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Penguin Books Ltd Food Rules: An Eater's Manual
In sixty-four bite-sized pieces of advice, Michael Pollan's Food Rules tells you everything you need to know to eat healthily, dine happily and live well. Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much. Using those seven simple words as his guide, internationally-acclaimed food journalist Michael Pollan offers this indispensable handbook for anyone concerned about health and food. Sensible, easy to use and written in plain English, Food Rules is a set of memorable adages or designed to help you eat real food in reasonable amounts, gathered from a wide variety of sources: nutritionists, anthropologists, ancient cultures - and grandmothers. Whether at the supermarket, a restaurant or an all-you-can-eat buffet, this handy, pocket-size resource is the perfect manual for anyone who would like to become more mindful of the food we eat. 'In more than four decades I have come across nothing more intelligent, sensible and simple to follow than these principles' The New York Times 'Instantly makes redundant all diet books and 99 per cent of discussions around healthy eating ... Sense, at last' Daily Mail, praise for In Defence of Food 'Pollan invites us to grab our pots and pans and cook some real food for dinner' Time Out, praise for In Defence of Food 'Read this witty book for a healthier life and diet' The Times, praise for In Defence of Food Michael Pollan has been writing for over twenty years about the places where the human and natural worlds intersect: food, agriculture, gardens, drugs, and architecture. The Omnivore's Dilemma, about the ethics and ecology of eating, was named one of the ten best books of 2006 by the New York Times and the Washington Post. He is also the author of The Botany of Desire, A Place of My Own and Second Nature and, most recently, In Defence of Food.
Random House USA Inc ¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú? (Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? Spanish Edition)
Edición en español y rimada del clásico de Dr. Seuss de la colección Bright & Early Books ¡acerca de los sonidos! ¡El Sr. Brown es fantástico imitando sonidos! No solo puede hacer pop pop como un corcho o bzzz bzzz como un abeja, también puede imitar otros sonidos raros… como el mua del beso de un pez o el chomchom de un hipopótamo que masca chicle. Ideal para fomentar los juegos imaginativos a la vez que los niños aprenden a leer, ¡El Sr. Brown hace MUUU! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú? hará que los pequeños no paren de reírse (¡excepto cuando mastiquen!). Historias breves y divertidas, con palabras fáciles de leer, de un ritmo alegre y contagioso y con coloridas ilustraciones, los libros de la colección Bright & Early Books son ideales para fomentar en los niños el placer de la lectura.Las ediciones rimadas, en español, de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss, publicadas por Random House, brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); y Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos). A rhymed Spanish edition of Dr. Seuss's classic Bright & Early Book about sounds!Mr. Brown is a sound-making wonder! He can not only pop pop like a cork and bzz bzz like a bee, but he can also make some very unusual sounds . . . like the mua of a goldfish kiss and the chom chom chom of a hippo chewing gum. A great way to encourage imaginative play while learning to read, Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? will keep kids laughing (when they're not chom chom choming)!Combining brief and funny stories, easy words, catchy rhythm, and lively illustrations, Bright and Early Books are an ideal way to introduce the joys of reading to children.Random House's rhymed, Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); and Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos).
Random House USA Inc Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos (Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories Spanish Edition)
Edición en español y rimada de un conjunto de historias que nos enseñan valiosas lecciones sobre el egoísmo, la vanidad y el orgullo ¡con una GRAN dosis de humor! Este volumen con tres fábulas modernas de Dr. Seuss nos enseña valiosas lecciones con una gran dosis de entretenimiento. En «Yoruga la Tortuga», un pequeño eructo causa la caída de un rey necio; en «Gertrudis Paz», el sueño de un ave por tener una cola de vistosas plumas trae consecuencias inesperadas; y en «El Gran Fanfarrón», un pequeño gusano les gana la partida a un oso y a un conejo ostentosos. Esta edición rimada, con las ilustraciones características de Dr. Seuss y un texto que nos hace reflexionar, es el regalo ideal para dar pie al diálogo ¡y a un montón de risas! Las ediciones rimadas, en español, de los clásicos de Dr. Seuss, publicadas por Random House, brindan la maravillosa oportunidad de disfrutar de sus historias a más de treinta y ocho millones de personas hispanohablantes en Estados Unidos. Los lectores podrán divertirse con las ediciones en español de The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); y Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos). A rhymed Spanish edition of a Dr. Seuss's story collection that teaches valuable lessons about greed, vanity, and pride—while serving up a BIG dose of humor!This collection of three modern fables by Dr. Seuss teaches valuable lessons whle providing lots of laughs! In "Yertle the Turtle," a small burp causes the downfall of a foolish king; in "Gertrude McFuzz," a bird's wish for fancy feathers has unexpected consequenses; and in "The Big Brag," a worm gets the better of a boastful rabbit and bear. Translated in rhyme and featuring Dr. Seuss's trademark illustrations, this thought-provoking collection is a great gift that will inspire conversation—and giggles!Random House's rhymed, Spanish-language editions of classic Dr. Seuss books make the joyful experience of reading Dr. Seuss books available for the more than 38 million people in the United States who speak Spanish. Readers can enjoy The Cat in the Hat (El Gato Ensombrerado); Green Eggs and Ham (Huevos verdes con jamón); One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (Un pez, dos peces, pez rojo, pez azul); The Lorax (El Lórax); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (¡Oh, cuán lejos llegarás!); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (¡Cómo el Grinch robó la Navidad!); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (El Gato Ensombrerado ha regresado); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (¡Yo puedo leer con los ojos cerrados!); Horton Hears a Who! (¡Horton escucha a Quién!); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (Los 500 sombreros de Bartolomé Cubbins); There's A Wocket in my Pocket! (¡Hay un Molillo en mi Bolsillo!); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (¡El Sr. Brown hace Muuu! ¿Podrías hacerlo tú?); Ten Apples on Top! (¡Diez manzanas en la cabeza!); What Pet Should I Get? (¿Cómo podré decidir qué mascota elegir?); and Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (Yoruga la Tortuga y otros cuentos).
Skyhorse Publishing Iconic Product Design: An Illustrated History of the World's Most Innovative Devices
You will undoubtedly recognise quite a few of the products featured in this book—the Coca-Cola bottle, the Wester & Co pocket knife, the Kitchen Aid mixer, the Le Creuset Dutch oven, the Weber grill, the Bic cristal pen, the Rolodex address file, Kikkoman soy sauce bottles, the Kodak Instamatic, the Polaroid SX-70, the SONY Walkman, the Apple MacIntosh, and the Dyson air-multiplier.Maybe they were part of your childhood or represent your ideal in design; certainly, they will evoke a sense of the familiar. Iconic Product Design is an engaging and accessible presentation of the history of product design, providing an extensive catalog of the most memorable product designs of the past 150 years.More than 130 remarkable product designs from all areas, including household appliances, everyday objects, furniture, entertainment technology and office equipment, are presented in this collection. Accompanying the images are well-researched and charming vignettes about each product, with amusing insights and fun tidbits of information about its time and place. Each one informs how design has been influenced by changes in technology, science, and society. While these products were considered innovative at their inception, all have withstood the test of time and many are still, remarkably, in use today.Iconic Product Design is a comprehensive collection of iconic product design objects, chronologically organized from the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to the present. Each spread of this richly illustrated book showcases the author's representation of the chosen design, expressing its essence and capturing its spirit. In the introductory text, he shares his concept of the term iconicity to help the reader understand what makes these products stand out and why they are considered icons today.
Johns Hopkins University Press America's Original Sin: White Supremacy, John Wilkes Booth, and the Lincoln Assassination
Finally, a compelling narrative history of the Lincoln assassination that refuses to ignore John Wilkes Booth's motivation: his growing, obsessive commitment to white supremacy.On April 14, 1865, after nearly a year of conspiring, John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln as the president watched a production of Our American Cousin at Ford's Theatre. Lincoln died the next morning. Twelve days later, Booth himself was fatally shot by a Union soldier after an extensive manhunt. The basic outline of this story is well known even to schoolchildren; what has been obscured is Booth's motivation for the act, which remains widely misunderstood nearly 160 years after the shot from his pocket pistol echoed through the crowded theater. In this riveting new book, John Rhodehamel argues that Booth's primary motivation for his heinous crime was a growing commitment to white supremacy. In alternating chapters, America's Original Sin shows how, as Lincoln's commitment to emancipation and racial equality grew, so too did Booth's rage and hatred for Lincoln, whom he referred to as "King Abraham Africanus the First." Examining Booth's early life in Maryland, Rhodehamel traces the evolution of his racial hatred from his youthful embrace of white supremacy through to his final act of murder. Along the way, he considers and discards other potential motivations for Booth's act, such as mental illness or persistent drunkenness, which are all, Rhodehamel writes, either insufficient to explain Booth's actions or were excuses made after the fact by those who sympathized with him.Focusing on how white supremacy brought about the Civil War and, later, betrayed the conflict's emancipationist legacy, Rhodehamel's masterful narrative makes this old story seem new again. The first book to explicitly name white supremacy as the motivation for Lincoln's assassination, America's Original Sin is an important and eloquent look at one of the most notorious episodes in American history.
Johns Hopkins University Press Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture
This volume of Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture explores the revolutions in culture, politics, and art that took place throughout the eighteenth century. The first section of the book focuses on the role that women played in both the formation and the expression of culture, whether as manufacturers or consumers. The second group of essays studies images of the body in popular drama, literature, and art, while the third is devoted to politics and religion, dealing specifically with the questions of ethnicity and loyalty brought up by rebellion and revolution. The book concludes with two essays about landscape art and its implications for legitimizing slavery and constructing the colonial fantasy. Contents:Franca Barricelli, "Imperial Mythologies: Ethnicity and Rebellion on the Eighteenth-Century Venetian Stage"Jennie Batchelor, "Fashion and Frugality: Eighteenth-Century Pocket Books for Women"William Chew, "Yankees Caught in the Crossfire: The Trials and Travails of Americans in Revolutionary and Napoleonic France"John Crowley, "Picturing the Caribbean in the Global British Landscape"Paola Giuli, "Women Poets and Improvisers: Cultural Assumptions and Literary Values in Arcadia"D. B. Haley, "Was Dryden a 'Cryptopapist' in 1681?" Joyce MacDonald, "Public Wounds: Sexual Bodies and the Origins of State in Nathaniel Lee's Lucius Junius Brutus"Rebecca Messbarger, "Re-membering a Body of Work: Master Anatomist Anna Morandi Manzolini"Johann Reusch, "Exotic Islands and the Stranded Traveler in the Works of Caspar David Friedrich and Gotthard Ludwig Kosegarten"Leslie Richardson, "'Who Shall Restore My Lost Credit': Rape, Reputation, and the Marriage Market"Betty Schellenberg, "Making Good Use of History: Sarah Robinson Scott in the Republic of Letters"Geraldine Sheridan, "Views of Women at Work by the Royal Academicians: The Collection Descriptions des arts et metiers"Joanna Stalnaker, "Painting Life, Describing Death: Epistemology and Poetics of Description in Buffon's Histoire Naturelle"Candace Ward, "'Cruel Disorder': Female Bodies, Eighteenth-Century Fever Narratives, and the Novel of Sensibility"
University Press of Kansas Operation Don's Left Wing: The Trans-Caucasus Front's Pursuit of the First Panzer Army, November 1942-February 1943
On 1 January 1943, with German Sixth Army about to be destroyed in the Stalingrad pocket, the Stavka (Soviet High Command) launched Operation Don, a strategic offensive conducted by the Red Army’s Southern, Southwestern, and Trans-Caucasus Fronts aimed at demolishing German defenses in the southern Soviet Union and decisively turning the war’s tide. Critical to this ambitious operation was the mission assigned to the Trans-Caucasus Front—to isolate and destroy German Army Group A in the northern Caucasus region in cooperation with the Southern Front. Operation Don’s Left Wing is the first detailed study of this crucial but virtually overlooked Soviet military operation.Because of the priority given to the assault on German Sixth Army at Stalingrad, the Red Army Southwestern, Southern, and Trans-Caucasus Fronts were compelled to execute their missions with scant resources—inadequate logistical support, personnel replacements, and reinforcing equipment. Based on newly released Red Army archival operational documents, David M. Glantz constructs a clear, comprehensive account of how, despite such constraints, the Trans-Caucasus Front nonetheless pursued and severely damaged German First Panzer Army—although it failed to encircle and destroy the panzer army as hoped. These documents include candid daily orders and reports, periodic situation maps, a full array of ever-changing operational plans, and strength and casualty reports prepared by Soviet formations and units throughout the offensive. With unprecedented access to these documents, Glantz delves into previously forbidden topics such as unit strengths and losses and the foibles and attitudes of commanders at every level.Following Glantz’s Operation Don’s Main Attack, this documentary study expands our understanding of a pivotal operation in the Soviet triumph over Nazi Germany and a decisive moment in the history of World War II on the Eastern Front.
WW Norton & Co Fragmented: A Doctor's Quest to Piece Together American Health Care
There’s an unspoken assumption when we go to see a doctor: the doctor knows our medical story and is making decisions based on that story. But reality frequently falls short. Medical records vanish when we switch doctors. Critical details of life-saving treatment plans get lost in muddled electronic charts. The doctors we see change according to specialty, hospital shifts, or an insurer’s whims. Physician Ilana Yurkiewicz calls this phenomenon fragmentation, and, she argues, it’s the central failure of health care today. In this gripping narrative from medicine’s front lines, Yurkiewicz reveals how a system that doesn’t talk to itself puts insupportable burdens on physicians, patients, and caregivers, forcing them to heroic lengths to hold the pieces together—barely. The stories she tells are at once harrowing and commonplace. A patient narrowly averts an unnecessary, invasive heart procedure by producing a worn rhythm strip he has carried in his pocket for a decade. A man diagnosed with leukemia while visiting from abroad has thirty-one physicians, but no one he can call “his” doctor, with tragic consequences. When Yurkiewicz’s own father falls ill, a culture that incentivizes health care providers to react with quick fixes to the problems immediately before them—often to the neglect of a patient’s overall narrative—leads to weeks of additional suffering and a risky hospital transfer. The system is hanging by a thread, and we need better solutions. Yurkiewicz issues a clear-eyed call for change, naming concrete reforms doctors and policymakers can make, and empowering patients and their loved ones to advocate for themselves in the meantime. Urgent, radiantly humane, and ultimately hopeful, Fragmented a prescription for what really needs fixing in modern medicine.
BIS Publishers B.V. Creative Reboot: Catalysing Creative Intelligence
Catalyse creative intelligence with a game changing kit to ignite insights and innovations. A practical guide for change-makers wanting to tap imagination and amp-up creativity. Whether you are a rigid analytical thinker or an accomplished creative mind, over the course of these pages, you'll learn to use creativity to create, diverge from, and converge into new inventive pathways, finding innovative approaches to complex problems. By providing a sequential pathway of interdisciplinary creative exercises, Creative Reboot is the all-in-one toolkit that helps facilitate the building of your creative confidence. Creative Reboot comes as a kit, easily carried around in your pocket to give you access to your primary source of creativity whenever your day calls for it. Each of the six chapters is grounded in applied scholarly understanding and complemented by case studies that reveal real-world applications of creativity. These pages are further supported by a range of guided creative cards. Their potential for spontaneous combination allows you to develop creative flexibility, create a network of connections, and realise innovative solutions with your own creative intelligence. By using this book, you'll enter a new age of creative thought leadership, its potential for serendipitous association of the cards allowing you to combine, cross-pollinate, and reorientate the creative cards to push the bounds of creative problem solving even further. While embodying creative theory, Creative Reboot goes further and situates creativity as a catalyst of change within complex challenges, alchemically reframing once impossible tasks into physical paths to action. A practical guide for change-makers, this must-read book is the next step in thought leadership, helping to tap into the powers of imagination and amp-up creativity.
Flame Tree Publishing Art of Drag (Foiled Journal)
A FLAME TREE NOTEBOOK. Beautiful and luxurious the journals combine high-quality production with magnificent art. Perfect as a gift, and an essential personal choice for writers, notetakers, travellers, students, poets and diarists. Features a wide range of well-known and modern artists, with new artworks published throughout the year. BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED. The highly crafted covers are printed on foil paper, embossed then foil stamped, complemented by the luxury binding and rose red end-papers. The covers are created by our artists and designers who spend many hours transforming original artwork into gorgeous 3d masterpieces that feel good in the hand, and look wonderful on a desk or table. PRACTICAL, EASY TO USE. Flame Tree Notebooks come with practical features too: a pocket at the back for scraps and receipts; two ribbon markers to help keep track of more than just a to-do list; robust ivory text paper, printed with lines; and when you need to collect other notes or scraps of paper the magnetic side flap keeps everything neat and tidy. THE ARTIST. Condragulations queen, you're now ready to add some extra zhuzh to your day with Art of Drag! Art of Drag's original artworks feature beautylicious Drag Queens (or Kings!) and are sprinkled with extra fabulousness and a touch of eleganza! Created by an award-winning independent art house of LGBTQ+ artists and allies, their reimagining of iconic art stretches from the Renaissance to street-art and everything in-between. Serving you unique, provocative, glamorous art... and like the queens themselves, every single one is a MASTERPIECE! The front cover of this notebook features the artwork: Pop Bitch Diptych. THE FINAL WORD. As William Morris said, "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."
Flame Tree Publishing Thomas Kinkade Studios: Wine Country Living (Foiled Journal)
A FLAME TREE NOTEBOOK. Beautiful and luxurious the journals combine high-quality production with magnificent art. Perfect as a gift, and an essential personal choice for writers, notetakers, travellers, students, poets and diarists. Features a wide range of well-known and modern artists, with new artworks published throughout the year. BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED. The highly crafted covers are printed on foil paper, embossed then foil stamped, complemented by the luxury binding and rose red end-papers. The covers are created by our artists and designers who spend many hours transforming original artwork into gorgeous 3d masterpieces that feel good in the hand, and look wonderful on a desk or table. PRACTICAL, EASY TO USE. Flame Tree Notebooks come with practical features too: a pocket at the back for scraps and receipts; two ribbon markers to help keep track of more than just a to-do list; robust ivory text paper, printed with lines; and when you need to collect other notes or scraps of paper the magnetic side flap keeps everything neat and tidy. THE ARTIST. Art by Thomas Kinkade Studios. Thomas Kinkade, the Painter of LightTM, emphasized simple pleasures and inspirational messages through his art – and the branded products created from that art. From textiles, to collectibles, to music and books, Thom believed that both the ability and the inspiration to create his paintings had been given to him as a gift. His goal as an artist was to touch people of all faiths and to bring peace and joy into their lives through the images he had created. THE FINAL WORD. As William Morris said, "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."
APA Publications Insight Guides Flexi Map Madrid (Insight Maps)
Insight Guides Flexi Map MadridLet us guide you on every step of your travels...Designed for easy usage and durability, this map is all you need to explore Madrid.This easy to use, full-colour, waterproof map is all you need to navigate Madrid. It also includes dotted highlight sights such as the beautiful Puerta del Sol square and the Royal Palace, as well as essential information on getting around.Features of this map to Madrid:- Detailed cartography: produced to the highest cartographic standards, highlighting all the main tourist sights, places to visit and transport networks- Informative text: useful travel information, essential facts about the destination, recommendations for the best places to see and tips for getting around- Easy to use: lightweight and wipe-clean in a handy pocket-size format. Sights linked to the mapping by numbered markers- Laminated finish: durable, weatherproof and easier to fold than conventional paper maps- The main map is at a scale of 1 : 13,000- Secondary maps cover central Toledo and Segovia, historic cities within easy reach of the capital, with a separate Metro map located on the back cover for easy referenceYou may also be interested in: Insight Guides Spain, Insight Guides Phrasebook Spanish About Insight Guides: Insight Guides is a pioneer of full-colour guide books, with almost 50 years' experience of publishing high-quality, visual travel guides with user-friendly, modern design. We produce around 400 full-colour print guide books and maps, as well as phrase books, picture-packed eBooks and apps to meet different travellers' needs. Insight Guides' unique combination of beautiful travel photography and focus on history and culture create a unique visual reference and planning tool to inspire your next adventure.
Sourcebooks, Inc F*ck Cancer Undated Planner: A 52-Week Organizer to Fight Cancer Like a F*cking Boss
It's time to give cancer hell with this motivational weekly planner!Cancer f*cking sucks, and the treatment is no f*cking party either. Luckily, this kick*ss organizer is here to help! Use this 52-week undated planner to keep track of all the bullsh*t appointments, record symptoms, defog your chemo brain, and not stress over the details of the day-to-day. The perfect inspirational gift for cancer warrior patients and caregivers, this engagement calendar is not just a medication log, habit and treatment tracker, and daily organizer, but also packed with hilarious encouragement that helps you b*tch about cancer and focus on being the bad*ass you are! Stay organized, keep sh*t simple, and keep kicking cancer's *ss!52-WEEK UNDATED WEEKLY ORGANIZER6" x 9" trim size with durable cover, elastic band closure, and wire-o spiral binding for easy, lay-flat writingFour planner sticker sheets with over 260 motivational and practical sweary stickers for adults with quality adhesiveUndated weekly and monthly planning grids you can start any time with ample writing space for managing your or your loved one's scheduleWeekly spreads for cancer and chemo symptom, treatment, medication, and habit trackers, sh*t-to-remember lists, and questions to ask at doctor's appointmentsInternal storage pocket for important notes, forms, lists, and document managementEnvironmentally responsible, FSC certified and smudge-free paperTreatment plan front matter and sh*tloads of space for notesRemovable cover band and sticker for a sleek, gender neutral designThis engagement calendar and health tracker is the perfect "Fight Cancer!" care package or get well soon gift for men and women who are showing cancer who's boss!
University Press of Florida Ninety Miles and a Lifetime Away: Memories of Early Cuban Exiles
Bringing together an unprecedented number of extensive personal stories, this book shares the triumphs and heartbreaking moments experienced by some of the first Cubans to come to the United States after Fidel Castro took power in 1959. Ninety Miles and a Lifetime Away is a moving look inside fifteen years of migration that changed the two countries and transformed the lives of the people who found themselves separated from their homeland.David Powell presents interviews with refugees who left Cuba between 1959 and the 1962 Missile Crisis, as well as those who embarked on the Freedom Flights of the late 1960s and early 1970s. During these years more than 600,000 Cubans migrated to the US, some by way of other countries and many arriving in Miami with only a few clothes and pocket money. In their own words, exiles describe why they left the island, how they prepared for departure, what situations they faced when they arrived in the US, and how they integrated into American life.Offering historical background that illuminates this pivotal period in the context of the Cold War, Powell shows how the US government’s Cuban refugee assistance program had far-reaching effects on refugee policy, bilingual education, and child welfare programs. The testimonies in this book include new information about low-cost “Cuban Loans” that enabled young exiles to attend US colleges, preparing many to be builders and leaders in their adopted country today.A powerful portrayal of the initial effects of a revolution that began a new era in Cuba’s relationship with the world, this book preserves rare accounts of the motivations and struggles of early Cuban exiles in the words of the emigres themselves, adding gripping detail to the history of the modern Cuban diaspora.
Enchanted Lion Books Emma in Paris
Emma, the New York sparrow whom we first met in the acclaimed Emma's Journey, returns in this delightfully playful story of acrobatics and friendship, which also affords a beautiful and unusual visit to the wonderful city of Paris. Following Emma's Journey, which took Emma from her home in Central Park through Manhattan and then across the Atlantic Ocean to Paris, Emma in Paris tells the story of Emma's first months in the City of Light, where she meets her cousin Amelie, joins with her in her circus act, and is befriended by a gentle cat named Edouard. Brave, curious, and determined, Emma is a wonderful heroine with whom to travel into the wide boulevards and secret corners of one of the world's great cities. Born in Versailles, France, Claire Frossard left for Alsace in 1997 to pursue her studies at the School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg. Since then, she has worked in a small studio as an illustrator, creating children's books and drawings for the press. In 1998 she made her first trip to New York to visit her uncle Etienne, who is a photographer by profession. As so many before her, Claire fell in love with New York. Over the next ten years, she dreamed of returning. Then, early in 2009, she finally arrived back in New York, with the sparse beginnings of Emma's Journey in her suitcase and the address of Enchanted Lion Books in her pocket. Christophe Urbain is a photographer based in Strasbourg, France. This is his first book for children. Though he greatly enjoyed photographing all of the images for Emma in Paris, he particularly loved capturing the lesser known sights, such as the wonderful metro station that you will see in these pages.
Cornell University Press The Politics of Non-state Social Welfare
Across the world, welfare states are under challenge—or were never developed extensively in the first place—while non-state actors increasingly provide public goods and basic welfare. In many parts of the Middle East and South Asia, sectarian organizations and political parties supply basic services to ordinary people more extensively and effectively than governments. In sub-Saharan Africa, families struggle to pay hospital fees, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) launch welfare programs as states cut subsidies and social programs. Likewise, in parts of Latin America, international and domestic NGOs and, increasingly, private firms are key suppliers of social welfare in both urban and rural communities. Even in the United States, where the welfare state is far more developed, secular NGOs and faith-based organizations are critical components of social safety nets. Despite official entitlements to public welfare, citizens in Russia face increasing out-of-pocket expenses as they are effectively compelled to seek social services through the private market In The Politics of Non-State Social Welfare, a multidisciplinary group of contributors use survey data analysis, spatial analysis, in-depth interviews, and ethnographic and archival research to explore the fundamental transformation of the relationship between states and citizens. The book highlights the political consequences of the non-state provision of social welfare, including the ramifications for equitable and sustainable access to social services, accountability for citizens, and state capacity. The authors do not assume that non-state providers will surpass the performance of weak, inefficient, or sometimes corrupt states but instead offer a systematic analysis of a wide spectrum of non-state actors in a variety of contexts around the world, including sectarian political parties, faith-based organizations, community-based organizations, family networks, informal brokers, and private firms.
Oxford University Press Environmental Ethics: A Very Short Introduction
Environmental ethics is a relatively new branch of philosophy, which studies the values and principles involved in combatting environmental problems such as pollution, loss of species and habitats, and climate change. As our environment faces evermore threats from human activities these core issues are becoming increasingly important. In this Very Short Introduction Robin Attfield traces the origins of environmental ethics as a discipline, and considers how it defends the independent value of living creatures, and the need to make decisions informed by the needs and interests of future generations. Exploring the diverse approaches to ethical decisions and judgements, he highlights the importance of making processes of production and consumption sustainable and of addressing human population levels, together with policies for preserving species, sub-species, and their habitats. Along the way Attfield discusses different movements such as Deep Ecology, Social Ecology, the Environmental Justice movement and the Green movement, and also considers the attitudes to the environment of the world's religions, including the approach from the major religions and the contributions of the indigenous religions of Asia, Africa and North America. Analysing the current threat of climate change, and proposals for climate engineering, he demonstrates how responsibility for the environment ultimately lies with us all, from states and corporations to individuals, and emphasises how concerted action is required to manage our environment ethically and sustainably. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
APA Publications The Mini Rough Guide to Tenerife (Travel Guide with Free eBook)
This pocket-sized guide is a convenient, quick-reference companion to discovering what to do, what to see and how to get around Tenerife. It covers top attractions like Spain's tallest mountain El Teide, the majestic Castillo San Miguel and the Unesco-listed San Cristóbal de la Laguna, as well as hidden gems, including whale-watching trips from Puerto Colón and the steep hike down the dramatically located village of Masca. This will save you time, and enhance your exploration of this fascinating island. This title has been fully updated post-COVID-19. This Mini Rough Guide to Tenerife covers: The northeast, the north coast, El Teide, the northwest, and the south.In this travel guide you will find: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to Tenerife, from cultural explorations to family activities in child-friendly places.TOP TEN ATTRACTIONSCovers the destination's top ten attractions not to miss and a Perfect Day/Tour itinerary suggestions.COMPACT FORMATCompact, concise, and packed with essential information, with a sharp design and colour-coded sections, this is the perfect on-the-move companion when you're exploring Tenerife.HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTSIncludes an insightful overview of landscape, history and culture.WHAT TO DODetailed description of entertainment, shopping, nightlife, festivals and events, and children's activities.PRACTICAL MAPSHandy colour maps on the inside cover flaps will help you find your way around.PRACTICAL TRAVEL INFORMATIONPractical information on eating out, including a handy glossary and detailed restaurant listings, as well as a comprehensive A-Z of travel tips on everything from getting around to health and tourist information.STRIKING PICTURESInspirational colour photography throughout.FREE EBOOK Free eBook download with every purchase of a printed book to access all content from your phone or tablet for on-the-road exploration.
APA Publications Rough Guides Phrasebook Spanish (Bilingual dictionary)
Rough Guide Spanish Phrasebook: a convenient, contemporary travel companion from Rough Guides' trusted language expertsCompact, clear, and packed with key words and phrases to help conversation, this pocket-sized Spanish phrasebook and dictionary from Rough Guides' trusted language experts (with free app) is a trusty travel companion, and all you need to make yourself understood - and to understand others - when you're out and about in Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.· With its emphasison conversational usage, and up-to-date language on social media, leisure, business - and more - this is the only phrase book you'll need when exploring Spain and other Spanish speaking countries· Includes 7000-word bilingual dictionary · Visually appealing colour-coding system means you can find what you want, when you want, and fast· Rough Guides' simplified pronunciation system will ensure you're clearly understood-Stunning colour photography enhances the expert content, and makes this series the most visually attractive phrase book on the market· Unique emphasis on conversational usage, and up-to-date language on social media, leisure, business, and moreContent overview:- Smart, compact format of 280 pages includes 7000-word bilingual dictionary (with free app)- Visually appealing colour-coding system means users can find what they want, when they want, and fast- Simplified Rough Guide pronunciation system ensures users are clearly understood- Stunning colour photography enhances the expert content, and makes this series the most visually attractive phrase book on the market About Rough Guides: Rough Guides have been inspiring travellers for over 35 years, with over 30 million copies sold. Synonymous with practical travel tips,quality writing and a trustworthy 'tell it like it is' ethos, the Rough Guides' list includes more than 260 travel guides to 120+ destinations, gift-books and phrasebooks.
Hardie Grant Books How to Be a Creative Thinker
'The hardest part of being creative lies in simply deciding to do so. And, after you've done that, Roya's astonishingly useful book is a great place to begin.' Seth Godin, author of The PracticeHow to Be a Creative Thinker is a map to your creative mind, the places your creative potential resides, and the allies and enemies along the way. It’s a practical guide to the science and the psychology of creativity and the conditions required for cultivating it.We think creativity is for those lucky enough to be born with it – something you either have or you don’t. But this is untrue. Creativity is more than God-given talent, and it’s more than artistic flair. It’s the ability to come up with a new idea in any area or setting. And most importantly, it can be learned by anyone.In How to Be a Creative Thinker, professional creative and strategic designer Roya Azadi teaches you techniques to encourage creative thinking and shows how you can unlock your creative potential. She reveals that technology is inhibiting our ability to daydream and explains why this headspace is so important if you want to ‘catch a live one’. You’ll learn to not fear failure by understanding that it’s actually fertile ground for creativity.Throughout the book there are interviews, quotes, explainers and activities to inspire creative thought along the way. By the end of the book, you’ll be bubbling with creative force to take out into the world and make real change.The Survive the Modern World series tackles big subjects in a fun and digestible way. The tone is frank and chatty, but the content is comprehensive. Upskill and expand your knowledge with these accessible pocket guides.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc 101 Dog Tricks: Step by Step Activities to Engage, Challenge, and Bond with Your Dog: Volume 1
101 Dog Tricks is an international bestseller in 18 languages with over a half-million copies sold worldwide! This beautifully designed book features step-by-step instructions with easy-to-follow color photos of each step. Each trick is rated with a difficulty rating and prerequisites to get you started quickly. Tips and troubleshooting boxes cover common problems, while Build on it! ideas suggest more complicated tricks that build on each new skill.Tricks range from simple ones like Sit, Shake Hands, Fetch, and Roll Over, to extraordinary ones like Tidy Up Your Toys into the Toybox and Get a Soda from the Fridge. Organized by theme, it's easy to find the next trick to work on with your dog. Just a few of the themes to choose from: Chores, such as Newspaper Delivery and Get Your Leash Funny tricks, such as Doggy Push-ups and Play the Piano Dancing, such as Moonwalk and Chorus Line Kicks Love, such as Kisses and Wave Goodbye Trick training will help you bond with your dog and integrate him or her into your family. Tricks also help keep your dog mentally and physically healthy and establish paths of communication between you. Many tricks build skills used in dog sports, dog dancing, and dog therapy work. 101 Dog Tricks will inspire you to do more with your dog! Millions of people have found success with Kyra Sundance's step-by-step techniques—and you can, too.Also by Kyra Sundance, learn to do even more with your dog with: The Dog Tricks and Training Workbook; 51 Puppy Tricks; 10-Minute Dog Training Games; 101 Dog Tricks, Kids Edition; Dog Training 101; The Pocket Guide to Dog Tricks; Kyra’s Canine Conditioning; and The Joy of Dog Training.
Monacelli Press Rene Gonzalez Architects: Not Lost in Translation
As one of Miami’s most influential architects, Rene Gonzalez revolutionizes the way luxury buildings are equipped for climate change. Tactile, experiential, and holistic, the work of his namesake office demonstrates a belief in the inseparable connection between nature and architecture, creating spaces that are memorable and timeless. Surveying fourteen residential, commercial, and cultural projects in Florida, marking the first phase of his career, Rene Gonzalez Architects: Not Lost in Translation illustrates Gonzalez’s ability to distill the essence of place, distinguishing his work both in his home state of Florida and in the global landscape of contemporary architecture. Projects featured in the book include three Alchemist boutiques, the first of which won the 2011 National AIA Institute Honor Award; the Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, whose one million glass mosaic tiles create the illusion of a jungle oasis on the exterior; the eighteen-story GLASS Residential Tower in Miami Beach; the “pocket sanctuary” that is vegan restaurant Plant Food + Wine; and the North Beach Oceanfront Center, which serves as an inviting gathering ground to the North Miami Beach community. Gonzalez is especially attuned to environmental issues that are affecting the world, and which will drastically alter design practice in the coming years. RGA is receiving widespread attention for its efforts to respond to these emerging conditions, and these projects reveal Gonzalez’s commitment to embrace and celebrate the environment, seizing the opportunity to enhance our future. Rene Gonzalez Architects: Not Lost in Translation is a deeply personal book that illustrates Gonzalez’s fascination with the world that surrounds him. Featuring a conversation with Gonzalez’s colleagues Tod Williams and Billie Tsien, essays by journalists Caroline Roux and Beth Dunlop, as well as his own photographs of Miami’s vernacular architecture, this book documents Gonzalez’s progressive and responsive architecture that is of its place yet universally resonant.
Oxford University Press The History of Astronomy: A Very Short Introduction
Astronomy, perhaps the first of the sciences, was already well developed by the time of Christ. Seventeen centuries later, after Newton showed that the movements of the planets could be explained in terms of gravitation, it became the paradigm for the mathematical sciences. In the nineteenth century the analysis of star-light allowed astrophysicists to determine both the chemical composition and the radial velocities of celestial bodies, while the development of photography enabled distant objects invisible to the human eye, to be studied and measured in comfort. Technical developments during and since the Second World War have greatly enlarged the scope of the science by permitting the study of radiation. This is a fascinating introduction to the history of Western astronomy, from prehistoric times to the origins of astrophysics in the mid-nineteenth century. Historical records are first found in Babylon and Egypt, and after two millennia the arithmetical astronomy of the Babylonians merged with the Greek geometrical approach to culminate in the Almagest of Ptolemy. This legacy was transmitted to the Latin West via Islam, and led to Copernicus's claim that the Earth is in motion. In justifying this Kepler converted astronomy into a branch of dynamics, leading to Newton's universal law of gravity. The book concludes with eighteenth- and nineteenth-century applications of Newton's law, and the first explorations of the universe of stars. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Lakewood: A Novel
NPR Book of the Year 2020Electric Literature: One of 55 Books by Women and Nonbinary Writers of Color to Read in 2020 | Lit Hub & The Millions: Most Anticipated Books of 2020 | Ms. Magazine: Anticipated 2020 Feminist Books | Refinery29: Books by Black Women We are Looking Forward To Reading | One of The Millions’ Most Anticipated Reads of 2020 | Amazon Book of the Month Pick | Audible Editor’s Pick | Essence’s Pick| Glamour’s Must Read | Ms. Magazine’s Anticipated Read of 2020 A startling debut about class and race, Lakewood evokes a terrifying world of medical experimentation—part The Handmaid’s Tale, part The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.When Lena Johnson’s beloved grandmother dies, and the full extent of the family debt is revealed, the black millennial drops out of college to support her family and takes a job in the mysterious and remote town of Lakewood, Michigan. On paper, her new job is too good to be true. High paying. No out of pocket medical expenses. A free place to live. All Lena has to do is participate in a secret program—and lie to her friends and family about the research being done in Lakewood. An eye drop that makes brown eyes blue, a medication that could be a cure for dementia, golden pills promised to make all bad thoughts go away.The discoveries made in Lakewood, Lena is told, will change the world—but the consequences for the subjects involved could be devastating. As the truths of the program reveal themselves, Lena learns how much she’s willing to sacrifice for the sake of her family. Provocative and thrilling, Lakewood is a breathtaking novel that takes an unflinching look at the moral dilemmas many working-class families face, and the horror that has been forced on black bodies in the name of science.
Discovery Walking Guides Ltd Isle of Wight Walkers Map
Isle of Wight Walkers' Map at 32k scale with challenge routes and walking trails highlighted. OS 50k scale mapping is expanded in size to produce a 32k map. The OS features, text and logos are now 50% larger making them much easier to read under outdoor conditions. Isle of Wight Challenge Route (66 miles) is specially highlighted in green and white so that the route stands out against the OS background map. Then we add the Earl Mountbatten Hospice's Walk (26.5 miles) highlighted in gold and white. A large range of gps surveyed walking trails are then highlighted in grey and white. The result is an easy to read `OSlike' map with walking trails specially highlighted. We then split the island into East (cover side) and West (reverse side) with a ten mile common overlap to the two sides; meaning you will only have to turn the map over if you are undertaking the longest Challenge or Earl Mountbatten routes. The result is a double sided 840mm by 694mm OSlike Super-Durable Map. We then print the map design on a 100 micron plastic substrate using a special UV curing inks process on the UK's only press capable of using this latest technology. The printed map sheets are then folded using a special concertina map fold to its pocket size of 230mm by 120mm. The result is the Isle of Wight Walkers' Map. A lightweight map that is both accurate and easy to read and use. Super-Durable means your map is waterproof and tearproof, and fully recyclable. This map will survive anything your Isle of Wight Challenges can throw at it and afterwards will fold up like new. Buying the Isle of Wight Walkers' Map also entitles you to receive the Custom Map digital edition of the map as a free download from Discovery Walking Guides.
Mango Media Prayers for Hard Times: Reflections, Meditations and Inspirations of Hope and Comfort (Inspirational Book, Christian Gift for Women)
Find Spiritual Inspiration Through Daily Prayers"This is the best prayer book I have ever seen; simply wonderful. Buy one copy for yourself and one to give to a friend." —Amazon ReviewIn a world that feels increasingly fragile and, at times, fractured, people need specific prayers for struggling.Gain wisdom and inspiration with daily prayers. As recent scientific research shows, the simple act of praying can be emotionally, physically, and even spiritually healing. With Prayers for Hard Times, best-selling author Becca Anderson offers solace in bringing together the wisdom of great thinkers, spiritual leaders and writers who have faced difficulty and learned from it.Find consolation and renewal within yourself. Becca Anderson’s collection focuses on prayers for a wide range of life challenges, from the personal to the global. Prayers for Hard Times covers issues facing individuals such as loss of loved ones, illness, anxiety, divorce, depression and addiction, as well as those challenges communities face in natural disasters and violence. The writers in Anderson’s devotional address the world at large, as well, with words of hope and help for global poverty, hunger, war and the environmental. Prayers for Hard Times is the book of daily prayers that offers you solace, comfort, and support, drawing from the wisdom of every era, every major faith and tradition, and the important voices of those who have lived through such experiences themselves.Organized in daybook form, Prayers for Hard Times draws from plenty of sacred sources and texts, as well as the encouraging spiritual quotes and writings of: Maya Angelou Harriet Tubman Dave Eggars Martin Luther King Jr. And more! If you loved books like Pocket Prayers, Hope When It Hurts and Prayers for Difficult Times then you’ll find Prayers for Hard Times to be the book for you!
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DK Eyewitness Top 10 Turkey's Southwest Coast
An unbeatable, pocket-sized guide to Turkey's Southwest Coast, packed with insider tips and ideas, colour maps, top 10 lists, and a laminated pull-out map - all designed to help you see the very best of Turkey's Southwest Coast.Wander the ancient Roman capital of Ephesus or historic Fehiye, marvel at Pamukkale's glistening travertine pools, hike along the coastal trails of the Lycian Way or explore a lively seafront at Marmaris. From Top 10 sporting activities to the Top 10 ancient ruins - discover the best of Turkey's Southwest Coast with this easy-to-use travel guide.Inside Top 10 Turkey's Southwest Coast:- Easy-to-follow itineraries to help you make the most of your trip- Top 10 lists showcase Turkey's Southwest Coast's best attractions, covering Antalya, Termessos, Ephesus, Pamukkale and Hierapolis, the Lycian Way and many more- Free laminated pull-out map of Turkey's Southwest Coast, plus five colour neighbourhood maps- In-depth neighbourhood guides explore Turkey's Southwest Coast's most interesting areas, with the best places for shopping, going out and sightseeing - Colour-coded chapters divided by area make it easy to find information quickly and plan your day - Essential travel tips including our expert choices of where to stay, eat, shop and sightsee, plus useful transport, visa and health information- Colour maps help you navigate with ease- Covers East from Marmaris, East from Fethiye, South from Antalya, West from Alanya and moreStaying for longer as part of a bigger trip to Turkey? Try our DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Turkey.About DK Eyewitness Travel: DK's Top 10 guides take the work out of planning a short trip, with easy-to-read maps, tips and tours to inform and enrich your weekend trip or cultural break. DK is the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, producing beautifully designed books for adults and children in over 120 countries.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DK Eyewitness Top 10 Tallinn
An unbeatable, pocket-sized guide to Tallinn, packed with insider tips and ideas, colour maps, top 10 lists, and a laminated pull-out map - all designed to help you see the very best of Tallinn.Take a stroll down Pikk Street, admire medieval treasures at Niguliste Church, explore the traditional Estonian Open-Air Museum by bike or enjoy the atmosphere in the lively Town Hall Square. From the Top 10 pubs and bars, to the Top 10 ways to unwind - discover the best of Tallinn with this easy-to-use travel guide.Inside Top 10 Tallinn:- Easy-to-follow itineraries to help you make the most of your trip- Top 10 lists showcase Tallinn's best attractions, covering the City Museum, Pikk Street, the City Walls, Dome Church, Museum of Occupations, Kadriog Park and many more- Free laminated pull-out map of Tallinn, plus four colour neighbourhood maps- In-depth neighbourhood guides explore Tallinn's most interesting areas, with the best places for shopping, going out and sightseeing - Colour-coded chapters divided by area make it easy to find information quickly and plan your day - Essential travel tips including our expert choices of where to stay, eat, shop and sightsee, plus useful transport, visa and health information- Colour maps help you navigate with ease- Covers Toompea (Castle Hill), the Old Town, the New Town and moreStaying for longer as part of a bigger trip to Estonia? Try our DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.About DK Eyewitness Travel: DK's Top 10 guides take the work out of planning a short trip, with easy-to-read maps, tips and tours to inform and enrich your weekend trip or cultural break. DK is the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, producing beautifully designed books for adults and children in over 120 countries.
Penguin Books Ltd Me. You. A Diary: The No.1 Sunday Times Bestseller
It's the start of a new year, so why not record your thoughts alongside Dawn's warm and witty observations. It's a brilliant way to pay-attention to and remember the days you're living through . . .'Beautiful, like Dawn, and stuffed full of goodies' JO BRAND 'Start a journal alongside Dawn's witty outlook on life. This will have you laughing about your year' PRIMA 'This book is inspired!!!' NADIYA HUSSAIN_________Take a lovely ramble through the year together with Dawn. Think of it as Dawn's diary, personalised by you . . . perfection. I can't count the amount of diaries I have crammed full with entries in January, that then fizzle out as the other months pile in.One of my teenage diaries has fulsome fizzing reports of every single conversation, thought and feeling about every friend, every crush, every meal, every argument until mid-March, when the entry on the 18th simply reads, 'Washed hair.' Thank god, this isn't that.This book is a way for us to tell the story of a year together. Feel free to write your appointments in it, lists, thoughts and reminders of, say, who to kill, and when, and in what order. But I've also written about age and life as I see it, through the seasons and the months, and I've added some places for you to join me in some fun and some thinking.By the end of the year, I am hoping you will have a fatter, scruffier book that is written by me but totally personalised by you. Come on in. The paper is lovely . . . AND . . . importantly, Me. You: A Diary comes with a practical elastic strap to keep all of your papers safe, with a pocket in the back for storing those special momentoes.
Dialogue Abundance: Unputdownable and heartbreaking coming-of-age fiction about fathers and sons
LONGLISTED FOR THE NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FOR FICTIONSELECTED BY THE TELEGRAPH AS ONE OF THE FOUR BEST DEBUTS OF THE YEAR'A tense, yet tender portrait of a father and son trying to escape life on the margin. Determination and despair collide in this unforgettable debut, with an ending that broke my heart' Douglas Stuart, Booker Prize-winning author of Shuggie BainEvicted from their trailer on New Year's Eve, Henry and his son, Junior, have been reduced to living out of a pick-up truck. Six months later, things are even more desperate. Henry, barely a year out of prison for selling drugs, is down to his last pocketful of cash, and little remains between him and the street. But hope is on the horizon: today is Junior's birthday, and Henry has a job interview tomorrow.To celebrate, Henry treats Junior to dinner at McDonald's, followed by a night in a real bed at a discount hotel. For a moment, as Junior watches TV and Henry practises for his interview in the bathtub, all seems well. But after Henry has a disastrous altercation in the parking lot and Junior succumbs to a fever, father and son are sent into the night, struggling to hold things together.Each chapter of this deeply emotional and compassionate novel begins with amount of money in Henry's pocket, showing how literally father and son's fortunes can turn on a dime. Can they make it through tomorrow?Praise for Abundance:'Full of beauty, honesty and unexpected grace.' Gary Shteyngart'A quest, a page-turner, and above all a love story, Abundance lays bare one father's brutal, tender hustle to care for his son in a winner-takes-all world.' Mia Alvar'Tender, anxious, angry, and beautiful.' Mark Doten
Dorling Kindersley Ltd DK Eyewitness Road Trips Spain
With its idyllic hilltop villages, historic cities, coastal towns, and stunning natural landscapes, Spain is the perfect destination for a leisurely road trip. It's yours to explore with Road Trips Spain, our redesigned and newly updated guide containing 25 drives across the country, from the spectacular rocky coastline of Mallorca to the rolling vineyards of Rioja.Packed with insider tips and information, this easy-to-use guide reveals Spain at its best: spectacular sights, hidden gems, and authentic local experiences. Our updated 2022 travel guide brings to life. DK Eyewitness Road Trips Spain is your ticket to the trip of a lifetime. Inside DK Eyewitness Road Trips Spain you will find: - 25 easy-to-follow driving tours: each lasting one to five days- A laminated pull-out road map of Spain helping you navigate with ease - Walks, activities and delightful detours to do along the way- The best local experiences alongside our pick of the most authentic places to stay, eat, and shop- Practical information: rules of the road, detailed directions, and driving tips- Covers: Galicia, Catalonia, Granada, Mallorca, Ibiza, and more About DK Eyewitness: At DK Eyewitness, we believe in the power of discovery. We make it easy for you to explore your dream destinations. DK Eyewitness travel guides have been helping travellers to make the most of their breaks since 1993. Filled with expert advice, striking photography and detailed illustrations, our highly visual DK Eyewitness guides will get you closer to your next adventure. We publish guides to more than 200 destinations, from pocket-sized city guides to comprehensive country guides. Named Top Guidebook Series at the 2020 Wanderlust Reader Travel Awards, we know that wherever you go next, your DK Eyewitness travel guides are the perfect companion.
Oxford University Press Inc Sociolinguistics: A Very Short Introduction
This Very Short Introduction deals with the social life of language: language in its sociocultural context. The field ranges from micro-analyses to broadly-based policy and planning undertakings. As such, this book draws from sociolinguistics, the sociology of language, and psycholinguistics. The relationship between language and identity - whether of an individual or a group - is a strong thread linking all the topics covered in the book. The "ordinary," instrumental, communicative aspects of language cannot be adequately understood without paying attention to the "symbolic" features that powerfully underpin feelings and attributions of "groupness" and "belonging." The book therefore focuses more on macro sociological areas than to fine-grained analyses of variation in linguistic features (though the latter are not ignored). Edwards explains the differential social evaluations of languages and dialects, how names (and naming) are much more than simple designations, why some languages come to dominate others, as well as questions about the relationship between language and gender, sexist language, the language of poverty, the intertwining of language and religion, and politically driven language planning and policy. These matters have always been timely and of great social interest. The book demonstrates the connections and continuities that exist within the language arena in which we all participate, and about which all of us have opinions, preferences and prejudices. This is the first short treatment that acquaints the educated non-specialist with the social life of language. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press The Devil: A Very Short Introduction
Why do the innocent suffer in a world created by a loving God? Does this mean that God cannot prevent this suffering, despite His supposed omnipotence? Or is God not loving after all? This in brief is 'the problem of evil'. The Devil provides one solution to this problem: his rebellion against God and hatred of His works is responsible for evil. The Christian Devil has fascinated writers and theologians since the time of the New Testament, and inspired many dramatic and haunting works of art. Today he remains a potent image in popular culture. The Devil: A Very Short Introduction presents an introduction to the Devil in the history of ideas and the lives of real people. Darren Oldridge shows us that he is a more important figure in western history than is often appreciated, and also a richly complex and contradictory one. Oldridge focuses on three main themes: the idea of the Devil being integral to western thought from the early Middle Ages to the beginnings of modernity; the principle of 'demonic inversion' (the idea that as the eternal leader of the opposition, the Devil represents the mirror image of goodness); and the multiplicity and instability of ideas about the Devil. While belief in the Devil has declined, the idea of an abstract force of evil is still remarkably strong. Oldridge concludes by exploring 'demonological' ways of thinking in our own time, including allegations of 'satanic ritual abuse' and the on-going 'war on terror'. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press Jesus: A Very Short Introduction
Two billion people today identify as Christians, with the implication that Jesus is the focus of their relationship with God, and their way of living in the world. Such followers of Jesus are now more numerous and make up a greater proportion of the world's population than ever before. Despite its decline in the West, Christianity is rapidly increasing in areas such as Africa and China. Richard Bauckham explores the historical figure of Jesus, evaluating the sources and concluding that they provide us with good historical evidence for his life and teaching. In order to place Jesus in his proper historical context, as a Jew from Galilee in the early first century of our era, Bauckham looks at Jewish religion and society in the land of Israel under Roman rule. He explores Jesus' symbolic practices as well as his teachings, looks at his public career and emphasises how his actions, such as healing and his association with notorious sinners, were just as important as his words. Bauckham shows that Jesus was devoted to the God of Israel, with a special focus on God's fatherly love and compassion, and like every Jewish teacher he expounded the Torah, but did so in his own distinctive way. With a discussion about the way Jesus understood himself and what finally led to his death as a criminal on a Roman cross, he concludes by considering the significance Jesus has come to have for Christian faith worldwide. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press Planetary Systems: A Very Short Introduction
Not long ago, the Solar System was the only example of a planetary system - a star and the bodies orbiting it - that we knew. Now, we know thousands of planetary systems, and have even been able to observe planetary systems at the moment of their birth. This Very Short Introduction explores this new frontier, incorporating the latest research. The book takes the reader on a journey through the grand sweep of time, from the moment galaxies begin to form after the Big Bang to trillions of years in the future when the Universe will be a dilute soup of dim galaxies populated mostly by red dwarf stars. Throughout, Raymond T. Pierrehumbert introduces the latest insights gained from a new generation of telescopes that catch planetary systems at the moment of formation, and to the theoretical advances that attempt to make sense of these observations. He explains how the elements that make up life and the planets on which life can live are forged in the interiors of dying stars, and make their way into rocky planets. He also explores the vast array of newly discovered planets orbiting stars other than our own, and explains the factors that determine their climates. Finally, he reveals what determines how long planetary systems can live, and what happens in their end-times. Very Short Introductions: Brilliant, Sharp, Inspiring ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press Contemporary Art: A Very Short Introduction
Contemporary art has never been so popular - but the art world is changing. In a landscape of increasing globalization there is growing interest in questions over the nature of contemporary art today, and the identity of who is controlling its future. In the midst of this, contemporary art continues to be a realm of freedom where artists shock, break taboos, flout generally received ideas, and switch between confronting viewers with works of great emotional profundity and jaw-dropping triviality. In this Very Short Introduction Julian Stallabrass gives a clear view on the diverse and rapidly moving scene of contemporary art. Exploring art's striking globalisation from the 1990s onwards, he analyses how new regions and nations, such as China, have leapt into astonishing prominence, over-turning the old Euro-American dominance on aesthetics. Showing how contemporary art has drawn closer to fashion and the luxury goods market as artists have become accomplished marketers of their work, Stallabrass discusses the reinvention of artists as brands. This new edition also considers how once powerful art criticism has mutated into a critical and performative writing at which many artists excel. Above all, behind the insistent rhetoric of freedom and ambiguity in art, Stallabrass explores how big business and the super-rich have replaced the state as the primary movers of the contemporary art scene, especially since the financial crisis, and become a powerful new influence over the art world. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press Renewable Energy: A Very Short Introduction
Energy is vital for a good standard of living, and much of the world's population does not have enough. Affordable and adequate sources of power that do not cause climate change or pollution are crucial; and renewables provide the answer. Wind and solar farms can now provide the cheapest electricity in many parts of the world. Moreover, they could provide all of the world's energy needs. But while market forces are fast helping the transition from fossil fuels to renewables, there are opposing pressures, such as the USA's proposed withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, and the vested interests in fossil fuels. This Very Short Introduction describes the main renewable sources of energy- solar, wind, hydropower, and biomass- as well as the less well-developed ones- geothermal, tidal, and wave. Nick Jelley explains the challenges of integrating renewables into electricity grids, and the need for energy storage and for clean heat; and discusses the opportunities in developing countries for renewable energy to empower millions. He also considers international efforts and policies to support renewables and tackle climate change; and explains recent innovations in wind and solar energy production, battery storage, and in the emerging power-to-gas provision for clean heating. Throughout, he emphasises what renewable energy can deliver, and its importance in tackling climate change, and in improving health, welfare, and access to electricity. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press Organized Crime: A Very Short Introduction
For many people around the world, instances of what is described as organized crime may be part of their everyday experience; in their neighbourhoods, their streets, and the places they work and live. Policymakers, law enforcement, and the media rarely fail to bring up the issue when discussing the nature and seriousness of contemporary criminal threats, and the appropriate responses towards them. Many more people are familiar with the notion of organized crime, as the film and TV industry regularly draw on fictional and real figures and situations. Organized crime feels like a tangible, inescapable issue in today's world. In this Very Short introduction, Georgios A. Antonopoulos and Georgios Papanicolaou uncover the reality of organized crime in our world today. Shining a light on the people involved in organized crime, Antonopoulos and Papanicolaou question whether the term 'organized' is used to evoke the image, the operations, and power of a legitimate organization, such as a corporation. Discussing whether there are particular crimes that the label 'organized crime' applies to, or if any crime can be organized, they also consider what happens when organized crime extends beyond borders. Using examples from across the globe, they analyse the different cultural traditions of organized crime, such as the Mafia, Yakuza, and Triads, and also the nature of organized crime, from arms trafficking and drug dealing to extortion. Finally they explore the methods and agencies in place to control and prevent organized crime. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press Modern Architecture: A Very Short Introduction
Somewhere between 1910 and 1970, architecture changed. Now that modern architecture has become familiar (sometimes celebrated, sometimes vilified), it's hard to imagine how novel it once seemed. Expensive buildings were transformed from ornamental fancies which referred to the classical and medieval pasts into strikingly plain reflections of novel materials, functions, and technologies. Modern architecture promised the transformation of cities from overcrowded conurbations characterised by packed slums and dirty industries to spacious realms of generous housing and clean mechanised production set in parkland. At certain times and in certain cultures, it stood for the liberation of the future from the past. This Very Short Introduction explores the technical innovations that opened-up the cultural and intellectual opportunities for modern architecture to happen. Adam Sharr shows how the invention of steel and reinforced concrete radically altered possibilities for shaping buildings, transforming what architects were able to imagine, as did new systems for air conditioning and lighting. While architects weren't responsible for these innovations, they were among the first to appreciate how they could make the world look and feel different, in connection with imagery from other spheres like modern art and industrial design. Focusing on a selection of modern buildings that also symbolize bigger cultural ideas, Sharr discusses what modern architecture was like, why it was like that, and how it was imagined. Considering the work of some of the historians and critics who helped to shape modern architecture, he demonstrates how the field owes as much to its storytellers as to its buildings. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press Gravity: A Very Short Introduction
Gravity is one of the four fundamental interactions that exist in nature. It also has the distinction of being the oldest, weakest, and most difficult force to quantize. Understanding gravity is not only essential for understanding the motion of objects on Earth, but also the motion of all celestial objects, and even the expansion of the Universe itself. It was the study of gravity that led Einstein to his profound realisations about the nature of space and time. Gravity is not only universal, it is also essential for understanding the behaviour of the Universe, and all astrophysical bodies within it. In this Very Short Introduction Timothy Clifton looks at the development of our understanding of gravity since the early observations of Kepler and Newtonian theory. He discusses Einstein's theory of gravity, which now supplants Newton's, showing how it allows us to understand why the frequency of light changes as it passes through a gravitational field, why GPS satellites need their clocks corrected as they orbit the Earth, and why the orbits of distant neutron stars speed up. Today, almost 100 years after Einstein published his theory of gravity, we have even detected the waves of gravitational radiation that he predicted. Clifton concludes by considering the testing and application of general relativity in astrophysics and cosmology, and looks at dark energy and efforts such as string theory to combine gravity with quantum mechanics. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press Projects: A Very Short Introduction
What is a project? How are projects organized to deal with a complex, rapidly changing, and uncertain world? Why are projects the organization of the future? A project is a temporary organization and one-time process established to achieve a desired outcome. Projects range in size from small teams to large international joint-ventures and temporary coalitions of public and private organizations. What distinguishes projects from all other organizational activities - such as mass produced products and services - is that a project is finite in duration, lasting from hours, days, or weeks to years, and in some cases decades. Each project is disposable. It brings together people and resources to accomplish a goal and when the goal is accomplished, the organization disappears. When projects are complex, unpredictable, and changing, their plans have to be flexible and able to adjust to situations that cannot foreseen at the outset. In this Very Short Introduction Andrew Davies looks at how projects have developed since the industrial revolution to create the human-built world in which we live, work, and play. Considering some of our greatest endeavours such as the Erie Canal, Apollo Moon landing, Japanese product development, and Chinese ecocity projects, Davies identifies how projects are organized and managed to design and produce large and complex systems, cope with fast changing conditions, and deal with the immense uncertainties required to create breakthrough innovations in products and services. He concludes by considering how projects could be organized to address the challenges facing the post-industrial society of the 21st century. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press Modern Italy: A Very Short Introduction
The history of modern Italy is characterized by recurrent cultural and political projects of modernity, rejuvenation, and regeneration; projects which often had their roots in a widespread dissatisfaction with social and political reality, and perceived moral corruption. The Risorgimento, the movement leading to Italian Unification in 1861, explicitly linked the quest for national unity to a process of moral regeneration and progress. Later forms of nationalism and the rise of fascism in the first two decades of the twentieth century advocated a spiritual revolution and the moulding of new Italians through war and violence. The tragic outcome of Italian fascism led to the emergence of new visions of progress during the post-war First Republic, in which European integration was embraced with conviction. In the last 25 years a project of of modernization epitomized by Silvio Berlusconi has characterized Italian politics, invoking a mixture of nationalist themes and an uncritical embracing of consumer and media culture. In this Very Short Introduction Anna Cento Bull addresses the question of what modernity means to Italy, and asks what modern Italy stands for. She considers Italy's political system and style of government, and looks at its economic modernisation and issues with emigration, internal migration and immigration. Bull concludes by looking at the Italian culture and lifestyle, including modern art and architecture, cinema, literature, gastronomy, fashion and sport. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press The Industrial Revolution: A Very Short Introduction
The 'Industrial Revolution' was a pivotal point in British history that occurred between the mid-eighteenth and mid-nineteenth centuries and led to far reaching transformations of society. With the advent of revolutionary manufacturing technology productivity boomed. Machines were used to spin and weave cloth, steam engines were used to provide reliable power, and industry was fed by the construction of the first railways, a great network of arteries feeding the factories. Cities grew as people shifted from agriculture to industry and commerce. Hand in hand with the growth of cities came rising levels of pollution and disease. Many people lost their jobs to the new machinery, whilst working conditions in the factories were grim and pay was low. As the middle classes prospered, social unrest ran through the working classes, and the exploitation of workers led to the growth of trade unions and protest movements. In this Very Short Introduction, Robert C. Allen analyzes the key features of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, and the spread of industrialization to other countries. He considers the factors that combined to enable industrialization at this time, including Britain's position as a global commercial empire, and discusses the changes in technology and business organization, and their impact on different social classes and groups. Introducing the 'winners' and the 'losers' of the Industrial Revolution, he looks at how the changes were reflected in evolving government policies, and what contribution these made to the economic transformation. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
Oxford University Press Alexander the Great: A Very Short Introduction
Alexander the Great became king of Macedon in 336 BC, when he was only 20 years old, and died at the age of 32, twelve years later. During his reign he conquered the Achaemenid Persian Empire, the largest empire that had ever existed, leading his army from Greece to Pakistan, and from the Libyan desert to the steppes of Central Asia. His meteoric career, as leader of an alliance of Greek cities, Pharaoh of Egypt, and King of Persia, had a profound effect on the world he moved through. Even in his lifetime his achievements became legendary and in the centuries that following his story was told and retold throughout Europe and the East. Greek became the language of power in the Eastern Mediterranean and much of the Near East, as powerful Macedonian dynasts carved up Alexander's empire into kingdoms of their own, underlaying the flourishing Hellenistic civilization that emerged after his death. But what do we really know about Alexander? In this Very Short Introduction, Hugh Bowden goes behind the usual historical accounts of Alexander's life and career. Instead, he focuses on the evidence from Alexander's own time -- letters from officials in Afghanistan, Babylonian diaries, records from Egyptian temples -- to try and understand how Alexander appeared to those who encountered him. In doing so he also demonstrates the profound influence the legends of his life have had on our historical understanding and the controversy they continue to generate worldwide. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.
DK Nueva York Guía Top 10
Top 10 Nueva York Es la mejor guía en el mercado, tamaño bolsillo, con ideas y consejos de los locales, incluye mapas a todo color, listas top 10, mapa que puedes llevar contigo - todo diseñado para que tengas una experiencia para recordar.Disfrutarás esta guía porque.. El contenido y el diseño es claro y fácil de usar Los destinos están totalmente actualizados, con consejos de expertos de esta región. Incluye las listas top 10 accesibles y variadas, que te llevan a los monumentos icónicos y edificios más representativos y paseos por las zonas más populares y visitas imprescindibles Tiene mapas, planos y descripciones detalladas de todos los puntos clave del destino Recomendaciones sobre los mejores hoteles, restaurantes, tiendas y locales de ocio Nueva York es una ciudad única: rebosante de monumentos y famosa por los museos, los teatros y la animada vida nocturna. Visita la Estatua de la Libertad, pasea por Central Park y sube al Empire State Building. ¡Bienvenidos a Nueva York!Your journey starts here. Featuring DK’s much-loved maps and illustrations, walks and information, plus all new, full-color photography, our 100% updated guides bring you the best a destination has to offer in a lightweight format.Top 10 Nueva York is an unbeatable, pocket-sized guide, packed with insider tips and ideas, color maps, top 10 lists, and a laminated pull-out map – all designed to help you experience the very best of a destinationYou will enjoy this guide because.. Contemporary jacket design Updated regularly, by experts with an in-depth knowledge of the region Includes Top 10 lists that are accessible and varied – leading you straight to the best places to visit, both famous and off the beaten track The guide includes a laminated pull-out map, with a selected street and sight index Recommended hotels, restaurants, shops and places of leisure.
Workman Publishing The Snowy Cabin Cookbook: Meals and Drinks for Adventurous Days and Cozy Nights
When the going gets chilly and daylight is in short supply, the cozy cabin is the place to be. And here is the ultimate companion for cozier, comfier cold-weather cooking from the IACP Award–winning duo of Marnie Hanel and Jen Stevenson. The Snowy Cabin Cookbook is here to make cabin or lodge cooking just as magical as the scenery outdoors and transport readers to a snow-globe world filled with Fair Isle sweaters, sled rides, and wood-burning fires. Whether you’re in need of satisfying snack to get through a day of hibernation, planning a menu for a snowed-in dinner party, or searching for a hearty breakfast before a long day of skiing, sledding, or ice-skating, The Snowy Cabin Cookbook is filled with inspiring and effortlessly cookable recipes. Readers can try the Snowbound Stromboli with Arrabbiata (a grown-up version of the Hot Pocket), Brown Butter Brussels Sprouts with Parsnips and Apples alongside Brrrisket with Parsley and Pomegranate Seeds, or Roasted Kabocha Squash Soup with Bacon and Chives. When feeding a hungry crowd, there’s Spaghetti and Meatballs for the Masses, and when it’s time to settle in for the evening, sip a Blood Orange Negroni alongside Almond Tangerine Trifle. Beyond food, these endlessly creative authors offer 99 Ways to Use a Mug (think sleigh valet tip jar), a flowchart on how to find the right winter lodging for anyone, and tips on how to build a better snowperson—and when the cabin fever sets in, readers can turn to Reindeer Games for entertaining ways to pass the time. The Snowy Cabin Cookbook, fully illustrated by artist Monica Dorazewski, will leave every reader wishing for a snow day.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quick Selection Guide to Chemical Protective Clothing
The expanded seventh edition, complete with new materials and updated information on existing materials for chemical protective clothing The revised and updated seventh edition of Quick Selection Guide to Chemical Protective Clothing contains the most recent information on the selection, use, and care of chemical protective clothing, such as protective gloves, suits, and other garments. The seventh edition includes new selection recommendations, new materials and chemicals tested, and updated information on existing products. This accessible guide also contains the popular color-coded selection grid. The grid system indicates which materials offer protection against specific chemicals, and which do not. Selecting the most appropriate chemical protective clothing is essential for the prevention of illnesses and injures from hazardous chemical exposure, especially where other control measures are not feasible. Written by noted experts on the topic, the book has been thoroughly revised to reflect the most recent advances in the field. The new seventh edition: • Offers an updated Trade Name Table with 25 product name changes, 8 new products, and 10 products deletions • Includes 27 products in the Master Chemical Resistance Table with changed names and includes replaces outdated products with important new ones • Contains new selection recommendations (color codes) that reflect new chemicals and additional tests • Includes 1,000 chemicals in the index that are linked to the UN pictograms and Risk Codes related to skin exposure • Provides a guide for comparing the performance of available product/barrier materials currently on the market Written for anyone responsible for the purchase or use of protective clothing, the updated seventh edition of Quick Selection Guide to Chemical Protective Clothing is a pocket guide that is the only independent source for selection of chemical protective clothing.
Hachette Books Please Scream Inside Your Heart: Breaking News and Nervous Breakdowns in the Year that Wouldn't End
Please lower your shoulder restraint and keep your hands and feet in. You're about to board a roller coaster ride through a year that was at once laughable and lethal.If you've got an anti-anxiety prescription, now would probably be a good time to call in a refill.Please Scream Inside Your Heart is a time capsule; a real-time ride through the maddening hell that was the 2020 news cycle-when historic turmoil and media mania stretched American sanity, democracy, and toilet paper. Who better to examine this unhinged period in all of its twists and turns than news addict Dave Pell, aka the internet's Managing Editor? Fueled by the wisdom and advice of his two Holocaust-surviving parents, for whom parts of this story were all too familiar, Pell puts the key stories of 2020 into context with pith and punch; highlighting turning points that widened America's divisions, deepened our obsession with a media-driven civil war, and nearly knocked the country of its tracks. Pell also examines the role of technology in society-and how we somehow built the exact opposite of what we thought we were building. Why did the lies spread faster than the truth? How did our tech addiction contribute to the nightmare? Why do you feel a vibration in your pocket right now?In 2020, the news was everywhere, and everything was political-even the air we breathed. So brace yourself as you're hurtled through the twists and turns of the corkscrewiest year in American history; one that included two impeachment trials, a global pandemic, Black Lives Matter, the biggest election of a lifetime, a slide towards autocracy, and a warning from the makers of Lysol not to drink their products.