Search results for ""currency""
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Ecotoxicology
Handbook of Ecotoxicology, Second Edition focuses on toxic substances and how they affect ecosystems worldwide. It presents methods for quantifying and measuring ecotoxicological effects in the field and in the lab, as well as methods for estimating, predicting, and modeling in ecotoxicology studies. Completely revised and updated with 18 new chapters, this second edition includes contributions from over 75 international experts. Also, a Technical Review Board reviewed all manuscripts for accuracy and currency. This authoritative work is the definitive reference for students, researchers, consultants, and other professionals in the environmental sciences, toxicology, chemistry, biology, and ecology - in academia, industry, and government.
Simon & Schuster Ltd BenYehudas Pocket EnglishHebrew HebrewEnglish Dictionary
A comprehensive and compact dictionary from the son of the father of modern Hebrew. Designed expressly for the widest possible variety of interests and professions—for students, teachers, travelers, and home and office libraries—this dictionary is derived from the eight-volume Dictionary and Thesaurus of the Hebrew Language by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. In this dictionary you will find over 30,000 vocabulary entries, alphabetically arranged, a thorough and accessible explanation of grammar, including tables of irregular verbs, keys to proper pronunciation, abbreviations, up-to-date technical terms, examples of idiomatic usage, tables of numerals, weights, measures and currency, and much more.
Indiana University Press Muslim Families in Global Senegal: Money Takes Care of Shame
Senegalese Murid migrants have circulated cargo and currency through official and unofficial networks in Africa and the world. Muslim Families in Global Senegal focuses on trade and the transmission of enduring social value though cloth, videos of life-cycle rituals, and religious offerings. Highlighting women's participation in these networks and the financial strategies they rely on, Beth Buggenhagen reveals the deep connections between economic profits and ritual and social authority. Buggenhagen discovers that these strategies are not responses to a dispersed community in crisis, but rather produce new roles, wealth, and worth for Senegalese women in all parts of the globe.
Renard Press Ltd Love and Freindship
Jane Austen, one of the nation’s most beloved authors, whose face adorns our currency, surely needs no introduction, but while many are familiar with her groundbreaking novels, and despite lending its name to a film adaptation of Lady Susan in 2016, her burlesque Love and Freindship is an unjustly neglected gem of satirical comedy. Written when she was still in her teens, Love and Freindship is a fascinating, light-hearted epistolary work that shows Austen’s wit developing into the satirical prowess she is remembered for, and casts the novels with which her name is so associated in a new light.
Prometheus Books Virtual Billions: The Genius, the Drug Lord, and the Ivy League Twins behind the Rise of Bitcoin
Bitcoin, the digital currency, was introduced in 2009 with little fanfare; five years later, shocking the world, it was worth $14 billion. This book explores the cyber currency by focusing on the remarkable stories and intriguing personalities ofthose responsible for its sudden success: Satoshi Nakamoto, the reclusive and anonymous genius who created Bitcoin; Ross Ulbricht, aka the Dread Pirate Roberts, administrator of the largest and most successful Dark Web drug superstore, using Bitcoin to fuel online sale of drugs, hacking services, counterfeit money, and assassinations; and Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, Harvard graduates, successful litigants vs. Facebook, world-class Olympic rowers, and Bitcoin entrepreneurs who own 1 percent of all bitcoins in existence. Equal parts The Social Network, Sherlock Holmes, and Breaking Bad, this absorbing narrative tells the stories of the reclusive geniuswho waged a one-man war against the global banking system (and he's winning); the quiet and affable computer geek who, until his arrest, profited handsomely from Silk Road, his online drug superstore; and the multitalented Harvard twins, who made a fortune from an intellectual-property suit against Mark Zuckerberg, and now are the chief promoters of Bitcoin as "the next big thing." Bitcoin has introduced us to coke-fueled coding gurus, anger-crazed hitmen-hiring millionaires, and canny "Bitcoin miners" avidly adding processing power to their chilly Icelandic server farms to generate millions of dollars every month. Absurd and almost unbelievable stories abound, and sweep the reader along through the living and breathing, passionate and paranoid insiders who made it all happen.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The End of Whitehall: Death of a Paradigm?
In this new work, two leading political scientists reassess the shifting fortunes of the Whitehall model of governance - and find it wanting. As we prepare to enter the twenty-first century, it has become clear that the model now has much less currency abroad as well as in the UK. The neo-liberal assaults of Thatcherism and the political drift of the Major years has meant that whereas, previously, 'Whitehall' symbolized a synergy between the political leadership and the permanent bureaucracy, it now evokes images of executive disarray and the subservience of career civil servants to the (often faddish) will of their political masters.
Transcript Verlag The Future of the Eurozone – How to Keep Europe Together: A Progressive Perspective from Germany
Europe is stumbling from crisis to crisis. The financial and debt crises are endangering the European currency union; referenda in several EU countries show widespread Euroscepticism; the economy is only slowly regaining momentum; unemployment remains high in many Member States; and the refugee crisis has deepened political divisions. We need an answer to the question of how to rescue the Euro and keep Europe together. In this volume, renowned German researchers and leading practitioners provide pragmatic recommendations. Their plea for a democratically legitimized Euro Finance Minister, a new economic approach, a common Eurozone budget, and minimum social standards are the prerequisites for a fair, stable, and prosperous Europe.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Twist Your Fate: 7 Steps to Fortune
Benefit from "coincidence or synchronicity." Straightforward in essence, yet awesome in scope, this book helps you learn to profit by employing simple techniques to twist your fate to get what you want or need from life. See how one woman became $35,000 richer by applying synchronicity, without even trying! Read about a person who was able to buy a sports car when it wasn't certain how he would afford groceries. Consider how another woman discovered a long-forgotten file with Australian currency inside by practicing the techniques. The list goes on. You, too, can Twist Your Fate and find new harmony in your life!
Anglo-Arabic Graphics Ltd Gateway to Arabic: Book 7
"Gateway to Arabic Book Seven" focuses on Arabic verb forms five to ten in a comprehensive manner, covering regular and irregular verbs in their various tenses. It builds upon the student's knowledge of the subjunctive and jussive moods introduced in "Book Six" of the series. The key theme running throughout the book is foreign travel, and the student will cover a variety of situations ranging from air travel, lost luggage and currency exchange to taking a taxi and booking a hotel room. Passages of dialogue and extensive exercises enable the student to put into practice the knowledge he or she has acquired, thereby reinforcing the learning process.
McGraw-Hill Education The Promise of Bitcoin: The Future of Money and How It Can Work for You
From the cofounder of the longest-running Bitcoin exchange comes a compelling argument for how this digital currency will transform the global economy—and how it can work for you.A financial revolution is materializing before our eyes. The way individuals, organizations, and governments conduct transactions—from purchasing a book online to acquiring major corporations to delivering billions in financial aid—will look vastly different in the near future. Bitcoin is spearheading this revolution and may be the best investment opportunity of our time, yet most people have yet to understand its promise. In this book, Bobby C. Lee, one of the earliest, most successful pioneers in the cryptocurrency space, debunks myths and dispels fears that surround Bitcoin, arguing that this rational, logical system is superior to traditional monetary systems. He cites signs of Bitcoin’s widening acceptance: a growing community of users worldwide and multiple initiatives for investing in and holding bitcoin among major financial services organizations and institutional investors who control trillions in assets. Lee offers a primer on the best strategies for investing in this digital currency, the value of which will only continue to grow. He discusses the pros and cons, and covers the complicated yet more profitable method of acquiring bitcoin, mining. He offers predictions for the future, including price, trajectory, use, and participation in the larger economy—as well as developments in regulation, technology, business, and society. Invest in the promise of Bitcoin today.
New York University Press The Wrongs of the Right: Language, Race, and the Republican Party in the Age of Obama
Examines the coded language of the Republican Party In The Wrongs of the Right, Matthew W. Hughey and Gregory S. Parks set postracial claims into relief against a background of pre- and post-election racial animus directed at President Obama, his administration, and African Americans. They show how the political Right deploys racial fears, coded language and implicit bias to express and build opposition to the Obama administration. Racial meanings are reservoirs rich in political currency, and the race card remains a potent resource for othering the first black president in a context rife with Nativism, xenophobia, white racial fatigue, and serious racial inequality.
Prometheus Books Erewhon
Written in the tradition of Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels", English novelist, essayist, and iconoclast Samuel Butler (1835-1902) describes an imaginary visit to a topsy-turvy country called Erewhon (an anagram of "nowhere"), where it is a punishable offence to be physically ill, but where criminality and immorality are looked kindly upon as treatable diseases. The English church is pilloried in the system of "Musical Banks," whose currency nobody believes in but everyone pretends to value. Universities teach courses on how to say nothing at great length, and all machines have been banned for fear that they will develop through evolution and enslave the citizens.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards
An essential and intuitive treatment of financial accounting with an international perspective The use of International Financial Reporting Standards is growing rapidly, both outside of the United States and within, especially as IFRS incorporates more US GAAP rules. In the newly updated fifth edition of Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards, a team of accomplished financial practitioners and educators delivers the newest version of their highly anticipated text. This important work offers practical end-of-chapter exercises and practice problems complete with foreign currency examples, as well as an emphasis on non-US companies and examples. It is perfect for accounting students seeking exposure to internationally utilized accounting standards.
Rowman & Littlefield Britain by Britrail 2012/13: Touring Britain by Train
Britain by BritRail––the best-selling and most respected rail guide to the British train system––is back with this revised and updated new edition. This time-tested book provides all the information you need on fares, schedules, and pass options. It is also packed with travel tips, including information on keeping costs down, traveling light, conquering jet lag, and exchanging currency. Learn how to use London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Cardiff as base cities for more than forty rail trips and day excursions to outlying areas and points of interest in England, Scotland, and Wales, from the medieval city of York to Dover and its famous cliffs.
London Record Society Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781 - 1827
In British gaols and on hulks, awaiting transportation to New South Wales, prisoners convicted of forged paper currency offences wrote to their influential prosecutor, the Bank of England. This volume comprises several hundred ofsuch letters held in the Bank's archives. Many, mainly those wirtten by or for women, came from the depths of abject misery and poverty, begging help to cope with prison conditions and with the journey to Australia. Others offeredinformation to the Bank about forged note traffickers in the hope of gaining some benefit for themselves. The collection reveals an extraordinary story of a surprising relationship between convicted prisoners and a mighty financial institution.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fixed-Income Analysis for the Global Financial Market: Money Market, Foreign Exchange, Securities, and Derivatives
This comprehensive new book explains and clarifies the essential building blocks underlying the pricing and risk analysis of fixed-income securities and derivatives - using mathematics lightly, to make things easier, not harder. The emphasis throughout is on how-to-do, on building operational knowledge from the ground up. There are more than 300 examples and exhibits based on current market data. You will find essential information on: * The global money market * Foreign exchange transaction and foreign exchange derivatives * Bonds and zero coupon bonds - including a risk management-driven discussion of duration and convexity * Interest rate swaps, currency swaps, and exchange-traded futures * Stochastic models and option pricing * Stochastic models of the yield curve
Unbound Bitcoin: The Future of Money?
Following the economic crisis of 2008, the website ‘’ was registered by a mysterious computer programmer called Satoshi Nakamoto. A new form of money was born: electronic cash. Does Bitcoin have the potential to change how the world transacts financially? Or is it just a passing fad, even a major scam?In Bitcoin: The Future of Money?, MoneyWeek’s Dominic Frisby's explains this controversial new currency and how it came about, interviewing some of the key players in its development while casting light on its strange and murky origins, in particular the much-disputed identity of Nakamoto himself. Economic theory meets whodunnit mystery in this indispensable guide to one of the most divisive innovations of our time.
Penguin Random House Children's UK The Bubble Wrap Boy: Discover the timeless classroom classic
How do you stay on the board when your world is turned upside down?Charlie's found his secret talent: skateboarding. It's his one-way ticket to popularity. All he's got to do is practice, and nothing's going to stop him - not his clumsiness, not his overprotective mum, nothing.Except Charlie isn't the only one in his family hiding a massive secret, and his next discovery will change everything.'Have finished The Bubble Wrap Boy. If happy tears/snot smeared across face were legal currency, Phil Earle would be rich. So warm, and so funny' - Katherine Rundell, author of Rooftoppers and Impossible Creatures"A story about staying true to yourself and following your passion." - Kirkus Reviews
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Financial Reporting by Multinationals
Financial Reporting by Multinationals is concerned with financial reporting issues resulting from the growth and spread of multinational corporations. The book consists of up to date readings from a broad range of international journals which look at, and evaluate, the financial accounting techniques adopted in different parts of the world for dealing with issues such as group accounting, segmental reporting, foreign currency translation and inflation accounting. It also includes articles concerned with financial reporting issues resulting from the globalization of world stock markets from a corporate, investor and stock market perspective. The final section considers issues for other users of multinational financial reports such as host governments and employees.
University of Toronto Press Complete Poems – A Bilingual Edition
Veronica Gambara (1485–1550) was one of the most celebrated lyric poets of early sixteenth-century Italy. Equally significant to Gambara’s literary repute was her political standing as the dowager Countess of Correggio. Though she never published a collected edition of her poetry, Gambara produced an extensive oeuvre of vernacular verse that has been extensively anthologized. This book presents the first complete bilingual edition of Gambara’s verse. It sheds light on the unique interrelationship between Gambara’s cultural currency and her political power, as she drew on her literary talent to participate in the political arena to emerge as one of the first women poet-rulers of the Early Modern Italian tradition.
Verso Books Duty Free Art: Art in the Age of Planetary Civil War
In Duty Free Art, filmmaker and writer Hito Steyerl wonders how we can appreciate, or even make art, in the present age. What can we do when arms manufacturers sponsor museums, and some of the world's most valuable artworks are used as a fictional currency in a global futures market that has nothing to do with the work itself? Can we distinguish between creativity and the digital white noise that bombards our everyday lives? Exploring artefacts as diverse as video games, Wikileaks files, the proliferation of spam, and political actions, she exposes the paradoxes within globalization, political economies, visual culture, and the status of art production.
SAGE Publications Inc Literacy Is NOT Enough: 21st Century Fluencies for the Digital Age
How to upgrade literacy instruction for digital learnersEducating students to traditional literacy standards is no longer enough. If students are to thrive in their academic and 21st century careers, then independent and creative thinking hold the highest currency. In Literacy is NOT Enough, the authors explain in detail how to add these new components of literacy: Solution Fluency Information Fluency Creativity Fluency Collaboration Fluency Students must master a completely different set of skills to succeed in a culture of technology-driven automation, abundance, and access to global labor markets. The authors present an effective framework for integrating comprehensive literacy or fluency into the traditional curriculum.
Amsterdam University Press The Big Reset Revised Edition: War on Gold and the Financial Endgame
"Willem Middelkoop and The Big Reset is right in the thick of the action! Great book; awesome statistical reference to go along with the analysis.- James Rickards on the first edition. Rickards is the author of The Death of Money and Currency Wars, a National Bestseller. A system reset seems imminent. The world's financial system will need to find a new anchor before the year 2020. Since the beginning of the credit crisis, the US realized the dollar will lose its role as the world's reserve currency, and has been planning for a monetary reset. According to Willem Middelkoop, this reset will be designed to keep the US in the driver's seat, allowing the new monetary system to include significant roles for other currencies such as the euro and China's renminbi. PREPARE FOR THE COMING RESET In all likelihood gold will be re-introduced as one of the pillars of this next phase in the global financial system. The prediction is that gold could be revalued at $ 7,000 per troy ounce. By looking past the American 'smokescreen' surrounding gold and the dollar long ago, China and Russia have been accumulating massive amounts of gold reserves, positioning themselves for a more prominent role in the future to come. The reset will come as a shock to many. The Big Reset will help everyone who wants to be fully prepared. This fully revised edition of Middelkoop's book takes into account developments since its original publication, which have only strengthened the case for the coming return of gold.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Understanding Bitcoin: Cryptography, Engineering and Economics
Discover Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency that has the finance world buzzing Bitcoin is arguably one of the biggest developments in finance since the advent of fiat currency. With Understanding Bitcoin, expert author Pedro Franco provides finance professionals with a complete technical guide and resource to the cryptography, engineering and economic development of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This comprehensive, yet accessible work fully explores the supporting economic realities and technological advances of Bitcoin, and presents positive and negative arguments from various economic schools regarding its continued viability. This authoritative text provides a step-by-step description of how Bitcoin works, starting with public key cryptography and moving on to explain transaction processing, the blockchain and mining technologies. This vital resource reviews Bitcoin from the broader perspective of digital currencies and explores historical attempts at cryptographic currencies. Bitcoin is, after all, not just a digital currency; it's a modern approach to the secure transfer of value using cryptography. This book is a detailed guide to what it is, how it works, and how it just may jumpstart a change in the way digital value changes hands. Understand how Bitcoin works, and the technology behind it Delve into the economics of Bitcoin, and its impact on the financial industry Discover alt-coins and other available cryptocurrencies Explore the ideas behind Bitcoin 2.0 technologies Learn transaction protocols, micropayment channels, atomic cross-chain trading, and more Bitcoin challenges the basic assumption under which the current financial system rests: that currencies are issued by central governments, and their supply is managed by central banks. To fully understand this revolutionary technology, Understanding Bitcoin is a uniquely complete, reader-friendly guide.
Kogan Page Ltd Commercial Lending: Principles and Practice
Endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute as core reading for one of the modules leading to the Institute's professional qualifications and chartered status, Commercial Lending supports readers that wish to develop their ability to analyze the creditworthiness of a customer and their business in the context of the current economic climate, future market and sector expectations. Commercial Lending uses a series of practical exercises and case studies, and provides the tools needed for the reader to understand and appraise a customer's business strategy. This will then enable the reader to provide appropriate funding solutions to meet the commercial needs of customers while reflecting the bank's risk appetite. These tools include: how to assess the performance and creditworthiness of a business; how to critically evaluate the robustness of cash flow; and how to undertake sensitivity analysis to quantify sustainable debt repayment capacity. This practical text will present a critical analysis of financial and non-financial information to help readers identify key risks inherent in the customer's lending proposition. Readers will go on to propose suitable funding solutions that mitigate risk and meet the needs of customer and bank. Online supporting resources include a glossary and updates to regulation in the UK. All law and legislation used throughout the book (Chapters 1, 6 and 9) is either UK or English law. Readers outside the UK are recommended to check the appropriate legislation in their country. The currency used throughout the book is UK Sterling (denominated by £ symbol) and where working examples are used (particularly in Chapters 2 and 3) readers can substitute their own currency by using the appropriate exchange rate for their own country.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic and Monetary Union in Europe: Theory, Evidence and Practice
The introduction of a single currency within the European Union in its present form is without precedent in world history and will have far-reaching consequences for the future prosperity of the continent.Economic and Monetary Union in Europe brings together contributions from leading specialists which explain and evaluate the most important implications of economic and monetary union. The book examines theoretical aspects of monetary integration, illustrates the historical lessons to be learned from these and discusses the resulting policy consequences.This book will be essential reading for undergraduates studying European monetary integration and will prove to be a key source of reference for academics and post graduates working in this area.
Bristol University Press Workaway: The Human Costs of Europe’s Common Labour Market
This agenda-setting book shows how freedom of movement has made the integration of Europe’s labour markets a contentious issue, for example in the aftermath of the eurocrisis, where workers had to make great sacrifices to enable the currency area to function. It argues that the process of market integration in Europe has undermined the power and influence of European workers and generated significant human costs. In starting from the position of labour, this book offers an alternative approach which balances the needs of justice and efficiency. With appeal across a wide range of readers interested in economic integration, it provides lessons for policymakers in how to integrate Europe’s member states to better protect workers and citizens.
Dorling Kindersley Ltd The Little Book of Economics
This book is the perfect introduction to the subject of economics and economic ideas through history.From the earliest forms of currency to the Industrial Revolution, and from the birth of the stock market to free-market capitalism and globalized trade, The Little Book of Economics brings economic theory and the work of key economists to life. Journeying through centuries of economic thought, it is the perfect pocket-sized guide to the subject.Packed with infographics and flowcharts that explain complex concepts clearly and simply, The Little Book of Economics offers you a combination of clear text and hard-working infographics in a portable format that is perfect for reading on the go.
DK The Little Book of Economics
This book is the perfect introduction to the subject of economics and economic ideas throughout history.From the earliest forms of currency to the Industrial Revolution, and from the birth of the stock market to free-market capitalism and globalized trade, The Little Book of Economics brings economic theory and the work of key economists to life. Journeying through centuries of economic thought, it is the perfect pocket-sized guide to the subject.Packed with infographics and flowcharts that explain complex concepts clearly and simply, The Little Book of Economics offers you the same combination of clear text and hard-working infographics in a portable format that is perfect for reading on the go.
Birkhauser Steel Construction: Set in 4 volumes
This set of four volumes on steel design by Terri Meyer Boake comprises both an overall approach for understanding how architects design and build with steel, as well as cutting-edge specialized topics reflecting the revolutionary transformation in the use of steel in architecture in the last decade. Among these are diagrid structures, architecturally exposed structural steel (AESS) and non-orthogonal geometries in steel design. Boake’s books "underscore the currency of architectural designs that combine the tectonic expression of steel with particular attention to the craft of building and its detailing" (Journal of Architectural Education). Each volume comprises thematic sections that provide a proficient overview of the topic, and covers constructed examples from across the world.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Historical Foundations of Globalization
This volume offers an impressive collection of scholarly papers which investigate the historical foundations of globalization before 1945. The book explores the effects of the nineteenth century technologies of the railway, the telegraph and the steamship which promoted the globalization process by boosting trade across frontiers and triggering migration of labour and flows of capital to the temperate areas of agriculture. The colonial empires, in particular the British Empire, facilitated the process, as the integration of capital markets and monetary systems and methods of business organization followed trade and labour. The volume also covers the time between the wars, when impediments to trade, migration and currency movements increased and led to a period of deglobalization and divergence.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic and Monetary Union in Europe: Theory, Evidence and Practice
The introduction of a single currency within the European Union in its present form is without precedent in world history and will have far-reaching consequences for the future prosperity of the continent.Economic and Monetary Union in Europe brings together contributions from leading specialists which explain and evaluate the most important implications of economic and monetary union. The book examines theoretical aspects of monetary integration, illustrates the historical lessons to be learned from these and discusses the resulting policy consequences.This book will be essential reading for undergraduates studying European monetary integration and will prove to be a key source of reference for academics and post graduates working in this area.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain
In the newly revised seventh edition of Managing Quality: Integrating the Supply Chain, a decorated team of operations experts delivers a thorough introduction to quality management with an enduring emphasis on the importance of the supply chain for quality improvement. You'll obtain an integrated understanding of the customers, suppliers, technology, and people essential to maintaining and enhancing product quality in business. This latest edition combines the unifying theme of the supply chain with the latest developments in critical subject areas, like Lean, Six Sigma, and service quality. Updated vignettes and references maintain the currency of the work, while new content expands its scope and increases readability and accessibility for students of operations, quality management, and business.
The History Press Ltd Hostile Money: Currencies in Conflict
Money has the power to make nations and fuel wars. It is both the subject of diplomacy and the tool of those seeking to overthrow hostile regimes at home and abroad. Germany’s hyperinflation following the First World War has entered the public consciousness as an extreme example of what can happen to a currency in conflict. What is not widely known is that it is by no means the worst case of war-induced hyperinflation.Hostile Money looks at the impact of war and revolution on national currencies – from Rome’s civil war in the first century BC to the twenty-first-century invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq by American-led forces and the economic sanctions and cyberwarfare of today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Exploring Management
Exploring Management, 7th Edition supports teaching and learning of core management concepts by presenting material in a straightforward, conversational style with a strong emphasis on application. With a focus on currency, high-interest examples and pedagogy that encourages critical thinking and personal reflection, Exploring Management, 7th Edition is the perfect balance between what students need and what instructors want. Organized by study objectives and broken up into more manageable sections of material, the Seventh Edition supports better student comprehension and mastery of concepts. And features like skill builders, active learning activities, and team projects give students frequent opportunities to apply management concepts. Class activities provide opportunities for discussion and debate. Students can build solid management skills with self-assessments, class exercises, and team projects.
HarperCollins Publishers Proof of Stake: The Making of Ethereum and the Philosophy of Blockchains
At only nineteen years old Vitalik Buterinpublished a visionary paper outlining the ideas behindwhat would become Ethereum. He proposed to take whatBitcoin did for currency – to end the central control ofgovernments and corporations – and apply it to societyas a whole. Now, less than a decade later, Ethereumis the second-most-valuable cryptocurrency and hasopened the gates for the extraordinary new world ofNFT artworks, virtual real estate in the metaverse anddecentralised autonomous organisations. The essays in Proof of Stake reveal Buterin as a lively,creative thinker, relentlessly curious and adventurousin exploring the fascinating social, economic and politicalpossibilities of his invention, and will guide futuregenerations of Ethereum’s community of radicalsand builders.
MIT Press Formulations Architecture Mathematics Culture Writing Architecture
An investigation of mathematics as it was drawn, encoded, imagined, and interpreted by architects on the eve of digitization in the mid-twentieth century.In Formulations, Andrew Witt examines the visual, methodological, and cultural intersections between architecture and mathematics. The linkages Witt explores involve not the mystic transcendence of numbers invoked throughout architectural history, but rather architecture’s encounters with a range of calculational systems—techniques that architects inventively retooled for design. Witt offers a catalog of mid-twentieth-century practices of mathematical drawing and calculation in design that preceded and anticipated digitization as well as an account of the formal compendia that became a cultural currency shared between modern mathematicians and modern architects. Witt presents a series of extensively illustrated “biographi
Little, Brown & Company Sasaki and Peeps, Vol. 3 (light novel)
As always, Sasaki and his pet bird (and otherworld sage) Peeps continue to leap across worlds, trading goods for a profit. Thanks to a little help from Futarishizuka, they've found a way to exchange otherworld valuables for modern currency, and Sasaki has been studying up on magic, making him unstoppable against psychics and magical girls. All that's left is to make as much money as they can, retire, and start relaxing—but that won't be so easy. In Peeps' world, the dispute over succession begins in earnest, and back home, the psychic battles never stop. Not to mention Sasaki's neighbor, who is caught up in an angels-vs-demons death game. As worlds collide, Sasaki’s in for even more chaos!
Criminology Theories Patterns and Typologies
Bestselling CRIMINOLOGY: THEORIES, PATTERNS, AND TYPOLOGIES, now in its Twelfth Edition, delivers the most comprehensive, in-depth analysis of criminological theory and crime typologies available. This book is also unrivaled in its strong research base and currency, with detailed coverage of cybercrime, green crime, and transnational crime--three of the hottest issues in the field today. Packed with real-world illustrations, the Twelfth Edition includes cutting-edge seminal research, up-to-the-minute policy, newsworthy examples, and hundreds of new references. A proven author and authority in criminology and criminal justice, Dr. Renowned for his unbiased presentation of theories, issues, and controversies, Siegel encourages readers to weigh the evidence and form their own conclusions.
Cornerstone Cryptocurrency (WIRED guides): How Digital Money Could Transform Finance
The past decade has seen the relentless rise of cryptocurrency as an alternative form of digital currency. But what precisely is it and what potential does it have to change the world of money?In this brilliantly clear, one-stop guide WIRED Senior Editor Gian Vopicelli explains everything you need to know about cryptocurrency. He outlines its development and describes precisely how it operates. He demystifies the jargon it has spawned, from blockchain, Bitcoin and stablecoins to mining, smart contracts and forking. He looks at the political and economic ideologies that drive it. And he addresses the central question: will cryptocurrency have the transformative economic and social impact that its champions claim for it?
Harvard University Press A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States
Listen to a short interview with Stephen MihmHost: Chris Gondek | Producer: Heron & CraneFew of us question the slips of green paper that come and go in our purses, pockets, and wallets. Yet confidence in the money supply is a recent phenomenon: prior to the Civil War, the United States did not have a single, national currency. Instead, countless banks issued paper money in a bewildering variety of denominations and designs--more than ten thousand different kinds by 1860. Counterfeiters flourished amid this anarchy, putting vast quantities of bogus bills into circulation.Their success, Stephen Mihm reveals, is more than an entertaining tale of criminal enterprise: it is the story of the rise of a country defined by a freewheeling brand of capitalism over which the federal government exercised little control. It was an era when responsibility for the country's currency remained in the hands of capitalists for whom "making money" was as much a literal as a figurative undertaking.Mihm's witty tale brims with colorful characters: shady bankers, corrupt cops, charismatic criminals, and brilliant engravers. Based on prodigious research, it ranges far and wide, from New York City's criminal underworld to the gold fields of California and the battlefields of the Civil War. We learn how the federal government issued greenbacks for the first time and began dismantling the older monetary system and the counterfeit economy it sustained.A Nation of Counterfeiters is a trailblazing work of history, one that casts the country's capitalist roots in a startling new light. Readers will recognize the same get-rich-quick spirit that lives on in the speculative bubbles and confidence games of the twenty-first century.
Oxford University Press Inc The Ruble: A Political History
A groundbreaking history of Russia, from empire to the Soviet era, viewed through the lens of its money. Money seems passive, a silent witness to the deeds and misdeeds of its holders, but through its history intimate dramas and grand historical processes can be told. So argues this sweeping narrative of the ruble's story from the time of Catherine the Great to Lenin. The Russian ruble did not enjoy a particularly reputable place among European currencies. Across two hundred years, long periods of financial turmoil were followed by energetic and pragmatic reforms that invariably ended with another collapse. Why did a country with an industrializing economy, solid private property rights, and (until 1918) a near perfect reputation as a rock-solid repayer of its debts stick for such a prolonged period with an inconvertible currency? Why did the Russian gold standard differ from the European model? In answering these questions, Ekaterina Pravilova argues that politics and culture must be considered alongside economic factors. The history of the Russian ruble offers an opportunity to explore the political reasons behind the preservation of a supposedly backward financial system and to show how politicians used monetary reforms to block or enact political transformations. The Ruble is a history of Russia written in the language of money. It shows how economists, landowners, merchants, and peasants understood, perceived, and used financial mechanisms. In her definitive account, Pravilova interprets the well-known political events of the eighteenth to early twentieth centuries--wars, attempts at constitutional transformations, revolutions--through the ideas and politics of currency reforms and offers a new history of Russia's imperial expansion and collapse.
Bristol University Press Workaway: The Human Costs of Europe’s Common Labour Market
This agenda-setting book shows how freedom of movement has made the integration of Europe’s labour markets a contentious issue, for example in the aftermath of the eurocrisis, where workers had to make great sacrifices to enable the currency area to function. It argues that the process of market integration in Europe has undermined the power and influence of European workers and generated significant human costs. In starting from the position of labour, this book offers an alternative approach which balances the needs of justice and efficiency. With appeal across a wide range of readers interested in economic integration, it provides lessons for policymakers in how to integrate Europe’s member states to better protect workers and citizens.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Financial Accounting with International Financial Reporting Standards
While there is growing interest in IFRS within the US, interest outside the US has exploded. Weygandt's fourth edition of Financial Accounting: IFRS highlights the integration of more US GAAP rules, a desired feature as more foreign companies find the United States to be their largest market. The highly anticipated new edition retains each of the key features (e.g. TOC, writing style, pedagogy, robust EOC) on which users of Weygandt Financial have come to rely, while putting the focus on international companies/examples, discussing financial accounting principles and procedures within the context of IFRS, and providing EOC exercises and problems that present students with foreign currency examples instead of solely U.S. dollars.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Itchcraft
Exploding euros and exciting elements - join Itch, Jack and Chloe on their latest adventure.Itchingham Lofte, teenage element hunter and unlikely hero, has had anough excitement to last him a lifetime. Stumbling across an unknown radioactive element and trying to keep it out of the hands of those who want to use it for their own ends was hard enough. But when a school trip to Spain ends in exploding currency and rioting locals, he knows that he has to continue to look for answers.Itch knows the lives of those closest to him are at risk. He must track down a deadly enemy who will stop at nothing to take his vengeance . . .
Kogan Page Ltd The Handbook of International Trade and Finance: The Complete Guide for International Sales, Finance, Shipping and Administration
International trade, and its financing, is now a key component of many undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications. For anyone involved in international sales, finance, shipping and administration, or for those studying for academic or professional qualifications in international trade, The Handbook of International Trade and Finance offers an extensive and topical explanation of the key finance areas. This essential reference resource provides the information necessary to help you to reduce risks and improve cash flow, identify the most competitive finance alternatives, structure the best payment terms, and minimize finance and transaction costs. This fully revised and updated 4th edition of The Handbook of International Trade and Finance also describes the negotiating process from the perspectives of both the buyer and the seller, providing valuable insight into the complete financing process, and covering key topics such as: trade risks and risk assessment; structured trade finance; methods and terms of payment; currency risk management and bonds, guarantees and standby letters of credit. The Handbook of International Trade and Finance provides a complete and thorough assessment of all the issues involved in constructing, financing and completing a cross-border transaction, as an indispensable guide for anyone dealing with international trade. The new edition also includes a section on risk management, which plays an increasingly important role in international trade from currency fluctuations to political risk and natural disasters. N.B. This covers the principles of international trade and finance that are common across the globe and is relevant to anyone wanting to understand the subject, wherever they are located. Specific national issues (such as the UK's Brexit decision) do not affect the content. Online supporting resources include PowerPoint lecture slides.
University of Texas Press Greenback Planet: How the Dollar Conquered the World and Threatened Civilization as We Know It
The world runs on the U.S. dollar. From Washington to Beijing, governments, businesses, and individuals rely on the dollar to conduct commerce and invest profitably and safely—even after the global financial meltdown in 2008 revealed the potentially catastrophic cost of the dollar's hegemony. But how did the greenback achieve this planetary dominance a mere century and a half after President Lincoln issued the first currency backed only by the credit—and credibility—of the federal government? In Greenback Planet, acclaimed historian H. W. Brands charts the dollar's astonishing rise to become the world's principal currency. Telling the story with the verve of a novelist, he recounts key episodes in U.S. monetary history, from the Civil War debate over fiat money (greenbacks) to the recent worldwide financial crisis. Brands explores the dollar's changing relations to gold and silver and to other currencies and cogently explains how America's economic might made the dollar the fundamental standard of value in world finance. He vividly describes the 1869 Black Friday attempt to corner the gold market, banker J. P. Morgan's bailout of the U.S. treasury, the creation of the Federal Reserve, and President Franklin Roosevelt's handling of the bank panic of 1933. Brands shows how lessons learned (and not learned) in the Great Depression have influenced subsequent U.S. monetary policy, and how the dollar's dominance helped transform economies in countries ranging from Germany and Japan after World War II to Russia and China today. He concludes with a sobering dissection of the 2008 world financial debacle, which exposed the power—and the enormous risks—of the dollar's worldwide reign.
Princeton University Press This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly
Throughout history, rich and poor countries alike have been lending, borrowing, crashing--and recovering--their way through an extraordinary range of financial crises. Each time, the experts have chimed, "this time is different"--claiming that the old rules of valuation no longer apply and that the new situation bears little similarity to past disasters. With this breakthrough study, leading economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff definitively prove them wrong. Covering sixty-six countries across five continents, This Time Is Different presents a comprehensive look at the varieties of financial crises, and guides us through eight astonishing centuries of government defaults, banking panics, and inflationary spikes--from medieval currency debasements to today's subprime catastrophe. Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff, leading economists whose work has been influential in the policy debate concerning the current financial crisis, provocatively argue that financial combustions are universal rites of passage for emerging and established market nations. The authors draw important lessons from history to show us how much--or how little--we have learned. Using clear, sharp analysis and comprehensive data, Reinhart and Rogoff document that financial fallouts occur in clusters and strike with surprisingly consistent frequency, duration, and ferocity. They examine the patterns of currency crashes, high and hyperinflation, and government defaults on international and domestic debts--as well as the cycles in housing and equity prices, capital flows, unemployment, and government revenues around these crises. While countries do weather their financial storms, Reinhart and Rogoff prove that short memories make it all too easy for crises to recur. An important book that will affect policy discussions for a long time to come, This Time Is Different exposes centuries of financial missteps.