Search results for ""author scott""
Indiana University Press Think Like a Dog: How Dogs Teach Us to Be Happy in Life and Successful at Work
They're loyal, loving, and big-hearted—dogs are our best friends for a good reason. Yet they have much more to offer than just love and friendship. Let CEO Scott MacDonald and rescue dog Sadie show you how to have a more rewarding life and a more successful career in Think Like a Dog.With whimsy and insight, Scott and Sadie offer important lessons in loyalty, persistence, leaving your mark, and always being a great sniffer. Scott reveals what Sadie and other dogs teach us about successful work habits and organizational strategies for outstanding business success. Want a better, happier, and more satisfying life? Want to be successful? Start by understanding a dog's perspective and applying the lessons learned!
Columbia University Press The United States–South Korea Alliance: Why It May Fail and Why It Must Not
The alliance between the United States and South Korea has endured through seven decades of shifting regional and geopolitical security contexts. Yet it now faces challenges from within. Domestic political turmoil, including deepening political polarization and rising nationalism in both countries, has cast doubt on the alliance’s viability—with critical implications for the balance of power in East Asia.Scott A. Snyder provides an authoritative overview of the internal and external pressures on the U.S.–South Korea alliance and explores its future prospects. He argues that nationalist leaders’ accession to power could put past successes at risk and endanger the national security objectives of both countries. In the United States, “America first” nationalism favors self-interest over cooperation and portrays allies as burdens or even free riders. “Korea first” sentiments, in both progressive and conservative forms, present the U.S. military presence in South Korea as an obstacle to Korean reconciliation or a shackle on South Korea’s freedom of action. Snyder also examines North Korea’s attempts to influence South Korean domestic politics and how China’s growing strength has affected the dynamics of the alliance. He considers scenarios in which the U.S.–South Korea relationship weakens or crumbles, emphasizing the consequences for the region and the world. Drawing on this analysis, Snyder offers timely recommendations for stakeholders in both countries on how to preserve and strengthen the alliance.
Columbia University Press South Korea at the Crossroads: Autonomy and Alliance in an Era of Rival Powers
Against the backdrop of China’s mounting influence and North Korea’s growing nuclear capability and expanding missile arsenal, South Korea faces a set of strategic choices that will shape its economic prospects and national security. In South Korea at the Crossroads, Scott A. Snyder examines the trajectory of fifty years of South Korean foreign policy and offers predictions—and a prescription—for the future. Pairing a historical perspective with a shrewd understanding of today’s political landscape, Snyder contends that South Korea’s best strategy remains investing in a robust alliance with the United States.Snyder begins with South Korea’s effort in the 1960s to offset the risk of abandonment by the United States during the Vietnam War and the subsequent crisis in the alliance during the 1970s. A series of shifts in South Korean foreign relations followed: the “Nordpolitik” engagement with the Soviet Union and China at the end of the Cold War; Kim Dae Jung’s “Sunshine Policy,” designed to bring North Korea into the international community; “trustpolitik,” which sought to foster diplomacy with North Korea and Japan; and changes in South Korea’s relationship with the United States. Despite its rise as a leader in international financial, development, and climate-change forums, South Korea will likely still require the commitment of the United States to guarantee its security. Although China is a tempting option, Snyder argues that only the United States is both credible and capable in this role. South Korea remains vulnerable relative to other regional powers in northeast Asia despite its rising profile as a middle power, and it must balance the contradiction of desirable autonomy and necessary alliance.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Gulaschkanone: The German Field Kitchen in World War II and Modern Reenactment
The German army of World War II fed their men from field kitchens like these. The cooks risked danger and adversity to deliver hot meals to the soldiers at the front. Now World War II reenactors have put the field kitchen back to work. This book looks at the role the field kitchen played in World War II, as well as how a lovingly-restored vintage field kitchen is once again cooking authentic, hot food for hungry German soldiers.
Hachette Books The Unexpected President: The Life and Times of Chester A. Arthur
Despite his promising start as a young man, by his early fifties Chester A. Arthur was known as the crooked crony of New York machine boss Roscoe Conkling. For years Arthur had been perceived as unfit to govern, not only by critics and the vast majority of his fellow citizens but by his own conscience. As President James A. Garfield struggled for his life, Arthur knew better than his detractors that he failed to meet the high standard a president must uphold.And yet, from the moment President Arthur took office, he proved to be not just honest but brave, going up against the very forces that had controlled him for decades. He surprised everyone--and gained many enemies--when he swept house and took on corruption, civil rights for blacks, and issues of land for Native Americans.A mysterious young woman deserves much of the credit for Arthur's remarkable transformation. Julia Sand, a bedridden New Yorker, wrote Arthur nearly two dozen letters urging him to put country over party, to find "the spark of true nobility" that lay within him. At a time when women were barred from political life, Sand's letters inspired Arthur to transcend his checkered past--and changed the course of American history.This beautifully written biography tells the dramatic, untold story of a virtually forgotten American president. It is the tale of a machine politician and man-about-town in Gilded Age New York who stumbled into the highest office in the land, only to rediscover his better self when his nation needed him.
Penguin Books Ltd The Penguin Book of Dragons
The definitive global anthology of writings about dragons, from Ancient Egypt to the modern daySince the earliest moments of human history, dragons have occupied a place in our imaginations. Bringer of night in Ancient Egypt; mortal enemy of the elephant in South Asia; slain by a god in Sanskrit hymn. In the Book of Revelation, there is the Leviathan; in Loch Ness, a monster. Their crushing coils and their treasure hoards are found throughout literature and language: in the Old English of Beowulf, in the Elvish of Tolkien, in the far-flung travels of Marco Polo.The Penguin Book of Dragons is the definitive collection of all this and more: two thousand years of legend and lore about the menace and majesty of dragons.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Paul: Servant of the New Covenant: Pauline Polarities in Eschatological Perspective
Taking 2 Cor 3:6 as its starting point, the new and updated essays here assembled investigate the key passages in Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians in which the covenant content and eschatological context of Paul's theology interpret one another. Developed over thirty years, Scott Hafemann's close reading of Paul's arguments, with an eye toward their OT/Jewish milieu, also advances the larger thesis that the various Israel/church, works/faith, and justification/judgment polarities in Paul's thinking do not represent a material contrast between a "law-way" and a "gospel-way" of relating to God. Rather, they epitomize an eschatological contrast between the character of God's people within the two eras of salvation history in which, by virtue of the Messiah and the Spirit, the Torah of the "old covenant" is now being kept in the "new."
Imperial College Press Dengue
This unique volume presents an up-to-date review of one of the world's major health problems — diseases caused by the four dengue viruses. It begins with an insightful story of the origin of dengue disease outbreaks, including the emergence of severe and fatal dengue hemorrhagic fever. The nature, structure and biology of the four dengue viruses are described, and a major portion of the book is focused on the epidemiology of dengue as a mosquito-borne disease. This is complemented by critiques of existing mosquito control programs by three groups of outstanding authorities. The strongest element of the volume is its comprehensive description of the current understanding of dengue disease pathogenesis, followed by an analysis of the pros and cons of five of the most controversial areas in the field: the WHO DEF case definition, secondary dengue infections, virulent viruses, the role of abnormal T cells and autoimmunity.
Alma Books Ltd Flappers and Philosophers
Published soon after Fitzgerald's debut novel This Side of Paradise, Flappers and Philosophers was the author's first collection of short fiction, a form through which he had gained notoriety in newspapers and magazines. The familiar themes of aspiration and social satire already permeate his writing: in 'Bernice Bobs Her Hair' the fashionable Marjorie attempts to turn her dowdy cousin into a debutante, before betraying her out of jealousy, while 'The Ice Palace' features a Southern belle whose engagement to a Northerner finds her confronted with a cultural clash between tradition and modernity. Also containing 'The Offshore Pirate', 'Head and Shoulders', 'The Cut-Glass Bowl', 'Benediction', 'Dalyrimple Goes Wrong' and 'The Four Fists', this volume of stories illustrates the early stages of Fitzgerald's development as a writer and provides an entertaining chronicle of America in the 1910s.
Turner Publishing Company Interface
A new technology has emerged, promising a perfect society, and resisters are not long for this world . . . Ahead, not too many years from now, everyone has been linked to a network of government-mandated brain implants. The Interface has become a way of life, connecting all people to limitless information, nonstop personal messaging, and instantaneous news flashes. Gone are the days of cell phones and laptops—even loneliness itself is obsolete. But when the genius behind the Interface turns against his own creation and threatens to unleash a deadly electronic brain virus on the public, the fate of the world falls on NYPD Captain Yara Avril, who must stop this sinister, ever-escalating plot before it’s too late. A thrilling nod to a future waiting just around the corner, Interface is a remarkably prescient exploration of the potential links between boundless connection and cataclysmic disaster in digital society.
Mango Media Management: du chaos au succès: 30 défis pour tout changer
30 challenges faciles à mettre en place pour développer vos compétences managériales et devenir un leader performantVos compétences managériales sont sur le point d’évoluer. Être un manager performant n’est pas toujours évident et Scott Jeffrey Miller en a fait les frais. Du chaos au succès, il nous partage ses clés pour devenir un leader inspirant et efficace.Vous pouvez devenir un grand Team leader. Ce guide changera définitivement votre façon de manager et vous permettra d’instaurer un management opérationnel et stratégique. Devenez le manager que vous auriez aimé avoir, inspirez vos collaborateurs, instaurez le bien-être au travail et développez une vraie culture d’entreprise grâce à ce guide au ton décontracté et à ses 30 challenges applicables au quotidien!Ces 30 défis vous permettront: De devenir un vrai leader inspirant D’améliorer la performance au travail De créer une vision d’équipe De développer la culture d’entreprise Et d’obtenir des résultats concrets Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un livre sur le management ou le leadership tels que Dream Team ou Manager+ et si vous avez été séduit par l’ouvrage incontournable de Stephen Covey, Les 7 habitudes, alors laissez-vous inspirer par Management Mess!
Mango Media Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow (Wall Street Journal Best Selling Author, Leadership Mentoring & Coaching)
Take The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to an Entirely New Level with this Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author"With laugh-out-loud humor and unconventional wisdom, Management Mess to Leadership Success will provide you with the tools to become the leader you would choose to follow." —Karen Dillon Author of The Harvard Business Review Guide to Office PoliticsWinner of Bookpal's 2019 Outstanding Works of Literature (O.W.L) award in Leadership! Forbes Holiday Wish List. Your Leadership Skills Are About to Change. Millions have read the all-time global best seller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. Both leaders and individuals have been inspired and transformed by its universal principles of effectiveness, including Scott Jeffrey Miller.Scott Miller knows what it’s like to fail. He was demoted from his first leadership position after only three weeks—and that’s just one of several messy management experiences on his two-decade journey to leadership success. Everyone fails. But something sets Scott apart: transparency and willingness to openly share his story in a way that is forthright, relatable, and applicable.You can become a better leader. In Miller’s Management Mess to Leadership Success you’ll find 30 leadership challenges that can, when applied, change the way you manage yourself, lead others, and produce results. The wisdom in Scott’s book was learned through hard knocks and was honed by Stephen R. Covey and the FranklinCovey team through years of research and corporate training experience.Learn to: Lead difficult conversations, celebrate success Inspire trust, actively listen, challenge paradigms Put the right people in the right roles Create a clear and actionable team vision Get the right results―in the right way Fans of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People who have read and liked Radical Candor, Dare to Lead, or Mastering Leadership will love Scott Miller’s Management Mess to Leadership Success.
Island Press The Conservation Professional's Guide to Working with People
Written in an entertaining, easy-to-read style, this book offers a practical, how-to guide for working effectively with colleagues, funders, supervisors, and the public. Drawing on strategies and techniques from social psychology, negotiation, conflict resolution and management, The Conservation Professional's Guide to Working with People also provides examples from history and real-life to demonstrate how these these skills are applied.
Basic Books The Model Thinker: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You
From the stock market to covid-19, census figures to marketing email blasts, we are awash with data. But as anyone who has ever opened up a spreadsheet packed with seemingly infinite lines of data knows, numbers aren't enough: we need to know how to make those numbers talk. In The Model Thinker, social scientist Scott E. Page shows us the mathematical, statistical, and computational models-from linear regression to random walks and far beyond-that can turn anyone into a genius. At the core of the book is Page's "many-model paradigm," which shows the reader how to apply multiple models to organize the data, leading to wiser choices, more accurate predictions, and more robust designs. Now culminating in an examination of how to use the multi-model approach to think about pandemics like covid-19, The Model Thinker provides a toolkit for business people, students, scientists, pollsters, and bloggers to make them better, clearer thinkers, able to leverage data and information to their advantage.
Nova Science Publishers Inc The National Flood Insurance Program: Background, Issues and Reauthorization
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was established by the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 and was most recently reauthorized to September 30, 2020, through a series of short-term reauthorizations. The general purpose of the NFIP is both to offer primary flood insurance to properties with significant flood risk, and to reduce flood risk through the adoption of floodplain management standards. This book provides information on key components of the NFIP.
Globe Pequot Press All the Leaves Are Brown: How the Mamas & the Papas Came Together and Broke Apart
Few songs have captured the contradictions and ambiguities of the 1960s as memorably as “California Dreamin’,” the iconic folk music single that catapulted The Mamas & The Papas into rock and roll history. In All the Leaves Are Brown, SiriusXM producer Scott Shea details how John Phillips, Denny Doherty, Michelle Phillips, and “Mama Cass” Elliot became standard-bearers for California counterculture, following their transformation from folk music wannabes to rock sensations and chronicling the tumultuous events that followed their unexpected success. Shea gives a definitive account of the group’s short time together, from their hitmaking approach with legendary producer Lou Adler to John’s unique songwriting to their tours and friendships with other musicians riding the folk-rock wave. He explores the emotional vicissitudes that came with being in the Mamas & the Papas, from Cass’s unrequited love for Denny, his affair with Michelle, and the ebb and flow of dysfunction in John and Michelle’s marriage. Shea explains how it all came to a crashing end with John’s brainchild, the Monterey Pop Festival, which should have launched them even further into the rock music stratosphere, but only served to be their undoing. Through interviews with former bandmates, session musicians, family members, and many others, All the Leaves Are Brown is a layered and revelatory tale of overnight stardom and its many pitfalls.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd German World War II Reenacting: The Wehrmacht in Living History
This book takes the reader through a full-color look at reenactment of the German military of WWII. Dedicated reenactors have gone to amazing lengths to recreate the Wehrmacht in action. Original tanks and half tracks take to the field once more, alongside uniformed German soldiers. Everything from tanks to machine guns to can openers and cooking utensils is put to use to recreate not only authentic battles but also the more mundane aspects of wartime life, such as vehicle and weapons maintenance, sleeping, cooking, and trying to survive. The author has selected photos from WWII reenactments around the world, where reenectors have spent enormous amounts of time and money. Panzers thunder through the fields once more, planes of the Luftwaffe strike from the sky, and the German fighting men and women once more are thrown into an amazing array of scenarios.
Rowman & Littlefield Practical Heritage Management: Preserving a Tangible Past
Scott Anfinson’s Practical Heritage Management provides a comprehensive overview of American cultural resource management (CRM) and historic preservation. It is a textbook designed for all levels of students in archaeology, history, and architecture departments. The format follows the logical progression of a semester course, with each of the 14 chapters designed as the primary reading for each week in a semester. The book provides a detailed overview of the structure, historic background, important laws, and important governmental and professional players in the various American heritage management systems (federal, state, local, private). Features include: • End-of-chapter review questions and suggested readings • Glossary • List of acronyms • A comprehensive chronology of American heritage management
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An Introduction to Evolutionary Ethics
Offering the first general introductory text to this subject, the timely Introduction to Evolutionary Ethics reflects the most up-to-date research and current issues being debated in both psychology and philosophy. The book presents students to the areas of cognitive psychology, normative ethics, and metaethics. The first general introduction to evolutionary ethics Provides a comprehensive survey of work in three distinct areas of research: cognitive psychology, normative ethics, and metaethics Presents the most up-to-date research available in both psychology and philosophy Written in an engaging and accessible style for undergraduates and the interested general reader Discusses the evolution of morality, broadening its relevance to those studying psychology
HarperCollins Focus Master Mentors: 30 Transformative Insights from Our Greatest Minds
For busy professionals and lifelong learners seeking practical strategies for reaching new heights, Master Mentors distills 30 essential learnings from Seth Godin, Susan Cain, Trent Shelton, General Stanley McChrystal, and other top business minds and thought leaders of our time.Mining the best and brightest revelations from FranklinCovey’s global podcast, On Leadership with Scott Miller, Scott personally introduces you to 30 Master Mentors, featuring the single most transformative insight from each of them.Depending on where you are in your journey, Master Mentors will: Challenge your current mindset and beliefs, leading to what could be the most important career and thought- process shifts of your life! Restore you to the mindset and beliefs you find effective but aren’t currently living in alignment with. Validate that you are on the right path with your current mindset and beliefs and empower you on your way forward. Whether you are challenged, affirmed, informed, or inspired—Master Mentors guarantees you will experience a transformative shift in your personal mindset, life skillset, and career toolset.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mergers & Acquisitions Integration Handbook, + Website: Helping Companies Realize The Full Value of Acquisitions
Proven strategies and tactics to manage the integration of acquired and/or merged companies Mergers & Acquisitions Integration Handbook is a comprehensive resource to help companies create a scalable post merger or acquisition integration process and framework that accelerates operating and business benefit goal realization. Includes tools, templates, forms, examples and checklists to provide a no nonsense “handbook” style approach to managing an effective integration. Helps integration managers quickly get up to speed on various integration challenges, including guidance on developing detailed operational and functional integration plans to support flawless execution. Reveals how to avoid integration failure by establishing an in-house integration management office to handle integration projects. Includes a sample integration playbook that can be used to create a core competency within companies to support ongoing integration activity. Botched integration is the number one reason mergers fail. Mergers & Acquisitions Integration Handbook shows you how to develop, execute and implement merger integrations and business strategies to realize your organization's mergers and acquisitions goals.
Titan Books Ltd Tarzan on Film
In this authoritative volume, writer and historian Scott Tracy Griffin traces the development of the history-making Tarzan franchise, from the motion-picture industry's early silent and serials, through the high point of the Metro- Goldwyn-Mayer era featuring Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan, to modern worldwide hits like Grey stoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes and Walt Disney Studios' animated Tarzan.
Basic Books The Model Thinker: What You Need to Know to Make Data Work for You
Data, data, data: It's all one ever hears about these days. Science is all about big data. Our bosses call out for analytics, whatever those might be. And everyone wants to predict what will happen next. Can we accurately predict if a company's stock will rise, whether or not a disease will spread, or who will become the next President of the United States? As anyone who has ever opened up a spreadsheet groaning with weeks, months, or years of data knows, numbers aren't enough: we have to know how to make them talk.Enter Scott Page and The Model Thinker. A leading professor of quantitative social science at the University of Michigan, he has taken his expertise as both a teacher and researcher and distilled it into the one book anyone will need to master data and turn it to professional use. This is no armchair exercise in imagined understanding, like The Signal and the Noise or The Black Swan or a legion of books on networks, the purposes of which are to make us look good in meetings (or in our own minds) than they are to enable us to do something useful. The Model Thinker is the guide to turning data into understanding. Underneath it all is what Page calls the "many-model paradigm", where the key isn't to just find one related set of statistical tools and work with them over and over, but to test our understanding of things by modeling them from several perspectives. The result is both a deep, quantitative acquaintance with tools ranging from Markov chains to game theory to Taleb-style long-tail statistics to network analysis and complexity theory, and a profound trip through the thought-process of a world-class data modeler. All the major tools of modeling--which readers will have heard of in everything from Wired to The Economist to The New York Times--will finally yield their secrets.As The Theoretical Minimum showed, readers in quantitative fields aren't just looking for entertainment. They want to change their understanding of, and ability to act, in the real world. Businesspeople, students, and scientists alike will find much to learn from The Model Thinker.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Steve Kerr: A Life
"Thrilling." —Publishers Weekly (starred) | "Riveting." —Library Journal (starred) | "A fascinating look at a fascinating life." —Roland Lazenby, author of Michael JordanThe definitive biography of Steve Kerr, the championship-winning basketball player and head coach of the record-breaking Golden State WarriorsFew individuals have had a career as storied, and improbable, as Steve Kerr. He has won eight NBA titles—five as a player and three as a coach—for three different franchises. He played alongside the best players of a generation, from Michael Jordan to Shaquille O’Neal to Tim Duncan, and learned the craft of basketball under four legendary coaches. He was an integral part of two famed NBA dynasties. Perhaps no other figure in basketball history has had a hand in such greatness.In Steve Kerr, award-winning sports journalist Scott Howard-Cooper uncovers the fascinating life story of a basketball legend. Kerr did not follow a traditional path to the NBA. He was born in Beirut to two academics and split his childhood between California and the Middle East. Though he was an impressive shooter, the undersized Kerr garnered almost no attention from major college programs, managing only at the last moment to snag the final scholarship at the University of Arizona. Then, during his freshman season at Arizona, tragedy struck. His father, Malcolm, then the president of the American University of Beirut, was assassinated in Lebanon by terrorists. Forged by the crucible of this family saga, Steve went on to chart an unparalleled life in basketball, on the court and on the sidelines.The only coach other than Red Auerbach to lead a team to the Finals five consecutive seasons, Kerr seems destined for the Basketball Hall of Fame. Steve Kerr is his incredible story, offering insights into the man and what it takes to be—and make—a champion. Drawing upon Scott Howard-Cooper’s years covering Warriors, deep archival research, and original interviews with more than one hundred of the central characters in Kerr’s life, this is basketball biography at its finest.
Springer International Publishing AG Surgical Procedures of the Spine for Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring Providers
This book equips the intraoperative monitoring provider (both technologist and physician) with details of commonly monitored surgical procedures of the spine. This knowledge better allows the monitorist to identify critical phases of the surgery and correlate those with neuroanatomical and functional risk at each phase. Chapters are authored by a surgeon and neurophysiologist, with the surgeon contributing procedural content and the neurophysiologist contributing information on how the monitoring integrates within the context of the procedure. It is the first book that incorporates content about the surgical procedure directly with the intraoperative monitoring plan for the surgery. This text will have a wide audience throughout the medical specialty of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring; it will be of interest to technologists, interpreting physicians or neurophysiologists, anesthesiologists, and surgeons; essentially anyone on the surgical team that lacks a detailed knowledge of both the surgical procedure and the neurophysiology.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Organic Reactions, Volume 99
The 99th volume in this series for organic chemists in academia and industry presents critical discussions of widely used organic reactions or particular phases of a reaction. The material is treated from a preparative viewpoint, with emphasis on limitations, interfering influences, effects of structure and the selection of experimental techniques. The work includes tables that contain all possible examples of the reaction under consideration. Detailed procedures illustrate the significant modifications of each method.
Stanford University Press Inside Nuclear South Asia
Nuclear-armed adversaries India and Pakistan have fought three wars since their creation as sovereign states in 1947. They went to the brink of a fourth in 2001 following an attack on the Indian parliament, which the Indian government blamed on the Pakistan-backed Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist organizations. Despite some attempts at rapprochement in the intervening years, a new standoff between the two countries was precipitated when India accused Lashkar-e-Taiba of being behind the Mumbai attacks late last year. The relentlessness of the confrontations between these two nations makes Inside Nuclear South Asia a must read for anyone wishing to gain a thorough understanding of the spread of nuclear weapons in South Asia and the potential consequences of nuclear proliferation on the subcontinent. The book begins with an analysis of the factors that led to India's decision to cross the nuclear threshold in 1998, with Pakistan close behind: factors such as the broad political support for a nuclear weapons program within India's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the intense rivalry between the two countries, the normative and prestige factors that influenced their behaviors, and ultimately the perceived threat to their respective national security. The second half of the book analyzes the consequences of nuclear proliferation on the subcontinent. These chapters show that the presence of nuclear weapons in South Asia has increased the frequency and propensity of low-level violence, further destabilizing the region. Additionally, nuclear weapons in India and Pakistan have led to serious political changes that also challenge the ability of the two states to produce stable nuclear détente. Thus, this book provides both new insights into the domestic politics behind specific nuclear policy choices in South Asia, a critique of narrow realist views of nuclear proliferation, and the dangers of nuclear proliferation in South Asia.
MIT Press Ltd Blue and Green: The Drive for Justice at America's Port
Oxford University Press Inc The Making of American Buddhism
As of 2010, there were approximately 3-4 million Buddhists in the United States, and that figure is expected to grow significantly. Beyond the numbers, the influence of Buddhism can be felt throughout the culture, with many more people practicing meditation, for example, than claiming Buddhist identity. A century ago, this would have been unthinkable. So how did Buddhism come to claim such a significant place in the American cultural landscape? The Making of American Buddhism offers an answer, showing how in the years on either side of World War II second-generation Japanese American Buddhists laid claim to an American identity inclusive of their religious identity. In the process they-and their allies-created a place for Buddhism in America. These sons and daughters of Japanese immigrants-known as “Nisei,” Japanese for “second-generation”-clustered around the Berkeley Bussei, a magazine published from 1939 to 1960. In the pages of the Bussei and elsewhere, these Nisei Buddhists argued that Buddhism was both what made them good Americans and what they had to contribute to America-a rational and scientific religion of peace. The Making of American Buddhism also details the behind-the-scenes labor that made Buddhist modernism possible. The Bussei was one among many projects that were embedded within Japanese American Buddhist communities and connected to national and transnational networks that shaped and allowed for the spread of modernist Buddhist ideas. In creating communities, publishing magazines, and hosting scholarly conventions and translation projects, Nisei Buddhists built the religious infrastructure that allowed the later Buddhist modernists, Beat poets, and white converts who are often credited with popularizing Buddhism to flourish. Nisei activists didn't invent American Buddhism, but they made it possible.
Aspen Publishing Glannon Guide to Sales: Learning Sales Through Multiple-Choice Questions and Analysis
Cornell University Press Ambivalent Pleasures
Ambivalent Pleasures explores how Europeans wrestled with the novel experience of consuming substances that could alter moods and become addictive. During the early modern period, psychotropic drugs like sugar, chocolate, tobacco, tea, coffee, distilled spirits like gin and rum, and opium either arrived in western Europe for the first time or were newly available as everyday commodities. Drawing from primary sources in English, Dutch, French, Italian, and Spanish, Scott K. Taylor shows that these substances embodied Europeans'' anxieties about race and empire, religious strife, shifting notions of class and gender roles, and the moral implications of urbanization and global trade.Through the writings of physicians, theologians, political pamphleteers, satirists, and others, Ambivalent Pleasures tracks the emerging understanding of addiction; fears about the racial, class, and gendered implications of using these soft drugs (including that co
MP-MPP University Press of Mississippi Conversations with Dave Eggers
The interviews contained in Conversations with Dave Eggers suggest the range of Eggers's pursuits - a range that is reflected in the variety of the interviews themselves. To read the interviews in sequence is to witness Eggers's rapid evolution.
MP-AMM American Mathematical Introduction to Mathematics Number Space and Structure
Designed for an Introduction to Proofs course organised around the themes of number and space. Concepts are illustrated using both geometric and number examples, while frequent analogies and applications help build intuition and context in the humanities, arts, and sciences.
John Wiley & Sons Teaching With Primary Sources for Cultural Understanding Civic Mindedness and Democracy
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Ultralearning. Aprende más y más rápido, alcanza tus objetivos / Ultralearning. Accelerate Your Career, Master Hard Skills and Outsmart the Competition
Bombardier Books A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop Covid from Destroying America
SL Editions The Ridiculously Simple Guide to Trello: A Beginners Guide to Project Management with Trello
Red Wheel/Weiser Secret History of the Reptilians: The Pervasive Presence of the Serpent in Human History, Religion, and Alien Mythos
Arcadia Publishing Yorks Historic Architecture
Taylor Trade Publishing The Corporate Veil
Fresh out of Law School, Spencer Thompson struggles to understand why a large corporation would engage in strange activities, until he is reminded in most certain terms. After all what would you do for a million dollars?
Skinner House Books Everyday Spiritual Practice: Simple Pathways for Enriching Your Life
Have you wondered how to integrate your heartfelt beliefs into your life? In this thoughtful collection a wide range of contributors describe the small everyday practices that bring meaning to their lives. What shapes your efforts into an everyday spiritual practice is your commitment to making the activity a regular and significant part of your life. Forty inspiring contributors share their personal, daily spiritual practices—from meditation and prayer, to recycling and vegetarianism, to quilting and art. This collection suggests a wide variety of ways in which you can spiritually examine, shape and care for your life, to achieve wholeness and happiness.
Simon & Schuster Wooden Bones
In this “fast-paced adventure filled with thoughtful life lessons” (School Library Journal), becoming a real boy is just the beginning. Since he changed, Pino has struggled to live a quiet life with his father Gepetto. But a boy who used to be a wooden puppet doesn’t fit in well with the other villagers. When Pino creates a replica of Gepetto’s late wife and brings it to life, the two are chased out of their village by an angry mob demanding the resurrection of their own loved ones. On the run with a dying Gepetto, Pino must face a world that would seek to use—and misuse—him for his powers. And when Pino discovers that his abilities are slowly transforming him back into a puppet, he faces a choice: strike a deal with those who only want to use him, or stand up for who he really is.
Kollath-Stensaas Publishers Amazing Agates: Lake Superior's Banded Gemstone
Between the covers of Amazing Agates, you'll discover everything you've always wanted to know about Lake Superior's banded gemstone. Mr. Agate himself, Scott Wolter, will highlight all types of agates, explain features within individual agates and give a brief history of the largest, most famous Lake Superior agates. Scott will even share his best picking locations with you. Ever wonder what your prize agate would rate? Check out the pioneering Scale of Value. Detailed images illustrate every agate, agate type and feature talked about in the book.
University of Virginia Press Higher Calling: The Rise of Nontraditional Leaders in Academia
A revolution has been taking place in the ranks of higher education. University and college presidents—once almost invariably the products of ""traditional"" scholarly, tenure-track career paths, up through the provost’s office—are rapidly becoming a group with diverse skills and backgrounds. The same is true for many deans and administrative leaders.In Higher Calling: The Rise of Nontraditional Leaders in Academia, Scott C. Beardsley, dean of the University of Virginia’s prestigious Darden School of Business, offers a new vision of leadership for today’s higher education. Grounded in the author’s own inspirational story of leaving McKinsey & Company in pursuit of a new source of meaning in his professional life, Higher Calling employs research gathered from search firm executives who now play king or queen maker in presidential and dean searches. It also takes into account information from U.S. liberal arts colleges—considered by many to be the bellwethers of change—to explore what set of strengths an institution of higher education needs in a leader in the twenty-first century. Beardsley explores the widely varying definitions and associated numbers of traditional and nontraditional leaders and asks, Why are U.S. colleges and universities hiring nontraditional candidates to lead them into the future? How are the skills required to lead higher education institutions changing? Or has the search process changed, resulting in a more diverse set of candidates?Providing not only an analysis of nontraditional leaders in higher education but also strategies for developing skills and selecting leaders, Beardsley offers a wealth of information for the modern university in the face of change.
Teachers' College Press Integrating Primary and Secondary Sources Into Teaching: The SOURCES Framework for Authentic Investigation
Learn how to integrate and evaluate primary and secondary sources by using the SOURCES framework. SOURCES is an acronym for an approach that educators can use with students in all grades and content areas: Scrutinize the fundamental source, Organize thoughts, Understand the context, Read between the lines, Corroborate and refute, Establish a plausible narrative, and Summarize final thoughts. Waring outlines a clearly delineated, step-by-step process of how to progress through the seven stages of the framework, and provides suggestions for seamlessly integrating emerging technologies into instruction. The text provides classroom-ready examples and explicit scaffolding, such as sources analysis sheets for various types of primary and secondary sources. Readers can use this resource to give students the skills and knowledge necessary to think critically and create evidence-based narratives, in a manner similar to professionals in the field.Book Features: Offers a grounded means for conducting higher-order reasoning and inquiry. Demonstrates how to integrate this approach in various disciplinary areas, such as social studies, English/language arts, mathematics, and science. Provides user-friendly lessons and activities. Includes resources to assist students throughout the inquiry process.
Baker Publishing Group Understanding Christian Mission – Participation in Suffering and Glory
Christianity Today 2014 Book Award Winner Named one of Ten Outstanding Books of 2013 for Mission Studies, International Bulletin of Mission Research This comprehensive introduction helps students, pastors, and mission committees understand contemporary Christian mission historically, biblically, and theologically. Scott Sunquist, a respected scholar and teacher of world Christianity, recovers missiological thinking from the early church for the twenty-first century. He traces the mission of the church throughout history in order to address the global church and offers a constructive theology and practice for missionary work today. Sunquist views spirituality as the foundation for all mission involvement, for mission practice springs from spiritual formation. He highlights the Holy Spirit in the work of mission and emphasizes its trinitarian nature. Sunquist explores mission from a primarily theological--rather than sociological--perspective, showing that the whole of Christian theology depends on and feeds into mission. Throughout the book, he presents Christian mission as our participation in the suffering and glory of Jesus Christ for the redemption of the nations.
Arcadia Publishing Rockingham County Images of America Arcadia Publishing