Search results for ""Author George""
Rowman & Littlefield Nationalism and Territory: Constructing Group Identity in Southeastern Europe
Why do nations come into conflict? What factors lead to the horrors of ethnic cleansing? This timely book offers clear-eyed answers to these questions by exploring how national identity is shaped by place, focusing especially on Serbia, Hungary, and Romania. Moving beyond studies of nationalism that consider only the economic and geostrategic value of territory, George White shows that the very core of national identity is intimately bound to specific places. Indeed, nations define themselves in terms of spaces that have historical, linguistic, and religious meaning, as Serbs have clearly demonstrated in Kosovo. These territories are concrete expressions of a nationOs identity, both past and present. With his detailed analysis of the places that define national identity in Southeastern Europe, White convincingly shows why territorial disputes so often escalate into war.
Rowman & Littlefield The Gallup Poll: Public Opinion 2003
This work is the only complete compilation of polls taken by the Gallup Organization, the world's most reliable and widely quoted research firm. An invaluable tool for ascertaining the pulse of American public opinion in a certain year, as well as for documenting changing perceptions over time of crucial core issues (such as women's rights, health care). It is necessary for all social science research. More than just a collection of polls, each title in this series offers in-depth commentary and analysis, placing current topics in a readable, historical context. Survey results are given in a easy-to-use form. Breakdowns by sex, age, race, level of education, and other factors enable the reader to grasp major issues quickly.
Hoover Institution Press,U.S. Learning from Experience
George P. Shultz recounts a lifetime of experiences in government, business, and academia and describes how those experiences have shaped the way he thinks about the world. In his plainspoken manner, he provides the reader with keys to understanding how he helped bring the nuclear disarmament movement into the mainstream of American policy discussions, why he urges his Republican Party colleagues to adopt measures to address climate change as an insurance policy for the future, why leaders must learn to govern over diversity, and more. Far more than a simple biography, Learning from Experience makes a unique contribution to political, social, and economic thought, offering the author's reflections on experiences that have influenced his worldview. Ranging far beyond the realm of diplomacy, Shultz's account illuminates America's race relations, defines a down-to-earth economic philosophy built on free markets and fair treatment of labor, and identifies the strengths and weaknesses of presidential leadership as observed during his government service, including four cabinet posts, in the Eisenhower, Nixon, and Reagan administrations.
Rowman & Littlefield Informal Classroom Assessment Strategies for Teachers
Standardized tests do not always provide a complete picture of a student's strengths and weaknesses, particularly individuals with disabilities. This book highlights the rationale, construction, use, and evaluation of informal assessment techniques. A model is included for school personnel to follow. Teachers, counselors, and others will find this model for informally assessing students to be helpful in understanding the various learning styles of children and to develop functional curricula. Chapters cover observational techniques, analyzing and evaluating informal assessment data, communicating results, and grading. Useful appendixes include Observation Checklist, A Sample Rubric Assessment Sheet, and Learning Outcomes and Informal Methods of Evaluation. These assessment tools will be particularly helpful of beginning teachers in developing questioning techniques to promote critical thinking.
William B Eerdmans Publishing Co Blessed Hope: A Biblical Study of the Second Advent and the Rapture
Hal Leonard Corporation Messiah Oratorio 1741 Sheet Music
Hal Leonard Corporation Messiah Oratorio 1741 Sheet Music
John Wiley & Sons Inc Health Care Reform Now!: A Prescription for Change
The United States spends more money on health care by far than any other country and yet nearly 50,000,000 Americans are uninsured at least part of the time each year. Health Care Reform Now! is written for anyone who cares enough about our health care situation to consider serious alternatives to the current system. In this book George Halvorson—an internationally known health care leader and author—offers a sensible approach to health care reform and universal coverage that can work for all stakeholders. Step by step, George Halvorson outlines a game plan for a truly world-class health care system that will appeal to policy makers on both ends of the political spectrum and will deliver health care with improved quality, better access, provider accountability, performance transparency, consumer choice, and individual empowerment.
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Sonata in BFlat Major Op 2 No 11 Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Seven Sonatas Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. The Best of George Frideric Handel Concerti Grossi for String Orchestra or String Quartet
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Deborah 1733 Satb or Ssaattbb with Satb Soli Orch English Language Edition Vocal Score Kalmus Edition
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Jephtha 1752 Satb with S S A T Bar Soli English Language Edition Vocal Score Kalmus Edition
Alfred Publishing Company The Lion Sleeps Tonight Beginning Band
Alfred Music Lecons and Pieces Kalmus Edition
Alfred Music Hercules 1745 Satb with Ssatbb Soli Orch English Language Edition Vocal Score Kalmus Edition
A blind psychic with a remarkable gift--she can see the last 18 seconds of a murder victim's life--helps a newly minted female police lieutenant hunt down a brutal serial killer in this gripping debut thriller.
Simon & Schuster Judgment of Paris: Judgment of Paris
The only reporter present at the mythic Paris Tasting of 1976 for the first time introduces the eccentric American winemakers and records the tremendous aftershocks of this historic event that changed forever the world of wine.The Paris Tasting of 1976 will forever be remembered as the landmark event that transformed the wine industry. At this legendary contest—a blind tasting—a panel of top French wine experts shocked the industry by choosing unknown California wines over France’s best. George M. Taber, the only reporter present, recounts this seminal contest and its far-reaching effects, focusing on three gifted unknowns behind the winning wines: a college lecturer, a real estate lawyer, and a Yugoslavian immigrant. With unique access to the main players and a contagious passion for his subject, Taber renders this historic event and its tremendous aftershocks—repositioning the industry and sparking a golden age for viticulture across the globe. With an eclectic cast of characters and magnificent settings, Judgment of Paris is an illuminating tale and a story of the entrepreneurial spirit of the new world conquering the old.
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah Sheet Signature Series
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Circus March Alfred Signature
Arcadia Publishing Philadelphias City Hall Images of America
Arcadia Publishing Philadelphias River Wards Images of America
Hal Leonard Europe Limited Great Handel Choruses
Simon & Schuster You and Me and Home Sweet Home
Faber Music Ltd Ten Solo Cantatas Volume 1
Houghton Mifflin A Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs: Northeastern and North-Central United States and Southeastern and South-Central Canada
WW Norton & Co Lexington and Concord: The Battle Heard Round the World
George C. Daughan’s magnificently detailed account of the battle of Lexington and Concord challenges the prevailing narrative of the American War of Independence. It was, Daughan argues, based as much on economic concerns as political ones. When Massachusetts militiamen turned out in overwhelming numbers to fight the British, they believed they were fighting for their farms and livelihoods, as well as for liberty. In the eyes of many American colonists, Britain’s repressive measures were not simply an effort to reestablish political control of the colonies, but also a means to reduce the prosperous colonists to the serfdom Benjamin Franklin witnessed on his tour of Ireland and Scotland. Authoritative and thoroughly researched, Lexington and Concord is a “worthy resource for history buffs seeking a closer look at what drove the start of the American Revolution” (Booklist).
Edition Erdmann ber der Arktis Der erste Langstreckenflug ber das Eismeer
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Pygmalion Gesammelte Stcke in Einzelausgaben
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Geist Identitt und Gesellschaft Aus der Sicht des Sozialbehaviorismus
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Pygmalion
Hansebooks The Reformation
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Unification of Fractional Calculi with Applications
This book demonstrates the unifying methods of generalized versions of Hilfer, Prabhakar and Hilfer–Prabhakar fractional calculi, and we establish related unifying fractional integral inequalities of the following types: Iyengar, Landau, Polya, Ostrowski, Hilbert–Pachpatte, Hardy, Opial, Csiszar’s f-Divergence, self-adjoint operator and related to fuzziness. Our results are univariate and multivariate. This book’s results are expected to find applications in many areas of pure and applied mathematics, especially in fractional inequalities and fractional differential equations. Other interesting applications can be in applied sciences like geophysics, physics, chemistry, economics and engineering. This book is appropriate for researchers, graduate students, practitioners and seminars of the above disciplines, also to be in all science and engineering libraries.
Galileo Publishers Christmas Stories
Wild Goose Publications The Whole Earth Shall Cry Glory: Iona Prayers
Liverpool University Press Aspects of Death and the Afterlife in Greek Literature
The concept of the afterlife has always been prominent in both Greek literature and modern scholarship alike. The fate of man after his/her allotted time has come to an end has a central position in poetry, philosophy and religion, often leading to questions and answers as to how one can best live one's life, and how can one deal with the burden of mortality that is inherent in every human being. The Greeks devoted a considerable amount of their literary production in an attempt to answer these questions through a variety of different media, whereas similar concerns appear to have been at the core of the ancient world in general. This volume represents the first to examine the influences, intersections, and developments of understandings of death and the afterlife between poetic, religious, and philosophical traditions in ancient Greece in one resource. Greek thinking on death and the afterlife was neither uniform, simple, nor static, and by offering an examination of these matters in
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery
The definitive guide to surgical management of epilepsy in pediatric patientsThis fully revised and updated second edition of Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery, edited by internationally renowned pediatric neurosurgeons and epilepsy surgery experts Oğuz Çataltepe and George Jallo, fills a void in the literature, encompassing the full spectrum of topics related to the surgical treatment of intractable epilepsy and seizures in children. The prodigiously illustrated book and its accompanying videos feature contributions from distinguished specialists in several different countries across a wide range of disciplines. From epidemiology, genetics, pathology, preoperative electrophysiological assessment and neuroimaging to state-of-the-art surgical approaches, this remarkable resource covers the full depth and breadth of surgical management of pediatric epilepsy. Topics include awake anesthesia, intracranial stimulation and mapping techniques, temporal and extratemporal epilepsy surgery tec
St Augustine's Press Narcissist Nation – Reflections of a Blue–State Conservative
It’s not easy being Catholic and conservative in secular ‘Blue State’ New York, but that’s what George J. Marlin is, always has been, and always will be. Don’t ask him to change. Besides, like America, it’s the Empire State that needs to change. Generation after generation of elitists have put in place their plans for making the machineries of state work more efficiently and more equitably, and they’ve succeeded in wrecking what was never broken in the first place. And Mr. Marlin has a name for political types who think they know better than the rest of us: narcissists. Narcissists have been fouling up societies since the beginning of time. As Marlin writes:Throughout history, a subset of people have viewed themselves as superior to the rest of the population due to their perceived distinctive qualities: intelli-gence, breeding, class, or wealth. These elites have generally held that because they are exceptional persons they were best suited to conduct the affairs of state. They are wrong. But they have succeeded, and they appear to be ascendant in America today, although the Tea Party may have something to say about that. But consider the following contemporary examples: * The elitist imposition of Obamacare upon an unwilling nation * The lionizing by the Left of eugenicists, such as Margaret Sanger and Ruth Bader Ginsburg * The way “Catholic” politicians such as New York governors George Pataki and David Paterson and former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani run roughshod over Church teaching * The way contemporary education – from nursery school through college – infantilizes and fails our kids, preparing them poorly for the rigors of adulthood With an acid pen and a ready wit, George Marlin takes on many of modern America’s most revered intellectuals and shows conclusively that they’re just not as smart as they think they are.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Verdi in America: Oberto through Rigoletto
A renowned Verdi authority offers here the often-astounding first history of how Verdi's early operas -- including one of his great masterpieces, Rigoletto -- made their way into America's musical life. The operas of Giuseppe Verdi stand at the center of today's operatic repertoire, and have done so for more than a century. The story of how the reputation and wide appeal of these operas spread from Western Europe throughout the world has long needed to be told. This latest book by noted Verdi authority George W. Martin, Verdi in America: Oberto through Rigoletto, specifically details the changing fortunes of Verdi's early operas in the theaters andconcert halls of the United States. Among the important works whose fates Martin traces are Nabucco, Attila, Ernani, Macbeth (in its original version), Luisa Miller, and one of Verdi's immortal masterpieces: Rigoletto, denounced in 1860 as the epitome of immorality. Martin also explores the astonishing revival of many of these operas in the 1940s and onward (including Macbeth in its revised version of 1865), and the first American productions-sometimes in small opera houses outside the main circuit of some Verdi operas that had never previously managed to cross the Atlantic. Extensive quotations from newspaper reviews testify tothe eventual triumph of these remarkable works. They also reveal the crucial shifts in tastes and expectations that have occurred from Verdi's day to our own. Independent scholar George W. Martin is the author of several books on Italian opera, including Verdi, His Music, Life and Times, Verdi at the Golden Gate: Opera and San Francisco in the Gold Rush Years, and Aspects of Verdi.
Stanford University Press Risky Shores: Savagery and Colonialism in the Western Pacific
Why did the so-called "Cannibal Isles" of the Western Pacific fascinate Europeans for so long? Spanning three centuries—from Captain James Cook's death on a Hawaiian beach in 1779 to the end of World War II in 1945—this book considers the category of "the savage" in the context of British Empire in the Western Pacific, reassessing the conduct of Islanders and the English-speaking strangers who encountered them. Sensationalized depictions of Melanesian "savages" as cannibals and headhunters created a unifying sense of Britishness during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. These exotic people inhabited the edges of empire—and precisely because they did, Britons who never had and never would leave the home islands could imagine their nation's imperial reach. George Behlmer argues that Britain's early visitors to the Pacific—mainly cartographers and missionaries—wielded the notion of savagery to justify their own interests. But savage talk was not simply a way to objectify and marginalize native populations: it would later serve also to emphasize the fragility of indigenous cultures. Behlmer by turns considers cannibalism, headhunting, missionary activity, the labor trade, and Westerners' preoccupation with the perceived "primitiveness" of indigenous cultures, arguing that British representations of savagery were not merely straightforward expressions of colonial power, but also belied home-grown fears of social disorder.
Edinburgh University Press The Origins of English Revenge Tragedy
Charting a new course between performance studies and literary criticism, this book explores how recognition of the dramatic person is involved in theatrical materiality.