Search results for ""Author Scott""
Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books The Boy Who Cried Bigfoot!
Capstone Press Frankenstein Journals
Hal Leonard Corporation Scott Henderson - Blues Guitar Collection
Capstone Press Attack of the Invisible Cats
Scholastic Press Mirror's Edge (Impostors, Book 3)
Scholastic US Shatter City (Impostors, Book 2): Volume 2
Scholastic US Youngbloods (Impostors, Book 4)
St Martin's Press Schrader's Chord
Tor Publishing Group Schraders Chord
Belt Publishing Happy Anyway: A Flint Anthology
Holiday House Table Titans Club
National Council of Teachers of English Teaching Writing Online: How and Why
Louisiana State University Press Preaching Spanish Nationalism across the Hispanic Atlantic, 1759-1823
In this debut work, Scott Eastman tackles the complex issue of nationalism in the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Spanish Atlantic empire. Preaching Spanish Nationalism across the Hispanic Atlantic challenges the idea that nationalism arose from the ashes of confessional society. Rather, the tenets of Roman Catholicism and the ideals of Enlightenment worked together to lay the basis for a ""mixed modernity"" within the territories of the Spanish monarchy. Drawing on sermons, catechisms, political pamphlets, and newspapers, Eastman demonstrates how religion and tradition cohered within burgeoning nationalist discourses in both Spain and Mexico. And though the inclusive notion of Spanish nationalism faded as the revolutions in the Hispanic Atlantic world established new loyalty to postcolonial states, the religious imagery and rhetoric that had served to define Spanish identity survived and resurfaced throughout the course of the long nineteenth century. Preaching Spanish Nationalism across the Hispanic Atlantic skillfully debates the prevailing view that the monolithic Catholic Church -- as the symbol of the ancien régime -- subverted a secular progression toward nationalism and modernity. Eastman deftly contends that the common political and religious culture of the Spanish Atlantic empire ultimately transformed its subjects into citizens of the Hispanic Atlantic world.
Random House USA Inc Objective Troy: A Terrorist, a President, and the Rise of the Drone
Walker & Co The Golden Section: Nature's Greatest Secret
McClelland & Stewart Inc. Two Generals
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Ragtime Favorites for Strings Viola
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Ragtime Favorites for Strings Cello
Candlewick Press,U.S. Taking a Bath with the Dog and Other Things that Make Me Happy
Rowman & Littlefield Resident On Call: A Doctor's Reflections On His First Years At Mass General
In turn heartbreaking, irreverent, moving—and at times raucously humorous—one of the nation's leading pediatric researchers recounts his first years as a newly minted, stuggling, and insecure doctor at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. A graduate of a state university medical school, Scott Rivkees was competing with elite students from some of the most prestigious schools in the country. Nervous and uncertain, he worked unholy hours with patients ranging from indigent street people to celebrity guests drawn to the reputation and care offered by Mass General.Along the way he learned what medical school textbooks don't teach: how to deal with immense pressure, exhaustion, unruly patients, mysterious conditions, the joy of saving a life, and the wrenching suddenness of losing a patient, more often than not a young child. His resident education did not prevent him from losing his sense of irony and humor as he recounts bleary nights on the town, the allure of young nurses, substandard housing, and the value of pricking an inflated ego.
Rowman & Littlefield Kennedy and Reagan: Why Their Legacies Endure
It's been fifty years since JFK's assassination and nearly twenty since Ronald Reagan disappeared from public life. While they never ran head-to-head, they developed their legacies in competing ways and those legacies battle each other even today. The story of one illuminates the other, and explains our expectations for the presidency and whom we elect. Even though one is the model Democrat and the other the model Republican, their appeal is now bipartisan. Republicans quote Kennedy to justify tax cuts or aggressive national defense; Democrats use Reagan's pragmatism to shame Republicans into supporting tax increases and compromise. Partly a "comparative biography" that explores John F. Kennedy's and Ronald Reagan's contemporaneous lives from birth until 1960, Scott Farris's follow-up to his widely praised Almost President shows how the experiences, attitudes, and skills developed by each man later impacted his presidency. Farris also tackles the key issues--civil rights, foreign affairs, etc.--that impacted each man's time in office. How did previous life experiences form their views on these issues, and how do their dealings around each issue compare and contrast? Bookended by an examination of their standing in public opinion and how that has influenced subsequent politicians, plus an exploration of how the assassination of Kennedy and attempted assassination of Reagan colored our memories, this book also shows how aides, friends and families of each man have burnished their reputations long after their presidencies ended.
University Press of America The Way of the Maker: Eric Wesselow's 'Life Through Art'
The articles collected in this volume have been selected and edited by Scott Eastham from over twenty years of Eric Wesselow's lectures and writings. They center on art and spirituality but also encompass linguistics, philosophy, communication studies, and education. In these essays, Wesselow demonstrates an uncanny capacity for allowing the reader to witness the processes of art from the inside. He lets us stand by him as he takes in hand various materials and attends carefully not only to what he can do with them, but to what they do to him and what there is to learn from each. Eric Wesselow shows us that the visionary dimension of art brings us not a vision of some other world, but a reawakening of the artist in each of us, graced with the gift of seeing this very world in all its radiance.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Manga Fantasy: A Beginner's Step-By-Step Guide for Drawing Anime and Manga
Rowman & Littlefield Sweet and Sour: Life-Worlds of Taipei Women Entrepreneurs
Sweet and Sour explores the experiences of women entrepreneurs amidst the contradictions of a freewheeling commercial culture set within the patriarchal constraints of contemporary Taiwan. To what extent are Taiwanese women empowered by entrepreneurship? What challenges do they face as women in their families and in the marketplace? How do they construct physical and social space for themselves in a traditionally male-dominated society? Most important, how do they perceive their businesses, their families, and their personal identities both as women and as business owners? Focusing on the voices and perspectives of the women themselves, Scott Simon draws from life-narratives of women from various ages, ethnic groups, social classes, and occupations to provide a diverse set of rarely heard native voices speaking out on gender and entrepreneurship in Taiwan.
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. 5 Finger Joplin Rags 10 Scott Joplin Favorites Arranged for Piano with Optional Duet Accompaniments
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Basic Classical Guitar Method Bk 3 From the BestSelling Author of Pumping Nylon
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. The Entertainer Sheet Alfred Masterwork Edition
Llewellyn Publications,U.S. Divination for Beginners: Discover the Techniques That Work for You
You can become your own diviner of things unseen with the many methods outlined in this guide. Here you will find descriptions of both common and unusual divinatory techniques, each grouped by the tools to perform them. Many use natural forces like water, clouds, smoke or the movement of birds.
Arcadia Publishing The Peabody Hotel Images of America
Arcadia Publishing Nashville Postcard History
Hachette Go Why Be Happy?: The Japanese Way of Acceptance
Princeton University Press Mozart's Grace
It is a common article of faith that Mozart composed the most beautiful music we can know. But few of us ask why. Why does the beautiful in Mozart stand apart, as though untouched by human hands? At the same time, why does it inspire intimacy rather than distant admiration, love rather than awe? And how does Mozart's music create and sustain its buoyant and ever-renewable effects? In Mozart's Grace, Scott Burnham probes a treasury of passages from many different genres of Mozart's music, listening always for the qualities of Mozartean beauty: beauty held in suspension; beauty placed in motion; beauty as the uncanny threshold of another dimension, whether inwardly profound or outwardly transcendent; and beauty as a time-stopping, weightless suffusion that comes on like an act of grace. Throughout the book, Burnham engages musical issues such as sonority, texture, line, harmony, dissonance, and timing, and aspects of large-scale form such as thematic returns, retransitions, and endings. Vividly describing a range of musical effects, Burnham connects the ways and means of Mozart's music to other domains of human significance, including expression, intimation, interiority, innocence, melancholy, irony, and renewal. We follow Mozart from grace to grace, and discover what his music can teach us about beauty and its relation to the human spirit. The result is a newly inflected view of our perennial attraction to Mozart's music, presented in a way that will speak to musicians and music lovers alike.
Princeton University Press Rethinking Language, Mind, and Meaning
In this book, Scott Soames argues that the revolution in the study of language and mind that has taken place since the late nineteenth century must be rethought. The central insight in the reigning tradition is that propositions are representational. To know the meaning of a sentence or the content of a belief requires knowing which things it represents as being which ways, and therefore knowing what the world must be like if it is to conform to how the sentence or belief represents it. These are truth conditions of the sentence or belief. But meanings and representational contents are not truth conditions, and there is more to propositions than representational content. In addition to imposing conditions the world must satisfy if it is to be true, a proposition may also impose conditions on minds that entertain it. The study of mind and language cannot advance further without a conception of propositions that allows them to have contents of both of these sorts. Soames provides it. He does so by arguing that propositions are repeatable, purely representational cognitive acts or operations that represent the world as being a certain way, while requiring minds that perform them to satisfy certain cognitive conditions. Because they have these two types of content--one facing the world and one facing the mind--pairs of propositions can be representationally identical but cognitively distinct. Using this breakthrough, Soames offers new solutions to several of the most perplexing problems in the philosophy of language and mind.
Harvard University Press Controlling the State: Constitutionalism from Ancient Athens to Today
This book examines the development of the theory and practice of constitutionalism, defined as a political system in which the coercive power of the state is controlled through a pluralistic distribution of political power. It explores the main venues of constitutional practice in ancient Athens, Republican Rome, Renaissance Venice, the Dutch Republic, seventeenth-century England, and eighteenth-century America. From its beginning in Polybius' interpretation of the classical concept of "mixed government," the author traces the theory of constitutionalism through its late medieval appearance in the Conciliar Movement of church reform and in the Huguenot defense of minority rights. After noting its suppression with the emergence of the nation-state and the Bodinian doctrine of "sovereignty," the author describes how constitutionalism was revived in the English conflict between king and Parliament in the early Stuart era, and how it has developed since then into the modern concept of constitutional democracy.
Random House Children's Books Bubble Gum Bison Needs a Bath
Houghton Mifflin Streams to the River, River to the Sea
Random House USA Inc Saving Fable
Random House USA Inc Fractured Lands: How the Arab World Came Apart
Little, Brown & Company The Laws of Our Fathers
Grand Central Publishing Reversible Errors
Houghton Mifflin Island of the Blue Dolphins
Random House USA Inc Many Are Called: Rediscovering the Glory of the Priesthood
Random House USA Inc Scott Hahn's Study Guide for The Lamb' s Supper
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Uncontrolled Spread
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Anxious Investor: Mastering the Mental Game of Investing
A revelatory new guide to becoming a smarter investor, drawing upon behavioral psychology, economic modeling, and market history to offer practical advice for reaching your financial goals"With the equity and fixed-income markets off to a rough start in 2022, investors might do well to review the lessons shared in Mr. Nations’s book." —Wall Street JournalThe human brain is ill-suited to making wise investment decisions. We are overconfident in our own knowledge and hunches, terrible at assessing risk, and prone to chasing financial thrills rather than measured long-term goals. Making matters worse, periods of severe market turbulence—whether the dotcom bubble of the late 90’s, the Great Recession a decade later, or the brief, vertiginous COVID crash of 2020—bring out our most irrational selves, at the exact moment when the consequences for investment mistakes are most severe. Scott Nations has spent his career studying market volatility. His firm, Nations Indexes, is the world’s leading independent developer of volatility and option-enhanced indexes. In The Anxious Investor, he teaches readers how to understand markets, master their own fear, and make the most of their money. Drawing upon cutting-edge research in behavioral psychology, Nations shows that the secrets to excellent investing lie in mastering the quirks of human psychology. How are some investors able to make prudent decisions under pressure, while others rely on gut instinct to disastrous effect? How can we prepare for a market crash before it happens? And what can help us stay the course when the waters get choppy? Using the stories of three infamous market bubbles as his backdrop, Nations offers readers history’s hard-earned lessons about greed, volatility, and value.Whether you’re saving for retirement, a home, or a child’s college education, The Anxious Investor offers a blueprint for achieving your goals. While we can never know exactly which financial surprises may loom ahead, here is an indispensable resource for investors to make sense of them.
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