Search results for ""cbt""
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for PTSD, Second Edition: A Case Formulation Approach
Acclaimed for providing a flexible framework for individualized treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), this empathic guide has now been revised and expanded with 50% new material. The authors show how the case formulation approach enables the practitioner to adapt CBT for clients with different trauma histories, co-occurring problems, and complicating life circumstances. Vivid clinical material illustrates the implementation of exposure therapy, cognitive restructuring, and supplemental interventions, with ample attention to overcoming common obstacles. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the book's 22 reproducible handouts in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Chapters on evidence-based practice and emotion regulation. *Significantly revised chapter on supplemental treatment tools, with new discussion of anger management. *Advances in theory and practice of exposure therapy. *Increased attention to multicultural issues in treatment. *Updated throughout with current treatment research and DSM-5 diagnostic changes.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers A Guide to Living with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Hypermobility Type): Bending without Breaking (2nd edition)
Covering everything from recognising symptoms and obtaining initial diagnosis to living with the condition on a daily basis, this complete guide to living with and managing Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Hypermobility Type - formerly known as Type III) has been revised and fully-updated in this accessible new edition. The author, who has the condition, looks at how it affects children and adolescents and explores pain management, pregnancy, physical and psychological aspects, and how it widely affects dancers and other performance artists. New material includes: changes in terminology information on how osteopathy and nutrition can help psychological approaches beyond CBT how to deal with professionals what to expect from support groups and rehabilitation programmesThis new edition will be a must for anybody who suffers, or suspects they might be suffering from, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (Hypermobility Type) and provides everything needed to enjoy a fulfilling life with this complex condition. It will also be of interest to their families and friends, and professionals working with Hypermobility Type EDS.
Little Tiger Press Group Sunny Side Up
A CBT-inspired novelty book by Clare Helen Welsh, accompanied by beautiful, nuanced illustrations from Ana Sanfelippo. When you change the way you look at the world, the world you look at changes. When you put on your sunny-side specs a bad mood can become a good mood, a goodbye can become a hello, and even the impossible can become possible! But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the sunny side seems far away. And that’s OK. Sunny things will be there to discover whenever you are ready. This warm and innovative novelty book uses die-cuts and flaps to transform the world around us, illustrating the power and impact that reframing your thoughts can have. Just like Happy by Nicola Edwards and Katie Hickey, The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas and The Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright and Chris Chatterton, Sunny Side Up is the ideal book for exploring difficult emotions.
John Murray Press This Book Could Fix Your Life: The Science of Self Help
We all want to be happier, more successful and less stressed, but what really works? From building confidence and boosting creativity to forming better relationships and getting smarter (and healthier), This Book Could Fix Your Life explores the real science behind self-help. HOW TO BOOST YOUR IQ THE SCIENCE OF SUCCESSFUL DATING HOW TO BREAK BAD HABITS HOW TO ACE EXAMS WHAT TO EAT TO FEEL HAPPIER HOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE HOW TO LIVE HEALTHIER LONGER Award-winning science writer Helen Thomson has zero desire to become a lifestyle guru, she just wants to help us understand the often surprising truths behind meditation, resilience, addiction, willpower, love, good sleep, CBT, success, dieting, antidepressants, intelligence and much, much more. Full of fascinating evidence-based advice pulled from the very latest research and packed with experiments you can try on yourself (including one guaranteed to lift your mood), this book really could help you fix your life.
Little, Brown Book Group An Introduction to Coping with Post-Traumatic Stress, 2nd Edition
Traumatic stress arises in reaction to catastrophic life events. Such events can range from train disasters and car crashes to natural calamities such as earthquakes, wildfires and floods, and from life-threatening medical diagnoses to acts of violence and abuse. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common psychological condition resulting from such events and occurs when our coping resources have been completely overwhelmed. The intrusive hyper-reactions, recurring memories, flashbacks, avoidance behaviours and changes in the sense of self linger long past the actual event and often prevent a sense of healing or resolution with the experience. This self-help guide uses Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) strategies with a trauma focus to help you to manage your reactions to the traumatic experience and find new, effective ways of coping. You will learn:- To understand your reactions to traumatic events - Practical strategies for monitoring, managing and overcoming post-traumatic stress - Innovative therapeutic options and new mobile device supports
New Harbinger Publications The Anxiety Busting Workbook for Kids
Children face a number of anxiety-inducing challenges every day-from school to extracurricular activities to making friends. The good news is that kids can also learn to turn their overly anxious thoughts into curiosity, determination, and bravery. Built on the solid foundations of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-yet cleverly disguised as fun, kid-focused games and activities-this workbook is designed to help children ages 5 to 9 discover the not-so-scary world around them, and channel all that energy away from fear and worry-and toward courage and confidence.With this engaging workbook, kids will be so busy having fun, they won''t even realize they''re learning lifelong skills to manage anxiety and worry! If your child struggles with anxiety, rest assured that you aren''t alone. Children face a number of anxiety-inducing challenges-from school to extracurricular activities to making friends. The good news is that kids can learn to turn their overly anxious thoughts into
Little Tiger Press Group Sunny Side Up
A CBT-inspired novelty book by Clare Helen Welsh, accompanied by beautiful, nuanced illustrations from Ana Sanfelippo.When you change the way you look at the world, the world you look at changes.When you put on your sunny-side specs a bad mood can become a good mood, a goodbye can become a hello, and even the impossible can become possible! But sometimes, no matter how hard you try, the sunny side seems far away. And that's OK. Sunny things will be there to discover whenever you are ready.This warm and innovative novelty book uses die-cuts and flaps to transform the world around us, illustrating the power and impact that reframing your thoughts can have. Just like Happy by Nicola Edwards and Katie Hickey, The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas and The Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright and Chris Chatterton, Sunny Side Up is the ideal book for exploring difficult emotions.
Octopus Publishing Group Happy Monsters: A Child's Guide to Coping with Their Feelings
A vibrant and fun activity book for 4–7-year-olds to help children feel calm and happy It’s OK to feel the way you feel! Help your child tune in to their feelings and feel happier while having lots of fun with the help of this engaging activity book. Happy Monsters uses the techniques employed by child psychotherapists, including mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), to overcome difficult feelings and encourage calm. Let the Happy Monsters guide you and your child through a range of simple exercises, including: Learn calming breathing exercises Design your happy place with the help of the happy monsters Search for all the funny bones at the monsters’ party And so much more! Part of a new series for 4–7-year-olds from Vie, a thoughtful and inspiring range of activity books for children. This book has been peer reviewed by a child psychologist, and there are explainers throughout just in case your child has questions about the activities.
Hatherleigh Press,U.S. GRACE A Model for Grieving
Created by a licensed professional counselor, GRACE: A Model for Grieving fills in the gaps of current grief models which have their limitations due to a lack of inclusion for spirituality, situational factors, cultural variables and other factors. This book analyses the strengths and weaknesses of the prevailing model of CBT to offer a new framework that supports individual beliefs, goals and sense of purpose in the grieving process. The book hand-holds readers through this new model by features these 5 steps for healing: 1 - Grief redefined, 2 - Re-story the loss narrative, 3 - Adopt healthy ways to grieve, 4 - Connect with self and others, 5 - Engage in new normal. Key to the GRACE model is the individualisation of the grieving process allowing for inclusion of one''s spirituality as well as supporting gender and cultural differences. People everywhere are reeling from a myriad of primary and secondary losses resulting from these difficult times. The individual and communal losses h
Little, Brown Book Group Overcoming Relationship Problems 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques
Everyday problems such as financial pressures, sexual and emotional problems, fidelity issues or the complications of second marriages can cause unbearable pressure on relationships and family life.In this highly effective self-help guide, internationally-respected couples therapist, Dr Michael Crowe, and Professor of Sexual Medicine, Kevan Wylie, use proven cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) methods along with systemic approaches derived from family therapy to help you to overcome your relationship problems. Specifically, you will learn about: Sustaining a long-term relationshipImproving communication with your partner and familyDealing with sexual problemsDeveloping negotiating skillsCoping with jealousy and other negative emotionsOvercoming self-help guides use clinically proven techniques to treat long-standing and disabling conditions, both psychological and physical. READING WELLThis book is recommended by the national Reading Well Books on Prescription scheme for England delivered by The Reading Agency and the Society of Chief Librarians with funding from Arts Council England and Wellcome.Series Editor: Professor Peter Cooper
Little, Brown Book Group Overcoming Worry and Generalised Anxiety Disorder, 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using cognitive behavioural techniques
Overcoming app now available via iTunes and the Google Play Store. Up to 44 in every 1000 adults suffer from a condition known as Generalised Anxiety Disorder. This is much more than the normal worrying we all do - it can be a debilitating disorder leading to significant personal and social problems and sometimes financial loss. Using established and proven CBT techniques, expert clinicians Kevin Meares and Mark Freeston help readers to understand that it is their propensity to worry, not the multitude of problems they worry about, that is the root of the problem. The user-friendly, step-by-step approach explains why they worry, how to recognise what feeds it and develop effective methods of dealing with it. With each step the authors introduce new ideas that add to the picture of worry, and use questionnaires, exercises and tasks to help the reader understand and then challenge unhelpful habits and beliefs.
Quercus Publishing This Book Will Make You Confident
Combat self doubt and become more assertive, successful - and happier. Have you ever felt like something is holding you back? That other people seem to breeze through life, but self-doubt and insecurity prevent you getting the things you want - at work, in family life or relationships? Well, fear not: no matter how low you feel it is possible to overcome vicious cycles in your mood and behaviour. This little book will allow you to change how you think. Dr Jessamy Hibberd and Jo Usmar will provide you with the tools to build your self-esteem and boost your wellbeing, to realise your full potential and happiness. With practical exercises and techniques based on the very latest cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and psychology research, their friendly results-driven approach will give you a new sense of confidence in every area of your life.Praise for the This Book Will series:'Take on January with new-found serenity with this series of self-help books' Stylist'Top tips for making your life loads better.' Cosmo'The answer to all my problems.' Katie Piper
Little, Brown Book Group An Introduction to Coping with Paranoid Thoughts
Practical support for challenging paranoid thoughts.Paranoia is the experience of feeling strongly suspicious or mistrustful about something, when others around us do not feel there is a good enough reason to feel that way. It can involve us believing that others are trying to harm us, are talking about us or laughing about us. The beliefs can be very strong, and people who are experiencing paranoia can feel that they are absolutely true, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Even if we have an awareness that our paranoia might not be entirely based in reality, the experience can be incredibly distressing, and can have a major impact on our quality of life.This essential self-help guide, based on the principles of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), gives clear advice for understanding, recognising and challenging the suspicious thoughts and beliefs that are getting in the way of your day to day life. It will help you find ways to practice good self-care, to rest and to ground yourself so that you aren't overwhelmed and isolated by suspicious thoughts.
Guilford Publications Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for OCD and Its Subtypes
Now significantly revised with 80% new content, this authoritative guide synthesizes the latest knowledge on obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) and its treatment. Prominent clinician-researcher David A. Clark describes the "whats," "whys," and "how-tos" of CBT for a broad range of obsessions and compulsions. Combining scientific rigor and clinical acumen, the book illustrates an effective approach to assessment, case formulation, psychoeducation, and cognitive and behavioral intervention. It includes 26 reproducible forms and handouts; purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. First edition title: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for OCD. New to This Edition *Reflects more than 15 years of major advances in clinical practice, theory, and research. *Chapters on specific OCD subtypes: contamination, doubt and repeated checking, repugnant obsessions, and symmetry/order. *Heightened clinical utility--includes more case vignettes and step-by-step procedures. *Describes important refinements to exposure and response prevention, based on inhibitory learning. *Reproducible materials now available online.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Therapy with Children and Adolescents, Third Edition: A Casebook for Clinical Practice
Thousands of clinicians and students have turned to this casebook--now completely revised with 90% new material--to see what cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) looks like in action with the most frequently encountered child and adolescent disorders. Concise and accessible, the book is designed for optimal utility as a clinical resource and course text. Leading scientist-practitioners provide a brief overview of each clinical problem and its assessment and management. Chapters are organized around one or more detailed case examples that demonstrate how to build rapport with children and families; plan effective, age-appropriate treatment; and deliver evidence-based interventions using a variety of therapeutic strategies and materials. (Prior edition editors: Mark A. Reinecke, Frank M. Dattilio, and Arthur Freeman.) New to This Edition *Most chapters are new, reflecting nearly 15 years of advances in theory and research. *Additional chapter topics: generalized anxiety disorder and family-based treatment of adolescent substance abuse. *Streamlined, more concise format makes the book even more user friendly. *Increased attention to cultural considerations and transdiagnostic treatment strategies.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Promoting Child and Parent Wellbeing: How to Use Evidence- and Strengths-Based Strategies in Practice
Informed by a wealth of research, this accessible book focuses on a strengths-based approach to promoting children's wellbeing and giving them the best opportunities to succeed.By identifying risk factors and the protective factors which can be used to counter them, this book stresses the importance of preventative measures and early intervention to effectively support parents and their children. It shows that there are many protective factors and practices that parents, teachers and carers can employ to support children's development, promote mental and emotional wellbeing, and reduce the risks of crime and anti-social behaviour. Each section explores the issues associated with specific age groups, from pregnancy to early teens. It identifies areas that should be a key focus for practitioners and services such as promoting attachment and communication, and highlights effective practices such as motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Bringing together the international evidence-base concerning ways of working with young children and their families, this book offers practical advice for practitioners, managers and commissioners of services across health and social care.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Engaging with Perpetrators of Domestic Violence: Practical Techniques for Early Intervention
Child protection and family workers can complete training without learning about how to work with domestic abuse perpetrators - but intervening at an early stage can make a real difference to increasing family safety.This concise book equips practitioners with the knowledge and techniques they need to make the most of limited client contact with perpetrators. It outlines how to briefly assess perpetrators, how to prepare them for a perpetrator programme, and describes a range of interventions that can be used to reduce the risk they represent in the meantime. Drawing on approaches from motivational work, anger management, CBT and feminist models, but written in practical and easy to follow language, the book provides guidance for carrying out interviews and assessing risk, how to use safety plans, signals and time outs, understanding the impact of abuse on victims, how to analyse incidents of abuse and how to make an effective referral.This reliable guide is a useful reference for any child protection worker wanting to make the most of the valuable opportunity they have to engage with domestic violence perpetrators.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Sleep Better with Natural Therapies: A Comprehensive Guide to Overcoming Insomnia, Moving Sleep Cycles and Preventing Jet Lag
Combining a wide range of drug-free therapeutic approaches, this book is a step-by-step guide to Peter Smith's unique, 100% natural sleep solution. It:· Explains how sleep 'works' and the physical and psychological causes of insomnia.· Offers practical advice about how to practice good sleep behaviours and switch on relaxation responses within the nervous system, including the revolutionary concept of 'virtual darkness'.· Gives tips on getting the right dietary supplements for a good night's sleep and creating the right sleeping environment.· Advises 'night owls' 'early birds' and 'free runners' about how to reset problematic sleep cycles.· Provides guidelines for preventing jetlag. 'Sleep Better with Natural Therapies' combines psychological treatments, such as CBT, with physiological ones, such as adjusting the biological clock, and demonstrates that it is possible to retrain the mind and change your learned associations with sleep in just a matter of weeks. This is vital reading for anyone struggling with insomnia, problems with sleep cycles, or the effects of jet lag and will be of interest to complementary health practitioners and mental health professionals.
Octopus Publishing Group My Self-Esteem Journal: Scribble Down Your Thoughts and Have Fun with Some Mood-Boosting Activities
A new journal inspired by the number-one best-selling children’s mental health title You’re a Star by Poppy O’Neill This activity journal containing cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and mindfulness techniques to help children aged 7+ grow their self-esteem No one feels great about themselves all the time – and when we don’t feel good it can be hard to know how to pick ourselves up again. My Self-Esteem Journal is for those times. It contains a fun selection of activities and doodling pages designed to help cope with feelings of low self-esteem and self-doubt. Inside you can: Fill in a happy diary Create your own mood-boosting affirmations Doodle your way to feeling great with the help of some friendly monsters Shout out loud how great you are! This calming journal encourages children to tune into their feelings and find creative and lasting ways to manage low self-esteem. It contains simple ideas and activities throughout, allowing the child to work independently or with guidance from a grown-up.
Ebury Publishing How the World is Making Our Children Mad and What to Do About It
I know of no one better qualified to understand what young people are facing today - Philippa Perry There are epidemic rates of ADHD, depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicide in young people. The conventional medical model wants to put a plaster on the problems with medication and CBT, but we, as parents, need to dig deeper. We need to face the fact that it is not our child''s fault, but the world we are bringing them up in and that we play a key role in how they see this world. Bringing together years of work helping children and the child inside us all, acclaimed psychotherapist, Louis Weinstock, will show us how. Split into two parts, and blending mindfulness, meditation and visualisation, we are taken on a journey that starts with exploring our own fears and weaknesses, and ends joyfully in practical ways we can help build confidence, courage and authentic hope about the future in our children. The power lies within each of us to create with,
Hogrefe Publishing Reunification Family Therapy: A Treatment Manual: 2018
Childhood problems are often related to and exacerbated by the disintegration of the family structure, whether through parental separation and divorce, military service, or incarceration. Reunification therapy is a therapeutic process incorporating different empirically based methods (CBT, humanistic, and systemic) to help repair relationships between parents and children and restore not only physical contact but also meaningful social, emotional, and interpersonal exchanges between parents and children. This unique manual, bringing together the vast experience of the author, outlines the many situations many families currently face and why the need for reunification therapy exists. The therapist works firstly with the individual family members and then with all family members in conjoint sessions. The manual expertly guides clinicians through pretreatment decisions and processes to enable them to decide where, when, and in what form reunification therapy is appropriate, taking into account ethical, legal, and special family issues. Detailed chapters outline the structure and issues for the individual and conjoint sessions, as well as a step-bystep treatment plan template. Additional tools in the Appendix enable clinicians to monitor and effectuate change.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Intervention in Mental Health-Substance Use
The Mental Health-Substance Use series provides clear guidance for professionals on this complex and increasingly recognised field. It concentrates on the concerns, dilemmas and concepts that impact on the life and well-being of affected individuals and those close to them, and the future direction of practice, education, research, services, intervention, and treatment. Mental health-substance use is a complex and varied phenomenon, and this volume stresses an appreciation that interventions that work for one individual or family may prove ineffective for another. It therefore explores the needs of individuals and carers, the nature of the therapeutic relationship, and the theory and application of a variety of interventional techniques; these include group therapy, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT), motivational interviewing (MI), brief interventions and many more. The volumes in this series are designed to challenge concepts and stimulate debate, exploring all aspects of the development in treatment, intervention and care response, and the adoption of research-led best practice. They are essential reading for mental health and substance use professionals, students and educators.
Octopus Publishing Group Angry Monsters: A Child's Guide to Coping with Their Feelings
A vibrant and fun activity book for 4–7-year-olds to help children feel calm and happy It’s OK to feel the way you feel! Help your child tune in to their feelings and feel calmer while having lots of fun with the help of this engaging activity book. Angry Monsters uses the techniques employed by child psychotherapists, including mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), to overcome difficult feelings and encourage calm. Let the Angry Monsters guide you and your child through a range of simple exercises, including: Press the magical pause button whenever you need a moment of calm Learn to let go of sad feelings with home-made bubbles Find your way to calm in the monster maze And so much more! Part of a new series for 4–7-year-olds from Vie, a thoughtful and inspiring range of activity books for children. This book has been peer reviewed by a child psychologist, and there are explainers throughout just in case your child has questions about the activities.
New Harbinger Publications Goodnight Mind for Teens: Skills to Help You Quiet Noisy Thoughts and Get the Sleep You Need
Turn off the light. Turn off your phone. Turn off anxious thoughts.Do you have trouble getting to sleep at night? You aren't alone. There are so many reasons teens today have a difficult time going to sleep-including early school start times, too much late-night screen time, or just being anxious about what the future holds. You are at an important crossroads in your life, so it's natural to feel overwhelmed at times. But it's essential that you get the sleep you need. This book can help.Written by a renowned sleep expert, Goodnight Mind for Teens offers tips based in proven-effective cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help you get your zzzs and be your best during the daytime. You'll learn how to set your own ideal sleep schedule, overcome sleep lag, cope with sleep anxiety, and manage the anxious, over-stimulating thoughts and worries that are keeping you up at night.If you're ready to start feeling better, less cranky during the day, and more at ease at bedtime, this book has everything you need to... zzzz...
Taylor & Francis Ltd Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Children and Young People
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterised by a person's obsessive, distressing, intrusive thoughts and their related compulsions. It affects an estimated one percent of teenagers and has been detected in children as young as three years old.In this concise, accessible book experienced contributors provide detailed guidance on carrying out assessments and treatment for children and young people with OCD from a cognitive behavioural perspective. This approach has been developed from extensive research and clinical work with young people with OCD and associated problems. The book includes: an overview of OCD an introduction to CBT and its relevance to OCD in young people assessment and treatment methods case studies and clinical vignettes worksheets for use with the client. This straightforward text provides essential direction for practitioners and trainees in a range of professions including psychiatry, psychotherapy, counselling, nursing, education and social work.Online resources:The appendices of this book provide worksheets that can be downloaded free of charge to purchasers of the print version. Please visit the website to find out more about this facility.
Wolters Kluwer Health Developmental Psychopathology: An Introduction
Specifically designed for readability and utilizing a concise format, Developmental Psychopathology: An Introduction offers an authoritative, approachable overview of mental developmental disorders and problems faced by children and adolescents. Noted researcher and author Dr. Fred R. Volkmar leads a team of experts from the Child Study Center at Yale University School of Medicine in presenting essential, introductory information ideal for fellows and physicians in child and adolescent psychiatry, as well as psychiatry residents and other health care professionals working in this complex field. Covers clinical disorders, special considerations such as Trauma, Child Abuse, Pediatric consultation, psychiatric emergencies in children, and various approaches to treatment including CBT, parent management training, trauma-focused interventions, psychopharmacology. Follows a consistent chapter format: diagnosis, classification/assessment, epidemiology, neurological and psychological factors, clinical expression, differential diagnosis, and treatment. Includes case studies and example case reports. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
New Harbinger Publications Who Am I Without You?: Fifty-Two Ways to Rebuild Self-Esteem After a Breakup
Breakups can send you into a tailspin, causing an identity crisis and loss of self-worth. So how do you get back to the person you once were? The Breakup Breakthrough will teach you powerful skills based in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), positive psychology, and mindfulness that will help you tackle the difficult emotions that can surface after a breakup, such as grief, loss, anger, fear, worry, and low self esteem.Comprised of fifty-two small chapters, the tools and exercises in this book are easy to apply, and will help you pick up the pieces of your broken identity, put them back together, shine yourself up, and get back out into the world—whole again and better than ever.Anyone who’s been through a breakup or divorce knows just how painful it can be. And nowhere does a breakup or divorce hit harder than our identity and sense of self-worth. If you're ready to move past the pain of the end of your relationship and reclaim your confidence, this book will show you how.
Little, Brown Book Group Overcoming Perfectionism 2nd Edition: A self-help guide using scientifically supported cognitive behavioural techniques
How to break the circle of 'never good enough'Striving for something can be a healthy and positive attribute; it's good to aim high. But sometimes whatever we do just isn't good enough; we want to be too perfect and start setting unrealistic goals. Such high levels of perfectionism, often driven by low self-esteem, can turn against success and develop into unhealthy obsession, triggering serious mental-health problems, such as anxiety, depression and eating disorders. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), on which this self-help book is based, has been found to be a highly effective treatment and provides relief from that disabling sense of not being good enough.In this essential self-help guide, you will learn:- How clinical perfectionism manifests itself - Effective coping strategies with invaluable guidance on how to avoid future relapseOVERCOMING self-help guides use clinically-proven techniques to treat long-standing and disabling conditions, both psychological and physical. Many guides in the Overcoming series are recommended under the Reading Well Books on Prescription scheme.Series Editor: Professor Peter Cooper
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Neon the Ninja Activity Book for Children who Struggle with Sleep and Nightmares: A Therapeutic Story with Creative Activities for Children Aged 5-10
Neon the Ninja has a very special job. He looks after anyone who finds the night time scary. Lots of us have nightmares, but Neon loves nothing more than using his special ninja powers to keep the nightmares and worries far away, and to keep the magical dreams and positive thoughts close by. It combines a fun illustrated story to show children how Neon the Ninja can reduce their nightmares and night worries with fun activities and therapeutic worksheets to make night times feel safer and more relaxed. This workbook contains a treasure trove of explanations, advice, and practical strategies for parents, carers and professionals. Based on creative, narrative, sensory, and CBT techniques, it is full of tried and tested exercises, tips and techniques to aid and alleviate nightmares and sleeping difficulties. This is a must-have for those working and living with children aged 5-10 who experience nightmares or other sleep-related problems.This activity book is complemented by a standalone picture book of Neon's story, also available from Jessica Kingsley Publishers (Neon the Ninja, ISBN 9781839970191).
New Harbinger Publications The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook for Personality Disorders: A Step-By-Step Program
Symptoms of personality disorders may seem to differ widely, but all personality disorders are characterized by entrenched patterns of thinking and behavior. Chances are, if you have a personality disorder, you face feelings of uncertainty about your future and experience ongoing conflicts with your loved ones every day. These patterns may seem impossible to change, but if you're ready to overcome your symptoms and create a more balanced life, you can.The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook for Personality Disorders is packed with exercises and worksheets that enable you to put an end to the self-defeating thoughts that hold you back. Based in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), a proven-effective treatment for personality disorders, this workbook can help you reconnect with life by teaching you a set of key skills for overcoming difficulties associated with the eleven most common personality disorders. You'll learn stress reduction, relaxation, and emotion regulation techniques, and how best to communicate and cope with others while keeping your personality-disorder-related behaviors in check.
New Harbinger Publications End the Insomnia Struggle: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Get to Sleep and Stay Asleep
Everyone struggles with sleep from time to time, but when sleepless nights and overtired days become the norm, your well-being is compromised, and frustration and worry increase-including concerns about what's stopping you from getting the sleep you need, and what can be done about it. So, how do you stop the cycle of relentless worries and restless nights?End the Insomnia Struggle offers a comprehensive, medication-free program that can be individually tailored for anyone who struggles with insomnia. Integrating the physiology of sleep, and proven-effective approaches from cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), this book provides step-by-step guidance for developing your own treatment plan according to your particular challenges with insomnia.With this book, you'll have everything you need to overcome the relentless thoughts, ruminations, and stress of insomnia. Utilizing these evidence-based strategies and easy-to-use tools, you'll finally get to sleep, stay asleep, and wake up rested and ready to face the world as your best self, day after day.
Quercus Publishing This Book Will Make You Happy
How to beat low mood and lead a happier, more satisfying life.We all experience periods of feeling low, frustrated and lacking in energy - but ignoring the problem and struggling on can start to affect all areas of your life. Help is at hand: this concise little book shows you how you can reverse negative thoughts and emotions and make yourself happier and more confident.Pyschologist Dr Jessamy Hibberd and Jo Usmar draw on the very latest research in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and modern psychology to give you practical, proven techniques and exercises to combat low mood and, more importantly, build your self-esteem and wellbeing and make you healthier and more fulfilled. Chapters include: Positive strategies, Controlling emotions, Rewarding yourself, Combating guilt, Better rest and sleep, Mental exercises, Breaking negative thought patterns, Relaxation techniques.Praise for the This Book Will series:'Top tips for making your life loads better.' Cosmo'The answer to all my problems.' Katie Piper'Take on January with new-found serenity with this series of self-help books' Stylist
Jessica Kingsley Publishers The Anxiety Survival Guide: Getting through the Challenging Stuff
Co-written with psychologists and a college student who has experienced anxiety herself, this is a relatable and straightforward guide to managing worry in emerging adulthood. As well as providing tried-and-tested advice and exercises that are proven to reduce feelings of anxiety, it includes recovery stories from people who have managed their symptoms successfully. It begins with what is difficult and challenging about young adulthood and how you can deal with uncertainty in life. It goes on to examine change and challenges, giving tips about what can help in specific scenarios such as exams, relationships, leaving home and interviews. The guide also includes strategies and techniques for coping with panic attacks; self-care; and calming your mind.The guide uses a range of evidence-based approaches, including CBT, DBT, Compassion Focused Approaches and Mindfulness so you can work out the techniques that are best for you. The signposting included throughout guides young adults towards further support. This is essential reading for any young person experiencing anxiety, worry or going through a difficult transition or stressful experience.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Helping Kids and Teens with ADHD in School: A Workbook for Classroom Support and Managing Transitions
As children and teens are exposed to more and more pressure at school, exam stress comes hand in hand. This workbook, a fun and interactive resource aimed at children aged 10 and over, offers teachers, other professionals and parents proven techniques to support young people's wellbeing through revision and exams.Applying a cognitive behavioural framework, it helps pupils to consider academic stress in terms of thoughts, feeling, body sensations and behaviour. Strategies encompass managing a child's lifestyle, exercise and diet as well as tried-and-tested CBT techniques including relaxation, positive self-talk and mindfulness. Chapters look at the day of the exam itself, evaluate stress in children with special educational needs and provide practical advice for parents as to how they can successfully support their child.In a fully photocopiable format and suitable for either individual use or group work, Helping Kids and Teens with Exam Stress in Schools will guide parents, teachers, therapists and support staff to conquer students' fears, improve exam performance and, perhaps most important of all, maintain a work-fun balance in young people's lives.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Menopause Yoga: A Holistic Guide to Supporting Women on their Menopause Journey
Bringing together western medical science and eastern wellbeing for menopause education, this book helps yoga teachers develop their understanding of menopause and women's health as well as support their students. Petra Coveney - creator of Menopause Yoga™ - shares yoga, breath and meditation practices, poses, and CBT and self-enquiry methods to manage menopause symptoms.Her book helps to educate and empower women going through menopause, allowing them to embrace it as an opportunity for self-growth. It includes three main yoga sequences that focus on managing specific groups of symptoms, as well as additional sequences for sleep, menorage, and osteopenia. This is the dedicated resource for yoga teachers who want to teach Menopause Yoga™, with four detailed 90-minute class plans also available to download.Underpinned by research and 20 years of teaching experience, Menopause Yoga helps those on their journey from peri-menopause to post-menopause to help them welcome the changes in their minds, bodies and emotions as they enter the next stage in their lives.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cognitive Behavioural Coaching Techniques For Dummies
Cognitive Behavioural Coaching (CBC) takes the highly effective techniques and principles of CBT off the therapists couch and in to the work place and the home. Whether you’re already a coach, interested in becoming one or new to the subject; this friendly guide covers the origins and principles of Cognitive Behavioural Coaching and walks you step-by-step through the coaching process. The book explains how to use the tools and techniques of CBC to challenge negative thinking, make positive changes, achieve goals and improve effectiveness in your personal and professional life. Coverage includes: The principles and the basics of CBC The Attributes of the CB Coach and the CBC Process The CBC toolkit for Work and Life Exploring Potential and working with Relationships Managing Career Transitions and maintaining Peak Performance About the author Helen Whitten is an experienced and accredited coach, facilitator, mediator and writer. She is the Founder and Managing Director of Positiveworks London, a consultancy company providing coaching and development programmes to people in the public and private sector throughout the world.
Little, Brown Book Group Get Your Life Back: The Most Effective Therapies For A Better You
HIGHLY COMMENDED for the British Medical Awards book prize for Popular MedicineMost of us have some behaviours which are not fully under our control but when those start interfering with our lives and with who we want to be, we need this book. When we turn away from opportunity and excitement in case it makes us anxious, we lose the joy in our lives and can experience misery and depression as well as, oddly, even more anxiety. Get Your Life Back helps you to identify what is really important to you and to notice the ways in which you behave which interfere with reaching your goals and following valued directions. It shows how to understand your own behaviour with compassion, without judgement, and how to both accept and change unhelpful or damaging ways of acting. You will learn new skills to manage emotion and endure discomfort as you journey towards mindful self-control.Uniquely, this book presents a blend of evidence-based treatments (CBT, ACT, DBT, compassion and mindfulness) giving you the best and most effective therapies for a better you.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Attacking Anxiety: A Step-by-Step Guide to an Engaging Approach to Treating Anxiety and Phobias in Children with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities
Drawing on the principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), this book sets out a clear, enjoyable, step-by-step approach for addressing the sorts of anxieties, fears and phobias that are so common in children and teens with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and related challenges.Using this easy-to-follow model, parents and professionals will have the tools they need to help children and teens cope with and sometimes overcome anxieties caused by everyday occurrences. The book covers seven common scenarios, from fears of environmental sounds and visiting the doctor or dentist, to anxieties around transitions, changes to schedules and an intolerance for making mistakes. The model can be adapted to suit almost any anxiety or phobia and is ideal for use at home, at school and in clinical settings where it can be integrated into a variety of treatment approaches and styles.Designed to help parents of children with autism spectrum disorders and the teachers and therapists who work with them, this book is an excellent resource for successfully alleviating many of the anxieties and phobias that interfere with life enjoyment, not only for the child but for the entire family.
New Harbinger Publications The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anger: A Step-by-Step Program for Success
A radically effective and evidence-based anger management tool—deeply rooted in cutting-edge researchWe are living in an age of anger. You hear people squabbling on the news. Reality TV portrays people baiting others into anger. Neighbors are intolerant of neighbors. We see more frustration and intolerance for people with different political views, beliefs, and lifestyles. Anger is everywhere—and it has real risks, including heart disease and depression. So, how can you break free from painful, self-defeating, and dangerous anger traps?Drawing on the gold standard treatment for anger—cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)—and informed by the no-nonsense approach of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), this workbook is chock-full of powerful tools, exercises, and self-assessments to help you overcome destructive anger, once and for all. With this guide, you’ll discover skills for identifying and avoiding needless anger; staying cool when anger heats up; and forging a stronger, more capable, and rational sense of self.If your anger is getting in the way of your relationships, your career, your health, and your happiness, The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Anger can help you take charge of your anger—and your life.
New Harbinger Publications Your Coping Skills Aren't Working: Move Beyond the Outdated, Ineffective Habits That Once Worked but Now Hold You Back
The coping styles we develop in childhood are often the result of stressful or traumatic experiences. And while they once worked to keep us feeling safe, they do not serve us well in adulthood. This breakthrough guide offers an innovative and evidence-based approach grounded in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), schema therapy, and attachment theory to help you break free from the coping habits that keep you stuck in a cycle of self-sabotaging negative thoughts and behaviours. In this eye-opening book, you'll identify the maladaptive coping patterns you developed in childhood, understand why you developed them, and learn how to change those destructive habits standing between you and a happier life. You'll also discover powerful strategies to help you give voice to your unmet needs; and learn to cultivate clarity, security, and confidence in yourself and what you need. Dysfunctional coping styles are often the relics of damaging childhood experiences. But your past doesn't need to dictate your future. With this guide, you can finally get unstuck from the habits that hinder your personal growth, get in the way of healthy relationships, and keep you from reaching your highest potential.
Octopus Publishing Group The Anxiety Workbook: Practical Tips and Guided Exercises to Help You Overcome Anxiety
Take control of your anxiety with this step-by-step workbook to help you identify and overcome your worries Life has plenty of challenges, and it’s normal to feel anxious from time to time. But when worry starts to affect your health and happiness, it’s time to take action. The Anxiety Workbook contains practical advice, effective tips and guided exercises to enable you to recognize and process your anxiety. Based on trusted techniques and mindfulness exercises, this guide will allow you to better understand your anxiety and provide the tools you need to work through it. Either use the workbook on its own or alongside therapy to help you break away from negative thought patterns and achieve long-term calm and peace of mind. Inside the book, you will find: A relaxed and supportive approach, which allows you to calmly complete the exercises at your own pace A hands-on attitude to relieving anxiety, offering a wealth of tips and advice for working through your worries Clear and actionable advice on making lifestyle changes to support and improve your mental well-being Exercises grounded in research-supported CBT techniques
Hodder & Stoughton The Little ACT Workbook
A practical introduction to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for the general reader.From one of the co-authors of the Little CBT Workbook,The Little ACT Workbookis a simple, hands-on, practical guide introducing essential ACT techniques you can use to live a full and meaningful life and change your life for the better. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an empirically-supported mindfulness-based behavioural therapy, gaining significant ground in the UK. This helpful book is packed full of guidance, techniques and a series of practical exercises so you can immediately start applying key ACT principles to your day-to-day life. Learn how to: Manage stress, depression and anxiety more effectively Improve your mood and resilience Create an enjoyable, meaningful and fuller life Rather than assuming that you need to change your thoughts and emotions in order to feel better, ACT shows you how to change your relationship to your thoughts and feelings, and to loosen up around them in order to engage in value-based action. The Little ACT Workbookensures you have the insight, tools and confidence to apply these valuable principles to your own situation and put them into practice today.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Practical Pain Management Handbook: The Essential Evidence-Based Guide
The successful management of chronic pain remains an elusive goal. As more complex diagnostic and intervention procedures become available, patients and clinicians alike have ever-greater expectations of banishing the problem of pain altogether. Unfortunately this hope is rarely fulfilled and the frustration experienced by everyone affected by chronic pain has remained more or less the same over the last two or three decades. Based on over 40 years' of experience and research The Practical Pain Management Handbook is a unique resource specifically designed for therapists involved in running Pain Management Programmes (PMPs). This engaging and effective handbook includes: intensive inpatient and extended outpatient programmes all of which are at least 25 hours in length; interactive materials designed to be used to form the basis of group discussion. Where there is a question in the text the suggested answer material is provided; assignments and tasks that can be used as homework or group session exercises; both standard Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) technologies as both have been found to be valuable in PMPs. The handbook is organised into sections to fit a useful logical sequence but can be adapted to suit your preference.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Problematic and Risk Behaviours in Psychosis: A Shared Formulation Approach
In spite of improved access to psychosocial interventions, many people with psychosis continue to experience persistent problems which act as significant barriers to their recovery. This book investigates risk and problem behaviours in psychosis, including staff and service factors that can impede the delivery of effective care. Problematic and Risk Behaviours in Psychosis provides a new approach for assessment, formulation and intervention within such problem behaviours in a team context. Of particular interest will be: an outline of the SAFE (Shared Assessment, Formulation and Education) approach an integrative model for understanding risk and problematic behaviour shared risk assessment and management processes approaches to reducing team and carer barriers to effective care the use of CBT in day-to-day interactions with clients a set of formulation-driven strategies for managing problematic behaviours case studies and vignettes providing guidance and highlighting the benefits of the approach. This book will have particular appeal to professionals working in specialist community, hospital-based and residential services who often struggle to help those with the most complex mental health problems who are hardest to reach. It is also an excellent resource for those engaged in training in psychological therapies, risk assessment and management.
New Harbinger Publications Rewire Your OCD Brain: Powerful Neuroscience-Based Skills to Break Free from Obsessive Thoughts and Fears
Rewire the brain processes that cause obsessions and compulsions—and take back your life! If you’ve ever wondered why you seem to get trapped in an endless cycle of obsessive, compulsive thoughts, you don’t have to wonder anymore. Grounded in cutting-edge neuroscience and evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Rewire Your OCD Brain will show you how and why your brain gets stuck in a loop of obsessive thinking, uncertainty, and worry; and offers the tools you need to short-circuit this response and get your symptoms under control—for good. Written by clinical psychologist Catherine Pittman and clinical neuropsychologist William Youngs, this groundbreaking book will show how neurological functions in your brain lead to obsessions, compulsions, and anxiety. You’ll also find tons of proven-effective coping strategies to help you manage your worst symptoms—including relaxation, exercise, healthy sleep habits, cognitive restructuring, cognitive defusion, distraction, and mindfulness. The brain is powerful, and the more you work to change the way you respond to obsessive thoughts, the more resilient you’ll become. If you’re ready to rewire the brain processes that lie at the root of your obsessive thoughts, this book has everything you need to get started today.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Sounds Like Misophonia: How to Stop Small Noises from Causing Extreme Reactions
‘Empathetic, thoroughly informative and succinct ... Dr Gregory will be your friendly and helpful companion in the maelstrom of living with this complex disorder’ - Cris Edwards, founder of misophonia charity SoQuiet --- Are you often infuriated by ticking clocks, noisy eating, loud breathing, or any other small sounds? Do you wish you could sometimes put the world on mute? You might not have heard of misophonia, but if sounds can send you spiralling, you may have experienced it. In fact, it’s thought that one in five of us have it. Sounds Like Misophonia is the first dedicated guide to help you make sense of the condition and design a treatment plan that works for you. Using techniques from cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), clinical psychologist Dr Jane Gregory takes you through step-by-step exercises to change your relationship with sounds and streamline your coping strategies. Alongside you on your journey is podcaster and misophone Adeel Ahmad, who carries out experiments and shares case studies from volunteers around the world. With humour and understanding, Sounds Like Misophonia offers practical ways to navigate this noisy world and live a fulfilling life, instead of fighting against it.
Octopus Publishing Group 30 Steps to Finding Yourself: An Interactive Journey to Self-Discovery
Build your self-esteem, grow your confidence and rediscover your sense of self with this empowering and practical 30-step journal for women"Who am I?"The more confidently you are able to answer this question, the higher your levels of happiness, self-esteem and personal growth tend to be. However, in a world that still socializes women to build their lives around other people, many of us don't have an answer.This 30-step journal will take you on a unique and personal journey to discover who you are and who you want to be. Within these pages you'll find:· A structured approach to self-discovery that builds from step 1 to step 30· Interactive and creative CBT-based activities to nurture your relationship with yourself· Thought-provoking journalling prompts to deepen your self-awareness and allow for reflection· Guidance on how to let go of worries, doubts and other self-limiting beliefs· Actionable advice to help you consciously shape yourself into the person you choose to beThis journal will be your guide to understanding and empowering the most important person in your life: you.
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Supporting Kids and Teens with Exam Stress in School: A Workbook
As young people are exposed to more and more pressure at school, exam stress comes hand in hand. This workbook, a fun and interactive resource aimed at children and teens aged 10 and over, offers teachers, other professionals and parents tried and tested techniques to support young people's wellbeing through revision and exams.Applying a cognitive behavioural framework, it will help pupils to consider academic stress in terms of thoughts, feeling, body sensations and behaviour. Strategies encompass managing a child's lifestyle, namely exercise and diet, tried and tested CBT techniques, relaxation, positive self-talk and thought challenging, and other psychological methods such as mindfulness. Chapters will look at the day of the exam itself, evaluate stress in children with special educational needs and provide practical advice for parents as to how they can most successfully support their child.With photocopiable resources to use with the young person and suitable for either individual use or group work, Supporting Kids and Teens with Exam Stress in Schools will guide parents, teachers, tutors, therapists and other supporting adults to conquer students' fears, improve exam performance and, perhaps most important of all, maintain a work-fun balance in young people's lives.