Search results for ""author peter prinz"
Grin Verlag Gmbh Damals war es Friedrich von Hans Peter Richter Einsatzmglichkeiten im Geschichtsunterricht
Reclam Philipp Jun. Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte Mit den Farbholzschnitten von Ernst Ludwig Kirchner
FISCHER Sauerländer Peter Hase und seine Freunde Ein GeschichtenSchatz Tales of mayhem and mischief
Arcadia Publishing Inc. Saint Peters College Campus History
Heritage House Publishing Co Ltd The Premier and His Grandmother: Peter Lougheed, Lady Belle, and the Legacy of Métis Identity
Phoenix International Publications, Incorporated The World of Peter Rabbit Me Reader Jr 8 Board Books and Electronic Reader Sound Book Set
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trade Theory, Analytical Models and Development: Essays in Honour of Peter Lloyd, Volume I
The two volumes incorporate major new papers contributed by leading international economists, on a range of topics that reflect the breadth of Professor Lloyd's own distinguished contributions to the field of international trade and policy during a career spanning over four decades. This first volume, Trade Theory, Analytical Models and Development, comprises 11 essays offering new contributions on the following topics: trade and wages factor endowments, factor mobility and political economy of trade optimality of tariffs measurement of welfare customs union theory endogenous mergers and tariffs intra-industry trade state trading enterprises and trade liberalisation general equilibrium effects of e-Commerce, and trade economic growth with production and consumption externalities environmental pollution and resource degradation. The diversity of the topics covered by the contributors will appeal to international economists, and particularly to those with an interest in international trade theory and applications.
Random House USA Inc Vanity Fair: Introduction by Catherine Peters
Harrassowitz Der Weise Geht Leise: Im Gedenken an Den Begrunder Der Freiburger Sinologie Professor Dr. Peter Greiner
Klett Sprachen GmbH Black Peter The RedHeaded League Englische Lektre fr das 3 und 4 Lernjahr Mit Annotationen und Illustrationen
Verlag fur moderne Kunst GmbH Peter Kogler: Connected: With George Antheil with Friedrich Kiesler with Hedy Lamarr with Fernand Léger....
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Das Etwas Andere Gesangbuch: Die Schonsten Lieder Mit Frischem Text Von Peter Spangenberg
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El cuento de Perico el Conejo (Ed. 120 aniversario) / The Tale of Peter Rabbit ( 120th Anniversary Edition)
Open Road Integrated Media LLC The Sanctuary Sparrow: The Seventh Chronicle of Brother Cadfael, of the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, at Shrewsbury
Stekovics, Janos Die Grten des Peter Joseph Lenns im heutigen Polen Eine Spurensuche jenseits von Oder und Neie
Tyrolia Verlagsanstalt Gm Bergworte Bilder und Gedanken Mit Aquarellen des Autors Herausgegeben vom Peter Jungmann im Auftrag des BischofStecherGedchtnisvereins
Alianza Editorial Le gusta ser malvado conversacin nocturna entre Thomas Bernhard y Peter Hamm en la casa de Bernhard en Ohlsdorf 1977
?Nadie es tan crítico con mis cosas como yo. Podría actuar contra mí mismo como actúo contra mis personajes.??Le gusta ser malvado?? es una larga conversación nocturna, inédita hasta ahora, que tuvo lugar, en 1977, en la casa de Thomas Bernhard, en Ohlsdorf, entre el controvertido escritor austriaco y el crítico literario y escritor alemán Peter Hamm. La importancia de esta entrevista es que a través de la misma podremos conocer por qué escribía Thomas Bernhard, cómo lo hacía, el porqué de sus provocadoras actitudes, de su manera de pensar y de ser, por qué parecía a los demás un misántropo, cómo y por qué Thomas Bernhard vivía como vivía. En el fondo, un valioso documento para conocer mejor a Bernhard y comprender la obra literaria de uno de lo autores más importantes que han dado las letras alemanas.?Nadie es tan crítico con mis cosas como yo. Podría actuar contra mí mismo como actúo contra mis personajes.?
Edition Hamouda Mit Espen Aschenbengel im Land der Trolle 30 norwegische Volksmrchen von Peter Christen Asbjrnsen und Jrgen Moe
Tyrolia Verlagsanstalt Gm Zillertal Ein Bildband von Horst Ender Bild und Gudrun Steger Text Mit einem Vorwort von Peter Habeler
Verlag der Weltreligionen Die Vielfalt religiser Erfahrung Eine Studie ber die menschliche Natur Mit einem einleitenden Essay von Peter Sloterdijk
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Zum Zustand der repräsentativen Demokratie: Beiträge des Symposiums anlässlich des 80. Geburtstags von Hans Peter Bull
Hat die repräsentative Demokratie überhaupt noch eine Zukunft? Und wie ist ihr Zustand? Diese Fragen sind Gegenstand des vorliegenden Bandes, der sich mit dem Verhältnis von repräsentativer und direkter Demokratie befasst. Oftmals wird der repräsentativen Demokratie bescheinigt, sie sei nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Aber handelt es sich bei direkter Demokratie wirklich um eine Form 'demokratischerer' Demokratie? Diese Annahme lässt sich aus guten Gründen bezweifeln, wie die versammelten Beiträge mithilfe juristischer und sozialempirischer Erkenntnisse zeigen. In jedem Fall lassen sich beide Demokratieformen nicht gegeneinander ausspielen. Wie man sie möglicherweise kombinieren kann, zeigen einige Beispiele aus Hamburg.Der vorliegende Band versammelt die Grußworte und Vorträge des Festkolloquiums, das von den Herausgebern zu Ehren von Hans Peter Bull am 28. Oktober 2016 in Hamburg veranstaltet wurde.
HarperCollins Publishers St. Peter’s Mystery
The brand new unmissable adventure novel for fans of Scott Mariani, Dan Brown and Daniel Silva ‘The ingenious construction of the ivory box would ensure that neither wind nor water, earth nor fire would ever defile its precious contents.’ Leiden, Holland, 1996 For historian Peter de Haan and graduate student Judith Cherev, a visit to a local archaeological site to inspect a two-thousand-year-old bronze mask turns into disaster when lead archaeologist Thomas Konijnenberg is found lying in a pool of blood. Just hours before Thomas had unearthed an ivory casket, far more valuable than anything else found at the site. But he is not alone – someone else knows the value of the precious find. With Thomas’s life hanging in the balance, he entrusts the box to Peter and Judith for safe keeping. What they discover within the casket will lead them to the beginning of Christianity and expose a secret that will change history. But there are those who will go to great efforts to prevent the story going public, no matter what the cost. See what readers are saying about Jeroen’s gripping historical fiction ‘Well plotted . . . the characters are engaging’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Outstanding, thought provoking’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘Intricate, intelligent and informative’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ‘If you like Dan Brown you will absolutely LOVE [Jeroen Windmeijer]’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Klett Sprachen GmbH Peter Pan Buch AudioCD Englische Lektre fr das 1 und 2 Lernjahr
Harrassowitz Heinrich Von Huyssen (1666-1739): Prinzenerzieher, Diplomat Und Publizist in Den Diensten Zar Peters I., Des Grossen
Boydell & Brewer Ltd The Fifteenth Century III: Authority and Subversion
The themes of authority and subversion explored in relation to royal power, orthodox religion, and violence and disorder. The essays in this volume explore themes long seen as central to the history of late medieval England and Europe. They examine the strength of opposition to Henry IV's usurpation, the nature and extent of the lollards' resistanceto orthodox religion, and the contrasting causes of violence and disorder in the remote border regions at opposite ends of the country, in Cornwall and in the north-west. Subversion of its authority might be counteracted by a regime which recognized the importance of pageantry to bolster its public profile, while a complex weave of patronage, private interest and dedicated service enabled the Exchequer to function through periods of financial crisis. Relations between the Crown and urban centres, potentially a cause of tension, were eased by an emerging body of professional urban law-officers prepared to act as intermediaries. Contributors: PETER BOOTH, CLIVE BURGESS, KEITH DOCKRAY, ALASTAIR DUNN, PETER W. FLEMING, IAN FORREST, DAVID GRUMMITT, HANNES KLEINEKE, J.L. LAYNSMITH, JAMES LEE, FRANK D. MILLARD, JAMES ROSS, SIMON WALKER.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Conceptualizing Maritime & Naval Strategy: Festschrift for Captain Peter M. Swartz, United States Navy (Ret.)
Henry Bradshaw Society The Customary of the Benedictine Monasteries of Saint Augustine, Canterbury, and Saint Peter, Westminster.: Volume 1
The Henry Bradshaw Society was established in 1890 in commemoration of Henry Bradshaw, University Librarian in Cambridge and a distinguished authority on early medieval manuscripts and liturgies, who died in 1886. The Society was founded for the editing of rare liturgical texts'; its principal focus is on the Western (Latin) Church and its rites, and on the medieval period in particular, from the sixth century to the sixteenth (in effect, from the earliest surviving Christian books until the Reformation). Liturgy was at the heart of Christian worship, and during the medieval period the Christian Church was at the heart of Western society. Study of medieval Christianity in its manifold aspects - historical, ecclesiastical, spiritual, sociological - inevitably involves study of its rites, and for that reason Henry Bradshaw Society publications have become standard source-books for an understanding of all aspects of the middle ages. Moreover, many of the Society's publications have been facsimile editions, and these facsimiles have become cornerstones of the science of palaeography. The society was founded for the editing of rare liturgical texts; its principal focus is on the Western (Latin) Church and its rites, and on the medieval period in particular, from the sixth century to the Reformation. Study of medieval Christianity - at the heart of Western society - inevitably involves study of its rites, and the society's publications are essential to an understanding of all aspects (historical, ecclesiastical, spiritual, sociological) of the middle ages.
University of Pennsylvania Press Heresy and Authority in Medieval Europe
Throughout the Middle Ages and early modern Europe theological uniformity was synonymous with social cohesion in societies that regarded themselves as bound together at their most fundamental levels by a religion. To maintain a belief in opposition to the orthodoxy was to set oneself in opposition not merely to church and state but to a whole culture in all of its manifestations. From the eleventh century to the fifteenth, however, dissenting movements appeared with greater frequency, attracted more followers, acquired philosophical as well as theological dimensions, and occupied more and more the time and the minds of religious and civil authorities. In the perception of dissent and in the steps taken to deal with it lies the history of medieval heresy and the force it exerted on religious, social, and political communities long after the Middle Ages. In this volume, Edward Peters makes available the most compact and wide-ranging collection of source materials in translation on medieval orthodoxy and heterodoxy in social context.
Princeton University Press Governance in a Global Economy: Political Authority in Transition
Critics of globalization claim that economic integration drains political authority from states: devolving authority to newly empowered regions, delegating it to supranational organizations, and transferring it to multinational firms and nongovernmental organizations. Globalization is also attacked for forcing convergence of state institutions and policies and threatening the ability of societies to chart their own democratically determined courses. In Governance in a Global Economy, Miles Kahler and David Lake assemble the contributions of seventeen leading scholars who have systematically investigated how global economic integration produces changes of governance. These authors conclude that globalization has created a new and intricate fabric of governance, but one that fails to match the stark portrait of beleaguered states. Exploring changes in governance across several policy areas (such as tourism, trade, finance, and fiscal and monetary policy), the authors demonstrate that globalization changes the policy preferences of some actors, increases the bargaining power of others, and opens new institutional options for yet others. By reintroducing agency and choice into our understanding of globalization, this book provides important new insights into the complex and contingent effects of globalization on political authority and governance. The introduction and the conclusion are by the editors; the contributors are James A. Caporaso, Benjamin J. Cohen, Barry Eichengreen, Zachary Elkins, Geoffrey Garrett, Peter Gourevitch, Virginia Haufler, Michael J. Hiscox, Robert O. Keohane, Lisa L. Martin, Walter Mattli, Kathleen R. McNamara, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Jonathan Rodden, Ronald Rogowski, Beth A. Simmons, and Peter Van Houten.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Peter Pan Niveau 1 Ein Leseprojekt zu dem gleichnamigen Roman von James M Barrie Arbeitsbuch mit Lsungen
Edition Tintenfaß Et Verzllche vum Pitter Kning The Tale of Peter Rabbit En de klsche Sproch vversatz vum Alice Herrwegen
Books on Demand Die Rache der Kali: Zweiter Fall für Detective Inspektor Peter Brown und Jane MacKenzie
Prestel Verlag Peter Tschaikowsky Schwanensee Ein MusikBilderbuch zum Hren Ein MusikBilderbuch zum Hren mit 10 Soundmodulen
Skyhorse Publishing Saint Peter's Snow: A Novel
It could have been a common street accident that put Dr. Georg Amberg in the hospital, but for the five weeks his doctors say he has been in a coma, recovering from a brain hemorrhage after being run down by a car, he has memories of a more disturbing nature. What of the violent events in the rural village of Morwede? The old woman threatening the priest with a breadknife, angry peasants with flails and cudgels, Baron von Malchin with a pistol defending his dreams for the Holy Roman Empire--how could Dr. Amberg ignore these? And what of the secret experiment to make a mind-altering drug from a white mildew occurring on wheat--a mildew called Saint Peter's Snow. In this feverish tale of a man caught in the balance between two realities, Leo Pertuz offers a mystery of identity and a fable of faith and political fervor, banned by the Nazis when it was first published in 1933. Saint Peter's Snow is typical of Perutz's storytelling mastery: extraordinarily rich and elegant fiction that is taut with suspense, full of Old World irony and humor.
Charles C. Thomas Publisher Peters Music Therapy An Introduction
Duncker & Humblot Der Zweckverband Funktioneller Integration Nach Hans Peter Ipsen: Ein Beitrag Zur Begriffsgeschichte Und Zur Finalitatsdebatte in Der Europawissenschaft
Penguin Young Readers Group Mini World of Peter Rabbit Box Set 12 Books by Beatrix Potter 2007 Paperback
American Philosophical Society Press Forget Not Mee and My Garden . . .: Selected Letters, 1725-1768, of Peter Collinson, F.R.S., Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 241)
Salish Kootenai College Justice to Be Accorded To the Indians: Agent Peter Ronan Reports on the Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana, 1888-1893
Published by the Salish Kootenai College Press Peter Ronan (1839–93) was the government agent for the Salish and Kootenai tribes of the Flathead Indian Reservation in western Montana from 1877 until his death. It was a period of rapid cultural and economic change for the tribes as hunting and gathering resources declined and the surrounding white population exploded in western Montana. As an ex-newspaperman, Ronan provided reports to the commissioner of Indian Affairs with unusually full and detailed information about Flathead Reservation events during a critical time for the tribes. Ronan was a unique federal Indian Agent in the nineteenth century both because of both the length of his tenure and his ability to work with tribal leaders.Justice to Be Accorded to the Indians includes Ronan’s letters during the 1888–93 period covered by this second volume of Ronan’s letters, the tribes navigated growing economic and legal crises. Tribal farms and cattle herds expanded to make up for declining traditional hunting and gathering resources. Ronan and Kootenai chief Eneas worked hard to avoid open conflict with white settlers encroaching on the northern boundary of the reservation. Despite repeated provocations, Eneas was able to keep the peace and struggled to get equal justice for Kootenai victims of white criminals. The letters also detailed Ronan’s efforts to relocate the Bonners Ferry Kootenai and Lower Pend d’Oreille Indians on the Flathead Reservation and make off-reservation allotments to those tribal members who chose to remain in Idaho and Washington. This volume includes biographical sketches of Salish chiefs Arlee, Charlo, and Louison; Pend d’Oreille chief Michel; and Kootenai chief Eneas.
Pcet Ventures (003368687-P) Pioneering Tomorrow's AI System Through Electrical Engineering. An Empirical Study Of The Peter Chew Rule For Overcoming Error In Chat GPT
Bushel & Peck Books Peter Pan in 20 Minutes a Day: A Read-With-Me Book with Discussion Questions, Definitions, and More!
Random House Worlds Marvel What If . . . Wanda Maximoff and Peter Parker Were Siblings a Scarlet Witch SpiderMan Story
Wallstein Verlag GmbH Zwischen den Kriegen Bltter gegen die Zeit Eine Zeitschrift von Werner Riegel und Peter Rhmkorf