Search results for ""author völker"
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Atemwegsmanagement: Ausgewählte Techniken, Verfahren und Indikationen
In diesem Buch finden sich ausgewählte Verfahren der Atemwegssicherung: direkte Laryngoskopie und Intubation, Videolaryngoskopie in der Notfallmedizin, im OP, auf der Intensivstation und zur Wachintubation, fiberoptische Intubation sowie Tracheotomie und Koniotomie. Die Autoren beschreiben darüber hinaus die Besonderheiten der Atemwegssicherung in der Thoraxchirurgie, bei laserchirurgischen Eingriffen in der HNO sowie im Kindesalter. Auch wesentliche Aspekte von Ausbildung und Training sowie zur Aufbereitung der Instrumente werden dargestellt. Ein Buch für den Klinikalltag, ideal für angehende Anästhesisten, Intensivmediziner, Notärzte und Pädiater.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Gemeinsam Am Tisch Des Herrn II: Ein Votum Des Okumenischen Arbeitskreises Evangelischer Und Katholischer Theologen. Bd. 2: Hintergrunde - Rezeption - Perspektiven
Columbia University Press German Colonialism: Race, the Holocaust, and Postwar Germany
More than half a century before the mass executions of the Holocaust, Germany devastated the peoples of southwestern Africa. While colonialism might seem marginal to German history, new scholarship compares these acts to Nazi practices on the Eastern and Western fronts. With some of the most important essays from the past five years exploring the "continuity thesis," this anthology debates the links between German colonialist activities and the behavior of Germany during World War II. Some contributors argue the country's domination of southwestern Africa gave rise to perceptions of racial difference and superiority at home, building upon a nascent nationalism that blossomed into National Socialism and the Holocaust. Others remain skeptical and challenge the continuity thesis. The contributors also examine Germany's colonial past with debates over the country's identity and history and compare its colonial crimes with other European ventures. Other issues explored include the denial or marginalization of German genocide and the place of colonialism and the Holocaust within German and Israeli postwar relations.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG The Impact of Digital Transformation and FinTech on the Finance Professional
This book demystifies the developments and defines the buzzwords in the wide open space of digitalization and finance, exploring the space of FinTech through the lens of the financial services professional and what they need to know to stay ahead. With chapters focusing on the customer interface, payments, smart contracts, workforce automation, robotics, crypto currencies and beyond, this book aims to be the go-to guide for professionals in financial services and banking on how to better understand the digitalization of their industry. The book provides an outlook of the impact digitalization will have in the daily work of a CFO/CRO and a structural influence to the financial management (including risk management) department of a bank.
Edition Axel Menges Norman Foster: Commerzbank, Frankfurt am Main (Opus 21): Universitat Ulm
Norman Foster, one of the most consistent advocates of architec- ture based on modern technology, achieved a world-wide reputa- tion with the headquarters for the Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation in Hong Kong, Stansted Airport in London, Century Tower in Tokyo and his telecommunications tower in Barcelona. His most important projects in Germany are the conversion of the Reichstag building in Berlin and the new Commerzbank headquar- ters in Frankfurt am Main.
Peter Lang AG Linguistique Française: Français Langue Étrangère: Vol. I: La Communication En Français
Kales Press Butterflies: Reflections, Tales, and Verse
Kohlhammer Konsumentenverhalten
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Steuerungstechnik Metall. Schulbuch
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Seventy Years Of Double Beta Decay: From Nuclear Physics To Beyond-standard-model Particle Physics
In the last 20 years the disciplines of particle physics, astrophysics, nuclear physics and cosmology have grown together in an unprecedented way. A brilliant example is nuclear double beta decay, an extremely rare radioactive decay mode, which is one of the most exciting and important fields of research in particle physics at present and the flagship of non-accelerator particle physics.While already discussed in the 1930s, only in the 1980s was it understood that neutrinoless double beta decay can yield information on the Majorana mass of the neutrino, which has an impact on the structure of space-time. Today, double beta decay is indispensable for solving the problem of the neutrino mass spectrum and the structure of the neutrino mass matrix. The potential of double beta decay has also been extended such that it is now one of the most promising tools for probing beyond-the-standard-model particle physics, and gives access to energy scales beyond the potential of future accelerators.This book presents the breathtaking manner in which achievements in particle physics have been made from a nuclear physics process. Consisting of a 150-page highly factual overview of the field of double beta decay and a 1200-page collection of the most important original articles, the book outlines the development of double beta decay research — theoretical and experimental — from its humble beginnings until its most recent achievements, with its revolutionary consequences for the theory of particle physics. It further presents an outlook on the exciting future of the field.
Buchschmiede Geheimtipps für schnelles Internet
Finanzbuch Verlag Die WirecardStory Die Geschichte einer MilliardenLge Das Buch zur ARDDokumentation und Serie auf Sky
Via Nova, Verlag Die Yogaweisheit des Patanjali fr Menschen von heute
Tessloff Verlag Das große WAS IST WAS Antwortbuch zum Weltall
Tessloff Verlag Die Erde im Blick Unser Planet aus dem All betrachtet
Nomos Verlags GmbH Partizipationsrecht
Matthes & Seitz Verlag Vom Gehen im Karst
Motorbuch Verlag Deutsche Auszeichnungen Kampf und Ttigkeitsabzeichen des Heeres und der Kriegsmarine19371945
Klett-Cotta Verlag Das deutsche Kaiserreich 1871 1914 Industriegesellschaft brgerliche Kultur und autoritrer Staat
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Hinter Mauern
Schmidt, Erich Verlag Bilanzskandale Delikte und Gegenmanahmen
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften Die RAF Und Die Justiz: Nachwirkungen Des Deutschen Herbstes
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Healthcare Management: Managed Care Organisations and Instruments
This textbook on Healthcare Management provides a systematic and comprehensive overview of the organisational forms and management instruments implemented in managed care.Within the international discussion on the structure of healthcare systems, managed care is an increasingly important topic. Over more than twenty years managed care approaches have fundamentally influenced healthcare systems in terms of patient orientation, efficiency, and quality. Experts assume that up to 20% of healthcare expenses can be saved by applying high-quality managed care approaches. By using suitable organisational forms and management principles, not only can costs be reduced, but the quality of medical service provision can be augmented. Managed care is therefore much more than a cost-cutting strategy. Advocates consider managed care to be a logical and necessary developmental step in modern healthcare systems. An increase in quality and at the same time a reduction of costs is not seen as contradictory but rather as consistent. Therefore, managed care is a response to changed challenges in the provision of healthcare.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Die Hochschule als interkultureller Aushandlungsraum: Eine Bildungs-Exploration am Beispiel eines internationalen Studiengangs
Die in diesem Band dargestellten Fallstudien zu einem internationalen Hochschulstudiengang dienen der Exploration und Sensibilisierung. Aufmerksam gemacht wird auf Bruch-, Konvergenz- und Emergenzstellen, die sich aus der Internationalisierung im Alltag der Hochschullehre für die kulturell diversen Akteure ergeben. Die sich aus der Exploration heraus aufdrängende Frage, welche Form der Hochschulbildung von welcher „Kleinen-sozialen-Lebens-Welt“ her ausgehandelt wird, soll später in einer ethnographischen Fallstudie geklärt werden. Eine solche Fallstudie vorbereitend, kommt die Bildungs-Exploration mit der Entwicklung eines an der Lebensweltanalytischen Ethnographie orientierten Forschungsdesigns zum Abschluss.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Basiswissen Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Der Band vermittelt Basiswissen in komprimierter Form rund um psychische Störungen und gibt Antworten auf folgende Fragen: Wie unterscheiden sich Psychoanalyse und Verhaltenstherapie? Wie kann bei Bulimie geholfen werden? Was tun bei Schlafwandeln? Der Stoff ist verständlich aufbereitet und orientiert sich am Gegenstandskatalog. In zahlreichen, didaktisch aufbereiteten Fallbeispielen stellen die Autoren Bezüge zum klinischen Alltag her. Neu in der siebten Auflage: Ein erweitertes Glossar; der Teil zur Psychotherapie wurde deutlich ausgebaut. Zusätzlich erleichtern plastische Arzt-Patient Gesprächssituationen, wie psychische Störungen im Klinikalltag aussehen können.Klinische Hinweise machen auf Fallstricke und besonders wichtige Aspekte aufmerksam.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Bach unter den Theologen: Themen, Thesen, Temperamente
Die Frage nach "Bach unter den Theologen" wird durch die Jahrhunderte hindurch verfolgt: von den theologischen Prägungen und Zeitgenossen Bachs über die Frage nach Vergessen und Wiederentdecken um 1800 bis hin zu der monumentalen Bach-Monographie Albert Schweitzers. Sie läuft zu auf die Frage nach dem gegenwärtigen Verhältnis der Theologie zu Bach und jenes von Bach zur Theologie. Der vorliegende Band versammelt die acht Beiträge des theologischen Symposiums, das im Rahmen des 93. Bachfestes der Neuen Bachgesellschaft 2018 mit dem Thema "Bach bearbeitet" in Tübingen stattfand. Der Umgang mit Bach ist, so wird in diesen Beiträgen deutlich, tief in theologische und kulturelle Entwicklungen eingebettet - und Bach bleibt immer mehr als ein Stück kulturelle Erinnerung: Er war und ist Herausforderung und Anregung.
Walter de Gruyter Immanuel Kant 1724-2024: Ein Europäischer Denker
Walter de Gruyter & Co Handbuch Der Tonstudiotechnik
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Gröbner Bases: A Computational Approach to Commutative Algebra
The origins of the mathematics in this book date back more than two thou sand years, as can be seen from the fact that one of the most important algorithms presented here bears the name of the Greek mathematician Eu clid. The word "algorithm" as well as the key word "algebra" in the title of this book come from the name and the work of the ninth-century scientist Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khowarizmi, who was born in what is now Uzbek istan and worked in Baghdad at the court of Harun al-Rashid's son. The word "algorithm" is actually a westernization of al-Khowarizmi's name, while "algebra" derives from "al-jabr," a term that appears in the title of his book Kitab al-jabr wa'l muqabala, where he discusses symbolic methods for the solution of equations. This close connection between algebra and al gorithms lasted roughly up to the beginning of this century; until then, the primary goal of algebra was the design of constructive methods for solving equations by means of symbolic transformations. During the second half of the nineteenth century, a new line of thought began to enter algebra from the realm of geometry, where it had been successful since Euclid's time, namely, the axiomatic method.
Next Factory Ottensen The Great Redesign: Frameworks for the Future
We live in a world that's constantly redesigned. Today's redesign is tomorrow's vintage look. But times of crisis rapidly change the picture. Suddenly, the whole world is in dire need of a proper redesign. From capitalism to communication, from work to supply chains, from cities to office space - it's hard to find an area of our lives that's not due for an overhaul. This is a challenge, but also a huge opportunity: to design a better world.
V&R unipress GmbH Metaphors for Leading - Leading by Metaphors
Lit Verlag Visual Arts and Religion
Springer International Publishing AG Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 24th International Conference, IPCO 2023, Madison, WI, USA, June 21–23, 2023, Proceedings
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, IPCO 2023, held in Madison, WI, USA, during June 21–23, 2023. The 33 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 119 submissions. IPCO is under the auspices of the Mathematical Optimization Society, and it is an important forum for presenting present recent developments in theory, computation, and applications. The scope of IPCO is viewed in a broad sense, to include algorithmic and structural results in integer programming and combinatorial optimization as well as revealing computational studies and novel applications of discrete optimization to practical problems.
Meyer & Meyer Sport (UK) Ltd Masters Rowing: Training for Technique, Fitness, and Competition
As the popularity of rowing in mid to late adulthood has grown, so too has the number of rowing club members and participants in regattas increased. Rowing attracts not only former racing rowers who return to rowing for fitness, health, and competition, but also the many late and lateral entrants who are perhaps competing for the first time. This growing interest in the sport makes it even more important to provide instruction for these masters rowers. Masters Rowing caters to interested beginners learning the sport and adapting their boating equipment, as well as to ambitious masters rowers looking to improve their technique. Within this book, the reader will find tips for fitness training and hints for competition. In addition, the reader will understand the theoretical basics of training and performance development of active but older rowers. Coaches of master rowers will also be able to take the information in this book and apply it to their athletes’ training. Furthermore, all training information provided is backed by scientific, specialist research. With Masters Rowing, readers will be able to increase their fitness and hone their skills to compete at their best.
Merian, Christoph Verlag Mythische Orte am Oberrhein 2 Vierzig Ausflge in die Dreillnderregion ElsassSdbadenNordwestschweiz
wbg Philipp von Zabern Pygmäen in Ägypten
Idw-Verlag GmbH Nachhaltigkeit richtig umsetzen
Tessloff Verlag Eine Reise durch das Universum Entdecke das Weltall
Fona Verlag AG Omega3 Öl des Lebens
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Kükenthal - Zoologisches Praktikum
Seit über 110 Jahren wird der „KÜKENTHAL" in der Ausbildung von Studierenden der Biologie und verwandter Fächer eingesetzt. In den letzten Auflagen wurden viele neue Erkenntnisse aufgenommen und vermehrt funktionelle Aspekte berücksichtigt. Eine ganze Reihe von Abbildungen wurde durch ansprechendere ersetzt, um die ästhetische Komponente stärker zu betonen. Inhaltliche Straffungen ermöglichten es, den Umfang nahezu beizubehalten.Speziell Studienanfänger sind mit dem Problem konfrontiert, die Vielfalt der Organismen in ein System einzuordnen, das ihnen noch fremd ist. Die systematische Übersicht am Ende des Buches ist in der 27. Auflage stark erweitert und vierfarbig bebildert. Die Histologie der Tiere als wichtigem Aspekt in der Lehre ist ergänzt. Verbesserte detaillierte, farbige Situszeichnungen der wichtigsten Präparationstiere verbessern die Anschaulichkeit des Buches.