Search results for ""o'reilly""
O'Reilly Media Automating Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services
Get valuable tips and techniques for automating your cloud deployments with Azure PowerShell cmdlets, and learn how to provision Azure services on the fly. In this hands-on guide, Microsoft cloud technology expert Michael Washam shows you how to automate various management tasks and deploy solutions that are both complex and at scale. By combining the native automation capabilities of PowerShell with Azure Infrastructure Services, these powerful cmdlets enable you to create and configure virtual machines with ease. You'll learn how to take advantage of these technologies to build complete virtual networks. If you have experience with PowerShell and Azure, you're ready to get started. Install and authenticate cmdlets to set up your environment Create and update virtual machines with Azure platform images Manage network endpoints, access control lists, and IP addresses Use cmdlets to manage and configure virtual machine storage Automate Azure virtual networks with hybrid technologies such as site-to-site, point-to-site, and ExpressRoute Dive into advanced virtual machine provisioning capabilities and management techniques Learn tips and tricks for deleting or moving virtual machines within (or out of) your subscription
O'Reilly Media Applied Akka Patterns
When it comes to big data processing, we can no longer ignore concurrency or try to add it in after the fact. Fortunately, the solution is not a new paradigm of development, but rather an old one. With this hands-on guide, Java and Scala developers will learn how to embrace concurrent and distributed applications with the open source Akka toolkit. You'll learn how to put the actor model and its associated patterns to immediate and practical use. Throughout the book, you'll deal with an analogous workforce problem: how to schedule a group of people across a variety of projects while optimizing their time and skillsets. This example will help you understand how Akka uses actors, streams, and other tools to stitch your application together. Model software that reflects the real world with domain-driven design Learn principles and practices for implementing individual actors Unlock the real potential of Akka with patterns for combining multiple actors Understand the consistency tradeoffs in a distributed system Use several Akka methods for isolating and dealing with failures Explore ways to build systems that support availability and scalability Tune your Akka application for performance with JVM tools and dispatchers
O'Reilly Media Building Tools with GitHub
For your next project on GitHub, take advantage of the service's powerful API to meet your unique development requirements. This practical guide shows you how to build your own software tools for customizing the GitHub workflow. Each hands-on chapter is a compelling story that walks you through the tradeoffs and considerations for building applications on top of various GitHub technologies. If you're an experienced programmer familiar with GitHub, you'll learn how to build tools with the GitHub API and related open source technologies such as Jekyll (site builder), Hubot (NodeJS chat robot), and Gollum (wiki). Build a simple Ruby server with Gist API command-line tools and Ruby's "Octokit" API client Use the Gollum command-line tool to build an image management application Build a GUI tool to search GitHub with Python Document interactions between third-party tools and your code Use Jekyll to create a fully-featured blog from material in your GitHub repository Create an Android mobile application that reads and writes information into a Jekyll repository Host an entire single-page JavaScript application on GitHub Use Hubot to automate pull request reviews
O'Reilly Media The Information Diet
This is a softcover version of the title released in 2011; there is no new material. The modern human animal spends upwards of 11 hours out of every 24 in a state of constant consumption. Not eating, but gorging on information ceaselessly spewed from the screens and speakers we hold dear. Just as we have grown morbidly obese on sugar, fat, and flour-so, too, have we become gluttons for texts, instant messages, emails, RSS feeds, downloads, videos, status updates, and tweets. We're all battling a storm of distractions, buffeted with notifications and tempted by tasty tidbits of information. And just as too much junk food can lead to obesity, too much junk information can lead to cluelessness. The Information Diet shows you how to thrive in this information glut-what to look for, what to avoid, and how to be selective. In the process, author Clay Johnson explains the role information has played throughout history, and why following his prescribed diet is essential for everyone who strives to be smart, productive, and sane.In The Information Diet, you will: Discover why eminent scholars are worried about our state of attention and general intelligence Examine how today's media-Big Info-give us exactly what we want: content that confirms our beliefs Learn to take steps to develop data literacy, attention fitness, and a healthy sense of humor Become engaged in the economics of information by learning how to reward good information providers Just like a normal, healthy food diet, The Information Diet is not about consuming less-it's about finding a healthy balance that works for you
O'Reilly Media Enterprise IoT
Current hype aside, the Internet of Things will ultimately become as fundamental as the Internet itself, with lots of opportunities and trials along the way. To help you navigate these choppy waters, this practical guide introduces a dedicated methodology for businesses preparing to transition towards IoT-based business models. With a set of best practices based on case study analysis, expert interviews, and the authors' own experience, the Ignite | IoT Methodology outlined in this book delivers actionable guidelines to assist you with IoT strategy management and project execution. You'll also find a detailed case study of a project fully developed with this methodology. This book consists of three parts: Illustrative case studies of selected IoT domains, including smart energy, connected vehicles, manufacturing and supply chain management, and smart cities The Ignite | IoT Methodology for defining IoT strategy, preparing your organization for IoT adoption, and planning and executing IoT projects A detailed case study of the IIC Track & Trace testbed, one of the first projects to be fully developed according to the Ignite | IoT Methodology
O'Reilly Media Ruby Pocket Reference 2e
Although Ruby is an easy language to learn, in the heat of action you may find that you can't remember the correct syntax for a conditional or the name of a method. This handy pocket reference offers brief yet clear explanations of Ruby's core components, from operators to reserved words to data structures to method syntax, highlighting those key features that you'll likely use every day when coding Ruby. Whether you've come to Ruby because of the Rails web development framework --Ruby's killer app -- or simply because it's a relatively clean, powerful and expressive language that's useful for a lot of applications, the Ruby Pocket Reference is organized to help you find what you need quickly. This book not only will get you up to speed on how Ruby works, it provides you with a handy reference you can use anywhere, anytime.In this book, you find essential information on: Reserved words, operators, comments, numbers, variables, ranges, and symbols Predefined variables andglobal constants Conditional statements, method use, classes, and modules (mixins) Lists of methods from the Object, String, Array, and Hash classes and the Kernel module sprintf andtime formatting directories Interactive Ruby (irb) and the Ruby debugger Ruby documentation You also get information on the RubyGems package utility and Rake, a build tool similar to make. If you're using Ruby daily and just want the facts-fast-Ruby Pocket Reference is your book.
O'Reilly Media Database Reliability Engineering: Designing and Operating Resilient Database Systems
The infrastructure-as-code revolution in IT is also affecting database administration. With this practical book, developers, system administrators, and junior to mid-level DBAs will learn how the modern practice of site reliability engineering applies to the craft of database architecture and operations. Authors Laine Campbell and Charity Majors provide a framework for professionals looking to join the ranks of today’s database reliability engineers (DBRE). You’ll begin by exploring core operational concepts that DBREs need to master. Then you’ll examine a wide range of database persistence options, including how to implement key technologies to provide resilient, scalable, and performant data storage and retrieval. With a firm foundation in database reliability engineering, you’ll be ready to dive into the architecture and operations of any modern database. This book covers: Service-level requirements and risk management Building and evolving an architecture for operational visibility Infrastructure engineering and infrastructure management How to facilitate the release management process Data storage, indexing, and replication Identifying datastore characteristics and best use cases Datastore architectural components and data-driven architectures
O'Reilly Media Colors, Backgrounds and Gradients
One advantage of using CSS3 is that you can apply colors and backgrounds to any element in a web document, create your own gradients, and even apply multiple backgrounds to the same element. This practical guide shows you many ways to use colors, backgrounds, and gradients to achieve some pretty awesome effects. Short and sweet, this book is an excerpt from the upcoming fourth edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide. When you purchase either the print or the ebook edition of Colors, Backgrounds, and Gradients, you'll receive a discount on the entire Definitive Guide once it's released. Why wait? Learn how to bring life to your web pages now. Define foreground colors for a border or element with the color property Combine foreground and background colors to create interesting effects Position and repeat one or more images in an element's background Fix an image to a screen's viewing area, rather than to the element that contains it Use color stops to define vertical, horizontal, and diagonal linear gradients Create spotlight effects, circular shadows, and other effects with radial gradients
O'Reilly Media Building Applications on Mesos
How can Apache Mesos make a difference in your organization? With this practical guide, you'll learn how this cluster manager directs your datacenter's resources, and provides real time APIs for interacting with (and developing for) the entire cluster. You'll learn how to use Mesos as a deployment system, like Ansible or Chef, and as an execution platform for building and hosting higher-level applications, like Hadoop. Author David Greenberg shows you how Mesos manages your entire datacenter as a single logical entity, eliminating the need to assign fixed sets of machines to applications. You'll quickly discover why Mesos is the ultimate DevOps tool.Understand Mesos architecture, and learn how it manages CPU, memory, and other resources across a cluster Build an application on top of Mesos with Marathon, a platform for hosting services on Mesos Create new, production-ready frameworks for Mesos Write a custom executor to provide richer interaction between the Mesos scheduler and workers Dive into advanced topics, including the reconciliation process, Docker integration, dynamic reservations, and persistent volumes Learn about today's Mesos initiatives that will likely become tomorrow's features
O'Reilly Media Learning Rails 5
If you're a web developer or designer ready to learn Ruby on Rails, this hands-on guide is the ideal way to get started. Rather than toss you into the middle of the framework's Model-View-Controller architecture, as many books do, Learning Rails 5 begins with the foundations of the Web you already know. You'll learn how to create something visible with Rails' view layer before diving into the more difficult inner layers: the database models and controller code. All you need to begin your Rails journey is HTML experience. Each chapter includes exercises and review questions to test your understanding as you go. Present content by building an application with a basic view and a simple controller Build forms and process their results, progressing from simple to more complex Use Rails scaffolding and REST to build effective applications quickly Connect forms to models and create code that maps directly to database structures Build applications that combine data from multiple tables Use migrations to track changes to your database over time Add common elements such as sessions, cookies, and authentication
O'Reilly Media Designing Efficient BPM Applications
Looking for efficiency gains in your business? If you're a business analyst, this practical guide will show you how to design effective business process management (BPM) applications. Every business uses business processes-these everyday tasks help you gain and retain customers, stay profitable, and keep your operations infrastructure functioning. BPM specialists Christine McKinty and Antoine Mottier show you step-by-step how to turn a simple business procedure into an automated, process-based application. Using hands-on examples, you'll quickly learn how to create an online process that's easy to use. Each chapter builds on earlier material. You don't have to have any programming experience to design business processes-and if you have skills in designing workflows and understanding human interactions with processes, you already have a headstart. Through the course of this book, you will: Build a prototype of an application page Create the most frequent use flow in a process, and define the data model Generate real process forms and produce the first version of the application Connect your application to external information systems, and then build and test the complete application
O'Reilly Media Graphing Data with R
It's much easier to grasp complex data relationships with a graph than by scanning numbers in a spreadsheet. This introductory guide shows you how to use the R language to create a variety of useful graphs for visualizing and analyzing complex data for science, business, media, and many other fields. You'll learn methods for highlighting important relationships and trends, reducing data to simpler forms, and emphasizing key numbers at a glance. Anyone who wants to analyze data will find something useful here-even if you don't have a background in mathematics, statistics, or computer programming. If you want to examine data related to your work, this book is the ideal way to start. Get started with R by learning basic commands Build single variable graphs, such as dot and pie charts, box plots, and histograms Explore the relationship between two quantitative variables with scatter plots, high-density plots, and other techniques Use scatterplot matrices, 3D plots, clustering, heat maps, and other graphs to visualize relationships among three or more variables
O'Reilly Media Puppet Best Practices: Design patterns for maintainable code
If you maintain or plan to build Puppet infrastructure, this practical guide will take you a critical step further with best practices for managing the task successfully. Authors Chris Barbour and Jo Rhett present best-in-class design patterns for deploying Puppet environments and discuss the impact of each. The conceptual designs and implementation patterns in this book will help you create solutions that are easy to extend, maintain, and support. Essential for companies upgrading their Puppet deployments, this book teaches you powerful new features and implementation models that weren’t available in the older versions. DevOps engineers will learn how best to deploy Puppet with long-term maintenance and future growth in mind. Explore Puppet’s design philosophy and data structures Get best practices for using Puppet’s declarative language Examine Puppet resources in depth—the building blocks of state management Learn to model and describe business and site-specific logic in Puppet See best-in-class models for multitiered data management with Hiera Explore available options and community experience for node classification Utilize r10k to simplify and accelerate Puppet change management Review the cost benefits of creating your own extensions to Puppet Get detailed advice for extending Puppet in a maintainable manner
O'Reilly Media Learning Virtual Reality
As virtual reality approaches mainstream consumer use, a vibrant development ecosystem has emerged in the past few years. This hands-on guide takes you through VR development essentials for desktop, mobile, and browser-based applications. You'll explore the three go-to platforms-OculusVR, Gear VR, and Cardboard VR-as well as several VR development environments, programming tools, and techniques. If you're an experienced programmer familiar with mobile development, this book will help you gain a working knowledge of VR development through clear and simple examples. Once you create a complete application in the final chapter, you'll have a jumpstart on the next major entertainment medium. Learn VR basics for UI design, 3D graphics, and stereo rendering Explore Unity3D, the current development choice among game engines Create native applications for desktop computers with the Oculus Rift Develop mobile applications for Samsung's Gear VR with the Android and Oculus Mobile SDKs Build browser-based applications with the WebVR Javascript API and WebGL Create simple and affordable mobile apps for any smartphone with Google's Cardboard VR Bring everything together to build a 360-degree panoramic photo viewer
O'Reilly Media C# 6.0 Cookbook 4e
Completely updated for C# 6.0, the new edition of this bestseller offers more than 150 code recipes to common and not-so-common problems that C# programmers face every day. More than a third of the recipes have been rewritten to take advantage of new C# 6.0 features. If you prefer solutions to general C# language instruction and quick answers to theory, this is your book. C# 6.0 Cookbook offers new recipes for asynchronous methods, dynamic objects, enhanced error handling, the Rosyln compiler, and more. Here are some of topics covered: Classes and generics Collections, enumerators, and iterators Data types LINQ and Lambda expressions Exception handling Reflection and dynamic programming Regular expressions Filesystem interactions Networking and the Web XML usage Threading, Synchronization, and Concurrency Each recipe in the book includes tested code that you can download from and reuse in your own applications, and each one includes a detailed discussion of how and why the underlying technology works. You don't have to be an experienced C# or .NET developer to use C# 6.0 Cookbook.You just have to be someone who wants to solve a problem now, without having to learn all the related theory first.
O'Reilly Media In Search of Certainty
Quite soon, the world's information infrastructure is going to reach a level of scale and complexity that will force scientists and engineers to approach it in an entirely new way. The familiar notions of command and control are being thwarted by realities of a faster, denser world of communication where choice, variety, and indeterminism rule. The myth of the machine that does exactly what we tell it has come to an end. What makes us think we can rely on all this technology? What keeps it together today, and how might it work tomorrow? Will we know how to build the next generation-or will we be lulled into a stupor of dependence brought about by its conveniences? In this book, Mark Burgess focuses on the impact of computers and information on our modern infrastructure by taking you from the roots of science to the principles behind system operation and design. To shape the future of technology, we need to understand how it works-or else what we don't understand will end up shaping us. This book explores this subject in three parts: Part I, Stability: describes the fundamentals of predictability, and why we have to give up the idea of control in its classical meaning Part II, Certainty: describes the science of what we can know, when we don't control everything, and how we make the best of life with only imperfect information Part III, Promises: explains how the concepts of stability and certainty may be combined to approach information infrastructure as a new kind of virtual material, restoring a continuity to human-computer systems so that society can rely on them.
O'Reilly Media Filemaker Pro 14: The Missing Manual
Prominent FileMaker developers Susan Prosser and Stuart Gripman know how to work magic with FileMaker Pro, and they share their knowledge in this bestselling book. You'll learn how to build a database and organize all of your information quickly and efficiently.
O'Reilly Media Understanding Industrial Design
With the coming flood of connected products, many UX and interaction designers are looking into hardware design, a discipline largely unfamiliar to them. If you're among those who want to blend digital and physical design concepts successfully, this practical book helps you explore seven long-standing principles of industrial design. Two present and former design directors at IDEO, the international design and innovation firm, use real-world examples to describe industrial designs that are sensorial, simple, enduring, playful, thoughtful, sustainable, and beautiful. You'll learn how to approach, frame, and evaluate your designs as they extend beyond the screen and into the physical world. Sensorial: create experiences that fully engage our human senses Simple: design simple products that provide overall clarity in relation to their purpose Enduring: build products that wear well and live on as classics Playful: use playful design to go beyond functionality and create emotional connections Thoughtful: observe people's struggles and anticipate their needs Sustainable: design products that reduce environmental impact Beautiful: elevate the experience of everyday products through beauty
O'Reilly Media Architecting HBase Applications
Lots of HBase books, online HBase guides, and HBase mailing lists/forums are available if you need to know how HBase works. But if you want to take a deep dive into use cases, features, and troubleshooting, Architecting HBase Applications is the right source for you. With this book, you'll learn a controlled set of APIs that coincide with use-case examples and easily deployed use-case models, as well as sizing/best practices to help jump start your enterprise application development and deployment. Learn design patterns-and not just components-necessary for a successful HBase deployment Go in depth into all the HBase shell operations and API calls required to implement documented use cases Become familiar with the most common issues faced by HBase users, identify the causes, and understand the consequences Learn document-specific API calls that are tricky or very important for users Get use-case examples for every topic presented
O'Reilly Media Deep Learning: A Practitioner's Approach
Although interest in machine learning has reached a high point, lofty expectations often scuttle projects before they get very far. How can machine learning—especially deep neural networks—make a real difference in your organization? This hands-on guide not only provides the most practical information available on the subject, but also helps you get started building efficient deep learning networks. Authors Adam Gibson and Josh Patterson provide theory on deep learning before introducing their open-source Deeplearning4j (DL4J) library for developing production-class workflows. Through real-world examples, you’ll learn methods and strategies for training deep network architectures and running deep learning workflows on Spark and Hadoop with DL4J. Dive into machine learning concepts in general, as well as deep learning in particular Understand how deep networks evolved from neural network fundamentals Explore the major deep network architectures, including Convolutional and Recurrent Learn how to map specific deep networks to the right problem Walk through the fundamentals of tuning general neural networks and specific deep network architectures Use vectorization techniques for different data types with DataVec, DL4J’s workflow tool Learn how to use DL4J natively on Spark and Hadoop
O'Reilly Media High Performance Mobile Web
Optimize the performance of your mobile websites and webapps to the extreme. With this hands-on book, veteran mobile and web developer Maximiliano Firtman demonstrates which aspects of your site or app slow down the user's experience, and what you can do to achieve lightning-fast performance. There's much at stake: if you want to boost your app's conversion rate, then tackling performance issues is the best way to start. Learn tools and techniques for working with responsive web design, images, the network layer, and many other ingredients-plus the metrics to check your progress. Ideal for web developers and web designers with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and HTTP experience, this is your guide to superior mobile web performance. You'll dive into: Emulators, simulators, and other tools for measuring performance Basic web performance concepts, including metrics, charts, and goals How to get real data from mobile browsers on your real networks APIs and specs for measuring, tracking and improving web performance Insights and tricks for optimizing the first view experience Ways to optimize post-loading experiences and future visits Responsive web design and its performance challenges Tips for extreme performance to achieve best conversion rates How to work with web views inside native apps
O'Reilly Media Fire Phone - Out of the Box
Dive straight into hot Fire phone features you won't find in any other device - like Firefly, Mayday, and Dynamic Perspective - with this concise hands-on guide. You probably already know how to make calls, text, and take photos with Amazon's new phone, but where it really shines is in innovative features you've never even seen before. This intuitive, easy-to-follow book opens a world of possibilities with the Fire phone, right out of the box. Instantly identify and order just about any product with Firefly - from DVDs, CDs, and books (or their electronic equivalents) to nearly anything else with a barcode Use Mayday to get live, hands-on tech support and customer service right on your phone Immerse yourself in 3D games, maps, and apps with the Dynamic Perspective sensor system Navigate easily with new one-handed (and no-handed!) gestures found only on Fire phone
O'Reilly Media BeagleBone Cookbook
BeagleBone is an inexpensive web server, Linux desktop, and electronics hub that includes all the tools you need to create your own projects-whether it's robotics, gaming, drones, or software-defined radio. If you're new to BeagleBone Black, or want to explore more of its capabilities, this cookbook provides scores of recipes for connecting and talking to the physical world with this credit-card-sized computer. All you need is minimal familiarity with computer programming and electronics. Each recipe includes clear and simple wiring diagrams and example code to get you started. If you don't know what BeagleBone Black is, you might decide to get one after scanning these recipes. Learn how to use BeagleBone to interact with the physical world Connect force, light, and distance sensors Spin servo motors, stepper motors, and DC motors Flash single LEDs, strings of LEDs, and matrices of LEDs Manage real-time input/output (I/O) Work at the Linux I/O level with shell commands, Python, and C Compile and install Linux kernels Work at a high level with JavaScript and the BoneScript library Expand BeagleBone's functionality by adding capes Explore the Internet of Things
O'Reilly Media Learning Puppet 4: A Guide to Configuration Management and Automation
If you're a system administrator, developer, or site reliability engineer responsible for handling hundreds or even thousands of nodes in your network, the Puppet configuration management tool will make your job a whole lot easier. This practical guide shows you what Puppet does, how it works, and how it can provide significant value to your organization. Through hands-on tutorials, DevOps engineer Jo Rhett demonstrates how Puppet manages complex and distributed components to ensure service availability. You'll learn how to secure configuration consistency across servers, clients, your router, and even that computer in your pocket by setting up your own testing environment. Learn exactly what Puppet is, why it was created, and what problems it solves Tailor Puppet to your infrastructure with a design that meets your specific needs Write declarative Puppet policies to produce consistency in your systems Build, test, and publish your own Puppet modules Manage network devices such as routers and switches with puppet device and integrated Puppet agents Scale Puppet servers for high availability and performance Explore web dashboards and orchestration tools that supplement and complement Puppet
O'Reilly Media Arduino Cookbook: Recipes to Begin, Expand, and Enhance Your Projects
Want to create devices that interact with the physical world? This cookbook is perfect for anyone who wants to experiment with the popular Arduino microcontroller and programming environment. You'll find more than 200 tips and techniques for building a variety of objects and prototypes such as IoT solutions, environmental monitors, location and position-aware systems, and products that can respond to touch, sound, heat, and light. Updated for the Arduino 1.8 release, the recipes in this third edition include practical examples and guidance to help you begin, expand, and enhance your projects right away-whether you're an engineer, designer, artist, student, or hobbyist. Get up to speed on the Arduino board and essential software concepts quickly Learn basic techniques for reading digital and analog signals Use Arduino with a variety of popular input devices and sensors Drive visual displays, generate sound, and control several types of motors Connect Arduino to wired and wireless networks Learn techniques for handling time delays and time measurement Apply advanced coding and memory-handling techniques
O'Reilly Media Programming Chrome Apps
Put your web app design skills to work by learning how to create powerful and portable Chrome Apps. With this practical book, you'll learn how to build Google's unique apps to behave just like native apps so they can interact with hardware devices, access external files, and send notifications. Author Marc Rochkind takes you through a hands-on, objective tour of Chrome Apps, which run on any platform that supports the Chrome browser - including OS X, Windows, Linux, as well as Android and iOS. If you know how to work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the DOM, you're ready to get started. Learn how to build, run, and debug Chrome Apps step-by-step Use Chrome Apps to access local files, sync files, and external files Take advantage of key-value-pair APIs, including sync storage and IndexedDB Use WebSockets, Google Cloud Messaging, and other networking methods Display graphics and images with Canvas, SVG, and the Media Galleries API Use alarms, context menus, location, the camera, Bluetooth, USB, and other APIs Publish apps to the Chrome Web Store with the Chrome Dev Editor
O'Reilly Media The New How (Paperback)
What people are saying about The New How "How are you going to get rid of your Air Sandwich if you don't even know what it is? Provocative and practical at the same time." --Seth Godin, author of Linchpin "The New How is informative and provides exciting insights because the suggestions are practical and doable. Merchant gets the new reality--leadership fails not so much from flawed strategy as it does from failed processes of engagement from those responsible for implementing the strategy. In high-performing organizations, everyone acts like a leader, and they own the strategy and take actions to ensure its success. If you care about making a difference, read this book." --Barry Posner, author of The Leadership Challenge "Collaboration is a powerful, competitive weapon: this book shows you how to use it to win markets." --Mark Interrante, VP Content Products, Yahoo, Inc. "In a world in which the pace of change is ever quickening, collaboration, not control, is the route to a successful organization. This book tells you how to make your organization collaborative. And Nilofer Merchant's writing is a model of clarity." --Barry Schwartz, author of The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less "Want to transform your organization into a collaborative enterprise? Nilofer Merchant provides insightful and practical strategies in The New How." --Padmasree Warrior, CTO, Cisco Systems, Inc. "Merchant's book is a practical guide for the journey from strategy to implementation. The collaborative tools described here can help companies reach strategic success--and avoid pitfalls along the way." --Tom Kelley, General Manager, IDEO, and author of Ten Faces of Innovation Once in a generation, a book comes along that transforms the business landscape. For today's business leaders, The New How redefines the way companies create strategies and win new markets. Management gurus have always said "people matter." But those same gurus still relegate strategy to an elite set of executives who focus on frameworks, long presentations, and hierarchical approaches. Business strategy typically has been planned by corporate chiefs in annual meetings, and then dictated to managers to carry out. The New How turns that notion on its head. After many years of working with Apple, Adobe, HP, and many other companies, Nilofer Merchant discovered the secret sauce: the best way to create a winning strategy is to include employees at all levels, helping to create strategy they not only believe in, but are also equipped to implement. In The New How, Nilofer shows today's corporate directors, executives, and managers how they can transform their traditional, top-down approach to strategy planning and execution into collaborative "stratecution" that has proven to be significantly more effective. Enhance performance and outcomes by deflating the "air sandwich" between executives in the boardroom and employees Recognize that strategy and execution are thoroughly intertwined Understand how successful strategy is founded in effective idea selection-a pile of good ideas doesn't necessarily build good strategy Create company strategy and link it to targeted execution, using the practical models and techniques provided
O'Reilly Media Designing for Performance
As a web designer, you encounter tough choices when it comes to weighing aesthetics and performance. Good content, layout, images, and interactivity are essential for engaging your audience, and each of these elements have an enormous impact on page load time and the end-user experience. In this practical book, Lara Hogan helps you approach projects with page speed in mind, showing you how to test and benchmark which design choices are most critical. To get started, all you need are basic HTML and CSS skills and Photoshop experience. Topics include: The impact of page load time on your site, brand, and users Page speed basics: how browsers retrieve and render content Best practices for optimizing and loading images How to clean up HTML and CSS, and optimize web fonts Mobile-first design with performance goals by breakpoint Using tools to measure performance as your site evolves Methods for shaping an organization's performance culture
O'Reilly Media Salt Essentials
Get a complete introduction to Salt, the widely used Python-based configuration management and remote execution tool. This practical guide not only shows system administrators how to manage complex infrastructures with Salt, but also teaches developers how to use Salt to deploy and manage their applications. Written by two Salt experts, this book provides the information you need to deploy Salt in a production infrastructure right away. You'll also learn how to customize Salt and use salt-cloud to manage your virtualization. If you have experience with Linux and data formats such as JSON or XML, you're ready to get started. Understand what Salt can do, and get a high-level overview of basic commands Learn how execution modules let you interact with many systems at once Use states to define how you want a host or a set of hosts to look Dive into grains and pillars, Salt's basic data elements Control your infrastructure programmatically by extending Salt Master's functionality Extend Salt with custom modules, the Jinja templating language, and Python scripts
O'Reilly Media Hadoop Application Architectures
Get expert guidance on architecting end-to-end data management solutions with Apache Hadoop. While many sources explain how to use various components in the Hadoop ecosystem, this practical book takes you through architectural considerations necessary to tie those components together into a complete tailored application, based on your particular use case. To reinforce those lessons, the book's second section provides detailed examples of architectures used in some of the most commonly found Hadoop applications. Whether you're designing a new Hadoop application, or planning to integrate Hadoop into your existing data infrastructure, Hadoop Application Architectures will skillfully guide you through the process.This book covers: Factors to consider when using Hadoop to store and model data Best practices for moving data in and out of the system Data processing frameworks, including MapReduce, Spark, and Hive Common Hadoop processing patterns, such as removing duplicate records and using windowing analytics Giraph, GraphX, and other tools for large graph processing on Hadoop Using workflow orchestration and scheduling tools such as Apache Oozie Near-real-time stream processing with Apache Storm, Apache Spark Streaming, and Apache Flume Architecture examples for clickstream analysis, fraud detection, and data warehousing
O'Reilly Media Getting Started with Adafruit Trinket
Arduino's ubiquity and simplicity has led to a gigantic surge in the use of microcontrollers to build programmable electronics project. Despite the low cost of Arduino, you're still committing about $30 worth of hardware every time you build a project that has an Arduino inside. This is where Adafruit's Trinket comes in. Arduino-compatible, one-third the price, and low-power, the Trinket lets you make inexpensive and powerful programmable electronic projects. Written by one of the authors of Adafruit's Trinket documentation, Getting Started with Trinket gets you up and running quickly with this board, and gives you some great projects to inspire your own creations.
O'Reilly Media Make
As electronics have shrunk and power requirements have gotten less demanding, it's no surprise that we're starting to wear our electronic creations. Today's microcontrollers are tiny micro-sized computers that can be embedded into many projects--especially wearables. And they are perfectly happy running off a coin cell or rechargeable lithium polymer battery. This issue explores the latest trends in microcontrollers, with a special focus on wearable and lightweight boards. With 34 projects inside, you can build everything from a smart watch to your own electronic garments. A special section on Intel's Edison tells you everything you need to know about this powerful, inexpensive, and lightweight board.
O'Reilly Media Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA
This book introduces readers to building wearable electronics projects using Adafruit's tiny FLORA board: at 4.4 grams, and only 1.75 inches in diameter, and featuring Arduino compatibility, it's the most beginner-friendly way to create wearable projects. This book shows you how to plan your wearable circuits, sew with electronics, and write programs that run on the FLORA to control the electronics. The FLORA family includes an assortment of sensors, as well as RGB LEDs that let you add lighting to your wearable projects.
O'Reilly Media Getting Started with Intel Galileo
Getting Started with the Intel Galileo gets you up and running with this new, x86-powered board that was developed in collaboration between Arduino and Intel. You'll learn how to set it up, connect it to your computer, and begin programming. You'll learn how to build electronics projects around the Galileo, and you'll explore the features and power that make it different from all the boards that came before. Developed in collaboration with the Intel Galileo team, and in consultation with members of the Arduino team, this is the definitive introduction to Intel's new board for makers.
O'Reilly Media Designing Mobile Interfaces
With hundreds of thousands of mobile apps available today, your app needs to capture a user's interest within minutes - and sometimes even sooner. This practical guide teaches you the core principles for designing effective mobile user interfaces, and helps you get started by providing more than 40 proven UI patterns for mobile websites and applications. You'll find patterns for using gesture and sound, patterns that apply to touch and scroll-and-select devices, and some patterns that have different implementations to fit different interaction methods. Learn which patterns apply to the situation or problem you're trying to solve. In several cases, you'll discover more than one choice. Rather than attempt to repackage a web UI for a small screen, you need to take a completely different approach. Designing Mobile Interfaces shows you how.
O'Reilly Media Photoshop Elements 9: The Missing Manual
Elements 9 offers much of Photoshop's power without the huge price tag. It's an ideal tool for most image-editing buffs -- including scrapbookers, photographers, and aspiring graphic artists. But Elements still doesn't come with a decent manual. This bestselling book will help you get the most out of the program, from the basics to advanced tips for both Windows and Mac. * Quickly learn your way around. Customize Elements to suit your working style. * Get to work right away. Import, organize, and make quick image fixes with ease. * Retouch any image. Learn how to repair and restore your old and damaged photos. * Add some pizzazz. Give images more zip with dozens of filters, frames, and special effects. * Find your creative flair. Create scrapbooks, greeting cards, photo books, and more. * Use advanced techniques. Work with layers, blend modes, and other tools. * Try out your new skills. Download practice images and try new tricks as you learn.
O'Reilly Media FileMaker Pro 11: The Missing Manual: The Book That Should Have Been in the Box
Make information work for you with the FileMaker Pro 11 desktop database and FileMaker Pro 11: The Missing Manual. This book helps you get started, build your database, and produce results, whether you're running a business, pursuing a hobby, or planning your retirement. It's a thorough, accessible guide for new, non-technical users, as well as those with more experience. Each chapter in this fully updated edition covers the timesaving features of FileMaker Pro 11. You'll also get objective advice on which features are really useful, and which aren't. Along the way, FileMaker Pro 11: The Missing Manual uses real-world examples to show you how to build well-structured databases from the start. * Get your first database running in minutes and perform basic tasks right away * Catalog people, processes, and things with streamlined data entry and sorting tools * Use your data to generate reports, invoices, and other documents with ease * Create, connect, and manage multiple tables and set up complex relationships that display just the data you need * Crunch numbers, search text, or pin down dates and times with dozens of built-in formulas * Outfit your database for the Web, and import and export data to other formats
O'Reilly Media Excel 2010: The Missing Manual: The Book That Should Have Been in the Box
Fast-paced and easy to use, this guide shows you how to get the most out of Excel 2010 - everything from building your first spreadsheet to working with Pivot tables. You'll learn how to develop a spreadsheet from scratch, create formulas, add data, and analyze and graph data so you can make informed business decisions. With clear jargon-free explanations, step-by-step instructions, tons of illustrations, and lots of undocumented workarounds, tips, and shortcuts, you'll get hands-on guided tours and explanations of Excel's new features, including: the Excel Web App - for the first time, Excel lets you view, edit, and share your worksheets in a web browser; sparklines - these miniature graphs are the hottest innovation in data display since the pie chart - they're ideal for viewing trends and summaries at a glance; backstage view - now Excel has a single go-to place for managing files, such as opening an existing spreadsheet, creating a new one, printing, or setting options; and, slicers - Excel's pivot tables are powerful but complicated - slicers give you a visual way to slice and dice pivot table data so you can see details that interest you most.
O'Reilly Media Tapworthy: Designing Great iPhone Apps
So you've got an idea for an iPhone app - along with everyone else on the planet. Set your app apart with elegant design, efficient usability, and a healthy dollop of personality. "Best iPhone App Design" takes you from concept to polished interface design with plain-spoken principles and a rich collection of visual examples for designing exceptional interfaces for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Witty, down-to-earth, and irreverent, this guide is for everyone involved in the app design process: designers, programmers, managers, and marketers. You'll discover practical advice for sharpening your app's features, creating an effortless user experience, using iPhone controls correctly, and creating your own personality-packed visuals. At every stage, you'll find a gallery of app screenshots to illustrate best practices and inspire you with innovative designs. Case studies let you look over the shoulders of the best app developers, following the evolution of app designs from early sketches to finished product. The book's common-sense principles will equip you to ask the right questions throughout the design process to make aesthetic, technical, and usability decisions that will make your app a pleasure to use.
O'Reilly Media Web Operations
A web application involves many specialists, but it takes people in web ops to ensure that everything works together throughout an application's lifetime. It's the expertise you need when your start-up gets an unexpected spike in web traffic, or when a new feature causes your mature application to fail. In this collection of essays and interviews, web veterans such as Theo Schlossnagle, Baron Schwartz, and Alistair Croll offer insights into this evolving field. You'll learn stories from the trenches--from builders of some of the biggest sites on the Web--on what's necessary to help a site thrive. * Learn the skills needed in web operations, and why they're gained through experience rather than schooling * Understand why it's important to gather metrics from both your application and infrastructure * Consider common approaches to database architectures and the pitfalls that come with increasing scale * Learn how to handle the human side of outages and degradations * Find out how one company avoided disaster after a huge traffic deluge * Discover what went wrong after a problem occurs, and how to prevent it from happening again Contributors include: John Allspaw Heather Champ Michael Christian Richard Cook Alistair Croll Patrick Debois Eric Florenzano Paul Hammond Justin Huff Adam Jacob Jacob Loomis Matt Massie Brian Moon Anoop Nagwani Sean Power Eric Ries Theo Schlossnagle Baron Schwartz Andrew Shafer
O'Reilly Media Head First Ruby
What will you learn from this book?What's all the buzz about this Ruby language? Is it right for you? Well, ask yourself: are you tired of all those extra declarations, keywords, and compilation steps in your other language? Do you want to be a more productive programmer? Then you'll love Ruby. With this unique hands-on learning experience, you'll discover how Ruby takes care of all the details for you, so you can simply have fun and get more done with less code.Why does this book look so different?Based on the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory, Head First Ruby uses a visually rich format to engage your mind, rather than a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. Why waste your time struggling with new concepts? This multi-sensory learning experience is designed for the way your brain really works.
O'Reilly Media Building Web Applications with Ember.js
If you're a web developer interested in building scalable single-page applications - full-stack, browser-based apps that connect to a backend - this practical guide shows you how to use Ember.js, the popular JavaScript framework based on the model-view-controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Through the course of the book, you'll learn how to build a prototype Ember application (a musician index called Rock'n'Roll Call), using routers, templates, models, controllers, and views. You'll also understand how Ember's convention over configuration approach helps you persist data, build backend technologies, and create widgets for developing production-capable applications that behave like desktop software. Set up workflow management and boilerplate code creation Learn how Ember's "developer ergonomics" help you use less code Write templates for the book's prototype with Handlebars.js Use routers to manage application states without reloading the page Connect controllers and views with events, and sync data with data-binding Build an Ember backend with a RESTful API or Ruby on Rails Use the Ember-Data library to persist data and talk to the backend Write reusable encapsulated widgets to extend your applications
O'Reilly Media Building Polyfills
Add custom features to browsers old and new by writing polyfill libraries, JavaScript plugins that take browsers beyond their native capabilities. In this practical fieldbook, author Brandon Satrom introduces principles and guidelines for polyfill development, and then walks you through the steps for building a complex, real-world HTML5 polyfill. You'll also explore the future of polyfilling - or prollyfilling - that will enable you to test and work with emerging concepts, often ahead of browser vendors. By the time you finish this book, you'll have the tools and hands-on experience you need to build reliable polyfills for today's and tomorrow's Web. Learn the current state of polyfills, including shims, opt-ins, and drop-ins Use principles and practices to build responsible polyfills that benefit the entire web development community Build out several features for an HTML5 Forms polyfill library Configure a build environment and run automated cross-browser testing Optimize performance, handle edge cases, and fine-tune the speed of your polyfill Get examples of prollyfilling libraries that push the boundaries of the Web Write a sample prollyfill and compare it to current polyfill builds
O'Reilly Media Introduction to Online Payments Risk Management
If you've been tasked with building a team to handle risk management for online payments (RMP), this practical introduction provides a framework for choosing the technologies and personnel you need. Author and financial services executive Ohad Samet explains the components of payments risk management, and presents a coherent strategy and operational approach. You'll learn the answers to questions you're likely to encounter in the first 18 months of operation, with information that Samet has shaped and tested over several years in the industry. This book is ideal whether you intend to be a one-person task force or work with dozens of agents and analysts. Use both a portfolio and behavioral approach to analyzing and optimizing losses Learn about your customers to determine if they can and will meet obligations Build an RMP team for payment risk operations, analytics, and decision automation Use linking mechanisms and velocity models to detect unusual activity among your customers Design system and data architecture to facilitate your activity analysis Implement the decision and loss-reduction mechanisms you need to act on your findings
O'Reilly Media Learning jQuery Deferreds: Taming Callback Hell with Deferreds and Promises
Orchestrating asynchronous function calls in JavaScript often leads to callback hell, but there is a reliable way to avoid this painful state of affairs. With this concise and simple guide, you'll learn how to use jQuery deferreds and promises, an elegant approach for managing asynchronous calls in both client and server applications. This book contains 18 examples that use deferreds to solve progressively challenging real-world programming problems, along with 75 stimulating puzzles (and their solutions) that will help you understand how and when to use deferreds. You'll learn new tricks in a fun way, and become immersed in the practice of event-based programming. Understand the logic behind creating deferreds and returning promises Get a structured explanation of jQuery's deferred API Delve into the dynamics of using deferreds Explore a broad collection of useful deferred recipes developed by the authors Gain hands-on experience by solving challenges that accompany each recipe Go deeper into deferreds: encounter novel abstractions and mind-bending use cases
O'Reilly Media Java EE 7 Essentials
Get up to speed on the principal technologies in the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7, and learn how the latest version embraces HTML5, focuses on higher productivity, and provides functionality to meet enterprise demands. Written by Arun Gupta, a key member of the Java EE team, this book provides a chapter-by-chapter survey of several Java EE 7 specifications, including WebSockets, Batch Processing, RESTful Web Services, and Java Message Service. You'll also get self-paced instructions for building an end-to-end application with many of the technologies described in the book, which will help you understand the design patterns vital to Java EE development. Understand the key components of the Java EE platform, with easy-to-understand explanations and extensive code samples Examine all the new components that have been added to Java EE 7 platform, such as WebSockets, JSON, Batch, and Concurrency Learn about RESTful Web Services, SOAP XML-based messaging protocol, and Java Message Service Explore Enterprise JavaBeans, Contexts and Dependency Injection, and the Java Persistence API Discover how different components were updated from Java EE 6 to Java EE 7
O'Reilly Media Disruptive Possibilities: How Big Data Changes Everything
Internet-scale computing - popularly known as big data - has more disruptive potential than any information technology in the past 40 years. As author Jeffrey Needham points out in this eye-opening book, big data can provide unprecedented insight into user habits, giving enterprises a huge market advantage. It will also inspire organizations to change the way they function. Disruptive Possibilities: How Big Data Changes Everything takes you on a journey of discovery into the emerging world of big data, from its relatively simple technology to the ways it differs from cloud computing. But the big story of big data is the disruption of enterprise status quo, especially vendor-driven technology silos and budget-driven departmental silos. In the highly collaborative environment needed to make big data work, silos simply don't fit. Internet-scale computing offers incredible opportunity and a tremendous challenge - and it will soon become standard operating procedure in the enterprise. This book shows you what to expect.
O'Reilly Media Ethernet Switches
If you're ready to build a large network system, this handy excerpt from Ethernet: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition gets you up to speed on a basic building block: Ethernet switches. Whether you're working on an enterprise or campus network, data center, or Internet service provider network, you'll learn how Ethernet switches function and how they're used in network designs. This brief tutorial also provides an overview of the most important features found in switches, from the basics to more advanced features found in higher-cost and specialized switches. Get an overview of basic switch operation, the spanning tree protocol, and switch performance issues Learn about switch management and some of the most widely used switch features Discover how a hierarchical design can help maintain stable network operations Delve into special-purpose switches, such as multi-layer, access, stacking, and wireless access-point switches Learn about advanced switch features designed for specific networking environments Dive deeper into switches, with a list of protocol and package documentation