Search results for ""author the editors of field"
Temple University Press,U.S. Barriers and Belonging: Personal Narratives of Disability
What is the direct impact that disability studies has on the lives of disabled people today? The editors and contributors to this essential anthology, Barriers and Belonging, provide thirty-seven personal narratives thatexplore what it means to be disabled and why the field of disability studies matters. The editors frame the volume by introducing foundational themes of disability studies. They provide a context of how institutions—including the family, schools, government, and disability peer organizations—shape and transform ideas about disability. They explore how disability informs personal identity, interpersonal and community relationships, and political commitments. In addition, there are heartfelt reflections on living with mobility disabilities, blindness, deafness, pain, autism, psychological disabilities, and other issues. Other essays articulate activist and pride orientations toward disability, demonstrating the importance of reframing traditional narratives of sorrow and medicalization. The critical, self-reflective essays in Barriers and Belonging provide unique insights into the range and complexity of disability experience.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Philosophy of Action: An Anthology
The Philosophy of Action: An Anthology is an authoritative collection of key work by top scholars, arranged thematically and accompanied by expert introductions written by the editors. This unique collection brings together a selection of the most influential essays from the 1960s to the present day. An invaluable collection that brings together a selection of the most important classic and contemporary articles in philosophy of action, from the 1960’s to the present day No other broad-ranging and detailed coverage of this kind currently exists in the field Each themed section opens with a synoptic introduction and includes a comprehensive further reading list to guide students Includes sections on action and agency, willing and trying, intention and intentional action, acting for a reason, the explanation of action, and free agency and responsibility Written and organised in a style that allows it to be used as a primary teaching resource in its own right
New York University Press The Law and Society Reader II
Law and society scholars challenge the common belief that law is simply a neutral tool by which society sets standards and resolves disputes. Decades of research shows how much the nature of communities, organizations, and the people inhabiting them affect how law works. Just as much, law shapes beliefs, behaviors, and wider social structures, but the connections are much more nuanced—and surprising—than many expect. Law and Society Reader II provides readers an accessible overview to the breadth of recent developments in this research tradition, bringing to life the developments in this dynamic field. Following up a first Law and Society Reader published in 1995, editors Erik W. Larson and Patrick D. Schmidt have compiled excerpts of 43 illuminating articles published since 1993 in The Law & Society Review, the flagship journal of the Law and Society Association. By its organization and approach, this volume enables readers to join in discussing the key ideas of law and society research. The selections highlight the core insights and developments in this research tradition, making these works indispensable for those exploring the field and ideal for classroom use. Across six concisely-introduced sections, this volume analyzes inequality, lawyering, the relation between law and organizations, and the place of law in relation to other social institutions.
Peter Lang AG The Imperfect Historian: Disability Histories in Europe
Winner of the DHA 2014 Outstanding Publication Award. Since the end of the 20th century, «disability» has become a new and effective research instrument. One of the most important fields that currently make use of «disability» as an analytical tool is history. In this collection of historical essays the editors have assembled innovative methodological approaches for doing disability history as well as new and inspiring case-studies. The book is structured into four main parts: Challenging methodologies, power and identity, travelling knowledge and emerging geographies. In close reference to on-going theoretical discussions it not only contributes heavily to the understanding of how and why «disability» became a problem for human societies. At the heart of the reader one also finds the preoccupation of promoting the potentiality of «disability» for future historical research.
Elsevier Health Sciences Peters' Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
Newly organized and featuring new editors and hundreds of new images, Peters' Atlas of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, Seventh Edition, brings you up to date with today's greatest challenges in tropical medicine. Increased global travel, climate change, human conflict, short-term/large-scale human assemblies, potent therapeutic agents, drug resistance, and vaccine misinformation have contributed to a greatly changed landscape in this complex field. This practical, highly visual guide provides more than 1,300 stunning illustrations, making it an authoritative parasitology resource for accurate diagnosis of complex diseases. Contains hundreds of new images, including more than 50 completely revised life cycles and epidemiological maps. Provides current information on Zika virus, chikungunya virus, Ebola virus, SARS and MERS-CoV caused by enzootic corona virus, tuberculosis, ceftriaxone-resistant gonorrhea, malaria, and much more. Features a completely updated and significantly streamlined text, now organized not only by primary mode of disease transmission, but extended to define disease more strictly according to the route of acquisition - a logical change that reflects the principles applied to control measures for most infections. Presents the knowledge and expertise of new editors Drs. Laura Nabarro, Stephen Morris-Jones, and David A. J. Moore. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier Health Sciences Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics and Genomics
Long recognized as a leading textbook in this fast-moving field, Emery's Elements of Medical Genetics and Genomics offers current, complete information with a strong basis in practical clinical genetics and genomics for medical school and beyond. The 16th Edition of this award-winning text has been thoroughly updated throughout and includes case-based and multiple-choice questions, end-of-chapter summaries, an extensive glossary, and convenient online access, making it an ideal choice for all medical undergraduates as well as postgraduates seeking to improve their understanding and knowledge. Includes new case-based studies with questions and answers throughout, in addition to multiple-choice self-assessment questions for study and review. Covers key topics such as pharmacogenetics, personalized medicine, prenatal testing, reproductive genetics, and ethical and legal issues in medical genetics. Divides the text into three easy-to-use sections: The Scientific Basis of Human Genetics, Genetics in Medicine and Genomic Medicine, and Clinical Genetics, Counseling and Ethics Features full-color illustrations and other images that help readers visualize the appearance of genetic disorders and assist with the understanding of complex genetic structures. Contains learning features such as summary boxes, an extensive glossary of terms, online hyperlinks to important genetics websites and clinical databases, and more. Presents the extensive knowledge and experience of distinguished editors Peter D. Turnpenny and Sian Ellard, as well as new editor Ruth Cleaver. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Heyday Books The Sea Forager's Guide to the Northern California Coast
In The Sea Forager's Guide to the Northern California Coast, Kirk Lombard combines a startling depth of knowledge with wry humor and colorful storytelling to guide readers' quests to hook fish, dig clams, and pick seaweed for themselves."Lombard is a divinely inspired whack job—think Frank Zappa meets Aldo Leopold. If you have ever considered the idea of gathering something good to eat from the beach or surf … you need this book."—Bill Heavy, editor-at-large, Field & StreamLombard, a former staff member at the state Department of Fish and Game and founder of the foraging tour company/seafood delivery service Sea Forager Seafood, insists that his readers follow all regulations and encourages sustainable practices above and beyond what the State of California requires. This quirky and useful how-to is sure to inspire an empowering epicurean adventure. Leighton Kelly's stunning, occasionally idiosyncratic illustrations complement practical instructions for gathering a variety of fish and seafood and delicious recipes for what to do with each catch.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Social and Emotional Learning: Research and Practice
The burgeoning multidisciplinary field of social and emotional learning (SEL) now has a comprehensive and definitive handbook covering all aspects of research, practice, and policy. The prominent editors and contributors describe state-of-the-art intervention and prevention programs designed to build students' skills for managing emotions, showing concern for others, making responsible decisions, and forming positive relationships. Conceptual and scientific underpinnings of SEL are explored and its relationship to children's and adolescents' academic success and mental health examined. Issues in implementing and assessing SEL programs in diverse educational settings are analyzed in depth, including the roles of school- and district-level leadership, teacher training, and school-family partnerships.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Encyclopedia of Drug Metabolism and Interactions, 6 Volume Set
“This one-stop reference brings together information scattered throughout the literature, and it involved the efforts of 270 expert authors from 16 countries — a global endeavor accomplished under the leadership of editor Alexander Lyubimov.” –Book News Inc., February 2013 The Encyclopedia of Drug Metabolism and Interactions provides essential support during all phases of drug development, from drug design to drug action and interaction in patients. This multivolume work covers both preclinical and clinical aspects of drug metabolism and interactions. It also provides a wealth of toxicological, regulatory, and marketing information, all written by leading international experts in the field. Using this reference you’ll discover: • Enzymes that can be inhibited or induced and their impact on drug toxicity and altered response in both animal and human models • Effect of genetic differences and non-genetic factors on drug metabolism • Balance among drug metabolism, its inactivation/activation, and its potential toxicity • Examples demonstrating all aspects of drug metabolism and interactions in silico, in laboratory animals, and in humans • Methods and detailed protocols enabling you to perform seamless studies of metabolism and drug interactions This reference is essential for researchers interested in all aspects of drug development, and chemists, pharmacologists, pharmaceutical specialists, toxicologists, molecular toxicologists, and clinicians, including practitioners and physicians. Enjoy the Online Advantage... The Encyclopedia of Drug Metabolism and Interactions is available online now. For further information visit
Guilford Publications Handbook of Social and Emotional Learning: Research and Practice
The burgeoning multidisciplinary field of social and emotional learning (SEL) now has a comprehensive and definitive handbook covering all aspects of research, practice, and policy. The prominent editors and contributors describe state-of-the-art intervention and prevention programs designed to build students' skills for managing emotions, showing concern for others, making responsible decisions, and forming positive relationships. Conceptual and scientific underpinnings of SEL are explored and its relationship to children's and adolescents' academic success and mental health examined. Issues in implementing and assessing SEL programs in diverse educational settings are analyzed in depth, including the roles of school- and district-level leadership, teacher training, and school-family partnerships.
Pennsylvania State University Press America and the Art of Flanders: Collecting Paintings by Rubens, Van Dyck, and Their Circles
The United States possesses extraordinary holdings of seventeenth-century Flemish paintings. In this pioneering and richly illustrated volume, twelve scholars and museum curators reveal the origins of these collections by examining the American approach to and interest in the collecting of Flemish art over the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.Chronicling in lively detail the roles played by individuals in forming private and public collections, the essays in this volume illuminate how and why collectors and museums in the United States embraced the Flemish masters with such enthusiasm. They trace how the taste for specific genres and the appreciation for certain artists, in particular Peter Paul Rubens and Anthony van Dyck, changed over the years, and they explore the historical and cultural motivations behind these trends. In doing so, they consider the effect of the great bequests of Flemish paintings to American museums and examine the private collections of the main tastemakers for Flemish painting, including the Baltimore merchant Robert Gilmor; John Graver Johnson, the leading corporate lawyer of the Gilded Age; and the California oil magnate J. Paul Getty. Gorgeously illustrated with almost one hundred representative pieces, this important contribution to the scholarship on American collecting of Flemish art will interest art lovers and stimulate further research in the fields of art history and museum history.In addition to the editor, the contributors include Ronni Baer, Adam Eaker, Lance Humphries, George S. Keyes, Margaret R. Laster, Alexandra Libby, Louisa Wood Ruby, Dennis P. Weller, Arthur K. Wheelock, Marjorie Wieseman, and Anne T. Woollett.
Wolters Kluwer Health Staying Out of Trouble in Pediatric Orthopaedics
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2021!Filled with pearls and wisdom from experts in the field, Staying Out of Trouble in Pediatric Orthopaedics, 2nd Edition, is a concise, easy-to-read guide to managing difficult orthopaedic problems in children. This high-yield, highly illustrated reference provides practical advice on how to deal with commonly seen issues as well as those that are less common but that pose grave threats to the patient. Focusing on preventing problems and avoiding serious complications and prepared by editors, authors, and gurus with more than 1000 years of combined experience in pediatric orthopaedics, this title is an invaluable resource for pediatric orthopaedic surgery fellows and all orthopaedists who care for children. Offers operative and nonoperative advice for avoiding pitfalls in diagnosing and treating the full range of musculoskeletal disorders, including trauma, bone and soft tissue tumors, skeletal dysplasias, neuromuscular conditions, congenital syndromes, and conditions of the spine, hip, leg, and foot. Includes outstanding chapters on the orthopaedic exam, dealing with families, newborn orthopaedics, pediatric athletes, infections, scoliosis, cerebral palsy, and bowlegs and turned-in feet, as well as band new chapters on casting methods, spine trauma, early-onset scoliosis, and leadership. Features hundreds of sidebar “guru” and editor comments from more than 35 experts in each chapter’s topic, who present their personal tips and insights for handling children’s special needs. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives
Biology of Sharks and Their Relatives is an award-winning and groundbreaking exploration of the fundamental elements of the taxonomy, systematics, physiology, and ecology of sharks, skates, rays, and chimera. This edition presents current research as well as traditional models, to provide future researchers with solid historical foundations in shark research as well as presenting current trends from which to develop new frontiers in their own work. Traditional areas of study such as age and growth, reproduction, taxonomy and systematics, sensory biology, and ecology are updated with contemporary research that incorporates emerging techniques including molecular genetics, exploratory techniques in artificial insemination, and the rapidly expanding fields of satellite tracking, remote sensing, accelerometry, and imaging. With two new editors and 90 contributors from the US, UK, South Africa, Portugal, France, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, India, Palau, United Arab Emirates, Micronesia, Sweden, Argentina, Indonesia, Cameroon, and the Netherlands, this third edition is the most global and comprehensive yet. It adds six new chapters representing extensive studies of health, stress, disease and pathology, and social structure, and continues to explore elasmobranch ecological roles and interactions with their habitats. The book concludes with a comprehensive review of conservation policies, management, and strategies, as well as consideration of the potential effects of impending climate change. Presenting cohesive and integrated coverage of key topics and discussing technological advances used in modern shark research, this revised edition offers a well-rounded picture for students and researchers.
Temple University Press,U.S. Latinx Environmentalisms: Place, Justice, and the Decolonial
The whiteness of mainstream environmentalism often fails to account for the richness and variety of Latinx environmental thought. Building on insights of environmental justice scholarship as well as critical race and ethnic studies, the editors and contributors to Latinx Environmentalisms map the ways Latinx cultural texts integrate environmental concerns with questions of social and political justice. Original interviews with creative writers, including Cherríe Moraga, Helena María Viramontes, and Héctor Tobar, as well as new essays by noted scholars of Latinx literature and culture, show how Latinx authors and cultural producers express environmental concerns in their work. These chapters, which focus on film, visual art, and literature—and engage in fields such as disability studies, animal studies, and queer studies—emphasize the role of racial capitalism in shaping human relationships to the more-than-human world and reveal a vibrant tradition of Latinx decolonial environmentalism.Latinx Environmentalisms accounts for the ways Latinx cultures are environmental, but often do not assume the mantle of “environmentalism.”
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. International Handbook of Violence Research
An international manual is like a world cruise: a once-in-a-lifetime experience. All the more reason to consider carefully whether it is necessary. This can hardly be the case if previous research in the selected field has already been the subject of an earlier review-or even several competing surveys. On the other hand, more thorough study is necessary if the intensity and scope of research are increasing without comprehensive assessments. That was the situation in Western societies when work began on this project in the summer of 1998. It was then, too, that the challenges emerged: any manual, espe cially an international one, is a very special type of text, which is anything but routine. It calls for a special effort: the "state of the art" has to be documented for selected subject areas, and its presentation made as compelling as possible. The editors were delighted, therefore, by the cooperation and commitment shown by the eighty-one contributors from ten countries who were recruited to write on the sixty-two different topics, by the con structive way in which any requests for changes were dealt with, and by the patient re sponse to our many queries. This volume is the result of a long process. It began with the first drafts outlining the structure of the work, which were submitted to various distinguished colleagues. Friedheim Neidhardt of Berlin, Gertrud Nunner-Winkler of Munich, and Roland Eckert of Trier, to name only a few, supplied valuable comments at this stage.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Theories of Money and Banking
'Randall Wray's two volumes provide a bright beacon in a darkening night of turmoil, confusion and ignorance. By bringing together classics from both the mainstream and heterodox approaches to monetary theory and policy, Wray provides a fundamental resource for the urgently needed rethink on how the interrelated world of monetary production economies functions or misfunctions, and also a basis for the development of a sound theory on how to erect effective policies for tackling major, potentially disastrous problems.'- Geoffrey Harcourt, University of New South Wales, AustraliaThis authoritative two-volume collection brings together the most important contributions to theories of money and banking written over the past century. Professor Wray covers a number of key topics including the historical debates about the nature of money, the role money and financial institutions play in the economy and monetary policy formation. A wide variety of approaches to money and banking are featured, among which are Monetarist, Keynesian, Marxian, Post-Keynesian and Institutionalist, and the New Monetary Consensus. Also included are a number of chapters presenting General Equilibrium, Chartalist or State Money, and Circuitiste views. In addition to the views of economists, this well-rounded set incorporates historical, sociological and anthropological approaches to money as well as theoretical topics such as interest rate, inflation rate, and exchange rate determination. This collection, along with an original introduction by the editor, will be of immense value to anyone with an interest in the field of money and banking.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Play Therapy, Advances and Innovations
In the decade since its publication, Handbook of Play Therapy has attained the status of a classic in the field. Writing in the most glowing terms, enthusiastic reviewers in North America and abroad hailed that book as "an excellent resource for workers in all disciplines concerned with children's mental health" (Contemporary Psychology). Now, in this companion volume, editors Kevin O'Connor and Charles Schaefer continue the important work they began in their 1984 classic, bringing readers an in-depth look at state-of-the-art play therapy practices and principles. While it updates readers on significant advances in sand play diagnosis, theraplay, group play, and other well-known approaches, Volume Two also covers important adaptations of play therapy to client populations such as the elderly, and new applications of play therapeutic methods such as in the assessment of sexually abused children. Featuring contributions by twenty leading authorities from psychology, social work, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and other related disciplines, Handbook of Play Therapy, Volume two draws on clinical and research material previously scattered throughout the professional literature and organizes it into four main sections for easy reference: Theoretical approaches— including Adlerian, cognitive, behavioral, gestalt, and control theory approaches as well as family, ecosystem, and others Developmental adaptations— covers ground-breaking new adaptations for adolescents, adults, and the elderly Methods and techniques— explores advances in traditional techniques such as sand play, Jungian play therapy, and art therapy, and examines other new, high-tech play therapies Applications— reports on therapeutic applications for psychic trauma, sex abuse, cancer patients, psychotics, and many others The companion volume to the celebrated classic in the field, Handbook of Play Therapy, Volume Two is an indispensable resource for play therapists, child psychologists and psychiatrists, school counselors and psychologists, and all mental health professionals. HANDBOOK OF PLAY THERAPY Edited by Charles E. Schaefer and Kevin J. O'Connor ". . . an excellent primary text for upper level students, and a valuable resource for practitioners in the field of child psychotherapy."— American Journal of Mental Deficiency ". . . a thorough, thoughtful, and theoretically sound compilation of much of the accumulated knowledge. . . . Like a well-executed stained-glass window that yields beauty and many shades of light through an integrated whole, so too this book synthesizes and reveals many creative facets of this important area of practice."— Social Work in Education 1983 (0-471-09462-5) 489 pp. THE PLAY THERAPY PRIMER Kevin J. O'Connor The Play Therapy Primer covers the impact of personal values and beliefs on therapeutic work, and provides a detailed description of the process preceding the beginning of therapy. It then offers guidelines and strategies for developing treatment plans respective of the various phases of therapy, including specific in-session techniques, modifications for different ages, transference considerations, and the termination and follow-up of clinical cases. 1991 (0-471-52543-X) 371 pp. PLAY DIAGNOSIS AND ASSESSMENT Edited by Charles E. Schaefer, Karen Gitlin, and Alice Sandgrund The first and only book to fully explore the assessment potential of play evaluation, this book offers an impressive array of papers by nearly fifty authorities in the field. Following a logical progression, it is divided into six parts covering the full range of practical and theoretical concerns, including developmental play scales for normal children from preschool to adolescence; diagnostic play scales including those for the evaluation of children with a variety of cognitive, behavioral, and/or emotional disorders; parent/child interaction play scales; projective play techniques; and scales for assessing a child's behavior during play therapy. 1991 (0-471-62166-8) 718 pp. GAME PLAY Edited by Charles E. Schaefer and Steven E. Reid This important work highlights the psychological significance of using games to assess and treat various childhood disorders. In chapters written by leading authorities, it examines the content of various types of games and provides theoretical approaches, techniques, and practical guidelines for applying games to play therapy with children. Case histories demonstrate the use of game play with childhood problems ranging from hyperactivity to divorce counseling and juvenile delinquency. 1986 (0-471-81972-7) 349 pp.
Emerald Publishing Limited Embodying the Music and Death Nexus: Consolations, Salvations and Transformations
Embodied encounters with death affect humans deeply, with the power to crush, transform and strengthen individuals and relationships. Understanding that these encounters often have a musical accompaniment, this edited collection offers a range of critical, analytic, discursive and personal reflections on how music provides both a container and a medium for experiencing, processing and integrating embodied encounters with death. The collection showcases new and original interdisciplinary case studies written by authors from several different countries across Australia, France, The Netherlands, Poland and the UK. Taking an international, interdisciplinary and inclusive approach, this carefully curated collection elaborates embodied encounters with death through music across a variety of praxes and disciplines such as death & grief, queer studies, disability, philosophy, and more. Providing a mix of personal perspectives and insights on the impact of music and death alongside more conventional academic studies, the chapters reveal how music and human nature are intimately, and bodily, entwined. Framed by opening and closing chapters written by the team of three editors, this core text in the field provides a unique overview of the implications and ramifications of the embodiment of death through music and the musicalisation of death through the body, and signposts possibilities for further research.
BBC Worldwide Ltd Doctor Who: Horrors of War: 3rd Doctor Audio Original
Katy Manning reads this original adventure featuring the Third Doctor and Jo Grant, set in the First World War. "Somewhere in this hospital there is a man, or a woman, who has been possessed by the raw energy of time.”The year is 1914, and the Great War is just getting started. In a field hospital in Ypres, Belgium, Nurse Annie Grantham receives two visitors: a distinguished doctor and his administrative assistant, Miss Grant. They have many questions to ask of Annie, and of her distressed and wounded charges.The Doctor is returning to a scenario he encountered long ago: a version of the First World War where the Archduke Ferdinand wasn’t murdered, leading to changes all along the subsequent timeline. He now suspects that someone is at large in 1914, intervening in events with some unknown purpose. What force is causing injured soldiers to disappear into the night? Does the answer to the mystery lie in Sarajevo, six months earlier, at the scene of that assassination attempt? With the help of the TARDIS, the Doctor and his friends are about to find out. Duration: 1 hour 8 mins.Katy Manning, who played Jo in the BBC TV series, reads this intriguing new story by Justin Richards.Text (c) Justin Richards 2018The right of Justin Richards to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved.With grateful thanks to Julian RichardsProject Editor: John AinsworthExecutive Producer: Michael StevensReading produced by Neil GardnerRecorded at Ladbroke Audio LtdSound design by David DarlingtonDoctor Who theme music composed by Ron GrainerTARDIS sound effect composed by Brian Hodgson
University of Wales Press Darganfod Celf Cymru
An interesting collection of 7 studies of various aspects of the history of the visual arts in Wales by experts in the field, namely Peter Lord, Donald Moore, Megan Morgan Jones and Robyn Tomos together with the two editors. 11 black-and-white and 10 colour illustrations.
University Museum Publications Art/ifacts and ArtWorks in the Ancient World
This volume assembles leading Near Eastern art historians, archaeologists, and philologists to examine and apply critical contemporary approaches to the arts and artifacts of the ancient Near East. The contributions in the volume, which include a comprehensive first chapter by the editor and twelve paired chapters (each of which explores a key theme of the volume through a specific case study), are divided into six sections: Representation, Context, Complexity, Materiality, Space, and Time | Afterlives. A number of sub-themes and questions also thread through the volume as a whole: how might art historical, archaeological, anthropological, and philological approaches to the Near East complement and inform each other? How do word and image relate? And how might the field of Near Eastern studies not only adapt and apply approaches developed in other fields but also contribute to critical contemporary discourses? The volume is unified both by the themes that thread through it and by the comprehensive first chapter in the volume, which explores the status of Near Eastern arts and artifacts as simultaneously non-Western and ancient and as neither of these, and which provides a larger theoretical framework for issues addressed in the volume as a whole.
Baker Publishing Group Introduction to Spirituality – Cultivating a Lifestyle of Faithfulness
This introduction explores Christian spirituality as a pursuit of the global church today. It encourages students to adopt a lifestyle spirituality, which involves relational intimacy with the triune God. Gary Tyra is well known for his work in the field of Christian spirituality and has years of experience in the classroom and in the church. In this book, Tyra encourages us to adopt a Pauline lifestyle spirituality, whereby we keep in step with the Holy Spirit so that we might experience an ongoing mentoring relationship with the Son in order to faithfully and fruitfully engage in the mission of the Father. Keeping in step with the spirit unfolds in a "lifestyle spirituality," a collection of convictions, commitments, and customs that constitute the disciple's lifelong journey with the triune God. This book is part of a new series that reflects the changing face of global Christianity. Series volumes are written by leading Pentecostal/Charismatic scholars who highlight themes of interest to Pentecostal/Charismatic students; however, the books are respectful, appreciative, and inclusive of a variety of church families and traditions. Series editors are Jerry Ireland, Paul W. Lewis, and Frank D. Macchia.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Law and Freshwater: The Multiple Challenges
This excellent book covers the important legal and political perspectives on the world's freshwater resources. The chapters, written by distinguished experts from academia and practice, systematically address issues of economics, environment, sovereignty over resources, energy, conflict resolution, and in addition offer some in depth case studies. A wonderful book and compulsory reading for who needs to have the full picture of the complex international dynamics of freshwater in our time.'- Catherine Brölmann, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands'In sum, the volume is a must for all those who know and practice international and domestic water law, who influence the international water governance debate at the global, regional, and sub-regional scales, and who, in general, interact with water resources in the transboundary but also in the domestic setting of their respective countries.'- Stefano Burchi, Chairman of the International Association for Water Law - AIDA'International Law and Freshwater is an outstanding piece of legal and policy scholarship that poignantly, thoughtfully and effectively addresses the who, what, where, when and how of international waters governance and international law.'- Richard Kyle Paisley, University of British Columbia, CanadaThe issues surrounding water embody some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century. The editors of this timely book have brought together the leading authors in the field to explore the key questions involving international law and water governance.International Law and Freshwater connects recent legal developments through the breadth and synergies of a multidisciplinary analysis. It addresses such critical issues as water security, the right to water, international cooperation and dispute resolution, State succession to transboundary watercourse treaties, and facets of international economic law, including trade in 'virtual water' and the impacts of 'land grabs'.Containing detailed analysis and thought-provoking solutions, this book will appeal to researchers and academics working in the legal field, as well as international relations and natural sciences. Water practitioners, public officials, diplomats and students will also find much to interest them in this insightful study.Contributors: A.S. Al-Khasawneh, U. Alam, L. Boisson de Chazournes, L. Caflisch, M. Claassen, C. de Albuquerque, G. de los Cobos, L. del Castillo-Laborde, D. Garrick, J. Granit, D. Grey, E. Hey, V. Hughes, M. Kohen, C. Leb, G. Marceau, M.M. Mbengue, S.C. McCaffrey, O. McIntyre, S.M.A. Salman, D. Shelton, A. Tanzi, M. Tignino, B.A. Yimer
A A Balkema Publishers Tailings and Mine Waste 2003: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Vail, Colorado, 12-15 October 2003
Presenting cutting-edge thinking in the fields of mine and mill tailings, and mine waste, these proceedings also discuss current and future issues facing the mining and environmental communities, including matters dealing with technical capabilities and developments, regulations, and environmental concerns. Papers address the following key areas: · site characterization and monitoring· reclamation and remediation· protective liners, covers and barriers· design, operation and disposal · groundwater and surface water quality and modelling· geotechnical and geochemical aspects· reprocessing, utilization and treatment· radioactivity and risk· new technology· policies and procedures· case histories.
The Library of America James Agee: Selected Poems: (American Poets Project #27)
Better known for writing in a variety of other genres, James Agee always thought of himself as essentially a poet. Winner of the Yale Younger Poets competition in 1934 for Permit Me Voyage, Agee was, in the words of editor Andrew Hudgins, "as restless in his poetry as he was later in his prose, exhibiting a variety . . . that we expect from the protean mind that excelled in so many different kinds of writing." Ranging from intense religious sonnets to lyrics for musical comedy, Agee?s verse takes us into the heart of his unique genius, what Robert Fitzgerald called his "sense of being . . . a raging awareness of the sensory field in depth and in detail."About the American Poets ProjectElegantly designed in compact editions, printed on acid-free paper, and textually authoritative, the American Poets Project makes available the full range of the American poetic accomplishment, selected and introduced by today’s most discerning poets and critics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government
HANDBOOK OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN GOVERNMENT, THIRD EDITION The practice of public human resource management has evolved significantly in recent years due to increased outsourcing, privatization, and the diminution of public employee rights. This thoroughly revised and updated edition of the classic reference Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government offers authoritative, state-of-the-art information for public administrators and human resource professionals. The third edition features contributions from noted experts in the field, including Donald E. Klingner, Mary E. Guy, Jonathan P. West, Jeffrey L. Brudney, Montgomery Van Wart, J. J. Steven Ott, Norma M. Riccucci, and many more. Praise for the Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government "This third edition of the Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government is an essential resource for scholars, practitioners, and general readers in need of concise summaries of up-to-date, cutting-edge, public personnel administration research. No other handbook on the market more concisely, more comprehensively, more clearly synthesizes this vast, rapidly changing field that remains so vital to effective government performance." RICHARD STILLMAN, editor-in-chief, Public Administration Review "The Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government comprehensively and seamlessly blends theory and practice. The result is a clear road map that can finally make HR a key player in helping the government meet the unprecedented challenges facing our nation, our states, and our communities." BOB LAVIGNA, vice president, Research, Partnership for Public Service, Washington, DC "With each successive edition, Condrey's Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government becomes a more essential tool for graduate students who wish to improve their understanding of this field. Condrey's own expertise has enabled him to take contributions from leading experts in the field and shape them into a reader that is comprehensive, engaging, and authoritative." DONALD E. KLINGNER, University of Colorado Distinguished Professor, School of Public Affairs, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs; former president, American Society for Public Administration; and fellow, National Academy of Public Administration
John Wiley & Sons Inc Correlative Imaging: Focusing on the Future
Brings a fresh point of view to the current state of correlative imaging and the future of the field This book provides contributions from international experts on correlative imaging, describing their vision of future developments in the field based on where it is today. Starting with a brief historical overview of how the field evolved, it presents the latest developments in microscopy that facilitate the correlative workflow. It also discusses the need for an ideal correlative probe, applications in proteomic and elemental analysis, interpretation methods, and how correlative imaging can incorporate force microscopy, soft x-ray tomography, and volume electron microscopy techniques. Work on placing individual molecules within cells is also featured. Correlative Imaging: Focusing on the Future offers in-depth chapters on: correlative imaging from an LM perspective; the importance of sample processing for correlative imaging; correlative light and volume EM; correlation with scanning probe microscopies; and integrated microscopy. It looks at: cryo-correlative microscopy; correlative cryo soft X-ray imaging; and array tomography. Hydrated-state correlative imaging in vacuo, correlating data from different imaging modalities, and big data in correlative imaging are also considered. Brings a fresh view to one of the hottest topics within the imaging community: the correlative imaging field Discusses current research and offers expert thoughts on the field’s future developments Presented by internationally-recognized editors and contributors with extensive experience in research and applications Of interest to scientists working in the fields of imaging, structural biology, cell biology, developmental biology, neurobiology, cancer biology, infection and immunity, biomaterials and biomedicine Part of the Wiley–Royal Microscopical Society series Correlative Imaging: Focusing on the Future will appeal to those working in the expanding field of the biosciences, correlative microscopy and related microscopic areas. It will also benefit graduate students working in microscopy, as well as anyone working in the microscopy imaging field in biomedical research.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Readings in Philosophy of Religion: Ancient to Contemporary
This anthology offers a comprehensive historical introduction to the central questions of philosophy of religion. Approximately two-thirds of the selections are from ancient, medieval, and modern sources, helping students to understand and engage the rich traditions of reflection on these timeless questions. The remaining contemporary readings introduce students to the more recent developments in the field. Each of the thematically arranged sections begins with an editor's introduction to clarify the central issues and positions presented in the readings that follow. Topics include: traditional theistic arguments religious experience and revelation fideism naturalistic approaches to religious belief the divine attributes fate, freedom, and foreknowledge the connection between religion and morality the problem of evil death and immortality religious diversity faith, reason, and the ethics of belief science and religion. The text can be used alone or in conjunction with a secondary text in philosophy of religion such as Zagzebski's Philosophy of Religion: An Historical Introduction (Blackwell, 2007).
University of Texas Press Edward Everett Hale
Edward Everett Hale is remembered by millions as the author of The Man Without a Country. This popular and gifted nineteenth-century writer was an outstanding and prolific contributor to the fields of journalism, fiction, essay, and history. He wrote more than 150 books and pamphlets (one novel sold more than a million copies in his lifetime) and was intimately associated with the publication of many of the early American journals, among them the North American Review, Atlantic Monthly, and Christian Examiner. He served as editor of Old and New and was a frequent contributor to the foremost newspapers and periodicals of his time. Yet the writings of this “journalist with a touch of genius” were only incidental to Hale’s Christian ministry in New England and in Washington, D.C., where he was for five years Chaplain of the Senate. His literary creed reflected that of his ministry, for Hale’s interpretation of the social gospel comprised an active concern with all phases of human affairs. Confidant of poets and editors, friend to diplomats and statesmen, Hale helped mold public opinions in economics, sociology, history, and politics through three-quarters of what he called “a most extraordinary century in history.” In recounting Hale’s life and times, Holloway vividly portrays this fascinating and often turbulent era.
Hodder & Stoughton Wild Wild Guru: An insider's account of his life with Bhagwan, the world's most controversial guru
'It is a Lord of the Flies parable with Bhagwan as lord. The book is a fascinating social history, with many celebrities, from Diana Ross to Prince Charles. - Helen Rumbelow, The TimesThis is the story of a Englishman who gave up a job in journalism to spend fourteen years with the controversial Indian mystic Osho, also known as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and frequently referred to as 'the sex guru'. His guru was always controversial with his teachings on sex and spirituality, rumours of orgies and because he owned ninety-three Rolls Royces.Early in 1976, Subhuti travelled to India to meet Rajneesh in his ashram in Pune, became initiated as his disciple and immediately began to have mystical experiences, which he attributed to the powerful energy field surrounding the guru. He stayed for six months, participating in the ashram's notorious Encounter Group and other therapies designed to release suppressed emotions and awaken sexual energySubhuti would stay to live and work on his master's ashrams for fourteen years, first as his press officer in Pune, India, then as editor of the community's weekly newspaper when Bhagwan and his followers shifted to Oregon, USA, and built a whole new town on the massive Big Muddy Ranch.There Subhuti was a first-hand witness to the scandals and hullabaloo that accompanied the guru, including tales of broken bones in no-holds-barred therapy groups and Tantra groups that encouraged total sexual freedom, and the increasing hostility with the locals which would lead to Bhagwan's attempt to flee America, his arrest and imprisonment. .He was on the Oregon Ranch when Rajneesh's secretary, Ma Anand Sheela, plotted against rival cliques within the ashram as well as a range of murderous crimes against state and federal officials which feature in hit Netflix series Wild Wild Country.Yet, amidst it all, Subhuti could see the profound revolution in spirituality that Bhagwan was creating, leaving a lasting impact on our ideas about society, religion, meditation and personal transformation.According to the author's understanding, it was the controversy itself, plus Bhagwan's refusal to tread the path of a spiritual saint, that became the stepping stone to a new vision of what it means to be a spiritual seeker.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economics of Intellectual Property Law
For this comprehensive collection, the editor has brought together key readings on the subject of the law and economics of intellectual property rights - patents, copyrights and trademarks. It provides a judicious selection of the most important published research on this crucial topic, drawing equally from the law and economics literature. It thus brings together frequently cited classic articles that are rarely encountered in a single published source. The articles have been selected on the basis of three primary criteria: their continuing influence in legal and economic discussions; their longevity (important in a field where the volume of published work is very large and growing very quickly); and their relevance to contemporary theoretical and policy debates. The chosen writings delve deeply into theory, empirics, and institutional detail, ranging from Edwin Mansfield's early, influential study on patents and imitation costs, to very recent work on the relationship between copyright law and the first amendment. This collection makes an indispensable desk reference for scholars of intellectual property rights.
Peeters Publishers A Healthy Rivalry. Human Rights in the Church
Human rights in the Church...The combination, human rights and the Church, is not always an easy one, although church authorities increasingly promote human rights and their meticulous application in civil society. This book aims to describe human rights in the Church as they already exist today (in the 1983 Code of Cann Law, in everyday practice) and as they can be developed in the future. Human rights in the Church could be promoted by the development of a health legal culture and by simulating independent responsibility among the Christian faithful. By using existing canon law as creatively as possible and by promoting reasonable changes with an eye to the future, the quality of internal church life can be improved without endangering theological foundations. Indeed, good legal structures are a matter of justice. Finally, this book is a plea for constructive dialogue in the Church. The faithful and the hierarchy are not enemies. They share a common source of inspiraton which is not vitiated by their choice of rival philosophical or pastoral options. Indeed, a healthy rivalry between committed Christians can be a real gain for the life of the Church. Rik Torfs, Dean of the Faculty of Canon Law K.U.Leuven, Lic. Iur., Not., J.C.L., J.C.D. (Leuven). Before joining the faculty of Canon Law, he taught at the University of Utrecht (K.T.U.). He also teaches at Antwerp University (U.I.A.). He is a member of the Executive Committee of the European Consortium for Church and State Research (Milan) and editor of the "European Journal for Church and State". His research and publications are in the field of general norms of Canon Law, Catholic hospitals and schools, marriage law and the realtions between Church and State.
Royal Society of Chemistry Ion Channel Drug Discovery
Ion channel drug discovery is a rapidly evolving field fuelled by recent, but significant, advances in our understanding of ion channel function combined with enabling technologies such as automated electrophysiology. The resurgent interest in this target class by both pharmaceutical and academic scientists was clearly highlighted by the over-subscribed RSC/BPS 'Ion Channels as Therapeutic Targets' symposium in February 2009. This book builds on the platform created by that meeting, covering themes including advances in screening technology, ion channel structure and modelling and up-to-date case histories of the discovery of modulators of a range of channels, both voltage-gated and non-voltage-gated channels. The editors have built an extensive network of contacts in the field through their first-hand scientific experience, collaborations and conference participation and the organisation of the meeting at Novartis, Horsham, increased the network enabling the editors to draw on the experience of eminent researchers in the field. Interest and investment in ion channel modulation in both industrial and academic settings continues to grow as new therapeutic opportunities are identified and realised for ion channel modulation. This book provides a reference text by covering a combination of recent advances in the field, from technological and medicinal chemistry perspectives, as well as providing an introduction to the new 'ion channel drug discoverer'. The book has contributions from highly respected academic researchers, industrial researchers at the cutting edge of drug discovery and experts in enabling technology. This combination provides a complete picture of the field of interest to a wide range of readers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Becoming an Organizational Scholar: Navigating the Academic Odyssey
Becoming an Organizational Scholar covers reflective, personal stories of prolific, top scholars under 45, with academic success gained across 17 different European and North and South American countries at 31 higher education institutions. The editors present the idea of a unique or authentic scholar, successfully Navigating the Academic Odyssey.Reflecting upon their career journeys through introspection and narrative essays, the contributors clarify the definition and description of academia, its activities, roles and different aspects related to academic work. They express their opinions on academic success factors and common career Though the content is primarily targeted for the rising cohort of doctoral candidates and early-career researchers, this publication also targets the institutional gatekeepers, the universities and business schools worldwide, as well as professional associations in the field of organization and management.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Test and Evaluation of Complex Systems
Is it functional? Is it safe? Is it rigorous? Is it detrimental?Over the last two decades Test and Evaluation (T&E) techniqueshave evolved in response to the increasing complexity andinterdependency of systems. The safe and proper operation of thecomplex systems and consumer products used in energy,transportation, electronics and communications, can no longer berealized without a formalized T&E program. Featuresinclude: * Easy-to-understand guide to the seven Best Practices for planningan effective T&E program * A useful model of the T&E Engineering process * T&E of computer programs, Modelling and Simulation,Operational T&E and Interoperability T&E * Case studies from both governmental and commercial sectors * T&E resources world-wide including the addresses of localT&E chapters Purposely written with the priorities of you the program managerand systems engineer in mind. This book masterfully captures thebasic principles of T&E, specifically applying them to avariety of industries. Test and Evaluation of Complex Systems formspart of the Wiley Series in Measurement Science and Technology.Chief Editor: Peter Sydenham Australian Centre for Test andEvaluation, University of South Australia. This series was foundedto coincide with the recognition of measurement science andinstrument technology as fields with their own scholarship andtechniques.
Facts On File Inc Career Ideas for Teens in the Arts and Communications
This is an essential reference for teens interested in the arts and communications. It is never too soon to start thinking about a future career, even as a young teen. For those who have the urge to write, perform, design, or otherwise create and communicate, opportunities are limitless in the arts and communications, and it can be invaluable to learn about the different options before committing to one choice. ""Career Ideas for Teens in the Arts and Communications"" profiles 36 jobs in this field, which span across many different industries. The careers profiled include: Actor; Animator; Choreographer; Development director; Editor; Film director; Journalist; Lobbyist; Photographer; Scriptwriter; Technical writer; Webmaster; and more.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Into the Groove: Popular Music and Contemporary German Fiction
A new and wide-ranging view of the confluence, since the 1990s, of the fields of contemporary literature and popular music in Germany. In Germany the decade beginning in the mid-1990s brought an unprecedented "confusion of the spheres" of literature and popular music. Popular musicians "crossed over" into the literary field, editors and writers called for contemporary German literature to become more like popular music, writers attempted to borrow structural aspects from music or paid new attention to popular music at the thematic level. Others sought to raise their profiles by means of performance models taken from the popular music field. This book sets out to make sense of this situation. It argues for more inclusive and detailed attention to what it calls "musico-centric fiction," for which it discerns intellectual precursors going back to the 1960s and also identifies examples written since the turn of the millennium, after the would-be death of "pop literature." In doing so, it focuses on fiction and paratextual interventions by authors including Peter Handke, Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, Rainald Goetz, Andreas Neumeister, Thomas Meinecke, Matthias Politycki, Frank Goosen, Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre, Thomas Brussig, Karen Duve, and Kerstin Grether. Andrew Wright Hurley is Senior Lecturer in German and Cultural Studies at the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Irrigated Agriculture and the Environment
The global expansion of irrigated lands during the 20th century and beyond continues to contribute to food production, but also degrades the environment significantly. The consequent search for policy remedies has stimulated a vital body of economic research.The issues addressed in this comprehensive collection of previously published articles include the effects of existing government intervention on the environmental impacts of agriculture, the economic costs and benefits of environmental regulations for agriculture, and the economic and environmental merits of alternative mechanisms for water allocation and water quality protection.In this volume the editors present a sampling of economic research on the interface of irrigated agriculture with the environment. The articles included are by leading researchers in this field and span the topics of nonpoint pollution control, salinity management, and the allocation of water.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Wyllie's Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice
Comprehensive, yet accessible, Wyllie’s Treatment of Epilepsy: Principles and Practice has provided a detailed and cohesive overview of seizure disorders and treatment options through six well-regarded editions. The 7th Edition remains the definitive reference in the field with extensive updates from Dr. Elaine Wyllie and her team of world-renowned editors and authors. Ideal for both clinical reference and exam preparation, this single-volume work on contemporary epileptology is an indispensable resource for neurologists, epilepsy specialists and epilepsy neurosurgeons, neurology and neurosurgery residents and fellows, and neuropsychologists. Features considerable new or significantly revised content reflecting the most current evidence-based treatment options. Offers an in-depth review of all aspects of epileptology, including neuroimaging; epilepsy surgery; antiseizure medications; principles of electroencephalography; psychosocial impact, quality of life, and comorbidities; economics of epilepsy; and more. Provides more than 500 CME-eligible review questions online, highlighting key concepts for the ABPN subspecialty exam and clinical practice. Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s),such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook,powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
White Pine Press Between Water and Song: New Poets for the Twenty-First Century
"Here are poems from a new generation of writers who honor the magnetic fields of the real; who feel and think with full and open-eyed passion; who focus heat as the magnifying glass focuses sun: until the paper catches. Read them."-Jane Hirshfield This anthology includes new work by an intriguing and culturally diverse group of fifteen poets, born after 1960, including Ruth Forman, Ilya Kaminsky, Malena Morling, Kevin Goodan, Jay Leeming, Terrance Hayes, Luljeta Lleshanaku, Sherwin Bitsui, Maria Melendez, Valzhyna Mort, Eugene Gloria, Brian Turner, Joshua Poteat, Maurice Manning, and Chris Abani. Editor Norman Minnick is the author of To Taste the Water.
Oxford University Press ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Nursing
Part of the European Society of Cardiology series, the ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Nursing provides in depth learning for nurses specialising in caring for patients with coronary heart disease, heart failure, valvular disease, arrhythmias, congenital heart disease and inherited cardiovascular conditions. The textbook builds on the ESC Core Curriculum for the Continuing Professional Development of Nurses Working in Cardiovascular Care. There are fifteen chapters written by experts in the field. The pathology of coronary heart disease, heart failure, valvular disease, arrhythmias, congenital heart disease and inherited cardiovascular conditions are all discussed in great detail. Whilst tailoring nursing assessment and interventions to the care of patients with heart disease, the textbook emphasises high quality holistic care taking account of the needs of patients with complex comorbidities, as well as their families. The imperative of prevention and rehabilitation in terms of both primary and secondary prevention is described as well as educational, behavioural and therapeutic interventions. The epidemiology of cardiovascular disease is covered including disease burden and inequalities across European regions. Chapters devoted to education and communication and pharmacology are also included and the book concludes with a chapter which discusses the future challenges and opportunities for nurses in addition to the evolution of nursing in cardiovascular care. The target readership of the textbook are nurses entering cardiovascular specialisation and university students undertaking specialist courses in cardiovascular care. The hope of the editors is that the textbook inspires readers to ask questions, search for answers and become the best cardiovascular nurses they can be. There is a strong body of evidence showing that educational provision for nurses increases patient safety and saves lives, the ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Nursing aims to be an essential part of this provision.
Skyhorse Publishing Game Birds and Gun Dogs: True Stories of Hunting Grouse, Quail, Pheasant, and Waterfowl in North America
“Timeless classics make this an absolute treasure and great fireside reading.”—Ken Schultz, former fishing editor, Field & Stream MagazineLet legendary outdoor writer and editor Vin Sparano (Outdoor Life Magazine) take you into the great outdoors with stories about hunters, their dogs and the upland game and waterfowl they hunt.Hunters will experience all the emotion they do in the outdoors in the comfort of their easy chair: the smell of an autumn forest, the friendship of a trusted hunting dog, the joy of the hunt, the satisfaction of a fine meal.Readers will be grateful to have joined these hunts!
Princeton University Press Reaping Something New: African American Transformations of Victorian Literature
How African American writers used Victorian literature to create a literature of their ownTackling fraught but fascinating issues of cultural borrowing and appropriation, this groundbreaking book reveals that Victorian literature was put to use in African American literature and print culture in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in much more intricate, sustained, and imaginative ways than previously suspected. From reprinting and reframing "The Charge of the Light Brigade" in an antislavery newspaper to reimagining David Copperfield and Jane Eyre as mixed-race youths in the antebellum South, writers and editors transposed and transformed works by the leading British writers of the day to depict the lives of African Americans and advance their causes. Central figures in African American literary and intellectual history—including Frederick Douglass, Frances Ellen Watkins Harper, Charles Chesnutt, Pauline Hopkins, and W.E.B. Du Bois—leveraged Victorian literature and this history of engagement itself to claim a distinctive voice and construct their own literary tradition.In bringing these transatlantic transfigurations to light, this book also provides strikingly new perspectives on both canonical and little-read works by Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Tennyson, and other Victorian authors. The recovery of these works' African American afterlives illuminates their formal practices and ideological commitments, and forces a reassessment of their cultural impact and political potential. Bridging the gap between African American and Victorian literary studies, Reaping Something New changes our understanding of both fields and rewrites an important chapter of literary history.
Edinburgh University Press The New Soundtrack: Volume 5, Issue 1
The New Soundtrack brings together leading edge academic and professional perspectives on the complex relationship between sound and moving images. Former editors of The Soundtrack, Stephen Deutsch, Larry Sider and Dominic Power, bring their expertise to this project, providing a new platform for discourse on how aural elements combine with moving images. The New Soundtrack also encourages writing on more current developments, such as sound installations, computer-based delivery, and the psychology of the interaction of image and sound. The journal has an illustrious Editorial Board containing some of the most prominent people working with sound in the arts and media and the discourse which surrounds it. The New Soundtrack includes contributions from recognised practitioners in the field, including composers, sound designers and directors, giving voice to the development of professional practice, alongside academic contributions. Each issue also features a short compilation of book and film reviews on recently released publications and artefacts.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Intellectual Property, Innovation and the Environment
This topical volume brings together seminal papers which explore the interplay of intellectual property, innovation and environmental protection. It traces the emergence of intellectual property as an environmental protection policy lever and examines the interaction of market failures at the intersection of technological progress and environmental protection. Further, it discusses concerns that have been raised about the use of proprietary rights in the service of environmental protection. Finally it considers alternatives to intellectual property, such as subsidies and prizes, which seek to encourage advances in environmental protection technologies.With an original introduction by the editors, this important collection will be of interest to students, scholars and practitioners working in the field of intellectual property, innovation and the environment.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Scientific Integrity and Ethics in the Geosciences
Science is built on trust. The assumption is that scientists will conduct their work with integrity, honesty, and a strict adherence to scientific protocols. Written by geoscientists for geoscientists, Scientific Integrity and Ethics in the Geosciences acquaints readers with the fundamental principles of scientific ethics and shows how they apply to everyday work in the classroom, laboratory, and field. Resources are provided throughout to help discuss and implement principles of scientific integrity and ethics. Volume highlights include: Examples of international and national codes and policies Exploration of the role of professional societies in scientific integrity and ethics References to scientific integrity and ethics in publications and research data Discussion of science integrity, ethics, and geoethics in education Extensive coverage of data applications Scientific Integrity and Ethics in the Geosciences is a valuable resource for students, faculty, instructors, and scientists in the geosciences and beyond. It is also useful for geoscientists working in industry, government, and policymaking.Read an interview with the editors to find out more:
American Psychiatric Association Publishing Gabbard's Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders
The definitive treatment textbook in psychiatry, this fifth edition of Gabbard's Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders has been thoroughly restructured to reflect the new DSM-5 categories, preserving its value as a state-of-the-art resource and increasing its utility in the field. The editors have produced a volume that is both comprehensive and concise, meeting the needs of clinicians who prefer a single, user-friendly volume. In the service of brevity, the book focuses on treatment over diagnostic considerations, and addresses both empirically-validated treatments and accumulated clinical wisdom where research is lacking. Noteworthy features include the following: • Content is organized according to DSM-5 categories to make for rapid retrieval of relevant treatment information for the busy clinician.• Outcome studies and expert opinion are presented in an accessible way to help the clinician know what treatment to use for which disorder, and how to tailor the treatment to the patient.• Content is restricted to the major psychiatric conditions seen in clinical practice while leaving out less common conditions and those that have limited outcome research related to the disorder, resulting in a more streamlined and affordable text.• Chapters are meticulously referenced and include dozens of tables, figures, and other illustrative features that enhance comprehension and recall. An authoritative resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurses, and an outstanding reference for students in the mental health professions, Gabbard's Treatments of Psychiatric Disorders, Fifth Edition, will prove indispensable to clinicians seeking to provide excellent care while transitioning to a DSM-5 world.
Yale University Press Big and Small: A Cultural History of Extraordinary Bodies
A groundbreaking work that explores human size as a distinctive cultural marker in Western thought Author, scholar, and editor Lynne Vallone has an international reputation in the field of child studies. In this analytical tour-de-force, she explores bodily size difference—particularly unusual bodies, big and small—as an overlooked yet crucial marker that informs human identity and culture. Exploring miniaturism, giganticism, obesity, and the lived experiences of actual big and small people, Vallone boldly addresses the uncomfortable implications of using physical measures to judge normalcy, goodness, gender identity, and beauty. This wide-ranging work surveys the lives and contexts of both real and imagined persons with extraordinary bodies from the seventeenth century to the present day through close examinations of art, literature, folklore, and cultural practices, as well as scientific and pseudo-scientific discourses. Generously illustrated and written in a lively and accessible style, Vallone’s provocative study encourages readers to look with care at extraordinary bodies and the cultures that created, depicted, loved, and dominated them.