Search results for ""author jonathan"
Cornell University Press The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere
Since the publication of The Venomous Reptiles of Latin America by Cornell University Press in 1989, scientific discoveries and taxonomic changes have resulted in the addition of many taxa and species to the herpetological fauna of the Western Hemisphere. This updated, heavily rewritten, and greatly expanded version of that book now includes accounts of all 192 species of venomous snakes and lizards found in the Western Hemisphere. This two-volume set is illustrated with stunning color photographs, including portraits of venomous reptiles (many of which are unique in showing newly discovered species and views of male, female, and juvenile individuals); images of snakebites, an important tool for diagnosis and treatment; color vegetation and topographic maps; black-and-white photographs; line figures; and completely revised distribution maps. Volume I includes a list of tables, preface, introduction, and regional/country accounts with related bilingual identification keys and vegetation and topographic maps. Genus and species accounts in this volume treat the lizards, coralsnakes, seasnakes, and all the pitvipers except rattlesnakes; these accounts are accompanied by color photographs of each species. Volume I also contains a complete index to both volumes. Volume II includes descriptions of all known species of rattlesnakes. It also features four chapters by experts on mimicry, evolution, and snakebite treatment in tropical and temperate America. A glossary, literature-cited section, and index serve both volumes. Color photographs portray rattlesnakes, mimics, and the damage done by snakebite. The Venomous Reptiles of the Western Hemisphere, Volumes I and II is an essential reference for all naturalists interested in herpetology—amateurs impressed by the beauty and complexity of venomous reptiles as well as professional herpetologists and their students conducting research in the classroom, at the zoo, and in the field.
Entrepreneur Press Entrepreneur Voices on Emotional Intelligence
Improve Your EQ Success as an entrepreneur takes a lot more than big ideas and dedication. With threats of burnout and rejection at nearly every turn, the entrepreneurial journey is riddled with obstacles—but the staff, experts, and voices of Entrepreneur want you to know you're not alone. Entrepreneur Voices on Emotional Intelligence brings you real-world strategies to help you get brutally hones with yourself and boost your emotional intelligence. Dive in and learn how to: Assess and manage your own EQ levels Stop negative thoughts in their tracks to stay focused Decipher nonverbal cues that are the key to your success Shut down emotional manipulators before they suck the life out of you Develop a positive relationship with failure Cope with the grief, loneliness, and self-doubt that all entrepreneurs face Propel your career with regular EQ maintenance Plus, gain tips and tricks to become more likable, win big in your negotiations, and leverage emotions when marketing your business.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Atlas of Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal Injections
The use of ultrasound guidance to perform diagnostic and therapeutic injections is growing at a rapid rate, as is the evidence to support its use. Even with the increased popularity of ultrasound, there remains a lack of formal training or a standard reference book. Atlas of Ultrasound Guided Musculoskeletal Injections fills this void in the literature and will be useful to physiatrists, orthopedists, rheumatologists, pain medicine and sports medicine specialists alike. Broken down by anatomic structure and heavily illustrated, this book is both comprehensive and instructive. The Editors and their contributors break down the basics (both the fundamentals of ultrasound to needle visibility and the role of injections) and explore ultrasound-guided injection for structures in the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand, hip and groin, knee, ankle and foot, and spine. Using a clear, heavily illustrated format, this book describes the relevant clinical scenarios and indications for injection, the evidence to support ultrasound use, relevant local anatomy, injection methods, and pearls and safety considerations. It will be a valuable reference for trainees and experienced clinicians alike, for experienced sonographers or those just starting out.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Critical Introduction to Fictionalism
A Critical Introduction to Fictionalism provides a clear and comprehensive understanding of an important alternative to realism. Drawing on questions from ethics, the philosophy of religion, art, mathematics, logic and science, this is a complete exploration of how fictionalism contrasts with other non-realist doctrines and motivates influential fictionalist treatments across a range of philosophical issues. Defending and criticizing influential as well as emerging fictionalist approaches, this accessible overview discuses physical objects, universals, God, moral properties, numbers and other fictional entities. Where possible it draws general lessons about the conditions under which a fictionalist treatment of a class of items is plausible. Distinguishing fictionalism from other views about the existence of items, it explains the central features of this key metaphysical topic. Featuring a historical survey, definitions of key terms, characterisations of important subdivisions, objections and problems for fictionalism, and contemporary fictionalist treatments of several issues, A Critical Introduction to Fictionalism is a valuable resource for students of metaphysics as well as students of philosophical methodology. It is the only book of its kind.
Taylor & Francis Inc Asthma, COPD, and Overlap: A Case-Based Overview of Similarities and Differences
Using illustrative case examples, this book thoroughly reviews similarities and differences between asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and the overlap syndrome. It is important to highlight the distinctions because these commonly encountered conditions in respiratory and primary care share many similarities but have important differences often mistaken for each other. This can have serious implications for treatment, particularly as new treatments are targeted at specific phenotypes of the diseases. This practical guide shows how to distinguish between the diseases on a pathological and clinical basis so that appropriate management and treatment may be pursued.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC A Cultural History of Disability in the Middle Ages
The Middle Ages was an era of dynamic social transformation, and notions of disability in medieval culture reflected how norms and forms of embodiment interacted with gender, class, and race, among other dimensions of human difference. Ideas of disability in courtly romance, saints’ lives, chronicles, sagas, secular lyrics, dramas, and pageants demonstrate the nuanced, and sometimes contradictory, relationship between cultural constructions of disability and the lived experience of impairment. An essential resource for researchers, scholars, and students of history, literature, visual art, cultural studies, and education, A Cultural History of Disability in the Middle Ages explores themes and topics such as atypical bodies; mobility impairment; chronic pain and illness; blindness; deafness; speech; learning difficulties; and mental health.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Hellenistic Jewish Literature and the New Testament: Collected Essays
Like Philo and Josephus, as well as those who earlier produced the Septuagint and the Hellenistic Jewish fragmentary texts, the writers of the New Testament were Jews writing in Greek. They may have been articulating and promoting a particular form of Jewish messianism that eventually became a distinctive form of religious belief, but in the first and early second centuries, those Christ-followers who were writing in various genres operated with many of the same assumptions as their Jewish counterparts in the land of Israel and in other places such as Alexandria and Rome. This collection of essays, spanning the scholarly career of Carl R. Holladay, investigates the Hellenistic Jewish writings in their own contexts and explores how they illuminate the writings of the New Testament. Included are six new essays on such topics as Hellenistic Judaism, the Beatitudes, and Luke-Acts.
The New York Review of Books, Inc The Peach Blossom Fan
University of Hawai'i Press The Value of Hawai'i 3: Hulihia, the Turning
Hulihia" refers to massive upheavals that change the landscape, overturn the normal, reverse the flow, and sweep away the prevailing or assumed. We live in such days. Pandemics. Threats to Ê»Äina. Political dysfunction, cultural appropriation, and disrespect. But also powerful surges toward sustainability, autonomy, and sovereignty.The first two volumes of The Value of Hawai'i (Knowing the Past, Facing the Future and Ancestral Roots, Oceanic Visions) ignited public conversations, testimony, advocacy, and art for political and social change. These books argued for the value of connecting across our different expertise and experiences, to talk about who we are and where we are going.In a world in crisis, what does Hawai'i's experience tell us about how to build a society that sees opportunities in the turning and changing times? As islanders, we continue to grapple with experiences of racism, colonialism, environmental damage, and the costs of modernization, and bring to this our own striking creativity and histories for how to live peacefully and productively together. Steered by the four scholars who edited the previous volumes, The Value of Hawai'i 3: Hulihia, the Turning offers multigenerational visions of a HawaiÊ»i not defined by the United States. Community leaders, cultural practitioners, artists, educators, and activists share exciting paths forward for the future of Hawai'i, on topics such as education, tourism and other economies, elder care, agriculture and food, energy and urban development, the environment, sports, arts and culture, technology, and community life.These visions ask us to recognize what we truly value about our home, and offer a wealth of starting points for critical and productive conversations together in this time of profound and permanent change.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Coral Reefs and Climate Change: Science and Management
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Volume 61. The effects of increased atmospheric carbon dioxide and related climate change on shallow coral reefs are gaining considerable attention for scientific and economic reasons worldwide. Although increased scientific research has improved our understanding of the response of coral reefs to climate change, we still lack key information that can help guide reef management. Research and monitoring of coral reef ecosystems over the past few decades have documented two major threats related to increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2: (1) increased sea surface temperatures and (2) increased seawater acidity (lower pH). Higher atmospheric CO2 levels have resulted in rising sea surface temperatures and proven to be an acute threat to corals and other reef-dwelling organisms. Short periods (days) of elevated sea surface temperatures by as little as 1–2°C above the normal maximum temperature has led to more frequent and more widespread episodes of coral bleaching-the expulsion of symbiotic algae. A more chronic consequence of increasing atmospheric CO2 is the lowering of pH of surface waters, which affects the rate at which corals and other reef organisms secrete and build their calcium carbonate skeletons. Average pH of the surface ocean has already decreased by an estimated 0.1 unit since preindustrial times, and will continue to decline in concert with rising atmospheric CO2. These climate-related Stressors combined with other direct anthropogenic assaults, such as overfishing and pollution, weaken reef organisms and increase their susceptibility to disease.