreneurship and the Growth of Firms
What characterizes the phenomenon of (small) firm growth, and how can it best be studied? Why and how do firms grow - and why don't they? Is firm growth externally determined or the result of managers' visions and actions? What are the different paths that firms follow in order to achieve high growth? Is growth evidence of entrepreneurship - and is growth always desirable?In this book, three leading scholars have integrated some of their most important research in order to answer these questions on firm growth. The result is a volume that builds on studies of many thousands of firms in several different projects. It offers deep insights into the firm growth phenomenon and how it can be studied. This research-based study promises to be a valuable resource for academics and students focussing on business and management, and, more specifically, entrepreneurship. Researchers who aspire to design and conduct further studies leading to deeper and better established insights into firm growth will also find the book invaluable, as will those who encourage and assist firm growth as part of their profession.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Rise of Transnational Corporations from Emerging Markets: Threat or Opportunity?
This comprehensive analysis deals with the range of issues raised by the rise of transnational corporations from emerging markets. This insightful book shows that foreign direct investment (FDI) from emerging markets has grown from negligible amounts in the early 1980s to $210 billion in 2007, with the stock of investment now being well over $1 trillion. This reflects the rise of firms from these economies to become important players in the world FDI market. The contributors to this book comprehensively analyze the rise of emerging market TNCs, the salient features of the transnational activities of these firms, the relationship of outward FDI and the competitiveness of the firms involved, their impact on host and home countries and implications for the international law and policy system.The subject of this study is both topical and important and poses a number of challenges that will require considerable policy attention in the future. It will appeal to academics interested in FDI as well as emerging markets. Karl P. Sauvant has gathered together a group of leading academics that makes this an informative and valuable read for anyone interested in the subject, including academics, students at all levels and private sector entities, as well as government officials dealing with outward FDI.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe: Rhetoric and Realities
The acid test of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is simply this: does it lead to positive impacts on society and the environment or is it just rhetoric? And if it does lead to positive impacts, how can these be enhanced? This timely book tackles this cutting-edge challenge by presenting empirical findings from a range of surveys and in-depth case studies. These build on a new methodological and theoretical framework for assessing and explaining the sustainability impact of CSR.For selected sustainability issues - mitigation of climate change and chemical risk, resource management in marine fisheries, promotion of gender equality and countering of bribery - and within different European industries, the authors show that the rhetoric of CSR is still stronger than its reality. They do so by investigating into CSR practices which encompass the creation of a vision on CSR, its strategic and operative implementation and its organisational and cultural embedding within companies and their supply chains. The authors conclude that the reality of CSR is strong enough to allow for some rhetoric. They name intra- and extra-company success factors for, and limits of, producing sustainability impacts through CSR. Finally, they discuss its contribution to achieving public policy goals and the governance paradigms that are necessary to make CSR effective. The volume successfully combines a business and public policy perspective, based on an interdisciplinary approach.This book will be invaluable for both students and researchers interested in the effects of CSR, and will prove a useful tool for policy-makers and CSR practitioners alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Universities in Transition: Issues, Models and Cases
This timely and important book provides a critical analysis of the changes and challenges that currently affect European universities. Using both theoretical contributions and applied case studies, leading experts argue that universities as institutions are in need of change - although the routes that the process may take are heterogeneous. The authors debate whether the reform of universities suffers from the undue influence of generalisations that do not stand up to scrutiny. It is simply too narrow to focus on strategies such as imitating a 'university model', hoping that best practices will solve the inefficiencies of the organisation as a whole, or relying on the presence of few external individuals on the universities' board to save the difficult relationships between the university and the surrounding economy and society. These ideas ignore the diversity of universities geographically and historically. Above all, they underestimate the power that such diversity holds in making universities survive across centuries. Researchers with an interest in university reform will appreciate this important contribution to the debate, whilst policymakers and university administrators will find this book invaluable in understanding the changes and problems facing European universities and gaining insights on possible solutions.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Political Failure by Agreement: Learning Liberalism and the Welfare State
The purpose of this book is to reconsider economic liberalism from the viewpoint of political liberalism. The author argues that advocates of economic liberalism largely overlook empirical political preferences which, in many societies, go far beyond a limited role of the state. Recent difficulties of reforming the welfare state provide evidence that political preferences are at odds with liberal economic policy in numerous cases. This fact challenges a political conception which demands a limited state role but also claims that citizens' preferences 'as they are' should determine the content of policies. Using an evolutionary perspective on economic liberalism, the book develops new arguments about how economic liberalism can be brought into line with political liberalism.Drawing on an evolutionary theory of markets, Gerhard Wegner reinforces the claim that liberal economic policies are conducive to prosperity in society, but he argues that the liberal promise of prosperity does not translate into corresponding political preferences on the part of citizens. A tension between political and economic liberalism arises which lies at the centre of this book.Political Failure by Agreement will strongly appeal to postgraduate students and researchers of global governance, political theory, political economy and institutional economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Ralph Harris in His Own Words, the Selected Writings of Lord Harris
When Lord Harris of High Cross (Ralph Harris) died in October 2006, at the age of 81, the tributes to him described him as one of the 'men who changed Britain'. Friends and opponents alike acknowledged that Ralph, in his role as General Director of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) and in partnership with his friend, Arthur Seldon, had been instrumental in providing the ideas and the intellectual entrepreneurship that sparked the 'Thatcher revolution' of the 1980s, transforming the British economy from one of the worst performers among developed countries to one of the best. This book selects from Ralph's considerable opus, revealing that economics need not always be a 'dismal science'. Economic analysis was, in the hands of Ralph Harris, deployed to great effect in plain language and with a wit and wisdom that made it fun.Colin Robinson's Introduction places Ralph Harris' work in context and provides an invaluable insight into the author's beliefs and personality.Ralph Harris in His Own Words will be warmly welcomed and read by academics and researchers of economics, politics and the history of ideas as well as those interested in the work of the Institute of Economic Affairs.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Governance of Innovation: Firms, Clusters and Institutions in a Changing Setting
Published in Association with the Belgian-Dutch Association for Institutional and Political EconomyThis book takes the multidimensional nature of innovation as its point of departure, bringing together leading scholars from a variety of backgrounds to provide an authoritative and comprehensive overview of contemporary innovation challenges. Each chapter adopts its own disciplinary perspective, but all share a common focus on the dynamics that are present in the governance of innovation. The concept of governance is central to describing the social dynamics of innovation and the `nuts and bolts' of innovation processes. The authors demonstrate how influencing the process of invention, the kind of invention, and simultaneously benefiting from it, lies intuitively behind the meaning of innovation governance. In particular, two perspectives on innovation are expounded; the first being agency perspective, especially the innovating firm in the economic process, and the second is the wider social context in which innovation occurs. Extensive and comprehensive, this book illustrates that innovation is a complex and rich phenomenon with many dimensions and aspects. With a truly multidisciplinary perspective on the various dynamics affecting the governance of innovation, it will strongly appeal to a wide-ranging audience spanning scholars of innovation management, innovation politics, business administration, economics and political science.Contributors: M.J. Arentsen, M. Callon, G.C. Geerdink, P.-B. Joly, Y. Krozer, A. Midttun, N.-O. Orjasæter, A. Rip, D. Schiliro, P.J. Stauvermann, A.E. Steenge, W. van Rossum, J.-P. Voss
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Terrorism, Security and the Power of Informal Networks
This innovative work examines the concept of the informal network and its practical utility within the context of counterterrorism. Drawing together a range of practitioner and academic expertise it explores the character and evolution of informal networks, addressing the complex relationship between kinship groups, transnational linkages and the role that globalization and new technologies play in their formation and sustainability. By analysing the informal branch of networked organization in the context of security policy-making, the chapters in this book seek to address three questions: â?¢ how do informal networks operate? â?¢ which combination of factors draws individuals to form such networks?â?¢ what are their structures? Informal networks are necessarily elusive owing to their ad hoc development, amorphous structures and cultural specificity but they are nonetheless pivotal to the way organizations conduct business. Identifying and manipulating such networks is central to effective policy-making. Terrorism, Security and the Power of Informal Networks argues that informal networks are important to policy-makers and their mastery is critical to success both in tackling the challenges of hostile networks and in the processes of organizational reform currently preoccupying governments. Practitioners, policy-makers and researchers in the fields of international politics, international relations, history and political science will find much to interest them in this timely resource.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Monetary and Exchange Rate Systems: A Global View of Financial Crises
Combining critical perspectives with a positive contribution to economic policy, both national and international, this book considers the causes and consequences of recent financial crises presenting cutting-edge material.The editors bring together a number of well-known scholars to offer their views and elaborate on alternative solutions with respect to the Washington Consensus on how to restructure the monetary and financial system in order to avoid financial crises in the future. The book deals with a number of issues, such as the Asian financial crises of the 1990s, exchange rate arrangements, financial liberalization and capital controls. The contributors take a critical approach, providing the elements for a new analysis of monetary and exchange rate issues in the modern world.Monetary and Exchange Rate Systems will be extremely useful for researchers and policymakers interested in monetary macroeconomics and in the international financial system.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Labor and Employment Law and Economics
The economic analysis of labor and employment law is a bold effort to apply economic theory to explain important empirical facts about the regulation of the employment relationship and to provide positive predictions and normative analyses that are useful to policy-makers. This book draws together 24 chapters, by leading scholars in the field, summarizing the important theoretical and empirical work that has been done to date on a wide spectrum of labor and employment law topics including: regulating employment contracts, unions, collective bargaining, minimum wages, health insurance, executive pay, workers' compensation, unemployment, occupational health and safety, discrimination, needs of families, training and slave labor, to name but a few.This volume is one of the first in a series on specific topics within law and economics which builds upon, updates and replaces Elgar's very popular Encyclopedia of Law and Economics. It is designed as an essential starting point for academics and policy-makers who are interested in these topics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Governance and Law: State Regulation and Non-state Law
Around the world, the role of national regulation is often hotly debated. This book takes as its starting point the fact that legislatures and regulators are criticized for overregulation and for producing poor-quality regulation which ignores input from citizens and stifles private initiative. This situation has enhanced the role of non-state law, in forms such as self-regulation and soft law. In this book, international scholars in various fields of law, as well as socio-legal studies, address the question to what extent non-state law currently influences state regulation, and what the consequences of non-state law are likely to be for state regulation.Drawing lessons for the state legislature and state regulators, this innovative book will be of great interest to academic researchers and post graduate students in the fields of law, regulation, legal sociology, legal theory, law and economics, and environmental law. It will also be of interest to policy makers and regulators - those working at ministries and government departments drafting legislation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd China, India and Beyond: Development Drivers and Limitations
China, India and Beyond challenges the widespread belief that China and India will be the driving forces of the global economy in the 21st century. Scholars of these two countries offer scenarios ranging from buoyant to subdued to negative, depending on how they evaluate the drivers of development (market-oriented reforms, global integration and investment in human capital), and its limitations (infrastructure bottlenecks, environmental degradation and institutional frailties). The book covers a broad set of topics, including international trade and investment, health care and grassroots democracy. Readers from all countries will benefit from this cogent analysis of the delicate balance among the various ingredients of successful development versus failure.This timely book will appeal to political scientists, economists and other social scientists conducting research and teaching courses in political economy, development studies, globalization and public policy. Policy-oriented researchers and policymakers will also find this study an important resource.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Money, Prices and the Real Economy
This book sets out, in straightforward, accessible terms, crucial aspects of monetary economics. It opens with an exposition of the fundamental question of what money is and what it does. Distinguished contributors then examine the key role of price stability and how to achieve it. Core issues addressed include: an examination of the long run effect of money on prices an analysis of the complex and variable relationship between money and fluctuations in the real economy an investigation of inflation and its dangerous consequences an analysis of the effect of regulation on the stability of financial systems in developed and developing countries the relationship between the money supply regime and economic performance the effect of monetary fluctuations on the interest rate the choice of targets for monetary policy. This book will be extremely useful to practising economists, students and scholars of financial and monetary economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Inequality and Economic Development: The Modern Perspective
In this innovative collection, Oded Galor brings together some of the most influential contributions to the modern literature on income distribution and economic growth. Initially the essential volume analyses the importance of inequality and development, past and present. Further, it explores human capital formation, gender inequality, landownership, ethical division and political transitions. The editor has written an authoritative and lively introduction that provides a much-needed insight into this valuable field of study.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Creative Industries and Economic Evolution
This insightful book offers a new way of looking at the arts, culture and the creative industries from the perspective of evolutionary economics.The creative industries are key drivers of modern economies. While economic analysis has traditionally advanced a market-failure model of arts and culture, this book argues for an evolutionary market dynamics or innovation-based approach. Jason Potts explores theoretical and conceptual aspects of an evolutionary economic approach to the study of the creative economy. Topics include creative businesses and labor markets, social networks, innovation processes and systems, institutions, and the role of creative industries in market dynamics and economic growth.Written by a leading academic expert in the field, this highly regarded compendium will prove essential for researchers and students of creative industries, cultural economics and evolutionary economics.Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Cultural Economics vs Economics of Creative Industries; 3. Young, Creative and Extremely Rich; 4. Evolutionary Economics of Creativity; 5. Creativity under Competition and the Problem of Overshooting; 6. Creative Labour Markets and Signalling; 7. Identity Dynamics and Economic Evolution; 8. Social Network Markets; 9. Creative Industries Over an Innovation Trajectory; 10. Fashion and Economic Evolution; 11. Capitalism, Socialism and Culture; 12. Four Models of the Creative Industries; 13. Creative Clusters; 14. Novelty Bundling Markets; 15. Creative Industries and Economic Development; 16. Conclusion; References
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Macroeconomic Institutions and Development
The fading explanatory power of earlier development theories in providing a satisfactory account of diverse developmental experiences has necessitated a new framework to understand economic development. Bilin Neyapti presents this new framework, known as New Development Economics (NDE), which combines new institutional economics with collective action theory to explain the dynamic interaction between institutions and economic development.Besides reviewing earlier development theories and the fundamental building blocks of NDE, the author uses the NDE framework to present theoretical underpinnings and panel evidence on the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary institutions. The book incorporates the essential elements of institutional theory and highlights the issues pertaining to the measurement of institutional characteristics and the empirical analyses involving such measurement. It provides the theoretical framework of and empirical evidence on fiscal institutions, covering budgetary rules and procedures as well as fiscal decentralization, and reviews the theoretical framework for monetary institutions such as central bank independence, currency boards, monetary unions and inflation targeting in addition to providing empirical evidence on their effectiveness. The role of bank regulation and supervision is also investigated. This path-breaking and original book will prove a fascinating read for a wide-ranging audience including academics, think tanks, international development agencies and policymakers within the fields of development, economics, heterodox economics and money, banking and finance.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Experimental Economics and the Environment
Laboratory and field experiments have grown significantly in prominence over the past decade. The experimental method provides randomization in key variables therefore permitting a deeper understanding of important economic phenomena. This path-breaking volume provides a valuable collection of experimental work within the area of environmental and resource economics and showcases how laboratory and field experiments can be used for both positive and normative purposes.The Handbook provides a timely reminder to social scientists, policymakers, international bodies, and practitioners that appropriate decision-making relies on immediate and sharp feedback, both of which are key features of proper experimentation. This book includes a collection of research that makes use of the experimental method to explore key issues within environmental and resource economics that will prove invaluable for both students and academics working in these areas.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd EU Competition Enforcement and Human Rights
This book discusses the procedural rights enjoyed by those being investigated under Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty and of the Merger Control Regulation, and their right to challenge the Commission's decision in the Community Courts. It further assesses how their rights to 'due process' in competition proceedings before the European Commission comply with the notion of 'administrative fairness' enshrined in the European Convention on Human Rights, in accordance with the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.In this study, Arianna Andreangeli takes into account key developments such as modernisation and its impact on competition proceedings before the Commission, the debate on the principles of legal professional privilege, the protection against self incrimination, the rule of ne bis in idem and the possibility of establishing an 'EU competition court'. It offers an examination of the right to be heard, the right to have access to the Commission-held evidence, and to legal professional privilege, and the right to silence and to seek judicial review of Commission decisions and assess them in the light of the Strasbourg court's case law.Academics active in the area of competition law, EU law and human rights, as well as practitioners active in the area of competition law will find much to interest them in this book.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Biographical Dictionary of New Chinese Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders
This exhaustive resource provides comprehensive coverage of the major players in the Chinese economy since the reform era, which began in 1978. It includes 200 entries briefly summarizing each individual's life and career, with a central focus on his or her accomplishments and the key roles played in the economic development of China. The emphasis of the book is on the movers and shakers of China's new economy, highlighting notable figures from both the initial economic liberalization period and the renewed growth from the early 1990s to the present time. This invaluable dictionary is the result of collaborative efforts across the globe. Over forty scholars from the United States, mainland China and Taiwan, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Norway, Israel and Malaysia contributed. They cover the full spectrum of Chinese industries from banking, finance and investment, real estate, transportation and infrastructure, to manufacturing, telecommunications, media, agriculture, automobile, pharmaceutical, food, trade, service and retail industries. The book includes not only business leaders from mainland China, but also entrepreneurs from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia who have strong ties with the Chinese economy. Because of the key roles they played in economic development, some leading economists and high-ranking government officials are also included. The editors do not shy away from controversial figures, whose actions have had profound impacts on the Chinese economy, and who may have gotten into legal problems later in their career. Scholars, practitioners and librarians in international business, entrepreneurship and Asian studies will find this volume an essential addition to their reference shelf.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Law and Governance of Water Resources: The Challenge of Sustainability
This path-breaking book focuses on the law and legal doctrine within the wider policy context of water resources and analyses the concept of sustainability.To achieve the sustainable use and development of water resources is a daunting challenge for both global and local communities. It requires commitments from all groups within international, national and local communities from their own particular, possibly conflicting, perspectives. Without a set of coherent legal arrangements designed to ensure effective governance of water resources, their sustainable use and development is unlikely to be achieved. Douglas Fisher considers how legal arrangements for managing water resources have evolved across the continents over hundreds of years. He explores their relevance for contemporary society; how the norms of current international and national legal regimes are responding; and, most importantly, how legal rights and duties should be structured so as to achieve sustainability in the future.This detailed textual and linguistic analysis of legal doctrines and instruments in relation to water resources will be invaluable for international and national water resources policy analysts, water resource managers and water resource lawyers. Students of water resource management, sustainable development and sustainability will also find this book of great interest to them.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Asian-Pacific Rim Logistics: Global Context and Local Policies
Asian-Pacific Rim Logistics presents a wide span of material, geographically and conceptually, in considerable depth. Current conditions are presented with an historical context and up-to-date detail that will satisfy the specialist reader as well as those new to logistics and to Asian conditions. The coverage of logistics and policies within and between Japan, South Korea and China is particularly strong. The examination of developments in global logistics and of conditions in the extended Rim to include Australia and India, provides an interesting base from which to speculate about future directions in logistics.'- Trevor Heaver, University of British Columbia, Canada'This book is a tour de force on the dynamic complexities surrounding logistics operations in the Asian-Pacific Rim. Writing in a highly accessible fashion, Professor Rimmer systematically probes those dynamics that mould the complex protocols through the lens of structure and institutions. This is a not-to-miss book for anyone who wants to understand how global flows of goods, finance, information and people are relentlessly reshaped by local policies and logistics practices in countries of the Asian-Pacific region./- Booi H Kam, RMIT University, AustraliaEncompassing China, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia, extending to Australasia and connecting with South Asia, the Asian-Pacific Rim forms the world's most dynamic economic region. Comprehending the region's logistical structure and its institutions is of pivotal importance for businesses, researchers and policy-makers.The flow of goods, people and information constitutes the global and local economic system. Through a unique analysis of this system and the transport and communications technologies that sustain it, Peter J. Rimmer provides a framework for identifying the multilayered networks and gateways in which the Asian-Pacific Rim s logistics are embedded. Highlighting important structural and institutional features, the role of corporations (money) and states (power) in configuring global and local markets is illustrated by case studies drawn from across the world s major economic regions. This book addresses evolving challenges for policy-makers, arising from the extension of manufacturing and retailing supply chains across national borders, and from globalizing logistics services.By deepening knowledge and viewpoints on these issues, the well-illustrated Asian-Pacific Rim Logistics is essential reading for students exploring global logistics, supply chain management, international business, transportation, freight logistics and development studies. Policy-makers and a new generation of logistics and supply chain professionals will also benefit from the insights into this dynamic region.Contents: Acknowledgements Preface 1. Global + Local Logistics: Asian-Pacific Rim Perspectives Part I: Global Context 2. Multinational Industrial and Global Logistics Corporations 3. Maritime Networks 4. Aviation and Telecommunications Networks 5. The Network of Networks Part II: Local Policies: Asian-Pacific Rim 6. Gateways and Corridors 7. Japan and Southeast Asia 8. South Korea 9. China 10. Northeast Asia: Regional Logistics Policy Part III: Local Policies: The Wider Rim and Beyond 11. Australia 12. India Epilogue Bibliography Index
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Globalization, Uncertainty and Men’s Careers: An International Comparison
Globalization, argue the contributors to this book, has remarkably accelerated social and economic change in modern societies. One such change is manifested in the world of work and careers. This book explores whether the forces of globalization affect the erosion of standard career patterns of mid-career men in twelve OECD countries. Overwhelming evidence against the 'individualization of inequality' thesis is provided - it is argued that equality remains largely stratified by factors such as occupational class and educational level, and in some countries has even grown over time.The contributors illustrate that globalization appears to have influenced the rise of 'patchwork' careers in countries where workers have been increasingly less protected by institutional configurations. These countries include Denmark, Mexico, The Netherlands, the UK and the US, as well as post-socialistic countries such as Hungary, Estonia and the Czech Republic. Interestingly, there is no evidence that men's careers have become more erratic in Italy, Spain, Sweden or Germany. Nation-specific institutions, such as welfare regimes, education and training systems and employment relations remain key factors impacting on job mobility patterns. Using empirical evidence to demonstrate how different policy approaches impact on the employment careers of individuals, this book will be invaluable to academics, students, researchers, practitioners and policymakers seeking to understand the effects of international social change on national contexts.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Applied Cost–Benefit Analysis, Second Edition
This fully updated new edition continues in the vein of its predecessor by viewing cost-benefit analysis as applied welfare economics, while at the same time building on the earlier framework by extending the theory and providing further applications in each chapter. New for this edition are analyses of theory related applications in mental health, condom social marketing programs, female primary education as a means of preventing HIV/AIDS and the pricing of natural gas. Presented in an integrated manner, the theoretical concepts are constructed around the main building blocks of CBA, such as shadow pricing, distribution weights, the social discount rate and the marginal cost of public funds. This edition will cement the book's place as a major and accessible text in the field and will be of great interest to graduate and undergraduate students of welfare economics and microeconomic theory, as well as government economists involved with any area of public policy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Strategic Behaviour in Network Industries: A Multidisciplinary Approach
This in-depth book explains how institutional changes such as the privatization and liberalization of network industries, for example transport, energy or telecommunications, can frequently be disappointing. The expected benefits such as lower prices, innovation and better services fail to materialize, often because the number of competitors is low. The authors demonstrate how strategic actor behaviour of one or more of the firms involved can help explain these disappointing results. This book elucidates the concept of 'strategic behaviour' and portrays it in real-life examples to aid our understanding of this important phenomenon in terms of policy and organizational decision-making. It clearly demonstrates the adverse effects strategic behaviour can exert on the quality of infrastructure provision after liberalization. The theoretical sections are backed by empirical examples from throughout the world.The unique multidisciplinary approach will ensure a broad readership among students, researchers and policy-makers with an interest in the economics, politics and management of infrastructure and network industries.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on Asian Entrepreneurship
Asia is highly regarded as one of the fastest growing regions in the world, and this unique Handbook focuses on the internationalization process and entrepreneurial dynamics of small business within the continent. Using a clear and consistent style, the Handbook examines more than 40 countries in Asia and allows researchers to compare the environment for entrepreneurship, the internationalization of entrepreneurs and the state of small business in different Asian countries. The chapters are authored by well-known scholars who provide insight into how government policies have affected the internationalization of small firms in Asia. This comprehensive reference work will provide a timely and important basis for scholars to understand entrepreneurship in Asia. Public policy analysts of international entrepreneurship and practitioners wanting to enter or extend their market in Asia will also find this volume of immense interest.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic Theory of Invention and Innovation
This comprehensive collection presents the classic articles in the economics of invention and innovation. It covers topics related to sources of inventive and innovative activity, including exogenous and endogenous innovation, with an emphasis on R&D activity and the diffusion of new techniques. Professor Link has prepared an original introduction, which offers an authoritative overview of a subject that is of growing importance to both economists and management scientists.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Global Organizations: A Cultural Perspective
As its title implies, this book by three distinguished scholars puts a cultural perspective at the front and center of issues relating to current approaches to managing complex organizations. It does this by covering the most recent relevant findings by researchers from around the world and, most importantly, interpreting those findings in ways that provide useful guidelines and approaches for those in positions of organizational responsibility. For anyone studying or practicing management in challenging global-oriented contexts this volume is essential - and highly interesting - reading.'- Lyman W. Porter, University of California, Irvine, US'This book is a tour-de-force and a must-read for any scholar and practitioner who is interested in managing global organizations. From such topics as how to motivate, reward, lead, manage conflict, and structure work in different cultural contexts, the authors provide critical insights into how culture shapes all aspects of organizational behavior and a compelling vision of the future that awaits multinational and global organizations. Bravo to the authors for providing the field with a gold mine of information on managing organizations across cultures!'- Michele Joy Gelfand, University of Maryland, College Park, US'This book represents the very best of academic as well as field intensive thinking about cultural and global issues in organizations. While many people have focused on cultural and global issues in the past several decades, the field has largely lacked a systematic review and analysis of these issues in specific contexts. What Bhagat, Triandis and McDevitt offer the reader is a wonderfully comprehensive analysis of key issues of culture in organizations. This is absolutely a must reading for every serious scholar of global organizations.'- Chris Earley, Purdue University, USThe globalization of business is a reality that confronts organizations of all sizes from different nations and cultures. This book serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the nature of cultural variations that affect important aspects of organizational behavior.The authors expertly cover all of the relevant functions that managers are concerned with in the process of managing global organizations. Various research-based theories and findings are discussed to explain the significance of cultural variations in these phenomena. Readers will gain a clear perspective on how cultural variations have the potential to affect organizational functioning and effectiveness across national borders.A mastery of the fundamental concepts and issues covered in this book will enable future managers of multinational and global corporations to become more effective in dealing with people in different countries and enhance organizational effectiveness on an ongoing basis. Scholars and students will also find this book a path-breaking resource for understanding this important topic.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Politics and Aesthetics of Entrepreneurship: A Fourth Movements in Entrepreneurship Book
This fourth book in the New Movements in Entrepreneurship series focuses on the politics and aesthetics of entrepreneurial processes, in order to shed light on entrepreneurial creation itself.Presenting original empirical material, the eminent contributors examine control and entrepreneurship in various organizational contexts. They go on to demonstrate how control can be exercised entrepreneurially, how art brings an entrepreneurial force into society, and how entrepreneurship operates by aesthetic moves. The need to move beyond the traditional focus on the economic and business implications of entrepreneurship is also discussed, as is the relevance of political and aesthetic theory to our understanding of entrepreneurship as a creative force.The book provides entrepreneurship studies with a new language, that in itself is an aesthetic effort with political implications, resulting in new theoretical, empirical and practical possibilities. It will prove a fascinating read for students, academics and researchers with an interest in entrepreneurship and management and creativity and aesthetics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Dynamics between Entrepreneurship, Environment and Education
This book introduces the expanding European dialogue between entrepreneurship, environment and education. It considers the shape, dimensions and horizon of this multidisciplinary landscape in entrepreneurship research. The striking differences and contradictions in entrepreneurial activities, readiness and innovativeness within European countries and the proactive attitude and activities of European competitors impose a demand for a better understanding of the complex dynamics. The Dynamics between Entrepreneurship, Environment and Education reflects how the European landscape of entrepreneurship research is now more complex than ever. It presents an overview of the current state of entrepreneurship research in Europe and also reflects on the future directions of research in this field. The dynamics between entrepreneurship and society are evaluated, and the discussion is then continued from an education perspective. The authors also focus on the ability and capability of different kinds of ventures to compete in different contexts. This comprehensive overview of the current research in the field will provide academics, researchers and policy-makers with new insights through which to understand the contextual dimensions and the broadening aspects of the current state-of-the-art in European research.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Business in Korea: The Evolution of the Market in the Globalization Era
O. Yul Kwon uses an institutional framework to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the environmental and operational dynamics of international business in South Korea from the rapid growth period 1963-1996, through recovery from the 1997 financial crisis, to the present.The study assesses that the South Korean market and business practices will maintain some sui generis characteristics because of the country's idiosyncratic culture and singular form of institutional development in the recent past. The book contains comprehensive analysis of macro-level topics (such as business opportunities, cultural influence, country risk and market configuration) and micro-level topics (including business negotiation, business ethics, management of international joint ventures and the management system).This book delivers a wealth of valuable information for a scholarly audience including undergraduate and postgraduate students and academics in international business, as well as for firms considering market entry into South Korea.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Contracts and Trust in Alliances: Discovering, Creating and Appropriating Value
Paul Vlaar contends that strategic alliances and other forms of cooperation, such as buyer-supplier relationships, joint ventures and offshoring initiatives, increasingly stand at the basis of competitive advantage. Although contracts and trust play a crucial role in such relationships, prior studies on both governance solutions are generally confined to single theories, paradigms and viewpoints. Drawing on an in-depth case study, survey data and conceptual developments, the author advances a more integrative framework. He probes issues such as: the tension between the need and the ability to contract trust and contracts as co-evolving and self-reinforcing phenomena contractual functions other than coordination and control dialectical tensions stemming from contract application standardization of contracting practices. By exploring these topics, the book offers novel perspectives on the role of trust in interorganizational relationships, shifting our attention and creation to the discovery of value by collaborating partners.The book offers novel perspectives on the role of contracts and trust in interorganizational relationships, shifting our attention from the creation and appropriation to the discovery of value by collaborating partners. The book will be useful for managers as well as practitioners interested in the governance and management of inter-organizational relationships. It will also be an important resource for academics and students interested in strategy, organization and organizational theory.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Full Employment in Europe: Managing Labour Market Transitions and Risks
Transitional Labour Markets (TLM) - defined as legitimate, negotiated and politically supported sets of various employment options in critical events over the life course - are an essential ingredient of modern full employment strategies. After assessing the European Employment Strategy, this book offers a detailed comparative analysis of employment performance for selected European member states and the United States. It suggests that successful employment systems arise from a new paradigm of flexibility and security ('flexicurity') the balance of which varies according to countries' institutional paths. Whilst there is no 'best practice', TLM theory does provide normative and analytical principles that can be generalised for various institutional settings. The book also provides good practice examples for managing critical transitions over the life course - from education to employment, from one job to another, from unemployment to employment, from private activities to gainful work and from employment to retirement - and develops the contours for extending unemployment insurance to work-life insurance.With a fresh and new approach to the question of full employment in modern society, this book will appeal to academic scholars interested in labour market and employment policies, and policy decision makers at local, regional, national and European levels.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Charting Corporate Corruption: Agency, Structure and Escalation
In the post-Enron era, corporate corruption has increasingly featured on the research agenda. This informative book provides a novel approach by charting the actual causes of corruption. This highly topical volume demonstrates how agency (the decisions and choices of individuals) and structure (the contextual pressures in the business environment) can interact to result in the rapid escalation of corporate crime and corruption. By analysing and describing the social-psychological dimensions of this escalation, the book prescribes preventive measures that can be adapted and implemented by business organizations. Loaded with case studies and prospective solutions, Charting Corporate Corruption will be valuable to post-graduates studying business ethics, sociology and psychology, and to researchers seeking new theories and concepts in this field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Inequality, Consumer Credit and the Saving Puzzle
Providing much needed context for current events like the sub-prime mortgage crisis, this timely book presents a vision of an economy evolved to greater dependence on consumer credit and analyzes the trade-offs and risks associated with it. While synthesizing the Keynesian theory of consumption with the Institutional theory of habit selection (brought up to date with new knowledge from evolutionary biology and neuroscience), this book represents an in-depth treatment of the macroeconomic dimensions of consumer credit and implications of recent financial innovations from a non-traditional economic approach.Some of the effects of consumer credit dependence include the potential for illiquidity in markets for debt-collateralized securities, sub-prime contagion, or the possibility of a Minsky-type debt deflation episode. The author also argues that a sharp increase in borrowing by US households over the past 20 years, aided by financial innovations such as the securitization of consumer loans and sub-prime lending, have lessened the harmful consequences of income inequality, and that the collapse of personal saving after 1993 is actually a gradual trend of consumer habits conforming to the imperatives of corporatism.The book's primary audience will be academic economists in sympathy with heterodox and pluralist approaches. It sets forth an institutional or 'top-down' theory of household spending behavior that should be of interest to readers in fields such as sociology, consumer or family studies, psychology, or anthropology. Much of the book is technically accessible for non-economists and students.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Handbook of Innovation and Services: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective
`The Handbook of Innovation and Services is an exceptional volume. Its contributors, including Faiz Gallouj, William Baumol, Jean Gadrey, and Pascal Petit, are among the major thinkers in both the fields of the economics of services and the economics of innovation. Selected topics include the "cost disease", services innovation in the global economy, social innovation in the services, and innovation and employment in services. The book, I am sure, will become a standard reference volume in both these fields in the ensuing years.'---Edward Wolff, New York University, USAThis Handbook brings together 49 international specialists to address an issue of increasing importance for the world's post-industrial economies; innovation as it relates to services.Contemporary economies have two fundamental characteristics. Firstly, they are service economies in as much as services account for more than 70 per cent of the wealth and jobs in most developed countries. Secondly, they are innovation economies as recent decades have seen an unprecedented development of scientific, technological, organisational and social innovations. This Handbook expertly links these two major characteristics in order to investigate the role of innovation in services, an issue that until now has been inadequately explored and one that poses many theoretical and operational challenges. This comprehensive volume encompasses the views of eminent scholars from a range of disciplines including economics, management, sociology and geography, and draws on a number of different analytical and methodological perspectives.With its multi-disciplinary approach this Handbook will be an invaluable reference source for academics and students in the fields of economics, management and the geography of services and innovation. Public authorities and managers in the service sector will also find this book fascinating.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Empowerment and Innovation: Managers, Principles and Reflective Practice
Employee empowerment is one of the most widely touted and potentially potent concepts in modern management. It raises fundamental questions about the nature and scope of management and organisation, and about the respective roles and responsibilities of front line practitioners. The terms for a viable collaboration between employers, managers and employees also come under scrutiny.Calling upon a wealth of research material, this book relates the various debates behind employee empowerment to a broad range of practical scenarios, charting opportunities as well as constraints and drawing insights from a rich combination of settings and sources across industry, commerce and the public sector. Connecting theory to practice, and adopting a polemical as well as an analytical position, the book speaks directly to researchers and policymakers, and especially to current and aspiring managers, who favour a fresh approach to work and employee relations. It will appeal to those who regard empowerment as a progressive rather than a casual reference point for managerial activity.