Search results for ""author bernd"
Park Books Bernina transversal. Guido Baselgia – Bearth und Deplazes: Architecture and Photography – Intervention and Reaction
The unique convergence of architecture and landscape found on the Bernina Pass inspired Swiss photographer Guido Baselgia to create a visual epic. The result is a one-of-a-kind presentation of the new road maintenance base near Bernina Pass, designed by renowned Swiss firm Bearth & Deplazes Architekten, in a seemingly arctic winter landscape. Baselgia explored the territory along the road and railway line with his analogue camera. His images also draw a connection between the existing infrastructures for traffic and energy production - built over the course of the landscape’s industrialisation and continued development since the late 19th century - to the architecture of the new maintenance base. A concavely curved shield wall topped by a round tower is all that is visible of this vast, purely functional, and largely underground space. The shield wall cuts a segment from the existing topography and thereby encloses a courtyard along with an area of the surrounding landscape. The tower refuses direct encoding - until entering the camera obscura at its very top, which connects photography, architecture, and landscape to reveal that this place is about insights and not outlooks. The book features a selection of Guido Baselgia’s striking photographs and reproductions of camera obscura images from the tower in outstanding duotone reproduction and documents Bearth & Deplazes’ architecture through concise texts, images, and selected plans. Text in English, German and Italian.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Crusading General: The Life of General Sir Bernard Paget GCB DSO MC
Bernard Paget enjoyed a hugely successful military career which culminated in his top level appointments in WW2. As C-in-C Home Forces and the C-in-C 21st Army Group he was responsible for preparing the Army for the long awaited Second Front in Europe in 1944. To his lasting chagrin he was not to use in battle the weapon that he had shaped and tempered. He proved himself both a gallant soldier in the Great War and a shrewd commander in the dire conditions of the ill-fated Norway campaign. It was as a trainer that he excelled and this ideally fitted him for his wartime appointments. An irascible, brusque and, at times, downright rude man, possibly due to constant pain from his war wounds, he nonetheless worked well with Alanbrooke (the CIGS) but he had, like many others, a stormy relationship with Monty who, to Pagets deep disappointment, took over 21st Army Group from him prior to D-Day. Paget was made Commander-in-Chief in the Middle East, a key post previously held by Wavell, Alexander and Jumbo Wilson. This book throws fresh light on other major World War II figures. After retiring in 1946 he pursued a full career both in education and charities. Although one of the most influential generals of his time, due to circumstances, and possible character, he was regarded as always the bridesmaid and never the bride. But his contribution to victory cannot be overestimated.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Four Key Plays: The Audience, Blood Wedding, Yerma, The House of Bernarda Alba
In addition to a substantial introduction to the life and works of Federico García Lorca—avant-garde poet, playwright, and soul of Spain's "Generation of '27"—this collection features vibrant new English translations of four of his plays. The legacy of a dramatic, religious, and social iconoclast whose death made him a martyr of the left in Civil-War Spain and who today is embraced as a gay icon shines through in Michael Kidd's stage-worthy renderings of Yerma, Blood Wedding, The House of Bernarda Alba, and a more experimental play, The Audience, a kaleidoscopic exploration of sexual identity and theater.
Pindar Press Visible Spirit, Vol. II: The Art of Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Volume II
As early as the 1950s, Professor Irving Lavin was recognized as a major voice in American art history. His sustained production of seminal scholarly contributions have left their mark on an astonishingly wide range of -subjects and fields. Bringing these far-reaching publications together will not only provide a valuable resource to scholars and -students, but will also underscore fundamental themes in the history of art - historicism, the art of commemoration, the relationship between style and meaning, the -intelligence of artists - themes that define the role of the visual arts in human communication. Irving Lavin is best known for his array of fundamental publications on the Baroque artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680). These include new discoveries and studies on the master's prodigious childhood, his architecture and -portraiture, his invention of caricature, his depictions of religious faith and political leadership, his work in the -theatre, his attitude toward death and the role of the artist in the creation of a modern sense of social responsibility. All of Professor Lavin's papers on Bernini are here brought together in three volumes. The studies have been reset and in many cases up-dated, and there is a comprehensive index.
Museum of New Mexico Press Art & Legacy of Bernardo Miera Y Pacheco: New Spain's Explorer, Cartographer & Artist
Biteback Publishing The The Slow Downfall of Margaret Thatcher: The Diaries of Bernard Ingham
Branded `the rough-spoken Yorkshire Rasputin', Bernard Ingham served as Margaret Thatcher's press secretary for virtually all of her eleven-year premiership, adroitly steering the government's relationship with the media - and the Prime Minister's relationship with the nation. Known for his unswerving loyalty, he robustly defended Thatcher from her critics in both the press and the political jungle, earning him friends and foes in equal measure, as she went on to win three consecutive elections. Thatcher's last days in power, however, saw some of the most remarkable events in British political history, and Ingham was, for once, helpless to turn the tide. These eagerly anticipated diaries cover two turbulent years from January 1989 to December 1990 - a period Ingham terms `the long, slow assassination' - detailing the succession of crises that led to the Prime Minister's resignation in November 1990, and the critical roles played by the big political beasts of the time. With his trademark gruff candour and wry wit, Ingham's spirited diaries shed new light on Thatcher's final months in No. 10, charting the dramatic downfall of one of the most influential figures of the twentieth century.
Vintage Publishing The Badger: Bernard Hinault and the Fall and Rise of French Cycling
Bernard Hinault is one of the greatest cyclists of all time. He is a five-time winner of the Tour de France and the only man to have won each of the Grand Tours on more than one occasion. Hinault is the last ‘old-school’ champion: a larger-than-life character from a working-class background, capable of winning on all terrains, in major Tours and one-day Classics. Nicknamed the ‘Badger’ for his combative style, he led a cyclists’ strike in his first Tour and instigated a legendary punch-up with demonstrators in 1982 while in the middle of a race. His battles with teammates Laurent Fignon and Greg LeMond in the 1986 Tour resulted in one of the greatest races of all time. Three decades on from his retirement, Hinault remains the last French winner of the Tour de France. Here, William Fotheringham shows that while France may one day find a new champion, there will never be another Bernard Hinault.
University of California Press A Heart at Fire's Center: The Life and Music of Bernard Herrmann
No composer contributed more to film than Bernard Herrmann, who in over 40 scores enriched the work of such directors as Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, Francois Truffaut, and Martin Scorsese. In this first major biography of the composer, Steven C. Smith explores the interrelationships between Herrmann's music and his turbulent personal life, using much previously unpublished information to illustrate Herrmann's often outrageous behavior, his working methods, and why his music has had such lasting impact. From his first film ("Citizen Kane") to his last ("Taxi Driver"), Herrmann was a master of evoking psychological nuance and dramatic tension through music, often using unheard-of instrumental combinations to suit the dramatic needs of a film. His scores are among the most distinguished ever written, ranging from the fantastic ("Fahrenheit 451", "The Day the Earth Stood Still") to the romantic ("Obsession", "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir") to the terrifying ("Psycho"). Film was not the only medium in which Herrmann made a powerful mark. His radio broadcasts included Orson Welles' "Mercury Theatre of the Air" and "The War of the Worlds". His concert music was commissioned and performed by the New York Philharmonic, and he was chief conductor of the CBS Symphony. Almost as celebrated as these achievements are the enduring legends of Herrmann's combativeness and volatility. Smith separates myth from fact and draws upon heretofore unpublished material to illuminate Herrmann's life and influence. Herrmann remains as complex as any character in the films he scored - a creative genius, an indefatigable musicologist, an explosive bully, a generous and compassionate man who desperately sought friendship and love.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Die Mystik Und Die Sinne: Eine Religionshistorische Untersuchung Am Beispiel Bernhards Von Clairvaux
Hansebooks Einiges vom Leben und Wirker von Nikolaus Bernoulli: Kriminalgerichtspräsidenten und Notar in Basel
Ediciones 98, S.L. Miguel de Unamuno y Bernardo G. de Candamo amistad y epistolario 18991936
Alianza Editorial La casa de Bernarda Alba drama de mujeres en los pueblos de España
Encuadernación: Rústica.El asesinato de Federico García Lorca (1898-1936) fijó la imagen de La casa de Bernarda Alba como la obra máxima de toda una dramaturgia. Con este drama en el que unos personajes y un espacio se encadenan con suprema maestría a una pasión estéril ?el amor no conseguido- cuya liberación sacrificial es la muerte, el poeta granadino llegó, en efecto, a una cumbre similar a la alcanzada por las más grandes creaciones del teatro clásico y contemporáneo. Mario Hernández fija rigurosamente en la presente edición el texto de esta tragedia en la que la tiranía de unas normas sociales opresoras, encarnadas en Bernarda Alba, sofoca de forma implacable el deseo y el ansia de libertad.
Peeters Publishers De la généalogie des langues à la génétique du langage: Une documentation interdisciplinaire raisonnée
Depuis la fin du 18e siècle, les philologues, puis les linguistes, notamment allemands tout au long du 19e siècle, ont parcouru la généalogie de toutes les langues des familles indo-européenne et sémitique. Dans le même temps, l’orientation «naturaliste» de la linguistique propagée par August Schleicher a été rejetée par la plupart de ses pairs, notamment Bréal et Saussure. À partir des années 1950 les linguistes généalogistes ont testé des méthodes de regroupement par familles et superfamilles applicables aux langues sans tradition écrite avec la lexicostatistique, la glottochronologie, la comparaison multilatérale et leurs développements informatiques récents. Quant à l’exploration génétique du langage, elle a disparu de l’agenda des linguistes pendant un siècle entier avant de se renouveler à partir de 1990. L’objectif central de cet ouvrage est de chercher le «lien manquant» entre la généalogie des langues et la génétique du langage comme faculté universelle de l’espèce humaine. La version de la théorie de la grammaticalisation développée par l’africaniste et typologue allemand Bernd Heine peut fournir une connexion entre les deux approches, car elle vise à dégager un catalogue d’universaux cognitifs lexicalisés dans toutes les langues et qui sont à la source de mots grammaticaux et de morphèmes dérivationnels et flexionnels qui permettent de s’imaginer la genèse de la grammaire générale et des grammaires particulières. S’adressant aux linguistes, l’ouvrage documente abondamment les travaux de chercheurs d’autres disciplines (psychologues et anthropologues évolutionnistes, archéologues préhistoriens, épistémologues) désireux de fournir des «preuves indirectes» de l’émergence d’un protolangage lexical, puis d’un langage grammaticalisé. Au contact de ces chercheurs, une nouvelle discipline est apparue, la «linguistique évolutionnaire», qui cherche à évaluer la plausibilité de ces preuves indirectes.
Africa World Press Palavers Of African Literature: Essays in Honor of Bernth Lindfors, Vol. 1
Verso Books Bigger Than Bernie: How We Can Win Democratic Socialism in Our Time
The political ambitions of the movement behind Bernie Sanders have never been limited to winning the White House. Since Bernie first entered the presidential primaries in 2016, his supporters have worked to organize a revolution intended to encourage the active participation of millions of ordinary people in political life. In Bigger than Bernie, activist writers Meagan Day and Micah Uetricht give us an intimate map of this movement to remake American politics top to bottom, profiling the grassroots organizers who are building something bigger, and more ambitious, than the career of any one candidate. As participants themselves, Day and Uetricht provide a serious analysis of the prospects for long-term change, offering a strategy for making "political revolution" more than just a campaign slogan. They provide a road map for how to entrench democratic socialism in the halls of power and in our own lives.This new edition offers unmatched insights into the people behind the most unique campaign in modern American history and explores how the political revolution has been re-tooled for a time of economic crisis and pandemic.
Aschendorff Verlag Visitatio Verbi Dans Les Sermons in Cantica de Saint Bernard de Clairvaux
De Gruyter Naturerkenntnis und Kunstschaffen: Die Discours admirables von Bernard Palissy. Übersetzung und Kommentar
Mit diesem Band liegt erstmalig eine vollständige und kommentierte Übersetzung des schriftstellerischen Hauptwerks Bernard Palissys (1510-1590) in deutscher Sprache vor, und damit einer der bedeutendsten altfranzösischen Texte der Frühen Neuzeit. Der Keramikkünstler, für seine Abformungen von Tieren und Pflanzen im „Stil rustique" bekannt, behandelt in den Discours hydrologische, mineralogische und paläontologische Themenfelder der Geowissenschaften. Er plädiert für eine induktive, für seine Zeit fortschrittliche Naturforschung und verschränkt diese mit seiner Keramikkunst. Der Kommentarteil der Publikation analysiert zentrale Begriffe wie Naturnachahmung, Experiment, Modell und Sammlungswesen und deckt so die Bedeutungszusammenhänge von Palissys Erkenntnis- und Wissensbildung auf.
Cicerone Press Walking in the Engadine - Switzerland: Bernina, Engadine valley and Swiss National Park
A guidebook to 100 graded walks in the Engadine region of Switzerland. Exploring the beautiful scenery of the national park, Val Bregaglia and neighbouring valleys, the walks are suitable for beginner and experienced walkers alike. Day walks range from 4 to 16km (2–10 miles) and can be enjoyed in 1–9 hours. Two multi-day treks are also included: the Bregaglia Circuit (65km, 41 miles, 6–7 days) and a traverse of the Swiss National Park (46km, 29 miles, 3–4 days). Overview sketch maps are provided Detailed information on planning, mountain huts and public transport Easy access from St Moritz and Zernez Highlights include views from Tombal and Berghaus Diavolezza
Orion Publishing Co The Believers: How America Fell For Bernard Madoff's $65 Billion Investment Scam
How America fell for financier Bernie Madoff's $65 billion investment scam.It was luxurious Palm Beach, by the manicured lawns and Olympic-sized swimming pool, that financier Bernard Madoff ravaged the world of philanthropy and high society he had strived so hard to join, vaporising the assets of charities, foundations and individuals that had trusted him with their funds. It seems nothing was sacrosanct to Madoff, possibly the greatest con-man in history. Even Elie Wiesel's foundation has lost tens of millions. How could Madoff, a pillar of the Jewish community, do this to a Nobel Laureate and Auschwitz survivor? But Wiesel was hardly alone in trusting the rogue financier. How could some of the most sophisticated and worldly people in America fall victim to a collective delusion for year after year? THE BELIEVERS answers these unsettling questions. It opens up the clubbish world where Madoff operated, tracing the links from Palm Beach and The Hamptons to the salons and clubs of Manhattan society. It details the network of relationships across which flows hundreds of millions of dollars. 'The Believers' shows how despite material success and acclaim, some human impulses remain eternal. It reveals how an underlying sense of insecurity still shapes some of the richest and most successful individuals in America, making them crave ever more status and peer acclaim. By focusing on Madoff's connection to, and catastrophic impact on, the American Jewish community, THE BELIEVERS dramatically humanises a story that is part financial scandal and part Greek tragedy.
Emons Verlag GmbH Australia 1872: How Bernhard Holtermann turned gold into a unique photographic treasure
Bernhard Otto Holtermann emigrated from Hamburg to Australia in 1858 as a destitute young man, where, in 1872, he unearthed the largest lump of gold in the world. Holtermann shared his newfound wealth with his adopted home. As he travelled through the settlements, he had the poverty-stricken life documented in spectacular images, and promoted Australia to the world. More than 150 of these impressive photos have now been published, most for the first time, and are thus immortalised for eternity. Over more than 200 pages, the spectacular story of the German emigrant and his lucky discovery is told, with the images commissioned by him now available for the general public. Holtermann's photos impressively document the drudgery of the gold mines and life in Australia during the 19th century. Several modern-day photos and representations of how contemporary artists interpret his work have been included in this coffee-table volume. Thanks to this book, Bernhard Holtermann's legacy has been given the distinction it deserves for the first time.
Peeters Publishers Zeger-Bernard Van Espen: At the Crossroads of Canon Law, History, Theology and Church-state Relations
The volume contains the text of 23 papers read at the colloquium (Louvain, 21st-23rd September 2000) on Zeger-Bernard van Espen (1646-1728), the most important canonist of the ancient Louvain University.Several contributions seek to gauge the influence of Van Espen in a number of European countries: France, Italy, Spain, the German Empire and the United Provinces. Van Espen's influence was not merely investigated from a geographical perspective. The question was also raised as to how well his ideas survived the passage of time. How was Van Espen viewed in the 19th century? How was he used or misused?Hitherto, those who inquired into the personality and work of Van Espen have treated him almost exclusively from a 'Jansenist' perspective. The present volume seeks to break through this one-sidedness by approaching the man and his work from a legal and theological viewpoint, and from that of canon law and ecclesiology.From Gratian's "Concordia discordantium canonum" to Van Espen's "Separando certa ab incertis explicare et conciliare": the Louvain canonist was eminently aware of the canonical tradition within which he developed and formulated his ideas. More than being a Jansenist or a regalist or a Gallican, Van Espen was a jurist, who thought and reasoned on the basis of the law and structures of the Church. The protection of "that which is right", including the subjective rights of clerics and lay people, was his subject, his goal and his duty. On the basis of a sincere scientific, historical and philological approach to canon law, he came to conclusions which did not necessarily correspond to Rome's views on Church and State, moral theology, law and ecclesiology. This is not merely attributable to his Jansenist, rigorist, Gallican and regalist prejudices in these sensitive areas, but, probably to a greater extent than has been assumed hitherto, to his training as an academic, as a jurist, and as a canonist.
Bene Factum Publishing Ltd Space Has No Frontier: The Terrestrial Life and Times of Bernard Lovell
Skira Photographs from the Ottoman Empire: Bernardino Nogara and the mines of the Near East (1900–1915)
Mellinger J.Ch. Verlag G Aus der Schule von Chartres 1 Bernardus Silvestris ber die allumfassende Einheit der Welt
The University of Chicago Press The Preacher's Demons: Bernardino of Siena and the Social Underworld of Early Renaissance Italy
"When the city was filled with these bonfires, he then combed the city, and whenever he received notice of some public sodomite, he had him immediately seized and thrown into the nearest bonfire at hand and had him burned immediately." This story, of an anonymous individual who sought to cleanse medieval Paris, was part of a sermon delivered in Siena, Italy, in 1427. The speaker, the friar Bernardino (1380-1444), was one of the most important public figures of the time, and he spent forty years combing the towns of Italy, instructing, admonishing, and entertaining the crowds that gathered in prodigious numbers to hear his sermons. His story of the Parisian vigilante was a "recommendation." Sexual deviants were the objects of relentless, unconditional persecution in Bernardino's sermons. Other targets of the preacher's venom were witches, Jews, and heretics. Franco Mormando takes the reader into the social underworld of early Renaissance Italy to discover how one enormously influential figure helped to dramatically increase fear, hatred, and intolerance for those on society's margins. This book on Bernardino considers the preacher's inflammatory role in Renaissance social issues.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Die Werke von Johann I und Nicolaus II Bernoulli: Band 6: Mechanik I
This volume on mechanics of rigid and elastic bodies contains early papers of Bernoulli concerning geometric statics, accompanied by works dealing with the motion of compound pendula and the deformation of beams.
Pan Macmillan Lights Out, Full Throttle: The Good the Bad and the Bernie of Formula One
Calling all petrolheads, Lights Out, Full Throttle is the riotously funny tour through the best, worst and downright outrageous of F1.Shortlisted for the Telegraph Sports Entertainment Book of the Year AwardJohnny and Damon have become the one constant for passionate British F1 fans in a rapidly changing landscape. They have earned cult status as commentators and pundits, with viewers loving their unerring dedication to the sport’s greatness.From Monaco to Silverstone – discussing Johnny’s crowdsurfing and Bernie’s burger bar, the genius of Adrian Neweyand Colin Chapman, what it’s like to have an out-of-body experience while driving a car in the pouring rain at 200 mph, and the future of the sport in the wake of a tumultuous year – Johnny and Damon assess the good, the bad and the ugly of the F1 enthusiast’s paradise.Whether you’re a fan of Nigel, Niki, Kimi or Britney, pine for the glory days of Brabham, Williams, Jim Clark and Fangio,or believe that Lewis Hamilton will retire as the GOAT, Lights Out, Full Throttle gets you to the front of the grid without the inconvenience of having to leave your seat.
Pan Macmillan Lights Out, Full Throttle: The Good the Bad and the Bernie of Formula One
Drawing on a lifetime of sniffing petrol fumes, Lights Out, Full Throttle stands large over the landscape of Formula One and takes the temperature of the good, the bad and the ugly of the petrolhead’s paradise.Johnny Herbert and Damon Hill between them competed in 261 Grands Prix, amassing twenty-five wins, forty-nine podium finishes, one World Championship, 458 championship points, a Le Mans win, two smashed ankles, a broken arm, wrist and leg, sixty broken ribs, and two bruised egos.Having retired from racing, Johnny and Damon have become the one constant for passionate English F1 fans in a rapidly changing landscape. They have earned cult status as commentators and pundits, with viewers loving their unerring dedication to the sport’s greatness.It offers F1 fans a tour of the sport – from Monaco to Silverstone; Johnny’s crowd surfing and Bernie’s burger bar; the genius of Adrian Newey and Colin Chapman; why Lewis Hamilton will never, ever move to Ferrari (probably); getting the yips; money; safety; what it’s like to have an out-of-body experience while driving a car in the pouring rain at 200 mph; and the future of the sport in the wake of Covid-19 and Black Lives Matter.Whether you’re a fan of Nigel, Niki, Kimi or Britney, pine for the glory days of Brabham, Williams, Jim Clark and Fangio, or believe that Lewis is one year away from retiring as the GOAT, Lights Out, Full Throttle is the oily rag for the petrolhead fan to inhale while waiting for the racers to line up on the grid.
Classiques Garnier Lumieres Et Ocean Indien: Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Evariste Parny, Antoine de Bertin
Axios Press Where Bernie Went Wrong: And Why His Remedies Will Just Make Crony Capitalism Worse
When Bernie Sanders announced his campaign for the Democratic nomination for president on April 30, 2015, few people took much notice. Here was a 73-year-old US Senator from the tiny state of Vermont taking on Hillary Clinton, who seemed to have the nomination locked up. Although Sanders had caucused with the Democrats, he had always heretofore run as an Independent. Brooklyn born, he was also the first person of Jewish faith to mount a serious campaign for president. Balding and looking like everyone's grandfather, he was neither a brilliant speaker nor a brilliant political tactician. What he did have was conviction in his beliefs, which he frankly described as Socialist," and a determination to mount a revolution" against the existing political and economic establishment. As improbable as this campaign was, it immediately took flight. Millions of voters, especially young people, joined Bernie's army." In state after state, he won Democratic voters under the age of 40 by overwhelming majorities. His fervent supporters made almost a million small gifts to the campaign, average size $31. This was unheard of. What motivated Bernie to undertake his ground breaking campaign? First and foremost, he was appalled by the economic inequality of American society, which he felt was getting ever worse. He wanted to tax the rich and especially Wall Street much more heavily in order to finance more Social Security and Medicare for all, among other expanded government programs. Sanders planned to jumpstart the economy by vastly increasing government investments in infrastructure" such as roads and bridges. He would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour for a start and keep raising it. He would open US borders to immigration while simultaneously cutting back on open borders for trade. Would this program work? Would it lead to the intended outcome? Where Bernie Went Wrong considers this question and concludes that while Sanders is right in calling for a revolution against today's political and economic elites, his proposed solutions would actually make the plight of the poor and middle class even worse.
Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation Warren Bernhardt Teaches Jazz Piano A Handson Course in Improvisation and Technique Listen Learn
Gräfe u. Unzer AutorenV Das Leben ist zu kurz fr Mimimi Warum es befreiend ist Verantwortung zu bernehmen
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Pre-Classical Economists Volume III: John Law (1671–1729) and Bernard Mandeville (1660–1733)
John Law was one of those extraordinary personalities in which the 18th century seemed to abound. He held a demand-and-supply theory of value and treated the value of money or the determination of the average level of prices as only a special case of a general theory of value. Law eventually became Minister of Finance in France and was responsible for the greatest speculative frenzy in her history known as the Mississippi Bubble. When the boom collapsed in the closing months of 1720, Law was forced to flee France, permanently discredited, and spent his declining years as a professional gambler in Venice.In The Fable of the Bees: Private Vices, Public Benefits Bernard Mandeville argued that self-interest was a moral vice. Mandeville's satire was deliberately designed to give offence as if to encourage the re-examination of traditional beliefs : conspicuous consumption of luxury goods, the fashionable display of foreign imports, crime, and even natural disasters like the Fire of London all promote the 'division of labour' (Mandeville's term) and contribute to a brisk trade and fall in unemployment, whereas such supposed virtues as thrift and charity contribute to poverty and stagnation. The Fable of the Bees was widely read in the 18th century and criticized by all the leading thinkers of the day.
Cordee Bernese Alps Western Touring Route: Route Guide to the Long Distance Alpine Walk
A walkers' route guide to the long distance alpine walk from Villars to Kandersteg in the Bernese Alps in Switzerland. High mountain diversions and circular day walks add variety for the walker. For all levels of walkers.
Atlantic Books The Commanders: The Leadership Journeys of George Patton, Bernard Montgomery and Erwin Rommel
'Utterly fascinating.' James Holland'First-class... The intense rivalry of Monty and Patton is one of the great stories of the war, and has never been told better.' Andrew RobertsBorn in the two decades prior to World War I, George Patton, Bernard Montgomery and Erwin Rommel became among the most recognized and successful military leaders of the twentieth century. However, as acclaimed military historian Lloyd Clark reveals in his penetrating and insightful chronicle of their lives, they charted very different, often interrupted, paths to their ultimate leadership positions commanding hundreds of thousands of troops during World War II.Each faced battle for the first time in World War I, a searing experience that greatly influenced their future approach to war and leadership. When war broke out again in 1939, Montgomery and Rommel were immediately engaged, while Patton chafed until the US joined the Allies in 1942 and the three men, by then generals, collided in North Africa in 1943, and then again, climactically, in France after D-Day in 1944.Weaving letters, diary extracts, official reports and other documents into his original narrative, recounting dramatic battles as they developed on the ground and at headquarters, Clark also explores the controversies that swirled around Patton, Montgomery and Rommel throughout their careers, sometimes threatening to derail them. Ultimately, however, their unique abilities to bridge the space between leader and led cemented their legendary reputations.
Renard Press Ltd Wit and Acid: Sharp Lines from the Plays of George Bernard Shaw, Volume I
'If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.' One of the most prolific and respected playwrights of the twentieth century, Bernard Shaw's legacy shows no signs of waning, and his beautifully written plays, laced with wry wit and invective alike, have seen countless performances over the years, their finest lines paraded in literary conversation and review. Meticulously selected by Simon Mundy, the Wit and Acid series collects the sharpest lines from Shaw’s oeuvre in small neat volumes, allowing the reader to sample some of the very best barbs and one-liners the twentieth century has to offer, and this, the first volume, covers lines from the great writer’s works published before 1911.
Reclam Philipp Jun. La casa de Bernarda Alba Drama de mujeres en los pueblos de Espana
Power Publications The Legacies Of Bernard Smith: Essays on Australian Art, History and Cultural Politics
Ivan R Dee, Inc The Barber of Seville: In a New Translation and Adaptation by Bernard Sahlins
Fast-moving and brisk, and filled with wit, humor, and gaiety, the Barber is assured of immortality because of its sheer fun. Mr. Sahlins’s deft adaptation of a superbly constructed plot, and his attention to language for present-day audiences, make this a beautifully playable farce. An appropriate companion to The Marriage of Figaro, also available in the series.
Birkhauser Verlag AG Der Briefwechsel von Johann I Bernoulli: Band 3 Der Briefwechsel mit Pierre Varignon. Zweiter Teil:1702–1714
University of New Mexico Press The History of the Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Diaz del Castillo
The History of the Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Diaz del Castillo, a new abridgement of Diaz del Castillo's classic ""Historia verdadera de la conquista de Nueva Espana"", offers a unique contribution to our understanding of the political and religious forces that drove the great cultural encounter between Spain and the Americas known as the 'conquest of Mexico.' Besides containing important passages, scenes, and events excluded from other abridgements, this edition includes eight useful interpretive essays that address indigenous religions and cultural practices, sexuality during the early colonial period, the roles of women in indigenous cultures, and analysis of the political and economic purposes behind Diaz del Castillo's narrative.A series of maps illuminate the routes of the conquistadors, the organization of indigenous settlements, the struggle for the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, as well as the disastrous Spanish journey to Honduras. The information compiled for this volume offers increased accessibility to the original text, places it in a wider social and narrative context, and encourages further learning, research, and understanding.
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press The Commanders: The Leadership Journeys of George Patton, Bernard Montgomery, and Erwin Rommel
Cornelsen Vlg Scriptor Ich bernehme eine Willkommensklasse Tipps Themen und spielerische bungen fr den erfolgreichen Erstunterricht
York Medieval Press Inquisition in the Fourteenth Century: The Manuals of Bernard Gui and Nicholas Eymerich
An investigation of two manuals of inquisition reveals much about the practice in action. The Inquisition played a central role in European history. It moulded societies by enforcing religious and intellectual unity; it helped develop the judicial and police techniques which are the basis of those used today; and it helped lay the foundations for the persecution of witches. An understanding of the Inquisition is therefore essential to the late medieval and early modern periods. This book looks at how the philosophy and practice of Inquisition developed in the fourteenth century. It saw the proliferation of heresies defined by the Church (notably the Spiritual Franciscans and Beguines) and the classifcation of many more magical practices as heresy.The consequentialwidening of the Inquisition's role in turn led to it being seen as an essential part of the Church and the guardian of all the Church's doctrinal boundaries; the inclusion of magic in particular also changed the Inquisition's attitude towards suspects, and the use of torture became systematised and regularised. These changes are charted here through close attention to the inquisitorial manuals of Bernard Gui and Nicholas Eymerich, using other sourceswhere available. Gui's and Eymerich's personalities were important factors. Gui was a successful insider, Eymerich a maverick, but Eymerich's work had the greater long-term influence. Through them we can see the Inquisition in action. DEREK HILL gained his PhD from the University of London.