Search results for ""Author . Ross""
MP-FLO Uni Press of Florida Historical Ecology and Archaeology in the Gal225pa A Legacy of Human Occupation
The Galßpagos Islands are one of the world's premiere nature attractions, home to unique ecosystems widely thought to be untouched and pristine. This volume reveals that the archipelago is not as isolated as many imagine, examining how centuries of human occupation have transformed its landscape.
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Contemporary Topics in Critical Care Medicine
Nova Science Publishers Inc Defense Genes in Tomato
American Bar Association How Good Lawyers Survive Bad Times
The weak economy and large number of firm layoffs have resulted in a flood of potential new solo and small firm lawyers starting their own practices in the wake of the exodus from BigLaw. Small practice lawyers, well seasoned or just starting out, can gain immeasurably by just applying even a few of the myriad tips within this book.
Springer Publishing Co Inc Brain Injury Medicine, Third Edition: Principles and Practice
John Wiley & Sons Inc Social Development, EMEA Edition
Social Development provides a comprehensive introduction to the multiple factors that shape a child’s behavior, interaction with others, feelings about themselves, and how and why behaviors change over time. Delving into the biological, cognitive, and perceptual aspects of development and their influence on behavior, socialization, and self-image, this text also recognizes the significance of cultural and societal distinctions by emphasizing the value of context and identifying cultural variation’s role in social development. Special pedagogical features in each chapter enhance the learning experience and promote student understanding: counter-intuitive examples cases challenge reader assumptions, coverage of extreme cases tell the story behind historical advancements, and profiles of current leaders in the field highlight the many paths to a career in social development. With a focus on real-world application, coupled with coverage of cutting-edge methodologies and the latest research findings, this book gives students a strong, highly relevant foundation in core concepts and practices central to the study of social development.
John Wiley & Sons Treatise on the Heathen Superstitions That Today Live Among the Indians Native to This New Spain
The Treatise of Hernando Ruiz de Alarc n is one of the most important surviving documents of early colonial Mexico. It was written in 1629 as an aid to Roman Catholic churchmen in their efforts to root out the vestiges of pre-Columbian Aztec religious beliefs and practices. For the student of Aztec religion and culture it is a valuable source of i
Balboa Press Discovering Your Mindful Heart: An Explorer's Guide: Developing Your Internal Resources to Manage Life's Demands