Search results for ""Bridge""
Stone Bridge Press Green Tea Living: A Japan-Inspired Guide to Eco-friendly Habits, Health, and Happiness
Starting with the notion that some traditions--like drinking green tea for health and mental acuity--embody timeless wisdom for living, Toshimi A. Kayaki offers dozens of wise old Japanese ways for improving how you look and feel while respecting nature and the environment. Carry your own pair of chopsticks, wear five-toe socks, eat salty plums, use rice water as floor wax, do "eco-laundry," and always set aside 10 percent for savings get the idea. By leading a "green tea life," you'll help yourself and the planet. Toshimi A. Kayaki, born and raised in Japan, now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and has published twenty-two books on women's and cross-cultural issues.
Stone Bridge Press On God's Radar: My Walk Across America
After the death of his 96-year-old father, a World War II veteran, Robert Schoen set off on a coast-to-coast journey. On a beautiful Southern California day in April 2017, 70-year-old Schoen waded knee-deep into the Pacific. He then walked back to shore, put on his shoes and socks, and began walking toward the Atlantic. Although he'd never walked more than seven miles in a row and was anything but an outdoors fanatic, he did possess certain qualities necessary to complete such a journey—an undaunted spirit, determination, and a willingness to accept whatever might come his way. During his journey he walked east through homeless tent communities, the Mojave Desert, ghost towns, and cities large and small. He experienced extremes of weather, a near-death encounter, and many obstacles and challenges. But 2,644 miles and 14 states later, Robert Schoen finally waded into the Atlantic Ocean, with renewed faith in the goodness and generosity of his fellow Americans.
Stone Bridge Press The Rabbi Finds Her Way: A Pearl Ross-Levy Novel
This rabbi gig. People have no idea what it's all about. The Rabbi Finds Her Way follows Pearl Ross-Levy's first two years as associate rabbi at a large Reform congregation in California. This compelling, inspiring, and often funny narrative weaves the experiences and insights that shape the young rabbi as she finds her way through the challenges of her profession. We see Pearl's lifelong friendship with a high school classmate—the victim of a serious car accident—evolve as it opens her eyes to the world of religion. And whether she's discussing women's rights in the Bible with a bat mitzvah student, meeting the man she'll soon marry, encouraging a congregant with Alzheimer's to tell a joke whose punch line he's forgotten, or struggling with the anguish of a man who believes he's unwittingly committed a murder, Pearl reveals her intelligence, empathy, grit, and humor. The Rabbi's strength and faith grow as she continues to see that God does, indeed, work in strange ways.
Bridge-Logos Publishing Ultimate Health Foods, The
Bridge-Logos Publishing Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: Jonathan Edwards: II Classic Sermons (1703- 1758)
Bridge-Logos Publishing Evidence Bible-NKJV
Stone Bridge Press The Donald Richie Reader: 50 Years of Writing on Japan
No one has written more, or more artfully, about Japan and Japanese culture than Donald Richie. Richie moved to Tokyo just after World War II. And he is still there, still writing. This book is the first compilation of the best of Richie's writings on Japan, with excerpts from his critical work on film (Richie helped introduce Japanese film to the West in the late 1950s) and his unpublished private journal, plus fiction, Zen musings, and masterful essays on culture, travel, people, and style. With a critical introduction and full bibliography. Donald Richie's many books include The Films of Akira Kurosawa, The Japanese Tattoo, and the PBS favorite The Inland Sea. Vienna resident Arturo Silva lived in Japan for 18 years. "To read [The Donald Richie Reader and The Japan Journals] is like diving for pearls. Dip into any part of them and you will surely find treasures about the cinema, literature, traveling, writing. The passages are evocative, erotic, playful, and often profound." - Japanese Language and Literature
Stone Bridge Press Of Arcs and Circles: Insights from Japan on Gardens, Nature, and Art
From his vantage point as a garden designer and writer based in Kyoto, Marc Peter Keane examines the world around him and delivers astonishing insights through an array of narratives. How the names of gardens reveal their essential meaning. A new definition of what art is. What trees are really made of. The true meaning of the enigmatic torii gate found at Shinto shrines. Why we give flowers as gifts. The essential, underlying unity of the world.
Stone Bridge Press Discovering Yamaguchi Sake: A Taster’s Guide to Breweries, Culture, and Terrain
This book is the first of its kind, a deep-dive into a single sake-producing region to highlight its delicious brews as well as the people, land, and culture behind them. Brewing in Yamaguchi — in southern Honshu, Japan — reflects the whole history of sake in Japan, from boom to bust to resurgence, and many of its brands, including the fabled Dassai, are now at izakaya and fine restaurants around the world. Expert Jim Rion takes us on a tour of all 23 Yamaguchi breweries to introduce the character of each and its brewmasters’ best picks. Along the way he provides background on such topics as rice farmers, drinkware, brewing methods, and the controversy over sake “terroir” (does it exist?). An added bonus for travelers is a mini sightseeing guide to the region and its many delights. Illustrated with photographs and quick-reference sake labels.
Stone Bridge Press The Fourth String: A Memoir of Sensei and Me
The word sensei in Japanese literally means “one who came before,” but that’s not what Janet Pocorobba’s teacher wanted to be called. She used her first name, Western-style. She wore a velour Beatles cap and leather jacket, and she taught foreigners, in English, the three-stringed shamisen, an instrument that fell out of tune as soon as you started to play it. Vexed by the music and Sensei’s mission to upend an elite musical system, Pocorobba, on the cusp of thirty, gives up her return ticket home to become a lifelong student of her teacher. She is eventually featured in Japan Cosmo as one of the most accomplished gaijin, “outside people,” to play the instrument. Part memoir, part biography of her Sensei, The Fourth String looks back on the initial few years of that apprenticeship, one that Janet’s own female English students advised her was “wife training,” steeped in obedience, loyalty, and duty. Even with her maverick teacher, Janet is challenged by group hierarchies, obscure traditions, and the tricky spaces of silence in Japanese life. Anmoku ryokai, Sensei says to explain: “We have to understand without saying.” By the time Janet finds out this life might not be for her, she is more at home in the music than the Japanese will allow. For anyone who has had a special teacher, or has lost themselves in another world, Janet Pocorobba asks questions about culture, learning, tradition, and self. As Gish Jen has said of The Fourth String, “What does it mean to be taught? To be transformed?”
Bridge Publications Inc Science of Survival
This book follows L. Ron Hubbard's earlier title "Dianetics". It covers additional developments in the field of Dianetics. Built around the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation, Science of Survival provides the first accurate prediction of human behavior. Included on the chart are all the manifestations of an individual's survival potential graduated from highest to lowest. Knowing only one or two characteristics of a person and using this chart, you can plot his or her position on the Tone Scale (which is decribed in detail in the book) and thereby know the rest, obtaining an accurate index of their entire personality, conduct and character. Before this book the world was convinced that cases could not improve but only deteriorate. Science of Survival presents the idea of different states of case and the brand-new idea that one can progress upward on the Tone Scale. And therein lies the basis of today's Grade Chart.
Bridge Publications Inc Handbook for Preclears
Handbook for Preclears follows L. Ron Hubbard's book "Self Analysis". Both books contain easy to do methods of discovering your own mind, and increasing a person's ability to utilize considerably more of his mental potential. Discover why behavior patterns become so solidly fixed; why habits seemingly can't be broken; how decisions long ago have more power over a person than his decisions today; and why a person keeps past negative experiences in the present.
Bridge Publications Inc Self Analysis
Using this audio book, through a series of light yet powerful processes applied for as little as half an hour a day for two weeks, an individual on his own can markedly raise himself on the Tone Scale and can pull himself out of almost anything.
Bridge Publications Inc Help
Help pervades every part of life. Yet few people realize the degree to which it determines their survival. For the willingness to give and receive help lies at the foundation of all human reactions and behavior. How does one increase a person's confidence, improve his ability to communicate with others and heighten his interest in life? The answers all start with help, and they are contained in a series of techniques so effective they can practically "awaken the dead." Indeed, help runs so deeply in human beings that even disabilities, accidents, criminality and social disturbance can be understood within its frame of reference. Thus, quite in addition to their benefits for a single individual is the enormous value of these discoveries for communities as a whole. A society that understands and applies the principles L. Ron Hubbard delineates will accomplish a tremendous resurgence in the capabilities of its people, thereby elevating the entire civilization. Here, then, are newly discovered and powerful truths with an almost unlimited potential for good.
Bridge Publications Inc Portions of You
It has no mass or location. It is not energy. Yet it is alive. And it gives life. Such are the characteristics of "a life-giving unit"-the source not only of all thought, but of all that is decent, ethical and noble. Indeed, this is you. The discovery that each individual is, in fact, a source of life radically alters the relationship between Man and the material universe. Based not on faith or belief but on axioms as precise and workable as any in science, it has been conclusively determined that the life-giving unit preceded matter, energy, space and time. From that perspective, here are the infinite ways in which an individual endows his own environment with life. From physical well-being to the state of civilization, these principles are in continuous operation-every hour, every day. Understood and applied by a single individual, they lead to a far better life. Applied by everyone, they would lead to a far better world.
Bridge Publications Inc History of Clearing
Here is a story that begins with L. Ron Hubbard's immersion in a deeply spiritual, deeply traditional Asia, where he met and befriended-among other savants-the last of the great magicians whose predecessors served in the court of Mongol emperor Kublai Khan. Yet notwithstanding the feats that testified to remarkable powers, here was a land where wisdom was deemed sacred-so sacred, in fact, these Oriental holy men declined to use their considerable abilities to solve the real and urgent problems of living. Thereafter returning to the United States, Ron encountered Western academia, representing a wholly dissimilar but, in a distinctly contrasting way, equally impractical world. Dominated by physical scientists and concentrated exclusively on the interaction of matter, energy and space, it was a world where the spirit formed no part of the equation. Realizing the answers lay in neither of these irreconcilable schools, he embarked on the perilous quest for a way to free the individual from the barriers that deny him happiness. And in recognizing that Man is both a spiritual and a material being, he arrived at the breakthrough discovery from which all else followed. As he recounts the successive milestones along his path of research, what emerges is the monumental scope of an extraordinary victory-one that benefits all Mankind. Here, then, is the record of that victory and the historic achievement of a state never before known in this universe-a state called Clear.
Bridge Publications Inc On the Second Dynamic - Sex, Children and the Family
In his search to understand Man, L. Ron Hubbard discovered that there is a single common denominator to existence: Survive! No matter the varied experiences or activities of individuals, everyone is seeking to survive and that is the only common denominator to all life. Then, examining life still more closely, he further discovered that survival subdivided into eight separate urges or drives, known as the Eight Dynamics. In brief, one seeks to survive for oneself (1), the family and the future generation (2), one's group (3), Mankind (4), all life organisms (5), the physical universe (6), as or for spirits (7) and the Supreme Being, or infinity (8). The Second Dynamic has long been a source of mystery and confusion, in no small part because previous studies of Man erroneously targeted sex as the sole reason for existence and, simultaneously, the primary cause of irrationality. Not knowing about the Eight Dynamics, these practitioners led many people to fail-not only in regard to the Second Dynamic, but in life itself. That their theories were not workable is evidenced by today's incidence of failed personal relationships, broken homes and troubled youth. Notwithstanding that it is one dynamic among eight, the Second Dynamic is, of course, important to everyone. It is no minor breakthrough, then, to at last answer the question of how to achieve abundant survival in this crucial part of life. With this knowledge, anyone can discover what the Second Dynamic really is and understand its exact relationship to the rest of their life. And thus, whether as individuals, couples or families, they can finally realize its full potential for happiness.
Bridge Publications Inc Aberration, and the Handling Of
It betrays the brightest hopes of individuals, drives families apart, incites organizational turmoil and pitches nations into chaos. What malignant seed grows in the human mind that not only prevents individuals from "thinking straight," but forces them to act out their irrationalities? Man's failure over many millennia to find the cause of aberration has exacted an incalculable toll in personal unhappiness and ruined lives.But were the answer found, the horizons would be unlimited.Individuals could achieve the lasting success they desire. Families would thrive, united and strong. Groups and organizations would reach new levels of prosperity. Nations would flourish, realizing they no longer need resolve their differences by violence and war. And even the brotherhood of Man might graduate from poetry to reality. Here, then, with the isolation of the germ of destruction hidden for so long in the human mind, is the knowledge to actually reach those goals. Individuals, groups, nations and civilization itself can be freed from the bitter consequences of aberration. The answer lies in the discovery of the previously unknown mental image picture and, by virtue of all thus revealed, the prospect of a better world for all.
Bridge Publications Inc Man's Relentless Search
"What does the other fellow consist of? What is that other fellow? Well, the philosopher had to answer that question. And it's the one question he never answered satisfactorily. And it's the one question that's been answered satisfactorily in Scientology." - L. Ron Hubbard An extraordinary drama played out across thousands of years, Man's long search to penetrate the mystery of the other fellow and thereby to know himself found its expression not only in philosophy and religion, but even in war and conquest. Yet in spite of, or perhaps because of, the crucial intensity of this quest, its continuing failure down the centuries accumulated ever deepening problems for Man. Hence, in desperation, he eventually abandoned the search entirely in 1879, to be precise. And into the vacuum of its failure there stepped a new and deadly theory. Specifically, that the other fellow is no more than an aggregate of brain, blood and sinew, a stimulus response mechanism that reacts to but is incapable of mastering its environment. As this concept gained strength, so declined the respect shown each individual and, with it, the sense of honor and purpose of Man as a whole. In interpreting this remarkable story, Ron not only explains why Man's epic search met with failure for so long, he reveals the missing element that has finally brought success and solved the mystery of the other fellow. For today, one can indeed know the truth about one's fellow human beings and, hence, come to understand oneself. And what that knowledge foretells for both the individual and Mankind is not only the recovery of respect, honor and purpose, but a level of success that exceeds anything previously attainable.
Bridge Publications Inc The Hope of Man
From the dawn of time, Man has cherished the hope he could achieve a greater freedom. That hope, articulated by the greatest religious leaders across the centuries, has time and again renewed his strength to face the future. But with no practical means to convert hope to reality, the goal of a greater freedom remained, for most if not all, a distant and unattainable dream. Then, with the onset of the twentieth century, came the rapid and unprecedented advance of the physical sciences. Yet, at the same time, these sciences limited their research to the material world, ignoring or even denying the existence of the human soul. Such was the backdrop of L. Ron Hubbard's 25-year quest to solve the riddle of Man. Applying the tools and methodology of twentieth-century science to the accumulated knowledge from thousands of years of religious teachings, Ron sought an understanding of exactly who and what Man is. Then, in 1952, he arrived at a historic discovery. With demonstrable proofs, rather than mere belief, he established that there is indeed an immortal spirit with infinite survival power-an awareness of awareness unit that is the individual himself. Moreover, by these same scientific methods, L. Ron Hubbard further discovered that he could trace the life of this awareness of awareness unit ... life after life after life. These remarkable discoveries signified no less than the long-sought meeting ground of science and religion. And with that, thousands of years of belief in the field of religion materialized into an actuality which any individual can realize in the here and now. So was born a new religion, the world's first wholly practical religion-Scientology.
Bridge Publications Inc The Problems of Work: Scientology Applied to the Workaday World
Productivity, efficiency, time management and security in the workplace are some of the subjects are covered in this book. As L. Ron Hubbard describes in this book, life is composed of seven-tenths work, one-tenth familial, one-tenth political and one-tenth relaxation. Here, then, is Scientology applied to that seven-tenths of existence including the answers to Exhaustion and the Secret of Efficiency. Here, too, is the analysis of life itself a game composed of exact rules. Know them and you succeed. The Problems of Work contains technology no one can live without, and that can immediately be applied by anyone in the workaday world.
Stone Bridge Press MONKEY New Writing from Japan: Volume 2: TRAVEL
MONKEY New Writing from Japan is an annual anthology that showcases the best of contemporary Japanese literature. Volume 2 celebrates TRAVEL -- we may not be able to travel much during this second year of the pandemic, but we can travel in our imaginations. MONKEY offers short fiction and poetry by writers such as Mieko Kawakami, Haruki Murakami, Hideo Furukawa, Hiromi Kawakami, Aoko Matsuda, and Kyohei Sakaguchi; new translations of modern classics; a graphic narrative by Satoshi Kitamura; and contributions from American writers such as Brian Evenson and Laird Hunt.
Bridge Publications Inc Mission Earth 9, Villainy Victorious
Earth is rising in the House of Voltar And therell be hell to pay! Thats right. The invasion is on and its coming soon to a galaxy near you. The action couldnt be hotter, and the plot couldnt be more diabolical. Earth is coming to Voltarand the Voltarians wont know what hit them. Murder, blackmail, drugs, psychoanalysis, PR firms, sex-crazed teenyboppers, riots in the streets, women in chains. These are the powerful secret weapons of warperfected on Earth and imported to Voltarwhich are now being exploited by the ruthless Lombar Hisst, chief of the Coordinated Information Apparatus (the infamous CIA). His obsession: total domination of the Voltarian Confederacy. Can anyone stop the madness? Does anyone have the courage and charisma to crash this party? Enter Royal Officer of the Fleet, Jettero Heller. Dodging Death Battalions and death warrants, hes racing from Earth to face the challenge. But Hisst has taken Hellers beautiful sister hostage, and she may be the one who has to pay the ultimate price of VILLAINY VICTORIOUS.
Bridge-Logos Publishing The Way of the Master
Bridge-Logos Publishing 33 Degrees of Deception
Stone Bridge Press The Astro Boy Essays: Osamu Tezuka, Mighty Atom, and the Manga/Anime Revolution
The pioneering genius of Japan's "God of Comics," Osamu Tezuka (1928-89), is examined through his life's masterwork: Tetsuwan Atomu, also known as Mighty Atom or Astro Boy, a comic series featuring a cute little android who yearns to be more human. The history of Tetsuwan Atomu and Tezuka's role in it is a road map to understanding the development of new media in Japan and the United States. Topics include Tezuka's life, the art of animation, the connection between fantasy robots and technology, spin-offs, and Astro Boy's cultural impact. Frederik L. Schodt is a translator and author of numerous books about Japan, including Manga! Manga! and Dreamland Japan. He often served as Osamu Tezuka's English interpreter. In 2009 he was received the The Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette for his contribution to the introduction and promotion of Japanese contemporary popular culture.
Stone Bridge Press One Hot Summer in Kyoto
Hot and sticky describes the ancient Japanese city of Kyoto in summer. And that is just the situation Peter Meadowes finds himself in when he flees to Kyoto for his summer vacation. During the rest of the year the middle-aged Meadowes teaches in Tokyo, a circumstance which conveniently enables him to leave his commanding wife (who hates Japan) back in England. In the old capital Meadowes also expects to find relief from Noriko, his grim Japanese mistress. But in the small wood-and-paper Japanese house he has rented, he finds something unexpected: another woman to desire. Kazumi is seductive, yet she always manages to slip away. Then Noriko arrives, oddly possessive but sharing giggles with Kazumi--perhaps about Meadowes's prowess? Next on the scene is Miss Goto, polite, apologetic, a serious lover of theater who turns an elaborately staged seduction into a comedy of errors. When wife Monica shows up from England, Meadowes must choose...and fast. John Haylock's novel vividly evokes the languid torpor of summer in the fabled city of temples and gardens. Yet hidden within this steamy farce about obsessive lust is an underbelly of duplicity, discontent, and fear. When making his choice, Peter Meadowes confronts the love-hate relationship that afflicts the typical gaijin--foreigner--in Japan. Remaining in Japan may be impossible, but escaping only creates the desire to return.
Stone Bridge Press Basho's Haiku Journeys
Recipient of the 2021 Northern Lights Book Awards Poetry CategoryThe 17th-century Japanese poet Matsuo Basho practically invented the haiku. He's most famous for his travel journals. But how did he come to be such a traveler in the first place? This delightful volume--written entirely in haiku and illustrated with vibrant hand-painted scenes taken directly from the poet's written travelogues--tells the true story of Basho’s decision to abandon his comfortable city life and of the five great journeys he then took through the length and breadth of Japan.
Stone Bridge Press The Osamu Tezuka Story: A Life in Manga and Anime
This graphic-format biography of Osamu Tezuka--Japan's "God of Manga"--looks at one of the twentieth century's great creative artists (Astro Boy, Kimba the White Lion, Black Jack). It is also an anecdotal study of the evolution of Japan's early manga and anime business and its heroes. A never-before-seen popular culture history of postwar Japan, it is sure to fascinate fans and anyone interested in manga, anime, and the potential of the graphic storytelling medium. Toshio Ban joined Tezuka Productions in 1974 as one of Tezuka's assistants. After working for a period as a free-lancer, he later re-joined Tezuka Productions in 1978 as the sub-chief of manga production for magazines, supporting Tezuka's creative work until the end. Tezuka Productions Co., Ltd., is the now-legendary company founded by Osamu Tezuka in 1968 to produce his own manga and anime. In the wake of Tezuka's death in 1989, it has continued as a family enterprise, responsible for the development, production, merchandising, licensing, and distribution of his many manga and anime creations, including books, films, and characters. Frederik L. Schodt is a translator, conference interpreter, and award-winning author of books on Japanese history and pop culture. He often served as Osamu Tezuka's English interpreter and was a consultant on one of his animated features and a TV series.
Stone Bridge Press Professor Risley and the Imperial Japanese Troupe: How an American Acrobat Introduced Circus to Japan--and Japan to the West
"Frederik L. Schodt has at long last unveiled the fascinating story of 'Professor Risley.' Circus scholars, history buffs, and anyone with an ounce of curiosity should be grateful to him."-Dominique Jando, "Professor" Risley (Richard Risley Carlisle) introduced the Western circus to Japan in 1864. Three years later, this former acrobat gave many in the West their first glimpse of Japan when he took his "Imperial Japanese Troupe" of acrobats and jugglers on a triumphant tour of North America and Europe. Over the next few years, the Troupe performed before presidents, monarchs, and ordinary citizens. Frederik L. Schodt argues compellingly that such early popular entertainments helped stir a curiosity about all things Japanese that eventually led to japonisme, The Mikado, and, in our time, the boom in manga and anime. Schodt's depiction of Risley and his troupe is enlivened by portraits of the circus demimonde and supported by nineteenth-century photographs, posters, and drawings, many in color. His accounts of these first meetings between Westerners and Japanese shed new light on how different cultures meet, mingle, and influence each other. Descriptions of crowds, dazzling routines, and superstar troupe performers like the famous Little All Right are a delightful revelation to anyone interested in Asia, the circus, and popular entertainment. Frederik L. Schodt has authored numerous books about Japan, including Manga! Manga! and Native American in the Land of the Shogun. In 2009 for his work he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold Rays with Rosette.
Stone Bridge Press Kyoto Machiya Restaurant Guide: Affordable Dining in Traditional Townhouse Spaces
Machiya, or townhouses, are traditional wooden dwellings in Kyoto that evoke the elegance and culture of Japan's old capital with their architectural details, beautiful gardens, and intimate rooms. Many have been converted into restaurants to create unforgettable dining experiences. Enjoying healthy food in a historic, traditional Kyoto environment is a rare pleasure. Here are some 130 restaurant listings (food, decor, hours, addresses, prices, maps, and index) and a photographic guide to machiya architecture, culture, and aesthetics. Judith Clancy has lived in Japan since 1970 and is the author of Exploring Kyoto. Ben Simmons is a Japan-based photographer.
Bridge-Logos Publishing CEV Challenge Study Bible- Hardcover
Bridge-Logos Publishing Divine Dining
Bridge-Logos Publishing Bible's Four Gospels, The
Bridge-Logos Publishers Give Me 40 Days for Healing
Bridge Publications, Inc. Self Analysis
Bridge Publications, Inc. Dianetics The Modern Science of Mental Health
Bridge-Logos Publishing The Practice of the Presence of God
Bridge City Books To Be Loved
Bridge-Logos Publishing Invincible Not Invisible
Invincible not Invisible is a ground-breaking health and fitness guide written by esteemed author Fiona Lambert, who has achieved getting into the best shape of her life at 60. As a fitness enthusiast and successful business women, Fiona is eager to spread the message that it is never too late to improve your health, fitness and well-being. Drawing on her own experiences and years of research, she provides practical insights, effective strategies, and actionable tips for anyone looking to reclaim their vitality irrespective of age. The book also contains QR codes to interactive workouts with Fiona, showing you how you too can achieve results and get into the best shape of your life at 60! Fiona changed her life and fitness at 60 and this book will teach you everything she has learned for you to achieve the same. Age is no longer a barrier!Recently featured inThe Timesfor such achievements, she is continuously gaining traction online with a fast growing media platform.Through Fiona's pe
Bridge Publications Inc The Dynamics
What motivates life? What motivates Man? Those were the questions L. Ron Hubbard posed when seeking workable answers to the problems of both the individual and society. After examining the whole of life in its variety and complexity, he isolated a common denominator to all living things-the Dynamic Principle of Existence: Survive! Here was a watershed breakthrough in Man's understanding of Man. For while "everyone knows" that life forms are surviving, survival as their sole motivation was a brand-new discovery. How, then, did survival apply to Man and his everyday existence? By examining the full range and depth of his activities in the light of this new discovery, the infinitely diverse behavior of human beings all aligned and fell into place. As he discovered, the Dynamic Principle of Existence actually breaks down into no less than eight separate but interdependent urges toward survival: An individual survives for himself (1); for the family and future generations (2); for the group (3); for Mankind (4); for all life organisms including the animal and plant kingdoms (5); for the physical universe of matter, energy, space and time (6); as or for the spirit (7); and of or for Infinity (8). Moreover, as L. Ron Hubbard further reveals in this lecture, so interdependent are these dynamics that a failure to work along any one dynamic can drag down the rest while, similarly, a concentration on a single dynamic will also injure the others. But an understanding and, hence, balance of all Eight Dynamics provides the path to achieving the lasting success and happiness that are the very essence of survival-for oneself, one's family, one's fellows and, indeed, the whole civilization. This, then, is not just wisdom about life. This is life.
Bridge Publications Inc A Postulate out of a Golden Age
To overcome tyranny is to win freedom as a people, a nation or even Mankind. Yet to benefit fully from their liberties, each man and woman must also be free-as individuals. In regard to freedom as a nation, here is the remarkable story of how one man, the Athenian statesman Pericles, envisioned a better future for Mankind-a future free from tyranny. Thus developed a principle at the heart of modern civilization-specifically, that the individual citizen has a right to his own opinions, a right to be heard and a right to know and participate in government. Moreover, as new tyrannies emerge to threaten those rights, here is a crucial message for our times and all times. Then again, toward the full attainment of that better future, here also is L. Ron Hubbard's personal story of how he kept his discoveries about the human mind out of the harness of a modern tyranny. And, in consequence, how individuals today can achieve a level of personal freedom never before possible.
Bridge Publications Inc The Wrong Thing to Do is Nothing
In a world of unpredictable forces racing headlong toward an uncertain future, how can a single individual control his own fate? How can he safeguard the well-being of his family, the prosperity of his group and the security of his nation? Must he mutely await the next unforeseen blow, which might well signal the end of all dreams and aspirations? Or should he endeavor by whatever means, through whatever plan, to secure the future for those he cherishes and the society in which he lives? Here, then, is Ron's unforgettable answer to such questions. What he reveals is not only a principle that spells the difference between success and failure in every aspect of life, it is also a fundamental truth by which we can guarantee our future survival as individuals, groups, nations and Mankind as a whole.
Stone Bridge Press Still Life and Other Stories
Thirteen stories are linked by the daily life of a husband and wife and their three children
Stone Bridge Press Crazy for Kanji: A Student's Guide to the Wonderful World of Japanese Characters
Memorizing kanji-Japanese written characters-and their thousands of shapes, sounds, and meanings-would drive anyone crazy. And here's something crazier: a whole book about kanji-where they come from, why they look like they do, how to tell husband from prisoner, where to find kanji in Wales, and how to learn kanji faster. Scattered throughout are nearly one hundred large-type "exhibits" of kanji madness, including puzzles and even kanji sudoku. Crazy for Kanji is visually striking and loads of fun for students and language lovers. Eve Kushner, based in Berkeley, California, is a student of Japanese and an incurable kanji-holic.
Stone Bridge Press Speak and Read Japanese: Fun Mnemonic Devices for Remembering Japanese Words and Their Meanings
Modeled on the same winning format as his Speak and Read Chinese, teacher Larry Herzberg's latest book offers simple, fun, and imaginative ways to remember essential Japanese words and characters. Mastering basic vocabulary and kanji is one of the first challenges any Japanese learner faces. This book addresses this task head-on, complementing the content of all major Japanese textbooks and providing valuable tips to independent students. Includes three hundred essential words and kanji from the first two years of study, indexed for quick reference. Larry Herzberg has founded two Asian language programs and taught Japanese at the university level for thirty years.
Stone Bridge Press Innovating Out of Crisis: How Fujifilm Survived (and Thrived) As Its Core Business Was Vanishing
In 2000, photographic film products made up 60% of Fujifilm's sales and up to 70% of its profit. Within ten years, digital cameras had destroyed that business. In 2012, Kodak filed for bankruptcy. Yet Fujifilm has boasted record profits and continues strong. What happened? What did Fujifilm do? What do businesses today need from their leaders? What kinds of employees can help businesses thrive in the future? Here, the CEO who brought Fujifilm back from the brink explains how he engineered transformative organizational innovation and product diversification, with observations on his management philosophy. Shigetaka Komori is Chairman and CEO of Fujifilm Holdings Corporation. Mr. Komori was appointed CEO in 2003 and chairman in 2012.
Bridge-Logos Publishing Boot Camp For Christian Writers