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Peeters Publishers Beethoven's Tempest Sonata (first Movement): Five Annotated Analyses for Performers and Scholars
This book contains five graphic analyses of the opening movement of Beethoven's sonata Op. 31/2. The analyses are based on essays published in Beethoven's Tempest Sonata: Perspectives on Analysis and Performance, edited by Pieter Berge, William E. Caplin, and Jeroen D'hoe (Leuven, 2009). While the earlier collection was conceived for an academic readership, the present volume, by contrast, is intended primarily for practical musicians. The musical score itself accordingly serves as the point of departure, with analytical remarks introduced at the moment at which the relevant music appears. In so doing, this book aims to offer performers analytical insights within the familiar context of sitting at the piano, and following the chronology of the musical process itself. Five different analytical perspectives are presented: motivic (Pieter Berge and Jeroen D'hoe); Schenkerian (Poundie Burstein); form-functional (William E. Caplin); "sonata-theory" (James Hepokoski); and metrical (William Rothstein). This book contains five graphic analyses of the opening movement of Beethoven's sonata Op. 31/2. The analyses are based on essays published in Beethoven's Tempest Sonata: Perspectives on Analysis and Performance, edited by Pieter Berge, William E. Caplin, and Jeroen D'hoe (Leuven, 2009). While the earlier collection was conceived primarily for an academic readership, the present volume is also intended for practical musicians. The musical score itself accordingly serves as the point of departure, with analytical remarks introduced at the moment at which the relevant music appears. In so doing, this book aims to offer performers analytical insights within the familiar context of sitting at the piano, and following the chronology of the musical process itself. Five different analytical perspectives are presented: motivic (Pieter Berge and Jeroen D'hoe); Schenkerian (Poundie Burstein); form-functional (William E. Caplin); "sonata-theory" (James Hepokoski); and metrical (William Rothstein).
Peeters Publishers Sagalassos Jaarboek 2010 de Vroeg Tot MiddenByzantijnse Periode 4501250 N Chr Het Jaarverslag Van de Campagne Van 2010
Peeters Publishers Saint Basil of Caesarea and Armenian Cosmology: A Study of the Armenian Version of Saint Basil's Hexaemeron and Its Influence on Medieval Armenian Views About the Cosmos
The Hexaemeron by St Basil of Caesarea was a fundamental source for Christian writers describing the nature of the physical cosmos, not least in Armenia, where scholars attempted to reconcile theories derived from Greek antiquity with the Bible. The first part of this volume is a survey of references to Basil in Armenian writers from the fifth to the fourteenth centuries, and more particularly of the influence of the Hexaemeron on their cosmology. The second part is an English translation of the Armenian version. The commentary to the translation identifies the expansions and changes made by the Armenian translator, and justifies numerous divergences from the text of the critical edition [Erevan 1984] in favour of readings also attested in the Syriac version [Leuven 1995, CSCO 550], for the Armenian derives from the latter, not directly from the Greek. There are detailed Indices for the Armenian, Greek, Syriac and Latin sources quoted, the Armenian technical terms, and the topics discussed by Basil. The translations of the Hexaemeron in Syriac, Armenian, Arabic, Georgian and Old Slavonic contain only the original nine homilies, not the further two on the creation of man later added by Basil's brother, Gregory of Nyssa.
Peeters Publishers Le Vocabulaire De La Metallurgie Et La Nomenclature Des Objets En Metal Dans Les Textes De Mari: Materiaux Pour Le Dictionnaire De Babylonien De Paris Tome III
L'ouvrage d'I. Arkhipov sur Le vocabulaire de la metallurgie et la nomenclature des objets en metal dans les textes de Mari constitue le troisieme volume de la serie des Materiaux pour le Dictionnaire de Babylonien de Paris. Apres des etudes portant sur le vocabulaire des habits et textiles (MDBP I) et sur la vaisselle de luxe (MDBP II), cet ouvrage s'interesse aux techniques et produits de la metallurgie et de l'orfevrerie. Peu d'objets ont ete retrouves lors des fouilles, mais de nombreux documents administratifs et lettres donnent des descriptions souvent tres precises de leur forme, de leur fabrication ou de leur emploi. Une premiere partie etudie le vocabulaire akkadien et ses eventuelles notations ideographiques, a partir du corpus entier des archives de Mari. Les mots y sont classes en douze categories. La seconde partie donne l'edition de nombreux textes administratifs en ordre chronologique. Pas moins de 645 textes sont edites: 114 sont entierement nouveaux, 531 constituent la reprise de textes deja publies (essentiellement dans ARM XXV), collationnes et parfois completes par des joints. L'ensemble est suivi de diverses annexes. L'ouvrage montre le haut niveau technologique atteint par les ateliers syriens a cette epoque ancienne. Ces temoignages ecrits, issus de l'administration du palais de Mari, sont desormais a la disposition de toutes les personnes interessees: philologues, archeologues, historiens des techniques, etc.
Peeters Publishers Blood - Symbol - Liquid
Blood serves an excellent indicator of a nexus of late medieval and early modern Cultural Change, in which matter and meaning seems to have segregated progressively. As the harmony of body and spirit succumbed under the strain of competing world views, blood lost its unity as an embodied sign, a semiotic substance. The wordplays that impose themselves with such ease in this area of research attest to the enduring permeability of the material and the spiritual when it comes to blood. This volume brings together papers presented at a workshop entitled 'Blood-Symbol-Liquid', held in Groningen on 23-24 March 2006. The organizers were keen to put the shifting composition of the material and symbolic components of blood in a broad chronological and thematic perspective, forcing the contributors to merge their respective disciplinary approaches stemming from literary history, art history and the history of religion, medicine and science.
Peeters Publishers Boncompagno Da Signa, "Amicitia" and "De Malo Senectutis Et Senii"
Boncompagno was born in Signa, not far from Florence, sometime between 1165 and 1175. He first studied at Florence but soon moved to Bologna, becoming a teacher of grammar and rhetoric there. One of the most famous teachers of rhetoric in his time, he was regarded by his contemporaries as being the most skillful, the most original, and the most fertile in imagination of them all. The Amicitia was written toward the end of 1205 at Rome. Its unspoken purpose is to act as a guide in identifying and classifying the various kinds of people who try to gain our trust by posing as friends. Indeed, the text excels in describing in exuberant detail the many 'false' friends we encounter in life. Boncompagno's last work (he died sometime after 1240), the Libellus de malo senectutis et senii, was written when he was old and, as a final irony, without friends. It contains a stark description of the human condition as each one enters into old age and decrepitude and finally encounters death. To the end, Boncompagno continues to regard all of human life with a skeptical, even cynical eye, a detached observer of and commentator on the society of his time.
Peeters Publishers Poetiques De La Maladie: D'Honore De Balzac a Thomas Mann
Au debut du XIXe siecle, a l'aube de la medecine moderne, le developpement de la maladie n'etant pas entierement surcode par les discours medicaux, le corps souffrant devient un des objet de predilection de la litterature. Le discours realiste comme l'analyse subjective et la poesie en font un lieu commun ou ces differents types d'ecritures reflechissent a leur propre pouvoir poetique et rhetorique, ou ils testent leur dimension ethique pour produire leur propre definition en tant que pratiques litteraires. Confrontee a la maladie, la litterature a du, en effet, s'interroger sur sa capacite de toucher a l'existence humaine, poser la question de l'urgence des paroles, de la valeur des mots, et du pouvoir que ceux-ci ont d'arreter une signification definie. La maladie, vecue ou fictionnelle, definit ainsi, au-dela d'une simple thematique, un espace de reflexion qui parle de la litterature elle-meme dans ce qu'elle a de plus trouble et d'incertain.
Peeters Publishers Vado Mori Une Danse Macabre Unique Dans Le Livre dHeures GantoBrugeois CroyArenberg Environ 1500 40 Documenta Libraria
Peeters Publishers Penser, Agir Et Vivre Dans L'Empire Ottoman Et En Turquie: Etudes Reunies Pour Francois Georgeon
En suivant certains des silllons creuses par Francois Georgeon, les etudes ici reunies se repartissent en quatre groupes. Les premieres s'inscrivent dans le registre de l'histoire politique et ideologique des dernieres decennies de l'epoque ottomane. Elles touchent a la politisation et a la question des provinces de l'Empire. Elles touchent aussi au vocabulaire politique et aux nouvelles temporalites introduites par la revolution jeune-turque dans la reflexion de certains intellectuels. Les secondes sont des contributions a l'histoire intellectuelle. Une place importante est faite dans cette partie a la presse et a l'imprime, tandis qu'une derniere contribution reprend la question des intellectuels voyageurs. La troisieme partie est consacree a l'histoire sociale. Y sont abordees des themes divers tels que: la construction et la fluidite des identifications, les fetes, l'alimentation, et les evolutions sociales a l'echelle urbaine, comme a l'echelle individuelle. Enfin, la quatrieme et derniere partie rassemble d'un cote des etudes sur la Turquie kemaliste et, de l'autre, des essais sur le passage "des Ottomans aux Turcs" (pour reprendre le titre d'un volume d'articles de Francois Georgeon), et sur la construction des savoirs dans ce domaine. Following in Francois Georgeon's footsteps, this volume is divided in four parts. The first group of studies concerns the political and ideological history of the last decades of the Ottoman Empire. These studies tackle the issue of politicization, the question of the provinces of the Empire, political vocabulary and new timescales brought by the Young Turc Revolution in the thought of some intellectuals. The second group includes contributions on intellectual history. Important themes in this part are printed publishing and the press, while the last contribution takes up the issue of intellectual travelers. The third group is devoted to social history. Studies address identity development and fluidity, celebrations, food, and social developments on an urban or individual scale. The fourth and last part brings together both studies on Kemalist Turkey and essays on the switch from Ottomans to Turks (to quote a title of one of Francois Georgeon's volumes) and on knowledge construction in this field.
Peeters Publishers Acte Retributif, Renaissance Et Transmigration Dans Le Bouddhisme Des Origines
Cet ouvrage se propose, a l'aide de textes du bouddhisme qui s'echelonnent de ses origines jusqu'aux premiers siecles de notre ere, d'illustrer les trois dogmes qui sont partie integrante de la pensee indienne en general, et du bouddhisme en particulier: l'acte retributif (karman), les renaissances (jati) et la ronde universelle et eternelle de celles-ci (sansara ou "transmigration").La premiere partie s'interesse au bouddhisme doctrinal. Sans taire les difficultes, voire les contradictions que ces dogmes offrent pour les esprits occidentaux, notamment parce que le Buddha soutient simultanement la sanction morale des actes et l'inexistence d'une ame substantielle et personnelle, on veut montrer l'omnipresence et la continuite des ces croyances dans les enseignements du fondateur lui-meme, dans les oeuvres qui debattent a leur propos, ainsi l'"Objet des discussions" (Kathavatthu) ou les "Questions du roi Menandre" (Milindapanha) puis dans des sources plus tardives comme Buddhaghosa ou l'un ou l'autre penseur du "Grand Vehicule". Au stock des questions fondamentales qui reste la meme d'age en age et qui concerne par exemple le passage de la mort a la renaissance, qu'elle soit humaine, celeste ou infernale, on a ajoute quelques breves considerations sur la causalite karmique, sur karman et instinct ou sur l'equivalence samsara-nirvana.La deuxieme partie porte sur les dogmes precites tels qu'ils sont vus par le bouddhisme populaire. On aborde des lors une litterature d'un type tres different: un enorme repertoire de recits et de contes moraux enrichi au long des siecles et ou se detachent les Jataka's, c'est-a-dire ces "[recits par le Buddha lui-meme de ses] naissances anterieures". On peut y suivre les odyssees transmigratoires de personnages tantot fameux (le Buddha lui-meme, ses disciples, ses contemporains, ses adversaires ideologiques), tantot anonymes, a qui leurs actes moraux ou immoraux, pieux (envers le Buddha et ses moines) ou impies ont valu de renaitre heureux ou malheureux ici-bas, dans les cieux ou les enfers, comme animaux ou fantomes. Cet ensemble narratif destine a instruire et edifier moines et laics bouddhistes permet aussi des remarques diverses, par exemple sur l'anamnese des vies anterieures ou sur la duree des diverses renaissances et sejours dans les spheres cosmiques.
Peeters Publishers Autour De La Langue Arabe: Etudes Presentees a Jacques Grand'Henry a L'occasion De Son 70e Anniversaire
Les themes et sujets du present volume d'hommages que lui dedient plusieurs de ses collegues et amis, correspondent au profil a la fois focalise et varie de Jacques Grand'Henry, Professeur emerite d'etudes arabes a l'Universite catholique de Louvain. Les domaines couverts sont notamment ceux de la dialectologie arabe descriptive ou historique, de la linguistique historique et comparative, du moyen arabe ou de l'arabe melange tel qu'on le trouve dans les textes medievaux et dans les documents modernes (textes litteraires ou enonces oraux), et de la philologie arabe sous ses differents aspects. Ce volume contient des contributions de: Frederic Bauden, Lidia Bettini, Giovanni Canova, Joseph Chetrit, David Cohen, Werner Diem, Madiha Doss, Bruno Halflants, Clive Holes, Jerome Lentin, Xavier Luffin, Gabriel M. Rosenbaum, Catherine Taine-Cheikh, Andrzej Zaborski et Liesbeth Zack.
Peeters Publishers Die Assyrer Und Das Westland: Studien Zur Historischen Geographie Und Herrschaftspraxis in Der Levante Im 1. Jt. V. U. Z.
Mit dem Beginn der assyrischen Expansion im 8. Jh. v. u. Z. endete schrittweise die politische Unabhangigkeit der Levante. Die Frage, wie die Expansion erfolgte und wie die Assyrer dieses Territorium organisiert und verwaltet haben, steht im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit. Wichtige Aspekte dieser Thematik sind u. a., welche Grenzen die unabhangigen oder annektierten politischen Einheiten hatten, was die Assyrer von den vorhandenen Strukturen ubernahmen und was sie veranderten, welche konkrete Massnahmen einer Annexion folgten. Anhand der Analyse der assyrischen Herrschaftspraxis wird eine neue Interpretation des assyrischen Einflusses in der Region sowie der Rolle des assyrischen Reiches in der Geschichte der Weltreiche geboten. Ausgangspunkt und Grundlage der Arbeit bildet die neuassyrische Toponymie der Levante und ein wesentlicher Teil derselben besteht aus 53 historischen Karten, die die historisch-geographischen Informationen graphisch darstellen: lokalisierbare Ortsnamen (3 Karten), die assyrischen Vorstellungen der Levante (8 Karten), lokalisierbare Gewasser- und Bergnamen (1 Karte), Tribut und Bevolkerungspolitik (5 Karten), assyrische Denkmaler in der Levante (1 Karte), die Westfeldzuge (30 Karten) und die politische Geographie der Levante (5 Karten).
Peeters Publishers Mundus Primus: Die Geschichte Der Welt Und Des Menschen Von Adam Bis Noach Im Genesiskommentar Ephrams Des Syrers
Albeit famous as a composer of liturgical hymns, the exegetical works of Ephrem the Syrian are almost unknown. This monograph deals with Ephrem's commentary on Genesis in which he provides a specific explanation of the biblical primordial history. His exegesis proves to be apologetic (refuting the positions of his main opponents Marcion, Bardaisan and Mani), ascetic and critical towards allegorical interpretations of an allusive type. By applying principles of a complex typology, he interprets the primordial events by relating them to particular contexts (cosmology, anthropology, ethics and eschatology). Thus he assumes that Gen 1:1'9:17 describes the contours of a first world (mundus primus), which is in a paradigmatic way a typological pre-image of the second world (mundus secundus) in which we live. According to Ephrem, with the landing of the Ark and God's covenant with Noah, the history undergoes its decisive turning point. This study may prove both Ephrem's close proximity to rabbinic exegesis and his great originality. As a starting point for a specific Syriac interpretation tradition of the first book of the Bible Ephrem's commentary is highly interesting for patristic exegesis and inspiring for the theological interpretation of the primordial history and a lively dialogue with modern exegesis.
Peeters Publishers Quid Est Veritas? Over Kerkelijk Huwelijksrecht En Waarheid
Quid est veritas? Over kerkelijk huwelijkrecht en waarheid is een themanummer over kerkelijk huwelijks- en huwelijksprocesrecht. Het bevat bijdragen van internationaal en nationaal gereputeerde auteurs. De aanpak is interdisciplinair. Kerkrechtelijke bijdragen zijn van prof. dr. K. Ludicke (Munster ' Duitsland), prof. dr. R. Page (Ottawa ' Canada), mgr. dr. J. Hendriks (Haarlem ' Nederland), dr. H. van der Meer s.j. (Roermond ' Nederland), abt J. Wouters o.praem. (Averbode ' Belgie), pater W. Bellemakers c.m. (Utrecht ' Nederland), dr. M. C. Forconi (Hasselt ' Belgie) en prof. dr. R. Torfs (Leuven ' Belgie). Naast het kerkelijk recht krijgen psychiatrie en theologie ook ruimte. Dr. A. Haekens (Tienen ' Belgie) en mgr. G. Versaldi (Alessandria della Paglia ' Italie), respectievelijk psychiater en psycholoog-antropoloog, analyseren de mogelijke bijdrage van hun disciplines bij de zoektocht naar de waarheid over de geldig- of ongeldigheid van het huwelijk in het huwelijksnietigheidsproces. En tot slot is er ook een filosofisch-psychologische bijdrage van Prof. dr. P. Vandermeersch (Leuven ' Belgie) en een theologische reflectie van prof. dr. E. Borgman (Tilburg ' Nederland). Zo wordt de lezer een beeld geboden van het kerkelijke en het kerkrechtelijke denken over het huwelijk en de onontbindbaarheid ervan, over de ontologische waarheid en de juridische waarheid. Een levendige combinatie dus van fundamenteel wetenschappelijk onderzoek en praktijkgerichte canonistiek.
Peeters Publishers Grammaire Sanskrite a L'usage Des Etudiants Hellenistes Et Latinistes
Dans le meme esprit que les Deux Cahiers de grammaire grecque (2006) et que la Sankrit Grammar de M. Mayrhofer (1972), mais s'adressant en priorite a des etudiants hellenistes et latinistes deja avances, cette grammaire comporte des donnees comparatives importantes, qui expliquent souvent en retour bien des aspects de la langue sanskrite, et parallelement du grec et du latin. Il n'existe guere, en langue francaise, de grammaire du sanskrit concue dans cette optique. Sont mis en evidence les principaux elements et les structures fondamentales de la langue dont la comprehension permet un acces aise aux textes classiques. Il s'agit particulierement des alternances vocaliques qui regissent toute la grammaire sanskrite, de la valeur et des regles d'emploi des suffixes nominaux, donnees indispensables pour faciliter l'apprentissage du vocabulaire, des fonctions des desinences casuelles et de quelques paradigmes de base de la flexion nominale et de la conjugaison. Au fil des chapitres sont ainsi abordes le probleme de l'origine du genre feminin, des desinences casuelles, le role des pronoms, la formation de la conjugaison thematique, l'expression du temps et de l'aspect, les cinq conjugaisons latines, etc. La syntaxe est essentiellement abordee a travers la morphologie.
Peeters Publishers Boece, Opuscula Sacra. Volume 2. "De Sancta Trinitate", "De Persona Et Duabus Naturis" (Traites I Et V): Texte Latin De L'edition De Claudio Moreschini
Ce second volume de notre traduction francaise, introduite et annotee, des Opuscula sacra de Boece poursuit, avec le De trinitate et le Contra Euthychen et Nestorium, la demarche entamee dans le premier, qui consiste a passer en revue et a analyser tout ce qui trahit chez notre auteur non pas le theologien dialecticien mais le dialecticien theologien qu'il voulait etre. C'est effectivement en tant qu'intellectuel captive par le savoir de la Grece antique qu'il a aborde les grandes questions trinitaires et christologiques, se servant des contenus dogmatiques qu'elles vehiculent comme autant d'occasions pour montrer l'efficacite des sciences grecques, principalement celles du langage. Sous ce rapport, sondee et developpee dans tout ce qu'elle offre a l'argumentation rationnelle, la matiere fideique perd pour ainsi dire sa sacralite dans la mesure ou elle est soumise en ses moindres aspects au regard scrutateur de la philosophie. Dans le sillage des acquis biographiques, bibliographiques et doctrinaux du premier volume, celui-ci est entierement consacre a l'examen de ces enchainements d'episodes ou la raison continue a chercher son epanouissement dans le deploiement sans limites de ses ressources.
Peeters Publishers Understanding What One Reads: II: Essays on the Gospels and Paul (2003-2011)
This volume, Understanding what One Reads II: The Gospels and Paul (2003-2011), supplements the volume with the same main title which contains New Testament Essays from 1992-2002 and appeared in 2003. It continues the attempt (described in the preceding volume) to collect Professor Lambrecht's shorter writings into volumes that would be more accessible. The present volume brings together 35 studies, some rather brief, others more expanded. The first 34 are "bookended" by the cover illustration and the final article, which reflects on how Dei Verbum has functioned through forty years in attempting to understand what one reads in Scripture. As elsewhere in previous studies, Professor Lambrecht examines the relation between Q and Mark; he more than once reacts against a too easy reference to intertextuality which is methodologically not justified. He always carefully analyzes the line of thought (and the literal sense) in a number of passages, asking the question "How does the New Testament author reason and argue?". The majority of the articles in this volume have been published in journals or festschrifts. Most of the studies are strictly scientific; a few however have been written as conferences or essays for a nonspecialized Christian public. As the reader will observe, quite often a brief article is a reply to a recent publication. It is hoped that this collection of dispersed published studies and unpublished material will be appreciated by colleagues and students alike.
Peeters Publishers PieterJozef Verhaghen 17281811 In Het Spoor Van Rubens
Peeters Publishers History of the First Estifanosite Monks: V.
In the fifteenth century, a fearless Abba Estifanos and his followers openly criticized the monastic leaders of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church for what the monks saw as a gross disregard of monastic rules in the monastic leaders' relationship with political leaders. These monks of the Monastery of Gundagunde, in the province of Tegray, spoke out against the practice of having the monarch appoint abbots to head the large monasteries. Further, they dismissed as unchristian all religious practices that were not prescribed in, or proscribed by, the Eighty-One Canonical Scriptures of the Church. Most of all, they refused to bow to anything or anybody other than the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, including the king. Such defiance in a theocratic polity, in which the monarch was the head of the Church and State, was an extremely dangerous posture. Consequently, Abba Estifanos and his followers suffered unspeakable martyrdom. Vol. 635 tells the amazing story of these monks as they themselves recorded it in Ge'ez, the liturgical language of the Church. Vol. 636 is its English version. It is woth noting that although the narrative is hagiographical, the pertinent facts contained in the text are independently verifiable.
Peeters Publishers Reading New Testament Papyri in Context - Lire Des Papyrus Du Nouveau Testament Dans Leur Contexte
This volume is the publication of the acts of a conference held at the University of Lausanne (CH), in october 2009. It collects sixteen contributions on Egyptian Jewish and Christian papyri, read in their context, in four thematic parts. The first one concerns New Testament and papyri, with two programmatic contributions demonstrating the present importance of textual criticism in New Testament exegesis, as well as a state of research on the most recent NT papyri. The second part focuses on the interactions between the Egyptian context, Judaism and the emerging Christianity, with notably the presentation of a fragment of a homily containing Lk 2.35-36 (P.Gen. IV 150). The third part shows how every papyrus can tell a story on early Christianity whether it concerns the Gospel of John or the Gospel of Thomas, or if one uses the multispectral imaging. The last part offers further considerations on papyri and theology, and on the way in which papyri can help to fill in historical gaps. Contributions by R. Burnet, C. Clivaz, J. K. Elliott, K. Haines-Eitzen, S. Honigman, T. J. Kraus, A.-M. Luijendijk, X. Gravend-Tirole, C.-J. Gruber, D. Pastorelli, J. Read-Heimerdinger, J. Rius-Camp, P. Schubert, D. Stoekl, M. Theophilos, J. Zumstein.
Peeters Publishers Religion and Criminal Law Religion Et Droit Penal
Peeters Publishers Centre and Periphery within the Borders of Islam: Proceedings of the 23rd Congress of L'union Europeenne Des Arabisants Et Islamisants
This volume contains the Proceedings of the 23rd Congress of L'Union Europeenne des Arabisants et Islamisants held in Sassari from Thursday 28th of September to Sunday 1st October 2006. The 26 articles contained in the volume, written by specialists from all over Europe (Russia, Finland, Poland, England, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands), deal with the following subjects: Islam, with contributions by scholars such as Roswitha Badry, Dimitry Frolov, Wilfred Madelung and Giuseppe Scatolin; History, Society and Archaeology, with papers by among others, Giuseppe Contu, Jaakko Hameen-Anttila, Paulina Lewicka and Bernadette Martel-Thoumian; Literature, with papers by, inter alios, Ewa Machut-Mendecka, Barbara Michalak-Pikulska, Arie Schippers, and Krystyna Skarzynska-Bochenska; and Arabic Language and Linguistics, with articles by Lale Behzadi, Michael G. Carter, and Ali Kalati.The central theme focuses on how the characteristics of Islam and Arabism are to be found in the periphery of the Arabic and Islamic world in relation to its center and the interchanges implied by the geographic distance between center and periphery. The University of Sassari was the right ambiance for such a congress since there was in the past some Arabic presence in Sardinia, an island which was itself situated at the borders of the Islamic and Arabic Mediterranean.
Peeters Publishers Ranulph Higden, "Speculum Curatorum" - a Mirror for Curates. Book I: The Commandments
Ranulph Higden, O.S.B. (ca. 1285-1364), well-known author of the Polychronicon , also penned several pastorally oriented treaties, namely, an Ars componendi sermones , a lengthy series of Distinctiones , an Ars Kalendarii , and a comprehensive manual of instruction called Speculum Curatorum . Last revised about 1350, the Speculum handles almost every aspect of Christian doctrine in three substantial books: the first treats the commandments; the second, the deadly sins; the third, the sacraments. This edition and translation of Higden's volume on the Decalogue shows how each comandment functions as an umbrella covering various expected and unexpected subjects. Because of the former, it is a serious explication of moral theology and canon law; because of the latter, it is a treasure trove of myth, folklore, vignettes detailing aspects of fourteenth-century life, and avuncular advice. Its definitions of intangibles - like faith, fear, and flattery - are balanced by evaluations of war, robbery, and tithing, and given zest by discussions about the degrees of superstition, the tricks of demons, and the deceitfulness of dreams. Ultimately, all provide insights into the knowledge base, the legitimate and unfounded concerns, and the sincere beliefs of later medieval England.
Peeters Publishers Commonplace Culture in Western Europe in the Early Modern Period I: Reformation, Counter-reformation and Revolt
This is the first of three volumes from the project 'Authority and Persuasion: the Role of Commonplaces in Western Europe (c.1450-c.1800)'. The project was launched by the universities of Copenhagen, Durham and Groningen and involved scholars from a range of disciplines who researched the use of commonplaces as a means of persuasion in the early modern world. Commonplace as a technical term refers to the loci communes collected in late medieval and early modern commonplace books. In the project, however, the notion of commonplace was broadened to include means of persuasion in all kinds of texts as well as the visual arts, theatre, music and other media. This broader notion embraces metaphors, proverbs, figures, and expressions that enjoyed both a history of use in a given society or language community and a wide currency in that society. This first volume, subtitles 'Reformation, Counter-Reformation and Revolt', focuses on the role of argument from commonplaces, whether linguistic, textual, visual, performative, or musical, during a period of rapid and far-reaching ideological and social change characterised by theological controversies and political turmoil. Progressing from a strict to a more flexible definition of the commonplace, the thirteen contributions to this volume explore the role of the commonplace in the early modern classroom, its place in contemporary polemic and controversy as well as its relationship with (disputed) authority, and trace its presence across a variety of media in the visual, theatrical, and spatial arts. The second volume concerns 'Consolidation of God-given Power', and the third volume deals with 'Legitimation of Authority'.
Peeters Publishers Early Judaeo-Christianity: Historical Essays
The essays presented here are the results of over ten years study. To appreciate the development of Christianity in the ancient world, knowledge of the Jewish parameter remains as important as that of the pagan parameter. The question is to know when, how and why Christianity left Judaism to become an independent religion. In other words, at what moment did the disciples of Jesus consider themselves as no longer Jews or pagans, but rather as Christians? What are the historian's sources? Christianity built its history through the diligence of its theologians. The historian must therefore detach himself from this perspective, explaining the traditional sources, recovering in them historical elements which facilitate bringing to light the gradual separation.
Peeters Publishers Between "Satricum" and "Antium": Settlement Dynamics in a Coastal Landscape in "Latium Vetus"
Between Satricum and Antium' presents a study carried out by the Groningen Institute of Archaeology of the territories of two ancient settlements, both situated in the coastal landscape of ancient Latium on the Thyrrhenian seaboard, ca. 60 km south of Rome. Starting with the earliest traces of human presence in the Palaeolithic, the book deals in depth with the settlement dynamics in the area from the Middle Bronze age to the medieval period. Systematic archaeological surveys, studies of existing site inventories and relevant artefact studies are all combined in this well-illustrated volume that provides a detailed account of the appearance of the first permanent dwellings during the Bronze and Iron Ages, of the rise of Archaic and Roman rural and maritime settlement and of the gradual process towards incastellamento during the Middle Ages.
Peeters Publishers Schoon Volk: Kasteelbewoners in West-Limburg in De 19e Eeuw
In de 19e eeuw trad in West-Limburg een nieuwe sociale groep van superrijken op het voorplan. Met kapitaal verkregen uit het verhandelen van (tijdens de Franse revolutie) geconfisqueerd vastgoed en door investeringen in de nieuwe industrie in Wallonie, zouden zij veel grotere domeinen verwerven dan de rijken uit eerdere generaties. Hun status werd vormgegeven door in kastelen en landhuizen te verblijven, waarrond parken werden aangelegd van afmetingen die voorheen ondenkbaar waren. Gezien landbouw omzeggens de enige economische activiteit van betekenis was in West-Limburg en de nieuwe rijken de meeste grond bezaten, waren veel inwoners voor hun inkomen van hen afhankelijk. Door het cijnskiesrecht kreeg dezelfde groep het ook in de gemeentebesturen en in de provincieraad voor het zeggen. De meest vermogende families zagen hun zonen in de Kamer en de Senaat verkozen worden; zij combineerden economische en politieke macht. Zij bepaalden waar er steenwegen aangelegd werden, waar de spoorwegstations kwamen, wie er gemeentesecretaris, onderwijzer of veldwachter werd. Aan de hand van een aantal voorbeelden worden in dit boek maatschappelijke en economische evoluties belicht die het leven in de 19e eeuw bepaald hebben en waarvan de sporen in het West-Limburgse landschap nog onuitwisbaar zijn.
Peeters Publishers Care, Compassion and Recognition: An Ethical Discussion
Since Carol Gilligan’s In a Different Voice (1982) the ethics of care has developed as a movement of allied thinkers, in different continents, who have a shared concern and who reflect on similar topics. This shared concern is that care can only be revalued and take its societal place if existing asymmetrical power relations are unveiled, and if the dignity of care givers and care receivers is better guaranteed, socially, politically and personally. In this first volume of a new series leading care ethicists from Europe and the United States focus on the moral significance of two concepts in the debate that ask for further reflection. In discussion with the work of Axel Honneth on recognition and the work of Emmanuel Housset on compassion a contribution is made to a reconsideration of recognition and compassion from an ethics of care perspective. This volume contains contributions by Andries Baart, Estelle Ferrarese, Chris Gastmans, Mieke Grypdonck, Emmanuel Housset, Carlo Leget, Hilde Lindemann, Axel Liégeois, Christa Schnabl, Joan C. Tronto, Annelies van Heijst, Linus Vanlaere, Frans Vosman and Margaret Urban Walker.
Peeters Publishers Reading Zechariah with Zechariah 1: 1-6 as the Introduction to the Entire Book
,In light of the widely acknowledged phenomenon that Zechariah refers to previous Scripture, this thesis demonstrates that these references can significantly contribute to Zechariah's argument by drawing on Mikhail M. Bakhtin's insight of the dialogical orientation of words. The dialogical orientation of Zechariah's word with regard to previous Scripture and Zechariah's audience establishes Zech 1:1'6 as the introduction to the entire book. It also develops a theology of transition and of waiting. Seven case studies demonstrate that the call of Zechariah 1:3-4 sounds through the entire book. The call to be different from the ancestors in a time of waiting emphasizes the people's responsibility to live faithfully within the Sinai covenant. It also points to the prophetic function of the so-called apocalyptic notions in Zechariah and exhibits Zechariah's specific contribution to the Book of the Twelve, to the Old Testament and for the church.
Peeters Publishers George Amiroutzes: the Philosopher and His Tractates
One of the most learned men of his day and called "the philosopher" by contemporaries, George Amiroutzes (c. 1400-c. 1469) attended the Council of Florence (1438-39) as a lay scholar in the Greek delegation. As a high government official in his native Trebizond, he helped to negotiate the surrender of this last independent Greek state to Mehmed the Conqueror in 1461. He eventually entered the Sultan's household as someone with whom Mehmed enjoyed having intellectual discussions. Despite his contemporary fame, however, almost no philosophical writings of his survive. The present work offers an edition of fifteen previously unknown philosophical tractates. Although they are unpublished drafts in a fragmentary state, the tractaes reveal Amiroutzes to be an Aristotelian philosopher influenced by Thomas Aquinas and firmly intent upon refuting Platonism. He also shows himself to be an original thinker in discussing ethics and metaphysics.
Peeters Publishers Makedonische Pharaonen Und Hieroglyphische Stelen: Historische Untersuchungen Zur Satrapenstele Und Verwandten Denkmalern
Aus den Anfangen der hellenistischen Epoche in Agypten gibt es nur wenige zeitgenossische Zeugnisse. Eines davon ist die Satrapenstele. Diese hieroglyphische Stele dokumentiert eine Landschenkung des Satrapen Ptolemaios an den Tempel von Buto und nennt weitere historische Ereignisse wie die Verlegung der Residenz nach Alexandria. Sie ist seit langem bekannt und wurde mehrfach ubersetzt. Einen umfassenden sprachlichen und historischen Kommentar gab es bisher aber noch nicht. Die Stele bildet den Schwerpunkt der vorliegenden Untersuchung zum Verhaltnis zwischen makedonischen Herrschern und indigenen Priesterschaften in der fruhen Ptolemaerzeit. Der Denkstein steht im Spannungsfeld zwischen den agyptischen Verfassern und dem makedonischen Protagonisten, weshalb vor allem die Herrscherprasentation eine besondere Rolle spielt. Zur Prufung der gewonnenen Ergebnisse wurden zwei weitere hieroglyphische Stelen herangezogen. Die Pithomstele und die Mendesstele berichten uber Taten und Kultunterstutzung durch Ptolemaios II. So ist die Betrachtung der Entwicklung uber zwei Herrschergenerationen hinweg moglich. Zielgruppe der Studie sind Althistoriker und Agyptologen gleichermassen.
Peeters Publishers The Troubled Island: Minoan Crete before and after the Santorini Eruption
Our thesis is that the archaeological evidence suggests a severe economic dislocation during the Late Minoan IB ceramic period in Crete. This appears to have been triggered, first by a tectonic earthquake and shortly afterwards by the eruption of Thera early in the Late Bronze Age (Late Minoan IA) after which the situation gradually worsened, accompanied by a general feeling of uncertainty caused by the eruption and its effects. The tectonic earthquake led to abandonments at some sites or an effort to rebuild in attempt to re-establish normal economic and social life. The result of these two natural disasters gave local centers greater independence from the traditional "Palaces". This fragmentation of Minoan Crete brought about the end of the most highly developed economic system in the Aegean although it was somewhat resurrected in the following "Mycenaean" period. The natural events which proved to be the catalysts for change, presaged the end of the traditional ruling elites which appeared to have lost their assumed divine support. They tried in vain to maintain their special status, but with major problems in food production and distribution, the existing system disintegrated resulting in a process of decentralisation with an increase in the regional exploitation of land chiefly for local consumption; numerous lesser elites may well have prospered in this environment. However, as in the Hellenistic period, the fragmentation of Crete into many small centres may have led to internal Cretan conflict and a massive wave of fire destructions in Late Minoan IB, indicating a state of anarchy by the end of the period. That Mycenaeans from Mainland Greece arrived on the island at some stage during the Late Bronze Age is clear, although precisely when they arrived is a matter of fierce debate. The "crisis years" of LM IB-II, in the fifteenth century B.C., appear the most likely and opportune. During the succeeding "Mycenaean" period, only the Palace at Knossos seems to have functioned as a major centre. During LM II-III, there was a gradual but general decrease in the sophistication of architecture and arts. The LM II period may perhaps be regarded as the final phase of decline which began in LM IB, with some major centres suffering destructions once again. By Late Minoan II, a new Knossian elite or dynasty appears to have taken control and installed a modified socio-political and economic system. The dynasty relied heavily on administration and bureaucraty to maintain its position. The Santorini eruption is here given the role of a precipitant or catalyst, which began an entire series of changes which eventually resulted in the absorption of Minoan Crete into the Mycenaean, and ultimately, the Greek world.
Peeters Publishers New Light on Gournia: Unknown Documents of the Excavation at Gournia and Other Sites on the Isthmus of Ierapetra by Harriet Ann Boyd
During the pioneering years of archaeological exploration in Crete, between 1900 and 1904, the American archaeologist Harriet Ann Boyd excavated a number of sites on the Isthmus of Ierapetra. The results of these excavations and particularly that of the Bronze Age site at Gournia, were published by Boyd in a series of preliminary reports and in a final publication. But the basic source of information for any comprehensive reconsideration of archaeological material -the excavation records- was largely lacking. In 1990 an important part of the lost original archive, consisting of excavation notebooks, miscellaneous notes and drafts of reports, letters and financial records, came to light. This monograph gives a synopsis of the documents; it focuses on the archaeological information, which mainly concerns Gournia. Descriptive data, sketches and line plans of the settlement buildings and the tombs (some completely unpublished) and information on their contents which emerge from the Archive are quite detailed, shedding new light on our knowledge of Gournia. The author assesses this information, comparing it with the published accounts and with the remains still visible on the site. She also points out the importance of the new information for further studies.
Peeters Publishers A Companion to Linear B: Mycenaean Greek Texts and their World. Volume 2
Linear B is the earliest form of writing used for Greek; it is a syllabic script which belongs to the second half of the second millennium BC and precedes the earliest alphabetic texts by at least four hundred years.The tablets written in this script offer crucial information about the economy, administration, religion, institutions, etc. of the Mycenaean period. But who wrote these texts? What types of texts were they? How can we read them, understand them and interpret them? What do they teach us about the history, economy, religion, society, geography, technology, and language of the Mycenaean period?This Companion aims at answering these and other questions in a series of chapters written by internationally recognised specialists in the subject, who not only summarise the results of current research but also try to explain the problems which arise from the study of the texts and the methods which can be used to solve them.No Mycenologist can currently cover with authority all the field and the Companion is aimed both at the beginner who needs an introduction to the whole area and to advanced scholars (archaeologists, historians, classicists) who require an up-to-date account which can serve as a standard reference tool.Reactions to the first volume:"All Aegenists need to have this book." (John G. Younger, American Journal of Archaeology)"Un excellent instrument, à tous les niveaux." (Francisco Aura Jorro, L'Antiquité Classique)"We are awash with companions of varying composition and quality. Arguably, many are superfluous; this one is not... The companion under review seeks to make Linear B more accessible to students and interested scholars. It is far more complete, authoritative and up-to-date than any." (Dimitri Nakassis, The Classical Review)"The best reference work for the content of the Linear B texts, their language, their value, and the historical contexts that produced them; very useful for students." (Angelos Chaniotis, Ancient Crete: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide)
Peeters Publishers The Woman Who Changed Jesus: Crossing Boundaries in MK 7,24-30
Several features of the story of the encounter between Jesus and a Syrophoenician woman (Mk 7,24-30) are unique within the Second Gospel: the stress on the woman's identity, Jesus' first refusal to help her, the woman's answer recorded in direct speech, and the fact that Jesus does not seem to expel the demon. This monograph seeks to cast light on the pericope by taking recourse to both diachronic and synchronic methods. It begins with the history of the interpretation of Mk 7,24-30 par. Mt 15,21-28, starting from the patristic period. The ensuing historical-critical study of the Markan text includes an examination of the literary relationship with the Matthean parallel and paves the way for an analysis of Matthew's redaction and his position vis-a-vis Judaism and the Gentile world. The book ends with a synchronic and contextual reading of Mk 7,24-30 attentive to its placement in the Gospel in order to reach the final stage of interpretation.
Peeters Publishers St Augustine and His Opponents
Papers presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2007 (sse also Studia Patristica 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48). The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford; they are held under the aegis of the Theology Faculty of the University. Members of these conferences come from all over the world and most offer papers. These range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The smaller number of longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Studia Patristica. Vol. XLV - Ascetica, Liturgica, Orientalia, Critica Et Philologica, First Two Centuries
Papers presented at the Fifteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2007 (see also Studia Patristica 44, 46, 47, 48 and 49). The successive sets of Studia Patristica contain papers delivered at the International Conferences on Patristic Studies, which meet for a week once every four years in Oxford; they are held under the aegis of the Theology Faculty of the University. Members of these conferences come from all over the world and most offer papers. These range over the whole field, both East and West, from the second century to a section on the Nachleben of the Fathers. The majority are short papers dealing with some small and manageable point; they raise and sometimes resolve questions about the authenticity of documents, dates of events, and such like, and some unveil new texts. The smaller number of longer papers put such matters into context and indicate wider trends. The whole reflects the state of Patristic scholarship and demonstrates the vigour and popularity of the subject.
Peeters Publishers Grecisms in Ancient Armenian
This book is a systematic presentation of the linguistic features in all the published Ancient Armenian texts, mainly belonging to the so-called Hellenizing School of translations (late fifth - early eighth century), which are explained by Greek influence. These features include various types of lexical, morphological and syntactical Grecisms. Many of them are also characteristic of 'pre-Hellenizing' translations; a few examples of some of them are found in the early classical translations from Greek. In all cases the corresponding passages of the Greek originals (if extant) are cited. Most of the sections concluded with examples of the classical translation practice of the corresponding linguistic features without any Greek influence. In an appendix, various features of Latinizing Armenian (seventeenth century) are traced back to Hellenizing Armenian.
Peeters Publishers Figures de la Dialectique: Histoire et Perspectives Contemporaines
La dialectique est une des notions les plus recurrentes de la tradition philosophique, que les differents siecles invoquent, soit pour s'en reclamer, soit pour s'en distancier. Chez Platon, elle conquiert ses lettres de noblesse en etant promue au statut de science supreme, mais chez Aristote, elle redevient ce qu'elle etait avant la Republique, un art du dialogue, de la decouverte a tatons de la verite, une methode de raisonnement sur des premisses simplement probables, qui fraie la voie a la saisie de la verite, qui defend les principes du savoir contre les objections possibles mais qui ne peut pretendre au statut apodictique de la science. Ce differend originaire sur le statut et la portee va se diffracter au cours de l'histoire en une multiplicite impressionnante de figures qui sont autant de sources d'inspiration ou de repoussoirs pour les productions philosophiques ulterieures. Mais par dela les differences et les oppositions dans la conception de la dialectique, n'y a-t-il pas moyen de degager des lignes de convergence, des caracteristiques communes ? C'est le pari qu'ont tente les participants d'un colloque tenu a Louvain-la-Neuve en 2007, consacre a la dialectique. Le present volume reprend une serie de contributions qui y ont ete presentees et discutees. Il couvre les differentes periodes de l'histoire de la philosophie, depuis Platon jusqu'au XXe siecle, et aborde la question dans des aires philosophiques variees. A l'heure oA' notre monde prend toujours davantage conscience de la necessite de changer le paradigme en vigueur au sujet de la rationalite, la dialectique, avec son approche necessairement modeste de la totalite, avec sa dimension pratique, bien mise en evidence dans les diverses contributions, et avec son ouverture constitutive a l'alterite, se revele comme une voie feconde pour frayer la route de l'avenir.
Peeters Publishers La Personnalite au Centre de la Pensee Bergsonienne
Henri Bergson commencait en 1914 ses conferences d'Edimbourg en precisant que le probleme de la personnalite pouvait etre considere comme le probleme central de la philosophie. Tel est le point de depart d'un ouvrage qui prend au mot cette reflexion de celui que l'on considere habituellement comme le philosophe de la duree a un moment assez avance de sa carriere intellectuelle. L'auteur interroge la maniere dont le concept de personnalite est apparu dans l"uvre, mais aussi les progres, les problemes qu'il pose, et finalement son role et sa place dans la genese et le developpement de la pensee de Bergson. D'une simple hypothese de lecture, l'auteur s'achemine vers une these nouvelle. La personnalite apparait comme un point de convergence de la pensee bergsonienne, un point focal a partir duquel on percoit une demarche a l"uvre dans l"uvre. La personnalite, continuite creatrice de tension et de changement, se manifeste comme une perspective qui permet de relire de maniere nouvelle l"uvre de Bergson. A la fois a l'amont, au centre et a l'aval d'une pensee qui se distingue d'une tradition philosophique fondee sur letre, la personnalite, au sens bergsonienne du terme, devient meme l'etalon d'un spectre de durees constitutif de la realite et donne la clef d'une revolution bergsonienne de la pensee, ainsi que d'une pensee de l'ouvert. Loin d'une instance psychologique entendue dans un sens traditionnel, la personnalite apparait comme un concept operatoire et engage un depassement des champs traditionnels, gnoseologique, metaphysique, moral, biologique...
Peeters Publishers Anthropology in the New Testament and Its Ancient Context: Papers from the EABS-meeting in Piliscsaba / Budapest
Most of the articles were presented and discussed at the seminar Early Christianity between Judaism and Hellenism at the Annual Meeting of the European Association of Biblical Studies in Piliscsaba and Budapest, Hungary, in August 2006. The anthropological quest is still one of the classical approaches in historical-critical as well as in other methodological approaches to the New Testament. The complexity of anthropological ideas in the New Testament is seldom presented neither explicitly nor in clearly defined terms, but rather in stories about human beings or their (inter-)actions and/or parenetic teaching that is based on some, often unstated, presuppositions of what humans are like. The different essays in Anthropology in the New Testament and its Ancient Context are taking care of this complex situation and address a selection of important problems from the variety of ideas on anthropology in Early Christianity as well as in its Jewish and its Hellenistic context. The book does not aim to show a coherent New Testament anthropology as it is to write a coherent New Testament theology, but rather tries to present new insights into the complexity of ancient anthropological discourses. With that aim the collection includes presentations on the human body and its purity ' a key feature in many ancient cultures and their anthropological systems, questions of purity and impurity, on the key anthropological terms sarks and soma in Paul, how a Greco-Roman reader would understand Paul's anthropological reasoning. Paul's anthropology is also set in relation to Philo's view of humanity. Platonic, tripartite anthropology is also part of an article analyzing the common elements in the teaching concerning the human soul among Sethian, Valentinian and Platonic writers. Conversion, another kind of adaptation of a Hellenistic philosophical concept to early Christianity, different early Christian ideas of the resurrected body, and so-called 'sepulchral anthropology' are further subjects addressed in the book which finally deals with selected anthropological imagery in the Gospel of John and with anthropological perspectives in Hebrews. The book contains contributions by Ida Froehlich, Tom Holmen, Lorenzo Scornaienchi, Martin Meiser, George van Kooten, Paivi Vahakangas, Miguel Herrero de Jauregui, Outi Lehtipuu, Imre Peres, Margareta Gruber and Walter Ubelacker. The essays offer some new angles, new methodological approaches and important insights relevant to anthropological views in the New Testament.
Peeters Publishers Hethitica XVI: Studia Anatolica in Memoriam Erich Neu Dicata
Le present volume se veut avant tout un hommage de la collection louvaniste A" Hethitica A" a la memoire du regrette Professeur Erich Neu, eminent hittitologue, lequel occupa une place importante au sein du Comite de Redaction. Le lecteur decouvrira au debut de l'ouvrage l'evocation de l"uvre scientifique considerable d'Erich Neu, ainsi que l'importance de celle-ci. Cette rubrique est suivie de la presentation de la bibliographie complete de l"uvre de ce grand savant. Pas moins de dix-sept de ses Collegues, specialistes de renommee internationale dans le domaine des etudes concernant l'Anatolie antique, ont tenu a rendre hommage au savant, a l'humaniste disparu trop tot, par une contribution scientifique de haut niveau. L'unite du volume est constituee par la philologie anatolienne antique comprise au sens le plus large. Ainsi, les domaines hittite (nesite), louvite, palaite et ourarteen sont concernes a travers des etudes soit purement linguistiques et lexicographiques, soit epigraphiques, ou encore par le biais d'une approche de problemes directement lies au fonctionnement de la societe A" hittite A" tant au plan politico-institutionnel qu'au niveau culturel et religieux. Les periodes concernees remontent non seulement a l'age du Bronze, mais egalement au debut du premier millenaire avant notre ere (monde neo-louvite et monde ourarteen).
Peeters Publishers A Palaeographic Study of Early Writing in Egypt
In trying to reconstruct the early phases of our culture we rely mostly on sources from the ancient Near East. This is perhaps more true of the history of writing than of any other great cultural accomplishment. It would be unthinkable even to try to sketch the history of writing without taking into consideration the written sources of ancient Egypt. The present study would like to contribute to the research of writing evolution in Egypt as an attempt to collect, describe, and evaluate the earliest attestations of writing from a palaeographic point of view. The book aims to present a thorough investigation of the development of sign forms, from its first appearance around 3250 BC until the reign of Djoser (ca. 2700 BC) at the beginning of Dynasty III. It features the first-ever palaeographic collection of all available signs and inscriptions. The survey permitted reconstruction of the complex process of codification and reform of the Egyptian script that finally resulted in the hieroglyphic writing of the Old Kingdom.
Peeters Publishers The Syriac "Vita" Tradition of Ephrem the Syrian: V.
English translation. This monograph is a synoptic presentation of the texts of all the recensions of the Syriac Life of Ephrem. Working from the manuscript sources, the author corrects previously published recensions of the Life and presents heretofore unpublished recensions. A critical introductory study traces the Life to its sources among Byzantine ecclesiastical writers who were promoters of the monastic ideal and who seized upon the reputation of Ephrem in native Syriac tradition to authorize a way of life he never practiced. By anachronistically associating Ephrem with leading figures in the movement, such as Pisoes and Basil the Great, these authors, aided by later generations of Syriac-speaking churchmen, sought to bring Ephrem's poetic expression of the truths of the faith within the canonical authority of the Byzantine imperial church.
Peeters Publishers Eusebe D'Emese. Commentaire De La Genese: Texte Armenien De L'edition De Venise (1980), Fragments Grecs Et Syriaques, Avec Traductions
Du Commentaire original d'Eusebe d'Emese sur la Genese, redige en grec vers le milieu du IVe siecle, seuls des fragments sont connus, incorpores dans la Chaine exegetique grecque et dans l'Epitome de Procope de Gaza. Il existe toutefois une ancienne traduction armenienne complete (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). A cette documentation s'ajoutent des fragments syriaques conserves dans le Commentaire d'Iso'dad de Merv (IXe siecle). Le present volume regroupe les quatre rameaux de la tradition. Du Commentaire armenien, dont le texte est reproduit en entier, on trouve ici la premiere traduction dans une langue moderne. Les fragments grecs (dont ceux de Procope edites ici pour la premiere fois) et syriaques sont egalement accompagnes de traductions francaises annotees. Le volume permet, des lors, pour la premiere fois une vue d'ensemble de ce commentaire dont l'importance consiste en son originalite et en sa position intermediaire entre l'ancienne exegese syriaque et l'exegese grecque antiochienne de la fin du IVe et du Ve siecle. Eusebius of Emesa's Commentary on Genesis, which was written in Greek around the middle of the fourth century, is extant only in fragments preserved in the Greek exegetical Catena and in Procopius of Gaza's Epitome. An early translation of the entire Commentary, however, exists in Armenian (ed. V. Hovhannessian, 1980). In addition, Syriac fragments are preserved in the ninth-century Commentary by Iso'dad of Merv. The present volume brings together the four branches of the tradition. The Armenian Commentary is presented both in Armenian and in a French translation, the first translation in a modern language. The Greek fragments (those of Procopius edited here for the first time) as well as the Syriac fragments are also accompanied with annotated French translations. The present volume, therefore, enables for the first time a comprehensive view of this Commentary, the significance of which lies in the originality of its approach as well as in its intermediary position between ancient Syriac exegesis and Greek Antiochene exegesis of the late fourth and fifth centuries.
Peeters Publishers Imagination and Commitment: Representations of the Social Question
In this volume the social question is related to forms of visualisation and imagination and to the political action that arose from them. In the debate of the social question, individual distress (such as poverty, illness and unemployment) was reformulated into societal and political issues, bringing to the fore the question of inclusion: Who belongs to the nation? Who can become a citizen? In this process, the visual, statistical and textual representation of the social question enabled a determination of public opinion, political agenda setting and eventually the implementation of social politics. These representations provide us with new perspectives on the social question itself, help us to broaden the definition of politics, and shed light upon the social and political implications of art and literature. This volume is based on contributions to the international conference 'Imagination and Commitment. Representations of the Social Question', University of Groningen, the Netherlands, which took place on 10-11 May 2007, and was sponsored by the NWO programme 'Democracy, policy, knowledge' and the Groningen Research School for the Study of the Humanities.
Peeters Publishers Middel-Egyptische Grammatica. Een Praktische Inleiding in De Egyptische Taal En Het Hierogliefenschrift Gebaseerd Op Een Selectie Van Teksten: Deel I: Grammatica, Oefeningen En Selectie Van Teksten. Deel II: Hulpmiddelen (Selectieve Tekenli
Dit handboek is een inleiding in het hieroglyfische schriftsysteem en de grammatica van het Middel-Egyptisch. Het Middel-Egyptisch is de taalfase die door de latere Egyptenaren zelf als klassiek werd beschouwd en die nog lang na het Middenrijk, dat ongeveer van 2000 tot 1700 v. Chr. duurde, in gebruik is gebleven voor de monumentale inscripties. Het boek vormt een gesloten en zelfvoorzienend geheel dat het aanschaffen van een woordenboek niet nodig maakt. Het is bedoeld voor allen die geinteresseerd zijn in het verwerven van gedegen kennis van taal en schrift, zowel voor hen die Egyptologie willen gaan studeren als anderen die kennis willen opdoen zonder dat zij vertrouwd zijn met de studie van talen. Voor dit doel is in deze grammatica uitgegaan van een selectie van teksten waarvan de meeste sinds lang opgenomen zijn in tekstboeken die zich richten op de beginner en inmiddels hun nut voor dit doel ruim bewezen hebben. Deze hieroglyfische tekstselectie van 46 pagina's is in haar geheel aan het eind van deel I opgenomen. Dit deel bevat ook 38 oefeningen Egyptisch ' Nederlands en 26 Nederlands ' Egyptisch. Het hoofdbestanddeel van deel I is de uitgebreide introductie in het schrift en de grammatica. Na een inleiding in het schrift is de grammatica in negen hoofdstukken didactisch opgebouwd van simpel naar complex, van de meer eenvoudige woordsoorten en zinnen naar het werkwoord en de complexe zinnen. Een appendix besteedt aandacht aan de offerformule op steles. Deel II bevat de hulpmiddelen bij de grammatica: een uitgebreide tekenlijst; een index op de complete standaard-tekenlijst, met een overzicht van tekens geordend naar vorm. Tevens bevat dit deel een woordenlijst met de grammaticale woorden en de woorden in de tekstselectie en de oefeningen, en indexen van tekstplaatsen in de hoofdtekst en de oefeningen. De beginner wordt zelfhulp geboden in de vorm van de oplossingen van de oefeningen en een zeer letterlijke vertaling van de tekstselectie. Deel II eindigt met een index van grammaticale termen. Hoewel alles in deze grammatica zoveel mogelijk in dienst staat van een goed begrip door de beginner, heeft de auteur ervoor gekozen vast te houden aan de internationaal gebruikelijke grammaticale terminologie, waarvan de Nederlandse sterk afwijkt. De gebruikelijkste termen zijn ter directe consultatie opgenomen in een los bijgevoegde kaart.
Peeters Publishers Aesthetic Maintenance of Civic Space: The 'Classical' City from the 4th to the 7th C. AD
In the Roman period, construction and maintenance of civic monuments and infrastructure were regarded as the normal duty of well-off citizens. For the subsequent centuries, encompassing the 4th to the 7th century AD, changing social and political conditions within the Roman Empire assumingly resulted in a severe reduction of expenditure and concurrent loss of sentimental and aesthetic attitudes towards public space. This book challenges this assumption. It reconstructs how cities of the Eastern Mediterranean in late antique and Early Byzantine times represented themselves towards outsiders by assessing the care given to urban fortifications, streets and squares, decorative and religious monuments and, finally, statuary. Thereafter, the architectural changes that distinguished these centuries from previous times are discussed. The book then evaluates the identity and motives of the diverse initiators of interventions, as well as the skills and work organisation of the actual constructors. Finally, the priorities of the users of public space, as well as their responses to it, are explored.