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Editorial Groh S.L. Perros el placer de la creatividad
La Arte- terapia es una tendencia que está arrasando en numerosos países alrededor del mundo. Un fenómeno que permite disfrutar de un momento de pausa y que provoca auténtica adicción. No debemos preocuparnos de la composición o del diseño, simplemente debemos elegir nuestra paleta de colores y olvidarnos de todo mientras coloreamos.
Este libro presenta 60 ilustraciones originales para que colorees a los personajes de la película ROGUE ONE.Vuelve a encontrarte con el fascinante universo de STAR WARS, sus naves impresionantes, sus robots únicos y sus héroes y heroínas de leyenda.Relájate y disfruta del placer de crear.
David & Charles My Rag Doll: 11 Adorable Rag Dolls to Sew with Clothes and Accessories
Learn to sew cute rag dolls and their gorgeous clothes to make the perfect present for little girls. Includes one basic doll sewing pattern which can be altered to change hair and eye colour and hair styles. Choose from a range of different themed outfits and accessories, including a ballerina doll, a bedtime doll and a fairy doll, each with their own charming outfit to delight children and adults alike. The step by step instructions, which are are suitable for intermediate to experienced sewists, enable you to create a fabulous wardrobe of clothes and accessories for each doll. Includes full-sized templates for the doll, clothes and accessories.
Los banquetes de Astérix
Delicioso libros de recetas inspiradas en los viajes de Astérix y Obélix, sobre todo el relatado en el desternillante "La vuelta a la Galia". El autor, Thibaud Villanova, conocido por ser el artífice de otros títulos gastronómicos de Hachette Heroes, como "Gastronogeek" o "Stars Wars A la carta", nos presenta una nueva entrega de recetas que reinterpretan "a la gala" las suculentas delicias de distintas partes del mundo. La ensalada de Nicae, el estofado de Tolosa, el jabalí de oro (no podía faltar!) o el menhir de oro son algunas de las maravillosas recetas que puedes encontrar en el libro.Y todo aderezado con unas fotografías espectaculares, que te harán la boca agua, y unas detalladas y divertidas explicaciones del paso a paso de cada receta. A qué esperas para disfrutar cocinando y comiendo?
Mama Makes Books Tiny Floating Coral
Mary Auld is an award-winning writer of children's information books, most notably How To Build an Orchestra with the London Symphony Orchestra. Mary Auld is a pen name for Rachel Cooke, former Editorial Director at Hachette and an honorary fellow of the English Association in recognition of her work in children's non-fiction.La Scarlatte creates delicate hand-drawn botanical and animal designs. Her detailed compositions are used for advertising, packaging, textiles and books. She lives in the Netherlands with a curious toddler, an Italian partner and a red-haired cat.Kirsten Golding, Dr Sally Keith and Dr LisaBoström-Einarssonexperts in coral reel systems from around the world advised on the book.
Tírame del dedo
Nuevo título de HACHETTE GRAPHIC: una recopilación de 61 relatos cortos y humorísticos basados en el chiste "tírame del dedo", tan clásico como escatológico, tan sencillo como efectivo. Nunca se consiguió tanto con tan poco. La broma de "tírame del dedo" ha traspasado generaciones y fronteras durante tanto tiempo que resulta difícil rastrear los orígenes de este gran clásico de la comedia. Hoy en día, solo unos pocos ignoran por completo esta broma, ya que es universalmente conocida por buena parte de la población. De hecho, una de cada cuatro personas admite haberle realizado ya a alguien un "tírame del dedo". Imagínate lo que este dato puede suponer en una pequeña ciudad de, por ejemplo, 4.880 habitantes: habría 1.220 formas de gastar esta broma. Si tenemos en cuenta una variación narrativa del 5% (cambios de ritmo, escenario, protagonistas, etc.), nos encontraríamos con 61 versiones diferentes de "tírame del dedo".Y estas variadas y ruidosas versiones son las que encont
Little, Brown & Company Phantom Wheel: A Hackers Novel
Believing they have been recruited by the CIA, six teen hackers arrive in LA for a hacking aptitude test with the promise of a college scholarship and a job with the CIA after graduation. But one of the teens, Owen, walks out, refusing to participate. The other five decide to stay and complete the tests. When they finish, they leave feeling equally accomplished and unnerved.Then silence-until they receive a text from Owen: You've been played. He's uncovered evidence that the hackers created "Phantom Wheel," the most devastating virus ever made. Jacento, the corporation behind it all, plans to use this virus to gain unprecedented access to personal data. And that's just the beginning of the devastation. Can the teen hackers stop Phantom Wheel-and protect their own secrets from being revealed-before it's too late?©2018 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.
Gastronogeek KDrama
Pon un kimchi en tu vida. Descubre Corea a través de su peculiar y sabrosa gastronomía. Desde El juego del calamar hasta Vincenzo, pasando por Start-Up o Woo, abogada extraordinaria, aquí encontrarás 30 recetas inspiradas en las más famosas series coreanas. Street food, platos para compartir, sopas, postres..., es decir, los imprescindibles de la K-food para sumergirse en la cultura coreana.Recetas explicadas con claridad y detalle, fotografías de los platos espectaculares y muy cuidadas, y el humor inconfundible de su autor, Thibaud Villanova, esta vez secundado por Marie Palot, periodista y animadora televisiva de origen coreano. Ambos han puesto en común su experiencia y conocimiento para que descubráis la K-gastro y los K-dramas.Nuevo título de Gastronogeek, la apasionante colección de libros de gastronomía de Hachette, que aúna la cocina con la cultura pop, de la mano del gran Thibaud Villanova, reputado chef y un ap
Variaciones sobre la escritura
En realidad el título de un artículo que Roland Barthes escribió en 1973, Variaciones sobre la escritura, se presenta como una recopilación de textos de su autor que abarcan el fenómeno en cuestión desde todas las perspectivas: temas como la gramática y la lingüística, por supuesto, pero también autores como Benveniste, Jakobson o Laporte, estructuran un mosaico teórico en el que también caben notas sobre las propias reflexiones de Barthes al respecto o incluso comentarios tan poco usuales como el dedicado al diccionario Hachette.Desde su perspectiva de semiólogo, Barthes contempla la escritura no como un procedimiento que utilizamos para inmovilizar y fijar el lenguaje articulado, de naturaleza siempre fugitiva. Muy al contrario, para él la escritura rebasa considerablemente y, por así decirlo, estatutariamente, no sólo el lenguaje oral, sino también el lenguaje mismo, si lo encerramos, como quieren la mayoría de los linguistas, en una pura función de comunicación. La reflex
Little, Brown & Company Proud (Young Readers Edition): Living My American Dream
At the 2016 Rio Olympics, Ibtihaj Muhammad smashed barriers as the first American to compete wearing hijab, and made history as the first Muslim-American woman to medal. She now shares her unforgettable tale of perseverance and faith.Raised in a working-class community in New Jersey with five siblings, Ibtihaj sought out sports as a means to fund college -- and fencing was one of the only sports in which she could participate fully clothed. She was fast, hardworking, and devoted to her faith. But in a sport most popular with privileged young white people, Ibtihaj often felt out of place. Rivals and teammates (as well as coaches and officials) pointed out her differences, insisting she would never succeed. Yet Ibtihaj powered on, rising above bigotry and other struggles on the path to her dream. Her inspiring journey from a young outsider to a national hero is a relatable, memorable, and uniquely American tale of hard work, determination, and self-reliance.This edition, publishing simultaneously with Ibtihaj's adult memoir with Hachette Books, will feature exclusive stories and photos for young readers.
Octopus Publishing Group Knead Peace: Bake for Ukraine
Gourmand World Cookbook Award Winner'Baking connects good people and lets them understand each other no matter what language they speak.' - ANNA MAKIEVSKAInspired by the resilient spirit of Anna Makievska and The Bakehouse, Kyiv, who have continued to bake day and night throughout the conflict, Knead Peace is a unique collection of beautiful bakes in support of Ukraine. Donated by esteemed bakeries from across the globe, they include sweet and savoury breads, indulgent cakes and cookies, and delicious pies and tarts. INCLUDING...Anna Makievska of The Bakehouse, KyivMax Blachman-Gentile of Tartine BakeryRichard BertinetSarit Packer & Itamar Srulovich of Honey & Co.Vanessa Kimbell of The Sourdough SchoolAlix André of Arôme BakeryHelen GohKitty Tait of The Orange BakeryYotam OttolenghiIxta BelfrageKnead Peace, founded by Andrew Green, was born from the idea that baking is a community that has the power to make a difference.Octopus Books, a division of Hachette UK, will pay £2.50 from the sale of each print copy of Knead Peace sold in the UK to the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal of the Disasters Emergency Committee Registered Charity No. 1062638.
Hay House UK Ltd Get Signed: Find an Agent, Land a Book Deal and Become a Published Author
“All aspiring authors know the value of a great literary agent, but few know how to get one. Lucinda Halpern has written the definitive guide to attracting an agent and laying the groundwork for a book well worth publishing.” — Adam Grant, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Think Again and Hidden Potential, and host of the TED podcast Re:ThinkingIn this practical, immediately actionable guide, Lucinda Halpern, who has represented New York Times bestsellers and brokered numerous deals with major publishers for over a decade, divulges what agents look for in authors and the shortcuts they use to get book deals but have never revealed—until now. Lucinda has personally helped hundreds of writers and entrepreneurs launch timeless, best-selling books. But the path to literary success begins with knowing the answers to questions like: · How do I make my book idea marketable to agents and publishers? · What essential ingredients should my book pitch possess? · What common pitfalls and errors should I avoid? · How do I find a reputable agent who shares my vision? · What can I do if I'm getting rejected by agents and publishers? With her unique 6-step method, Lucinda provides the tools and concrete strategies to: · Write a query letter that gets an agent's attention · Build an effective marketing platform · Create a timeless bestseller Packed with interviews from best-selling authors, leading book editors from Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, Hachette, and more, Get Signed is the indispensable roadmap you need right now to get noticed and become a published author.
Hay House Inc Get Signed: Find an Agent, Land a Book Deal, and Become a Published Author
“All aspiring authors know the value of a great literary agent, but few know how to get one. Lucinda Halpern has written the definitive guide to attracting an agent and laying the groundwork for a book well worth publishing.”— Adam Grant, #1 New York Times best-selling author of Think Again and Hidden Potential, and host of the TED podcast Re:ThinkingA step-by-step guide from a New York literary agent that will show you how to create a winning concept, craft an irresistible pitch, and land your dream book deal.In this practical, immediately actionable guide, Lucinda Halpern, who has represented New York Times bestsellers and brokered numerous deals with major publishers for over a decade, divulges what agents look for in authors and the shortcuts they use to get book deals but have never revealed—until now.Lucinda has personally helped hundreds of writers and entrepreneurs launch timeless, best-selling books. But the path to literary success begins with knowing the answers to questions like: How do I make my book idea marketable to agents and publishers? What essential ingredients should my book pitch possess? What common pitfalls and errors should I avoid? How do I find a reputable agent who shares my vision? What can I do if I'm getting rejected by agents and publishers? With her unique 6-step method, Lucinda provides the tools and concrete strategies to: Write a query letter that gets an agent's attention Build an effective marketing platform Create a timeless bestseller Packed with interviews from best-selling authors, leading book editors from Penguin Random House, Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, Hachette, and more, Get Signed is the indispensable roadmap you need right now to get noticed and become a published author.
Quercus Publishing Sex Matters: How male-centric medicine endangers women's health and what we can do about it
A clarion call about the dangers of medicine for women, as well as a manual for how women can get the right care for their bodies.Sex Matters tackles one of the most urgent, yet unspoken issues facing women's health care today: all models of medical research and practice are based on male-centric models that ignore the unique biological and emotional differences between men and women - an omission that endangers women's lives. The facts surrounding how male-centric medicine impacts women's health every day are chilling: in the ER, women are more likely to receive a psychiatric diagnosis with regard to opioid use, while men are more likely to be referred for detoxification; the more vocal women become about their pain, the more likely their providers are to prescribe either inadequate or inappropriate pain relief medication; women often present with nontraditional symptoms of stroke, which causes delays in recognition by both them and their health professionals; and a government accountability study found that 80% of drugs that are withdrawn from the market are due to side effects that happen to women (a result of testing drugs mostly on men).Leading expert on sex and gender medicine Dr Alyson McGregor focuses on the key areas where these differences are most potentially harmful, addressing:· Cardiac and stroke diagnosis and treatment in women; · Prescription and dosing of pharmaceuticals;· Subjective evaluation of women's symptoms; · Pain and pain management;· Hormones and female biochemistry (including prescribed hormones); · How economic status, race, and gender identity are additional critical factors.Not only does Dr McGregor explore these disparities in depth, she shares clear, practical suggestions for what we can do. A work of riveting expose, revelatory insights into the medical establishment and actionable guidance for putting this information to use, Sex Matters is an empowering roadmap for reinventing modern medicine - and for self-care.(P)2020 Hachette Audio
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cooperative Strategy: Competing Successfully Through Strategic Alliances
Cooperative Strategy Competing Successfully through Strategic Alliances Pierre Dussauge and Bernard Garrette HEC-School of Management, France In recent years, such corporate giants as Boeing, Toyota, Nestlé, Philips, United Airlines, IBM, and Intel have increasingly turned to alliances in order to develop new products and technologies, enter new markets, and globalize their activities. Indeed, no one firm, however dominant, can beat the competition entirely on its own. Unfortunately, managers have found collaboration to be a difficult, and sometimes dangerous, strategy; they have often over-estimated the benefits of alliances while overlooking their pitfalls which only materialize over time. C.K. Prahalad notes in the foreword that "managers need a robust framework for navigating through these uncharted waters" and that "this book provides an invaluable source of ideas and practical guidance in their search". As the dynamics of the business landscape change and alliances become an increasingly used competitive weapon, Cooperative Strategy will enable managers to plan, implement and make the best use of strategic alliances. "This book significantly advances the literature on strategic alliances. The case studies are fresh and the insights they provide are powerful. This book is a must read for both managers and academics interested in cooperative strategies." Nitin Nohria, Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School "This book provides an excellent guide to the new skills needed in an environment where more and more managers must learn to collaborate in order to enhance the competitive position of their company. No-one can become a global leader alone." John M. Stopford, Professor of International Business, London Business School "The framework developed by Pierre Dussauge and Bernard Garrette provides new and valuable insights on the strategic and managerial issues raised by alliances, in particular when these alliances bring together companies that compete in the same industries. Indeed, getting former competitors to collaborate efficiently is a difficult endeavour; this book offers managers guidelines that will make this challenge less daunting." Jean-Luc Lagardère, CEO, Matra-Hachette "This excellent book provides insightful clarity on the various types of alliances and successfully explores the issues, pitfalls and traps which ensnare the misinformed. The examples are rich and the perspective truly global. In particular, it disentangles the more creative forms of 'co-opetition' between rival firms, and lays out the longer term outcomes of alliances. It is pragmatic and practical, bristling with concrete suggestions on how to make alliances successful." Bruce Simpson, Principal, McKinsey&Company
Anomie Publishing Tom De Freston – I Saw This
Tom de Freston (born 1983) is a British artist and writer, living and working in Oxford. De Freston’s multimedia art tackles themes of trauma, humanity and intimacy across paintings, films and performance. He builds rich visual narratives, drawing on literature, art history and social issues. He graduated from Cambridge University in 2007 and since 2008 has exhibited his work in over twenty shows to date. A prolific author, Granta published de Freston’s debut non-fiction book, Wreck, in 2022 and his second will be released in 2024. Julia and the Shark (Hachette, 2021), created with his wife Kiran Millwood Hargrave, won the Waterstones Children’s Gift of the Year and was shortlisted for the Wainwright Prize for Children's Writing on Nature and Conservation. De Freston was chosen to illustrate the twenty-fifth-anniversary edition of David Almond’s Skellig, published in 2023.I Saw This was born out of a collaboration between de Freston, filmmaker Mark Jones and Dr Ali Souleman after de Freston was introduced to the academic in 2017. The paintings and mixed-media works that resulted from the project are an exploration into Souleman’s experiences of terrorism, displacement and war in Syria and ruminate on how art can attempt to represent suffering and terror. In 1996, a bomb explosion in Damascus on New Year’s Eve nearly killed Souleman and left him blind. A sensitive and highly-charged topic, Souleman explained to de Freston the importance of engaging with what is happening in Syria. Disembodied mouths, hands and feet appear frequently in the works. Circles recur as a motif, which bear an uncomfortable resemblance to eyes and eye sockets. In the Mirror paintings which stand upright in black boxes, de Freston embeds ash, screws, thick glue, dirt and bits of wood into the canvas. They are corporeal and volcanic, visceral and abstract. The sense of molten heat in the paintings was compounded by a fire in de Freston’s studio in 2020, which was simultaneously destructive while giving the artist and the collaboration new momentum.The singular artistic process between the three men involves de Freston describing the paintings to Souleman through words and touch. Souleman brings fresh meaning to the works by reading them in new ways, grounding them in his psychological landscape. Mark Jones captures these interactions in striking photographs and film footage. The collaborators’ close relationships, with each of their practices feeding into the others’, shine through.Habda Rashid, Senior Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art at Kettle’s Yard and the Fitzwilliam Museum, introduces I Saw This and considers the challenges and significance of incorporating elements from real life. Journalist Yasmina Floyer’s contribution describes her reaction to de Freston’s work at his From Darkness exhibition at No 20 Arts, where she found that the sooty-black feet stencils and inky circles depicted resonated with her own experience of child loss. The moving text shows how de Freston’s art carries both specific and universal meanings. Editor Matt Price elaborates on the collaborative process and identifies layers of symbolism across the project, structuring his essay with fascinating quotes from Abu al-Ala al-Ma’arri, the eleventh-century blinded Arab philosopher. Crucially, de Freston, Jones and Souleman’s voices are present in the book, with each shedding light on their part in the project. De Freston’s art is rooted in empathy and I Saw This is a culmination of this, successfully translating Souleman’s world of memory and metaphor.
Anomie Publishing Emily Andersen – Portraits: Black & White
Emily Andersen has been making photographic portraits of the international avant-garde since graduating from the Royal College of Art in the early 1980s. Having started out by finding her way into some pretty cool-sounding private parties in London and New York, she began convincing artists and musicians to pose for her – from Nan Goldin to Nico. Over the past thirty-five years, she has built up a remarkable and beautiful portfolio that includes many high-profile writers, poets, film directors, actors and architects, with Peter Blake, Michael Caine, Derek Jarman, Zaha Hadid, Arthur Miller, Helen Mirren, Michael Nyman and Eduardo Paolozzi among those featured in this new publication devoted to her black-and-white portraits.In addition to celebrities, Andersen has documented many interesting and inspiring figures who are celebrated and respected within their fields, offering an invaluable insight into the lives of people who have made significant contributions to the wider cultural and creative life of the USA, Britain and Europe over the current and recent generations. An illuminating essay by critic Jonathan P. Watts not only explores the lives of some of Andersen’s many sitters and the photographs she has taken of them, but also get to grips with ideas such as the nature of portraiture, photojournalism and the limitations of the documentary photograph, framing them within debates of the late 1980s onwards. ‘While all of these portraits may not be recognisably activist images’, asserts Watts, ‘they’re rooted in the belief of a micro-politics of everyday lives and relationships.’ Readers can discover more about the background, circumstances and dynamics of many of the shoots by means of notes prepared by Andersen herself to accompany each image, which are regularly entertaining and thought-provoking as well as informative.Beyond capturing the essence of these figures and of the times in which they are living, Andersen has a particular talent for entering into their private lives and private spaces, often being invited into her sitters’ own homes. By photographing family members and friends, she gets an angle on them that is often deeply personal, sensitive and honest. Creating works that are carefully composed and choreographed and yet regularly informal and relaxed, there is always, somehow, a sense that Andersen is more interested in encouraging her subjects to speak through her images than in imposing her own impressions upon them. It is also fascinating to note how Andersen is often keen to document the young children of celebrities, especially girls, and has made a substantial body of work of fathers and daughters. She is always interested to know what these young women grew up to be, and sometimes returns to photograph the same people years, if not decades, later.Andersen has been commissioned for innumerable magazines and newspapers including the New Musical Express (NME), The Face, Elle Deco, Domus, The Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The Sunday Telegraph and The Economist, and has been commissioned by publishers such as Quadrille, Simon and Schuster, Oxford University Press, Hachette, Random House and Harper Collins. Her works have been exhibited internationally in venues including The Photographers’ Gallery, London; The Institute of Contemporary Art, London; The Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh; The Barber Institute of Fine Arts, University of Birmingham; Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art; Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai; and China Arts Museum, Shanghai. A winner of the John Kobal prize for portraiture, she has a number of works in The National Portrait Gallery, London and in other public collections including The British Library, London, and The Contemporary Art Society, London. Andersen is a senior lecturer in photography at Nottingham Trent University.Designed by Melanie Mues of Mues Design, London, with reprography by DPM, London, and printed by EBS, Verona, this stunning hardback monograph has been released in both a trade edition published by Anomie and as an artist’s limited edition of fifty signed and numbered copies, accompanied by an original print.The cover image is of the Chilean-French filmmaker Alejandro Jodorowsky and his son, Axel, in London in 1989.