Search results for ""Author Robin"
The University of Chicago Press The Prose of Things: Transformations of Description in the Eighteenth Century
Virginia Woolf once commented that the central image in Robinson Crusoe is an object - a large earthenware pot. Woolf and other critics pointed out that early modern prose is full of things, but bare of setting and description. Explaining how the empty, unvisualized spaces of such writings were transformed into the elaborate landscapes and richly upholstered interiors of the Victorian novel, Cynthia Wall argues that the shift involved not just literary representation, but an evolution in cultural perception. In "The Prose of Things", Wall analyzes literary works in the contexts of natural science, consumer culture, and philosophical change to show how and why the perception and representation of space in the eighteenth-century novel and other prose narratives became so textually visible. Wall examines maps, scientific publications, country house guides, and auction catalogs to highlight the thickening descriptions of domestic interiors. Considering the prose works of John Bunyan, Samuel Pepys, Aphra Behn, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, David Hume, Ann Radcliffe, and Sir Walter Scott, "The Prose of Things" is the first full account of the historic shift in the art of describing.
Columbia University Press Histories of Racial Capitalism
The relationship between race and capitalism is one of the most enduring and controversial historical debates. The concept of racial capitalism offers a way out of this impasse. Racial capitalism is not simply a permutation, phase, or stage in the larger history of capitalism—since the beginning of the Atlantic slave trade and the colonization of the Americas, capitalism, in both material and ideological senses, has been racial, deriving social and economic value from racial classification and stratification. Although Cedric J. Robinson popularized the term, racial capitalism has remained undertheorized for nearly four decades.Histories of Racial Capitalism brings together for the first time distinguished and rising scholars to consider the utility of the concept across historical settings. These scholars offer dynamic accounts of the relationship between social relations of exploitation and the racial terms through which they were organized, justified, and contested. Deploying an eclectic array of methods, their works range from indigenous mortgage foreclosures to the legacies of Atlantic-world maroons, from imperial expansion in the continental United States and beyond to the racial politics of municipal debt in the New South, from the ethical complexities of Latinx banking to the postcolonial dilemmas of extraction in the Caribbean. Throughout, the contributors consider and challenge how some claims about the history and nature of capitalism are universalized while others remain marginalized. By theorizing and testing the concept of racial capitalism in different historical circumstances, this book shows its analytical and political power for today’s scholars and activists.
Orion Publishing Co This Is This Country: The official book of the BAFTA award-winning show
Listen up chumps, basically the Vicar asked us to edit the parish newsletter this month, we weren't gonna do it at first cos the vicar said 'I want you to channel your energy into doing something creative', which he knows brings back Kurtan's PTSD cos our old woodwork teacher Mr Perkins used to say it to him all the time, and when Kurtan actually DID channel his energy into something creative he managed to sand down some MDF to make a back scratcher and Darren Lacey pointed at it and laughed and called it an 'abomination to woodwork', which made Kurtan throw a chair across the room in rage and one of the chair legs hit Rob Robinson and left a dent in his forehead.So we decided to write this newsletter cos people need to the know the REAL s*** that goes down in our village, it ain't just fetes and duck races you know - it's proper f***** up. All the best,Kerry and Kurtanp.s. Kurtan wants to make it clear that although this newsletter is in book format it does not make him any of the following:Book wormBook bummerBoffinNerd alertThe lion, the witch and the book wormp.p.s If you don't buy this newsletter that's fine, but we are getting a percent of the profits to donate to the Kerry Mucklowe eating fund, so if you don't buy it I'll basically starve. Which is fine if your conscience can deal with that utter headf***.p.p.p.s If you were offended by any of the contents in this newsletter please post your complaints to PO BOX GET STUFFED.
Impedimenta Trazado Un atlas literario
Este revolucionario libro de mapas literarios, inspirados por obras clásicas de la literatura, ofrece una nueva manera de revisitar las cartografías de nuestras novelas favoritas. Caminar con Hamlet por Elsinor, navegar con Ulises por el Mediterráneo tras haber arrasado Troya, pasear de la mano de Borges por la Biblioteca de Babel, visitar la isla con náufrago de Robinson Crusoe, despedazar a la ballena Moby Dick o navegar por el sinuoso río Mississippi de la mano de Huckleberry Finn. Pero Trazado es eso y mucho más. Es una pequeña joya literaria, un libro para letraheridos que sueñan con los ojos abiertos y para curiosos mitómanos de lo novelesco.Una de las joyas literarias del año. Una sensacional recopilación gráfica de los escenarios en que se desarrollan obras como la Odisea, Cuento de Navidad, Hamlet, Orgullo y prejuicio o Moby Dick.
Duke University Press Negotiated Moments: Improvisation, Sound, and Subjectivity
The contributors to Negotiated Moments explore how subjectivity is formed and expressed through musical improvisation, tracing the ways the transmission and reception of sound occur within and between bodies in real and virtual time and across memory, history, and space. They place the gendered, sexed, raced, classed, disabled, and technologized body at the center of critical improvisation studies and move beyond the field's tendency toward celebrating improvisation's utopian and democratic ideals by highlighting the improvisation of marginalized subjects. Rejecting a singular theory of improvisational agency, the contributors show how improvisation helps people gain hard-won and highly contingent agency. Essays include analyses of the role of the body and technology in performance, improvisation's ability to disrupt power relations, Pauline Oliveros's ideas about listening, flautist Nicole Mitchell's compositions based on Octavia Butler's science fiction, and an interview with Judith Butler about the relationship between her work and improvisation. The contributors' close attention to improvisation provides a touchstone for examining subjectivities and offers ways to hear the full spectrum of ideas that sound out from and resonate within and across bodies. Contributors. George Blake, David Borgo, Judith Butler, Rebecca Caines, Louise Campbell, Illa Carrillo Rodríguez, Berenice Corti, Andrew Raffo Dewar, Nina Eidsheim, Tomie Hahn, Jaclyn Heyen, Christine Sun Kim, Catherine Lee, Andra McCartney, Tracy McMullen, Kevin McNeilly, Leaf Miller, Jovana Milovic, François Mouillot, Pauline Oliveros, Jason Robinson, Neil Rolnick, Simon Rose, Gillian Siddall, Julie Dawn Smith, Jesse Stewart, Clara Tomaz, Sherrie Tucker, Lindsay Vogt, Zachary Wallmark, Ellen Waterman, David Whalen, Pete Williams, Deborah Wong, Mandy-Suzanne Wong
Columbia University Press How to Live Together: Novelistic Simulations of Some Everyday Spaces
In The Preparation of the Novel, a collection of lectures delivered at a defining moment in Roland Barthes's career (and completed just weeks before his death), the critic spoke of his struggle to discover a different way of writing and a new approach to life. The Neutral preceded this work, containing Barthes's challenge to the classic oppositions of Western thought and his effort to establish new pathways of meaning. How to Live Together predates both of these achievements, a series of lectures exploring solitude and the degree of contact necessary for individuals to exist and create at their own pace. A distinct project that sets the tone for his subsequent lectures, How to Live Together is a key introduction to Barthes's pedagogical methods and critical worldview. In this work, Barthes focuses on the concept of "idiorrhythmy," a productive form of living together in which one recognizes and respects the individual rhythms of the other. He explores this phenomenon through five texts that represent different living spaces and their associated ways of life: Emile Zola's Pot-Bouille, set in a Parisian apartment building; Thomas Mann's The Magic Mountain, which takes place in a sanatorium; Andre Gide's La Sequestree de Poitiers, based on the true story of a woman confined to her bedroom; Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, about a castaway on a remote island; and Pallidius's Lausiac History, detailing the ascetic lives of the desert fathers. As with his previous lecture books, How to Live Together exemplifies Barthes's singular approach to teaching, in which he invites his audience to investigate with him-or for him-and wholly incorporates his listeners into his discoveries. Rich with playful observations and suggestive prose, How to Live Together orients English-speaking readers to the full power of Barthes's intellectual adventures.
Penguin Books Ltd The Outsider
'My mother died today. Or maybe yesterday, I don't know.'In The Outsider (1942), his classic existentialist novel, Camus explores the alienation of an individual who refuses to conform to social norms. Meursault, his anti-hero, will not lie. When his mother dies, he refuses to show his emotions simply to satisfy the expectations of others. And when he commits a random act of violence on a sun-drenched beach near Algiers, his lack of remorse compounds his guilt in the eyes of society and the law. Yet he is as much a victim as a criminal.Albert Camus' portrayal of a man confronting the absurd, and revolting against the injustice of society, depicts the paradox of man's joy in life when faced with the 'tender indifference' of the world. Sandra Smith's translation, based on close listening to a recording of Camus reading his work aloud on French radio in 1954, sensitively renders the subtleties and dream-like atmosphere of L'Étranger.Albert Camus (1913-1960), French novelist, essayist and playwright, is one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century. His most famous works include The Myth of Sisyphus (1942), The Plague (1947), The Just (1949), The Rebel (1951) and The Fall (1956). He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957, and his last novel, The First Man, unfinished at the time of his death, appeared in print for the first time in 1994, and was published in English soon after by Hamish Hamilton.Sandra Smith was born and raised in New York City and is a Fellow of Robinson College, University of Cambridge, where she teaches French Literature and Language. She has won the French American Foundation Florence Gould Foundation Translation Prize, as well as the PEN Book-of-the-Month Club Translation Prize.
Princeton University Press The Global Circulation of the Atmosphere
Despite major advances in the observation and numerical simulation of the atmosphere, basic features of the Earth's climate remain poorly understood. Integrating the available data and computational resources to improve our understanding of the global circulation of the atmosphere remains a challenge. Theory must play a critical role in meeting this challenge. This book provides an authoritative summary of the state of the art on this front.Bringing together sixteen of the field's leading experts to address those aspects of the global circulation of the atmosphere most relevant to climate, the book brings the reader up to date on the key frontiers in general circulation theory-including the nonlinear and turbulent global-scale dynamics that determine fundamental aspects of the Earth's climate. While emphasizing theory, as expressed through relatively simple mathematical models, it also draws connections to simulations with comprehensive general circulation models. Topics include the dynamics of storm tracks, interactions between wave dynamics and the hydrological cycle, monsoons, tropical and extratropical dynamics and interactions, and the processes controlling atmospheric humidity.An essential resource for graduate students in atmospheric, ocean, and climate sciences and for researchers seeking an overview of the field, The Global Circulation of the Atmosphere sets the standard for future research in a science that stands at a critical juncture.With a foreword by Edward Lorenz, the book includes chapters by Christopher Bretherton; Kerry Emanuel; Isaac Held; David Neelin; Raymond Pierrehumbert, Hélène Brogniez, and Rémy Roca; Alan Plumb; Walter Robinson; Tapio Schneider; Richard Seager and David Battisti; Adam Sobel; Kyle Swanson; and Pablo Zurita-Gotor and Richard Lindzen.
Simon & Schuster Joe Biden: Our 46th President
A biography of Joe Biden, the 46th President of the United States: from childhood through the Senate to his election as vice president and, in 2020, as president.The road to the presidency of the United States was a long—and determined—one for Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. From Joe’s childhood in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and Wilmington, Delaware, his close-knit, devoted family gave him the foundation that would guide him through life. His family’s unwavering support bolstered Joe when he was bullied for stuttering, attended law school, and became a public defender. They encouraged Joe when he pursued a career in politics and became the sixth youngest senator in US history. They consoled him when he suffered the devastating loss of his first wife and baby daughter and years later the death of his eldest son, Beau. And they cheered Joe when he served two vice presidential terms with President Barrack Obama. After a lifetime marked by perseverance, integrity, and accomplishment, Joe Biden and running mate, Kamala Harris, won the 2020 presidential election. And standing by his side each and every step of the way was his wife Jill, his children, and his grandchildren—his family.
Stanford University Press The Romantic Rhetoric of Accumulation
The Romantic Rhetoric of Accumulation provides an account of the long arc of dispossession from the British Romantic period to today. Lenora Hanson glimpses histories of subsistence (such as reproductive labor, vagrancy and criminality, and unwaged labor) as figural ways of living that are superfluous—simultaneously more than enough to live and less than what is necessary for capitalism. Hanson treats rhetorical language as an archive of capital's accumulation through dispossession, in works by S.T. Coleridge, Edmund Burke, Mary Robinson, William Wordsworth, Benjamin Moseley, Joseph Priestley, and Alexander von Humboldt, as well as in contemporary film and critical theory. Reading riots through apostrophe, enclosure through anachronism, superstition and witchcraft through tautology, and the paradoxical coincidence of subsistence living with industrialization, Hanson shows the figural to be a material record of the survival of non-capitalist forms of life within capitalism. But this survival is not always-already resistant to capitalism, nor are the origins of capital accumulation confined to the Romantic past. Hanson reveals rhetorical figure as entwined in deeply ambivalent ways with the circuitous, ongoing process of dispossession. Reading both historically and rhetorically, Hanson argues that rhetorical language records histories of dispossession and the racialized, gendered distribution of the labor of subsistence. Romanticism, they show, is more contemporary than ever.
Cornell University Press If God Meant to Interfere: American Literature and the Rise of the Christian Right
The rise of the Christian Right took many writers and literary critics by surprise, trained as we were to think that religions waned as societies became modern. In If God Meant to Interfere, Christopher Douglas shows that American writers struggled to understand and respond to this new social and political force. Religiously inflected literature since the 1970s must be understood in the context of this unforeseen resurgence of conservative Christianity, he argues, a resurgence that realigned the literary and cultural fields. Among the writers Douglas considers are Marilynne Robinson, Barbara Kingsolver, Cormac McCarthy, Thomas Pynchon, Ishmael Reed, N. Scott Momaday, Gloria Anzaldúa, Philip Roth, Carl Sagan, and Dan Brown. Their fictions engaged a wide range of topics: religious conspiracies, faith and wonder, slavery and imperialism, evolution and extraterrestrial contact, alternate histories and ancestral spiritualities. But this is only part of the story. Liberal-leaning literary writers responding to the resurgence were sometimes confused by the Christian Right’s strange entanglement with the contemporary paradigms of multiculturalism and postmodernism —leading to complex emergent phenomena that Douglas terms "Christian multiculturalism" and "Christian postmodernism." Ultimately, If God Meant to Interfere shows the value of listening to our literature for its sometimes subterranean attention to the religious and social upheavals going on around it.
Temple University Press,U.S. It Was Always a Choice: Picking Up the Baton of Athlete Activism
The recent flashpoint of Colin Kaepernick taking a knee renews a long tradition of athlete-activists speaking out against racism, injustice, and oppression. Like Kaepernick, Jackie Robinson, Paul Robeson, Muhammad Ali, Bill Russell, Tommie Smith, and John Carlos—among many others, of all races, male and female, pro and amateur—all made the choice to take a side to command public awareness and attention rather than “shut up and play,” as O. J. Simpson, Michael Jordan, and Tiger Woods did. Using their celebrity to demand change, these activists inspired fans but faced great personal and professional risks in doing so. It Was Always a Choice traces the history and impact of these decisive moments throughout the history of U.S. sports.David Steele identifies the resonances and antecedents throughout the twentieth century of the choices faced by athletes in the post-Kaepernick era, including the advance of athletes’ political organizing in the era of activism following the death of George Floyd. He shows which athletes chose silence instead of action—“dropping the baton,” as it were—in the movement to end racial inequities and violence against Black Americans. The examples of courageous athletes multiply as LeBron James, Megan Rapinoe and the activist-athletes of the NBA, WNBA, and NFL remain committed to fighting daily and vibrantly for social change.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Energy and Climate Change
This timely Handbook reviews many key issues in the economics of energy and climate change, raising new questions and offering solutions that might help to minimize the threat of energy-induced climate change.Constructed around the objectives of displaying some of the best of current thinking in the economics of energy and climate change, this groundbreaking volume brings together many of the world s leading and most innovative minds in the field to cover issues related to:- fossil fuel and electricity markets- environment-related energy policy- international climate agreements- carbon mitigation policies- low-carbon behavior, growth and governance.Serving as an indispensable guide to one of the fastest-growing fields of economics, this invaluable resource will strongly appeal to students, academics and policy makers interested in energy, environmental and climate change issues.Contributors include: J.E. Aldy, E.B. Barbier, A. Bowen, J. Chevallier, C. de Perthuis, J. Evans, N. Eyre, M. Fillipini, R. Fouquet, S. Gabriel, A. Gago, C. Gennaioli, J. Gowdy, C. Haftendorn, J.D. Hamilton, M. Hanemann, I. Hascic, D.F. Hendry, C. Hepburn, B. Holtsmark, F. Holz, C. Hope, L. Hunt, H.D. Jacoby, M. Jefferson, N. Johnstone, J.G. Kassakian, C. Kemfert, S. Kverndokk, X. Labandeira, H. Lee, H. Llavador, G. Lovellette, R. Martin, R. McKitrick, A. Moe, M. Muûls, I.W.H. Parry, M. Pollitt, F. Pretis, T. O'Garra, A. Ramos, C. Robinson, J.E. Roemer, K.E. Rosendahl, R. Schmalensee, I. Shaorshadze, J. Silvestre, P. Stevens, R. Tol, R. Trotignon, M. Tsygankova, G.C. van Kooten, C. von Hirschhausen
Rutgers University Press The Baseball Film: A Cultural and Transmedia History
Baseball has long been viewed as the Great American Pastime, so it is no surprise that the sport has inspired many Hollywood films and television series. But how do these works depict the game, its players, fans, and place in American society? This study offers an extensive look at nearly one hundred years of baseball-themed movies, documentaries, and TV shows. Film and sports scholar Aaron Baker examines works like A League of their Own (1992) and Sugar (2008), which dramatize the underrepresented contributions of female and immigrant players, alongside classic baseball movies like The Natural that are full of nostalgia for a time when native-born white men could use the game to achieve the American dream. He further explores how biopics have both mythologized and demystified such legendary figures as Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Jackie Robinson and Fernando Valenzuela. The Baseball Film charts the variety of ways that Hollywood presents the game as integral to American life, whether showing little league as a site of parent-child bonding or depicting fans’ lifelong love affairs with their home teams. Covering everything from Bull Durham (1988) to The Bad News Bears (1976), this book offers an essential look at one of the most cinematic of all sports.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Mary's Idea
Two-time Caldecott Medal winner Chris Raschka captures the sound, passion, innovation, and love of the arts that the renowned jazz pianist Mary Lou Williams shared with the world. Mary’s Idea is a stunning and transporting picture book about music and the creative process, for readers of Trombone Shorty and Chris Raschka’s acclaimed books about musicians, including Charlie Parker Played Be Bop and Mysterious Thelonious. At the age of three, Mary Lou Williams taught herself how to play the piano. At the age of fifteen, she was considered a professional. An American jazz pianist and composer, Mary Lou Williams wrote hundreds of compositions, recorded hundreds of songs, and wrote arrangements for musicians, including Duke Ellington and Benny Goodman.Mary’s Idea is an exquisite picture book about Mary Lou Williams, an artist often overlooked in the canon of American music because of her gender and skin color. With a text full of rhythm and movement and illustrations that sing off the page, Chris Raschka’s picture book is equal parts biography and celebration of the imagination, ideas, and creative process. Mary’s Idea will find readers in fans of Traci N. Todd’s and Christian Robinson’s Nina, and Brian Selznick’s and Pam Muñoz Ryan’s When Marian Sang. Includes backmatter.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Dance On My Grave: Summer of 85
Look out for 'Summer of 85', the movie based on Aidan Chambers's 1982 novel Dance on My Grave by groundbreaking French director Francois Ozon.'The film is an opportunity to think about yourself, to think about your life, about your love, about your purpose... But mostly I just want people to enjoy this story as much as I did when I first discovered it.' Francois Ozon, Director in AnOther.Deftly captures the giddy thrill of first love but also hints that a gut-wrenching tragedy is coming. The result is an incredibly poignant film exploring how love and loss are often horribly intertwined. NMEA sweet, gay romance that gradually morphs into something more suspenseful and macabre - Daily TelegraphSummer of '85 is a very memorable and charming film about young love. It's a film that will take you back to your first summer love. The Gay UKLife in his seaside town is uneventful for Hal Robinson, nothing unusual, exciting or odd ever happens to him - until now that is. Until the summer of his 16th birthday when he reaches a crossroads of choices in life. He foolishly takes a friend's boat for a day's sailing, gets into difficulty and is rescued by Barry Gorman. Their ensuing relationship results in a tumultuous summer for Hal as he experiences the intense emotions of his first teenage love.
Taylor Trade Publishing New York City Baseball: The Golden Age, 1947–1957
In the heady days after World War II, the nation was ready for excitement and heroes, and a city—New York—was eager for entertainment. Baseball provided the heroes, and the Yankees, the Giants, and the Dodgers—with their rivalries, their successes, their stars—provided the show. New York City Baseball recaptures the extraordinary decade of 1947–1957, when the three New York teams were the uncrowned kings of the city. In those ten years, Casey Stengel’s Bronx Bombers went to the World Series seven times; “Joltin’” Joe DiMaggio stepped gracefully aside to make room for a young slugger named Mickey Mantle; Bobby Thomson hit “the shot heard ’round the world”; and the Brooklyn Dodgers achieved the impossible by beating the Yankees in the 1955 World Series. Over the decade, the teams averaged an astounding 90 wins against 63 losses a season, making it, according to The New York Times, “a helluva ten years.” Including a new introduction to the 2013 edition and rare interviews with Monte Irvin, Rachel Robinson (Jackie's widow), Mel Allen, Duke Snider, Eddie Lopat, Phil Rizzuto, and many more, this book is a must-have for those who want to experience baseball’s golden age.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd British Privateering Voyages of the Early Eighteenth Century
The story of hugely ambitious and risky long-distance private voyages, only one of which brought huge returns for investors. The three great privateering expeditions into the South Sea, which set out, respectively, in 1703, led by William Dampier; in 1708, led by Woodes Rogers; and in 1719, led by George Shelvocke, were costly and ambitious long distance voyages, carrying great risk for their investors but promising great reward. This book tells the story of the voyages and their impact. It argues that, far from being anachronistic activities more in keeping with an earlier age,as some scholars have asserted, the voyages were significant events and had a huge impact - on politicians, influencing future maritime and naval strategy; on investors, swelling enthusiasm for the South Sea Company which ended in the disastrous Bubble; and in literature, where the narratives of the voyages became an important source for some of the greatest literature of the period, including Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's Travels and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. The book provides a great deal of original detail about the voyages, including the difficulties of undertaking such lengthy expeditions, unrest among the crews, and financial details of investmentsand returns - and losses. Tim Beattie completed his doctorate at the University of Exeter.
Little, Brown Book Group Agatha Raisin and the Terrible Tourist
Cold-blooded murder heats up Agatha's summer holiday! Agatha travels to Cyprus, only to contend with her estranged fiance, an egregious group of truly terrible tourists, and a string of murders. . .In this sixth entertaining outing Agatha leaves the sleepy Cotswold village of Carsely to pursue love - and finds a murderer. Spurned at the altar, she follows her fleeing fiancé James Lacey to Cyprus, where, instead of enjoying the honeymoon they'd planned, they witness the killing of an obnoxious tourist in a disco. Intrigue and a string of murders surround the unlikely couple, in a plot as scorching as the Cypriot sun! Praise for the Agatha Raisin series:'M. C. Beaton's imperfect heroine is an absolute gem.' Publishers Weekly'The detective novels of M. C. Beaton, a master of outrageous black comedy, have reached cult status.' The Times"Anyone interested in a few hours" worth of intelligent, amusing reading will want to make the acquaintance of Mrs. Agatha Raisin." The Cleveland Pain Dealer"M C Beaton has created a new national treasure... the stories zing along and are irresistible, unputdownable, a joy... Agatha Raisin is The Strongest Link." Anne Robinson'Being a cranky, middle-aged female myself, I found Agatha charming!' Amazon customer review'I dream of being able to speak out like Aggie . . . she's a heroine!' A. Lucas, Essex, reader review
Rutgers University Press The Baseball Film: A Cultural and Transmedia History
Baseball has long been viewed as the Great American Pastime, so it is no surprise that the sport has inspired many Hollywood films and television series. But how do these works depict the game, its players, fans, and place in American society? This study offers an extensive look at nearly one hundred years of baseball-themed movies, documentaries, and TV shows. Film and sports scholar Aaron Baker examines works like A League of their Own (1992) and Sugar (2008), which dramatize the underrepresented contributions of female and immigrant players, alongside classic baseball movies like The Natural that are full of nostalgia for a time when native-born white men could use the game to achieve the American dream. He further explores how biopics have both mythologized and demystified such legendary figures as Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Jackie Robinson and Fernando Valenzuela. The Baseball Film charts the variety of ways that Hollywood presents the game as integral to American life, whether showing little league as a site of parent-child bonding or depicting fans’ lifelong love affairs with their home teams. Covering everything from Bull Durham (1988) to The Bad News Bears (1976), this book offers an essential look at one of the most cinematic of all sports.
University of Nebraska Press The Summer Game
“Page for page, The Summer Game contains not only the classiest but also the most resourceful baseball writing I have ever read.”—New York Times Book ReviewThe Summer Game, Roger Angell’s first book on the sport, changed baseball writing forever. Thoughtful, funny, appreciative of the elegance of the game and the passions invested by players and fans, it goes beyond the usual sports reporter’s beat to examine baseball’s complex place in our American psyche.Between the miseries of the 1962 expansion Mets and a classic 1971 World Series between the Pirates and the Orioles, Angell finds baseball in the 1960s as a game in transition—marked by league expansion, uprooted franchises, the growing hegemony of television, the dominance of pitchers, uneasy relations between players and owners, and mounting competition from other sports for the fans’ dollars.Willie Mays, Roberto Clemente, Brooks Robinson, Bob Gibson, Sandy Koufax, Carl Yastrzemski, Tom Seaver, Jim Palmer, and Casey Stengel are seen here with fresh clarity and pleasure. Here is California baseball in full flower, the once-mighty Yankees in collapse, baseball in French (in Montreal), indoor baseball (at the Astrodome), and sweet spring baseball (in Florida)—as Angell observes, “Always, it seems, there is something more to be discovered about this game.”
Little, Brown Book Group Death of a Sweep
No wonder she's been crowned Queen of Cosy Crime' Mail on SundayThe 26th outing for the Highland's most famous PC: Hamish Macbeth In the south of Scotland, residents get their chimneys vacuum-cleaned. But in the isolated villages in the very north of Scotland, the villagers rely on the services of the itinerant sweep, Pete Ray, and his old-fashioned brushes. Pete is always able to find work in the Scottish highlands, until one day when Police Constable Hamish Macbeth notices blood dripping onto the floor of a villager's fireplace, and a dead body stuffed inside the chimney. The entire town of Lochdubh is certain Pete is the culprit, but Hamish doesn't believe that the affable chimney sweep is capable of committing murder. Then Pete's body is found on the Scottish moors, and the mystery deepens. Once again, it's up to Hamish to discover who's responsible for the dirty deed - and this time, the murderer may be closer than he realizes.Praise for the Hamish Macbeth series:'[A] beguiling blend of wry humour and sharp observations about rural life' Good Book Guide'It's always a special treat to return to Lochdubh' New York Times Book Review'The detective novels of M C Beaton, a master of outrageous black comedy, have reached cult status' - Anne Robinson, The Times
Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd Understanding Me, Understanding You: A Guide for Supporting Autistic People, Easing Anxiety and Promoting Mutual Understanding
Good communication is central to all relationships, yet the unpredictability of interpersonal exchanges can cause significant anxiety for autistic people and create a barrier to successful communication. Understanding Me, Understanding You is a guide for anyone working with and supporting autistic people. The aim is to encourage the reader to consider how they can create 'autistic spaces' where there is predictability and trust, enabling autistic people to engage, contribute and grow. It seeks to promote mutual understanding, starting by encouraging the reader to understand themselves, their own beliefs and attitudes and the way that this can influence their behaviour; and then to understand another and, in turn, help them to understand. At its foundation is the 'Triad of Understanding', a beautifully simple model for successful communication conceived together by social work practitioner, Dr Jackie Robinson, and three autistic co-researchers over a three year period. Jackie successfully created an autistic space that allowed the autistic co-researchers to flourish and achieve. This communication model underpins all three sections of the guide, which includes specific guidance for professionals in different fields and tools to facilitate the move towards mutual understanding. CPD accredited: 'This well-written and informative book has learning value for the target audience. It has clear content and progress.'
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to the Early Printed Book in Britain, 1476-1558
First full-scale guide to the origins and development of the early printed book, and the issues associated with it. The history of the book is now recognized as a field of central importance for understanding the cultural changes that swept through Tudor England. This companion aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the issues relevant to theearly printed book, covering the significant cultural, social and technological developments from 1476 (the introduction of printing to England) to 1558 (the death of Mary Tudor). Divided into thematic sections (the printed booktrade; the book as artefact; patrons, purchasers and producers; and the cultural capital of print), it considers the social, historical, and cultural context of the rise of print, with the problems as well as advantages of the transmission from manuscript to print. the printers of the period; the significant Latin trade and its effect on the English market; paper, types, bindings, and woodcuts and other decorative features which create the packaged book; and the main sponsors and consumers of the printed book: merchants, the lay clientele, secular and religious clergy, and the two Universities, as well as secular colleges and chantries. Further topics addressed include humanism, women translators, and the role of censorship and the continuity of Catholic publishing from that time. The book is completed with a chronology and detailed indices. Vincent Gillespie is J.R.R. Tolkien Professor of English Literature and Language at the University of Oxford; Susan Powell held a Chair in Medieval Texts and Culture at the University of Salford, and is currently affiliated to the Universities of London and York. Contributors: Tamara Atkin, Alan Coates, Thomas Betteridge, Julia Boffey, James Clark, A.S.G. Edwards, Martha W. Driver, Mary Erler, Alexandra Gillespie, Vincent Gillespie, Andrew Hope, Brenda Hosington, Susan Powell, Pamela Robinson, AnneF. Sutton, Daniel Wakelin, James Willoughby, Lucy Wooding
University of California Press Big Sur: The Making of a Prized California Landscape
Big Sur embodies much of what has defined California since the mid twentieth century. A remote, inaccessible, and undeveloped pastoral landscape until 1937, Big Sur quickly became a cultural symbol of California and the West, as well as a home to the ultra-wealthy. This transformation was due in part to writers and artists such as Robinson Jeffers and Ansel Adams, who created an enduring mystique for this coastline. But Big Sur's prized coastline is also the product of the pioneering efforts of residents and Monterey County officials who forged a collaborative public/private preservation model for Big Sur that foreshadowed the shape of California coastal preservation in the twenty-first century. Big Sur's well-preserved vistas and high-end real estate situate this coastline between American ideals of development and the wild. It is a space that challenges the way most Americans think of nature, its relationship to people, and what in fact makes a place "wild." This book highlights today's complex and ambiguous intersections of class, the environment, and economic development through the lens of an iconic California landscape.
Random House USA Inc Trailblazers: Beyoncé: Queen of the Spotlight
Bring history home and meet some of the world's greatest game changers! Get inspired by the true story of one of the world's most famous singers. This biography series is for kids who loved Who Was? and are ready for the next level.Beyoncé Knowles became famous as the lead singer of the popular group Destiny's Child. But on her own, she's had even bigger hits. From movies to Grammy Awards to performing at the Super Bowl halftime show, Beyoncé is one of the world's most amazing superstars. Find out how the girl who entered local singing competitions became one of history's greatest trailblazers!Trailblazers is a biography series that celebrates the lives of amazing pioneers, past and present, from all over the world. Get inspired by more Trailblazers: Neil Armstrong, Jackie Robinson, Jane Goodall, Harriet Tubman, Albert Einstein, Beyoncé, and Simone Biles. What kind of trail will you blaze?
Little, Brown Book Group Death of a Nag
After a romantic disappointment and an undeserved demotion, Scots village bobby Hamish Macbeth decides a week's holiday at the coastal village of Skag might be just the ticket. He's dead wrong, of course: the food is dire, and the man in the next room nags his wife so loudly and continuously that more than one person at the Friendly House bed-and-breakfast wishes him dead, though only Hamish is heard threatening him. When this chap's body is found floating in the river Skag, Hamish is the prime suspect. While clearing his name, the lanky Scot has to deal with the widow who's suddenly making eyes at a refined bachelor, two leather-skirted Glaswegian beauties intent on raising disco hell, and the rude revelation of one family man's secret life. Some holiday!Praise for M.C. Beaton:The detective novels of M. C. Beaton, a master of outrageous black comedy, have reached cult status. Anne Robinson, The Times
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Heroes of Our Time: 239 Men of the Vietnam War Awarded the Medal of Honor • 1964-1972
Heroes of Our Time contains all 239 Medal of Honor citations such as this excerpt: ...His rifle ammunition expended, he seized two grenades and, in an act of unsurpassed heroism, charged toward the entrenched enemy weapon. Hit again in the leg, this time with a tracer round which set fire to his clothing, Sgt. Robinson ripped the burning clothing from his body and staggered indomitably through the enemy fire, now solely concentrated on him, to within grenade range of the enemy position. Sustaining two additional chest wounds, he marshalled his fleeting physical strength and hurled the two grenades, thus destroying the enemy position, as he fell dead upon the battlefield... Along with the citations are newspaper accounts of various battles. Heroes of Our Time is a look at the courage of American soldiers in Vietnam.
Hodder & Stoughton Murder Must Advertise: Classic crime fiction at its best
'Think MadMen in prewar London' The GuardianThe tenth book in Dorothy L Sayers' classic Lord Peter Wimsey series, introduced by bestselling crime writer Peter Robinson - a must-read for fans of Agatha Christie's Poirot and Margery Allingham's Campion Mysteries. Victor Dean fell to his death on the stairs of Pym's Advertising Agency, but no one seems to be sorry. Until an inquisitive new copywriter joins the firm and asks some awkward questions...Disguised as his disreputable cousin Death Bredon, Lord Peter Wimsey takes a job - one that soon draws him into a vicious network of blackmailers and drug pedlars.Five people will die before Wimsey unravels a sinister and deadly plot.'D. L. Sayers is one of the best detective story writers' Daily Telegraph'She brought to the detective novel originality, intelligence, energy and wit.' P. D. James
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Heterodox Macroeconomics: Models of Demand, Distribution and Growth
The last few decades have witnessed an outpouring of literature on macroeconomic models in the broad 'heterodox' tradition of Marx, Keynes, Robinson, Kaldor and Kalecki. These models yield an alternative analytical framework in which the big questions of our day - such as how inequality is related to growth or stagnation, and whether long-run growth is stable or unstable - can be fruitfully addressed. Heterodox Macroeconomics provides an accessible, pedagogically oriented treatment of the leading models and approaches in heterodox macroeconomics with clear, step-by-step presentations of core models and their solutions, properties and implications. The book begins with an overview and comparison of heterodox and mainstream approaches to long-run growth. Next it covers the core classical-Marxian, neo-Keynesian and neo-Kaleckian models of growth and distribution in the heterodox tradition. Numerous contemporary extensions, developments and alternatives are then explored, including models of financial instability, 'supermultiplier' models, and debates about whether capacity utilization converges to a 'normal' rate. The book also gives extensive coverage to models of growth in open economies, emphasizing the role of Kaldorian cumulative causation in fostering divergence among national economies, and the limitations imposed by balance-of-payments constraints on countries that rely on export-led growth. Heterodox Macroeconomics will prove to be an invaluable text for graduate and advanced undergraduate students of macroeconomics as well as those in courses on post-Keynesian theory, structuralist macroeconomics, or other heterodox approaches to economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Distribution and Growth after Keynes: A Post-Keynesian Guide
This book offers an assessment of theories of distribution and growth after Keynes. It presents an overview of the main contributions with a particular focus on the development of post-Keynesian/Kaleckian models.In the first part of the book, Eckhard Hein presents a comprehensive overview of the main approaches towards distribution and growth including the contributions of Harrod and Domar, old and new neoclassical theories including the fundamental capital controversy critique, the post-Keynesian contributions of Kaldor, Pasinetti, Thirlwall and Robinson, and finally the approaches by Kalecki and Steindl. In the second part of the book neo- and post-Kaleckian models are gradually developed, introducing saving from wages, international trade, technological progress, interest and credit. Issues of ?financialisation? are also explored and empirical results related to the different models are presented. This unique book is designed for courses in distribution and growth in graduate programmes or at the advanced undergraduate level. It can also be used as supplementary reading for classes in macroeconomics. The book should also be of value for researchers interested in issues of distribution and growth.
Little, Brown Book Group Agatha Raisin and the Perfect Paragon
She's practically perfect in every way! After being nearly killed by both a hired hit man and her former secretary, Agatha Raisin could use some low-key cases. So when Robert Smedley walks through the door of her detective agency, determined to prove that his wife is cheating on him, Raisin Investigations immediately offers to help. Unfortunately for Agatha, Mabel Smedley appears to be the perfect wife: young, pretty, and a regular volunteer at church. But just as Agatha is ready to give up, Smedley is poisoned with weed killer, leaving Mabel, the prime suspect, to inherit a fortune. With no one left to pay her, Agatha has to drop the investigation ...that is, until her old friend Sir Charles Fraith turns up again to rekindle her curiosity in the case. Praise for the Agatha Raisin series: 'Sharp, witty, hugely intelligent, unfailingly entertaining, delightfully intolerant and oh so magnificently non-PC, M.C. Beaton has created a national treasure' Anne Robinson 'M.C. Beaton's imperfect heroine is an absolute gem' Publishers Weekly 'The Miss Marple-like Raisin is a refreshing, sensible, wonderfully eccentric, thoroughly likeable heroine' Booklist
Little, Brown & Company Sanctuary Cove: Number 1 in series
A former college English instructor now bookstore owner, Deborah Robinson is trying to hold her life together following her husband's accidental death. Alone for the first time in years, Deborah returns to her childhood home, Sanctuary Cove on Cavanaugh Island with her teenaged children Whitney and Crystal. Deborah will open her grandmother's house and relocate The Parlor Bookstore to a vacant shop on Main Street. Grief-stricken over the loss of his wife and son in an automobile accident, Dr. Asa Monroe has closed his successful medical practice in Delaware and has begun a journey of healing and self-discovery as he drives from state to state, questioning his faith and awaiting approval of his application to join Doctors Without Borders. Deborah is shocked to find the older, attractive and mysterious Asa Monroe applying to the help-wanted ad she posted for the store. Asa accepts Deborah's minimal offer and decides to stay in Sanctuary Cove temporarily. Unprepared for what's to come, the two become better acquainted while working at the store and embark on a journey of trust, healing, friendship, and love.
Little, Brown Book Group Agatha Raisin and the Fairies of Fryfam
Agatha's away with the fairies ...And the little folk are causing big trouble for her! Angry at being jilted by new husband James, Agatha follows a fortune-teller's advice and rents a cottage in pretty Fryfam. There, she hopes, true love will come chasing after her. But her romantic notions are dispelled by a series of odd goings-on in the village: strange lights start appearing in her back garden; there are thefts of paintings and pottery; her beloved cats vanish. And then the local squire is found dead. Agatha's nose for trouble ensnares her in a maelstrom of jealousy, blackmail and dangerous liaisons, especially with a murderer who plans to keep irrepressible Agatha permanently in Fryfam - as a resident corpse! Praise for the Agatha Raisin series: 'Sharp, witty, hugely intelligent, unfailingly entertaining, delightfully intolerant and oh so magnificently non-PC, M.C. Beaton has created a national treasure' Anne Robinson 'M.C. Beaton's imperfect heroine is an absolute gem' Publishers Weekly 'The Miss Marple-like Raisin is a refreshing, sensible, wonderfully eccentric, thoroughly likeable heroine.' Booklist
Quirk Books Kid Athletes: True Tales of Childhood from Sports Legends
With all the best elements of Kid Presidents--colourful illustrations, kid-relatable subjects, true tales of overcoming adversity. -Kid Athletes tells true tales from the childhoods of a wide range of athletes. Did you know...Babe Ruth was so incorrigible he was sent to reform school at the age of seven. Historians now think the Babe may have suffered from attention deficit disorder, which contributed to his wild, hyperactive nature--and may have helped him develop his almost supernatural ability to hit a baseball. Mia Hamm was born with a club foot. She underwent multiple surgeries, had to wear special casts and corrective shoes until she was a toddler. She overcame her disability to become the most prolific goal scorer in the history of soccer. Muhammad Ali (aka Cassius Clay) learned how to fight after a thief stole his bicycle when he was twelve. When little Cassius vowed to whup the kid who'd swiped his wheels, a kindly police officer offered to give him boxing lessons. And a heavyweight legend was born. The lineup of potential subjects is exciting and diverse: female athletes like the Williams sisters, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, and Babe Didrikson Zaharias; African-American legends like Jackie Robinson and Michael Jordan; international stars like Yao Ming and Cristiano Ronaldo; and Native American icons like Jim Thorpe. With Doogie Horner's whimsical illustrations bringing every goal, touchdown, and championship to life, this book is a slam dunk for young readers.
WW Norton & Co Gods at Play: An Eyewitness Account of Great Moments in American Sports
As a columnist for Time magazine, among many other publications, Tom Callahan witnessed an extraordinary number of defining moments in American sport across four decades. He takes us from Roberto Clemente clinching his 3,000th, and final, regular-season hit in Pittsburgh; to ringside for the Muhammad Ali–George Foreman fight in Zaire; and to Arthur Ashe announcing, at a news conference, that he’d tested positive for HIV. There are also little-known private moments: Joe Morgan whispering thank you to a virtually blind Jackie Robinson on the field at the 1972 World Series, or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar saying he was more interested in being a good man than in being the greatest basketball player. Brimming with colorful vignettes and enlivened by Callahan’s eye for detail, Gods at Play offers surprising portraits of the most celebrated names in sports. Roger Rosenblatt calls Callahan “the most complete sportswriter in America. He knows the most and writes the best."
Random House USA Inc Trailblazers: Martin Luther King, Jr.: Fighting for Civil Rights
Bring history home and meet some of the world's greatest game changers! Get inspired by the true story of the civil rights leader whose peaceful fight for justice still motivates people today. This biography series is for kids who loved Who Was? and are ready for the next level.On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. spoke to more than 250,000 people in Washington, DC about his dream of racial equality. His message of peaceful protest inspired a generation to stand up for their rights. Find out how a boy who was not allowed to go to school or the movies with white people blazed a trail in civil rights.Trailblazers is a biography series that celebrates the lives of amazing pioneers, past and present, from all over the world. Get inspired by more Trailblazers: Neil Armstrong, Jackie Robinson, Jane Goodall, Harriet Tubman, Albert Einstein, Beyoncé, and Simone Biles. What kind of trail will you blaze?
Canongate Books My Name Is Monster
After the Sickness has killed off her parents, and the bombs have fallen on the last safe cities, Monster emerges from the Arctic vault which has kept her alive. When she washes up on the coast of Scotland, everyone she knows is dead, and she believes she is alone in an empty world.Monster begins the long walk south, scavenging and learning the contours of this familiar land made new. Slowly, piece by piece, she begins to rebuild a life. Until, one day, she finds a girl: another survivor, feral, and ready to be taught all that Monster knows. But the lessons the girl learns are not always those Monster means to teach . . .Inspired by Robinson Crusoe and Frankenstein, My Name Is Monster is a novel about power, about the things that society leaves imprinted on us when the rules no longer apply, and about the strength and the danger of a mother's love.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Palestinian Idea: Film, Media, and the Radical Imagination
Is there a link between the colonization of Palestinian lands and the enclosing of Palestinian minds? The Palestinian Idea argues that it is precisely through film and media that hope can occasionally emerge amidst hopelessness, emancipation amidst oppression, freedom amidst apartheid. Greg Burris employs the work of Edward W. Said, Jacques Rancière, and Cedric J. Robinson in order to locate Palestinian utopia in the heart of the Zionist present.He analyzes the films of prominent directors Annemarie Jacir (Salt of This Sea, When I Saw You) and Hany Abu-Assad (Paradise Now) to investigate the emergence and formation of Palestinian identity. Looking at Mais Darwazah’s documentary My Love Awaits Me By the Sea, Burris considers the counterhistories that make up the Palestinian experience—stories and memories that have otherwise been obscured or denied. He also examines Palestinian (in)visibility in the global media landscape, and how issues of Black-Palestinian transnational solidarity are illustrated through social media, staged news spectacles, and hip hop music.
Hachette Books Ireland An Eye on Ireland
''Jolts like jump-leads to the complacent heart ... an eye-opener. MIRIAM LORDFOR FOUR DECADES, JUSTINE MCCARTHY''S FEARLESS JOURNALISM AND COMMENTARY HAS HELD POWER TO ACCOUNT AS SHE, IN HER OWN WORDS, ''GREW UP ALONGSIDE MY COUNTRY''.The book opens with a long personal essay in which Justine recounts her early years as a fearful child who dreamed of being a writer, to cutting her teeth in the male-dominated newsrooms of the 1980s, where she faced down sexism and broke gender barriers in a determined career marked by excellence.From Mary Robinson making history as Ireland''s first female president to a present-day RTÉ in crisis, over thirty years of stories are collected here. In her long career, Justine broke child sexual abuse scandals and reported from the frontline of the Northern Ireland Troubles; she documented political turmoil and charted the role of Ireland on the world stage. She followed the times the country let down its people, thr
Schiffer Publishing Ltd 100 Plein Air Painters of the Mid-Atlantic
This is a sumptuous catalog of regional landscape paintings and the talented, living artists who create them, including Robert J. Barber, Denise Dumont, Michael Godfrey, Hai-Ou Hou, Abigail McBride, and Sam Robinson. It is packed with over 400 eye-catching color reproductions of work by some of today's finest plein air artists, including spectacular beach scenes, pastorals, cityscapes, and harbor scenes. This informative volume also includes a concise history of landscape painting in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia, showing examples of great art of the past by some outstanding Mid-Atlantic painters, including the Pennsylvania Impressionists, the New Jersey Manasquan Art Colony, the Egelis, and much more. This volume fills an empty niche in the rich history of American art. It is an ideal book for anyone, who loves plein air landscape painting, and a wonderful introduction to traditional art of the region. It will appeal to art historians, dealers, and collectors alike.
Pitch Publishing Ltd The Road to Nowhere: A Journey Through Boxing's Wastelands
In the era of boxing's pay-per-view superstars, Tris Dixon invested in a Greyhound bus pass and spent several months traversing America on a shoestring budget, tracking down fighters from yesteryear who had vanished from the limelight. Venturing from New York to Las Vegas and from Toronto to Miami, the young writer - himself a former amateur boxer - sought out coulda-been contenders and cult heroes from the 1950s to the 2000s, all now faded from popular memory. He visited old people's homes, gyms and too many prisons, discovering that life after boxing can be a cruel place when the ropes are no longer in place to keep fighters safe from the outside world. Dixon meets men who shaped boxing history, fighting the likes of Sugar Ray Robinson, Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson. He shares their memories and weaves together their forgotten tales over the course of a remarkable American journey.
University of British Columbia Press Who Controls the Hunt?: First Nations, Treaty Rights, and Wildlife Conservation in Ontario, 1783-1939
As the nineteenth century ended, Ontario wildlife became increasingly valuable. Tourists and sport hunters spent growing amounts of money in search of game, and the government began to extend its regulatory powers in this arena. Restrictions were imposed on hunting and trapping, completely ignoring Anishinaabeg hunting rights set out in the Robinson Treaties of 1850. Who Controls the Hunt? examines how Ontario’s emerging wildlife conservation laws failed to reconcile First Nations treaty rights and the power of the state. David Calverley traces the political and legal arguments prompted by the interplay of treaty rights, provincial and dominion government interests, and the corporate concerns of the Hudson’s Bay Company. A nuanced examination of Indigenous resource issues, the themes of this book remain germane to questions about who controls the hunt in Canada today.
Great Northern Books Ltd Yorkshire Steam 1948-1968
Yorkshire Steam mainly takes a look at the 1948-1967 period when steam traction came to an end on the mainline railways. Over 250 superb colour and black and white images evoke a bygone era across the county. A number of the major cities and towns are documented, such as Leeds, Sheffield, York, Hull, Doncaster, Harrogate, Goole, etc, as well as smaller places like Arthington, Dunford Bridge, Staithes, etc. A wide variety of locomotives are seen at these places, including many of the major Stanier Classes - 'Jubilee', Class 5, 8F - and Gresley designs - A3, D49, V2 - alongside others: Thompson B1, Peppercorn A1/K1, Robinson O4, Raven B16, WD 'Austerity' and Ivatt 4MT. A small band of enthusiasts also ventured to collieries and captured the variety of tank locomotives moving coal, which was the most recognisable product from Yorkshire at the time. The photographs are accompanied by informative captions.
Little, Brown Book Group Agatha Raisin and the Haunted House
A vengeful ghost comes back to haunt the living? Reports of a haunted house soon have Agatha snooping around, but it turns out the victim of the haunting is a universally disliked old biddy on whom someone is playing a practical joke. And then the old lady is murdered - but for Agatha, solving a crime is much more fun than hunting a ghost! Very soon she's up to her usual tricks, involving the villagers, local police, and, of course, her handsome new neighbour ...Praise for the Agatha Raisin series: 'Fast-paced, witty and well-plotted.' 'Sharp, witty, hugely intelligent, unfailingly entertaining, delightfully intolerant and oh so magnificently non-PC, M.C. Beaton has created a national treasure' Anne Robinson 'M.C. Beaton's imperfect heroine is an absolute gem' Publishers Weekly 'The Miss Marple-like Raisin is a refreshing, sensible, wonderfully eccentric, thoroughly likeable heroine.' Booklist
Penguin Books Ltd A Guest at the Feast
A Guest at the Feast uncovers the places where politics and poetics meet, where life and fiction overlap, where one can be inside writing and also outside of it.From the melancholy and amusement within the work of the writer John McGahern to an extraordinary essay on his own cancer diagnosis, Tóibín delineates the bleakness and strangeness of life and also its richness and its complexity. As he reveals the shades of light and dark in a Venice without tourists and the streets of Buenos Aires riddled with disappearances, we find ourselves considering law and religion in Ireland as well as the intricacies of Marilynne Robinson's fiction.The imprint of the written word on the private self, as Tóibín himself remarks, is extraordinarily powerful. In this collection, that power is gloriously alive, illuminating history and literature, politics and power, family and the self.
The Library of America A. J. Liebling: The Sweet Science and Other Writings (LOA #191): The Sweet Science / The Earl of Louisiana / The Jollity Building / Between Meals / The Press
One of the most gifted American journalists of the twentieth century, A. J. Liebling learned his craft as a newspaper reporter before joining The New Yorker in 1935. This volume collects five books that demonstrate his extraordinary vitality and versatility as a writer.Named the best sports book of all time by Sports Illustrated in 2002, The Sweet Science (1956) offers a lively and idiosyncratic portrait of boxing in the early 1950s that encompasses boastful managers, veteran trainers, wily cornermen, and the fighters themselves: Joe Louis, Rocky Marciano, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Archie Moore, “a virtuoso of anachronistic perfection.” No one has captured the fierce artistry of the ring like Liebling. “A boxer,” he observed, “like a writer, must stand alone.” A classic of reporting, The Earl of Louisiana (1961) is a vivid account of Governor Earl Long’s bid for reelection after his release from a mental asylum in 1959—and an insightful look at Southern politics during the civil rights era.The Jollity Building (1962) collects hilarious stories about Manhattan cigar-store owners, night-club promoters, and the scheming “Telephone Booth Indians” of Broadway, as well as a profile of “The Honest Rainmaker,” the racing columnist and confidence man extraordinaire Colonel John R. Stingo. An unabashed celebration of the pleasures of unrestrained eating, Between Meals: An Appetite for Paris (1962) is a richly evocative memoir of Liebling’s lifelong love for Paris and French food and wine. The Press (1964) brings together the best of Liebling’s influential “Wayward Press” pieces, in which he perceptively examined the flaws of American journalism and presciently warned of the dangers of consolidated media ownership. “Freedom of the press,” he wrote, “is guaranteed only to those who own one.”LIBRARY OF AMERICA is an independent nonprofit cultural organization founded in 1979 to preserve our nation’s literary heritage by publishing, and keeping permanently in print, America’s best and most significant writing. The Library of America series includes more than 300 volumes to date, authoritative editions that average 1,000 pages in length, feature cloth covers, sewn bindings, and ribbon markers, and are printed on premium acid-free paper that will last for centuries.
Yale University Press The Dirty Dust: Cré na Cille
The original English-language translation of Ó Cadhain’s raucous masterpiece Cré na Cille, which Colm Tóibín has called the “greatest novel to be written in the Irish language” “An audacious novel rendered entirely in dialogue . . . [with] hilarious quarrels and devastating put-downs that reflect O’Cadhain’s finely attuned ear for the nimble language of his people. He does not judge their time-wasting pettiness, so much as he celebrates the flaws that make us so tragically, wonderfully, human.”—Dan Barry, New York Times Book Review Máirtín Ó Cadhain’s irresistible and infamous novel The Dirty Dust is consistently ranked as the most important prose work in modern Irish, yet no translation for English-language readers has ever before been published. Alan Titley’s vigorous new translation, full of the brio and guts of Ó Cadhain’s original, at last brings the pleasures of this great satiric novel to the far wider audience it deserves. In The Dirty Dust all characters lie dead in their graves. This, however, does not impair their banter or their appetite for news of aboveground happenings from the recently arrived. Told entirely in dialogue, Ó Cadhain’s daring novel listens in on the gossip, rumors, backbiting, complaining, and obsessing of the local community. In the afterlife, it seems, the same old life goes on beneath the sod. Only nothing can be done about it—apart from talk. In this merciless yet comical portrayal of a closely bound community, Ó Cadhain remains keenly attuned to the absurdity of human behavior, the lilt of Irish gab, and the nasty, deceptive magic of human connection. Also available from Yale University Press: Graveyard Clay, an annotated edition of Cré na Cille translated by Liam Mac Con Iomaire and Tim Robinson