Search results for ""Author Schnell"
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The Faunal Remains from Gönnersdorf
The Magdalenian open air site of Gönnersdorf (Rhineland, Germany) continues to provide new insights into the organisation of Upper Palaeolithic human societies. This analysis of the faunal remains at the site goes far beyond a mere presentation of primary archaeozoological data to investigate the ways in which the Magdalenian site occupants incorporated hunting and subsistence into their daily life and social organisation. Methods including targeted strategies of radiocarbon dating, analyses of mortality patterns of horse, the main prey animal, meticulous recording of evidence for butchery, and the plotting and interpretation of spatial patterning of animal remains place the faunal data in context. Integrating these approaches, the authors have produced a convincing description of a Magdalenian settlement occupied seasonally in response to environmental opportunities and constraints, organised according to a strict spatial template and functioning as a semi-permanent »village«, thus foreshadowing the full sedentarism emerging in the contemporary Near East.
Schnell und Steiner Park Karlsaue Insel Siebenbergen Stauden und Gehlze
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Tageszeiten
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Ravenna
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Heute Kontemplation und Meditation und die Gegenwartskunst Die Sammlung der Dr Christiane Hackerodt Kunst und Kulturstiftung
Schnell & Steiner GmbH St Clemens Geschichte einer einzigartigen Kirche in EssenWerden
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Die ehemalige Stiftskirche St. Stephan in Mainz
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Polstermbel und textile Raumausstattungen Vom Handwerk zur Wissenschaft
Schnell und Steiner Schloss Wilhelmsthal bei Calden
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Anna Schffer Eine Heilige aus Bayern
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Groe Residenzen romantische Entdeckungen versteckte Schnheiten Ein Reisefhrer zu Deutschlands schnsten Schlssern Burgen und Grten
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Hambacher Schloss
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Rüdesheim Eibingen
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Darmstadt. St. Ludwig
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Der Aachener Dom
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Alltagstauglich Schmuck von Jugendstil bis Art dco Die Sammlung RatzCoradazzi
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The End of Time in the Order of Things: Science and Eschatology in Early Medieval Art
The study is based on a multidisciplinary approach from the perspective of science, religion and art. Biblical and scientific approaches - namely computistics and astronomy - are juxtaposed. By contrasting pictorial representations, written interpretations and historical facts, it becomes convincingly clear how strongly scientific representations and biblical iconography have influenced each other. Medieval scribes and illuminators did not separate these two genres. In the course of recent research, the work shows that Isidore of Seville, Beda Venerabilis or Alcuin were extremely important mediators of ancient cosmological knowledge for the modern world and that Christian authors have made lasting and still relevant contributions in the scientific field. One of these fields is computistics, originally the calculation of the exact date of Easter, in a broader sense the calculation of time. The spiritual nature of medieval science is extremely valuable for the comparison of science and art against the background of the main messages of the Christian faith. This work is the first to systematically describe the significance of the so-called Schematisms for the interpretation of medieval art, beginning in the Carolingian period and spanning a period of 300 years. Previously unknown illuminations are included in the analysis. The work convincingly illustrates the close interweaving of iconography - formed by schematic representations - and eschatology.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Glücksburg
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Altar and Church: Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity
Altar and Church: Principles of Liturgy from Early Christianity is the first English edition of a book (Altar und Kirche: Prinzipien christlicher Liturgie) first published very successfully in German in 2019. It is a translation of the revised third German edition. The central themes of Stefan Heid’s book are the early Christian altar and the building of churches. It is about the beginnings of the Christian liturgy; but it is also about the principles behind the liturgy. In his Preface, the author states that the book is concerned with “those things that are so fundamental and important for Christian worship that up to the Middle Ages they were found in all churches and to this day continue to exert an influence, especially in the communities of the East. In many cases, however, the praxis has meanwhile diverged a long way from what it once was and is now increasingly subject to ideological decisions.” Whether or not what Christians use during service today is considered to be an altar is a point of contention between the denominations. However, since the liturgical reform of the Vatican Council 2, the altar has been at the centre of many redesigns of Catholic church spaces, with the early Church frequently taken as the model. But how can this be reconciled with the widespread opinion that Christianity initially knew no cult and no sacrifices? It was not until later, from the time of Emperor Constantine, that a real state-supported cult with sacrifices, altars and magnificent sacred spaces developed; the Church suffers from this historical burden to this day. This volume carves a few paths through the liturgucal jungle and arrives at results that are as surprising as they are stimulating.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH inspirationen II
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Wie das Gold in den Rhein kam
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Kaiserpfalz Gelnhausen
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Die figrlich gravierten Glser der Sptantike Archometrische und archologische Untersuchungen 2 Bde
Schnell & Steiner GmbH Sakralbauten der Architektenfamilie Bhm
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Festung Ehrenbreitstein: Pictures of the change
“Festung Ehrenbreitstein – Pictures of the change“ takes a look at the fortress complex and history of the site where already in 3000 BC people settled, and the changes from the most important military installations of ots era to a cultural and tourist highlight of our modern times. The pictorial documents in particular the largest building works ever conducted by the state of Rheinland-Pfalz on the Ehrenbreitstein, as accompanied and recorded by the three Koblenz authors. In it, unique pictures from the largest image library showing the latest changes are compiled to create a meaningful whole, providing the reader with special moments and charming perspectives.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Fachbegriffe Rechnungswesen und Steuerrecht: Kaufmännisches Grundvokabular zum schnellen Nachschlagen für Praktiker und Lernende
Karin Nickenig befasst sich in diesem essential in aller Kürze mit den wesentlichen Fachbegriffen aus der Buchführung und Kostenrechnung (Rechnungswesen), sowie einschlägigem Fachvokabular aus dem Steuerrecht (insb. Einkommen-, Umsatz- und Gewerbesteuer). Der Leser erhält mit Hilfe dieses praxisorientierten kleinen Nachschlagewerks einen einfachen, dennoch fundierten Einstieg in relevante Begriffsdefinitionen, welche zum beruflichen Alltag z.B. eines kaufmännischen Angestellten oder Unternehmers gehören. Die Anordnung in alphabetischer Reihenfolge erleichtert das Auffinden der Begriffe im Praxisalltag „auf die Schnelle“.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The Fuggerei: Social home since 1521
In 1521 Jakob Fugger laid the foundation-stone for the existence of the Fuggerei in eternity, with a deed of foundation. Today, the Fuggerei still offers Augsburg citizens in need a safe home; descendants of Jakob Fugger still give their time to the management of the Foundation. To this day, the Foundation assets that Fugger contributed form the basis for funding the settlement. Taking a tour through the settlement, the guide explains how the Fuggerei has been able to fulfil its mission as a foundation for 500 years. The diverse contents of the houses are presented clearly and vividly – from architecture, to historical and contemporary life in the Fuggerei to the future of their foundation idea. Additionally, guest authors comment on interesting social and cultural-historical topics of the Fuggerei, discussing what the concept of the Fuggerei can mean for today’s society. An information section, a folding map and graphics provide quick orientation. The volume is generously illustrated in colour throughout.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Schnellboote: A Complete Operational History
The Kriegsmarine's Schnellboote fast attack boats, or E-boats to the Allies, were the primary German naval attack units in coastal waters throughout the Second World War. Operating close to their various bases they became a devastatingly effective weapon in nearly all the Kriegsmarine's theatres of war, from the Baltic to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. It was in the English Channel, however, that they scored their most notable successes, destroying some forty warships and more than one hundred merchant ships. In addition to interception and attack, they were also used for minelaying, landing sabotage troops and general escort duties. There had been, until this book was published, no comprehensive operational history of the S-boat service in all the theatres in which it saw service, but due to the relatively small number of units it is possible to recount the duties and fates of each individual craft and in this book the author examines the career of each in detail. In addition, operations alongside the commando units of the Kleinkampfverbande are covered. As the war progressed, S-boats suffered from the increased Allied mastery of the seas and skies but they were a formidable foe right to the end; this fine book was the first to do full justice to their record of success, and remains the foremost work on their operational history. **'The history of naval warfare in the Second World War is a well-worn path, and it is refreshing to encounter a work that is significant and adds to our understanding. This is quite simply an outstanding book.'** _The Mariner's Mirror_
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Daniel Neuberger the younger and Anna Felicitas Neuberger: The ceroplastic oeuvres 1621–1680 and 1650–1731
After working in Augsburg and Vienna they came to Regensburg in 1663. Their sculptural reliefs for Emperor Ferdinand III on Ovid brought issues of Empire, iconography and artistic creation into focus. The attached catalogue of works deals with the provenance, restauration, iconography, analysis and reception of their oeuvre. This study provides valuable evidence that a re-evaluation of ceroplastics is long overdue within the canon.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Ambassadors, Artists, Theologians: Byzantine Relations with the Near East from the Ninth to the Thirteenth Centuries
The contributors to this volume examine the complex dynamics which arose between the Byzantine Empire and the Near East. Moving beyond the tradition of histoire événementielle, the contributions collected here highlight the passing of artistic practices, ideas and interlocutors between Byzantium and the Islamicate world. In this way, the book seeks to nuance and contextualize our understanding of the relationship between these two medieval cultural spheres.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Armi votive in Magna Grecia
The study of sanctuaries and sacred contexts in Magna Graecia and southern Italy has undergone profound changes in recent years. The discoveries of weapons in some sanctuaries (e.g. Caulonia) in museum magazines (e.g. Paestum) together with monographic studies on specific weapons (e.g. tanks) today allow systematic research of weapons in votive contexts. Especially important is the possibility of comparing ritual practice in different cultures. This volume collects contributions on the complexity, prevalence and significance of war in votive contexts of southern Italy between the Archaic and Roman periods.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The Beef behind all Possible Pasts: The Tandem Festschrift in Honour of Elaine Turner and Martin Street, 2 Volumes
This Tandem Festschrift pays tribute to Elaine Turner and Martin Street, to celebrate all they have both contributed to the MONREPOS Archaeological Research Centre and Museum for Human Behavioural Evolution of the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum, in ensuring high research standards, and for your contributions to Palaeolithic Archaeology in Germany and beyond. It should be understood as a big “CHEERS” from the MONREPOS staff and many other friends and colleagues from all over the world, who contributed to this Festschrift. This double volume covers a broad spectrum of topics from the Lower Palaeolithic to the early Holocene and even to the Medieval period – touching upon the vast array of topics Elaine and Martin have dealt with over the last more than 30 years. It starts with the discussion of the oldest evidence for fire and addresses many other key-topics of scientific debate at fascinating levels of detail. "There is no doubt that Elaine Turner and Martin Street are to be especially acknowledged as the trailblazers for the internationalisation of Pleistocene Archaeology in Germany. The diversity of topics reflected by these contributions is due in large part to their rock-solid research, which is based on their exceptionally broad expertise and reflected in their highly interdisciplinary research projects.” (The Editors)
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Elisabeth: The Life and Legend of an European Saint. A Visual Voyage through Hungary
This volume is an invitation to meet this extraordinary woman of the 13th century, kings daughter, landgravine, and saint, in Germany, Hungry, Italy and Slovakia. The pictures evoke stations of her life, trace the path of her husband Ludwig IV who was called the Holy, lead to the source of her Franciscan ideal, present the preserved remains of a distant past, tell legends and guide ones gaze towards the artwork of pious veneration. The text and pictures of this book incite the reader to come closer: What appears to be a legend might seem, as a life really lived, strange to us nowadays. With Franciscan humility, Elisabeth chose a pathway removed from the beaten track of her times. She set an example of humanity which can be understood the world over down to the present day.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Cappenberg - der Kopf, das Kloster und seine Stifter: 1122–2022
The so-called Cappenberger Barbarossakopf is one of the most famous and well-known monuments of 12th century art. It is now kept in the former monastery church of the Premonstratensian monastery of Cappenberg, the collegiate church of St. John the Evangelist. This book sheds new light on the importance of Cappenberg for the spread of the Premonstratensians, but above all it explains the origin, function and significance of the Cappenberg head. The head raises many questions: Who does the head actually represent? What is its liturgical function? How can the head be historically contextualized? How can the identification of the head with the Hohenstaufen Emperor Frederick Barbarossa be explained? Does this attribution still hold true? A conference in Cappenberg in 2019 attempted to answer these questions; this book publishes the papers presented at that conference. The head has long been regarded as a portrait of the Hohenstaufen Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa (1122–1190). However, previously unpublished results of a material engineering investigation from 1977/78 require a new definition of the context in which the work was created. What are the consequences for the understanding of the head? In addition to the consistent reference to the object, the foundation of the Premonstratensian monastery of Cappenberg is the focus of many of the contributions to the book. What influence did Otto von Cappenberg’s godparenthood of Friedrich Barbarossa have on the furnishings of the monastery? The contributions shed new light on the importance of Cappenberg for the spread of the Premonstratensians.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The Reeves' Progress: A Cultural Journey of Discovery through Late Medieval Vogtland
The Vogtland is an old cultural landscape that includes parts of today’s German states of Thuringia, Saxony, and Bavaria, as well as parts of Bohemia in the Czech Republic. Over a period of centuries the dynasty of the Reeves of Weida, Gera and Plauen left its mark on the region, developing it economically and culturally on behalf of the Holy Roman Emperor. Copiously illustrated, The Reeves’ Progress traces routes through the largely unresearched territory of late medieval Vogtland. In a topographic journey it explores the old domains of the reeves before drawing the strands together in a thematic treatment. The book takes in the estates and churches, religious houses and sacred art of the region, examines the impact of the Teutonic Order, and introduces the reader to key monuments of pre-modern municipal and economic history.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Humans, Environment and Chronology of the Late Glacial of the North European Plain: Proceedings of Workshop 14 (Commission CCCII) of the 15th U.I.S.P.P. Congress, Lisbon, September 2006
The volume "Humans, environment and Chronology of the Late Glacial of the North European Plain" assembles papers presented during a workshop for the 15th Congress of the Union International des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques held in Lisbon in September 2006. The workshop was organised under the remit of U.I.S.P.P. Commission XXXII, which focuses on the "The Final Palaeolithic of the Great European Plain", and the present volume continues the series of conference proceedings that have been published at regular intervals during the past decade. This most recent contribution underlines the geographical spread and chronological depth of research into this topic, with papers ranging from those in the British Isles to the eastern Baltic and from the Paris Basin to southern Scandinavia, and covering a period of time extending from the late Magdalenian to the early Mesolithic.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt: Museum Guide
The guide opens by describing the ever-changing history of the museum. In two clearly structured and richly illustrated chapters the various departments present their respective collections and individual items - Prehistory and Early History, Archaeology, paintings and sculptures ranging from the early Middle Ages to the present. Also included are Block Beuys, Applied Art, the Graphic Collection, as well as Zoology, Mineralogy and Geology-Palaeontology including the fossils from the Messel Pit UNESCO World Heritage site. The main focus of the museum guide is not on a classical tour of the building. It is rather a well-founded consolidation, classification and visualisation of the collections enabling the reader to become familiar with the museum, as an in-depth analysis, or as a follow-up and recollection of the museum visit.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem: The Crusader Lining of an Early Christian Basilica
The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem is one of the few medieval monuments whose decoration, preserved, even if partially, in its original state until recently, can be almost completely reconstructed on behalf of surviving mosaics and wall paintings, in situ inscriptions, and rich written evidence from the Middle Ages and early modern times. The decorative program, dating back to the third quarter of the twelfth century, represents a unique testimony of its time, in its historical, theological, and art-historical aspects. The crusader lining of one of the most important monuments of early Christianity takes up local, Byzantine, and European traditions, eastern and western impulses to emphasize a locus sanctus that supports the Christian claim to universality. It is close to a miracle that such a diverse network of sometimes contradictory requirements and traditions as the one extant in crusader Holy Land merged into an exceptionally consistent programme.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Pilgrimage to Jerusalem: Journeys, Destinations, Experiences across Times and Cultures
Jerusalem is a city holy to three world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. From the early Byzantine period, Christian pilgrimage here and to other holy sites became a »mass phenomenon«. Thousands of Christians set out to holy sites in Palestine, Egypt and other places in order to physically experience salvation history and seek divine intervention in their lives. Numerous travel reports, pilgrim guides and other written sources highlight important aspects of pilgrimage. In addition, many well-preserved churches, monasteries, hostels and other buildings, as well as rich archaeological findings, provide us with a vivid and synthetic picture of the history of pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This volume presents the contributions of a conference held at Jerusalem in 2017. They address the phenomenon of the pilgrimage to Jerusalem from very different approaches using written and material sources. On the one hand, they ask how pilgrims travelled to the Holy Land, what was the infrastructure that made pilgrimages possible, what did they see and what impressed them. On the other hand, they approach the pilgrims themselves, their origins, their motivations and their itineraries.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The Wartburg - World's Heritage
Every booklet in this Series presents an important medieval fortress, a castle, a stately home or a fortified complex in central Europe. The carefully and competently written texts, the ample number of photographs and the many drawings and plans provide both experts and booklovers interested in history and culture with state-of-the-art research on castles. In addition to extraordinary architectural photographs, many specially created drawings illustrate previous forms and buildings, while information boxes analyse various Subjects and provide the main historical data.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Cemeteries and Sedentism in the Later Stone Age of NW Africa: Excavations at Grotte des Pigeons, Taforalt, Morocco
Grotte des Pigeons, Taforalt (Morocco), is one of the most famous cave sites in North Africa. This book presents new findings on the Iberomaurusian hunter-gatherer inhabitants who faced the major challenges of a rapidly changing climate. In this volume we describe archaeological evidence covering the period 23,000 to 12,500 years ago. We examine the nature of environmental and behavioural changes, culminating in a major broadening of the food spectrum at around 15,000 years ago, linked to technological innovation in some aspects but conservatism in others. The cave also came to be used as a substantial human cemetery, enabling us to explore burial practices and recover additional information on diet and lifestyles.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The Tomb of Li Chui: Interdisciplinary Studis into a Tang Period Finds Assemblage
Thanks to a fortunate and rare circumstance, throughout the centuries her tomb was never robbed and numerous, precious grave goods survived. In 2001 an unusually rich and filigree assemblage of jewellery was lifted together with the deceased's skeleton in two blocks by a team of Chinese archaeologists in a far-sighted way and brought to the archaeological laboratory in Xi'an. There specialists of the German-Sino co-operation project of the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (Mainz) and the Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology (Xi'an) worked together on the uncovering, documentation and presentation of the finds and contexts. For the first time such a multipartite and fine jewellery assemblage could be analysed and reconstructed within its archaeological context. The result is of impressive singularity. In the publication presented here an interdisciplinary team of academics deal in many individual studies with the complex investigations into the Tang period burial of Li Chui. Apart from archaeology, art and cultural history, as well as sinology, it is not only the scientific restoration and conservation, but also various fields of the natural sciences, which worked together towards one goal: to convey a unique and realistic insight into the world of Li Chui and her times.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Norwegian Epitaphs 1550–1700: Contexts and Interpretations
As part of a detailed introduction to the post-Reformation church topography of Norway, some 140 epitaphs preserved in all parts of Norway from the period 1550 to 1700 are documented with illustrations, descriptions and short biographies. In addition to numerous illustrations of the epitaphs, the volume contains transcriptions of all inscriptions as well as their translation into English. The epitaph genre was particularly popular in post-Reformation Lutheranism (unlike in the Reformed areas of Europe) - as it was in Norway. In addition to a comprehensive introduction to the cultural, social and geographical context of epitaphs, the volume offers a detailed insight into the (self-)representation of the elites who commissioned these epitaphs. It also names the most important artists who were entrusted with the production of the epitaphs in Norway. The main part of the volume is a detailed presentation of the surviving epitaphs in Norway's four early modern bishoprics. Pictorial motifs, inscriptions and biographical studies are included in the interpretation.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Christianisation of Europe/Christianisierung Europas: Archaeological evidence for its creation, development and consolidation/Entstehung, Entwicklung und Konsolidierung im archäologischen Befund
Viewed on a large scale, Christianisation proceeded from south to north and from west to east, but besides continuity, it also repeatedly showed breaks. This volume compiles important source material from different European countries, which should enable an assessment of this complex process. An emphasis is placed on the often lesser-known archaeological sources. This also includes an evaluation of the possible statements that can be derived from the interpretation of finds and features, i.e. of art and everyday objects as well as building remains. In 28 contributions, international experts from the relevant scientific disciplines of archaeology and history explore the core question of how Christianisation processes can be recorded and assessed. Where are the origins of the religion that still shapes Europe today?
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Harbours as Objects of Interdisciplinary Research: Archaeology + History + Geosciences
Within the research project known as ‘Harbours from the Roman Period to Middle Ages’, an international conference titled “Harbours as objects of interdisciplinary research – Archaeology + History + Geosciences” was held in Kiel in 2015. This volume includes 26 papers presented at the conference under the headings ‘Geophysics and Field Research: Developing methods’, ‘Geoarchaeology: Changing Harbour Environments’, ‘Archaeological Features: Harbour Facilities and Infrastructure’ and ‘Written and Iconographic Sources: Complementing the Material Evidence’.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag The Mediterranean Mirror: Cultural Contacts in the Mediterranean Sea between 1200 and 750 B.C.
Between 1200 and 750 BC, the Mediterranean world saw the breakdown of Bronze Age civilizations, and the rise of Iron Age cultures. These chronological stages which unfortunately are often taken into consideration separately, have been bridged. The editors’ introduction and a picture of the theoretical framework of Mediterranean studies, are followed by five geographical parts. By commenting on cultural changes and interculturality in the sub-regions of the Mediterranean, new important insights into interregional mobility, connectivity, and decentering phenomena are provided. The vision of the Mediterranean parts as equally important for understanding the significance of contacts represents a special feature of the volume.
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Transformations of City and Countryside in the Byzantine Period
The concept of »transformation« or simply »reshaping« contains the elements of what remains, the conservative, the kernel of what continues, as well as the elements of what changes, the innovative. In the framework of this publication of articles from a conference in 2016 on »Transformations of City and Countryside in the Byzantine Period«, we draw attention to this dichotomy and investigate the social dynamics behind changes in urban and rural life in the Byzantine period that can be detected by archaeology, history and art history. The Byzantine Empire is an ideal subject for studying how social transformation proceeds, what triggers transformation, what factors underlie it and what the processes involved are. Who were the agents of transformation and how did they and their environment change? How flexible were the state or its citizens in handling external and internal pressures of innovation? In what manner and to what extent were the Byzantines able to preserve their identity and the internal cohesion of their empire in the course of these processes of adaptation?
Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Verlag Martin Luther – Traces of his Life
Old alleyways seem to echo with the footsteps of the Latin scholar in Mansfeld or the student in Erfurt. The reader can envisage the medieval traveller in the images of roads that Luther travelled 500 years ago. Portraits by Wittenberg painter Cranach and historical paintings of later eras illustrate biographical incidents, giving a face to Luther’s companions and opponents and a vivid impression of the places where the events took place. The text is closely linked to the images. It is not didactic; it tells Luther’s story and motivates the reader to reflect on the man, his work and his time. Across the centuries, the interested reader will find much that is familiar.