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Little, Brown Book Group Bandaging the Blitz
An incredible true coming-of-age storyIn 1938, eighteen-year-old Phyllis Ellsworth packs her bags, says goodbye to her anxious parents and sets off from her quiet seaside home for the Hackney Hospital in London's bustling East End, where she is to fulfill her dream to train as a nurse. At first, it is a whirlwind of long days, hard work, new friends and plenty of mischief, but just ten months later Britain declares war on Germany and life at the hospital is transformed. Phyll's days become an endless cycle of air-raid sirens, injured servicemen and anxiously waiting for news of loved ones. And when she falls in love with a handsome young solider, Alistair, Phyll's work provides the only distraction from worrying about his safety.Bandaging the Blitz is a true story of coming-of-age in terrible times, of the blossoming of first romance into a life-long love affair, and of a young woman whose eagerness to do good in the world brought her suddenly face-to-face with death and drama in all its many guises.
Austin Macauley Publishers Jessie and JoJo
Union Square & Co. The Door That Had Never Been Opened Before
The Grunions' house had many doors.But there was one door, that had never been opened before! The door that had never been opened before was built closed shut, locked tight, and never opened for a reason. A reason that nobody knew.
Clarion Books When My Name Was Keoko
Quadrille Publishing Ltd The Gentle Art of Cookery Classic Voices in Food
Part of an upheaval in attitudes to food and cooking between the wars, The Gentle Art of Cookery was published to immediate success in 1921. With its detail, modern focus on vegetables and collection of flower recipes, this book shows the sophisticated work of molecular gastronomy and demonstrates how elegant and innovative British food can be.
Hal Leonard Corporation Cello Duet Delights: 10 Popular Songs for Two
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. Every Dog Must Have Its Day A Song Collection for Voices and Orff Instruments Book CD A Collection of Pieces for Childrens Voices Arff Instruments
SPCK Publishing Recovering from Depression: A Companion Guide For Christians
Depression is a devastating illness, both for those affected and for their loved ones, and the road to recovery can appear very long and winding indeed. However, for those who are slowly feeling their way towards a life of greater equanimity, this encouraging book will prove a reassuring guide and Katharine Smith an empathetic companion. A complete cure from depression might not always be possible. Yet Katharine's experiences over the past few years have led her to believe that there is much to be gained from trying to identify the issues that gave rise to negative patterns of thinking and behaving in the first place. We might find, as we attempt to integrate these into our lives in a healthy way, that our faith and hope take on a new maturity.
Cengage Learning, Inc The Kite Fighters
Pharmaceutical Press Adverse Drug Reactions: Third Edition
Adverse reactions to medicines continue to present a considerable burden on healthcare, causing considerable morbidity and mortality. As well as knowing about the benefits of medicines, healthcare professionals need to understand the problem of adverse drug reactions and be aware of how they can be prevented and managed.
Broadview Press Ltd Phoebe Junior Pb
Margaret Oliphant, one of the most prolific and popular Victorian novelists, essayists, and reviewers, has been compared both in her day and our own to George Eliot. Oliphant wrote domestic novels that richly represent the broad social, political, and religious contexts of Victorian England. The Broadview edition of Phoebe Junior, the last novel in Oliphant’s Chronicles of Carlingford series, restores the earliest extant text.The supplemental materials provide a rich background for examining key nineteenth-century issues such as religion and church reform, gender and the woman question, society and politics. They include excerpts from contemporary novels and poetry; newspaper articles; reviews; essays; polemic on religion and church reform; materials on gender and the woman question, and on etiquette and dress.
Moody Publishers Hudson Taylor'S Spiritual Secret
HarperCollins Publishers Inc What Does Bunny See?: A Book of Colors and Flowers
Rowman & Littlefield Prairie Bride; or, the Squatter's Triumph: A Reprint Of The Classic Beadle Dime Novel
A fight breaks out over a claim in this action-filled homesteading story. The hardships of covered wagon life, the danger of the prairie fire, and the romance of the young bride's new home made this a best-seller in 1869. One of the things that made dime novels so popular was the lurid cover art. These scandalous imaged caught the attention of readers and, indeed, the ellicit nature of the stories was most appealing. Publishers capitalized on the interests of young female readers, especially, bringing tales of strong, willful heroines to life between the cheap paper covers of these books.
Clarion Books The Third Gift: A Christmas Holiday Book for Kids
Rowman & Littlefield Portland, Oregon Food Crawls: Touring the Neighborhoods One Bite and Libation at a Time
Portland, Oregon Food Crawls is an exciting culinary tour through Rose City. Discover hidden gems and long-standing institutions of this west coast food destination. Each crawl is the complete recipe for a great night out, the perfect tourist day, a new way to experience your own city, or simply food porn to enjoy from home. Put on your walking shoes and your stretchy pants, and dig into Portland one dish at a time.
Fylatos Publishing O Nomos Ths Petaloudas
Clarion Books Project Mulberry
Clarion Books A Single Shard
New Falcon Publications,U.S. Nature's Symphony: Lessons In Number Vibrations
Clarion Books The Firekeeper's Son
Clarion Books Tap Dancing on the Roof: Sijo (Poems)
Pharmaceutical Press FASTtrack: Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing
Are your exams coming up? Are you drowning in textbooks and lecture notes and wondering where to begin? Take the FASTtrack route to successful study for your examinations. FASTtrack is a new series of indispensable revision/study guides created especially for pharmacy students. Each book focuses on what pharmacy students really need to know in order to pass exams, providing concise, bulleted information, key points, tips and an all-important self-assessment section which includes MCQs, case studies, sample essay questions and worked examples. The FASTtrack series provides the ultimate lecture notes and is a must-have for all pharmacy students wanting to study and test themselves for forthcoming exams. FASTtrack: Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing focuses on what pharmacy students really need to know in order to pass exams, providing concise, bulleted information, key points, tips and an all-important self-assessment section which includes MCQs, case studies, sample essay questions and worked examples.Based on the successful textbook, Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing, this FASTtrack book has been designed to assist the student compounder in understanding the key dosage forms encountered within extemporaneous dispensing. All the references to modern texts (for example, the BNF) have been updated for this new edition, as well as labelling to reflect changes since the publication of the first edition. Some worked examples have been changed owing to the availability of pharmaceutical ingredients. Readers are now given access to online videos demonstrating various dispensing procedures.
Clarion Books Yaks Yak: Animal Word Pairs
LUP - University of Georgia Press The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote
This authoritative textual edition presents Smollett's translation of Cervantes's Don Quixote in the form most faithful to Smollett's own intentions. It includes Francis Hayman's twenty-eight illustrations engraved for the original edition, Smollett's explanatory notes, and his prefatory "Life of Cervantes.
Nova Science Publishers Inc An Englishwoman in Utah: The Story of A Life's Experience in Mormonism
Pharmaceutical Press FASTtrack: Applied Pharmaceutical Practice
This revision guide takes the student pharmacist or pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. It gives bullet points of basic information on applied pharmacy practice followed by questions and answers. This reference text accompanies the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and equivalent technical training courses. Changes for the new edition include: * Information on revisions to the community pharmacy contract. * Additional content on new advanced community pharmacy services. * Revised worked examples and student questions. * Updated prescription labelling information, including the use of new cautionary and warning labels. * Updated references and bibliography.
Talon Books,Canada Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954
Createspace Independent Publishing Platform From the Inside Out
Wolters Kluwer Health Workbook for Timby's Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts
The Workbook for Timby's Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts, 12th edition, provides an engaging review of essential material from the latest edition of the parent text to help students make the most of their study and prepare for success on exams and in nursing practice. Each chapter includes three sections — Assessing Your Understanding, Applying Your Knowledge, and Practicing for NCLEX® — and features images from the text, review exercises, application activities and additional NCLEX-PN® practice questions to reinforce students’ understanding and test their ability to apply essential concepts and skills. Content revisions throughout reflect the latest updates to the textbook, and a digital version of the complete answers to all review questions and exercises in the workbook are provided in the Instructor Resources on thePoint for the companion textbook.
Talon Books,Canada Conversations with Khahtsahlano, 1932–1954
Hueber Verlag GmbH Einstiegskurs Kroatisch
John Wiley & Sons Inc Infection Control: A Handbook for Community Nurses
Effective public health strategies depend on surveillance, preventative measures, outbreak investigation and the institution of control measures including appropriate treatment. This handbook, written specifically for community nurses, describes the communicable diseases likely to be encountered by the community nurse and offers practical guidance on their assessment and treatment. The book looks at staff hygiene and a clean environment and examines the causes and management of blood-borne illnesses together with recommendations for the treatment of head lice, scabies and threadworms. The latter part of the book discusses the prevention of influenza and the rising incidence of tuberculosis and the care of patients with these conditions and considers other common infections such as MRSA, impetigo, shingles and meningitis.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Infection Prevention: New Perspectives and Controversies
The first edition of Infection Prevention reviewed evolving areas in infection prevention on topics including contact precautions, technology implementation, specific infections, and care in various settings. It summarized the current data on infection prevention, presents controversies on the various topics, and includes recommendations for patient safety. Addressing hot topics such as MRSA, C. difficile vaccination, mandatory flu vaccines, and CLABSI, this is the only text to include prevention and control overviews across a range of infection issues. Written by experts in the field, this successor edition will update current chapters on the most cutting-edge models of care on emerging and evolving topics in infectious diseases. It will also include new material and chapters on high-level disinfection, diagnostic test stewardship, unique pathogens units, outpatient antibiotic stewardship, outpatient antibiotic therapy, as well as a chapter on infection prevention metrics: how much can we prevent healthcare associated infections and how hard should we try. The second edition of Infection Prevention: New Perspectives and Controversies is a valuable resource for infection prevention professionals, healthcare quality and safety professionals, caring for patients in in- and outpatient settings.
Oxford University Press Manual of Infection Prevention and Control
In recent years, we have begun to recognise the rising threat of Multidrug Resistant Organisms (MDORs), and the profound impact that healthcare associated infections (HCAIs), such as MRSA, can have on both patient safety and quality of care. HCAIs prolong patients' hospital stays, and increase morbidity as well as mortality rates, yet diagnosing and treating these infections is a costly process that can place intense pressure on already limited healthcare resources. The updated and significantly expanded new edition of Manual of Infection Prevention and Control is a practical handbook that provides a comprehensive overview of HCAI control and prevention in all healthcare facilities. Clear diagrams and quick-access tables give step-by-step instructions to guide the reader through real-life prevention strategies such as hand wash, disinfection, and sterilisation. A truly current and global source, this book also includes information regarding infection outbreak management, and detailed sections on specific pathogens such as swine flu, C Difficile, ESBL, MRSA, E.coli 0157, XDR-TB, and Ebola. Manual of Infection Prevention and Control is a fully illustrated, evidence based guide for doctors, nurses, and public health physicians working to prevent the spreading of infectious diseases - most particularly HCAIs. It is also a valuable reference for environmental health officers, health educators, practice managers in GP surgeries, and health service managers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Staphylococci in Human Disease
Staphylococci remain the most important cause of hospital-acquired infections in the U.S. and MRSA has become the most common cause of skin and soft tissue infection in many parts of the world. There is now a much greater understanding of the physiology and evolution of the staphylococci and this new edition reflects the rapid advancements in knowledge about this pathogen and provides a comprehensive review from both clinical and basic science perspectives. The first section addresses the basic biology of the staphylococci, their molecular genetics, host defenses and host evasion, virulence determinants, mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, and laboratory techniques. The second section deals with epidemiology, and the third section provides an overview of the varied clinical manifestations of human staphylococcal infections. The fourth section covers prevention and treatment of these often life-threatening infections. Written by experts from around the globe, this book is essential reading for all clinicians and basic scientists studying the staphylococci.
Royal Society of Chemistry Quorum Quenching: A Chemical Biological Approach for Microbial Biofilm Mitigation and Drug Development
Antibiotic resistance is a global health concern. Strains of pathogenic microorganisms that have developed resistance to multiple antibiotics, such as MRSA, are extremely difficult to treat, and alternative methods for tackling pathogenic microorganisms are in demand. One potential target for new therapeutics is inhibition of quorum sensing: how microorganisms communicate and form biofilms in a density-dependent manner. Inhibiting this system via ‘quorum quenching’ (QQ) is a promising route to new pharmaceuticals and for controlling biofilm formation and growth. Quorum sensing also provides interesting possibilities in synthetic biology for producing novel products, biosensors, bioactive molecules, and so on. This book covers the biology of quorum sensing and quenching, and potential sources of QQ enzymes and other inhibitors, as well as an overview of their mechanism and potential biotech applications. The book also covers the potential for new drug development from QQ, covering a range of related topics including protein engineering, imaging and computational studies, and integrated systems. This book is an ideal companion to researchers in chemical biology and medicinal chemistry, particularly those interested in biofilm formation, quorum sensing, novel antimicrobial development, synthetic biology and enzymology.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Theory and Practice: Theory and Practice
ow in its third edition, this comprehensive volume is recognized as the most authoritative review of the epidemiology of infectious disease. Divided into five sections that cover methods in infectious disease epidemiology, airborne transmission, diarrheal diseases, blood and body fluid as a reservoir of infectious diseases, vectorborne and parasite disease, the book includes ‘state-of-the-art’ chapters on methodological issues, pathogenesis, and comprehensive reviews of virtually all known infectious diseases. New to the Third Edition: 1. All chapters updated with significant new information 2. HIV chapter completely updated including results of trials of Male Circumcision, HIV-vaccines, female condoms, Microbicides and new drugs 3. New chapter on Infectious Disease Eradication (e.g. Smallpox, Polio, Measles) 4. New chapter on Pneumococcal Disease (with material on S. pneumonia moved from the ARI and Vaccine chapters) 5. Influenza chapter updated with new material on H1/N1 and control/prevention of Influenza during a pandemic 6. Consolidation of material from the chapters on Outbreaks and Surveillance. 7. Nosocomial Infection chapter is shortened and updated with a new section on nosocomial/community MRSA 8. Malaria chapter updated with new information on bed nets, prophylactic therapy of pregnant women and other high risk populations as well as new detailed examination of the organization, implementation, and accomplishments of the WHO—Roll-Back Malaria program; and a new description of the 5th Human Malaria parasite—P.knowlesi and its Epidemiology. 9. STD chapter is updated with new information on the rapid diagnosis of STDs using urine PCR-methods as well as new information on partner prophylacitic treatment of STDs 10. New information in Chickengunya virus, Enterovirus 71, Nipah and Hendra virus infections to the Emerging infections chapter. 11. Hepatitis chapter is revised with new information on HEV virus 12. New brief chapter discussing the various models of behavioral change that are useful in Infectious Diseases research—e.g. Health Belief model etc.
Princeton University Press Reproducing Gender: Politics, Publics, and Everyday Life after Socialism
The striking fact that abortion was among the first issues raised, after 1989, by almost all of the newly formed governments of East Central Europe points to the significance of gender and reproduction in the postsocialist transformations. The fourteen studies in this volume result from a comparative, collaborative research project on the complex relationship between ideas and practices of gender, and political economic change. The book presents detailed evidence about women's and men's new circumstances in eight of the former communist countries, exploring the intersection of politics and the life cycle, the differential effects of economic restructuring, and women's public and political participation. Individual contributions on the former German Democratic Republic, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Romania, and Bulgaria provide rich empirical data and interpretive insights on postsocialist transformation analyzed from a gendered perspective. Drawing on multiple methods and disciplines, these original papers advance scholarship in several fields, including anthropology, sociology, women's studies, law, comparative political science, and regional studies. The analyses make clear that practices of gender, and ideas about the differences between men and women, have been crucial in shaping the broad social changes that have followed the collapse of communism. In addition to the editors, the contributors are Eleonora Zieliaska, Eva Maleck-Lewy, Myra Marx Ferree, Sharon Wolchik, Irene Dolling, Daphne Hahn, Sylka Scholz, Mira Marody, Anna Giza-Poleszczuk, Katalin Kovacs, Monika Varadi, Julia Szalai, Adriana Baban, MaIgorzata Fuszara, Laura Grunberg, Zorica Mrsevia, Krassimira Daskalova, Joanna Goven, and Jasmina Lukia.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Old English Medical Remedies: Mandrake, Wormwood and Raven's Eye
In 9th century England Bishop Alfeah the Bald is dabbling with magic. By collecting folk remedies from pagan women he risks his reputation. Yet posterity has been kind, as from the pages of Bald's book a remedy has been found that cures the superbug MRSA where modern antibiotics have failed. Within a few months of this discovery a whole new area of medical research called Ancientbiotics has been created to discover further applications for these remedies. Yet, what will science make of the elves, hags and nightwalkers which also stalk the pages of Bald's book and its companion piece Lacnunga, urging prescriptions of a very different, unsettling nature. Cures for the 'moon mad' and hysteria are interspersed with directives to drink sheep's dung and jump across dead men's graves. 'Old English Medical Remedies' explores the herbal efficacy of these ancient remedies whilst evaluating the supernatural, magical elements and suggests these provide a powerful psychological narrative revealing an approach to healthcare far more sophisticated than hitherto believed. All the while, the voices of the wise women who created and used these remedies are brought to life, after centuries of demonisation by the Church.
CABI Publishing Antimicrobial Peptides: Discovery, Design and Novel Therapeutic Strategies
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have attracted extensive research attention worldwide. Harnessing and creating AMPs synthetically has the potential to help overcome increasing antibiotic resistance in many pathogens. This new edition lays the foundations for studying AMPs, including a discovery timeline, terminology, nomenclature and classifications. It covers current advances in AMP research and examines state-of-the-art technologies such as bioinformatics, combinatorial libraries, high-throughput screening, database-guided identification, genomics and proteomics-based prediction, and structure-based design of AMPs. Thoroughly updated and revised, this second edition contains new content covering: defensins; cathelicidins; anti-MRSA, antifungal, antiviral, anticancer and antibiofilm strategies; combined treatments; adjuvants in vaccines; advances in AMP technologies that cover surface coating to prevent biofilm formation; nanofiber encapsulation technologies for delivery and sustained release; and understanding innate immunity and the basis for immune boosting to overcome obstacles in developing AMPs into therapeutic agents. Written and reviewed by a group of established investigators in the field, Antimicrobial Peptides is a valuable resource for postgraduate students, researchers, educators, and medical and industrial personnel.
Little, Brown Book Group Good Gut Bugs: How to improve your digestion and transform your health
Did you know that there are more bacteria in your gut than the total number of cells in your body? Do you know why the good bacteria - or probiotics - are good for you and how they can benefit many aspects of your health? Do you know that by following a different diet or by taking safe and effective probiotic supplements you can increase the number of good bugs in your body, with amazing results? Probiotic supplements are on their way to becoming the 21st century must-have for maintaining good health. In GOOD GUT BUGS Kathryn Marsden explains that we need good bacteria to avoid, or overcome, conditions caused by bad bacteria. Writing in an accessible, lively style she reveals what probiotics do, how they work, and how simple dietary changes can allow you to benefit from them. Discover how probiotics will help you avoid MRSA, lower your cholesterol, improve the digestion, boost your immune system, calm the side effects of antibiotics, control and limit the growth of yeasts and parasites, treat constipation and ease IBS.
Edinburgh University Press Sir Alexander Ogston, 1844-1929: A Life at Medical and Military Frontlines
Ogston's career was of far-ranging, yet under acknowledged, excellence. Inspired by the work of Joseph Lister and Robert Koch, Ogston was determined to find the cause of post-operative infection. Working in his home laboratory, Ogston established the link between acute inflammation and suppuration and microorganisms, discovered (and named) staphylococcus (better known today in connection with MRSA), and correctly linked localised microorganism infections with blood poisoning. Ogston served as a medical volunteer during the 1885 Soudan Campaign and, in 1892, became Surgeon in Ordinary to Queen Victoria. Although instrumental in founding the Royal Army Medical Corps in 1898, Ogston remained critical of the army medical services. These views were amply confirmed by the events of the Boer War, in which Ogston offered his medical services. During the Great War, Ogston in his early seventies and President of the British Medical Association served as a surgeon with the British Red Cross at the Villa Trento hospital in north-east Italy a site which served as an inspiration for the British hospital in Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms.
Hay House UK Ltd How to Start a Business on Your Kitchen Table
Practical tools, expert advice and innovative ideas to help you create a successful business that reflects your values, supports your lifestyle and creates real fulfilment. In 2014, in her farmhouse kitchen in Wales, Shann Nix Jones started to manufacture a relatively unknown probiotic goat's milk called kefir. It was a powerful healing remedy that cured her son's eczema and even saved her husband from a life-threatening MRSA infection. Today, the business she started on her kitchen table has 300,000 customers and an annual turnover of £4.5 million.In this book, Shann shares the innovative methods that helped her turn her passion into a sustainable business. Following these steps, you'll learn how to: · develop an idea into a viable business that supports any lifestyle· operate with meaningful values and stand out from the competition· convert every obstacle into a launch pad· balance work and family - and even weave both together to enhance your family lifeShann believes that anyone can start a business following her 13 steps, and that doing so can bring you closer to creating a life in which you are the CEO of your business and your destiny.
Ebury Publishing This Septic Isle: A revised dictionary for modern Britain
Dictionary: A book with a Beginning, a Middle and an End - but not in that order.This Septic Isle is a dictionary that re-defines 21st Century Britain in the wickedest and wittiest way imaginable. In an age where Spin is King, this super-cynical, irreverant reference book finally tells it like it is, not like it isn't and never will be.With 2,000 entries, ranging from razor-sharp satire to the downright silly, This Septic Isle is the perfect antidote to our irascible era. Politics, pop culture, sport, the Internet, TV, food, the environment, journalism, sex, PR, consumerism, war, religion, Royalty, terrorism, traffic - no subject is safe. No sacred cow is spared a jaunt to the slaughterhouse.Conservation - Process by which dwindling areas of natural beauty are preserved for future generations to buildDead - Not answering one's mobile phone or responding to emailsEmpathy - The shared understanding between two people on the same pay gradeEpidemic - The rapid and uncontrollable spread of anything contagious through newspapers Part-time employee - Full-time employee with a smoking habit, a FaceBook page and an ebay accountRefrigerator - Device for keeping salad and vegetables chilled before throwing them away unusedThreatening letters - MRSA, ASBO, OHMS, GBH, HIV, etc.Wendy House - Play home now banned from schools for giving children unrealistic expectations of future home ownershipXenophobia - The Englishman's hatred of foreigners - from the Latin words 'xenos' and 'phobos'Mike Barfield's updated definitions put the spin in the bin and prove there's one area in which beleaguered Britons can still proudly claim to lead the world: laughing at their problems.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Wounds and Lacerations: Emergency Care and Closure (Expert Consult - Online and Print)
With Wounds and Lacerations: Emergency Care and Closure, you'll get clear, concise guidance on the latest techniques and strategies for treating lacerations, wounds, and burns. This medical reference book will help you optimize every aspect of patient care based on current literature and guidelines. Expedite review and reference with a bulleted "Key Practice Points" section at the beginning of each chapter. Quickly reference the latest recommendations for tetanus and rabies prophylaxis. Implement the latest approaches for the use of ultrasound in foreign-body detection and removal; use of absorbable sutures on the face and hand; approaching complicated infections such as MRSA; managing chronic wounds seen in elderly and diabetic patients; applying new suture techniques and materials for pediatric patients; and updated recommendations for tetanus and rabies prophylaxis. Get step-by-step visual guidance on all aspects of wound care through more than 300 detailed line drawings and photographs showing techniques for wound assessment, irrigation, closure, wound dressing, foreign body removal, administration of local anesthesia, and follow-up care. Quickly find all the relevant information necessary to treat patients with material that focuses only on injuries that are handled by emergency physicians. On the scene or at the hospital, search the complete contents online at