Search results for ""author mario""
American Psychological Association Mechanisms of Social Connection: From Brain to Group
This book is an interdisciplinary exploration of how social connections are expressed at the neurological, developmental, dyadic, and group levels. Social connections contribute to our vitality and sense of meaning and—at times—to our anguish. The mechanisms underlying human connections have long fascinated researchers in the social sciences and, more recently, in neuroscience. Yet there is too little dialogue among these scientists and too little integration of findings. This book aims to rectify that situation by surveying cutting-edge theory and research on social connections. Chapters explore the formation of social connections at four levels of expression: neurological, developmental, dyadic, and group.
Faber & Faber The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto
Don Rigoberto - by day a grey insurance executive, by night a pornographer and sexual enthusiast - misses Lucrecia, his estranged second wife. The pair separated following a sexual encounter between Lucrecia and Alfonso, Rigoberto's son. To compensate for her absence, Rigoberto fills his notebooks with memories, fantasies and unsent letters. Meanwhile, Alfonso visits Lucrecia, determined to win her love.In The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto, Mario Vargas Llosa keeps the reader guessing which episodes are real and which issue from Rigoberto's imagination. The novel, a wonderful mix of reality and fantasy, is sexy, funny, disquieting, and unfailingly compelling.If you enjoyed The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto, you might also like Mario Vargas Llosa's In Praise of the Stepmother.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Completely Regular Semigroups
Present a systematic treatment of completely regular semigroups, from introductory to research level, comprised of preliminaries on lattices, semigroups, varieties, and complete regularity; congruences and relations on the congruence lattice; and varieties of completely regular semigroups through kernals, and traces of congruences and Malcev products.
Columbia University Press Naturalism and Normativity
Normativity concerns what we ought to think or do and the evaluations we make. For example, we say that we ought to think consistently, we ought to keep our promises, or that Mozart is a better composer than Salieri. Yet what philosophical moral can we draw from the apparent absence of normativity in the scientific image of the world? For scientific naturalists, the moral is that the normative must be reduced to the nonnormative, while for nonnaturalists, the moral is that there must be a transcendent realm of norms. Naturalism and Normativity engages with both sides of this debate. Essays explore philosophical options for understanding normativity in the space between scientific naturalism and Platonic supernaturalism. They articulate a liberal conception of philosophy that is neither reducible to the sciences nor completely independent of them--yet one that maintains the right to call itself naturalism. Contributors think in new ways about the relations among the scientific worldview, our experience of norms and values, and our movements in the space of reason. Detailed discussions include the relationship between philosophy and science, physicalism and ontological pluralism, the realm of the ordinary, objectivity and subjectivity, truth and justification, and the liberal naturalisms of Donald Davidson, John Dewey, John McDowell, and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 6 Active Teach CD
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 1 Active Teach CD
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 6 Teacher's Book
The Teacher's Book provides step-by-step lesson plans, activities and ideas, a game bank, Student's Book and Workbook audio scripts, Workbook answer keys, and notes for using the Young Learners' Exams Practice Materials found in the Student's Book. Assessment for Learning techniques and ideas for developing 21st Century Skills are contained in each Lesson Plan.
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 5 Teacher's Book
The Teacher's Book provides step-by-step lesson plans, activities and ideas, a game bank, Student's Book and Workbook audio scripts, Workbook answer keys, and notes for using the Young Learners' Exams Practice Materials found in the Student's Book. Assessment for Learning techniques and ideas for developing 21st Century Skills are contained in each Lesson Plan.
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 3 Workbook
Pearson Education Limited Big English Plus American Edition 2 Student's Book
Transcript Verlag Popular Music and Public Diplomacy – Transnational and Transdisciplinary Perspectives
In the early years of the Cold War, Western nations increasingly adopted strategies of public diplomacy involving popular music. While the diplomatic use of popular music was initially limited to such genres as jazz, the second half of the 20th century saw a growing presence of various popular genres in diplomatic contexts, including rock, pop, bluegrass, flamenco, funk, disco, and hip-hop, among others. This volume illuminates the interrelation of popular music and public diplomacy from a transnational and transdisciplinary angle. The contributions argue that, as popular music has been a crucial factor in international relations, its diplomatic use has substantially impacted the global musical landscape of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Imperial College Press Mechanical Circulatory Support Therapy In Advanced Heart Failure
This engaging book provides a state-of-the-art introduction to the rapidly evolving field of mechanical circulatory support therapy in the care of patients with advanced heart failure. It is aimed at healthcare teams around the world who are involved in patient care, research, and teaching of advanced heart failure; healthcare professionals in training; and interested lay persons.In particular, this book• serves as a comprehensive resource and practice guide on all aspects of mechanical circulatory support therapy, starting with an overview on heart failure management and then continuing with the referral and evaluation, the care before and after mechanical circulatory support implantation, the analysis of outcomes and complications, as well as a description of research and societal perspectives in the field of mechanical circulatory support therapy;• is founded on the expertise of Columbia University Medical Center (New York City), which has one of the most renowned heart failure, mechanical circulatory support, and heart transplantation programs in the world;• takes a multidisciplinary integrated healthcare team approach, including the perspectives of cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, nurses, coordinators, social workers, psychologists, physical therapists, financial experts, and bioethicists; and• provides in a unique way the complementary viewpoints from the expert healthcare team's as well as the patient's and family's perspectives, with patient vignettes interspersed throughout the entire text.
Royal Society of Chemistry Solar Hydrogen: Fuel of the Future
Renewable hydrogen produced using solar energy to split water is the energy fuel of the future. Accelerated innovation in both major domains of solar energy (photovoltaics and concentrated solar power) has resulted in the rapid fall of the solar electricity price, opening the route to a number of practical applications using solar H2. New thermochemical water splitting using concentrated solar power (CSP) as well as CSP coupled to electrolysis has the potential to convert and store solar energy into clean hydrogen using a tiny fraction of the world's desert area to meet our present and future global energy needs. Photovoltaics, in turn, has the versatility required for supporting the creation of a distributed energy generation infrastructure in developing countries especially now that the price of PV solar electricity has fallen to unprecedented low levels. In all these cases, solar H2 will be used to store energy and release it on demand either for fuel cells (to power homes and boats) or internal combustion engines and turbines (for powering cars, trucks and in thermoelectric power units). This book on solar hydrogen is unique in its field and is a timely treatment of a hot topic in industry, academic, political and environmental circles. With reference to many examples as well as to new technologies, this accessible book provides insight into a crucial technology for our common future and numerous colour pictures contribute to the book's readability. Written by experts in the field who are engaged at the forefront of research, the book supplies readers with last minute insight from the frontiers of research. The book will be of interest to Politicians, solar PV companies, hydrogen and sustainability researchers, environmentalists, managers in the automotive and nautical industries, undergraduate and graduate students in physics, chemistry, energy and materials science.
Faber & Faber Who Killed Palomino Molero?
Peru, 1950s. A young airman is found brutally murdered near an Air Force base in the northern desert. Lieutenant Silva and Officer Lituma set out to investigate, hitching rides on chicken trucks and cajoling a cab driver into taking them to the crime scene. Without support from their superiors and with the base's commanding officer standing in their way, the case won't be easy. But they are determined to uncover the truth.Who Killed Palomino Molero? is an entertaining and brilliantly plotted detective novel. It takes up one of Mario Vargas Llosa's characteristic themes - how hard it is to be an honest man in a corrupt society.
Marsilio Mario De Biasi: Photographs 1947–2003
On a giant of Italian postwar photojournalism and portraiture Italian photographer Mario De Biasi (1923–2013) was celebrated for his photojournalism in Hungary and Siberia, as well as his celebrity portraits of figures including Sophia Loren, Andy Warhol, Sugar Ray Robinson, Marlene Dietrich and Brigitte Bardot. His photographs are presented here by phase and theme.
Faber & Faber The Feast of the Goat
'The Feast of the Goat will stand out as the great emblematic novel of Latin America's twentieth century and removes One Hundred Years of Solitude of that title.' Times Literary SupplementUrania Cabral, a New York lawyer, returns to the Dominican Republic after a lifelong self-imposed exile. Once she is back in her homeland, the elusive feeling of terror that has overshadowed her whole life suddenly takes shape. Urania's own story alternates with the powerful climax of dictator Rafael Trujillo's reign.In 1961, Trujillo's decadent inner circle (which includes Urania's soon-to-be disgraced father) enjoys the luxuries of privilege while the rest of the nation lives in fear and deprivation. As Trujillo clings to power, a plot to push the Dominican Republic into the future is being formed. But after the murder of its hated dictator, the Goat, is carried out, the Dominican Republic is plunged into the nightmare of a bloody and uncertain aftermath. Now, thirty years later, Urania reveals how her own family was fatally wounded by the forces of history. In The Feast of the Goat, Mario Vargas Llosa eloquently explores the effects of power and violence on the lives of both the oppressors and those they victimized.
Akiara Books El Camino: Volume 10
Akiara Books La Pluma: Volume 3
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Schubert Adrast: Einzelnummern Und Entwurfe Zu Einer Oper D 137
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Krieg Und Sieg. Narrative Wanddarstellungen Von Altagypten Bis Ins Mittelalter: Internationales Kolloquium 29.-30. Juli 1997 Im Schloss Haindorf, Langenlois
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Befreit-Verbunden-Engagiert / Liberated-Connected-Committed: Dokumentationsband Der 8. Vollversammlung Der Gemeinschaft Evangelischer Kirchen in Europa / Documents of the 8th General Assembly of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europ
Editions Chouette Caillou: Fall Family Tradition: Picture Dominoes Included
On a very special hike in the woods, Grandpa tells Caillou the story of their fall family tradition. He explains that when Daddy was a child, he played a fun game while they were out hiking: catching a falling leaf before it touched the ground. Since then, the game has become a tradition and this year, Grandpa asks Caillou to be part of it. Caillou finds it difficult, but after a few tries he finally succeeds in catching his very first leaf! The book includes a game of picture dominoes for more family fun. Who knows, this could be the start of your own family tradition! Adapted from the popular television series, the books in the Playtime series show Caillou discovering the world around him as he moves toward a greater understanding of his environment. Each title includes an extra element, such as stickers or a poster.
Unnamed Press The Large Glass
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Work Made Fun Gets Done!: Easy Ways to Boost Energy, Morale, and Results
SAP Press Project System in SAP S/4HANA: The Comprehensive Guide to Project Management
Managing projects across an organization is complex. This book guides you through each twist and turn in the project lifecycle using Project System in SAP S/4HANA. Start by setting up the master data that project management depends on. Then configure and run planning functions for project logistics and financials. Finally, execute your projects and manage all period-end allocation and close tasks. Details on project analysis reports and integration scenarios make this the only guide you need!In this book, you'll learn about:a. Project Setup Set up your Project System master data in SAP S/4HANA. Customize data elements like work breakdown structures and networks. Make the most of versions, editing functions, project processing capabilities, and more. b. Project Planning, Execution, and CloseConfigure and run the core phases of project management, step by step. Plan your project costs and logistics, perform project execution activities across the SAP S/4HANA system, and manage period-end close for plan and actual data. c. Reporting and IntegrationAnalyze your project data with Project System reports for project structures, financials, and logistics. Explore integration scenarios for Project System such as SAP S/4HANA Cloud for projects.Highlights include:1) Master data 2) Scheduling3) Resource planning4) Material planning5) Revenue planning6) Budgeting 7) Project execution8) Invoicing 9) Period-end close 10) Integration 11) Reporting
Stackpole Books Diners of New York
Maverick Arts Publishing Magic Dad: (Yellow Early Reader)
Taylor & Francis Ltd Social Neuroscience of Psychiatric Disorders
Social Neuroscience of Psychiatric Disorders is about the role of the Social Brain in neuropsychiatry. The need to belong to social groups and interact with others has driven much of the evolution of the human brain. The relatively young field of social neuroscience has made impressive strides towards clarifying the neural correlates of the Social Brain, but, until recently, has not focused on mental and neurological disorders. Yet, the Social Brain underlies all brain-behaviour disorders, and nearly every neuropsychiatric illness involves social behavioural disturbances. This unique and ground-breaking volume is a major step forward in deciphering the impact of the Social Brain on neuropsychiatric disorders. Investigators evaluate neuropsychiatric disorders in the context of recent advances in social neuroscience to reveal the impact of social brain mechanisms on neuropsychiatric disorders and allow readers to glimpse the exciting potential advances in this field in the years to come. This book was originally published as a special issue of Social Neuroscience.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics and Policies of an Enlarged Europe
Increasingly, policies and laws commonly agreed within the EU shape the political and economic scenarios of nation states in Europe. However, the same European context is radically changing, essentially due to three major recent developments: the adoption of the Euro, EU enlargement to the east and the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy of structural reforms for growth and competitiveness. The book presents a thorough economic analysis of these three events and of their implications for both existing and potential EU policies and objectives. Carlo Altomonte and Mario Nava have written a very rigorous text in an accessible and jargon-free style, ensuring easy acquisition of invaluable insights into the European economic set-up and the possible evolution of EU policies, including an update on the reform of the Growth and Stability Pact and of the 2007-13 Financial Perspectives.The accessibility of economic concepts combined with the methodological rigour of this up-to-date text will be of great interest to both policy makers and students.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Central Banking in the Modern World: Alternative Perspectives
Monetarism is dead! Central bankers are all Wicksellians now! They target low inflation rates, with no regard to monetary aggregates whatsoever, by acting upon short-term real rates of interest. This is the New Consensus in monetary economics, or simply the New Keynesian Synthesis. Yet, this synthesis still hinges on variants of the long-run vertical Phillips curve originally proposed by Milton Friedman, the father of old-line monetarism.Contributors to the volume question this New Consensus. While they agree that the money supply should be conceived as endogenous, they carefully examine the procedures pursued by central banks, the monetary policy transmission mechanisms suggested by central bankers themselves, and the assumptions imbedded in the New Consensus. They propose alternative analyses that clearly demonstrate the limits of modern central banking and point to the possible instability of monetary economies. Heterodox and orthodox monetary macroeconomists alike will find this illuminating book of great interest.
Maverick Arts Publishing Bug Boy: Graphic Reluctant Reader
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Research on IPOs
The Handbook of Research on IPOs provides a comprehensive review of the emerging trends and directions in the global initial public offerings (IPO) markets. The empirical evidence included in the book covers Europe, the US and the Far East, and presents a truly global perspective of IPO markets around the world and at the different stages of the entire IPO process.The Handbook is divided into six comprehensive parts:- why, when and where firms go public- preparation for the IPO- transaction structure and governance at the IPO- trading in the aftermarket- the aftermarket performance of IPOs- special types of IPOs.The chapters offer some important new insights into issues that will be of interest not only to the academic community but also to professionals involved in the preparation, structure and execution of such transactions, market regulators, and private and institutional investors.Contributors: N. Appadu, D.B. Audretsch, F. Bancel, S. Banerjee, F. Bertoni, W. Bessler, R. Boissin, M. Bonaventura, P. Brown, J. Cao, M. Cattaneo, S. Chaplinsky, S. Chattopadhyay, H.M.J. Colaco, D. Cumming, J. D Souza, S. Espenlaub, A. Faelten, A. Ferguson, C.S. Fernando, V.A. Gatchev, G. Giudici, M. Goergen, D. Gounopoulos, U. Güçbilmez, S. Gupta-Mukherjee, G. Gur-Gershgorn, S.P. Hegde, J. Hoebelt, S. Johan, A. Khurshed, P. Lam, E.E. Lehmann, M. Levis, W.L. Megginson, M. Meoli, J.-S. Michel, K. Migliorati, U.R. Mittoo, A.C. Mohliver, R. Nash, S. Owen, S. Paleari, J.A. Pandes, G. Pawlina, M. Remenar, J.R. Ritter, M.J. Robinson, M. Seim, A. Signori, P.A. Spindt, J.-A. Suchard, S. Vismara, K. Yamada
Little, Brown & Company Buvette: The Pleasure of Good Food
Prentice Hall Press The Boy And The Mountain
Columbia University Press Rage and Time: A Psychopolitical Investigation
While ancient civilizations worshipped strong, active emotions, modern societies have favored more peaceful attitudes, especially within the democratic process. We have largely forgotten the struggle to make use of thymos, the part of the soul that, following Plato, contains spirit, pride, and indignation. Rather, Christianity and psychoanalysis have promoted mutual understanding to overcome conflict. Through unique examples, Peter Sloterdijk, the preeminent posthumanist, argues exactly the opposite, showing how the history of Western civilization can be read as a suppression and return of rage. By way of reinterpreting the Iliad, Alexandre Dumas's Count of Monte Cristo, and recent Islamic political riots in Paris, Sloterdijk proves the fallacy that rage is an emotion capable of control. Global terrorism and economic frustrations have rendered strong emotions visibly resurgent, and the consequences of violent outbursts will determine international relations for decades to come. To better respond to rage and its complexity, Sloterdijk daringly breaks with entrenched dogma and contructs a new theory for confronting conflict. His approach acknowledges and respects the proper place of rage and channels it into productive political struggle.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sex Chromosomes: New Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sustainable Supplier Management in the Automotive Industry: Leading the 3rd Revolution Through Collaboration
Pearson Education Limited Big English 5 Pupils Book stand alone
Share in your students' success. Watch them excel in English. BIG ENGLISH prepares students for the challenges they will find in today's world: CLIL: because students are learning English and so much more 21st Century Skills: because students want to get ahead and need to be prepared for the world around them Assessment for Learning: because confidence leads to success Think Big! Dream Big! BIG ENGLISH!
Magnetic Press The Wall
In a post-apocalyptic future, civilization is no more and humanity lives on looting and hacking, organizing itself into makeshift villages or caravans of roaring wrecks. In this brutal society, a young repairman named Solal does what he can to protect his sister Eva, who suffers from a respiratory illness. But when their medication runs out, they have only one hope: to go to the “Wall”, a gigantic impregnable enclosure guarded by monstrous robots. Inside that fabled shelter lives a community of powerful people with the resources to help them... but all is not as optimistic as it seems… Collecting the full dystopic trilogy created by film director Antoine Charreyron and artist Mario Alberti, THE WALL is a fast-paced survival story mixing elements of science fiction and horror in perfect blockbuster proportions. Brimming with the nihilism of Mad Max and The Walking Dead, this gripping drama plunges us into a maelstrom of dust, rust, and blood. A graphic feat for a wild and post-apocalyptic road movie that, in the purest tradition of the genre, questions the future of humanity and the consequences of our actions.
John Murray Press Auntie Poldi and the Lost Madonna: Auntie Poldi 4
There's only one Auntie Poldi: bewigged, cursing in Bavarian, and knocking back a wee shot of grappa as a pre-breakfast aperitif ... or is there? No one is as they seem (and sound) in this hilarious new mystery featuring Sicily's sultriest sleuth.Strange dealings are afoot in the Apostolic Palace-a nun leapt to her death shortly after participating in a seemingly routine exorcism. But when a priest clad in Gammarelli and a Vatican Commissario with an almost unholy level of sex appeal turn up at her door, Poldi is shocked to hear that she's a suspect in their case. Who is the woman being exorcised, and where has she disappeared to? And why in the world does she claim, in perfect Bavarian, to be Poldi, Isolde Oberreiter, of Torre Achirafari? Poldi will need all the help she can get to clear her name, but her nephew has been distracted by a love affair gone sour, someone in the town has been graffitiing death threats on her front door, and her local friends seem to be avoiding her. And even Vito Montana balks when Poldi discovers that the case hinges on a lost Madonna statue, stolen years ago from the Pope himself... Forza Poldi! With a pair of mysterious twins dogging her every move and a mandate to maintain sobriety, will Poldi be able to find the lost statue in time, and survive her sixty-first birthday?
L'Erma Di Bretschneider I Greci in Adriatico, 1: Atti del Convegno Internazionale. Urbino 1999, 21-24 Ottobre
Stadtwandel Wo Stand Die Mauer? / Where Stood the Wall?
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Kirche - Volk - Staat - Nation / Church - People - State - Nation: Ein Beitrag Zu Einem Schwierigen Verhaltnis // A Protestant Contribution on a Difficult Relationship
Chicago Review Press Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis: Projects and Principles for Beginning Geologists
Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis don’t happen every day, so how can budding scientists study how they work? Through experiments, models, and demonstrations. This in-depth resource will teach readers how to build a seismograph to record a simulated earthquake, compare pressure waves and shear waves—the two types of ground shocks—using a Slinky, and replicate a tsunami’s destructive effect on a “coastline” built in a bathtub. Authors Matthys Levy and Mario Salvadori even discuss issues of modern architecture and civil engineering: how science can be used to protect buildings and property in earthquake-prone areas. Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis answers a wide array of questions about these phenomena. Can animals “predict” earthquakes? How have various cultures explained the movement of the earth throughout history? What is the Richter scale, and what does it tell us about the strength of a quake? And most important, readers will learn how to earthquake-proof their homes, and how to protect themselves should they experience a tremor.
Rizzoli International Publications 100 Dream Cars: The Best of My Ride
The 100 Dream Cars stories are more than a collection of the standard car stories they will appeal to all of us no matter what type of ride is your ride. You want fast? Step on the gas in a Koenigsegg CCX, Adi R-8, a 62 Lamborghini, 87 Lamborghini Jalpha, or 1970 Pontiac GTO. You want classic? Here are the keys to a 62 Corvette, a 48 Austin A4, a 57 Thunderbird, a 37 Caddy V-16, or a 1930 BMW the oldest beemer in the United States. You want cool? Take a 64 Shelby Cobra, Tesla Model X, a 60 Caddy Coupe de Ville, or Aston Martin Vulcan for a spin. You want one-of-a-kind? How about a 52 Seagrave firetruck, a 1960 amphibious, a 73 VW Thing, or THE Batmobile? Bikes your thing? Hop on an Indian Scout Bobber, a 67 Harley, or a 2009 Harley Street Rod? You also get to meet the owners. There s the story of a pizza-delivery man who dodges polar bears in his Hyundai in the farthest northern town in the country (Barrow, Alaska). The NBA star who endures Los Angeles traffic by having his Tesla drive for him. The retired Kentucky entrepreneur with his 22-foot-long 1937 Cadillac, which he calls the biggest, baddest car that could exist.
WW Norton & Co Dolce Italiano: Desserts from the Babbo Kitchen
“Follow the seasons. Keep the flavors pure and straightforward. Use proper yet simple techniques.” Applying this aesthetic to the Italian tradition, Gina DePalma has created a cookbook of the desserts that have wowed diners at Babbo, New York’s most coveted reservation since it opened eight years ago with DePalma as pastry chef. From her exciting imagination spring desserts such as Sesame and White Corn Biscotti, Little Grappa Soaked Spongecakes, and Chocolate and Tangerine Semifreddo. Recipes for classics like Cassata alla Siciliana join new interpretations of traditional desserts such as White Peach and Prosecco Gelatina. More than just a cookbook, Dolce Italiano reveals the ten ingredients you need to know to make Italian desserts, along with wine pairings to accompany the recipes. Never before has a cookbook given home cooks a chance to experience the full variety and subtlety of Italian desserts. Mario Batali has called Dolce Italiano “pure inspiration.”
Claeys & Casteels Publishers BV EU Competition Law, Volume III: Cartels and Collusive Behaviour: Restrictive Agreements and Practices between Competitors
In the European Union there is an important reason to fight cartels, related to the political objective of market integration pursued by the community institutions. International cartels can seriously undermine the efforts to create a truly integrated European market. This second edition provides a unique insight into Europe’s leading experts on how to deal with cartel cases in practice before both the European Commission and the European Courts. With over 1,200 pages of text, analysis, and annexes it is essential reading and reference for all practitioners, advisors, and academics working in this area. Unique insight of Europe’s leading experts. Essential reading and reference for all practitioners, advisors and academics working in this area. Including application of article 101 TFEU, cartel proceedings, leniencies for companies, judicial reviews of cartel decisions.