Search results for ""author scott""
Basic Books Oceans of Grain: How American Wheat Remade the World
A revelatory global history shows how cheap American grain toppled the world's largest empires To understand the rise and fall of empires, we must follow the paths traveled by grain-along rivers, between ports, and across seas. In Oceans of Grain, historian Scott Reynolds Nelson reveals how the struggle to dominate these routes transformed the balance of world power. Early in the nineteenth century, imperial Russia fed much of Europe through the booming port of Odessa. But following the US Civil War, tons of American wheat began to flood across the Atlantic, and food prices plummeted. This cheap foreign grain spurred the rise of Germany and Italy, the decline of the Habsburgs and the Ottomans, and the European scramble for empire. It was a crucial factor in the outbreak of the First World War and the Russian Revolution. A powerful new interpretation, Oceans of Grain shows that amid the great powers' rivalries, there was no greater power than control of grain.
HarperCollins Focus The Ultimate Guide to Great Mentorship: 13 Roles to Making a True Impact
Easy, practical guidance on how to make the most out of your mentorship journey.Being a great mentor leads to thriving, engaged employees on both sides of the mentor-mentee relationship and helps drive renewed purpose. There are growing expectations and interest in business today that leaders will make themselves available as mentors to provide future leaders growth opportunities and help them grow in their roles. There is also plenty of evidence that shows how impactful mentorship can be for the mentors when approached with the right mindset. The Ultimate Guide to Great Mentorship walks mentors through the mentorship journey, from setting initial expectations and goals, to tracking progress, to identifying when it is time to find new opportunities. Filled with practical sample plans and forms to make the experience much more impactful for all parties, this timely guide takes the ambiguity out of how to be a great mentor. Learn how mentor-mentee relationships work best for both parties. See how other top leaders approach mentorship and what works and what doesn’t. Keep your mentorship journey on track with practical forms and timelines to work on with your mentee. See how being a great mentor leads to personal and professional growth and renewal for you as well as your mentee!
John Wiley & Sons Inc Contract Law For Dummies
Take the mumbo jumbo out of contract law and ace your contracts course Contract law deals with the promises and agreements that law will enforce. Understanding contract law is vital for all aspiring lawyers and paralegals, and contracts courses are foundational courses within all law schools. Contract Law For Dummies tracks to a typical contracts course and assists you in understanding the foundational legal rules controlling voluntary agreements people enter into while conducting their personal and business affairs. Suitable as a supplement to introductory and advanced courses in contract law, Contract Law For Dummies gives you plain-English explanations of confusing terminology and aids in the reading and analysis of cases and statutes. Contract Law For Dummies gives you coverage of everything you need to know to score your highest in a typical contracts course. You'll get coverage of contract formation; contract defenses; contract theory and legality; agreement, consideration, restitution, and promissory estoppel; fraud and remedies; performance and breach; electronic contracts and signatures; and much more. Tracks to a typical contracts course Plain-English explanations demystify intimidating information Clear, practical information helps you interpret and understand cases and statutes If you're enrolled in a contracts course or work in a profession that requires you to be up-to-speed on the subject, Contract Law For Dummies has you covered.
Baker Publishing Group The Kingdom of God as Liturgical Empire – A Theological Commentary on 1–2 Chronicles
Bestselling author and theologian Scott Hahn views the author of Chronicles as the first biblical theologian. Chronicles offers the first attempt to understand and interpret the entire sweep of Old Testament history from the creation of the world to the Israelites' return from exile. This commentary presents 1-2 Chronicles as a liturgical and theological interpretation of Israel's history. Hahn emphasizes the liturgical structure and content of Chronicles and provides fresh insight on salvation history: past, present, and future. He also shows how Chronicles provides important insights into key New Testament concepts. The book gives professors, students, and pastors a better understanding of Chronicles, salvation history, and theological interpretation of the Old Testament.
Harvard University Press Legality
What is law? This question has preoccupied philosophers from Plato to Thomas Hobbes to H. L. A. Hart. Yet many others find it perplexing. How could we possibly know how to answer such an abstract question? And what would be the point of doing so? In Legality, Scott Shapiro argues that the question is not only meaningful but vitally important. In fact, many of the most pressing puzzles that lawyers confront—including who has legal authority over us and how we should interpret constitutions, statutes, and cases—will remain elusive until this grand philosophical question is resolved.Shapiro draws on recent work in the philosophy of action to develop an original and compelling answer to this age-old question. Breaking with a long tradition in jurisprudence, he argues that the law cannot be understood simply in terms of rules. Legal systems are best understood as highly complex and sophisticated tools for creating and applying plans. Shifting the focus of jurisprudence in this way—from rules to plans—not only resolves many of the most vexing puzzles about the nature of law but has profound implications for legal practice as well.Written in clear, jargon-free language, and presupposing no legal or philosophical background, Legality is both a groundbreaking new theory of law and an excellent introduction to and defense of classical jurisprudence.
Alma Books Ltd Image on the Heart and Other Stories
When Tudy's first husband tragically dies, she takes up the offer of Tom, a family friend, to pay for her to go to study in France. After she and her benefactor become close, she agrees to marry him in Provence later that year. But as the wedding approaches, Tom discovers that his fiancee has become involved with Riccard, a dashing French pilot and his near-double. A tale of broken trust and infidelity based on Zelda Fitzgerald's own dalliance with a French pilot, `Image on the Heart' is here presented with other lesser-known stories written by Fitzgerald in the late 1920s and early 1930s, which develop many of the themes found in his novels and his more famous works of short fiction.
Baker Publishing Group Following Jesus in a Culture of Fear – Choosing Trust over Safety in an Anxious Age
Fear has taken on an outsized role in our current cultural and political context. Manufactured threats are advanced with little to no evidence of danger, while real threats are exaggerated for self-interested gain. This steady diet of fear produces unhealthy moral lives, leading many Christians to focus more on the dangers we wish to avoid than the goods we wish to pursue. As a fearful people, we are tempted to make safety our highest good and to make virtues of suspicion, preemption, and accumulation. But this leaves the church ill-equipped to welcome the stranger, love the enemy, or give to those in need. This timely resource brings together cultural analysis and theological insight to explore a Christian response to the culture of fear. Laying out a path from fear to faithfulness, theologian Scott Bader-Saye explores practices that embody Jesus's call to place our trust in him, inviting Christian communities to take the risks of hospitality, peacemaking, and generosity. This book has been revised throughout, updated to connect with today's readers, and includes new discussion questions.
Hodder & Stoughton TimeBomb: The TimeBomb Trilogy 1
New York City, 2141: Jana Patel throws herself off a skyscraper, but never hits the ground.Cornwall, 1640: gentle young Dora Predennick, newly come to Sweetclover Hall to work, discovers a badly-burnt woman at the bottom of a flight of stairs. When she reaches out to comfort the dying woman, she's flung through time.On a rainy night in present-day Cornwall: seventeen-year-old Kaz Cecka sneaks into the long-abandoned Sweetclover Hall, in search of a dry place to sleep. Instead he finds a frightened housemaid who believes Charles I is king and an angry girl who claims to come from the future. Thrust into the centre of a war that spans millennia, Dora, Kaz and Jana must learn to harness powers they barely understand to escape not only villainous Lord Sweetclover but the forces of a fanatical army . . . all the while staying one step ahead of a mysterious woman known only as Quil.*~*Readers love TimeBomb!*~*'A fast-paced, time-hopping thriller' SciFiNow'Tremendous fun... a riveting series opener... I finished the book in one sitting. If you enjoy fast-paced, action-driven time travel stories, this book is for you' A Fantastical Librarian'A rip roaring roller coaster ride of a read that keeps you on your toes and is a WHOLE lot of fun' Liz Loves Books'I was sucked into this book from the beginning and found it extremely hard to put down' Escapades of a Bookworm'Impeccably unique and mesmerising, Andrews takes an astoundingly interesting take on time travel' Once Upon a Moonlight Review'Executed perfectly, with likeable, intelligent and witty characters thrust into the mix of things' The Book Bag'Well-written, funny, sad and exciting... a rocket of a timeslip adventure, designed to appeal to adults young and old and it most certainly succeeds' For Winter's Nights
Oxford University Press Inc The Internet of Things: What Everyone Needs to Know®
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the notion that nearly everything we use, from gym shorts to streetlights, will soon be connected to the Internet; the Internet of Everything (IoE) encompasses not just objects, but the social connections, data, and processes that the IoT makes possible. Industry and financial analysts have predicted that the number of Internet-enabled devices will increase from 11 billion to upwards of 75 billion by 2020. Regardless of the number, the end result looks to be a mind-boggling explosion in Internet connected stuff. Yet, there has been relatively little attention paid to how we should go about regulating smart devices, and still less about how cybersecurity should be enhanced. Similarly, now that everything from refrigerators to stock exchanges can be connected to a ubiquitous Internet, how can we better safeguard privacy across networks and borders? Will security scale along with this increasingly crowded field? Or, will a combination of perverse incentives, increasing complexity, and new problems derail progress and exacerbate cyber insecurity? For all the press that such questions have received, the Internet of Everything remains a topic little understood or appreciated by the public. This volume demystifies our increasingly "smart" world, and unpacks many of the outstanding security, privacy, ethical, and policy challenges and opportunities represented by the IoE. Scott J. Shackelford provides real-world examples and straightforward discussion about how the IoE is impacting our lives, companies, and nations, and explain how it is increasingly shaping the international community in the twenty-first century. Are there any downsides of your phone being able to unlock your front door, start your car, and control your thermostat? Is your smart speaker always listening? How are other countries dealing with these issues? This book answers these questions, and more, along with offering practical guidance for how you can join the effort to help build an Internet of Everything that is as secure, private, efficient, and fun as possible.
Penguin Books Ltd The Penguin Book of Hell
Journey into the underworld through three thousand years of visions of hell, from the ancient Near East to modern AmericaFrom the Hebrew Bible's shadowy realm of Sheol to twenty-first-century visions of Hell on earth, The Penguin Book of Hell takes us through three thousand years of eternal damnation. Along the way, you'll take a ferry ride with Aeneas to Hades, across the river Acheron; meet the Devil as imagined by a twelfth-century Irish monk - a monster with a thousand giant hands; wander the nine circles of Hell in Dante's Inferno and witness the debates that raged in Victorian England when new scientific advances cast doubt on the idea of an eternal hereafter. Drawing upon religious poetry, epics, theological treatises, stories of miracles and accounts of saints' lives, this fascinating volume of hellscapes illuminates how Hell has long haunted us, in both life and death.
Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Defeating Evil
The Experiment LLC Running is My Therapy NEW EDITION
Longtime runner Scott Douglas marshals expert advice and a growing body of research to show how a consistent running routine can make us happier - and enhance the benefits of talk therapy, antidepressants, and cognitive behavioral therapy. The therapeutic power of running lies in its lasting physiological effects: It induces changes in brain structure and chemistry that other forms of exercise don’t. Douglas presents methods we can all use to live happier - in and out of running shoes.
Grand Central Publishing Presumed Guilty
Pan Macmillan Personal Injuries
Scott Turow is a writer and attorney. He is the author of numerous bestselling works of fiction, including his first novel, Presumed Innocent and it's sequel, Innocent. Mr Turow has been a partner in the Chicago office of Sonnenschein Nath and Rosenthal, a national law firm, since 1986, concentrating on criminal defence. He was elected the President of the Authors Guild in 2010.
Amberley Publishing Yorkshire Buses
A wonderfully nostalgic pictorial history of the buses in Yorkshire from the halcyon days of municipal pride through the colourful days of deregulation to the new corporate image of the big three: Arriva, First and Stagecoach.
SPCK - Crossway The Case for Life Equipping Christians to Engage the Culture
The pro-life message can compete in the marketplace of ideas-provided Christians properly understand and articulate that message. This book helps pro-life Christians make a persuasive case for the lives of the unborn.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Elements of Humor
SPCK - Kregel Unlimited Atonement Amyraldism and Reformed Theology
Little, Brown Book Group Order Out of Chaos
Shortlisted for The Business Book Awards and the Fingerprint AwardsThe indispensable Sunday Times bestselling guide to succeeding in negotiations where failure is not an option, from one of the world''s most experienced kidnap for ransom negotiators.Scott Walker has probably one of the most difficult jobs in the world. When pirates have hijacked a ship, when a criminal gang has kidnapped someone, when an entire company''s future is being held to ransom from a cyber-attack, Scott is the person who gets called in. He has successfully negotiated more than 300 such incidents using the principles in this book.His methods, centred in empathy, active listening, trust-based influence and emotional control, will help you achieve the outcome you want. Regardless of whether you''re an executive in a multi-national organisation, the owner of a small business, a local sports team coach or running the family household, you''re negotiating
Ediciones Rialp, S.A. La cuarta copa
En esta introducción e incluso continuación de su libro La cena del Cordero, el autor no solo ahonda en su camino hacia la Iglesia católica, sino que explora el incomprendido ritual de la Pascua judía, y su importancia en el mensaje salvador de Jesucristo. En su hambre de respuestas durante sus años de estudiante, Hahn muestra su búsqueda de conexiones entre el Antiguo Testamento, la Última Cena y la muerte de Jesús en el Calvario. Descubre así la importancia crucial de la Pascua en el plan de salvación diseñado por Dios, donde la cuarta copa de vino, al final de la celebración, proporciona una clave fundamental para entender el misterio con mayor hondura. Scott W. Hahn es profesor de Teología y Sagrada Escritura en la Franciscan University de Steubenville (Ohio), y fue nombrado por Benedicto XVI catedrático de Teología Bíblica y Proclamación Litúrgica del Saint Vincent Seminary (Pennsylvania). Está casado y es padre de seis hijos. Entre sus libros, destacan: Roma, dulce hogar; La Cena
Editorial Molino Cómo ser un hombre de verdad / How to Be a Real Man
Reverte Management (Rem) Stretch (Spanish Edition): Logra Con Menos Conseguir Más de Lo Que Nunca Imaginaste
Panini Verlags GmbH Five Nights at Freddys Durchgeknallt Die Graphic Novel
JRP Ringier Scott King: Anish and Antony Take Afghanistan
Penguin Putnam Inc Nasty, Brutish, and Short: Adventures in Philosophy with Kids
Atria/Emily Bestler Books Lost Mans Lane
A mysterious private investigator embodies the darkness hidden within a small town in this spellbinding thriller that will “make you a Scott Carson fan for life” (Joe Hill, #1 New York Times bestselling author).Marshall Miller would’ve remembered her face even if he hadn’t seen it on a MISSING poster. When a young woman disappears in his small town, the investigation hinges on Marshall’s haunted sighting of her, crying in the back seat of a police car driven by a cop named Maddox. There’s only one problem: no local cop named Maddox exists. But the speeding ticket he handed to Marshall certainly does. Dealing with police and media is heady stuff for a teenager, the son of a single mother, but Marshall is sure he can handle it, until the shocking day when his reliability as a witness implodes. Now scorned and shamed, he finds unlikely allies as he confronts the ancient secrets behind his sma
Atria Books Where They Wait
Myers Education Press Classrooms in the Real World: Practical Advice from a Veteran Teacher
Torrey House Press Saguaro Sanction
Forefront Books The Secret to Cybersecurity: A Simple Plan to Protect Your Family and Business from Cybercrime
Robert D. Reed Publishers My Dyslexic Life: A Journey Out of the Shadows
Today, researchers estimate that between five and twenty percent of the population is affected by dyslexia. This growing awareness and understanding of different learning styles has changed the lives of tens of millions of people. When Scott Douthit was growing up in the 1960s, though, no one could explain why it was so difficult for him to succeed in the one-size-fits-all schools he attended. My Dyslexic Life: A Journey Out of the Shadows, a deeply moving account of Scott's struggles and triumphs, invites the reader to consider new ways of overcoming barriers to accomplishment and understanding, both for themselves and others. At once entertaining and touching, it offers an intimate glance into the life, mind, and heart of a courageous individual. Scott's story serves as a reminder that the norms, standards, and expectations of society are a work in progress, and that it is within our power to make them more humane and compassionate.
Special Interest Model Books Illustrated Dictionary of Sailing Ships, Boats and Steamers: 1300 BC to 1900 AD
Old Sailors loved nothing better than vying with one another at sea or in harbour to recognise a ship or boat on the horizon. It was sometimes an important life-saving talent to have in battle. Modern boat enthusiasts, including yachtsmen and fishermen, still like to indulge in this ancient skill. There have been many thousands of water vessels developed within the last three and a half thousand years, from the simple wooden log or dug-out to the huge sophisticated ships of Brunel and other nineteenth century designers. This is the realisation of author's intention to give readers a simple, quick reference book, illustrating 110 of these old ships and boats up to the turn of the twentieth century. They fall into the general categories of Ancient Craft, Sailing Ships, Small Sailing Boats and Craft and Steam Ships. The result is a handy book for those many enthusiasts who love the sea and would like to know more about these old and interesting vessels.
Pitch Publishing Super
Douglas & McIntyre The Future and Why We Should Avoid It: Killer Robots, the Apocalypse and Other Topics of Mild Concern
Rockridge Press Easy Dog Food Recipes: 60 Healthy Dishes to Feed Your Pet Safely
Rockridge Press Practical Yoga Nidra: A 10-Step Method to Reduce Stress, Improve Sleep, and Restore Your Spirit
States Academic Press Understanding Antimicrobial Drug Resistance
Rockridge Press 5-Minute Manifesting Journal: Focus Your Mind, Raise Your Vibration, and Turn Your Dreams Into Reality
Skyhorse Publishing The Zen of Zombie: (Even) Better Living through the Undead
While you may struggle to get out of bed each morning, swaying lifelessly across the room, mouth agape, arms hanging slack, and murmuring unintelligibly, take at heart that you are not alone. While many people feel this way, most of those staggering, limp, perpetually drowsy folks just happen to be zombies—and it turns out they can teach us a lot about enjoying life!Zen of Zombie will teach you their secrets to happiness, by learning how to slow down and move at your own pace, become your own boss, and just devour those irritating people who get in your way. And there’s more, because zombies can offer no-nonsense advice on love, playing to your strengths, and on becoming more adaptable.With this recent update, you will learn more about the inner workings of the living dead, and why they do the things they’re known so well for doing . . .including why they always have that glazed over look on their faces. Follow the genius of Scott Kenemore as he leads you through the world that only a zombie could properly understand.Having peace and tranquility in life is the key to success and happiness. Now, with this book by your side, you will be able to not only find spiritual relaxation and chi, but you’ll also be taught how to think less and relax more . . . as zombies have no use for their brains.
Ignatius Press 1 & 2 Kings
Workman Publishing Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 120 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness
“An incredibly thorough guide for identifying, harvesting, and utilizing medicinal plants.” —Dr. Deborah Frances RN, ND Naturopathic physician, herbalist, author, and lecturer In Pacific Northwest Medicinal Plants, Scott Kloos is your trusted guide to finding, identifying, harvesting, and using 120 of the region’s most powerful wild plants. You’ll learn how to safely and ethically forage, and how to use wild plants in herbal medicines including teas, tinctures, and salves. Plant profiles include clear, color photographs, identification tips, medicinal uses and herbal preparations, and harvesting suggestions. Lists of what to forage for each season makes the guide useful year-round. Thorough, comprehensive, and safe, this is a must-have for foragers, naturalists, and herbalists in Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and northern California.
Triumph Books Color Him Orange: The Jim Boeheim Story
Identifying the sources of Basketball Hall of Fame coach Jim Boeheim’s fierce competitive drive and loyalty to Syracuse, this fascinating study of the record-setting coach details everything from the effects of his small town upbringing in upstate New York to the years the team fell just short of the title. The book examines the people who shaped Boeheim as an individual and a coach, the great players he has led, and his incredible devotion to raising money in hopes of eradicating cancer—which claimed both of his parents' lives and threatened his own. This revised paperback edition includes a section about the tumultuous and exciting 2011–2012 season, in which the Orange dealt with allegations against former assistant Bernie Fine while maintaining the No. 1 rank for several weeks and advancing to the Elite Eight.
Capstone Press Curse of the Red Scorpion (Graphic Sparks)
Capstone Press Blast to the Past: Time Blasters (Graphic Sparks)