Search results for ""author volker""
Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies The Early Mongols Language, Culture and History: Studies in Honor of Igor de Rachewiltz on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday
University of Nebraska Press The Self-Propelled Island
The Self-Propelled Island is the first unabridged English translation of Jules Verne’s original story featuring a famous French string quartet that is abducted by an American businessman and taken to Standard Island to perform for its millionaire inhabitants. The quartet soon discovers that Standard Island is not an island at all, but an immense, futuristic ship possessing all the features of an idyllic haven. Equipped with the most opulent amenities, Standard Island travels the Pacific Ocean, traversing the south archipelagos and stopping at many “sister” islands for the pleasure of its well-heeled inhabitants. These inhabitants soon meet with the danger, in its various forms, that is inherent in ocean travel. Meanwhile, the French quartet is witness to the rivalry that exists between the two most powerful families onboard, a rivalry that keeps the future of the island balancing on the edge of a knife. First published in English in 1896, the novel was originally censored in translation. Dozens of pages were cut from the story because English translators felt they were too critical of Americans as well as the British. Here, for the first time, readers have the pleasure of reading The Self-Propelled Island as Verne intended it.
Springer Verlag GmbH Intraoperative Imaging
Intraoperative imaging technologies have taken an ever-increasing role in the daily practice of neurosurgeons and the increasing attention and interest necessitated international interaction and collaboration. The Intraoperative Imaging Society was formed in 2007. This book brings together highlights from the second meeting of the Intraoperative Imaging Society, which took place in Istanbul-Turkey from June 14 to 17, 2009. Included within the contents of the book is an overview of the emergence and development of the intraoperative imaging technology as well as a glimpse on where the technology is heading. This is followed by in detail coverage of intraoperative MRI technology and sections on intraoperative CT and ultrasonography. There are also sections on multimodality integration, intraoperative robotics and other intraoperative technologies. We believe that this book will provide an up-to date and comprehensive general overview of the current intraoperative imaging technology as well as detailed discussions on individual techniques and clinical results.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Weichgewebetumoren: Interdisziplinäres Management
Die Herausgeber, anerkannte Spezialisten und aktiv in der Interdisziplinären Arbeitsgruppe Weichteilsarkome (IAWS) der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft, stehen für fundiertes Fachwissen. Das Werk zeichnet sich durch eine praxisorientierte und übersichtliche Darstellung aller bei Weichteilsarkomen klinisch relevanten Themen aus. Ausführlich wird auf Diagnostik, Klassifikation, Stadieneinteilung wie auch molekulare und genetische Aspekte als Grundlage therapeutischer Entscheidungen eingegangen. Ein weiteres zentrales Thema ist die interdisziplinäre Behandlung (Chirurgie, Strahlentherapie, medikamentöse Therapie) und deren Sequenz für die zahlreichen, unterschiedlichen Entitäten von Weichteilsarkomen. Auch spezielle Therapieverfahren, wie Extremitätenperfusion und Hyperthermie werden besprochen. Ärzte in Klinik und Praxis erhalten mit diesem Buch kompetente Unterstützung für die optimale Betreuung von Patienten mit Weichteilsarkomen.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Effects and Performance Analysis of Non-linear Phase Noise in All Optical OFDM Systems