Search results for ""mcgraw-hill education - europe""
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection, Volume II
For more than twenty-five years, After the Fact has guided students through American history and the methods used to study it. In dramatic episodes that move chronologically through American history, this best-selling book examines a broad variety of topics including oral evidence, photographs, ecological data, films and television programs, church and town records, census data, and novels. Whether for an introductory survey or for a historical methods course, After the Fact is the ideal text to introduce readers, step by step, to the detective work and analytical approaches historians use when they are actually doing history.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Access Chinese Workbook 1
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Student Solutions Manual for Calculus
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Math Accelerated 2017, Interactive Study Guide
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Math, Course 1, Student Edition, Volume 1
The Glencoe Math Student Edition is an interactive text that engages students and assist with learning and organization. It personalizes the learning experience for every student. The write-in text, 3-hole punched, perfed pages allow students to organize while they are learning.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Algebra 2, Homework Practice Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reading Basics Intermediate 2, Reader SE
Engage students with high-interest nonfiction This four-level series supports literacy and critical thinking skills with evidence-based reading instruction that emphasizes comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and phonics/word analysis. • Student materials that review, reinforce, and extend instruction • Comprehensive Instructor’s Guide • TABE® correlation charts
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Workplace Skills: Reading for Information, Student Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe English Essentials
John Langan's English Essentials offers guidance through the grammar, punctuation, and usage skills needed for success in college and beyond. In short, English Essentials is an efficient, accessible, and helpful guide to mastering practical English skills.The book is divided into four parts -- Part One covers fifteen basic skills; Part Two offers more in-depth information about those and other skills; Part Three presents the essential skills of proofreading, and Part Four covers spelling improvement and dictionaryuse. This student-friendly organization and structure makes the book easy to navigate and a flexible guide.Each section provides essential instructions followed by ampleactivities to encourage learning in the best possible way: by doing.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Devices provides a realistic and practical treatment of modern semiconductor devices. A solid understanding of the physical processes responsible for the electronic properties of semiconductor materials and devices is emphasized. With this emphasis, the reader will appreciate the underlying physics behind the equations derived and their range of applicability. The author’s clear writing style, comprehensive coverage of the core material, and attention to current topics are key strengths of this book.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Exploring Python
Exploring Python takes an active learning approach which engages the student as an equal partner in the process of learning the fun, educational, and powerful programming language. This approach instills habits that students will carry with them throughout their programming career and helps them retain and use the information they have learned.Tim Budd is one of the best-known authors in Computer Science and has a reputation for producing writing texts along the leading edge of the discipline. Exploring Python provides an accessible and reliable introduction into programming with the Python language.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Microsoft Office 2016: A Skills Approach
Microsoft® Office Skills on Demand!Microsoft® Office 2016: A Skills Approach provides a unique approach to learning Office skills by isolating skills for customized learning. Created from the learning side from SIMnet, McGraw-Hill's online training and assessment program, this textbook has 1:1 content with SIMnet. As a result, students have access to specific, isolated skills which creates the customized learning and makes Microsoft® Office 2013: A Skills Approach the most flexible book on the market. Additionally, the approach uses consolidated instruction with fewer steps to explain each skill, resulting in easier learning for today's students! Microsoft® Office 2016: A Skills Approach also offers projects to allow students to practice their skills and receive immediate feedback via autograding in the SIMgrader component. This integration with SIMnet helps meet the diverse needs of students and accommodate individual learning styles.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Newspaper Designer's Handbook
Throughout the seven editions of this book, Harrower has successfully deconstructed the process of laying out newspaper pages. For journalism students and professionals alike, countless designers have used this book to learn how to design and improve their skills as visual communicators. Harrower’s unique voice and quirky sense of humor are still very much alive in the seventh edition.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra with P.O.W.E.R. Learning
Sherri Messersmith’s successful hardcover franchise is expanded with the new softcover P.O.W.E.R. series. The conversational writing style, practical applications, innovative student resources and student friendly walk through of examples that users of the hard cover books noted and appreciated are also found in the pages of Intermediate Algebra with P.O.W.E.R. Learning and the rest of the series. The P.O.W.E.R. FrameworkWhat makes P.O.W.E.R. a unique tool for the classroom? A major challenge in developmental courses is that students at this level struggle with basic study skills and habits. Maybe this is one of their first college courses or perhaps they are adults returning to school after a long absence. Either way, many of the individuals taking this course don’t know how to be good students. Instructors often don’t have the time, the resources or the expertise to teach success skills AND the math concepts. The new team of Messersmith, Perez and Feldman offer a scientifically based approach to meet this challenge. The P.O.W.E.R. Learning Framework was developed by successful author, psychologist, student success instructor and researcher, Bob Feldman. It is a method of accomplishing any task using five simple and consistent steps. Prepare. Organize. Work. Evaluate. Rethink. This framework is integrated at every level of the text to help students successfully learn math concepts while at the same time developing habits that will serve them well throughout their college careers and in their daily lives. The MathMaking Connections – Sherri Messersmith is recognized for preparing her students for success by refreshing their knowledge of arithmetic. By helping students see the connection between arithmetic and algebra, Sherri found that her students were more confident in their abilities as they progressed through the course. This classroom tested practice was integrated into the texts so that both instructors and students could benefit. Messersmith accomplishes this by including arithmetic examples for most sections before the use of algebraic examples. Also, the author has developed through classroom use a series of Basic Skills Worksheets that can easily be integrated into the classroom.Presenting Concepts in “Bite Size” Pieces – By breaking down the sections into manageable pieces, the author has identified the core places where students traditionally struggle and then assists them in understanding that material to be successful moving forward. For details on how the author has done this, check out the TOCs for Intro Algebra, PreAlgebra, Intermediate Algebra and the combo book PreAlgebra and Introductory Algebra.Mastering Concepts--With the textbook and Connect Math hosted by ALEKS, students can practice and master their understanding of algebraic concepts.Messersmith is rigorous enough to prepare students for the next level yet easy to read and understand. The exposition is written as if a professor is teaching in a lecture to be more accessible to students. The language is mathematically sound yet easy enough for students to understand.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Beginning Algebra
Building a Better Path To Success!Connecting Knowledge – Sherri prepares her students for success by refreshing their knowledge of arithmetic. By helping students see the connection between arithmetic and algebra, Sherri found that her students were more confident in their abilities as they progressed through the course. This classroom tested practice was integrated into the texts so that both instructors and students could benefit. Messersmith accomplishes this by including arithmetic examples for most sections before the use of algebraic examples. Also, the author has developed through classroom use a series of Basic Skills Worksheets that can easily be integrated into the classroom.Presenting Concepts in “Bite Size” Pieces – By breaking down the sections into manageable pieces, the author has identified the core places where students traditionally struggle and then assists them in understanding that material to be successful moving forward.Mastering Concepts - With the textbook and Connect Math hosted by ALEKS, a new online homework and assessment tool, students can practice and master their understanding of algebraic concepts.Messersmith is rigorous enough to prepare students for the next level yet easy to read and understand. The exposition is written as if a professor is teaching in a lecture to be more accessible to students. The language is mathematically sound yet easy enough for students to understand.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Business Communication: Building Critical Skills
Freedom. Flexibility. Focus.Business Communication: Building Critical Skills was built to provide the ultimate in freedom, flexibility, and focused classroom. Broken into 30 modular chapters, this text provides topic-focused modules, allowing instructors to customize their resources piece-by-piece to best suite their course and teaching style. Each module has a strong workplace activity orientation, supporting students to build critical skills in writing, speaking, and listening. Locker/Kaczmarek is grounded in solid business communication fundamentals, and supports students to piece together what is needed to be a successful communicator for the 21st century.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Ear Training, Revised
Combining a proven technique with an effective and easy-to-use supplements package, Ear Training: A Technique for Listening is the ideal text for college aural skills courses. Its logical progression in the coverage of skills enables students to build gradually to full proficiency, while ensuring that material they learn early in the course remains fresh. Its flexibility makes it equally effective in a lab-based course, in a instructor-guided setting, or in a course that combines the two. For the eighth edition, the online site developed in conjunction with Ear Training: A Technique for Listening has been totally revised to provide a reliable and user-friendly environment for drill, practice, and testing of the skills developed in the text. Activities such as melodic dictation, interval detection, chord quality identification, and rhythmic error detection mirror similar exercises in the text and serve to reinforce a broad range of aural skills.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Cooperative Chemistry Lab Manual
The laboratory course described in the lab manual emphasizes experimental design, data analysis, and problem solving. Inherent in the design is the emphasis on communication skills, both written and oral. Students work in groups on open-ended projects in which they are given an initial scenario and then asked to investigate a problem. There are no formalized instructions and students must plan and carry out their own investigations.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Dos Mundos: En Breve
Dos Mundos made its name as a pioneer in Beginning Spanish, and has maintained its spirit of innovation through many successful editions. Today, it continues to be one of the best-selling beginning Spanish language textbooks in the nation. Based on the communicative approach, Dos Mundos stresses the use of engaging activities in a natural and spontaneous classroom atmosphere. In this research-based approach to learning language, the development of communicative language skills is the central goal, with formal grammar presentation and practice at the service of communication.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Dos mundos
Dos mundos, a best-selling program for Introductory Spanish known for its exceptional progressive activities, made its name as an innovative pioneer in Beginning Spanish. Today, it has maintained the spirit of innovation through many successful editions and continues to be implemented in numerous beginning Spanish language classes across the nation with outstanding results. Based on the communicative approach, Dos mundos stresses the use of engaging activities in a natural and spontaneous classroom atmosphere. The Actividades de comunicacion play a primary role in Dos mundos, since the core of the program is communication. These activities include fresh, practical ideas from the field of second-language teaching. In this research-based approach to learning language, the development of communicative language skills is the central goal, with formal grammar presentation and practice at the service of communication. To this end, the grammar explanations and exercises on the blue pages at the end of each chapter are designed for quick reference and ease of study. Additionally, cultural content is integrated throughout each chapter. The new Conozca section on each chapter opener gives an introduction of the country or region of focus, including information about holidays, foods, famous people, and important cities. Ventanas culturales readings focus on community, customs, and daily life while Ventanas al pasado readings focus on aspects of the social, cultural, or political history of the Spanish-speaking world The Enlace readings explore literature, music, and cinema, and the Lecturas present topics such as sports and leisure activities.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Elementary and Intermediate Algebra
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 5th edition, by Baratto, Bergman, and Hutchison is part of the latest offerings in the successful Hutchison Series in Mathematics. The book is designed for a two-semester course sequence in beginning algebra and intermediate algebra is appropriate for lecture, learning center, laboratory, and self-paced settings. The fifth edition continues the series’ hallmark approach of encouraging mastery of mathematics through careful practice. The text provides detailed, straightforward explanations and accessible pedagogy to help students grow their math skills from the ground up. The authors use a three-pronged approach of communication, pattern recognition, and problem solving to present concepts understandably, stimulate critical-thinking skills, and stress reading and communication skills in order to help students become effective problem-solvers. Features such as Tips for Student Success, Check Yourself exercises, and Activities underscore this approach and the underlying philosophy of mastering math through practice. Exercise sets have been significantly expanded and are now better-organized, and applications are now more thoroughly integrated throughout the text. The text is fully-integrated with McGraw-Hill’s new online learning system, Connect Math Hosted by ALEKS Corp, and is available with ALEKS 360.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The History of Mathematics: An Introduction
The History of Mathematics: An Introduction, Seventh Edition, is written for the one- or two-semester math history course taken by juniors or seniors, and covers the history behind the topics typically covered in an undergraduate math curriculum or in elementary schools or high schools. Elegantly written in David Burton’s imitable prose, this classic text provides rich historical context to the mathematics that undergrad math and math education majors encounter every day. Burton illuminates the people, stories, and social context behind mathematics’ greatest historical advances while maintaining appropriate focus on the mathematical concepts themselves. Its wealth of information, mathematical and historical accuracy, and renowned presentation make The History of Mathematics: An Introduction, Seventh Edition a valuable resource that teachers and students will want as part of a permanent library.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Elementary Number Theory
Elementary Number Theory, Seventh Edition, is written for the one-semester undergraduate number theory course taken by math majors, secondary education majors, and computer science students. This contemporary text provides a simple account of classical number theory, set against a historical background that shows the subject's evolution from antiquity to recent research. Written in David Burton’s engaging style, Elementary Number Theory reveals the attraction that has drawn leading mathematicians and amateurs alike to number theory over the course of history.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace
Intercultural Communication in the Global Workplace, 5e by Beamer and Varner addresses the issues of culture and communication within the context of international business. The text provides examples of how cultural values and practices impact business communication. The authors explore the relationships among the cultural environments of the firm and the structure of the firm. They examine how companies and individuals communicate, and concentrate on the underlying cultural reasons for behavior. This approach helps readers develop an ability to work successfully within an environment of cultural diversity both at home and abroad.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Workbook/Studyguide Vol. 1 fuw Destinos
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McGraw-Hill Education Strategies for the GED Test in Mathematical Reasoning with CD-ROM
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.All-new lesson-by-lesson instruction in the math skills that students need to earn a passing grade on the latest version of the GED test McGraw-Hill Strategies for the GED Test in Mathematical Reasoning focuses on developing the specific math skills required to succeed on the Mathematical Reasoning section of the test. Students get intensive, lesson-by-lesson instruction in all of the topic areas covered by the Common Core State Standards that are now the basis of the GED exam. Drills and exercises--many in the question formats now used on the real exam--reinforce learning and assess student progress A full-length Posttest provides a simulated test-taking experience to build student confidence in advance of test day DVD-ROM provides hundreds of interactive computer-delivered math questions, many in the technology-based formats used on the real exam
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Startup Equation: A Visual Guidebook to Building Your Startup
Visualize Your Successful New Business You have a great idea for a new business. Now what? How do you turn that great idea into a viable business? Leveraging visual tools, The Startup Equation leads you step by step through the decisions you need to make to find your perfect startup model. You'll learn things such as identifying your unique entrepreneurial type, creating a great product, building a great team, finding funding and scaling in addition to other elements essential to crafting a roadmap that fits you and your business.Drawing from their extensive experience working with startups, entrepreneurs Steve Fisher and Ja-Naé Duane offer expert advice on dealing with the challenges and opportunities that accompany every type of new business. Using visual storytelling, they provide a much-needed blueprint to understanding the startup economy. The authors include illustrative business examples from companies such as TechStars and 500Startups, as well as interviews with over 40 entrepreneurs from across the globe. Filled with insightful case studies, The Startup Equation is a vibrant, practical guide to creating a winning business model for any startup. By following the accessible visual roadmap within, you’ll discover how to build your own successful business plan for your unique dream.Steve Fisher is product designer, filmmaker, entrepreneur, and startup advisor.Ja-Naé Duane is an entrepreneur, researcher, startup advisor, and professor of entrepreneurship & innovation.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe 500 ACT Math Questions to Know by Test Day
500 Ways to Achieve Your Highest ScoreWe want you to succeed on the Math sections of the ACT. That's why we've selected these 500 questions to help you study more effectively, use your preparation time wisely, and get your best score. These questions are similar to the ones you'll find on the ACT, so you will know what to expect on test day. Each question includes a concise, easy-to-follow explanation in the answer key for your full understanding of the concepts. Whether you have been studying all year or are doing a last-minute review, McGraw-Hill's 500 ACT Math Questions to Know by Test Day will help you achieve the high score you desire.Sharpen your subject knowledge, and build yourtest-taking confidence with: 500 ACT Math questions Full explanations for each question in the answer key A format parallel to that of the ACT exam
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Mike Meyers' CompTIA A+ Guide to 802 Managing and Troubleshooting PCs Lab Manual, Fourth Edition (Exam 220-802)
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Bestselling CompTIA A+ author Mike Meyers provides hands-on, step-by-step labs—updated for the 2012 release of Exam 220-802—so you can practice the IT skills essential for your successMike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting Operating Systems Lab Manual, Fourth Edition contains more than 80 labs that challenge you to solve real-world problems with key concepts. Clear, measurable lab objectives map to certification exam objectives, ensuring direct correspondence to Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting Operating Systems, Fourth Edition. Lab solutions are only available to instructors and are not printed inside the book. The Lab Manual also includes materials lists and lab set-up instructions. Step-by-step, not click-by click, lab scenarios require you to think critically, and Hint and Warning icons guide you through potentially tricky situations. Post-lab observation questions measure your understanding of lab results and the key term quiz helps to build your vocabulary.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe McGraw-Hill's U.S. Citizenship Test with DVD
We want to help you pass your U.S. Citizenship ExamWe've put all of our proven expertise into McGraw-Hill's U.S. Citizenship Test to make sure you're fully prepared for this difficult exam. With this book, you'll get essential study topics as well as strategies created by leading citizenship experts. You'll also get hundreds of sample questions and all the facts about the current exam. With McGraw-Hill's U.S. Citizenship Test, we'll guide you step by step through your preparation program-and give you the tools you need to succeed.Inside you'll find: Full coverage of the exam and the N-400 application A step-by-step review of all topics covered on the exam A DVD featuring four mock interviews that show you how these meetings are performed, what kinds of questions will be asked, and positive, nonverbal ways you can communicate to your interviewer
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Spanish Verbs & Essentials of Grammar, 2E
Your one-stop guide to mastering the basics of Spanish Can one book have all you need to communicate confidently in a new language? Yes, and that book is Spanish Verbs & Essentials of Grammar. It offers a solid foundation of major verbal and grammatical concepts of the language, from pronouns to idioms and expressions and from irregular verbs to expressions of time.Each unit is devoted to one topic, so you can find what you need right away and get focused instruction immediately. Concise yet thorough, the explanations are supported by numerous examples to help you master the different concepts. And for those tricky verbs, Spanish Verbs & Essentials of Grammar includes a Verb Index of the most common verbs, cross-referenced with the abundant verb tables appearing throughout the book.This book will give you: An excellent introduction to the basics of Spanish if you are a beginner or a quick, thorough reference if you already have experience in the language Contemporary usage of verbs, adjectives, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, and other grammar essentials Examples that reflect contemporary usage and real-life situations
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Vox Everyday Spanish and English Dictionary
Clear, instant access to everyday Spanish from the leading brand in bilingual dictionaries worldwideWhether it's for travel, work, or study, you want an everyday Spanish/English dictionary that gives you instant access to the meanings of all essential terms you're likely to encounter in the media or on the street. You want guidance on pronunciation, usage, and verb conjugations, supplemented with real-world examples. And you don't want to sacrifice legibility for portability. Look no further: Vox Everyday Spanish and English Dictionary gives you all that and much more.Revised and updated to reflect Spanish as it is spoken today, this new edition of the Vox classic contains three times as many headwords as the first edition and thorough coverage of the latest trends and technologies. It also features a new layout designed for maximum legibility and ease of use.As at home in your suitcase, book bag, or briefcase as it is in your personal reference library, this little powerhouse gives you: More than 38,000 high-frequency headwords, phrases, and expressions and 60,000 translations Numerous example sentences showing correct usage Comprehensive coverage of both European and Latin-American Spanish All irregular Spanish verbs cross-referenced to model conjugation tables
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Understanding the Nursing Process in a Changing Care Environment, Sixth Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the productGenerations of nursing students have discovered the scope, the importance, and the fundamental processes of their chosen profession with this one-of-a-kind, reader-friendly text. Using a helpful building-block approach, and filled with many thought-provoking historical and cultural vignettes. Understanding the Nursing Process in a Changing Care Environment breaks the nursing process into logically organized steps for ease of comprehension. Newly updated, the sixth edition considers the nursing process against the backdrop of today's transforming issues - such as managed care, multicultural patient populations, home health care, and illness prevention. Doesn't your nursing career deserve a resource like Understanding the Nursing Process in a Changing Care Environment?Look For These Important Features:Learn-as-you-go approach with self-test questions following every step.Clear introductions to patient assessment, nursing diagnosis, outcome identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation.Critical thinking sections and guidelines in each chapter.Information and guidelines to culturally competent nursing care in each chapter.Discussion and application of managed care in each chapter.Current professional guidelines and issues.Separate pocket guide to nursing diagnosis.Across the continuum case study and critical pathway example from ambulatory clinic setting, to hospital, to home care.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Big Book of Team Building Games: Trust-Building Activities, Team Spirit Exercises, and Other Fun Things to Do
The fun way to lift morale in any work group! Did you know that games can be a terrifically effective way to build team spirit, communication, and trust among people who work together day in and day out? Team-building games and activities are so stimulating and enjoyable that everyone in the department actually looks forward to them! Now you can choose from 70 varied and imaginative games and activities that have been specifically designed for the manager who's looking to: raise sagging morale in a department; liven up boring staff meetings; improve communication; promote a culture of harmony and cooperation; and have fun with your work team. Each of these games is fast, creative, easy-to-lead, and will help you accomplish your team building goals. Learn valuable tips on how to present games and how to select activities for particular situations. Get essential advice on what not to do when leading games, and much more!
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Science, a Closer Look, Grade 4, Reading and Writing in Science Workbook
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Math, Course 3, Student Edition, Volume 2
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Common Core Achieve, GED Exercise Book Science
Common Core Achieve is a groundbreaking blended test-prep program that helps adult learners prepare for high school equivalency exams more quickly and retain more of what they learn. It is aligned to College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education and built upon the new standards and assessment targets for the 2014 GED® Test, TASC™ test, and HiSET™ Exam. Contextualized skill instruction engages learners while preparing them for test success, postsecondary credentials or certification programs, and family-sustaining careers.Includes 1 copy of the Common Core Achieve GED Science Exercise Book.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Glencoe Math, Course 2, Student Edition, Volume 2
The Glencoe Math Student Edition is an interactive text that engages students and assist with learning and organization. It personalizes the learning experience for every student. The write-in text, 3-hole punched, perfed pages allow students to organize while they are learning.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook
Up-to-Date Coverage of All Chemical Engineering Topics―from the Fundamentals to the State of the ArtNow in its 85th Anniversary Edition, this industry-standard resource has equipped generations of engineers and chemists with vital information, data, and insights. Thoroughly revised to reflect the latest technological advances and processes, Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, Ninth Edition, provides unsurpassed coverage of every aspect of chemical engineering. You will get comprehensive details on chemical processes, reactor modeling, biological processes, biochemical and membrane separation, process and chemical plant safety, and much more.This fully updated edition covers:Unit Conversion Factors and Symbols • Physical and Chemical Data including Prediction and Correlation of Physical Properties • Mathematics including Differential and Integral Calculus, Statistics , Optimization • Thermodynamics • Heat and Mass Transfer • Fluid and Particle Dynamics *Reaction Kinetics • Process Control and Instrumentation• Process Economics • Transport and Storage of Fluids • Heat Transfer Operations and Equipment • Psychrometry, Evaporative Cooling, and Solids Drying • Distillation • Gas Absorption and Gas-Liquid System Design • Liquid-Liquid Extraction Operations and Equipment • Adsorption and Ion Exchange • Gas-Solid Operations and Equipment • Liquid-Solid Operations and Equipment • Solid-Solid Operations and Equipment •Chemical Reactors • Bio-based Reactions and Processing • Waste Management including Air ,Wastewater and Solid Waste Management* Process Safety including Inherently Safer Design • Energy Resources, Conversion and Utilization* Materials of Construction
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Manager's Guide to Crisis Management
Lead your Organization through any business crisis—and emerge stronger than everManager’s Guide to Crisis Management provides the basic skills and knowledge you need to deal with the crises that inevitably occur in any business or organization.Covering every aspect of the topic—from defining crisis management and policies to training for and responding to crises—it helps you fully grasp any situation that threatens business, careers, and even lives. Lead through any crisis smoothly and with minimal ramifications by mastering the most effective tactics, including: Planning for and training staff in crisis management Anticipating and preventing crises before they occur Managing the company’s online reputation Addressing crises that affect multicultural stakeholders Creating effective crisis-related messaging Knowing when to bring in a specialist About the Briefcase Books series:Briefcase Books, written specifically for today’s busy manager, feature eye-catching icons, checklists, and sidebars to guide managers step-by-step through everyday workplace situations. Look for these innovative design features to help you navigate through each page:Key Terms: Clear definitions of key terms and conceptsSmart Managing: Tactics and strategies for managing crisesTricks of the Trade: Tips for executing the tactics in the bookMistake Proofing: Practical advice for minimizing the possibility of errorCaution: Warning signs for when things are about to go wrongFor Example: Examples of successful crisis managementTools: Specific planning procedures, tactics, and hands-on techniques
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Reveal Algebra 2, Interactive Student Edition, Volume 1
Students explore, collaborate, and reflect to build confidence in their Algebra 2 math abilities using this volume 1 of 2 interactive student write-in text.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Practice Makes Perfect Intermediate English Reading and Comprehension
Take your skills to the next level and get moremeaning out of the English languageReading English texts that are created especially for ESL students like you is a critical part to learning the language, but that does not mean you have to be bored with the subjects! Created by expert ESL instructor Diane Engelhardt, Practice Makes Perfect: Intermediate English Reading and Comprehension features 15 engaging readings on interesting topics such as the technology of 21stcentury deep-sea treasure hunting, Pixar Studios'computer-generated movie magic, the Flying Doctors of Australia, and more.You will, of course, get plenty of practice, practice, practice on understanding and comprehending vocabulary. You'll master how to read for main ideas, summarize texts, make outlines, remember facts and figures, and more. Before you know it, your reading skills will be stronger and your comprehension will grow, enabling you to get more out of English-language texts.Practice Makes Perfect: Intermediate English Reading and Comprehension will help you: Develop your reading comprehension skills at theintermediate level Build your English vocabulary Prepare for the comprehension sections of ESL tests
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe PBS Illustrated Guide to Aerodynamics 2/E
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.The principles of flight made easy to understand, even fascinating, to pilots and techniciansMost pilots and flight students wince at the mention of the term "aerodynamics" because most courses and books dealing with the subject do so using complicated scientific theory and intricate mathematical formulas. And yet, an understanding of aerodynamics is essential to the people who operate and maintain airplanes. This unique introductory guide, which sold more than 20,000 copies in its first edition, proves that the principles of flight can be easy to understand, even fascinating, to pilots and technicians who want to know how and why an aircraft behaves as it does. Avoiding technical jargon and complex calculations, Hubert "Skip" Smith demonstrates how aerodynamic factors affect all aircraft in terms of lift, thrust, drag, in-air performance, stability, and control.Readers also get an inside look at how modern aircraft are designed-including all the steps in the design process, from concept to test flight and the reasoning behind them. This edition features expanded coverage of aircraft turning and accelerated climb performance, takeoff velocities, load and velocity-load-factors, area rules, and hypersonic flight, as well as the latest advances in laminar flow airfoils, wing and fuselage design, and high-performance lightplanes. Question and answer sections are added for classroom use.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Retail Marketing
Retail Marketing is a new and refreshing text, essential for anyone wanting to get to grips with this important, fast-paced area of marketing today. With a user-friendly structure, this book reflects the very latest in academic thinking and provides a strong focus on customer value, corporate social responsibility and the transformative effect of digital technology. Written especially for European and international students and suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students, Retail Marketing addresses the challenges of marketing in the 21st Century. Across the chapters key elements of successful retail marketing, including developments in omni-channel marketing and the importance of a co-ordinated supply chain to a company’s value proposition, are considered. Striking a balance between theory and practice, Retail Marketing presents concepts in a clear and comprehensive way with engaging, up-to-date global examples and visual illustrations to help students apply their knowledge to a real world context.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Financial Accounting and Reporting
The second edition of Financial Accounting and Reporting by John McKeith and Bill Collins has beenfully updated to reflect the latest International Accounting Standards as well as explaining the effects ofexposure drafts in issue. The text takes an uncomplicated, practical approach to intermediate level financialaccounting, offering a manageable way to master the subject one step at a time.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe The Business Environment
The seventh edition of The Business Environment has been perfectly tailored to cover the core topics that will be studied on an introductory Business Environment module. This fully updated new edition provides comprehensive coverage of the varying factors that make up the business environment, with a particular focus on how these factors impact business organisations and the decisions organisations make.Key Features:Up-to-date coverageThe business environment continues to evolve, and this new edition takes on board recent issues including:The after-effects of the ‘credit crunch’The emerging economic power of China, India and BrazilData security and privacy Business ethics Cultural identity Climate change Real life examplesNew opening vignettes introduce the main topic and show the business environment in real life. In addition, the book contains a wealth of shorter and longer case studies featuring companies such as Google, Amazon and Virgin Trains. PedagogyClearly written and user friendly, the book boasts a full range of learning tools which include: Learning Objectives, Thinking Around the Subject boxes, Review Questions, and Activities.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level B2, Workbook
In Decoding B2, the skills are divided into these five principal areas: Word-Attack Skills, Group Reading, Individual Reading Checkouts, Workbook Exercises and Mastery Tests.
McGraw-Hill Education - Europe Corrective Reading Decoding Level B1, Teacher Guide
teacher materials include presentation books, teacher's guide, answer key, and spelling book.