Search results for ""ISTE Ltd and John Wiley Sons Inc""
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Japan and Natural Disasters: Prevention and Risk Management
Japan is one of those countries most often affected by powerful natural hazards: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, typhoons, heavy rains, heavy snowfall, tornadoes, etc. The Archipelago is considered a very advanced country in terms of forecasting, prevention and management of natural disasters. A detailed analysis of the reality of recent years is however necessary. In the run-up to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, among others, a publication on the subject will inform a large number of people wanting to know more about the risks of natural disasters in Japan.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc NoSQL Data Models: Trends and Challenges
The topic of NoSQL databases has recently emerged, to face the Big Data challenge, namely the ever increasing volume of data to be handled. It is now recognized that relational databases are not appropriate in this context, implying that new database models and techniques are needed. This book presents recent research works, covering the following basic aspects: semantic data management, graph databases, and big data management in cloud environments. The chapters in this book report on research about the evolution of basic concepts such as data models, query languages, and new challenges regarding implementation issues.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Financial Markets for Commodities
Agricultural, energy or mineral commodities are traded internationally in two market categories: physical markets and financial markets. More specifically, on the financial markets, contracts are negotiated, the price of which depends on the price of a commodity. These contracts are called derivatives (futures, options contracts, swaps). This book presents, on the one hand, the characteristics of these derivatives and the markets on which they are traded and, on the other hand, those transactions that typically combine an action on the physical market and a transaction on the corresponding financial market. The understanding of commodity financial markets mainly relies on the resources of economic analysis, especially the financial economy, because the use of this discipline is essential to understanding the major operations that are conducted daily by the operators of these markets: traders, producers, processors, financiers.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Training Engineers for Innovation
Throughout history, engineers have been defined as those who bring technological innovation to society. However, the concept of innovation and the role of the engineer are now changing as a result of globalization, the digital revolution, growing inequalities and environmental concerns. Training Engineers for Innovation therefore analyzes the ways in which the educational systems for engineers are adapting to these new demands, as well as the conditions in which this training has developed. This book brings together the works of a consortium of researchers dedicated to the subject area as part of the Innov’Ing 2020 project. Its contributors present various means to devise effective pedagogies adapted to a holistic approach to innovation which incorporates the technical, economic, social, ethical and environmental dimensions of engineering.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Open Innovation: Corporate Incubator
The corporate start-up incubator is currently developing in large companies as an essential approach to open innovation. It faces a global system involving varied contexts, issues and actors. Its implementation is an art and to succeed the corporate incubator must become a real "interaction architect". Using testimonials and real case studies, the author takes a dive into the structural and social mysteries of corporate incubators. By analyzing the complex mechanisms of interactions, this book decrypts and reveals the keys to the success of these devices and to opening innovation in a broad sense. The concept of an “interaction architect” is related to the art of building fruitful interactions within human systems. Being aware that social systems exist is good, but knowing how to manage them is better.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Reliability of Maintained Systems Subjected to Wear Failure Mechanisms: Theory and Applications
Today, the reliability of systems has become a major issue in most industrial applications. The theoretical approach to estimating reliability was largely developed in the 1960s for maintenance-free systems, and more recently, in the late 1990s, it was developed for maintenance-based systems. Customers’ expectations concerning reliability (as well as maintenance, safety, etc.) are growing ever more demanding over the generations of systems. However, the theoretical methods used to handle the systems are not suitable when aging mechanisms are present. This book proposes a theoretical approach to estimate all of these quantities correctly. In addition to the theoretical aspect, it details a number of issues that any industrial system will meet sooner or later, whether due to design flaws, the batch of components, manufacturing problems or new technologies that result in the aging of mechanisms during their operational use.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Transfers by Conduction
While the topic of heat and mass transfer is an old subject, the way the book introduces the concepts, linking them strongly to the real world and to the present concerns, is particular. The scope of the different developments keeps in mind a practical energy engineering view.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Screening Constant by Unit Nuclear Charge Method: Description and Application to the Photoionization of Atomic Systems
The reader will find in this collection a clear exposition of the method of the Screen Constant by Nuclear Charge Unit which can be applied in a simple and immediate way to many fields of Physics in relation to atomic spectroscopy.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Vlasov Equation 1: History and General Properties
The Vlasov equation is the master equation which provides a statistical description for the collective behavior of large numbers of charged particles in mutual, long-range interaction. In other words, a low collision (or “Vlasov”) plasma. Plasma physics is itself a relatively young discipline, whose “birth” can be ascribed to the 1920s. The origin of the Vlasov model, however, is even more recent, dating back to the late 1940s. This “young age” is due to the rare occurrence of Vlasov plasma on Earth, despite the fact it characterizes most of the visible matter in the universe. This book – addressed to students, young researchers and to whoever wants a good understanding of Vlasov plasmas – discusses this model with a pedagogical presentation, focusing on the general properties and historical development of the applications of the Vlasov equation. The milestone developments discussed in the first two chapters serve as an introduction to more recent works (characterization of wave propagation and nonlinear properties of the electrostatic limit).
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Prospective Ergonomics
This book argues for a prospective turn in ergonomics to challenge the established fields of strategic design (SD) and management. Its multi-disciplinary outlook builds upon concepts derived from Management, Innovation and Design Science. Differences, similarities and relationships between strategic design and prospective ergonomics are reviewed using existing theories and frameworks from design, ergonomics, and strategic and innovation management. To complement the theory, 12 cases have been analyzed in greater depth according to 4 main dimensions of analysis. Outcomes have shown that innovating through the Prospective Ergonomics (PE) approach is about finding the right balance between, on the one hand, meeting primary objectives such as profit maximization or solving the design problem, and on the other, acknowledging that human activity is bounded by rationality. This means that humans have diverse motives.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Techniques and Technology of Computer-Aided Feedback Control
This book covers various modern theoretical, technical, practical and technological aspects of computerized numerical control and control systems of deterministic and stochastic dynamical processes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Creative Globalization
The purpose of this book is to draw up a picture of the transformations in the innovation systems induced by globalization - or globalization. We understand the latter as the existence of new macroeconomic solidarities. These are attested since about the middle of the 1980s, with the observation of a tripolar world drawn up by Kenichi Ohmae. The book intends to explain all theories of globalization, as well as to clarify its relations with innovation. It constitutes an unprecedented synthesis on this theme, illustrated by examples from many sectors of activity.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 3: Soils and Water Circulation
This book invites the reader to look differently at two seemingly mundane resources: soil and water. Water possesses extraordinary properties which form the foundations of life itself. Without water, there would be no life, and without soils, no terrestrial life. The interaction between soils and water is therefore fundamental to the habitability of Earth’s land surface. Through in-depth analyses and experimentation, Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 3 explores the circulation of water in soils. Through its properties, soil directs the path of water, leading it to wet soils or not, be absorbed by plants, infiltrate or runoff, concentrate in certain areas or flood. The potentially catastrophic consequences of such floods are often due to the absence or insufficiency of prevention measures. This book thus shows the ways in which the relationship between water, life and soils is much more than a simple series of interactions or phenomena at interfaces and in fact constitutes a system with definite properties.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Soils as a Key Component of the Critical Zone 1: Functions and Services
This introductory book to the six volume series includes an introduction defining the critical zone for mankind that extends from tree canopy and the lower atmosphere to water table and unweathered rock. Soils play a crucial role through the functions and the services that they provide to mankind. The spatial and temporal variability of soils is represented by information systems whose importance, recent evolutions and increasingly performing applications in France and in the world must be underlined. The soil functions, discussed in this book, focus on the regulation of the water cycle, biophysicochemical cycles and the habitat role of biodiversity. The main services presented are those related to the provision of agricultural, fodder and forest products, energy, as well as materials and the role of soil as infrastructure support. They also include the different cultural dimensions of soils, their representations being often linked to myths and rites, as well as their values of environmental and archaeological records. Finally, the issue is raised of an off-ground world.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Materials and Thermodynamics
A thermodynamic system is defined according to its environment and its compliance. This book promotes the classification of materials from generalized thermodynamics outside the equilibrium state and not solely according to their chemical origin. The author goes beyond standard classification of materials and extends it to take into account the living, ecological, economic and financial systems in which they exist: all these systems can be classified according to their deviation from an ideal situation of thermodynamic equilibrium. The concepts of dynamic complexity and hierarchy, emphasizing the crucial role played by cycles and rhythms, then become fundamental. Finally, the limitations of the uniqueness of this description that depend on thermodynamic foundations based on the concepts of energy and entropy are discussed in relation to the cognitive sciences.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Eco-generative Design for Early Stages of Architecture
This book can be first considered as a complete synthesis of the EcCoGen ANR project (2011-2012), involving researchers from different French labs (including MAP) and domains, breaking major difficulties of the real-time generative design in the early stages of a pre-architectural project. Then the scope becomes larger, and the authors introduce major prospects following recent advances on natural and artificial evolution.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Responsible Deliberation, between Conversation and Consideration: Conditions for a Great Democratic Debate
Communication is a crucial issue in our complex societies tinted by distrust. It is the core of democratic life and almost all human and social actions. Therefore it is essential for communication to be responsible. But responsible communication cannot only be conceived as a deontological issue, framed by ethical compliance requirements or good practices promotion. It should be considered with all the virtualities of communication, from conversation to consideration, going through narrative, interpretation and argumentation. Indeed each of these communicational capacities has its properties, assets, complementarities and limitations. They constitute different ways to be responsive. This book offers a contribution to the debate of Theory of Deliberative Theory (TDD), reexamined here within its different inspiration sources, notably the opposition between communicational turn and system, the fact of moral pluralism and the public reason.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Production Availability and Reliability: Use in the Oil and Gas industry
The objective of the book is to provide all the elements to evaluate the performance of production availability and reliability of a system, to integrate them and to manage them in its life cycle. By the examples provided (case studies) the main target audience is that of the petroleum industries (where I spent most of my professional years). Although the greatest rigor is applied in the presentation, and justification, concepts, methods and data this book is geared towards the user.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Methods and Tools for Creative Competitive Intelligence
"Creative competitive intelligence" is an information-seeking and monitoring activity of an information environment for the purpose of creativity and innovation. It involves the process leading up to the development of an informational supply adapted to the inspiration of creative or innovative personnel. This dynamic aims for the recognition of novelties (ideas, products, technologies, etc.), the identification of new players in the world of creation and innovation, and the identification of forgotten or neglected developmental paths. This book is aimed at readers who already have some experience of innovation and who are now looking for new ways to discover new products under development, anticipate the design of future products, identify unexplored tracks of inventions, develop and analyze innovation strategies, or recognize the emergence of budding artists.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc SME Internationalization Strategies: Innovation to Conquer New Markets
Internationalization is a strategic issue for companies as it is today the central axis for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Market expansion and the growing importance of emerging markets offer new development opportunities for SMEs to use innovative strategies - such as head-deck strategies - to effectively penetrate these markets. This book focuses on understanding these new strategies. Why do SMEs use head-of-bridge strategies in order to internationalize? How do they deploy such strategies abroad? Based on the example of five manufacturing SMEs, which are at different stages of internationalization, this book highlights the main motivations, stages of deployment but also difficulties encountered in this direction. This book is a tool for assessing potential locations and provide managers with a new alternative in terms of internationalization, enabling rapid identification of key stakeholders, adapting their international development plan and anticipating potential pitfalls.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Critical Philosophy of Innovation and the Innovator
The major innovations which have occurred between the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century represent a fresh challenge to the responsibility of innovators. Innovators have disrupted, and continue to disrupt the world through the growth of technology, DNA sequencing, genetic engineering, the management of large databases, different forms of intrusion into our private lives, etc. It is up to them take full responsibility for their actions, and question what they are accomplishing, why they are accomplishing it, to what end and with what means. Such questionings are those found in a practice conducted by Ancient philosophers: spiritual exercises. These were internal or external discourses, enabling individuals to act, think, to know how to behave and how to master oneself. It is surely toward these practices innovators of today should turn in order to innovate with wisdom.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Information and the World Stage: From Philosophy to Science, the World of Forms and Communications
Modern science is at a tipping point. A new page in the history of knowledge opens with the “information paradigm”, a notion which is gradually supplanting the old mechanistic vision inherited from Galileo and Newton. The author presents an overview of the place of information and communications in our time, explaining some reasons for focusing on these two notions. All areas of knowledge are concerned: philosophy, social sciences, biology, medicine, as well as physics, the so-called “queen of sciences”, from quantum to cosmos. This book is intended for scientific scholars as well as those with just a general interest who are anxious to understand the major evolutions that are taking shape in fields of knowledge in the 21st Century.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluid Mechanics in Channel, Pipe and Aerodynamic Design Geometries 2
Fluid mechanics is an important scientific field with various industrial applications for flows or energy consumption and efficiency issues. This book has as main aim to be a textbook of applied knowledge in real fluids as well as to the Hydraulic systems components and operation, with emphasis to the industrial or real life problems for piping and aerodynamic design geometries. Various problems will be presented and analyzed through this book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Gamification of Work: The Use of Games in the Workplace
Despite the traditional opposition between play and work, games and their structure are increasingly used in workplaces. This phenomenon of using game elements or mechanisms in other contexts than games is named “gamification”. In workplaces, the gamification is supposed to abolish the separation between work and leisure or between constraint and pleasure. This book reviews a century of game theories in the social sciences and analyzes the uses of games in workplaces. We critically question the explicit functions (learning, experimentation…) which are supposed to be conveyed by games. Finally, we show that game, understood as a structure, could have efficient social functions in the workplace.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Co-design in Living Labs for Healthcare and Independent Living: Concepts, Methods and Tools
There has been a surge in "Living Labs" in recent years including those focusing on the health and autonomy sectors. The aim of these innovative user-centered spaces is the emergence of products and services that meet market needs and support both the efficiency of public health and the competitiveness of enterprises. This book is the result of work involving both field practitioners and academic actors in human sciences and co-design. It highlights the good practices that arise within living labs despite their use of different approaches. This collaborative work has given rise to the Living Lab Health and Autonomy (LLSA) Forum and has allowed for an improved capacity to support an efficient development of this form of design for the actors of health and autonomy, but also of industry and of its investors. This book draws on their experience and the views of experts to illuminate their practices and gives better visibility and legibility to these new players.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality: Myths and Realities
Virtual and Augmented Reality have existed for a long time but were stuck to the research world or to some large manufacturing companies. With the appearance of low-cost devices, it is expected a number of new applications, including for the general audience. This book aims at making a statement about those novelties as well as distinguishing them from the complexes challenges they raise by proposing real use cases, replacing those recent evolutions through the VR/AR dynamic and by providing some perspective for the years to come.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc The Hermeneutic Side of Responsible Research and Innovation
The book investigates the meaning of RRI if little or no valid knowledge about consequences of innovation and technology is available. It proposes a hermeneutical turn to investigate narratives about possible futures with respect to their contemporary meaning instead of regarding them as anticipations of the future.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Secure Connected Objects
In this book, the authors focus on the concrete aspects of IoT (Internet of Things): the daily operation, on the ground, of this domain, including concrete and detailed discussion of the designs, applications and realizations of Secure Connected Things and IoT. As experts in the development of RFID and IoT technologies, the authors offer the reader a highly technical discussion of these topics, including the many approaches (technical, security, safety, ergonomic, economic, normative, regulations, etc.) involved in Secure Connected Objects projects. This book is written both for readers wishing to familiarize themselves with the complex issues surrounding networking objects and for those who design these connective "things".
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanical Vibrations: Applications to Equipment
The purpose of this book is to clarify the issues related to the environment of mechanical vibrations in the material life profile. In particular, through their simulation testing laboratory, through a better understanding of the physical phenomenon, means to implement to simulate, measurements and interpretations associated results. It is aimed at development of technical consultants, quality and services primarily to those testing laboratories, as well as to all those who are faced with supply reference to the environmental test calls and particularly here, vibration tests. Furthermore it should also interest students of engineering schools in the areas of competence of their future professions affected by vibration.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Location Strategies and Value Creation of International Mergers and Acquisitions
This title enriches both areas of research, finance and international management to analyze the choice of location and value creation in mergers and acquisitions. Our research answers the following question: What are the determinants of the location and value creation in mergers and acquisitions?
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Movement Equations 3: Dynamics and Fundamental Principle
This volume is the focal point of the work undertaken in the previous volumes of this set of books: the statement of the fundamental principle of the dynamics whose implementation, according to two paths whose choice depends on the problem to be treated, leads to equations of motion. In order to achieve this, it is treated first of all in the context of solids in their environment, as a prerequisite for the formulation of the fundamental principle. Then, in addition to its use in some exercises, the approach is illustrated by three particular cases. The first is an example where it is developed end-to-end and addresses the two approaches that lead to the equations of motion. The two other examples deal with two classical but important subjects, the movement of the Earth according to the hypotheses that can be stated about it, and Foucault’s pendulum.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Movement Equations 2: Mathematical and Methodological Supplements
The formalism processing of unbuckled solids mechanics involves several mathematical tools which are to be mastered at the same time. This volume collects the main points which take place in the course of the formalism, so that the user immediately finds what he needs without looking for it. Furthermore, the book contains a methodological formulary to guide the user in his approach.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Materials and Infrastructures 2
This volume presents the second half of a diverse collection of chapters in the field of materials and infrastructures in transport systems, which illustrate the technological and methodological innovations required to rise to the challenge of building more sustainable transport infrastructures for the future. The authors explore the potential of these sustainable solutions to improve the performance and efficiency of materials and infrastructures, with a reduced environmental impact and lower cost. Theoretical and practical case studies address a variety of topics including circular economy and sustainability, the impacts of climate change, durability, lifecycle, auscultation and the monitoring of infrastructures. This book provides transport researchers and professionals with a better understanding of the current and future trends in these innovative fields, enabling them to put into practice new technologies and methods of design and management, so that new solutions can become current practices to truly improve modern transport systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Materials and Infrastructures 1
This volume presents the first half of a diverse collection of chapters in the field of materials and infrastructures in transport systems, which illustrate the technological and methodological innovations required to rise to the challenge of building more sustainable transport infrastructures for the future. The authors explore the potential of these sustainable solutions to improve the performance and efficiency of materials and infrastructures, with a reduced environmental impact and lower cost. Theoretical and practical case studies address a variety of topics including circular economy and sustainability, the impacts of climate change, durability, lifecycle, auscultation and the monitoring of infrastructures. This book provides transport researchers and professionals with a better understanding of the current and future trends in these innovative fields, enabling them to put into practice new technologies and methods of design and management, so that new solutions can become current practices to truly improve modern transport systems.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Biomechanics: Optimization, Uncertainties and Reliability
In this book, the authors present in detail several recent methodologies and algorithms that they developed during the last fifteen years. The deterministic methods account for uncertainties through empirical safety factors, which implies that the actual uncertainties in materials, geometry and loading are not truly considered. This problem becomes much more complicated when considering biomechanical applications where a number of uncertainties are encountered in the design of prosthesis systems. This book implements improved numerical strategies and algorithms that can be applied to biomechanical studies.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Acoustic Emission and Durability of Composite Materials
In this book, two kinds of analysis based on acoustic emission recorded during mechanical tests are investigated. In the first, individual, analysis, acoustic signature of each damage mechanism is characterized. So with a clustering method, AE signals that have similar shapes or similar features can be group together into a cluster. Afterwards, each cluster can be linked with a main damage. The second analysis is based on a global AE analysis, on the investigation of liberated energy, with a view to identify a critical point. So beyond this characteristic point, the criticality can be modeled with a power-law in order to evaluate time to failure.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Structural Analysis 1: Statically Determinate Structures
Using a general approach, this book supports the student to enable mastery of the methods of analysis of isostatic and hyperstatic structures. To show the performance of the methods of analysis of the hyperstatic structures, selected beams, gantries and reticular structures are selected and subjected to a comparative study by the different methods of analysis of the hyperstatic structures.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Operational Research and Networks
This book presents the principal concepts of operations research (OR), the tools for the planning support and the management of various types of networks. The term "network" is meant to include physical networks, for instance road and rail networks, as well as logical networks that are used in the planning of complex projects. In this case, the vertices of the network correspond to activities and the connections describe temporal relations.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Yield Design
Since the middle of the 20th Century yield design approaches have been identified with the lower and upper bound theorem of limit analysis theory – a theory associated with perfect plasticity. This theory is very restrictive regarding the applicability of yield design approaches, which have been used for centuries for the stability of civil engineering structures. This book presents a theory of yield design within the original “equilibrium/resistance” framework rather than referring to the theories of plasticity or limit analysis; expressing the compatibility between the equilibrium of the considered structure and the resistance of its constituent material through simple mathematical arguments of duality and convex analysis results in a general formulation, which encompasses the many aspects of its implementation to various stability analysis problems. After a historic outline and an introductory example, the general theory is developed for the three-dimensional continuum model in a versatile form based upon simple arguments from the mathematical theory of convexity. It is then straightforwardly transposed to the one-dimensional curvilinear continuum, for the yield design analysis of beams, and the two-dimensional continuum model of plates and thin slabs subjected to bending. Field and laboratory observations of the collapse of mechanical systems are presented along with the defining concept of the multi-parameter loading mode. The compatibility of equilibrium and resistance is first expressed in its primal form, on the basis of the equilibrium equations and the strength domain of the material defined by a convex strength criterion along with the dual approach in the field of potentially safe loads, as is the highlighting of the role implicitly played by the theory of yield design as the fundamental basis of the implementation of the ultimate limit state design (ULSD) philosophy with the explicit introduction of resistance parameters. Contents 1. Origins and Topicality of a Concept. 2. An Introductory Example of the Yield Design Approach. 3. The Continuum Mechanics Framework. 4. Primal Approach of the Theory of Yield Design. 5. Dual Approach of the Theory of Yield Design. 6. Kinematic Exterior Approach. 7. Ultimate Limit State Design from the Theory of Yield Design. 8. Optimality and Probability Approaches of Yield Design. 9. Yield Design of Structures. 10. Yield Design of Plates: the Model. 11. Yield Design of Plates Subjected to Pure Bending. About the Authors Jean Salençon is Emeritus Professor at École polytechnique and École des ponts et chaussées, ParisTech, France. Since 2009 he has been a member of the Administrative Board of CNRS (Paris, France). He has received many awards including the Légion d’Honneur (Commander), Ordre National du Mérite (Officer) and Palmes Académiques (Commander). His research interests include structure analysis, soil mechanics and continuum mechanics.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Materials and Structures under Shock and Impact
Materials and Structures under Shock and Impact In risk studies, engineers often have to consider the consequences of an accident leading to a shock on a construction. This can concern the impact of a ground vehicle or aircraft, or the effects of an explosion on an industrial site. This book presents a didactic approach starting with the theoretical elements of the mechanics of materials and structures, in order to develop their applications in the cases of shocks and impacts. The latter are studied on a local scale at first. They lead to stresses and strains in the form of waves propagating through the material, this movement then extending to the whole of the structure. The first part of the book is devoted to the study of solid dynamics where nonlinear behaviors come into play. The second part covers structural dynamics and the evaluation of the transient response introduced at the global scale of a construction. Practical methods, simplified methods and methods that are in current use by engineers are also proposed throughout the book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Sustainable Transports
Transport systems have to meet the mobility needs of people and commodities on all scales, from the local to the global level. Concerns about the energy, fumes and sound emissions produced, and about the safety, service quality, intelligence and lifecycle of the systems, etc. can all be included in a systemic approach. This approach can contribute to the development of sustainable solutions, for individual vehicles as well as for transport systems. Derived from an approach combining the social and physical sciences, these solutions result from the integration of physical objects, services and organizational processes, which involve several actors. Their harmonious organization contributes to the development of more virtuous transport systems for the future of urban and inter-urban mobility.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Reinforced Concrete Beams, Columns and Frames: Section and Slender Member Analysis
This book is focused on the theoretical and practical design of reinforced concrete beams, columns and frame structures. It is based on an analytical approach of designing normal reinforced concrete structural elements that are compatible with most international design rules, including for instance the European design rules – Eurocode 2 – for reinforced concrete structures. The book tries to distinguish between what belongs to the structural design philosophy of such structural elements (related to strength of materials arguments) and what belongs to the design rule aspects associated with specific characteristic data (for the material or loading parameters). A previous book, entitled Reinforced Concrete Beams, Columns and Frames – Mechanics and Design, deals with the fundamental aspects of the mechanics and design of reinforced concrete in general, both related to the Serviceability Limit State (SLS) and the Ultimate Limit State (ULS), whereas the current book deals with more advanced ULS aspects, along with instability and second-order analysis aspects. Some recent research results including the use of non-local mechanics are also presented. This book is aimed at Masters-level students, engineers, researchers and teachers in the field of reinforced concrete design. Most of the books in this area are very practical or code-oriented, whereas this book is more theoretically based, using rigorous mathematics and mechanics tools. Contents 1. Advanced Design at Ultimate Limit State (ULS). 2. Slender Compression Members – Mechanics and Design. 3. Approximate Analysis Methods. Appendix 1. Cardano’s Method. Appendix 2. Steel Reinforcement Table. About the Authors Jostein Hellesland has been Professor of Structural Mechanics at the University of Oslo, Norway since January 1988. His contribution to the field of stability has been recognized and magnified by many high-quality papers in famous international journals such as Engineering Structures, Thin-Walled Structures, Journal of Constructional Steel Research and Journal of Structural Engineering. Noël Challamel is Professor in Civil Engineering at UBS, University of South Brittany in France and chairman of the EMI-ASCE Stability committee. His contributions mainly concern the dynamics, stability and inelastic behavior of structural components, with special emphasis on Continuum Damage Mechanics (more than 70 publications in International peer-reviewed journals). Charles Casandjian was formerly Associate Professor at INSA (French National Institute of Applied Sciences), Rennes, France and the chairman of the course on reinforced concrete design. He has published work on the mechanics of concrete and is also involved in creating a web experience for teaching reinforced concrete design – BA-CORTEX. Christophe Lanos is Professor in Civil Engineering at the University of Rennes 1 in France. He has mainly published work on the mechanics of concrete, as well as other related subjects. He is also involved in creating a web experience for teaching reinforced concrete design – BA-CORTEX.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrochemical Components
This book focuses on the methods of storage commonly used in hybrid systems. After an introductory chapter reviewing the basics of electrochemistry, Chapter 2 is given over to the storage of electricity in the form of hydrogen. Once hydrogen has been made, we have to be able to convert it back into electricity on demand. This can be done with another energy converter: a fuel cell, the subject of Chapter 3. Such a system is unable to deliver significant dynamics in terms of storage and release of electricity and needs to be supplemented with another solution: a detailed study of supercapacitors is provided in Chapter 4.While the storage systems touched upon in the previous three chapters (hydrogen batteries and supercapacitors) both exhibit advantageous characteristics, at present they are still relatively costly. Thus, the days of the electrochemical accumulator by no means appear to be numbered just yet. This will therefore be the topic of Chapter 5. Finally, on the basis of the elements laid down in the previous chapters, Chapter 6 will focus on electrical hybridization of these storage systems, with a view to enhancing the performance (in terms of energy, lifetime, cost, etc.) of the newly formed system. Aimed at an audience of researchers, industrialists, academics, teachers and students, many exercises, along with corrected solutions, are provided throughout the book. Contents 1. Basic Concepts of Electrochemistry used in Electrical Engineering. 2. Water Electrolyzers. 3. Fuel Cells. 4. Electrical Energy Storage by Supercapacitors. 5. Electrochemical Accumulators. 6. Hybrid Electrical System. About the Authors Marie-Cécile Péra is a Full Professor at the University of Franche-Comte in France and Deputy Director of the FEMTO-ST Institute (CNRS). Her research activities include modeling, control and diagnosis of electric power generation systems (fuel cells – PEMFC and SOFC, supercapacities, batteries) for transportation and stationary applications. She has contributed to more than 180 articles in international journals and conferences. Daniel Hissel is Full Professor at the University of Franche-Comte in France and Director of the Fuel Cell Lab Research Federation (CNRS). He also leads a research team devoted to hybrid electrical systems in the FEMTO-ST Institute (CNRS). He has published more than 250 research papers on modeling, control, diagnostics and prognostics of hybrid electrical systems. Hamid Gualous is Full Professor at the University of Caen Lower Normandy in France and director of the LUSAC laboratory. His current research interests include power electronics, electric energy storage, power and energy systems and energy management. Christophe Turpin is Full Researcher at the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research). He is responsible for hydrogen activities within the Laboratory LAPLACE, Toulouse, France. His research activities include the characterization and modeling of fuel cells and electrolyzers, the state of health of these components, and their hybridization with other electrochemical components (ultracapacitors, batteries) within optimized energy systems for stationary and aeronautical applications.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems: Optimization Methods
Embedded systems are everywhere in contemporary life and are supposed to make our lives more comfortable. In industry, embedded systems are used to manage and control complex systems (e.g. nuclear power plants, telecommunications and flight control) and they are also taking an important place in our daily activities (e.g. smartphones, security alarms and traffic lights). In the design of embedded systems, memory allocation and data assignment are among the main challenges that electronic designers have to face. In fact, they impact heavily on the main cost metrics (power consumption, performance and area) in electronic devices. Thus designers of embedded systems have to pay careful attention in order to minimize memory requirements, thus improving memory throughput and limiting the power consumption by the system’s memory. Electronic designers attempt to minimize memory requirements with the aim of lowering the overall system costs. A state of the art of optimization techniques for memory management and data assignment is presented in this book.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Advanced Mobility and Transport Engineering
Multimodal transport network customers need to be directed during their travels. A travel support tool can be offered by a Multimodal Information System (MIS), which allows them to input their needs and provides them with the appropriate responses to improve their travel conditions. The goal of this book is to design and develop methodologies in order to realize a MIS tool which can ensure permanent multimodal information availability before and during travel, considering passengers’ mobility. The authors propose methods and tools that help transport network customers to formulate their requests when they connect to their favorite information systems through PC, laptop, cell phone, Portable Digital Assistant (PDA), etc. The MIS must automatically identify the websites concerning the customer’s services. These sites can, in fact, represent transport services, cultural services, tourist services, etc. The system should then be able to collect the necessary travel information from these sites in order to construct and propose the most convenient information according to the user’s requests. Contents 1. Agent-oriented Road Traffic Simulation, René Mandiau, Sylvain Piechowiak, Arnaud Doniec and Stéphane Espié. 2. An Agent-based Information System for Searching and Creating Mobility-aiding Services, Slim Hammadi and Hayfa Zgaya. 3. Inter-vehicle Services and Communication, Sylvain Lecomte, Thierry Delot and Mikael Desertot. 4. Modeling and Control of Traffic Flow, Daniel Jolly, Boumediene Kamel and Amar Benasser. 5. Criteria and Methods for Interactive System Evaluation: Application to a Regulation Post in the Transport Domain, Houcine Ezzedine, Abdelwaheb Trabelsi, Chi Dung Tran and Christophe Kolski.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Lead-Nickel Electrochemical Batteries
The lead-acid accumulator was introduced in the middle of the 19th Century, the diverse variants of nickel accumulators between the beginning and the end of the 20th Century. Although old, these technologies are always very present on numerous markets. Unfortunately they are still not used in optimal conditions, often because of the misunderstanding of the internal electrochemical phenomena. This book will show that batteries are complex systems, made commercially available thanks to considerable amounts of scientific research, empiricism and practical knowledge. However, the design of batteries is not fixed; it is subject to constant developments as a result of user feedback and validation processes which are often long and fastidious. This book attempts to show that it is not possible to consider a family of batteries as having fixed, applicable properties and characteristics whatever the application and the technology used in their manufacture. For this reason, the authors have chosen to present the fundamental electrochemical and chemical phenomena involved in as simple and as clear a way as possible. It is essential to be aware of these mechanisms in order to develop suitable theoretical models. This work will be of particular interest to those working in the field of electrical engineering and to industrialists, the final users of these technologies. It will also be of interest to electrochemists, as experts in lead or nickel batteries are becoming fewer and farther between, and their knowledge and practical skills are steadily being lost. Contents Part 1. Universal Characteristics of Batteries 1. Definitions and Methods of Measurement. Part 2. Lead–Acid Batteries 2. The Operation of Lead–Acid Batteries. 3. Internal Composition and Types of Lead–Acid Batteries. 4. Lead Batteries: Main Characteristics. 5. Manufacturing Starting, Lighting and Ignition Batteries. Part 3. Introduction to Nickel-Based Batteries 6. Nickel–Cadmium Batteries. 7. Nickel–Metal Hydride Batteries. 8. Other Nickel-Based Batteries.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Thermomechanical Industrial Processes: Modeling and Numerical Simulation
The numerical simulation of manufacturing processes and of their mechanical consequences is of growing interest in industry. However, such simulations need the modeling of couplings between several physical phenomena such as heat transfer, material transformations and solid or fluid mechanics, as well as to be adapted to numerical methodologies. This book gathers a state of the art on how to simulate industrial processes, what data are needed and what numerical simulation can bring. Assembling processes such as welding and friction stir welding, material removal processes, elaboration processes of composite structures, sintering processes, surface-finishing techniques, and thermo-chemical treatments are investigated.This book is the work of a group of researchers who have been working together in this field for more than 12 years. It should prove useful for both those working in industry and those studying the numerical methods applied to multiphysics problems encountered in manufacturing processes.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Formal Methods: Industrial Use from Model to the Code
Although formal analysis programming techniques may be quite old, the introduction of formal methods only dates from the 1980s. These techniques enable us to analyze the behavior of a software application, described in a programming language. It took until the end of the 1990s before formal methods or the B method could be implemented in industrial applications or be usable in an industrial setting. Current literature only gives students and researchers very general overviews of formal methods. The purpose of this book is to present feedback from experience on the use of “formal methods” (such as proof and model-checking) in industrial examples within the transportation domain. This book is based on the experience of people who are currently involved in the creation and evaluation of safety critical system software. The involvement of people from within the industry allows us to avoid the usual problems of confidentiality which could arise and thus enables us to supply new useful information (photos, architecture plans, real examples, etc.). Topics covered by the chapters of this book include SAET-METEOR, the B method and B tools, model-based design using Simulink, the Simulink design verifier proof tool, the implementation and applications of SCADE (Safety Critical Application Development Environment), GATeL: A V&V Platform for SCADE models and ControlBuild. Contents 1. From Classic Languages to Formal Methods, Jean-Louis Boulanger. 2. Formal Method in the Railway Sector the First Complex Application: SAET-METEOR, Jean-Louis Boulanger. 3. The B Method and B Tools, Jean-Louis Boulanger. 4. Model-Based Design Using Simulink – Modeling, Code Generation, Verification, and Validation, Mirko Conrad and Pieter J. Mosterman. 5. Proving Global Properties with the Aid of the SIMULINK DESIGN VERIFIER Proof Tool, Véronique Delebarre and Jean-Frédéric Etienne. 6. SCADE: Implementation and Applications, Jean-Louis Camus. 7. GATeL: A V&V Platform for SCADE Models, Bruno Marre, Benjamin Bianc, Patricia Mouy and Christophe Junke. 8. ControlBuild, a Development Framework for Control Engineering, Franck Corbier. 9. Conclusion, Jean-Louis Boulanger.