Search results for ""birkhäuser""
Birkhauser Michaela Schweeger - Raum und Gestaltung / Space and Design: n.a.
Born and raised in Vienna, Michaela Schweeger set the tone for the future architecture of the MPREIS supermarkets in Austria at the beginning of the 1980s. In her three decades of artistic directorship, a distinctive look has emerged that defines the economic and artistic position of this Tyrolean company: their interior and exterior spatial interventions and graphic designs follow a concept of diversity that is easily recognizable, yet possesses individual diversity. Schweeger's design concept is versatile and extends to other disciplines. This extensive catalog of work includes texts by architecture historian Gabriele Reiterer and a photo essay by Hertha Hurnaus.
Birkhauser Olympic Realities: Sechs Städte nach dem Großanlass / Six Cities after the Games
Olympic sports facilities are places that get a great amount of attention for a short period of time. Moreover, media attention has rapidly increased in recent years, which reinforces the effect of temporary use even more. But what happens to the elaborately planned and expensive sports venues in the aftermath of the games? Photographer Bruno Helbling followed the fate of six venues with his camera: Athens (1896, 2004), Berlin (1936), Sarajevo (1998), Torino (2006), Beijing (2008), and Sochi (2014). His images are neither judgmental nor disavowing: He offers the viewer an objective yet aesthetically captivating look at what now awaits visitors to the respective sites. The variety of possible subsequent uses shown here – whether planned or unplanned – is both insightful and educational. At the same time, it demonstrates the effectiveness of architecture in an environment that is beyond the reaches of planning control. A book that is both poetic and inspiring. Exhibition and Reading 1 September 2016 Vernissage OLYMPIC REALITIES at Architekturforum Zürich starting 7pm to 10pm.15 September 2016 Reading with Pr. Dr. Martin Müller. Reading from his Sochi Essay 7pm.Exhibition until 7th of October at Architekturforum. Brauerstr. 16, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland.Information and opening hours: More information on the book Video
Birkhauser Common Grounds: Atelier Descombes Rampini 2000-2015
Descombes Rampini's projects are prime examples of the skillful, spatial combination of architecture and landscape architecture. In texts, drawings, models, and photographs, this monograph presents more than 45 completed projects and unbuilt designs from the last fifteen years. The publication covers all scales, ranging from spatial planning and urban planning to individual engineering structures. For the Place Simon Goulart project, completed in 2013, large wooden lounging fixtures were installed to create an atmospheric city square where visitors can relax and linger in the heart of Geneva. Turbinenplatz - the largest city square in Zurich - is a surprising design that plays with the contrast between minimalist design and a light show at night. In the ongoing renaturalizing of the Aire Canal in Geneva, which began in 2001, the architects have gradually created a natural landscape and recreational space on a four-kilometer long, strip of landscape. Outside of Switzerland, the architects are redesigning the banks of the Saône in Lyon, and are planning the new park, "Jardins d'Éole" in Paris. All of the projects demonstrate the design sensibility and the vast experience of Julien Descombes and Marco Rampini.
Birkhauser Endless Kiesler
After the success of Unbuildable Tatlin?!, a book is now available on Friedrich Kiesler’s visionary “Endless House”, which was only ever realized in the form of a model. It presents the current state of research and discusses the possibility of realizing the project using today's means, and it also brings together various contributions by artists and architects who reflect on Kiesler’s most important work. Texts were contributed by Sanford Kwinter, Klaus Bollinger, Brian Hatton, Laura McGuire, Florian Medicus, Jill Meissner, and Gerd Zillner, with the foreword by Hani Rashid. Visual art contributions were made by Andrea Zittel, Olafur Eliasson, Tomas Saraceno, Ian Kiaer, Jürgen Mayer H., Hans Hollein, Heimo Zobernig, and others.
Birkhauser Gute Gestaltung 15 / Good Design 15
Gute Gestaltung / Good Design 14 presents prizewinning designs from all disciplines. Whether architecture, corporate design, digital media, graphic fine arts, product design, photo, or film, the works awarded prizes by the Deutscher Designer Club (DDC, German Design Club) in its annual Gute Gestaltung (Good Design) competition demonstrate design excellence and skilful use of form. They document the high level of quality maintained by the contributing designers and firms. This book invites comparison, both within and between the various categories, making it a valuable and handy compendium of project assignments and creative solutions.
Birkhauser Gestaltet im Auftrag von ... / Designed in commission of ...: Gespräche über Graphik Design / Conversations on Graphic Design
What Stefan Sagmeister talks about in a Viennese coffee house, what Mangalica pigs have to do with good design, and everything that was better before, or at least, not as bad. In ten interviews with clients, Carlos Toledo, Eva Dertschei, Tino Erben, Martha Stutteregger, Stefan Sagmeister and Anita Kern report on their personal experiences with commissions and clients, and provide insight into their individual work processes. In this dialogue book three generations of graphic designers, all of which studied at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, speak openly about their experiences. With additional text contributions by Erik Spiekermann, Erwin K. Bauer, and Christian Reder, and others.
Birkhauser Basics Systèmes porteurs
Loadbearing systems are the basis of any structure. In order to provide architecture students with an easily understandable introduction to the field of supporting structures, this volume begins with the fundamentals of loads and forces and then moves on to building components and finally to loadbearing systems, together with their characteristic attributes.Subjects: Loads; Forces; Structural building components; Supporting structures and systems; Presizing.
Birkhauser Neues Bauen mit Holz: Typen und Konstruktionen
Timber: the old raw material and building material returns.There are many reasons today for building with wood and there are great advantages over conventional designs. Wood is not only a renewable building material that helps reduce the levels of CO2 and is hence good for climate change, but, due to modern computing and manufacturing processes, it can also be used for a variety of construction tasks. Wood possesses excellent qualities for both construction and indoor climate control, and can easily be combined with other common building materials. Based on 24 international projects, the book provides an overview of the range of possibilities in wood construction today. Texts, images, and plans document the architectural and constructive qualities of contemporary timber structures from the conceptual design to the structure in detail. The various uses are based on current research in modern timber engineering but also on timber construction expertise that has been developing over many centuries. This special discipline has evolved significantly in recent decades, particularly in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, and is a world leader today.
Birkhauser Research - Observe - Make: An Alternative Manual for Architectural Education
In 2008, the Department of Art and Architecture at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts developed a new basis for the architecture curriculum. They created five research platforms: Analogue and Digital Production (ADP), Ecology Sustainability Conservation (ESC), History Theory Criticism (HTC), Geography Landscape Cities (GLC) and Construction Material Technology (CMT). The CMT platform is lead by Michelle Howard; who used the platform to explore the Research Observe Make (ROM) teaching studies. The ROM publication documents this program of studies and also forms the basis for future development. It comprises, assembled in one volume, five complementary books, which can also be read individually. After an introduction and an exposé on theory, the "elemental", "spatial" and "material" projects are introduced. The last book documents workshops, lectures and experiments. An inspiring compendium with numerous expert contributions and creative student projects.
Birkhauser prozesse formen: kunst + design preisträger der stankowski stiftung 2015
Die Stankowski-Stiftung in Stuttgart hat den Münchner Designer und Hochschullehrer Kilian Stauss zum Stankowski-Preiträger Kunst + Design 2014 ausgewählt. Ziel dieser Stiftung ist es, die Einheit von Kunst und Design herauszustellen und die strenge Trennung von freier und angewandter Kunst und Gestaltung zu überwinden. Das Werk von Kilian Stauss, der interdisziplinär in den Gebieten product design, graphic design und interior design arbeitet sowie in den Schnittfeldern interface design, signage design, furniture design und in der Lehre tätig ist, wird diesem Anspruch voll und ganz gerecht. Das zu den im Jahr 2015 stattfindenden Ausstellungen herausgegebene Buch prozesse formen zeigt eine breite Auswahl seiner Projekte aus annähernd 20 Jahren in Bildern, Zeichnungen und erläuternden Texten und ist für jeden am Thema Design Interessierten ein Gewinn. Sein Titel kann aktiv wie passiv verstanden werden: Einerseits formt Stauss Gestaltungsprozesse und andererseits führen die von ihm initiierten Prozesse selbst zu Formen mit einer inneren Logik. Das Buch macht beide anschaulich.
Birkhauser Why is Landscape Beautiful?: The Science of Strollology
Lucius Burckhardt (1925-2003) taught architectural theory at Kassel University and, in the 1980s, coined the term "Promenadology" or the science of Strollology and developed this into a complex and far-sighted planning and design discipline. Given that "the landscape" as an idea only exists in our heads, Burckhardt's writings (and drawings) are not so much concerned with beautiful vistas, but focus instead on the multi-faceted interaction a simple walk-taker has with his environment. To those who observe the environment with their eyes wide open, interesting questions will arise again and again; for example, why "city" and "country" can no longer be separated so easily in the face of progressive urbanization. Or why we consider a viaduct to be beautiful, but a nuclear power station an intrusion. And also, why gardens are works of art and should therefore be appraised as such.This book contains 28 texts by the design and planning critic, for the first time in English, with the focus on landscapes, gardens as an art form and the science of strollology.
Birkhauser Basics Stahlbau
Birkhauser Hauswartung
Der neue Band der Edition Wohnen ,Hauswartung' stellt die Arbeit der Hauswartung dar und analysiert ihren Wert fur die Bewirtschaftung und Verwaltung von Gebauden. Denn die Hauswartung ist mehr als das Ersetzen von Teilen und die Wiederherstellung des Originalzustandes eines Gebaudes - Hauswartung tragt wesentlich zur Lebensqualitat bei. Das Buch basiert auf einer Studie des ETH Wohnforums, die ein Jahr lang unterschiedliche Hauswartungen bei ihrer taglichen Arbeit begleitet hat. Neben der Darstellung der Praxis sowie ihre aktuellen Entwicklungen, nehmen Fachleute Stellung zur gegenwartigen Diskussion uber die nachhaltige Entwicklung von Wohnimmobilen und Siedlungen und setzen sich kritisch mit dem technischen Facility-Management auseinander. Im Rahmen der Studie ist ausserdem das filmische Portrait 'Der Hauswart. Warum unsere Stadte nicht auseinanderfallen' entstanden, das per Link im Buch zuganglich ist.
Birkhauser Wachsende Architektur: Einführung in die Baubotanik
A growing, living house, a building made of a plant seems to be a contradiction in terms. Nevertheless, the Khasi in eastern India already knew how to connect the branches of rubber trees to form footbridges, and in southern Germany dance lime trees formed the centre of villages for centuries. Following on from this, the new discipline of Baubotanik is dedicated to designing with trees. Built projects, prototypes and visionary concepts point the way to a new green architecture. This introduction shows the possibilities of such living constructions and goes into the botanical growth laws that guide the design. The basics of constructing with trees are presented. The book encourages a whole new look at architecture that becomes part of urban nature.
Birkhauser Architektur planen: Dimensionen, Räume, Typologien
In formulating a design concept into a viable plan, architects oscillate constantly between two planes of observation: the actual design task in the context of planning typologies such as residential buildings, office buildings, museum, or airport, and the individual room, meaning the kitchen, office, classroom, sanitary rooms, storage rooms, and so on. Planning Architecture offers architects and students a thought-out planning tool, in which two main sections reciprocally complement one another: the “spaces” and the “typologies” between which the planner can flexibly oscillate depending on his or her plane of observation. All relevant planning information is presented in a detailed clear fashion, and in context. These two sections are flanked by an introductory chapter explaining the basis and framework for typological design, as well as a “reference section” at the end of the book that clearly lists general dimensions and units, regulations and standards.
Birkhauser Libraries - A Design Manual
Birkhauser LONDON. The Unique City: Die Geschichte einer Weltstadt
Originally published in 1934, London. The Unique City by Steen Eiler Rasmussen tells the fascinating story of one of the world's most influential metropoles. Rasmussen conducted extensive research on the London's history as well as on the manners and mores of its inhabitants. The book is further enriched by the author's many years of personal observation and analysis regarding London's urban and architectural development. London. The Unique City is thus a classic work that remains an instructive guide to the city's history and urban forms. A key idea contained in the book is that a city's future can be decisively influenced by self-reliant and culturally aware citizens who take action on behalf of the city, without depending on the public sector. This idea, which is just as relevant today as it was some eighty years ago, is being revitalized in international urban discourse, as demonstrated by the influential Urban Age conference, which has showcased opportunities for local action on the basis of numerous examples. Steen Eiler Rasmussen (1898–1990) was one of the last great architects to address the broader social context of his work. He presented his observations and analysis in a great number of publications, the the most famous of which is undoubtedly London. The Unique City.
Birkhauser Planning Landscape: Dimensions, Elements, Typologies
A unique planning tool for landscape architects When developing a design concept in a realizable plan, landscape architects oscillate between two different levels of criteria: the tangible design task in context with the planning typology of the park, playground, outdoor swimming pool, or sports facilities, and the individual elements such as steps, ramps, pathways, fenced-in enclosures, outdoor furniture, and so on. Planning Landscapes is a well-conceived tool for the planner, which focuses on the two main aspects of "elements" and "typologies." The planner can flexibly shift between these two according to the specific criterion. The publication presents all information relevant to the planning in a detailed, clear, and cohesive manner. These two main chapters are flanked by an introductory chapter explaining the basics and determining factors of designing in open spaces at the front of the book, and the "reference work" at the end of the book where general dimensions and units, specifications and norms are all clearly compiled.
Birkhauser Gute Gestaltung / Good Design 11
Good Design 11 is a guide to award-winning design from the German-speaking world. It presents prizewinning design from all design disciplines. Be it architecture, product and trade fair design, corporate communication, digital design, or advertising - the works selected by the Deutscher Designer Club (DDC) in their annual "Good Design" competition demonstrate the high design quality of things we use every day.
Birkhauser Mies van der Rohe. Das gebaute Werk
Diese grundlegende und umfassende Mies-Monografie betrachtet sein Werk von einem entwurfsbezogenen Standpunkt der Architektur aus: Sie rekonstruiert die Bauten in ihrem realisierten Zustand und sieht sie gleichsam auf Augenhöhe des heutigen Betrachters: als qualitätvolle und nach wie vor inspirierende Architektur eines großen Meisters der Moderne. Das Buch präsentiert80 realisierte Bauten Mies’ in chronologischer Reihenfolge. Dabei werden etwa 30 dieser Werke in drei Schritten ausführlich analysiert: Im ersten Schritt wird der Bau in seinem ausgeführten Zustand dokumentiert: sämtliche Grundrisse wurden dafür durch den Autor neu gezeichnet; im zweiten werden die baulichen Veränderungen dargelegt, und der dritte Schritt arbeitet die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung hinsichtlich ihrer Relevanz für den heutigen Blick auf Mies’ Schaffen heraus.
Birkhauser In Detail, Work Environments: Spatial concepts, Usage Strategies, Communications
The requirements confronting our workplaces have recently undergone a dramatic transformation. Constantly shifting workspace populations and varying uses of workspace call for flexible spatial structures, and so do new professions and innovative working methods. The plannung of workspaces is influenced by the digitalization of our storage media as well as by new materials and building technologies. And yet for all the importance of flexibility and technology, the ultimate focus isstill on human beings. How, then can the multilayered concepts of indoor climate, lighting, acoustics, and ergonomics be reconciled with spatial structures that lend themselves to a variety of uses? In keeping with the typological approach of the series, this volume of the series In Detail presents the various work environments organized according to use. The focus throughout is on the successful interplay between technical standards, organizational structures, and human needs.
Birkhauser Constructing Shadows: Pergolas, Pavilions, Tents, Cables, and Plants
Trees are ideal sources of shade; where they cannot be used, their function is taken over by tents, pergolas, and pavilions. In the context of global warming, shade-providing construction is becoming an increasingly important building task. In Part One of this book, specialists in the field present the typical forms of shade-providing construction as well as the design approach associated with each. Part Two presents easily consultable overviews of 140 plants that have proven to be effective givers of shade in temperate, subtropical, and tropical zones. Part Three presents thirty built projects by celebrated architects and landscape architects from five continents. These constructions illustrate a wide variety of functions and scales and cover various climatic zones and cultural contexts. All structures are constructionally and systematically analyzed with texts, true-to-scale drawings, and photographs from their foundations to their connections and the shadows they cast.
Birkhauser Basics Dessin technique
Technical Drawing deals with the representation of plans throughout all phases of a project. For students, the primary focus is on the development and methodical construction of a technical drawing. Themes: Types of plan (from site plan and preliminary drawings to design and detail plans) Components of the plan (floor plan, section, elevation, detail) Line width, dimensioning, hatching, use of text, symbols Plan presentation and compilation
Birkhauser Fluss.Raum.Entwerfen: Planungsstrategien für urbane Fließgewässer
Urban riverbanks are attractive locations and highly prized recreational environments. The designs of urban river landscapes must fulfill a broad range of requirements: flood control, open space design, and ecology are as a rule the three dominant themes, and they must often be reconciled within a very restricted space. The river must be understood as a process: governed by changing water levels, shifting seasons, erosion, and sedimentation, the river environment is not a static entity but constantly changing—the design must be flexible and take this into account. This book is the product of a multi-year study that subjected more than fifty Western European projects to a comparative analysis. The result is a systematic catalog of effective strategies and innovative design elements. First, designers and planners are given an overview of the broad and varied spectrum of design possibilities. The book’s process-oriented approach is especially helpful where the focus is on long-term, sustainable measures. The publication consists of two linked volumes that enable the reader to consult the systematic catalog and the case study section side by side. The easy-to-navigate structure and an extensive glossary provide further guidance, while the work’s highly distinctive design makes it visually appealing as well and invites the reader to leaf through and explore it.
Birkhauser Topotek 1: Eine Landschaftsskulptur für München / A Landscape Sculpture for Munich
Topotek 1 is one of Germany’s internationally best-known landscape architecture firms. Rosemarie Trockel is currently one of Germany’s most important artists; she has made a name for herself through highly unconventional works that have often been exhibited in New York, Chicago, at documenta Kassel, the Venice Biennale, and elsewhere. The new and extremely playful park in Munich is the result of a collaboration between them. It covers a three-hundred-meter section of railroad tracks and creates urgently needed open space for the neighborhood of Theresienhöhe. In addition to the design, technically demanding questions like the approach to statics, acoustics, and traffic safety also needed to be solved. This has been achieved with an intricate costly and elaborate mix of gravel, pine trees, plastic , artificial turf, styrofoam, and concrete, which creates varied textures for the site. This monograph examines the new park design in a number of essays and documents the design and production process.
Birkhauser Dado: Built and Inhabited by Rudolf Olgiati and Valerio Olgiati
valerio Olgiati has worked as an architect in Los Angeles, Zurich, and, since 2008, in Flims. He has been a visiting professor at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Zurich, the AA in London, and at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Since 2002 he has been professor at the Accademia di architettura in Mendrisio and since autumn 2009 he has held the Kenzo Tange Chair at Harvard. The unmistakable straight lines and independence of his buildings has brought him international attention. The Olgiati’s family estate is located in the historical town center of Flims. Rudolf Olgiati (1910–95) purchased the property, known as Dado, in 1930 and throughout his life used it to realize his architectural thoughts and ideas. Today, the son is living in his father’s house, and in 2008 he set up his much-admired architectural firm on the former site of the barn. This publication portrays the life and work of both architects using the example of the house and studio—that is, through the transformations they have undergone at the hands of their residents over a period of nearly eighty years. It shows personal furniture and objects, the individual layout and design of the spaces, and hence the penchants and attitudes of the two architects. At the same time this unusual portrait documents not only the relationship between father and son but also the characters of two generations and their understanding of architecture and aesthetics.
Birkhauser Enclose | Build: Walls, Facade, Roof
The building shell is the interface with the outside world, it offers protection and at the same time represents its owners or occupants. But what are the criteria for choosing a specific shell? Why is a particular material used on a particular undercoat? The fifth volume of the SCALE series, Enclose | Build, is not about the curtain, the dressing of the facade that surrounds a building, but rather on a causal level about the exterior termination of a building, the wall, the facade, which can be made of various materials, surfaces, and achieves different design effects. It shows the conditions under which certain constructions can be employed and why; what criteria such as construction costs, issues of sustainability, of energy efficiency, of assembly or of insulation or protection against moisture can also influence the choice of a system. In addition to classical constructions, Enclose | Build offers a look at future developments. How will the facade evolve as an interface for information? What do viable concepts for environmentally active, energy-efficient building shells look like? Enclose | Build is an indispensable tool for every architect and planner.
Birkhauser Sustainable Architecture in Vorarlberg: Energy Concepts and Construction Systems
The successful combination of a regional building style of sophisticated simplicity with sustainable construction methods has made the architecture of Vorarlberg (Austria) a model for the rest of the world. This book presents particularly successful projects from recent years involving various building types and portrays their development from design idea to built detail. The documented structures by Cukrowicz Nachbaur, Christian Lenz, Oskar Leo Kaufmann + Albert Rüf, Hermann Kaufmann, Dietrich Untertrifaller, Baumschlager Eberle, Marte.Marte, and Martin Rauch place the focus on their energy strategy and formally ambitious construction methods. All of the plans and detail drawings were specially prepared for the book, which makes it easy to compare the projects.
Birkhauser Code: Zwischen Operation und Narration
The process of coding is a systematic experimentation with signs, symbols, and the construction of larger cultural meanings. The fourth volume in the series Kontext Architektur examines the architectural-historical and -theoretical relevance of the concept of "code" from various perspectives. The authors and editors start from the premise that this concept makes for new ways of translating architecture into language. Thus, the dominance of computer simulation makes it clear that the building is no longer merely a vehicle for signs, but literally also their product. The code has penetrated, as it were, from the exterior of the building into its interior, into its structure. We are dealing with both a socio-cultural as well as with a mathematical and formal notion of code. The goal of this book is thus to arrive at a critical grasp of the contours of this vibrant conceptual tension between the cultural and the formal, the "outside" and the "inside," while also formulating questions for further exploration that are relevant for architecture.
Birkhauser Code: Between Operation and Narration
The process of coding is a systematic experimentation with signs, symbols, and the construction of larger cultural meanings. The fourth volume in the series Kontext Architektur examines the architectural-historical and -theoretical relevance of the concept of "code" from various perspectives. The authors and editors start from the premise that this concept makes for new ways of translating architecture into language. Thus, the dominance of computer simulation makes it clear that the building is no longer merely a vehicle for signs, but literally also their product. The code has penetrated, as it were, from the exterior of the building into its interior, into its structure. We are dealing with both a socio-cultural as well as with a mathematical and formal notion of code. The goal of this book is thus to arrive at a critical grasp of the contours of this vibrant conceptual tension between the cultural and the formal, the "outside" and the "inside," while also formulating questions for further exploration that are relevant for architecture.
Birkhauser Jenseits des Rasters – Architektur und Informationstechnologie / Beyond the Grid – Architecture and Information Technology: Anwendungen einer digitalen Architektonik / Applications of a Digital Architectonic
Professor Ludger Hovestadt’s Institute for Computer-Aided Architectural Design at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich) is widely regarded as one of the world’s most important institutes currently working at the interface between architecture and information technology. The combination of these two makes it possible to see architecture no longer as a separate sphere of technological reality but rather as one element of a society based on information technology. As a universal tool, the computer encourages one to think in terms of information structures and systems that span individual fields. This "rethinking" of the nature of architecture is leading to a paradigm shift at the methodological level of design, planning, construction, and economy. After a decade of experimentation, it has now become possible to see information technology for architecture as the basis for a new and energy-saving practical approach to building. This publication presents the work of the chair for CAAD using numerous examples – from the spectacular Monte Rosa Alpine hut of Andrea Deplazes to the residential development of KCAP.
Birkhauser extra: Encyclopaedia of Experimental Print Finishing
Graphic designers who wish to work with print finishes like blind embossing and phosphorescent ink constantly face the same problem: there are no compelling examples of the available techniques. They must either turn to existing books, which only present them in photographs and make it impossible to experience their tactile qualities, or to samples in advertising brochures put out by individual printing presses, which are so focused on the technology that their visual and haptic appeal is lost. This is where extra comes in: it uses sensuously experienced examples to present the most important finishing techniques practically and theoretically, in variants and experimental combinations. Thirty internationally renowned designers created pages especially for this book as a basis for explaining the special design and technical features of each technique, with an in-depth exploration of its possible uses. Additional articles deal with general issues such as planning and costing a finish or its mode of operation. With its large amount of information, its easy-to-navigate structure, and a glossary, this book is an indispensable reference work on print finishing. At the same time, its experimental character and high-quality design make it a source of inspiration for everyone with an interest in the subject. Designers of the "show pages" in alphabetical order: 123buero Antoine+Manuel Catalogtree Drushba Pankow Fanette Mellier Fons Hickmann m23 Hans Gremmen Hort Sarah Illenberger Jung+Wenig Karlssonwilker inc. Hoon Kim Hort Yang Liu Mario Lombardo LUST Thomas Mayfried mischen Maureen Mooren NODE Berlin Oslo OK-RM onlab Pixelgarten Project Projects Rimini Berlin Viola Schmieskors Ariane Spanier Annik Troxler Üppig Weiss–heiten Design
Birkhauser Scenography - Szenografie 2: Staging the Space - Der inszenierte Raum
How do I develop narrative architectural designs, exhibitions focused on experience, and synesthetic scenography? The book provides a wide range of insights into the working method of the internationally active design studio; explanatory essays and the documentation of over 60 projects illustrate the implementation of scenographic concepts using content, object, space, recipient, and dramaturgy as parameters. The current projects stretch from the refurbishment of the Wagenhallen in Stuttgart to the Grand Egyptian Museum in Gizeh. Additional milestones include the Titanic exhibition in Hamburg, the trading floor of the German Stock Exchange in Frankfurt am Main, the BMW museum in Munich, and the visitor center of the European Parliament in Brussels.
Birkhauser Renzo Piano: Space - Detail - Light
The Pritzker laureate Renzo Piano is recognized worldwide as one of the most renowned architects of our time. Central elements of his aesthetics include the playful use of natural light, the transparency of his buildings and their fine detailing. This publication documents nine museum buildings by Renzo Piano Building Workshop.
Birkhauser Entwurfsdinge: Vom Sammeln als Werkzeug moderner Architektur
Das Sammeln ist als produktives Werkzeug des Entwerfens in der Architektur bislang kaum erforscht worden. Dabei kennt die Architekturgeschichte zahlreiche Formen wie Muster-, Vorbild- oder Objektsammlungen, die immer neue Wissens- und Materialgrundlagen zugänglich machten. In diesem Buch gelingt erstmals eine fundierte Aufarbeitung dieses besonderen Entwurfswerkzeugs und seiner Operativität, theoretisch begründet und an Fallbeispielen der Geschichte und der Gegenwart belegt. Im Zentrum stehen dingliche Sammlungsgegenstände, die auf jeweils eigene Weise zu Referenzobjekten werden. Die Einzeldarstellungen widmen sich dem Sammeln im Entwurfsvorgang bei Ernö Goldfinger, Renaat Braem, Rudolf Olgiati und Aldo Rossi sowie bei AFF Architekten und Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten.
Birkhauser Breathe: Erkundungen unserer atmosphärisch verflochtenen Zukunft
This book explores breathing and the atmosphere as leitmotifs for the design of an inclusive future in a new climate regime, uncovering intertwinements of societal activities with the air and the atmosphere. With this awareness of entanglement, the deeply performative characteristics of the air, atmosphere and climate are foregrounded and can be discovered as central agents in the conception and design of our planetary existence. This carefully edited collection brings together renowned authors from various disciplines, and their ideas, observations, and examples inspire us to rethink our forms of social action and design. With contributions by: Bruno Latour Eva Horn, Heather Davis David Life, Bronislaw Szerszynski Jean-Paul Thibaud Gernot Böhme Peter Sloterdijk Rosetta Sarah Elkin Wolfgang Kessling Anja Thierfelder Matthias Schuler Tomás Saraceno Klaus K. Loenhart
Birkhäuser Designing Cities
Birkhauser Open(ing) Spaces: Design as Landscape Architecture
"What does the landscape architect actually do as a designer?" The authors of this book investigate this question, which only seems easy – and address some fundamental ideas about design in landscape architecture: What resources are available for designing open spaces? What role do natural conditions play? What principles are applied? This book identifies and analyses the elements that come together to create landscape architecture. Based on their experience in practice and education, the authors reveal the core components of landscape design. In the introduction to the new edition, Stefan Bernard opens up about the book’s origins and reflects on its continuing importance for the design of high-quality outdoor spaces.
Birkhauser Basics Masonry Construction
Masonry construction is usually the first building exercise the student encounters in his or her training. This volume elaborates the fundamental principles of scale, construction, and assembly of building components using simple masonry structures as examples. Topics: materials and measurements building physics and load-bearing structures typical bonds building components execution of masonry structures The present volume aims to introduce students systematically to the subject of masonry. Bricks and mortar, the elemental basic components, are used to devise rules for building a wall. The emphasis is on the overall systems and material-dependent properties. The interplay of bricks, the forms of masonry bonds, and the aesthetic of masonry with wall apertures, projections and recesses are explained soundly and methodically so that students can understand the essence of masonry and apply their insights directly to their designs and projects.
Birkhauser Building Sharjah
Building Sharjah reveals how modern architecture unfurled across the United Arab Emirates’ third-largest city. An oil discovery in 1972 positioned Sharjah as one of the world’s final cities shaped by transformative fortune. In the footsteps of Kuwait, Riyadh, and Dubai, Sharjah faced a metamorphosis: either one that repeated the past’s mistakes or one that reimagined how wealth can build a city. Sharjah’s potential enticed an international cast of experts to create a bold, new city. As their projects begin to vanish, this book preserves them through unseen photographs and recovered documents. New writing chronicles how local and arriving residents arranged the designed, concrete environment into a home. Beyond just a local artifact, this book examines the confident promises made by global practices of urbanization.
Birkhauser OMA/Rem Koolhaas: A Critical Reader from 'Delirious New York' to 'S,M,L,XL'
The most incisive texts on Rem Koolhaas / OMA The activities of Rem Koolhaas and his staff were widely discussed even before the foundation of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture in 1975. Today, many contributions on the work of OMA can be found in the international architectural press, including Koolhaas’ own writings. The book contains about 150 selected texts—interviews, feature articles, essays, lead articles, reviews, letters, introductions, appraisals, and competition reports that have been compiled for the first time. This compilation not only provides a fresh and critical view of the oeuvre of one the most important contemporary architects, but also represents an account of the debate on architectural and urban design in recent decades. The most incisive texts on the work of OMA/Rem Koolhaas, with many articles that have never before been translated into English An overview of notions, ideas, and debates in architectural discourse, theory, and criticism, from the 1970s until 2000, that remain relevant today Illustrated with more than 100 cover shoots
Birkhauser Refining Nature
Peter Walker is one of the most seminal and prolific figures in contemporary landscape design worldwide - both as a teacher and as practitioner. Among his best-known works are Nasher Garden in Dallas, Novartis Campus in Basel, Switzerland and the World Trade Center Memorial in New York. This academic review of Walker's unique oeuvre look closely at his design work and provides a comparative analysis.
Birkhauser Floor Plan Manual Housing
The Floor Plan Manual Housing has for decades been a seminal work in the field of architecture. In its 5th, revised and expanded edition, approximately 160 international housing projects built after 1945 are documented and analyzed. The focus is on exemplary and transferrable projects, and on innovative and trendsetting concepts. The systematic representation of all projects allows the reader to compare and evaluate various floor plans – and to be inspired by the wealth of ideas and strategies for one’s own design work. The introductory theoretical and historical essays have been newly written or updated, and offer a structured overview of the residential housing typology and its development.
Birkhauser Wood and Wood Joints: Building Traditions of Europe, Japan and China
Building with wood as an ecologically viable material is a tradition with a long history. In the most typical method, elements are connected by using wood joints which do not require the assistance of adhesives or metal connectors. By looking at several hundred examples from Japan, China and 18 European countries, this book describes in great detail the history of timber architecture in terms of its technical, aesthetic and ecological dimensions. This thorough study is a mine of information to specialists in this field; it opens up to the craftsman of today what has become an almost forgotten world and provides a fascinating account for the general reader. The new introduction to the third edition reviews developments since the first publication of this book in 1997.
Birkhauser Le Corbusier and the Architectural Promenade
„Architecture is experienced as one roams about in it and walks through it… So true is this that architectural works can be divided into dead and living ones depending on whether the law of ‘roaming through’ has not been observed or whether on the contrary it has been brilliantly obeyed." (Le Corbusier, 1942) The "promenade architecturale" – the observer’s pathway through the built space – is a central element of Le Corbusier’s architectural and city planning designs. It is the sequence of images that unfolds before the eyes of the observer as he or she gradually advances through the structure. It is the creation of a hierarchy among the architectural events, a set of instructions for reading the work – the "internal circulatory system" of architecture. With the help of the "promenade architecturale", Le Corbusier created virtuosic imbrications of indoor and outdoor space, fluid spaces that reveal themselves as the visitor progresses. Architecture constitutes the space of processes of movement.
Birkhauser 128 Colors: A Sample Book for Architects, Conservators and Designers
Dealing with color is a complex subject: influenced by standards, fashions, and trends, we derive our ideas and concepts from color theories, intuition, and personal preferences. The color swatches and systems for describing color common today are based on purely quantitative principles and include well over 1,500 colors. So how do we choose a particular color? More than ten years ago, the color chemist Katrin Trautwein established a pigment factory, starting out from Le Corbusier’s color palette. She now has more than 900 recipes for paint from which she has proposed – based on her work with architects, designers, and historical preservationists – a selection of 128 colors that produce pleasant results on their own and also combine well. Each color is presented with a sample; their potential uses and significance are also discussed. Katrin Trautwein has lectured throughout the world on how to approach colors, given seminars, given expert opinions, advised architects, taught painters, and worked as a restorer.