Search results for ""Diffusion""
John Wiley & Sons Inc Solving Partial Differential Equation Applications with PDE2D
Solve engineering and scientific partial differential equation applications using the PDE2D software developed by the author Solving Partial Differential Equation Applications with PDE2D derives and solves a range of ordinary and partial differential equation (PDE) applications. This book describes an easy-to-use, general purpose, and time-tested PDE solver developed by the author that can be applied to a wide variety of science and engineering problems. The equations studied include many time-dependent, steady-state and eigenvalue applications such as diffusion, heat conduction and convection, image processing, math finance, fluid flow, and elasticity and quantum mechanics, in one, two, and three space dimensions. The author begins with some simple "0D" problems that give the reader an opportunity to become familiar with PDE2D before proceeding to more difficult problems. The book ends with the solution of a very difficult nonlinear problem, which requires a moving adaptive grid because the solution has sharp, moving peaks. This important book: Describes a finite-element program, PDE2D, developed by the author over the course of 40 years Derives the ordinary and partial differential equations, with appropriate initial and boundary conditions, for a wide variety of applications Offers free access to the Windows version of the PDE2D software through the author’s website at Offers free access to the Linux and MacOSX versions of the PDE2D software also, for instructors who adopt the book for their course and contact the author at Written for graduate applied mathematics or computational science classes, Solving Partial Differential Equation Applications with PDE2D offers students the opportunity to actually solve interesting engineering and scientific applications using the accessible PDE2D.
Harvard University Press France in the Enlightenment
A panorama of a whole civilization, a world on the verge of cataclysm, unfolds in this magisterial work by the foremost historian of eighteenth-century France. Since Tocqueville’s account of the Old Regime, historians have struggled to understand the social, cultural, and political intricacies of this efflorescence of French society before the Revolution. France in the Enlightenment is a brilliant addition to this historical interest.France in the Enlightenment brings the Old Regime to life by showing how its institutions operated and how they were understood by the people who worked within them. Daniel Roche begins with a map of space and time, depicting France as a mosaic of overlapping geographical units, with people and goods traversing it to the rhythms of everyday life. He fills this frame with the patterns of rural life, urban culture, and government institutions. Here as never before we see the eighteenth-century French “culture of appearances”: the organization of social life, the diffusion of ideas, the accoutrements of ordinary people in the folkways of ordinary living—their food and clothing, living quarters, reading material. Roche shows us the eighteenth-century France of the peasant, the merchant, the noble, the King, from Paris to the provinces, from the public space to the private home.By placing politics and material culture at the heart of historical change, Roche captures the complexity and depth of the Enlightenment. From the finest detail to the widest view, from the isolated event to the sweeping trend, his masterly book offers an unparalleled picture of a society in motion, flush with the transformation that will be its own demise.
Columbia University Press Geochemistry: Pathways and Processes
Written expressly for undergraduate and graduate geologists, this book focuses on how geochemical principles can be used to solve practical problems. The attention to problem-solving reflects the authors'belief that showing how theory is useful in solving real-life problems is vital for learning. The book gives students a thorough grasp of the basic principles of the subject, balancing the traditional equilibrium perspective and the kinetic viewpoint. The first half of the book considers processes in which temperature and pressure are nearly constant. After introductions to the laws of thermodynamics, to fundamental equations for flow and diffusion, and to solution chemistry, these principles are used to investigate diagenesis, weathering, and natural waters. The second half of the book applies thermodynamics and kinetics to systems undergoing changes in temperature and pressure during magmatism and metamorphism. This revised edition incorporates new geochemical discoveries as examples of processes and pathways, with new chapters on mineral structure and bonding and on organic matter and biomarkers. Each chapter has worked problems, and the authors assume that the student has had a year of college-level chemistry and a year of calculus. Praise for the first edition "A truly modern geochemistry book...Very well written and quite enjoyable to read...An excellent basic text for graduate level instruction in geochemistry." -Journal of Geological Education "An up-to-date, broadly conceived introduction to geochemistry...Given the recent flowering of geochemistry as an interdisciplinary science, and given the extent to which it now draws upon the fundamentals of thermodynamics and kinetics to understand earth and planetary processes, this timely and rigorous [book] is welcome indeed." -Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Peeters Publishers Etudes De Linguistique Berbere
Les articles reunis dans ce volume representent les principaux secteurs de l'etude du berbere. Ils ont ete choisis en fonction de l'importance des problemes traites, mais on a privilegie les travaux publies dans des revues ou dans des ouvrages de faible diffusion ou d'acces difficile. La premiere partie du livre est consacree au libyque, nom qui designe la langue rencontree en Afrique du Nord par les envahisseurs connus de l'histoire, Pheniciens, Grecs, puis Romains. il ne peut guere s'agir que d'un etat ancien du berbere actuel, mais les documents sont d'interpretation difficile. Tout en proposant des hypotheses, les articles retenus insistent sur la necessite d'operer prudemment et sur des series, en se defiant des rapprochements trop faciles entre elements isoles. Viennent ensuite des descriptions et des analyses portant sur les parlers contemporains. Quand le sujet s'y pretait, l'auteur a recouru systematiquement a la comparaison interdialectale, qui permet de pallier dans une certaine mesure l'insuffisance des temoignages historiques. les parlers n'ayant pas tous chemine au meme rythme ni dans les memes conditions, il n'est pas rare qu'on puisse retracer, en passant de l'un a l'autre, l'etat anterieur et l'evolution d'un phenomene qui, dans sa forme la plus avancee, ne serait pas explicable en synchronie. les analyses ne perdent jamais de vue le cadre de l'enonciation, attitude qui s'impose en toutes circonstances et plus encore dans le cas des langues orales. Lionel Galand, ancien membre de l'Ecole francaise de Rome, est passe de l'etude de l'Afrique du Nord dans l'Antiquite a celle du berbere, qu'il a enseigne a l'Institut des hautes etudes marocaines de Rabat, puis a l'Ecole des langues orientales (aujourd'hui INALCO) a Paris et a l'Ecole pratique des hautes etudes. Il est correspondant de l'Institut de France et membre etranger de l'Academie royale des Pays-Bas.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Approaches to Geo-mathematical Modelling: New Tools for Complexity Science
Geo-mathematical modelling: models from complexity science Sir Alan Wilson, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, University College London Mathematical and computer models for a complexity science tool kit Geographical systems are characterised by locations, activities at locations, interactions between them and the infrastructures that carry these activities and flows. They can be described at a great variety of scales, from individuals and organisations to countries. Our understanding, often partial, of these entities, and in many cases this understanding is represented in theories and associated mathematical models. In this book, the main examples are models that represent elements of the global system covering such topics as trade, migration, security and development aid together with examples at finer scales. This provides an effective toolkit that can not only be applied to global systems, but more widely in the modelling of complex systems. All complex systems involve nonlinearities involving path dependence and the possibility of phase changes and this makes the mathematical aspects particularly interesting. It is through these mechanisms that new structures can be seen to ‘emerge’, and hence the current notion of ‘emergent behaviour’. The range of models demonstrated include account-based models and biproportional fitting, structural dynamics, space-time statistical analysis, real-time response models, Lotka-Volterra models representing ‘war’, agent-based models, epidemiology and reaction-diffusion approaches, game theory, network models and finally, integrated models. Geo-mathematical modelling: Presents mathematical models with spatial dimensions. Provides representations of path dependence and phase changes. Illustrates complexity science using models of trade, migration, security and development aid. Demonstrates how generic models from the complexity science tool kit can each be applied in a variety of situations This book is for practitioners and researchers in applied mathematics, geography, economics, and interdisciplinary fields such as regional science and complexity science. It can also be used as the basis of a modelling course for postgraduate students.
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd Controlled Release Systems: Advances in Nanobottles and Active Nanoparticles
In the area of controlled release of active substances, such as drugs, a strong interest in nanoparticles as carriers of active ingredients has arisen. Some of the active components are extremely hydrophobic, without cellular permeability and susceptible to metabolic degradation. Owing to this, their use is limited. This kind of agent can be transported without any problem through physiological media by using nanoparticles. The size of particles is an important parameter because it governs the efficiency of the delivery system. For this type of application, particles that have a diameter smaller than 1 μm are especially useful. Polymeric nanoparticles that have diameters in the colloidal range are produced by means of polymerization processes in dispersed media. Drugs are taken up into the nanoparticles by adsorption, absorption, or “entrapment," or covalent bonding and they are delivered (release) by desorption, diffusion, polymer degradation, or a combination of these mechanisms. Nanoparticles (including nanogels) that release their contents by external triggering open up new possibilities for therapeutic strategies. External triggering by light, heat, change in pH, or application of ultrasound opens up the possibility to release the material on demand. If only a part of the wall of the nanoparticle (nanocapsule) is responsive, we are dealing with the so-called nanobottles, a nanocontainer with the active substance and a lid on the container that can be "opened" and "closed" by external triggering. This book focuses on responsive nanoparticles and brings together two interesting areas: nanoparticles and responsive polymers. The concept of the book is that of a systematic approach from nanoparticles synthesis via responsive polymers to nanobottles. The second part of the book presents contributions from experts in the field and provides a state-of-the-art overview of the field.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Leading Issues in Competition, Regulation and Development
The promotion of liberalised and deregulated markets by bilateral and multilateral aid donors, and by global institutions such as the WTO, has led to significant attention being paid to competition and regulatory reforms in developing economies. The process of reform involves the transfer and diffusion of market models derived from practice and theory in developed countries. However, in developing countries, regulation needs to do more than simply promote competitiveness and consumer interests: it also needs to ensure that the market nurtures development. By rigorously examining the numerous impacts of regulation, this book will help to fill a significant gap in the literature on economic and social development.The book draws together contributions from leading experts across a range of disciplines including economics, law, politics and governance, public management and business management. The authors begin with an extensive overview of the issues of regulation and competition in developing countries, and carefully illustrate the important themes and concepts involved. Using a variety of country and sector case studies, they move on to focus on the problems of applicability and adaptation that are experienced in the process of transferring best practice policy models from developed to developing countries. The book presents a clear agenda for further empirical research and is notable for its rigorous exploration of the links between theory and practice. Although there is substantial interest in competition and regulation, as yet there has been relatively little investigation of these issues in developing economies. This book redresses the balance and will be a valuable resource for researchers, academics, teachers and students interested in development economics and development studies. It will also be of great relevance for practitioners and policymakers working in the fields of competition policy and regulatory reform.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Geographies of Technology
This Handbook offers an insightful and comprehensive overview from a geographic perspective of the numerous and varied technologies that are shaping the contemporary world. It shows how geography and technology are intimately linked by examining the origins, growth, and impacts of 27 different technologies and highlighting how they influence the structure and spatiality of society. Following summaries of important conceptual issues such as diffusion, gender and science studies, the book explores various technologies, which are grouped into six main categories: Computational: code, location-based services and virtual reality Communications: fiber optics, satellites, the internet, radio, cell phones and television Transportation: automobiles, aviation, drones, railroads, and shipping and ports Energy: biofuels, dams, fracking, geothermal energy, pipelines, solar energy and LEED buildings Manufacturing: robotics, just-in-time systems and nanotechnology Life sciences: new technologies of health care, biotechnology and biometrics. Significantly, the book includes in-depth explorations of new technologies that have so far received very little attention from geographers. This much-needed Handbook offers a comprehensive and state-of-the-art summary of the geographies of major technologies and how they affect society, economies, geographies and everyday life. It will appeal to academics and advanced students interested in geography, planning and the social sciences in general.Contributors include: R. Baghel, M. Batty, R.E. Baxter, T. Birtchnell, M.J. Blair, L. Cabral, K.E. Calvert, M. Chen, J. Cidell, J.C. Comer, D. Comfort, S.W. Cunningham, M. Dodge, A.R. Goetz, A. Golub, A. Grech, D. Hillier, A. Holl, J.P. Howell, A. Johnson, P. Jones, A. Kellerman, L. Kurdgelashvili, L. Li, H. Lin, R. Lobato, B.P.Y. Loo, A. López Peláez, E. Louie, S. Maalsen, W.E. Mabee, J.D. Makholm, J. McLean, M. Nüsser, G. Popescu, R. Rama, P.L. Robertson, J.-P. Rodrigue, M.W. Rosenberg, B. Solomon, J.D. Stephen, D. Sui, G. Timilsina, N. Waldbrook, B. Warf, T.A. Wikle, C. Wilkinson
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Wood Deterioration, Protection and Maintenance
WOOD DETERIORATION, PROTECTION AND MAINTENANCE Wood has low embodied energy, is a renewable resource and can perform extremely well in a range of construction applications, so it is not surprising that there is growing interest in the use of wood in new buildings. As a natural material, wood can be subject to degradation by a range of environmental factors, insects, bacteria or fungi. Advances in the understanding of the degradation processes caused by these factors, as well as increased knowledge about boundary environmental conditions and the extractives that suppress the development of timber pests, have led to new methods of structural, physical and chemical protection of wood and wooden composites. The result is that wood can deliver high-performance, long-life buildings and structures with low environmental impact at relatively modest cost. Wood Deterioration, Protection and Maintenance provides an up-to-date discussion of the natural durability of wood, wood degradation processes, and methods of structural, physical and chemical protection of wood. The important information relating to wood degradation by abiotic and biotic agents in the context of the basic structure of wood is fully discussed, showing how structural changes in damaged wood relate to physical and mechanical properties. Modern active substances in wood protection and the relationships between preservative properties, the anatomical structure and moisture content of wood, and protective processes involving pressure and/or diffusion driving forces are fully illustrated. Mentioned also are principles of wood maintenance, together with modes of damaged wood identification, sterilization and reconstruction. OTHER BOOKS OF INTEREST Wood Modification: Chemical, Thermal and Other Processes Callum A. S. Hill Hardback ISBN 9780470021729 January 2006, Wiley Wood in Construction: How to Avoid Costly Mistakes Jim Coulson Paperback ISBN 9780470657775 March 2012, Wiley Blackwell Structural Timber Design to Eurocode 5, 2nd Edition Jack Porteous, Abdy Kermani Paperback ISBN 9780470675007 May 2013, Wiley Blackwell
Princeton University Press Indifference Pricing: Theory and Applications
This is the first book about the emerging field of utility indifference pricing for valuing derivatives in incomplete markets. Rene Carmona brings together a who's who of leading experts in the field to provide the definitive introduction for students, scholars, and researchers. Until recently, financial mathematicians and engineers developed pricing and hedging procedures that assumed complete markets. But markets are generally incomplete, and it may be impossible to hedge against all sources of randomness. Indifference Pricing offers cutting-edge procedures developed under more realistic market assumptions. The book begins by introducing the concept of indifference pricing in the simplest possible models of discrete time and finite state spaces where duality theory can be exploited readily. It moves into a more technical discussion of utility indifference pricing for diffusion models, and then addresses problems of optimal design of derivatives by extending the indifference pricing paradigm beyond the realm of utility functions into the realm of dynamic risk measures. Focus then turns to the applications, including portfolio optimization, the pricing of defaultable securities, and weather and commodity derivatives. The book features original mathematical results and an extensive bibliography and indexes. In addition to the editor, the contributors are Pauline Barrieu, Tomasz R. Bielecki, Nicole El Karoui, Robert J. Elliott, Said Hamadene, Vicky Henderson, David Hobson, Aytac Ilhan, Monique Jeanblanc, Mattias Jonsson, Anis Matoussi, Marek Musiela, Ronnie Sircar, John van der Hoek, and Thaleia Zariphopoulou. * The first book on utility indifference pricing * Explains the fundamentals of indifference pricing, from simple models to the most technical ones * Goes beyond utility functions to analyze optimal risk transfer and the theory of dynamic risk measures * Covers non-Markovian and partially observed models and applications to portfolio optimization, defaultable securities, static and quadratic hedging, weather derivatives, and commodities * Includes extensive bibliography and indexes * Provides essential reading for PhD students, researchers, and professionals
Harvard University Press Economic Analysis of Product Innovation: The Case of CT Scanners
One of the most striking features of contemporary industrial economies is their ability to offer an ever-expanding and improving range of products. Personal computers, tiny pacemakers, digital watches, and VCRs simply did not exist, and were not even dreamt of, only a few decades ago. Such product innovations play an increasingly important role in modern economic growth, and it is therefore imperative that economists come to grips with them, just as they have done with traditional economic phenomena.In this skillfully crafted and imaginative study, Manuel Trajtenberg develops the tools to quantify and analyze the notion of product innovation. He argues persuasively that the magnitude of an innovation should be equated with the social benefits that it generates. Drawing from the "characteristics approach" to demand theory and the econometrics of discrete choice, he presents an ingenious method to estimate the benefits from product innovations that accrue to the consumer over time. His method centers on consumer preferences for different product attributes -such as speed and size of memory in computers-and then uses those preferences to evaluate the changes in attributes.Trajtenberg applies his approach to the study of one of the most remarkable innovations in medical technology--Computed Tomography (CT) scanners. He assembled for that purpose an impressive set of data on every aspect of the new technology, from qualities and prices, patents and research, to details on virtually every sale in the United States during the decade following the introduction of CT in 1973. This close-up view of an innovation, quite rare in economic literature, offers valuable insights on the nature of the innovative process, the interaction between innovation and diffusion, the effects of uncertainty about quality, and the implications of changing preferences.
Emerald Publishing Limited Global Economy and Digital Society
The effects of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on globalization, innovation, growth and productivity are immense. ICTs contribute to the globalization of production and capital markets by reducing the cost of information and communication. These technologies have certainly made it easier for multinationals and other companies to spread production facilities all over the world, to co-ordinate international marketing campaigns, and to ease collaboration in projects taking place on different continents. While the anti-globalization movement may claim otherwise, individuals and consumers also have much to gain from the internationalization of trade and commerce. Using the Internet, consumers can today find products on sale in other countries or not available in their own countries, and compare their standard of living to those of others. It is also, as a result of the Internet, much easier for consumers to become better informed. As a result of this increased access to information, markets work more efficiently. Furthermore, globalization has speeded up the diffusion of innovation, bringing new knowledge, products and services to developing countries in months rather than years or decades. This book deals with the implications of a global economy and the emergence of a society permeated by information and communication technologies. The book includes a special focus on telecommunications markets and policy and on user perspectives. The editors have been careful to select a wide range of papers by expert scholars and policy analysts in order to capture the book issues from a number of perspectives. The book represents a holistic approach, bringing to bear a number of critical perspectives: economics, engineering, business, organization theory, psychology, policy analysis, and security concerns. The volume succeeds in providing a multi-faceted and rich view of the book topic.
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc Health Behavior Theory for Public Health: Principles, Foundations, and Applications
This unique text examines health behavior theory, through the context of the “New Public Health”. Health Behavior Theory for Public Health will provide your students with a balanced professional education – one that explores the essential spectrum of theoretical tools as well as the core practices. Divided into three sections, the book takes an ecological approach to learning about health behavior theory and its application. The reader will first gain a broad understanding of health, public health, health behavior and health promotion planning. This is followed by a straightforward and expansive look at the most commonly applied theories and approaches to public health research and programs. Students will come away with a clear understanding of how theory fits into the larger scope of public health research and practice. Finally, readers will learn about the essential tasks of measurement, evaluation, and translation through an examination a diverse set of application tools. The Second Edition is a thorough update that offers two new chapters, new examples of application in the field, as well as new photos, pull quotes, and box features to engage the reader in learning. Key Features: • A new chapter on intervention mapping that examines the value of using multiple theories to better understand and thus better resolve social inequalities and prevent disease • A new chapter on social network theory that explores the basics of network theory and the profound influence of networks on the health behaviors of people at all stages of life. • New examples of the application of theory such as the highly successful structural-level of intervention of Citibike in New York City • New timely and relevant examples that illustrate difficult concepts such as evaluation and the diffusion of innovation
Oxford University Press Inc Governing Security After War: The Politics of Institutional Change in the Security Sector
Security assistance has become the largest component of international peacebuilding and stabilization efforts, and a primary tool for responding to civil war and insurgency. Donors and peacekeepers not only train and equip military and police forces, they also seek to overhaul their structure, management, and oversight. Yet, we know little about why these efforts succeed or fail. Efforts to restructure security forces in Iraq, Libya, South Sudan, Timor-Leste, and the Democratic Republic of Congo ended amidst factional fighting. Similar efforts in Liberia, Sierra Leone, El Salvador, Mozambique, and Bosnia and Herzegovina helped to transform security forces and underpin peace. What accounts for the mixed outcomes of efforts to restructure security forces after civil war? What is the role of external involvement on these outcomes? In Governing Security After War, Louis-Alexandre Berg examines the political dimensions of security governance through systematic, cross-country comparison. Berg argues that the extent to which state policymakers adopt changes to the management and oversight of security forces depends on internal political dynamics, specifically the degree to which leaders need to consolidate power. The different political strategies leaders pursue, in turn, affect opportunities for external actors to influence institutional changes through means such as conditions on aid, norm diffusion, or day-to-day participation in decision-making. Drawing on an original dataset of security governance and field research in Liberia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Timor-Leste, as well as mini-case studies of Iraq, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Somalia, Berg draws out novel implications that help explain the recurrence of civil war and the impact of foreign aid on peacebuilding. Moreover, Berg provides practical recommendations for navigating the political challenges of institutional change in conflict-affected countries. Ultimately, Governing Security After War seeks to explain the success and failure of international assistance in war-torn countries and sheds light on the politics of peacebuilding.
Emerald Publishing Limited The Development of Open Government Data: Connecting Supply and Demand Through Portals
Open government data (OGD) has developed rapidly in recent years due to various benefits that can be derived through transparency and public access. However, researchers emphasize a lack of use instead of lack of disclosure as a key problem in OGD’s present development. Previous studies have approached this issue either from the supply-side, focusing on data quantity and quality, or from the demand-side, focusing on factors that affect users’ acceptance of OGD, but seldom consider both sides at the same time. This unique study compares the supply and demand sides of OGD and explores possible directions for the future development of OGD portals based on the discovered mismatches between the two. The authors improve OGD utilization by balancing the supply-side and demand-side according to citizens’ demands through OGD portals. Based on the concept of an OGD ecosystem, four connected studies are explored. The first study built an evaluation framework for understanding the development of the OGD supply-side. The second study focuses on a survey conducted to analyze the awareness and utilization of OGD portals by citizens, who are the primary users and major beneficiaries of OGD on the demand-side. A third study compares the supply and demand sides based on Diffusion of Innovation theory. A final study tests the proposed usability criteria for building an OGD portal by carrying out a between-subjects experiment including a virtual agent. Each case study examines a unique aspect of OGD in China, and also offers reflections on future directions for developing OGD. Providing a unique and enhanced theoretical and practical understanding of OGD and its usage, as well as proposing directions for OGD portals’ future development in order to encourage citizens’ OGD utilization, this is a must-read for researchers and policymakers examining the impact and possibilities of OGD.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Vibrations and Waves
Based on the successful multi-edition book “The Physics of Vibrations and Waves” by John Pain, the authors carry over the simplicity and logic of the approach taken in the original first edition with its focus on the patterns underlying and connecting so many aspects of physical behavior, whilst bringing the subject up-to-date so it is relevant to teaching in the 21st century. The transmission of energy by wave propagation is a key concept that has applications in almost every branch of physics with transmitting mediums essentially acting as a continuum of coupled oscillators. The characterization of these simple oscillators in terms of three parameters related to the storage, exchange, and dissipation of energy forms the basis of this book. The text moves naturally on from a discussion of basic concepts such as damped oscillations, diffraction and interference to more advanced topics such as transmission lines and attenuation, wave guides, diffusion, Fourier series, and electromagnetic waves in dielectrics and conductors. Throughout the text the emphasis on the underlying principles helps readers to develop their physics insight as an aid to problem solving. This book provides undergraduate students of physics and engineering with the mathematical tools required for full mastery of the concepts. With worked examples presented throughout the text, as well as the Problem sets concluding each chapter, this textbook will enable students to develop their skills and measure their understanding of each topic step-by-step.A companion website is also available, which includes solutions to chapter problems and PowerPoint slides. Review of “The Physics of Vibrations and Waves 6e“ This is an excellent textbook, full of interesting material clearly explained and fully worthy of being studied by future contributors ..." Journal of Sound and Vibration
Cornell University Press The Money Laundry: Regulating Criminal Finance in the Global Economy
A generation ago not a single country had laws to counter money laundering; now, more countries have standardized anti–money laundering (AML) policies than have armed forces. In The Money Laundry, J. C. Sharman investigates whether AML policy works, and why it has spread so rapidly to so many states with so little in common. Sharman asserts that there are few benefits to such policies but high costs, which fall especially heavily on poor countries. Sharman tests the effectiveness of AML laws by soliciting offers for just the kind of untraceable shell companies that are expressly forbidden by global standards. In practice these are readily available, and the author had no difficulty in buying the services of such companies. After dealing with providers in countries ranging from the Seychelles and Somalia to the United States and Britain, Sharman demonstrates that it is easier to form untraceable companies in large rich states than in small poor ones; the United States is the worst offender. Despite its ineffectiveness, AML policy has spread via three paths. The Financial Action Task Force, the key standard-setter and enforcer in this area, has successfully implemented a strategy of blacklisting to promote compliance. Publicly identified as noncompliant, targeted states suffered damage to their reputation. Subsequently, officials from poor countries became socialized within transnational policy networks. Finally, international banks began using the presence of AML policy as a proxy for general country risk. Developing states have responded by adopting this policy as a functionally useless but symbolically valuable way of reassuring powerful outsiders. Since the financial crisis of 2008, the G20 has used the successful methods of coercive policy diffusion pioneered in the AML realm as a model for other global governance initiatives.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Soap Operas for Social Change: Toward a Methodology for Entertainment-Education Television
In 1975, the Mexican network Televisa broadcast the first entertainment-education soap opera, which was written and produced by Miguel Sabido according to his own theory-based research formula. The soap opera, called Ven Conmigo (Come with Me), promoted a government-sponsored adult literacy program, and its commercial and social success prompted Televisa to produce, broadcast, and research the audience effects of five other Sabido-designed soaps. Development themes treated in these shows included family planning, women's rights, responsible parenthood, and adolescent sexual education. Each of the six entertainment-education soap operas was exported for broadcast in other Latin American nations and achieved high ratings consistent with the ratings of conventional soaps. Subsequent evaluation research indicated that these educational soaps did successfully increase viewers' awareness and acceptance of their respective messages. Nariman examines Sabido's model with particular attention given to communication and behavioral theories that constitute parts of the formula: the hierarchy of effects model by William McGuire, the social learning theory developed by Albert Bandura, the dramatic theory proposed by Eric Bentley, the two-step-flow theory of Paul F. Lazarsfeld, and opinion leadership as articulated by Lazarsfeld, Berelson, and Gaudet. Nariman details the historical, social, and political context within which Sabido's formula emerged in Mexico, and discusses the research and application of the research data in actual soap opera design and production. Nariman discusses results of these evaluations conducted in Latin America, then provides an overview of the diffusion of the Sabido formula to other countries and media in India, Kenya, Zaire, Pakistan, and other developing countries. Each chapter includes lively examples from Sabido's soap operas that are highlighted by sample dialogue, plots, and character profiles. The volume takes an important step towards breaking down the traditional concept of informational or educational campaigns as mutually exclusive from commercial mass media entertainment.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Aspects of the Orange Revolution VI – Post–Communist Democratic Revolutions in Comparative Perspective
Post-communist democratic revolutions have, so far, taken place in six countries: Slovakia (1998), Croatia (1999-2000), Serbia (2000), Georgia (2003), Ukraine (2004) and Kyrgyzstan (2005). The seven chapters in this volume situate these events within a theoretical and comparative perspective. The volume draws upon extensive experience and field research conducted by political scientists specialising in comparative democratisation, regime politics, political transitions, electoral studies, and the post-communist world. The papers by Valerie Bunce and Sharon Wolchik, Henry Hale, Paul D'Anieri, David R Marples, Taras Kuzio, Lucan A Way and Steven Levitsky, as well as Anika Locke Binnendijk and Ivan Marovic explore different regime types and opposition strategies in post-communist states, the diffusion of opposition strategies between states in which democratic revolutions were attempted, the strategic importance of youth NGO's in mobilising oppositions towards democratic revolutions, the use of non-violent strategies by the opposition, path dependent, theoretical and comparative explanations of the sources of successful and failed democratic revolutions, and the factors that lie behind divergent post-revolutionary trajectories. The volume represents a breakthrough in our understanding of why and how democratic revolutions take place in the post-communist world. It provides an integrated analysis of why such upheavals succeed in some, but fail in other states. The contributions point to, among other issues, why the post-revolutionary breakthroughs in Serbia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan have encountered obstacles, the ousted regime was never fully defeated and its representatives were able to launch counter-revolutions, as well as why, in Serbia and Ukraine, the political forces of the ousted regimes have returned to power in free elections held after democratic revolutions. Post-Communist Democratic Revolutions in Comparative Perspective will be important reading for scholars and policy makers alike.
University of Pennsylvania Press Origins of Agriculture in Western Central Asia: An Environmental-Archaeological Study
In Origins of Agriculture in Western Central Asia, archaeologist David R. Harris addresses questions of when, how, and why agriculture and settled village life began east of the Caspian Sea. The book describes and assesses evidence from archaeological investigations in Turkmenistan and adjacent parts of Iran, Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan in relation to present and past environmental conditions and genetic and archaeological data on the ancestry of the crops and domestic animals of the Neolithic period. It includes accounts of previous research on the prehistoric archaeology of the region and reports the results of a recent environmental-archaeological project undertaken by British, Russian, and Turkmen archaeologists in Turkmenistan, principally at the early Neolithic site of Jeitun (Djeitun) on the southern edge of the Karakum desert. This project has demonstrated unequivocally that agropastoralists who cultivated barley and wheat, raised goats and sheep, hunted wild animals, made stone tools and pottery, and lived in small mudbrick settlements were present in southern Turkmenistan by 7,000 years ago (c. 6,000 BCE calibrated), where they came into contact with hunter-gatherers of the "Keltiminar Culture." It is possible that barley and goats were domesticated locally, but the available archaeological and genetic evidence leads to the conclusion that all or most of the elements of the Neolithic "Jeitun Culture" spread to the region from farther west by a process of demic or cultural diffusion that broadly parallels the spread of Neolithic agropastoralism from southwest Asia into Europe. By synthesizing for the first time what is currently known about the origins of agriculture in a large part of Central Asia, between the more fully investigated regions of southwest Asia and China, this book makes a unique contribution to the worldwide literature on transitions from hunting and gathering to agriculture.
Ashmolean Museum Art of India and Beyond
The Ashmolean is fortunate in having the finest collection of Indian art in Britain outside London, one which includes many works of great beauty and expressive power. For this we are indebted above all to the generosity, knowledge and taste of our benefactors and donors from the 17th century to the present. This book offers a short account of how the collection developed and a selection of some of its more outstanding or interesting works of art. While it is written mainly for the general reader and museum visitor, it includes many fine objects or pictures, some of them unpublished, that should interest specialist scholars and students. Since 1987, the Ashmolean has made many significant new acquisitions of Indian art and these are highlighted in this collection. As the book’s title implies, it also ventures beyond the bounds of the Indian subcontinent by including works from Afghanistan and Central Asian Silk Road sites as well as many from Nepal, Tibet and Southeast Asia. From the early centuries AD, Indian trading links with these diverse regions of Asia led to a widespread cultural diffusion and regional adoptions of Buddhism and Hinduism along with their related arts. Local reinterpretations of such Indic subjects, themes and styles then grew into flourishing and enduring artistic traditions which are also part of the story of this book. The selection of works ends around 1900. By the 16th century and the early modern period in India, growing European interventions and Western artistic influences under Mughal rule saw a significant shift in sensibility and the practice of more secular and naturalistic forms of court art such as portraiture. By the late 19th century, fundamental cultural changes under British rule and the advent of new technologies brought about a gradual decline in many of India’s traditional arts.
September Publishing The Dragonfly Sea
'One of the most unforgettable books I have read in the last few years... What a writer! What a thinker! What a woman!' Fiammetta Rocco From the award-winning author of Dust comes a magical, sea-saturated, coming-of-age novel that transports readers from Kenya to China and Turkey. On an island in the Lamu Archipelago lives a solitary, stubborn child called Ayaana and her mother, Munira. When a sailor, Muhidin, enters their lives, the child finds something she has never had before: a father. But as Ayaana grows into adulthood, forces of nature and history begin to reshape her life, leading her to distant countries and fraught choices. Selected as a descendant of long-ago Chinese shipwrecked sailors Ayaana is sent to study in China. Leaving her resourceful single mother, she is forced to grow up fast. Whether it's the scarred captain of the Chinese shipping container that transports Ayaana or the son of Turkish shipping magnate who trades in refugees, Owuor never loses a profound sense of empathy for her characters. She evokes a fascinating kind of beauty in this dangerous, chaotic world and its ever-shifting oceans and trade. Told with a glorious lyricism, The Dragonfly Sea is a transcendent story of love and adventure, and of the inexorable need for shelter in a dangerous world. 'One of Africa's most exciting voices ... The Dragonfly Sea is a continent-hopping novel of epic proportions.' Refinery29 'In its omnivorous interest in the world, The Dragonfly Sea is a paean to both cultural diffusion and difference . . . as much as [the novel] traces the globe, it also depicts an internal pilgrimage, its heroine in rose attar a broken saint.' New York Times 'Owuor continues to break ground among contemporary African writers.' Vanity Fair
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Energy Research: Volume 33
Volume 33 begins with a focus on gas hydrates, also known as methane hydrates, which are formed due to high hydraulic pressures present under the cold seabed over long periods of time. Following this, an exploratory method using semi-structured interviews was undertaken to investigate the barriers and drivers for implementing energy efficiency measures in South Africa's cement finishing mill. To address the large energy consumption of microalgae dewatering and to increase revenues from microalgae, a novel process for the prior sustainable extraction of carotenoids from wet microalgae biomass is proposed. The authors describe the evolution of smart grids in some developing countries, highlighting the challenges and trends for the next years. For this purpose, reference cases corresponding to different developing countries of Africa and America are used. Additionally, the basics of high efficiency cogeneration and the mathematical model used to calculate the amount of electricity in cogeneration are discussed. In one study, the impedance of the diffusion and reaction processes in an electrochemical cell is modelled by means of transmission line equivalent electric circuits. To discuss the applications of common techniques to control the efficiency and costs of underground ventilation, detailed information on current practices is collected through discussions with miners to identify relevant problems. The authors go on to explore barriers and enablers which impact the durability of solar street lighting systems in rural India to create a renewable energy eco-system in rural poor communities. Later, it is proposed that statistical control charts can assist in controlling energy consumption in universities, and the rate of energy consumption flow is used to diagnose high-energy consumption. The closing research is an analysis of problems found during the operation of the biogas power system at Baiturrahman boarding school, West Java, Indonesia, and recommendations to enhance the system performance are provided.
Peeters Publishers Levinas Autrement
La diffusion d'une pensee s'accompagne souvent de son edulcoration. Les "grandes idees" identifiees sont rabachees, ressassees, reduites, donnant lieu a des associations aussi rapides que funestes, telle celle qui fait d'Emmanuel Levinas "le philosophe de l'autre". La reflexion bouleversante du philosophe qui fit de l'ethique la philosophie premiere menacait ainsi de tourner au prechi-precha quasi-johannique.L'annee du centenaire, 2006, sollicitant les chercheurs d'horizons multiples, a permis de faire resonner nombre d'aspects encore meconnus de l'oeuvre levinassienne, nourrie de quatre cultures, - la juive, la russe, l'allemande et la francaise -, mais aussi des divers apprentissages existentiels et scientifiques du philosophe. L'histoire, la sienne propre, celle de son peuple, les rencontres d'affinites ou de devoir, se refletent dans des livres entiers ou des passages de son oeuvre, stimulant ses lecteurs, venus de la litterature, de la philosophie, et des sciences de l'homme, d'Europe occidentale et orientale, d'outre Atlantique, des rives de la Mediterranee et du Pacifique.Ainsi ce volume precise-t-il de quoi sont faits les liens de Levinas avec la poesie et les poetes, - Blanchot, Celan, Jabes -, avec le roman russe, Pouchkine, Tolstoi, Gogol. ..Il nous decouvre un Levinas anthropologue, selon qu'il developpe une construction specifique, non reciproque, du don, ou qu'il cherche encore l'evasion hors du face a face amoureux dans la fecondite. Il creuse la dimension politique de l"uvre dans la confrontation avec les oeuvre de ces autres heritiers de Heidegger que sont Leo Strauss, Hannah Arendt, Tischner...Il approfondit aussi la qualite particuliere du judaisme du philosophe qui n'etait peut-etre pas aussi "Litvak", aussi rationaliste que le pensait son ami Scholem. Ainsi, au fil de ces experiences de tous bords et des textes qu'elles engendrent, le visage de Levinas se dessine-t-il autrement.
Peeters Publishers Le Catechisme De Jean-Paul II: Genese Et Evaluation De Son Commentaire Du Symbole Des Apotres
Le Catechism of the Catholic Church est acheve en juin 1992 dans sa version originale en francais. Il est rapidement traduit en espagnol et en italien puis en nombreuses langues. L'edition typique latine est de septembre 1997. La diffusion depasse les huit millions d'exemplaires.Pour apprecier le contenu de ce catechisme, la comparaison avec le Catechismus ad parochos de 1566 et avec le chapitre doctrinal du Directorium catechisticum generale de 1971 est deja fort instructive. Plus signicative encore est la comparaison avec deux des schemas preparatoires du C.C.C. : l'Avant-projet de 1987, examine par un college de consulteurs, et le Projet revise de 1989, transmis a tous les eveques et accepte comme texte de base moyennant 24.000 amendements. Un regard sur quelques catechismes recents et surtout sur le " grand catechisme des temps modernes " que sont les documents de Vatican II vient encore affiner la comparaison.Le plan du Catechisme est finalement le meme qu'en 1566. Une structure identique est adoptee pour chacune des quatre parties. Le glossaire initialement prevu en vue de fournir un vocabulaire commun a disparu. Le commentaire du Symbole des apotres reste, sur les points que le concile n'a pas directement abordes, tres proche du Catechisme romain. Sur ceux que le concile a approfondis, il est tantot d'une grande fidelite tantot en retrait. L'edition typique apporte quelques correctifs pas toujours anodins.De l'annonce du catechisme en 1985 a sa presentation en novembre et decembre 1992, les reactions en pays francophones europeens ont ete fort contrastees par rapport aux paroles enthousiastes emanant du pape et des milieux romains. Les episcopats ont ete plus moderes; les publications variees et la presse ecrite sont passees du silence a l'etonnement, l'inquietude et la critique plus ou moins severe. Quelques commentaires issus de milieux conservateurs ou integristes ont pris resolument la defense du Catechisme vu comme evenement providentiel.
Archaeopress La parure en callaïs du Néolithique européen
La callaïs désigne les pierres vertes dont sont faites les remarquables parures découvertes dans plusieurs sites néolithiques d’Europe occidentale. Terme utilisé au début de notre ère par Pline l’Ancien et repris par les premiers archéologues du début du XXème siècle lors des premières fouilles des grands tumulus de la région de Carnac (Morbihan), la callaïs regroupe plusieurs espèces minérales, surtout la variscite et la turquoise, tous deux des phosphates d’aluminium hydratés de couleur verte à bleue. Les perles et pendeloques en cette matière précieuse, associées à d’autres objets tels que haches en jade alpin, en fibrolite, perles en ambre ou en jais, provenant de sources parfois très éloignées, étaient déposés auprès des défunts, témoignant de leur haut rang au sein des premières sociétés agropastorales, ou « sacrifiées » sous forme de dépôts. La question de la nature et de l’origine de ces perles et pendeloques en callaïs a été maintes fois abordée durant le siècle dernier par les minéralogistes et les préhistoriens. Depuis les premières découvertes sur cette gemme, de nombreuses recherches ont été menées tant sur le terrain qu’en laboratoire afin d’élucider ce que certains avaient baptisé « les mystères de la callaïs ». Ce volume, préfacé par Yves Coppens, Professeur honoraire du Collège de France, regroupe les contributions des meilleurs spécialistes européens de la callaïs, variscite et turquoise, qui sont intervenus lors d’un colloque consacré à cette gemme ancienne qui s’est tenu en avril 2015 à Carnac. L’objectif de cet ouvrage est de divulguer le fruit des dernières recherches relatives à ces bijoux en balayant de multiples domaines : géologie de la variscite, gemmologie, exploitations néolithiques mais aussi romaines, caractérisation chimique, production des objets et leur diffusion, inventaire, datation, place de ces bijoux au sein de sociétés agropastorales qui occupaient une partie de l’Europe du 5ème au 3ème millénaire.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) for Metals: Concepts and Case Studies
Focuses entirely on demystifying the field and subject of ICME and provides step-by-step guidance on its industrial application via case studies This highly-anticipated follow-up to Mark F. Horstemeyer’s pedagogical book on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) concepts includes engineering practice case studies related to the analysis, design, and use of structural metal alloys. A welcome supplement to the first book—which includes the theory and methods required for teaching the subject in the classroom—Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) For Metals: Concepts and Case Studies focuses on engineering applications that have occurred in industries demonstrating the ICME methodologies, and aims to catalyze industrial diffusion of ICME technologies throughout the world. The recent confluence of smaller desktop computers with enhanced computing power coupled with the emergence of physically-based material models has created the clear trend for modeling and simulation in product design, which helped create a need to integrate more knowledge into materials processing and product performance. Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) For Metals: Case Studies educates those seeking that knowledge with chapters covering: Body Centered Cubic Materials; Designing An Interatomic Potential For Fe-C Alloys; Phase-Field Crystal Modeling; Simulating Dislocation Plasticity in BCC Metals by Integrating Fundamental Concepts with Macroscale Models; Steel Powder Metal Modeling; Hexagonal Close Packed Materials; Multiscale Modeling of Pure Nickel; Predicting Constitutive Equations for Materials Design; and more. Presents case studies that connect modeling and simulation for different materials' processing methods for metal alloys Demonstrates several practical engineering problems to encourage industry to employ ICME ideas Introduces a new simulation-based design paradigm Provides web access to microstructure-sensitive models and experimental database Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) For Metals: Case Studies is a must-have book for researchers and industry professionals aiming to comprehend and employ ICME in the design and development of new materials.
York Medieval Press Universal Chronicles in the High Middle Ages
New perspectives on and interpretations of the popular medieval genre of the universal chronicle. Found in pre-modern cultures of every era and across the world, from the ancient Near East to medieval Latin Christendom, the universal chronicle is simultaneously one of the most ubiquitous pre-modern cultural forms and one of the most overlooked. Universal chronicles narrate the history of the whole world from the time of its creation up to the then present day, treating the world's affairs as though they were part of a single organic reality, and uniting various strands of history into a unifed, coherent story. They reveal a great deal about how the societies that produced them understood their world and how historical narrative itself can work to produce that understanding. The essays here offer new perspectives on the genre, from a number of different disciplines, demonstrating their vitality, flexibility and cultural importance, They reveal them to be deeply political texts, which allowed history-writers and their audiences to locate themselves in space, time and in the created universe. Several chapters address the manuscript context, looking at the innovative techniques of compilation, structure and layout that placed them at the cutting edge of medieval book technology. Others analyse the background of universal chronicles, and identify their circulation amongst different social groups; there are also investigations into their literary discourse, patronage, authorship and diffusion. Michele Campopiano is Senior Lecturer in Medieval Latin Literature at the University of York; Henry Bainton is Lecturer in High Medieval Literature at the University of York. Contributors:Tobias Andersson, Michele Campopiano, Cornelia Dreer, Catherine Gaullier-Bougassas, Elena Koroleva, Keith Lilley, Andrew Marsham, Rosa M. Rodriguez Porto, Christophe Thierry, Elizabeth M. Tyler, Steven Vanderputten, Bjorn Weiler, Claudia Wittig.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Introduction to Vibrations and Waves
Based on the successful multi-edition book “The Physics of Vibrations and Waves” by John Pain, the authors carry over the simplicity and logic of the approach taken in the original first edition with its focus on the patterns underlying and connecting so many aspects of physical behavior, whilst bringing the subject up-to-date so it is relevant to teaching in the 21st century. The transmission of energy by wave propagation is a key concept that has applications in almost every branch of physics with transmitting mediums essentially acting as a continuum of coupled oscillators. The characterization of these simple oscillators in terms of three parameters related to the storage, exchange, and dissipation of energy forms the basis of this book. The text moves naturally on from a discussion of basic concepts such as damped oscillations, diffraction and interference to more advanced topics such as transmission lines and attenuation, wave guides, diffusion, Fourier series, and electromagnetic waves in dielectrics and conductors. Throughout the text the emphasis on the underlying principles helps readers to develop their physics insight as an aid to problem solving. This book provides undergraduate students of physics and engineering with the mathematical tools required for full mastery of the concepts. With worked examples presented throughout the text, as well as the Problem sets concluding each chapter, this textbook will enable students to develop their skills and measure their understanding of each topic step-by-step.A companion website is also available, which includes solutions to chapter problems and PowerPoint slides. Review of “The Physics of Vibrations and Waves 6e“ This is an excellent textbook, full of interesting material clearly explained and fully worthy of being studied by future contributors ..." Journal of Sound and Vibration
Harvard University Press Medicine Worth Paying For: Assessing Medical Innovations
How is medicine doing at the end of the twentieth century? While there has been no end of studies of our health care system and proposals for changing it, there have been few credible studies of the risks and benefits of widely used medical treatments. We simply do not always know whether one treatment is better than another or whether a particular drug is worth the price.Medical technology assessment is the discipline that studies what does and does not work in medicine. Howard Frazier and Frederick Mosteller are leading figures in this field. In Medicine Worth Paying For they attempt something completely new: to distill the methods and knowledge base of their highly specialized discipline into a text that is accessible—and therefore of great value—to a nontechnical audience.This book calls attention to the importance of technology assessment in medicine—the rigorous evaluation of the effects of medical treatments—with particular reference to medical innovations. Also, making use of a series of carefully selected cases, the authors identify important policy implications that can be drawn from the study of successful medical innovations. These case studies of medical successes are a rich source of examples of the effects, good and bad, of the application of technology to health care and of attempts to influence the diffusion of technologies in health care.Medicine Worth Paying For should be of interest to a variety of readers, particularly those concerned with health policy, investigators studying health services, those in the health professions, nonprofessionals who wish to maintain and improve the performance of the health care system, and others who simply want a system that provides benefits greater than risks at an acceptable financial cost.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Big Data, Open Data and Data Development
The world has become digital and technological advances have multiplied circuits with access to data, their processing and their diffusion. New technologies have now reached a certain maturity. Data are available to everyone, anywhere on the planet. The number of Internet users in 2014 was 2.9 billion or 41% of the world population. The need for knowledge is becoming apparent in order to understand this multitude of data. We must educate, inform and train the masses. The development of related technologies, such as the advent of the Internet, social networks, "cloud-computing" (digital factories), has increased the available volumes of data. Currently, each individual creates, consumes, uses digital information: more than 3.4 million e-mails are sent worldwide every second, or 107,000 billion annually with 14,600 e-mails per year per person, but more than 70% are spam. Billions of pieces of content are shared on social networks such as Facebook, more than 2.46 million every minute. We spend more than 4.8 hours a day on the Internet using a computer, and 2.1 hours using a mobile. Data, this new ethereal manna from heaven, is produced in real time. It comes in a continuous stream from a multitude of sources which are generally heterogeneous. This accumulation of data of all types (audio, video, files, photos, etc.) generates new activities, the aim of which is to analyze this enormous mass of information. It is then necessary to adapt and try new approaches, new methods, new knowledge and new ways of working, resulting in new properties and new challenges since SEO logic must be created and implemented. At company level, this mass of data is difficult to manage. Its interpretation is primarily a challenge. This impacts those who are there to "manipulate" the mass and requires a specific infrastructure for creation, storage, processing, analysis and recovery. The biggest challenge lies in "the valuing of data" available in quantity, diversity and access speed.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation and Inequality: Emerging Technologies in an Unequal World
This is an original and very well structured and informative book. Its particular interest stems from the multidimensional and detailed analysis of a set of core technologies and their uneven diffusion process in eight countries of quite different levels of development. It challenges received ideas about what really matters to democratize the access to new technologies and provides evidence-based suggestions for policy design. Scholars and students interested in the technological side of inequality will read this book with delight.'- Judith Sutz, Universidad de la República, UruguayInequality is one of the main features of globalization. Do emerging technologies, as they spread around the world, contribute to more inequality or less? This unique interdisciplinary text examines the relationships between emerging technologies and social, economic and other forms of inequality.Susan Cozzens, Dhanaraj Thakur, and the other co-authors ask how the benefits and costs of emerging technologies are distributed amongst different countries - some rich and some poor. Examining the case studies of five technologies across eight countries in Africa, Europe and the Americas, the book finds that the distributional dynamics around a given technology are influenced by the way entrepreneurs and others package the technology, how governments promote it and the existing local skills and capacity to use it. These factors create social and economic boundaries where the technology stops diffusing between and within countries. The book presents a series of recommendations for policy-makers and private sector actors to move emerging technologies beyond these boundaries and improve their distributional outcomes.Offering a broad range of mature and relatively new emerging technologies from a diverse set of countries, the study will strongly appeal to policy-makers in science, technology and innovation policy. It will also benefit students and academics interested in innovation, science, technology and innovation policy, the economics of innovation, as well as the history and sociology of technology.Contributors: B. Beckert, I. Bortagaray, L. Brito, R. Brouwer, S. Cozzens, M.P.Falcão, S.D. Gatchair, J.A. Holbrook, L.A. Pace, D. Thakur
Emerald Publishing Limited Genetically Modified Food and Global Welfare
"Genetically modified (GM) (or transgenic) crops are produced using plant biotechnology to select desirable characteristics in plants and transfer genes from one organism to another. As a result, crops can survive under harsher conditions, costs are lowered, chemical application is reduced, and yields are improved. Scientists are introducing genes into plants that will give them resistance to herbicides, insects, disease, drought and salt in the soil. The application of modern biotechnology to crop and food production is one of the most significant technological advances to impact modern agriculture. The future of GM technology holds further promises of continued benefits. But the potential of GM product innovations has been overshadowed by significant controversy over this technology. The regulatory activism that has accompanied the diffusion of GM technology has given rise to a complex situation that is replete with obstacles for current and future GM innovations. This is particularly true for the European Union (EU), which has implemented restrictive policies that undoubtedly constrain the current status and the future potential of biotechnology. The discourse on biotechnology applied to food and agriculture is at a crossroads due to rising food prices and concerns about adequate food supplies. Over the last decade a large body of applied economics work has addressed the key questions surrounding the application of this technology to food production. It is now time to take stock of the results of these efforts, and consolidate the methodological, analytical and empirical findings. The challenge is to strengthen the consensus of what economics have to offer in the analysis of the complex issues surrounding the ongoing development of GM products for the agricultural and food sector. The task is, to provide a new perspective on the most pressing policy questions and to help foster an intellectual climate conducive to achieving meaningful progress and lasting solutions. That is the motivation for this volume. It brings together fresh insights from top agricultural economists in the areas of consumer attitudes, environmental impacts, policy and regulation, trade, investment, food security, and development."
The University of Michigan Press Human Capital versus Basic Income: Ideology and Models of Anti-Poverty Programs in Latin America
Latin America underwent two major transformations during the 2000s: the widespread election of left-leaning presidents (the so-called left turn) and the diffusion of conditional cash transfer programs (CCTs)—innovative social programs that award regular stipends to poor families on the condition that their children attend school. Combining cross-national quantitative research covering the entire region and in-depth case studies based on field research, Human Capital versus Basic Income: Ideology and Models of Anti-Poverty Programs in Latin America challenges the conventional wisdom that these two transformations were unrelated. In this book, author Fabián A. Borges demonstrates that this ideology greatly influenced both the adoption and design of CCTs. There were two distinct models of CCTs: a “human capital” model based on means-tested targeting and strict enforcement of program conditions, exemplified by the program launched by Mexico’s right, and a more universalistic “basic income” model with more permissive enforcement of conditionality, exemplified by Brazil’s program under Lula. These two models then spread across the region. Whereas right and center governments, with assistance from international financial institutions, enacted CCTs based on the human capital model, the left, with assistance from Brazil, enacted CCTs based on the basic income model. The existence of two distinct types of CCTs and their relation to ideology is supported by quantitative analyses covering the entire region and in-depth case studies based on field research in three countries. Left-wing governments operate CCTs that cover more people and spend more on those programs than their center or right-wing counterparts. Beyond coverage, a subsequent analysis of the 10 national programs adopted after Lula’s embrace of CCTs confirms that program design—evaluated in terms of scope of the target population, strictness of conditionality enforcement, and stipend structure—is shaped by government ideology. This finding is then fleshed out through case studies of the political processes that culminated in the adoption of basic income CCTs by left-wing governments in Argentina and Bolivia and a human capital CCT by a centrist president in Costa Rica.
De Gruyter Innovation for Value and Mission: An Introduction to Innovation Management and Policy
Innovation. No other concept is so widely celebrated, yet so secretly dreaded. The reason: innovation requires managing through uncertainty. This is hard for any organization whether private or public, small or large. This book provides a roadmap for those who want to understand and manage innovation in all its aspects. It explains both the "how" and the "why" of innovation – its economic and policy context as well as the techniques by which it can be orchestrated, along with the management systems needed to govern it. Innovation is uniquely presented through both a private-sector (value-creating) and public-sector (mission-fulfilling) lens. Topics covered in context include modern innovation and creativity techniques such as design thinking and the Lean Startup, the organizational challenges of innovation, as well as innovation project- and portfolio management techniques. Business-model innovation and open innovation complete the picture from the manager’s perspective. The private and public financing of R&D, startups, and corporate innovation are presented – contrasting the private and public worlds while explaining how they complement each other. Government innovation policy is discussed in its historical and contemporary context, and the innovation policy toolset is introduced. Continual innovation is vital for companies and countries to prosper. Readers will learn why innovation must follow technological breakthroughs to raise productivity and economic growth, and how innovation – when done right – can benefit larger society. An explanation for unequal growth – that some companies, regions, and countries are not seeing the full productivity gains promised by modern technology – is explored in the context of technology diffusion. No previous experience in innovation management, economics or public policy is assumed, and the book moves fast to equip the reader with practical tools and techniques. Innovation for Value and Mission is suitable for an introductory graduate level course, or as a desk reference for experienced practitioners and policymakers. Because it connects multiple topic areas and contains ample additional references, the book is also a great resource for those with expertise in one particular area of innovation who desire to branch out into other areas.
World Scientific Europe Ltd Modern Mathematical Methods For Scientists And Engineers: A Street-smart Introduction
Modern Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers is a modern introduction to basic topics in mathematics at the undergraduate level, with emphasis on explanations and applications to real-life problems. There is also an 'Application' section at the end of each chapter, with topics drawn from a variety of areas, including neural networks, fluid dynamics, and the behavior of 'put' and 'call' options in financial markets. The book presents several modern important and computationally efficient topics, including feedforward neural networks, wavelets, generalized functions, stochastic optimization methods, and numerical methods.A unique and novel feature of the book is the introduction of a recently developed method for solving partial differential equations (PDEs), called the unified transform. PDEs are the mathematical cornerstone for describing an astonishingly wide range of phenomena, from quantum mechanics to ocean waves, to the diffusion of heat in matter and the behavior of financial markets. Despite the efforts of many famous mathematicians, physicists and engineers, the solution of partial differential equations remains a challenge.The unified transform greatly facilitates this task. For example, two and a half centuries after Jean d'Alembert formulated the wave equation and presented a solution for solving a simple problem for this equation, the unified transform derives in a simple manner a generalization of the d'Alembert solution, valid for general boundary value problems. Moreover, two centuries after Joseph Fourier introduced the classical tool of the Fourier series for solving the heat equation, the unified transform constructs a new solution to this ubiquitous PDE, with important analytical and numerical advantages in comparison to the classical solutions. The authors present the unified transform pedagogically, building all the necessary background, including functions of real and of complex variables and the Fourier transform, illustrating the method with numerous examples.Broad in scope, but pedagogical in style and content, the book is an introduction to powerful mathematical concepts and modern tools for students in science and engineering.
HarperCollins Publishers Knowing What We Know: The Transmission of Knowledge: From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Magic
‘A delightful compendium of the kind of facts you immediately want to share with anyone you encounter’ New York Times ‘An ebullient, irrepressible spirit invests this book. It is erudite and sprightly’Sunday Times From the creation of the first encyclopedia to Wikipedia, from ancient museums to modern kindergarten classes—here is award-winning writer Simon Winchester’s brilliant and all-encompassing look at how humans acquire, retain, and pass on information and data, and how technology continues to change our lives and our minds. With the advent of the internet, any topic we want to know about is instantly available with the touch of a smartphone button. With so much knowledge at our fingertips, what is there left for our brains to do? At a time when we seem to be stripping all value from the idea of knowing things – no need for maths, no need for map reading, no need for memorisation – are we risking our ability to think? As we empty our minds, will we one day be incapable of thoughtfulness? Addressing these questions, Simon Winchester explores how humans have attained, stored and disseminated knowledge. Examining such disciplines as education, journalism, encyclopedia creation, museum curation, photography and broadcasting, he looks at a whole range of knowledge diffusion – from the cuneiform writings of Babylon to the machine-made genius of artificial intelligence, by way of Gutenberg, Google and Wikipedia to the huge Victorian assemblage of the Mundaneum, the collection of everything ever known, currently stored in a damp basement in northern Belgium. Studded with strange and fascinating details, Knowing What We Know is a deep dive into learning and the human mind. Throughout this fascinating tour, Winchester forces us to ponder what rational humans are becoming. What good is all this knowledge if it leads to lack of thought? What is information without wisdom? Does René Descartes’ ‘Cogito, ergo sum’—'I think, therefore I am’, the foundation for human knowledge widely accepted since the Enlightenment—still hold? And what will the world be like if no one in it is wise?
World Scientific Europe Ltd Modern Mathematical Methods For Scientists And Engineers: A Street-smart Introduction
Modern Mathematical Methods for Scientists and Engineers is a modern introduction to basic topics in mathematics at the undergraduate level, with emphasis on explanations and applications to real-life problems. There is also an 'Application' section at the end of each chapter, with topics drawn from a variety of areas, including neural networks, fluid dynamics, and the behavior of 'put' and 'call' options in financial markets. The book presents several modern important and computationally efficient topics, including feedforward neural networks, wavelets, generalized functions, stochastic optimization methods, and numerical methods.A unique and novel feature of the book is the introduction of a recently developed method for solving partial differential equations (PDEs), called the unified transform. PDEs are the mathematical cornerstone for describing an astonishingly wide range of phenomena, from quantum mechanics to ocean waves, to the diffusion of heat in matter and the behavior of financial markets. Despite the efforts of many famous mathematicians, physicists and engineers, the solution of partial differential equations remains a challenge.The unified transform greatly facilitates this task. For example, two and a half centuries after Jean d'Alembert formulated the wave equation and presented a solution for solving a simple problem for this equation, the unified transform derives in a simple manner a generalization of the d'Alembert solution, valid for general boundary value problems. Moreover, two centuries after Joseph Fourier introduced the classical tool of the Fourier series for solving the heat equation, the unified transform constructs a new solution to this ubiquitous PDE, with important analytical and numerical advantages in comparison to the classical solutions. The authors present the unified transform pedagogically, building all the necessary background, including functions of real and of complex variables and the Fourier transform, illustrating the method with numerous examples.Broad in scope, but pedagogical in style and content, the book is an introduction to powerful mathematical concepts and modern tools for students in science and engineering.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Network Coding
Network coding, a relatively new area of research, has evolved from the theoretical level to become a tool used to optimize the performance of communication networks – wired, cellular, ad hoc, etc. The idea consists of mixing “packets” of data together when routing them from source to destination. Since network coding increases the network performance, it becomes a tool to enhance the existing protocols and algorithms in a network or for applications such as peer-to-peer and TCP. This book delivers an understanding of network coding and provides a set of studies showing the improvements in security, capacity and performance of fixed and mobile networks. This is increasingly topical as industry is increasingly becoming more reliant upon and applying network coding in multiple applications. Many cases where network coding is used in routing, physical layer, security, flooding, error correction, optimization and relaying are given – all of which are key areas of interest. Network Coding is the ideal resource for university students studying coding, and researchers and practitioners in sectors of all industries where digital communication and its application needs to be correctly understood and implemented. Contents 1. Network Coding: From Theory to Practice, Youghourta Benfattoum, Steven Martin and Khaldoun Al Agha. 2. Fountain Codes and Network Coding for WSNs, Anya Apavatjrut, Claire Goursaud, Katia Jaffrès-Runser and Jean-Marie Gorce. 3. Switched Code for Ad Hoc Networks: Optimizing the Diffusion by Using Network Coding, Nour Kadi and Khaldoun Al Agha. 4. Security by Network Coding, Katia Jaffrès-Runser and Cédric Lauradoux. 5. Security for Network Coding, Marine Minier, Yuanyuan Zhang and Wassim Znaïdi. 6. Random Network Coding and Matroids, Maximilien Gadouleau. 7. Joint Network-Channel Coding for the Semi-Orthogonal MARC: Theoretical Bounds and Practical Design, Atoosa Hatefi, Antoine O. Berthet and Raphael Visoz. 8. Robust Network Coding, Lana Iwaza, Marco Di Renzo and Michel Kieffer. 9. Flow Models and Optimization for Network Coding, Eric Gourdin and Jeremiah Edwards.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Electrical Processes in Organic Thin Film Devices: From Bulk Materials to Nanoscale Architectures
Electrical Processes in Organic Thin Film Devices A one-stop examination of fundamental electrical behaviour in organic electronic device architectures In Electrical Processes in Organic Thin Film Devices: From Bulk Materials to Nanoscale Architectures, distinguished researcher Michael C. Petty delivers an in-depth treatment of the electrical behaviour of organic electronic devices focused on first principles. The author describes the fundamental electrical behaviour of various device architectures and offers an introduction to the physical processes that play a role in the electrical conductivity of organic materials. Beginning with band theory, the text moves on to address the effects of thin film device architectures and nanostructures. The book discusses the applications to devices currently in the marketplace, like displays, as well as those under development (transistors, solar cells, and memories). Electrical Processes in Organic Thin Film Devices also describes emerging organic thin film architectures and explores the potential for single molecule electronics and biologically inspired devices. Finally, the book also includes: A detailed introduction to electronic and vibrational states in organic solids, including classical band theory, disordered semiconductors, and lattice vibrations Comprehensive explorations of electrical conductivity, including electronic and ionic processes, carrier drift, diffusion, the Boltzmann Transport Equation, excess carriers, recombination, doping, and superconductivity An overview of important electro-active organic materials, like molecular crystals, charge-transfer complexes, conductive polymers, carbon nanotubes, and graphene Practical considerations of defects and nanoscale phenomena, including transport processes in low-dimensional systems, surfaces and interface states In-depth examinations of metal contacts, including ohmic contacts, the Schottky Barrier, and metal/molecule contacts A systematic guide to the operating principles of metal/insulator/semiconductor structures and the field effect A set of problems (with solutions on-line) for each chapter of the book Perfect for electronics developers and researchers in both industry and academia who study and work with molecular and nanoscale electronics, Electrical Processes in Organic Thin Film Devices also deserves a place in the libraries of undergraduate and postgraduate students in courses on molecular electronics, organic electronics, and plastic electronics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ion Exchange in Environmental Processes: Fundamentals, Applications and Sustainable Technology
Provides a comprehensive introduction to ion exchange for beginners and in-depth coverage of the latest advances for those already in the field As environmental and energy related regulations have grown, ion exchange has assumed a dominant role in offering solutions to many concurrent problems both in the developed and the developing world. Written by an internationally acknowledged leader in ion exchange research and innovation, Ion Exchange: in Environmental Processes is both a comprehensive introduction to the science behind ion exchange and an expert assessment of the latest ion exchange technologies. Its purpose is to provide a valuable reference and learning tool for virtually anyone working in ion exchange or interested in becoming involved in that incredibly fertile field. Written for beginners as well as those already working the in the field, Dr. SenGupta provides stepwise coverage, advancing from ion exchange fundamentals to trace ion exchange through the emerging area of hybrid ion exchange nanotechnology (or polymeric/inorganic ion exchangers). Other topics covered include ion exchange kinetics, sorption and desorption of metals and ligands, solid-phase and gas-phase ion exchange, and more. Connects state-of-the-art innovations in such a way as to help researchers and process scientists get a clear picture of how ion exchange fundamentals can lead to new applications Covers the design of selective or smart ion exchangers for targeted applications—an area of increasing importance—including solid and gas phase ion exchange processes Provides in-depth discussion on intraparticle diffusion controlled kinetics for selective ion exchange Features a chapter devoted to exciting developments in the areas of hybrid ion exchange nanotechnology or polymeric/inorganic ion exchangers Written for those just entering the field of ion exchange as well as those involved in developing the “next big thing” in ion exchange systems, Ion Exchange in Environmental Processes is a valuable resource for students, process engineers, and chemists working in an array of industries, including mining, microelectronics, pharmaceuticals, energy, and wastewater treatment, to name just a few.
John Wiley & Sons Inc High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Detectors for Liquid Chromatography Edited by Edward S. Yeung Written by an expert in the field, this comprehensive guide explains the basic principles behind detector response instrumentation and selected applications. Early chapters cover absorption detectors for high performance liquid chromatography, FTIR detection, indirect absorbance detectors, fluorometric detection, and polarimetric detectors. Coverage continues with detection based on electrical and electrochemical measurements, mass spectrometry as an online detector for HPLC, and miscellaneous methods. 1986 0 471-82169-1 366 pp. Small Bore High Performance Liquid Chromatography Edited by Raymond R. W. Scott A state-of-the-art guide that demonstrates how to design, construct, and pack optimized small bore columns, the center of any chromatography system. Case examples show the use of these columns for high resolution, very fast analysis, and special methods for molecular weight determinations. Applications from a wide range of industrial and forensic analyses aid in developing sophistication in a number of useful techniques. The book provides essential information on topics such as calculating the minimum column radius, detectors, and molecular diffusion. Includes 92 illustrations and 14 tables to enhance explanations of microbore HPLC methods. 1984 0 471-80052-X 271 pp. Reversed-Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography: Theory, Practice, and Biomedical Applications Ante M. Krstulovic and Phyllis R. Brown Reversed-phase liquid chromatography has increased tremendously in popularity over the past ten years. Estimates show that more than 80% of all HPLC separations are performed using this technique. This book covers both theoretical aspects of RPLC and practical information needed in diverse areas of research; it also contains a review of the RPLC applications in the biomedical/biochemical field, with references and collateral readings. Material is presented in a practical, problem-solving manner and should be immensely useful in theoretical aspects of RPLC and all areas of scientific research, particularly the biomedical/biochemical field, where RPLC has made its largest impact. 1982 0 471-05369-4 296 pp.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Mass Transfer: Chemical Engineering Practice
This broad-based book covers the three major areas of Chemical Engineering. Most of the books in the market involve one of the individual areas, namely, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer or Mass Transfer, rather than all the three. This book presents this material in a single source. This avoids the user having to refer to a number of books to obtain information. Most published books covering all the three areas in a single source emphasize theory rather than practical issues. This book is written with emphasis on practice with brief theoretical concepts in the form of questions and answers, not adopting stereo-typed question-answer approach practiced in certain books in the market, bridging the two areas of theory and practice with respect to the core areas of chemical engineering. Most parts of the book are easily understandable by those who are not experts in the field. Fluid Mechanics chapters include basics on non-Newtonian systems which, for instance find importance in polymer and food processing, flow through piping, flow measurement, pumps, mixing technology and fluidization and two phase flow. For example it covers types of pumps and valves, membranes and areas of their use, different equipment commonly used in chemical industry and their merits and drawbacks. Heat Transfer chapters cover the basics involved in conduction, convection and radiation, with emphasis on insulation, heat exchangers, evaporators, condensers, reboilers and fired heaters. Design methods, performance, operational issues and maintenance problems are highlighted. Topics such as heat pipes, heat pumps, heat tracing, steam traps, refrigeration, cooling of electronic devices, NOx control find place in the book. Mass transfer chapters cover basics such as diffusion, theories, analogies, mass transfer coefficients and mass transfer with chemical reaction, equipment such as tray and packed columns, column internals including structural packings, design, operational and installation issues, drums and separators are discussed in good detail. Absorption, distillation, extraction and leaching with applications and design methods, including emerging practices involving Divided Wall and Petluk column arrangements, multicomponent separations, supercritical solvent extraction find place in the book.
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Les Espaces du Livre / Spaces of the Book: Supports et acteurs de la création texte/image (XXe–XXIe siècles) / Materials and Agents of the Text/Image Creation (20th–21th Centuries)
L’étonnante diversité des possibilités esthétiques offertes par le livre comme support matériel de la fin du XIXe siècle aux expérimentations les plus contemporaines, est au cœur de la réflexion proposée dans ce livre. La page, le feuillet et le livre, l’écran aussi, débordent le cadre du codex et du livre relié (livre en éventail, leporello, recueil d’affiches, livre dressé, livre sculpté, livre éclaté, livre numérique, etc.), par l’hétérogénéité de leurs matières, de leurs formes et de leurs formats. Ils deviennent des supports actifs dans le processus de conception et de réception de l’œuvre. Observer les processus de composition et de diffusion des œuvres dans leurs singularités matérielles, tel est l’objet de ce livre. Cette recherche engage à prendre la mesure du rôle des différents acteurs dans la conception du livre, non plus seulement l’écrivain et l’artiste mais aussi le typographe, le relieur, l’éditeur ou le galeriste, chaque acteur pouvant lui-même être polyvalent. La porosité des frontières entre les activités, les métiers, engendre naturellement la porosité entre les genres littéraires et artistiques. The heart of the reflection in this book is the diversity of aesthetic possibilities of the book as material support, from the late nineteenth century to contemporary experiments. The page, the sheet and the book go well beyond the codex and the bound book, in the heterogeneity of their materials, forms and formats (fans, leporellos, poster collections, upright books, book sculptures, exploded books, electronic books, etc.): they are active supports in the design and reception process. This book observes the process of composition and distribution of works in their material singularities, including the role of the different stakeholders in the design of the book, not only the writer and the artist but also the typographer, bookbinder, publisher or gallery owner, each playing a multiplicity of roles. Such porous borders between roles and crafts generate porosity between the literary and artistic genres.
Association pour l'Avancement des Etudes Iraniennes Ses taraf-e donya «Les six côtés du monde»: Anthropologie de la narration dans la littérature persane classique
Ce volume réunit les cinq communications présentées dans le cadre des 9èmes «Conférences d'études iraniennes Ehsan et Latifeh Yarshater», organisées en 2018 par l'Unité Mixte de Recherche 7528 «Mondes iranien et indien» au Collège de France à Paris. Il présente une réflexion sur la nature de la narration dans la littérature persane classique, son rôle en tant que système de référence culturel central, et sur le lien que la production narrative peut entretenir avec les différents savoirs qui régissent l'expérience humaine du monde. En prenant comme cas d'étude un conte de la légende d'Alexandre, les cinq chapitres abordent en premier lieu les principaux outils et valeurs de la narration persane, puis le lien du récit avec la réflexion morale persane, l'absorption de notions scientifiques dans la texture des contes, la prise progressive de valeurs symboliques et mystiques, et enfin la diffusion des contes dans les domaines littéraires populaires en association avec diverses formes de savoirs folkloriques. This volume contains the text of the five Ehsan and Latifeh Yarshater Distinguished Lectures on Iranian Studies, organized by the Unité Mixte de Recherche 7528 "Mondes iranien et indien", and delivered in 2018 at the Collègue de France in Paris. It presents a reflection on the nature of narration in classical Persian literature, its role as a central cultural reference system, and the connection that narrative production may maintain with the different fields of knowledge that govern the human experience of the world. Taking a tale of the Alexander legend as a case study, the volume is structured in five chapters, with five main themes: first, the main tools and values of Persian narration; the link of story-telling with Persian moral reflection; the absorption of scientific notions into the fabric of tales; their gradual assumption of symbolic and mystical values; and finally the circulation of tales in popular literary domains alongside various forms of folk knowledge.
Collegiate Press World Civilization: A Brief History
Robin W. Winks placed particular emphasis on those developments that most directly explain the nature of the modern world: social diffusion, group and national consciousness, technological change, religious identities-those aspects of intellectual history that have contributed most to our current dilemmas. In turn this means that there is more in World Civilization: A Brief History about nationalism, imperialism, or ethnic identities than there is about monarchies, feudalism, or diplomacy. The result of the strategic and intellectual decisions made with respect to this textbook is that its proportions are not the customary ones. Particular emphasis is placed on the early origins of civilizations, on Greece and Rome, and on the period of the so-called barbarian invasions, because it is by studying these periods that students may best learn how societies are formed. Particular emphasis is also placed on the period from the French Revolution on, for it is the events of the last two hundred years that have most closely shaped our present condition. This book can be read, straight through and in its entirety, as an interpretive statement about Western history written by a person who knew a good bit about non-Western history and who could thus throw into perspective the unusual, the commonplace, and the comparable in that sector of history conventionally labeled 'Western'. The text draws on over thirty-five years of discovering, in the classroom, what students themselves wish to ask about the past rather than what a body of scholars may have concluded they should wish to ask. Though this book is largely about Western civilization, it is also about world civilizations, for from the eighteenth century forward—and in many aspects of life, much earlier-the non-West has interacted with the West in such a way as to make it virtually impossible to separate one from the other when dealing at this level of generalization. As a teacher of the history of exploration and discovery, of imperialism and decolonizati
John Wiley & Sons Inc EEG Signal Processing and Machine Learning
EEG Signal Processing and Machine Learning Explore cutting edge techniques at the forefront of electroencephalogram research and artificial intelligence from leading voices in the field The newly revised Second Edition of EEG Signal Processing and Machine Learning delivers an inclusive and thorough exploration of new techniques and outcomes in electroencephalogram (EEG) research in the areas of analysis, processing, and decision making about a variety of brain states, abnormalities, and disorders using advanced signal processing and machine learning techniques. The book content is substantially increased upon that of the first edition and, while it retains what made the first edition so popular, is composed of more than 50% new material. The distinguished authors have included new material on tensors for EEG analysis and sensor fusion, as well as new chapters on mental fatigue, sleep, seizure, neurodevelopmental diseases, BCI, and psychiatric abnormalities. In addition to including a comprehensive chapter on machine learning, machine learning applications have been added to almost all the chapters. Moreover, multimodal brain screening, such as EEG-fMRI, and brain connectivity have been included as two new chapters in this new edition. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A thorough introduction to EEGs, including neural activities, action potentials, EEG generation, brain rhythms, and EEG recording and measurement An exploration of brain waves, including their generation, recording, and instrumentation, abnormal EEG patterns and the effects of ageing and mental disorders A treatment of mathematical models for normal and abnormal EEGs Discussions of the fundamentals of EEG signal processing, including statistical properties, linear and nonlinear systems, frequency domain approaches, tensor factorization, diffusion adaptive filtering, deep neural networks, and complex-valued signal processing Perfect for biomedical engineers, neuroscientists, neurophysiologists, psychiatrists, engineers, students and researchers in the above areas, the Second Edition of EEG Signal Processing and Machine Learning will also earn a place in the libraries of undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Biomedical Engineering, Neuroscience and Epileptology.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Diagnostic Imaging: Musculoskeletal Non-Traumatic Disease
Covering the entire spectrum of this fast-changing field, Diagnostic Imaging: Musculoskeletal Non-Traumatic Disease, third edition, is an invaluable resource for musculoskeletal radiologists, general radiologists, and trainees-anyone who requires an easily accessible, highly visual reference in this complex area of imaging. Drs. Kirkland W. Davis, Donna G. Blankenbaker, Stephanie A. Bernard, and their team of highly regarded experts provide up-to-date information on recent advances in technology and the understanding of musculoskeletal diseases and disorders to help you make informed decisions at the point of care. The text is lavishly illustrated, delineated, and referenced, making it a useful learning tool as well as a handy reference for daily practice. Guides readers through the complexities of the full range of non-traumatic musculoskeletal disorders, including arthritis, collagen vascular diseases, bone tumors, soft tissue tumors, infections, systemic diseases, developmental and congenital abnormalities, and metabolic diseases Contains multiple new chapters on topics such as musculoskeletal genetics, neurinomas, and rapidly progressive osteoarthritis, among others, as well as updates throughout on reclassified lesions, tumors, and neoplasms; musculoskeletal infection details, including image-guided aspirations and biopsies for infections; and evolving medical and surgical treatments for many musculoskeletal conditions Reflects recent changes in the World Health Organization's classification of tumors and tumor-like conditions regarding terminology and diagnostic criteria Covers evolving imaging techniques such as ultrasound in non-traumatic disease imaging, contrast-enhanced ultrasound use in tumor biopsies, enhanced MR of musculoskeletal tumors, and diffusion-weighted MR, and PET/CT and PET/MR use for rapidly progressive osteoarthritis Provides up-to-date discussions of enhancements in bone and soft tissue tumor pathology and imaging of orthopedic implants and related hardware Features more than 3,750 annotated images (with an additional 2,100+ digital-only examples), including radiologic images, full-color medical illustrations, clinical and histologic photographs, and gross pathology images Uses bulleted, succinct text and highly templated chapters for quick comprehension of essential information at the point of care