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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The International Handbook of Political Ecology
The International Handbook of Political Ecology features chapters by leading scholars from around the world in a unique collection exploring the multi-disciplinary field of political ecology. This landmark volume canvasses key developments, topics, issues, debates and concepts showcasing how political ecologists today address pressing social and environmental concerns.Introductory chapters provide an overview of political ecology and the Handbook. Remaining chapters examine five broad themes: issues and approaches; governance and power; knowledge and discourse; method and scale; and connections and transformations. The authors focus on an intrinsically international endeavour, considering both the topic and source of research, and integrate the approaches, debates, concepts and methods that define the field internationally. A combination of general reflection and case study research demonstrates both political ecology's place in wider social science debates and trends, as well as how its concerns relate to diverse empirical problems and settings.Across diverse topics and perspectives, these chapters amount to a wide-ranging survey of current research, making the International Handbook an indispensable reference for scholars and students in political ecology.Contributors: A. Acharya, B. Agarwal, H. Alimonda, A. Asiyanbi, L. Baker, S. Barca, S. Batterbury, P. Blaikie, E. Bravo, R.L. Bryant, B. Büscher, G. Cederlöf, D. Chartier, C.A. Claus, L. Cortesi, A. Doolittle, M.R. Dove, W. Dressler, R. Fletcher, T. Forsyth, T.Á.M. Freitas, D. Gautier, B. Hautdidier, A. Hayes-Conroy, J. Hayes-Conroy, H. Healy, C. Hebdon, L. Jarosz, S. Joshi, G. Kallis, A.H. Kimura, T. Kizos, C.A. Kull, P. Le Billon, S. Lee, E. Leff, A. Loftus, J. Martinez-Alier, B.R. Middleton, M. Moreano, A.C. Salomão Mozine, J. Muldavin, S. Nair, H. Neo, R.P. Neumann, C. Noe, G.G. Núñez, Á. Paniagua, N.L. Peluso, C.P. Pow, M. Ramutsindel
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Information Systems and the Economics of Innovation
This book identifies and discusses critical issues of ICT innovation at both the macroeconomic and organisational levels, bringing together two hitherto independent fields of study: economics and information systems. The book takes stock of these two fields, highlighting their complementarity in contemporary issues such as business competitiveness and e-commerce, organisational change and industrial restructuring, information systems implementation and technology infrastructure building. The contributions cover a broad range of issues, from analysing policy approaches for fostering ICT innovation at a regional level, to examining the way in which ICT-based information systems and organisational practice are simultaneously shaped.The book elaborates an understanding of innovation as shaped largely in context, rather than 'diffused' from the place of its conception into the place of its implementation. The theoretical perspectives offered by the authors include institutional economics, evolutionary economics, social constructivism, and structuration theory. Collectively, the chapters of this book present ICT innovation as a dynamic process involving multiple actors in multiple locations, codified and tacit knowledge, and instrumental and situated behaviour.This pathbreaking book will be of enormous interest to students, researchers and academics specialising in economics, information systems and ICT innovation, as well as policy and management consultants involved in information systems and development.
Intersentia Ltd Financial Management in Practice (second edition)
This book is unique as it goes beyond the classical academic approach and opts for an approach whereby the theoretical insights are systematically illustrated by concrete cases and exercises. This explains its title: Financial Management in Practice. This approach makes this book very suitable both for financial managers and for university and high school students.Beginning with a description of the current banking and entrepreneurial landscape, the book proceeds to examine the basic concept of financial management. The business plan and financing plan become the working tools in the author's search for optimal financing and in determining the value of the enterprise. This is followed by an analysis of all forms of debt financing such as overdraft, investment credits, straight loans, leasing and factoring.Subsequently, the book examines mezzanine financing, formal and informal venture capital, including business angels and crowdfunding, as well as stock quotations and initial public offerings. The book concludes with a review on the Basel Accords, from the viewpoint of the entrepreneur. This way, the author provides ammunition for managers confronted with banks or venture capitalists who claim that some actions are not possible "because of Basel".The glossary at the end of the book lists the major financial terms to ensure smooth reading. The included tables with annuity factors should facilitate the investment analysis. And last but not least, solutions to the exercises have been included at the back of this book, so that the active reader can evaluate his own solutions."In contrast to the rather academic approach taken by other authors, Professor Aernoudt opts for an approach based on practice, with cases and exercises to enhance understanding of various theoretical approaches. This book therefore fills an important gap".
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regulatory Reform and Competitiveness in Europe, 1: Horizontal Issues
Concerns about European prospects for competitiveness, jobs and growth are high on the European Union agenda and regulatory reform, both at national and EU levels, is widely recognised as a crucial tool for improving the performance of European companies. Despite the single market, selective sectoral regulatory reform and certain reforms at the national level, regulation in Europe still tends to discourage new entrants, impede new production methods and inhibit the exit of existing competitors. It often increases costs without providing compensatory benefits, reduces operational flexibility and distorts capital expenditure, creating obstacles to innovation. The authors in this book argue that regulatory reform can, more often than not, help improve the competitiveness of companies while generating net growth effects for the European Union as a whole.In this book, the authors discuss the horizontal issues involved in regulatory reform. Following an extended introduction by the editors, two general chapters address regulation and growth, and the regulatory burdens and failures in Europe. Other chapters deal with national competition policy, state aid, EU environmental policy, reforms in product markets, labour market reforms, the regulatory environment of small and new firms, and the current, insufficient EU reforms to improve regulatory quality. Throughout the book the authors aim to demonstrate how the market can function more efficiently and offer policy recommendations to show how regulatory reform can improve competitiveness at the firm level as well as performance at the industry, national and EU levels.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Systems of Innovation: Selected Essays in Evolutionary Economics
Books on innovation have proliferated in the last quarter of a century, during what the author describes as 'the Schumpeterian Renaissance'. This volume provides an authoritative account of many of these new developments and represents the foundation of much ongoing research on innovation.This superlative set of essays by Chris Freeman, founder of SPRU and one of the pioneers of innovation studies, will be of interest to anyone wanting to gain a deeper understanding of technical and social change. The wide-scope lens of the author covers topics ranging from business cycles, through National Systems of Innovation to the information technology paradigm. Having this valuable material in a single volume will be welcomed by all those involved in the economics of innovation, be it in theory, policy or practice.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Trust, Social Capital and the Scandinavian Welfare State: Explaining the Flight of the Bumblebee
Denmark exemplifies the puzzle of socio-economic success in Scandinavia. Populations are thriving despite the world s highest levels of tax, generous social benefits and scarce natural resources. It would appear to be a land of paradise for free-riders and those who want 'money for nothing'. However, the national personality is characterized both by cooperation in everyday life and the numerous 'hard-riders' who make extraordinary contributions. Applying Bourdieuconomics, the authors focus on contemporary case studies to explain how social capital and trust are used to counteract free-riding and enable the flight of the Scandinavian welfare state 'bumblebee'.Insightful and interdisciplinary, the authors' approach offers qualitative case studies which explore trust, social capital and wealth in the Scandinavian welfare state. Key to the topic is the authors' discussion of free-riders versus 'hard-riders' as well as civic engagement in the welfare state. The application of Bourdieuconomics, a new theoretical approach, to a range of examples using economics, sociology, anthropology and history, will make this highly cross-disciplinary book accessible to a broad group of readers.This unique work will be of great value to researchers, students, policy makers and all of those who are interested in the fundamental question of how economies work, specifically how people build, exchange and convert tangible as well as intangible forms of capital.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd In Search of Research Excellence: Exemplars in Entrepreneurship
This path-breaking book gathers ?best practices? advice from the masters about how to achieve excellence in entrepreneurship research, how to create an outstanding research career and how to avoid the pitfalls that can sidetrack emerging scholars. Combining narratives from the 2009 and 2010 Entrepreneurship Exemplars Conferences, the authors frame the dialogue using person?environment fit theory and present keynote addresses and dialogue sessions that bring together editors and authors to reach into the unexplored corners of the top-tier research craft. This book makes explicit the tacit knowledge of top-tier research, giving all readers access to ?how-to? advice from research-craft masters. Learn what Howard Aldrich, Jay Barney, Michael Hitt, Duane Ireland, Patricia P. McDougall and S. ?Venkat? Venkataraman have to say about making research efforts count toward building a fulfilling and rewarding research career. Employing a combination of web and text media, this easy-to-read volume caters to researchers who may lack proximity to world-class sounding boards. This guidebook offers a clear portrayal of the realities of progress milestones within a top-tier research career and is a must-read for all emerging scholars ? in entrepreneurship and beyond. This entrepreneurship research best-practices book using the words of the masters is ideally suited to graduate students and their advisors, university administrators, potential and up-and-coming academics and policy makers across many social science disciplines and interests.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Environment, Sustainable Development and Public Policies: Building Sustainability in Brazil
This book presents an interdisciplinary perspective on the possibility of creating a sustainable path of economic development which would not harm the natural environment. It presents concepts, theories, methods and policy advice on sustainability and debates the difficulty in establishing a general notion of sustainability.The authors draw on a number of different disciplines to address the formulation of public policy for sustainable development in Brazil. They analyse the basic principles and motivations for sustainability, provide practical advice on how to coordinate public policies and indicate possible courses of action to reach a sustainable society. The authors conclude that there is a need to recognize the biophysical limits imposed on economics by ecosystems, the levels of participatory decision-making processes and the use of environmental services as a strategy for sustainable development. This book will be welcomed by academics and students working in the areas of ecological and environmental economics, sustainable development, development studies and Latin American studies as well as by policymakers and practitioners.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management
The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management is an authoritative and comprehensive reference resource with almost 400 entries on core HR areas and key concepts. From age discrimination, to zero hours contracts, each entry reflects the views of an expert and authoritative author.The terms included vary from singular concepts such as performance appraisal and industrial conflict, to organisational behaviour terms including organisational culture and commitment; and broader management terms such a resourcing and management development. Each entry provides a list of references and further reading to enable the reader to gain a deeper awareness and understanding of each topic.This book is an ideal companion to a standard HRM textbook, and both undergraduate and postgraduate students will find it to be of value. It will also be useful for academic researchers, HR practitioners and policy specialists looking for a succinct expert summary of key HR concepts.Contributors: S. Ackroyd, M. Alfarhan, C. Allan, B. Antunes, K. Aoki, J. Arrowsmith, M. Atzeni, S. Bagdadli, J. Bailey, C. Bailey, A.B. Bakker, A. Baron, E. Barratt, N. Barter, Y. Baruch, M. Baird, J. Benson, I. Bessa, P.F. Beszter, T. Bondarouk, C. Boon, P. Boselie, G. Boyce, N. Bozionelos, J. Brcic, C. Brewster, J.W. Budd, P.S. Budhwar, J. Burgess, B. Burnes, A. Burton-Jones, C. Butler, D. Cabrelli, T. Campbell, J.A. Carpini, B.B. Caza, A. Cheyne, S. Clibborn, D.G. Collings, N. Conway, F.L. Cooke, N. Cornelious, R. Csiernik, N. Cullinane, J. Cushen, M.T. Dasborough, G. Dix, J. Donaghey, T. Dundon, M. Emmott, E. Farndale, D. Farnham, C.H. Fay, E.C. Fein, A. Felstead, P. Findlay, M. Flynn, C. Forde, H. Francis, E. French, G. Gall, T. Garavan, M. Gilman, P.J. Gollan, M.C. Gonzalez Menendez, M. Greenwood, M. Gregson, D. Grimshaw, M. Hamori, B. Harley, B. Harney, C.M. Harris, G. Healy, J. Heyes, R. Hewett, D. Hislop, A. Hodder, A. Hollings, S. Hughes, S.A. Hurrell, S. Hutchinson, M. Isichei, S. Johnstone, C. Kelliher, J. Kimberley, D. King, M. Kleinmann, E. Knies, P. Ingold, G. Latham, P. Latreille, J. Lewis, D. Lindebaum, S. Luce, M. Maatman, O. Mallett, A. Malik, T. Marchant, M. Marchington, M. Martinez Lucio, M. May, I. McAndrew, J. McBride, A. McDonnell, J. Meijerink, J.P Meyer, M.P. Miceli, J. Miller, M. Moran, M.J. Morley, R. Morrison, K. Moura, P.K. Mowbray D. Muzio, C. Naschberger, J.P. Near, M. Nyfoudi, W. O'Donohue, J.G. O'Gorman, J. O'Mahoney, L. Oliver, A. Panagiotakopoulos, S.K. Parker, M. Pedaci, D. Peetz, S. Pirrioni, A. Poropat, E. Poutsma, V. Priola, S. Procter, A. Psychogios, A. Pyman, N. Ramasamy, S. Ramsay, R. Randall, T. Redman, D.W.S. Renwick, S. Ressia, F. Robson, M. Roche, J.K. Rodriguez, P. Rose, P. Ross, K. Rowan, C. Rowley, B. Russell, K. Sanders, J. Scully, K. Shacklock, D. Shah, M. Sheehan, P. Sheldon, H. Shipton, D.H.K. Shum, M. Simms, N. Skinner, G. Slater, A. Smith, M. Smith, E. Soltani, C. Soo, A. Southcombe, J. Stewart, J. Stirling, M. Stuart, J. Storey, D. Stoyanova-Russell, G. Strachan, L. Tallberg, S. Taylor, S.T.T. Teo, P. Thompson, A. Tian, A. R. Timming, O. Tregaskis, J. Trehy, H.H.M. Tse, P. Turner, P.S. Turner, K. Van De Voorde, M. Van Veldhoven, M. Veld, R. Wapshott, Q. Wei, G. White, A. Wilhelmy, A. Wilkinson, M. Witzel, C. Wolkowitz, G. Wood, S. Wood, A. Wright, C.F. Wright, N. Wu, M. Xerri, Y. Xu, K. You, V. Yukongdi
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on Copyright Law: Second Edition
This second edition has been completely rewritten to reflect recent changes and new trends that have emerged since the popular first edition was published. Copyright law has become a fast moving area, which is reflected in the wealth and diversity of research. This comprehensive Research Handbook is situated at the cutting edge of current copyright research, with each chapter written by a leading author in that particular field.The Research Handbook begins with an examination of fundamental questions such as the historical foundations of copyright, the basic concept of originality and the significant discussion on communication to the public. The contributors then focus on moral rights and the artist resale right. In-depth treatment of specialist topics is provided, including copyright contracts, collective management, issues surrounding streaming and sampling, cultural heritage, orphan works, search engines and the potential for a public policy exclusion. The Research Handbook provides global coverage while also considering specific jurisdictions and private international law.The Research Handbook on Copyright Law is a rich research tool that reflects the wealth and diversity of the ongoing research in copyright. It is essential reading for students and researchers in copyright and intellectual property law, as well as practitioners and policymakers.Contributors include: P.C. Águila, F. Brison, S. Depreeuw, G. Dimita, Y. Gendreau, N.H.B. Hang, M.-C. Janssens, B.J. Jütte, T. Kien, J. Koo, A. Lucas-Schloetter, G. Minero, B. Mullisi, S. Nérisson, J. Pila, E. Rengifo, T. Riis, J. Schovsbo, I.A. Stamatoudi, U. Suthersanen, M.J. Tawfik, P. Torremans, H. Vanhees, C. Waelde
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Islamic Finance in Europe: Towards a Plural Financial System
A thought provoking and scholarly compendium of essays on various important aspects of Islamic finance. The book is wider ranging than its title suggests; the key chapters do focus on the EU, but there are broader and particularly interesting topics including women and Islam and financial stability and development in the context of Islam. Overall a solid assessment of the progress Islamic finance has made in Europe.'- John Presley, Loughborough University, UKHighlighting the impact of current globalization on financial markets, this topical book challenges the universality of Western property rights and interprets Islamic finance in Europe as part of a plural financial system, where different conceptions of economic justice(s) co-exist and influence each other.The contributing authors analyse key economic development and social integration issues from an Islamic perspective and outline the European approach to accommodating Islamic finance, with particular regard to the peculiarities of individual nation-states. Set in this context, the book presents financial pluralism as a device to enhance a level playing field in the global marketplace, as well as to foster a plural open society.Providing a comprehensive and methodological guide to Islamic finance in Europe, this book will prove an illuminating and informative read for academics, students and policymakers with an interest in the impact on financial regulation of an increasingly globalized world.Contributors: S.S. Ali, M. Asutay, V. Cattelan, I.-Z. Cekici, E. de Rosmorduc, J. Ercanbrack, A. Farhoush, G. Gimigliano, M. Mahlknecht, W. Menski, E.M. Napolitano, C. Porzio, D. Scolart, F. Stainier, M.G. Starita, L.M. Visconti, L. Weill
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Nature and Agriculture in the European Union: New Perspectives on Policies that Shape the European Countryside
Nature and agriculture both shape the European countryside and one of the main challenges for the years to come will be to strengthen their interaction for the future development of rural areas. In this valuable and highly topical book, the authors demonstrate how economics and ecology can play a critical role in maintaining and sustaining this relationship.The book identifies the dilemmas facing European agriculture and explores their economic and ecological consequences. The authors believe a better understanding of these problems will be crucial in recognising the potential options for the future role of agriculture and nature policy and will guide the identification of suitable policy instruments. They highlight current threats to the relationship between agriculture and nature - such as abandonment and intensification - and demonstrate how these problems can be resolved by a rational policy mix. The book also provides extensive empirical evidence from four case studies and concludes by scrutinising the major changes in market conditions and the Common Agricultural Policy which could upset this important but fragile balance between agriculture and nature.Providing a state-of-the-art overview of current thinking on the relationship between agriculture and nature in the context of EU policy, this book will be welcomed by policymakers and those studying and working in the fields of agricultural and resource economics, geography, and agri-business.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Decision Making and Risk Management: Selected Essays by Ian Langford
This memorial collection of papers authored and co-authored by Ian Langford represents some of the most thoughtful and innovative contributions to the literature regarding the holistic analysis of environmental and health risk issues. It provides important foundations for the development of a mixed methodological approach to addressing such issues. These carefully chosen papers span a number of disciplines, including statistics, environmental risk analysis, human geography and economics and represent the diversity, innovation and analytical rigour of Ian Langford's writing.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Governance of Privatization Funds: Experiences of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia
Privatization investment funds are the key feature of mass privatization programmes in transitional economies. This book offers a thorough survey of mass privatization programmes in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia, supported with extensive empirical analysis. The study of 'top-down' privatization funds in Poland and 'bottom-up' funds in the Czech Republic and Slovenia offers different solutions to the problem of how to improve the governance of privatization funds. The authors argue that the institutional structure of closed-end investment companies and open-end mutual funds has not provided the right incentives to maximize the value for the shareholders. In addition too many regulations are in place in underdeveloped markets to protect new shareholders unaccustomed to exercising their ownership rights. Instead, the authors argue that they need to promote adjustment in fund portfolios and ownership structures in order to spur the development of capital markets and effective mechanisms of corporate governance.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd In Search of Research Excellence: Exemplars in Entrepreneurship
This path-breaking book gathers ?best practices? advice from the masters about how to achieve excellence in entrepreneurship research, how to create an outstanding research career and how to avoid the pitfalls that can sidetrack emerging scholars. Combining narratives from the 2009 and 2010 Entrepreneurship Exemplars Conferences, the authors frame the dialogue using person?environment fit theory and present keynote addresses and dialogue sessions that bring together editors and authors to reach into the unexplored corners of the top-tier research craft. This book makes explicit the tacit knowledge of top-tier research, giving all readers access to ?how-to? advice from research-craft masters. Learn what Howard Aldrich, Jay Barney, Michael Hitt, Duane Ireland, Patricia P. McDougall and S. ?Venkat? Venkataraman have to say about making research efforts count toward building a fulfilling and rewarding research career. Employing a combination of web and text media, this easy-to-read volume caters to researchers who may lack proximity to world-class sounding boards. This guidebook offers a clear portrayal of the realities of progress milestones within a top-tier research career and is a must-read for all emerging scholars ? in entrepreneurship and beyond. This entrepreneurship research best-practices book using the words of the masters is ideally suited to graduate students and their advisors, university administrators, potential and up-and-coming academics and policy makers across many social science disciplines and interests.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Multilevel Environmental Governance: Managing Water and Climate Change in Europe and North America
The literature on multi-level governance (MLG), an approach that explicitly looks at the system of the many interacting authority structures at work in the global political economy, has grown significantly over the last decade. The authors in this volume examine how multilevel governance (MLG) systems address climate change and water policy.By taking a comparative perspective, the contributors seek to examine the impact of multilevel governance on the environment. They show how the interplay between autonomous governments at the sub-national, federal or supranational and international levels in MLG systems create unique challenges and opportunities. Both cutting greenhouse gas emissions and allocating river flows require tough political or legal decisions that create winners and losers. This book offers a cogent examination of the successes and failures of the United States, European Union, Canada and Australia in grappling with these policy problems.This book will appeal to academics and students of public policy, international affairs and environment studies. Those working in government institutions will find the research both interesting and invaluable.Contributors: D. Benson, D.J. Fiorino, D. Gordon, B.T. Heinmiller, A. Jordan, K. Kern, D. Macdonald, J. Meadowcroft, M. Pallemaerts, B.G. Rabe, I. Weibust
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Sustainability and Global environmental policy: New Perspectives
This important book explores the cutting edge of contemporary environmental policy. It examines key issues and proposes innovative strategies for environmental problems facing us in the twenty-first century.The authors argue that the current structure of human activity is not sustainable and that there is a need for fundamental change in the way the environment is perceived and how decisions affecting the environment are made. They address the subject of environmental policy from the perspective of sustainability and issues related to equity. Included in the discussion is an examination of agricultural sustainability and biodiversity, energy productivity, technological change, ecological sustainability and industrial competitiveness, environmental valuation and the role of international finance for environmental settlements. In conclusion the authors argue for greater social assessment in decision making, and a need to involve a wider population in the decision-making process emphasising democracy, transparency, fairness, reciprocity and community.Sustainability and Global Environmental Policy will be of interest to policymakers in government and non-government institutions and academics working in the fields of environmental and development studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Multinational Enterprises and the Challenge of Sustainable Development
Transnational corporations play a role in the design, diffusion, and consolidation of sustainable development in the context of globalization and multinational firms. In this timely book European and American contributors analyze this role and explore the complex and dynamic phenomena of economic, political, cultural and legal interactions involved. In order to understand this interplay, the authors examine the practices and organizational behaviors used by multinationals in sustainable development. They also discuss the evolving concepts that multinationals hold about sustainable development and corporate social responsibility and how companies reaffirm these philosophies through their strategy and organizational practices such as human resource development, marketing, supply chain, information technology, law, and communications. The authors outline an approach to help identify the key details and motivating factors in decision making.Scholars, students and policy analysts in the fields of business, ecology, economic development and developmental economics and consultants focusing in corporate planning and strategic analysis will find this original collection of great value.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Exploitation of Intellectual Property Rights: In Search of the Right Balance
This perceptive book focuses on the interplay between the substantive provisions of intellectual property (IP) rights and the rules of enforcement. Featuring contributions from internationally recognised IP scholars, the book investigates different methods of ensuring that IP contractual and enforcement practices support the overall goals of the IP system.Providing a comprehensive overview of contemporary issues in IP protection, including online content moderation, right of access, and copyright contract law, this book presents an interdisciplinary perspective on intellectual property rights around the world. The contributing authors explore algorithmic decision-making in IP rights, the practice of music sampling in relation to piracy, and an evaluation of the adequacy of statutory fair compensation provisions for authors and performers. The book also proposes a series of solutions for future international copyright issues and legislations limiting contractual freedom.This book will be a valuable resource for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners in intellectual property law.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Enforcement Networks: Concepts, Implementation and Effectiveness
For some time now, environmental enforcement networks have been part of the very fabric of environmental law. Yet, academic research has somewhat neglected them. This book is a game-changer. It shows just how 'smart' enforcement networks have become, and indeed need to be, in the never-ending struggle for effectiveness of environmental protection: they operate horizontally or vertically, locally and globally, top-down and bottom-up, often through citizens engagement and always in search for greater effectiveness. The book's contributions from a wide range of environmental scholars and professionals give the impression of a fascinating new development, i.e. the increasing role of civil society in global environmental governance.'- Klaus Bosselmann, University of Auckland, New Zealand'This book is a fascinating and original study of a little known phenomenon of environmental enforcement networks. In 26 chapters of this volume the reader is presented with ample examples of environmental enforcement networks in the world. The editors of this book achieved a great success in presenting this question in almost all continents. The contributing authors of this book, theorists and practitioners, present an in-depth overview of the role of networks in compliance with environmental obligations. It is a very well-informed and honest book, from which a very complex picture of enforcement networks emerges. This volume is one of the most important and indispensable contributions to understanding the problem of the enforcement of environmental law in general.'- Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Queen Mary University of London, UKCompliance and enforcement is a fundamental issue within environmental law. But despite its pertinence, it is an area that has been neglected in academic research. Addressing this gap, this timely book considers the circumstances under which networking can increase the effectiveness of environmental enforcement.Presenting a general theory of how and why networking can increase the effectiveness of environmental enforcement, expert contributors ascertain the potential benefits of environmental enforcement networks. Specific criteria and benchmarks are provided, indicating under which circumstances networking may increase the competency of environmental enforcement. The book explores theoretical and empirical discussions of the benefits of networks, offering a discerning assessment of enforcement networks' influence on environmental protection. It also examines issue based examples of networks, such as networks dealing with transboundary waste or wildlife. In addition to this, environmental enforcement in particular areas, such as the US, Europe, Australia or Africa, is considered. Academics in environmental law and policy will benefit from this thorough overview of an important phenomenon. In addition, practitioners and policy makers will appreciate the valuable insights presented.Contributors include: M. Angelov, B. Araba Adjei, G. Baldwin, K. Bergamini, S.E. Bromm, L. Cashman, T. Circelli, M. De Bree, H. De Haas, P. De Smedt, M. Faure, W. Fawcett, D. Fest Grabiel, J. Gemmell, J. Gerardu, F. Geysels, R.G. Heiss, E. Janssen, E.B. Kasimbazi, M. Koparova, D. Kopsick, L. Lavrysen, J. Lehane, X. Lu, G. Lubieniecki, K. Markowitz, P. Meerman, L. Mensah, J.C. Monckeberg, G. Opondo, L. Paddock, C. Pérez, G. Pink, H. Qin, H. Ruessink, Z. Sava an, A. Stas, G.M. Vagliasindi, E. Van Asch, J. Yang, D. Zaelke
Equinox Publishing Ltd Writing the Pandemic: An Instructor's Reflections on a New Era in Education
Writing the Pandemic addresses the many challenges that writing instructors and students have faced since the arrival of COVID-19 and their ramifications for teaching and learning, including: Instructional Delivery – in-person, hybrid, and remote classes; Campus and Classroom Protocols – masking, distancing, and cleaning; Safety – quarantining, isolating, and reporting; and Justice – antiracism, political divides, and implications for education. The book is intended for an audience of first-year college composition teachers and other English and language arts instructors at the postsecondary and secondary levels who have experienced the seismic shifts in writing instruction and education more generally that have been necessitated by the pandemic. The author paints portraits of the pandemic experience that writing teachers and their students will relate to and offers practical learning material that can be used in writing courses. An original compilation of material on this theme, Writing the Pandemic includes reflections by a highly experienced writing instructor and his students together with ready-to-use assignments. It is written in a lively style by the author of English Composition Teacher’s Guidebook, Tom Mulder, an award-winning instructor who teaches at Grand Rapids Community College in Michigan. With each chapter, the author offers selected notes blogged at intervals during critical incidents in the unfolding coronavirus as well as individual students’ stories along with their photographs, both inside composition classrooms adapted for distanced learning and writing or working from home. He also presents questions for reflection and his own speculations about the future that are sure to stimulate readers’ own thoughts about what has changed, and how much, as a result of the pandemic, and about what writing instruction will look like going forward.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Economists of the Early 20th Century, Volume 1: Studies of Neglected Thinkers of Belgium, France, The Netherlands and Scandinavia
Most of the existing literature on European history of economic thought concentrates on the major works of leading figures such as von Bohm-Bawerk, Menger, Pareto, Walras, Weber and Wicksell. These economists exerted enormous influences on the development of economics, despite their differing theories and approaches. Yet, there were many other economists whose contribution to the field has not been described in existing literature. This book resurrects these forgotten economists and presents 17 specially commissioned essays on their lives and contributions to economics. As such this book presents a fuller picture of the development of economics in Europe during the late 19th and early 20th century.The authors examine the economists' original ideas, and discuss how their work contributed to the development of economic thought. In addition the contributors look at the spread of ideas, of their acceptance or rejection, which can be explained partly by physical and linguistic or national isolation. They also consider influences on economic thought both between and within countries, and of other disciplines on economics; and as a consequence a sense of national identity in the practice of economics is developed. Finally, the authors present ideas on the path-dependent process of the development of economics and of the alternative paths that were around at the time, as well as on the origins of econometrics and differing attitudes towards statistical and mathematical approaches.This long-overdue addition to the literature will be welcomed by historians of economic thought, those studying the lives of economists as well as those interested in the philosophy and evolution of economics.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Political Economy and Feasibility of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies: Insights from the History of Economic Thought
In The Political Economy and Feasibility of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Spencer J. Pack brings his authority as a scholar and advisor to this study of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies from the perspective of the history of economic thought. Major theorists analyzed in depth include Aristotle, Smith, Law, Marx, Keynes, Rothbard and Hayek, and the book draws extensively upon the ideas of Schumpeter, Galbraith and Sraffa.The book argues for reconceptualization of the basic microeconomic categories into rental, sale and financial asset prices along with a reconsideration of Keynes’ general theory to his special theory and Rothbard’s relationship to Rousseau. The author posits that intense theoretical and practical struggles will continue over who should control the quantity of money, the cause of the capitalist economy’s instability, and who or what is more dangerous: concentrated centers of private wealth and private enterprises or the contemporary state. He concludes that in terms of the quality of money, the cryptocurrency community is probably correct, with new forms of money potentially being better than sovereign fiat currency.The book’s relevance will appeal to members of the history of economic thought community, economic theorists, and political science and political theory scholars as well as to policy makers and members of the cryptocurrency community.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics: A Guide for Students and Decision-Makers, Second Edition
This thoroughly revised and updated edition of a classic text provides a comprehensive, non-technical overview of the principles of environmental and resource economics. The distinguished group of authors offers both an introduction to the economic causes and consequences of environmental and resource problems and an assessment of recent developments in environmental policy instruments and corporate responses to environmental problems.Comprehensive and authoritative, this new edition of Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics offers a non-technical state-of-the-art review which will be widely used as a teaching tool for upper undergraduate students and above as well as a reference point for practitioners and researchers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education
'The long-standing debate about entrepreneurship education has been given renewed impetus by the advent of experiential learning and student entrepreneurship. It is imperative therefore that entrepreneurship education research can make a contribution to our understanding about the direction and effectiveness of entrepreneurship education. In this volume, Alain Fayolle and an eminent set of contributors lay out frameworks and directions to guide much needed rigorous future research in this important area.'- Mike Wright, Imperial College London, UK'This book offers insightful and actionable ideas for improving entrepreneurship education, its evaluation and its underlying research process. Alain's compendium offers readers a deep dive into the underlying issues in teaching entrepreneurship, and goes beyond North American efforts to showcase European approaches. A worthwhile read for every entrepreneurship educator.'- Jerome A. Katz, Saint Louis University, US Elgar Research Agendas outline the future of research in a given area. Leading scholars are given the space to explore their subject in provocative ways, and map out the potential directions of travel. They are relevant but also visionary.Edited by Alain Fayolle, this Research Agenda tackles the need for additional and robust intellectual foundations in entrepreneurship education, both at theoretical and methodological levels. The authors show that it is essential to connect entrepreneurship education more firmly with societal demands. Identifying two key issues, the eminent authors first question what the current pedagogies and practices in entrepreneurship education are. Secondly, the authors question what knowledge is known about the relevancy, usefulness and efficiency of the current practices in entrepreneurship education. This book calls for a pragmatic and critical approach in the development of perspectives in entrepreneurship education. This book presents innovative ideas and provocative contributions to the debate with the intention of generating significant new concepts for future researchers, policy makers and practitioners in entrepreneurship. Contributors include: N. Alabduljader, Y. Baggen, A. Bernal, R. Bliss, S. Bureau, D. De Clercq, A. Donnellon, A. Fayolle, M. Fetters, J. Gabrielsson, P. Greene, G. Hagg, B. Honig, B. Johannisson, P. Kyrö, H. Landstrom, T. Lans, F. Linan, M. Loi, B. Martin, J. McNally, L. Ploum, D. Politis, R. Ramani, G. Solomon
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Spirituality, Organization and Neoliberalism: Understanding Lived Experiences
This book brings together analyses from across the social sciences to develop an interdisciplinary approach to understanding spiritualities and neoliberalism. It traces the lived experience of social actors as they engage with new and alternative spiritualities in neoliberal contexts. An international group of authors in anthropology, sociology, religious studies, political science, critical management studies explore the contemporary flourishing of subjectivities centred on a variety of spiritual practices and imaginaries. The book analyses the social and organisational mechanisms that underlie the generation of 'enterprising' and 'competitive' subjectivities engaged in transforming inner selves and social environments in accordance with prevailing neoliberal economic rationalities. Contributions draw on a wide range of empirical settings around the world to discuss the role of subjectivities in organizations. The purpose of the book is to provide specific insights into how neoliberalism is resisted, contested or reproduced through a transformative ethic of spiritual self-realization. Researchers, academics and Masters level students in a range of social science disciplines, including anthropology, sociology, human geography, and organization studies will find this book relevant reading. Contributors include: I. Abraham, E. Bell, L. Cortois, S. Gog, A.-R. Kaupinnen, J.D. LoRusso, D. Miller, K. Navazhylava, A. Peticca-Harris, G. Shanahan, A. Simionca, S. Taylor, K. Valaskivi, T. Vine, A. Yankellevich
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Women Entrepreneurs and the Global Environment for Growth: A Research Perspective
Women?s entrepreneurship research and the understanding of factors influencing the growth of women-owned business have advanced significantly over the last decade. Yet, challenges remain. Women Entrepreneurs and the Global Environment for Growth provides wide-ranging insights on the challenges that women entrepreneurs face growing their businesses and how these may be addressed. This volume is rooted in research and considers growth challenges, provoking thought and enriching the current literature on gender and entrepreneurship. Part I highlights how contextual factors, and especially social and familial settings of entrepreneurs, have a differential impact on men and women. Part II examines strategies, constraints and enablers of growth and performance. The authors aptly demonstrate that a well-focused gender lens is necessary to better explain the phenomenon of women?s entrepreneurship. Extending previous studies about women?s entrepreneurship, this volume is unique in its application of research from the Diana Project, a path-breaking initiative dating from 1999 to study female entrepreneurial success. Contributions from an international cast of authors make this a comprehensive and broadly appealing reference work.Lending a fresh perspective to the field, this book will serve not only as a learning tool and teaching implement but will cultivate further progress in women?s entrepreneurship. As such, it is ideally suited for students and scholars of entrepreneurship and women?s studies, policy-makers, economic development analysts and gender researchers.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Marketing Firm: Economic Psychology of Corporate Behaviour
This book provides an expert analysis of the theory of the marketing firm by drawing upon operant psychology, economic theory and marketing to argue that all firms exist in order to market. The authors explore the nature of bilateral interdependence and suggest a framework to analyze the collaborative and competitive mutually reinforcing relationships within which the firm acts. The Marketing Firm leverages the power of case study design to operationalize and test the central propositions of this nascent approach to the study of firm behavior from an economic psychology perspective. The authors develop and detail an entirely appropriate methodology for operationalizing and testing a number of propositions through the examination and analysis of comprehensive secondary data published by the UK Competition Commission. The findings clearly support the central propositions on firm action and provide valuable insights for expanding the theory of the marketing firm. The Marketing Firm will be invaluable for researchers interested in behavior analysis and the theory of the firm and for post-graduate students in microeconomics, institutional economics, marketing and research methods.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Managing Social Issues: A Public Values Perspective
This book examines how governments, non-profit and private organizations, and local networks understand the connections between public values and social issues.Western societies face complex social issues and a growing diversity of views on how these should be addressed. The traditional view focuses on government and public policy but neglects the initiatives that non-profit and private organizations and local networks take. This book presents a broader variety of viewpoints and theories. Looking at various cases, the authors analyze conflicting values and interests, actors' understandings of the public values related to social issues, and their action to create what they regard as public value. Drawing together these perspectives the authors point the way to how government and the private and voluntary sectors can work in tandem to resolve social issues.The study will prove insightful for researchers and students in fields such as governance studies, public administration, public sector management, organization studies, non-profit and voluntary organizations, civil society, public policy, social policy and social issues in management. The policy focus of the book will also draw the interest of policy makers in governmental and non-governmental organizations.Contributors: P. Boselie, G.A. Brewer, I. Claringbould, A. de Ruijter, E. Farndale, M. Gastelaars, K. Grint, C. Holt, D.M. Hosking, E. Knies, A. Knoppers, M. Koster, P. Leisink, J. Paauwe, R. Spaaij, W. Vandenabeele, R. van Berkel, M. van Bottenburg, E. van Dijk, F. van Eekeren, H.J. van Rinsum, J. Vermeulen
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology
Economic methodology has traditionally been associated with logical positivism in the vein of Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Imre Lakatos and Thomas Kuhn. However, the emergence and proliferation of new research programs in economics have stimulated many novel developments in economic methodology. This impressive Companion critically examines these advances in methodological thinking, particularly those that are associated with the new research programs which challenge standard economic methodology. Bringing together a collection of leading contributors to this new methodological thinking, the authors explain how it differs from the past and point towards further concerns and future issues. The recent research programs explored include behavioral and experimental economics, neuroeconomics, new welfare theory, happiness and subjective well-being research, geographical economics, complexity and computational economics, agent-based modeling, evolutionary thinking, macroeconomics and Keynesianism after the crisis, and new thinking about the status of the economics profession and the role of the media in economics. This important compendium will prove invaluable for researchers and postgraduate students of economic methodology and the philosophy of economics. Practitioners in the vanguard of new economic thinking will also find plenty of useful information in this path-breaking book.Contributors: A. Alexandrova, E. Angner, R.E. Backhouse, B.W. Bateman, P.L. Borrill, L. Bruni, D. Colander, J.B. Davis, K. Dopfer, P. Garcia Duarte, D.W. Hands, D.M. Haybron, F. Heukelom, G.M. Hodgson, K. Juselius, U. Mäki, C. Marchionni, T. Mata, P. Mirowski, P.L. Porta, D. Ross, A.C. Santos, L. Tesfatsion, P. Tubaro, K. Vela Velupillai, J. Vromen, L.R. Wray, S. Zambelli
Intersentia Ltd Entrepreneurship: no guts, no glory
Entrepreneurship: no guts, no glory is a provocative scientifically reasoned book about the impact of entrepreneurship on the economy and our quality of life. Until recently, entrepreneurs that failed were shamed publicly. While this is no longer the case, we are still far away from a society where failure is tolerated and entrepreneurship encouraged. In this book, entrepreneurship is discussed from inception to growth; from unicorns to zombies; from success to failure; from offshoring to reshoring. The author argues for an enterprise and entrepreneurship-friendly ecosystem in Europe, where there is a place and space for industry, where public administration is considered less important than industry and where entrepreneurship policy - and not employment policy - is utilised to create employment. The key to achieving this is not subsidies, but risk-sharing, venture financing, business angels, crowdfunding, incubators, accelerators, reshoring, second chance policy and a real industrial policy. 'Isn't life too short to work for a boss?' With this opening question the author obliges the critical reader to take a stance. The statement indicates that entrepreneurship is about culture. It is a mindset. It is about having guts.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Economic Law and the Digital Divide: A New Silk Road?
This path-breaking book focuses on the WTO, e-commerce and information communications technologies. It sheds light on how international economic law can be used as a tool in the application of technological processes to facilitate development in developing countries.Rohan Kariyawasam begins by looking predominantly at the rise of international digital networks. He offers an introduction to the networks used in the delivery of electronic products and network-based transactions, and the application of WTO law to the sector. He then suggests how developing countries can use economic law and technology to tap digital markets in the developed world. The book also argues that the advance of basic living standards in some developing countries can be achieved through technological processes, but that this cannot happen without such states paying greater attention to the enforcement of economic, social and cultural rights at home. Picking up the property rights debate (including through bilateral trade), the author argues that ensuring beneficial technology transfer will require balancing foreign investor rights to protect intellectual property. It will also involve restrictions imposed by competition law and WTO surveillance to check the possible misuse of market power by multinational companies. The proposed mixture of measures should, he argues, provide incentives for Foreign Direct Investment.Providing a thorough review of the application of WTO law to the telecommunications sector and the regulation of international digital networks, this book will be of great interest to postgraduate students in international economic law and international development law, as well as those interested in human rights law and technology. It will also appeal to government regulators, NGOs and technologists interested in ICTs and development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Media, Technology and Copyright: Integrating Law and Economics
Media, Technology and Copyright is an interdisciplinary work that applies economic theory to central topical issues in the law of intellectual property. Based on the author's professional experience as a professor, lecturer, and consultant, the volume represents the first full-length consideration of the diverse topics of law and copyright by a professional economist. Opening chapters of the book involve issues in the analog domain, including the economics of infringement, fair use, property damages, liability rules, compulsory licensing, and publicity rights. Chapters on digital rights include topics related to software, databases, and cyber-law, including digital rights management, file-sharing, music licensing, deep linking, framing, and contributory infringement. The author also brings economic insights to competition law for intellectual property, including antitrust, copyright misuse, and applications in the European Union.Written in non-technical language for an interdisciplinary audience of lawyers, economists, students, artists, and professionals in the content industry, the book provides a comprehensive study for anyone interested in the issues surrounding intellectual property rights.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Competition Law: The Impact of the Commission’s Guidance on Article 102
This timely book, with contributions from prominent experts including Luis Ortiz Blanco, Valentine Korah, Ernst-Joachim Mestmacker, Lorenzo F. Pace and Richard Whish, examines the novel aspects of the 2009 Guidance on Article 102. They present a critical assessment of the Guidance that could be relevant to the result of the ongoing Commission's investigations, for example, the opened procedure against Google. Moreover, the contributing authors identify the differences between the Guidance and the prohibition of exclusionary abuses in some member states (including France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Spain) and reveal the ways in which the relevant national laws treat exclusionary abuses, and assess how they differ from the approach of the Guidance. They also reveal the history and development of the relevant national legislation on prohibitions of unilateral conduct. European Competition Law: The Impact of the Guidance on Article 102 will prove to be invaluable to academics and postgraduate students reading EU law, antitrust law and EU competition law. European law researchers and antitrust lawyers will also find much to appeal to them in this essential resource.Contributors include: V. Korah, E.-J. Mestmacker, L. Ortiz Blanco, L.F. Pace, C. Prieto, R. Whish
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Market Based Instruments: National Experiences in Environmental Sustainability
This detailed book explores how market based environmental strategies are used in various countries around the world. It investigates how successful sustainability strategies used by one country can be transferred and used successfully in other countries, with a minimum of new research and experimentation. Leading environmental taxation scholars discuss this question and analyse a set of key case studies.This enriching and detailed book will appeal to policy makers in government, as well as to professors in environmental law, environmental economics and environmental sustainability programmes. Students in these fields will also find much to benefit them in this book.Contributors include: M. Böhm, B. Butcher, J.F. Colares, J. Cottrell, E. de Lemos Pinto Aydos, T. Falcão, S. Gao, C. Ge, M. Horne, Y. Ito, T. Kawakatsu, M. Krahé, L. Kreiser, Q. Liu, C. Qin, Y. Ren, E. Rhodes, S. Rudolph, R. Smale, H. Sprohge, R. Tavallali, J. Wang, J. Ward
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Law, Economics and Cyberspace: The Effects of Cyberspace on the Economic Analysis of Law
This book argues that the Internet revolution should exert a far more significant influence on economic thinking and on the perception of law. The authors acknowledge that the economic analysis of law provides a potentially powerful framework for evaluating regulatory approaches to the Internet. However, they question the capacity of traditional law and economics models to define the scope of legal intervention, both in cyberspace and in other more traditional markets which have also been influenced by the recent technological revolution.The book examines the conventional application of law and economics, and contends that the new reality of cyberspace transforms the basic theoretical tenets of this approach and requires fresh conceptual thinking. It challenges fundamental concepts such as the notion of work as linked to the workplace, the notion of community as linked to geographical space, the sources of law and their traditional connection with the state, the belief that proxies and representatives are indispensable for collective action and public decision-making processes, and the role of technology and its relationship with the law. It covers the analysis of both economic and non-economic markets, and includes a thorough examination of legislation, case law and the academic literature relating to cyberspace. The authors conclude that there is pressing need for re-evaluating the analytical tools used to study the information environment, and propose an innovative approach for the role of technology within the law and economics framework.This book represents a groundbreaking attempt to critically analyze the suitability of traditional law and economics for the new digital environment. Scholars and students working in the field of law and economics, and lawyers interested in technology, intellectual property, cyberlaw and governance will find this a stimulating and thought-provoking volume.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Law: An Introduction
Although many books focus on law and economics, and environmental economics, this is one of the first to combine the two topics in a fully integrated and comprehensive manner. The authors successfully bridge the gap between the disciplines of environmental law and traditional economics in a lucid and highly accessible style.The Economic Analysis of Environmental Policy and Law covers many of the recent advances in the field and attempts to integrate some of the most crucial legal and economic instruments which, in the authors' view, have not yet been subjected to proper analysis. These include zoning, expropriation, licensing, third party liability, safety regulation, mandatory insurance and criminal sanctions. The authors pay particular attention to the interrelationships of these instruments and their various economic effects. Using a comparative law and economics methodology, they are also able to incorporate environmental law with international policy and investigate the many diverse rules of the legal system and their implementation in different countries. Crucially, the authors do not consider economics as the exclusive determinant in legal rule-making. They also highlight the need for ethical considerations and illustrate the potential limitations of pure economic analysis.The book assumes no prior knowledge of economics and will prove informative and rewarding for students of law and the social and natural sciences, especially those with an interest in environmental policy. With an extensive reference list and detailed notes on further reading material, this book will also serve as a stimulating introduction to the discipline of law and economics for environmental, political and legal practitioners.
The Economics of the Environment is a working collection of the leading papers in the field of environmental economics. It presents within the compass of a single volume the two central issues in environmental economics: the theory and practice of economic regulation and the valuation of environmental amenities. Wallace E. Oates has included both the classics, the seminal papers in the field, and some of the recent work that is making an important contribution to the economic analysis of environmental problems.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Innovation Spaces in Asia: Entrepreneurs, Multinational Enterprises and Policy
Innovation Spaces in Asia provides insight into how and why Asia is poised to impact global innovation. Asia is undergoing rapid developments in markets, sources of technology and user preferences. This book provides an empirical understanding and initial conceptualization of these dynamic processes, including the role of multinational enterprises, entrepreneurship and public policy.The accomplished contributors explore case studies of entrepreneurs and large companies in Asia in order to discuss the ways in which customers, institutions and firms, both domestic and foreign, are interacting to affect global processes of innovation and production. Innovation spaces are analyzed within Asian countries and firms, from Asia to the world, and from the world to Asian countries.Students and researchers pursuing innovation, international business and entrepreneurship will find this to be a useful read. This book will also be of interest to innovation managers and public policy practitioners looking for a thorough guide on the topic.Contributors: S. Bagchi-Sen, E. Bourelos, X. Chen, G. Cheng, E. Deiaco, P. Fan, E. Gifford, S.J. Haakonsson, M. Holgersson, C. Jeding, J. Jin, P. Kedron, K. Lagerström, A.H. Lassen, R. Lema, X. Liu, M. McKelvey, T.A. Meraxa, T. Schunder, R. Schweizer, D. Slepniov, Y. Wang, O. Zaring, Z. Zhang
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Promises, Promises: Contracts in Russia and other Post-Communist Economies
Promises, Promises examines from a libertarian perspective, the differing methods and levels of success of adapting contract law in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and especially Russia in the wake of political change. The author analyses the roles of government power and policy, opportunism and private regulatory mechanisms within the pattern of change.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Accessibility, Equity and Efficiency: Challenges for Transport and Public Services
This book uses the powerful lens of accessibility analysis to answer questions in spatial development, travel behavior, facilities planning, locational efficiency, metropolitan resilience, and more. Its pragmatic and empirical approach - and its bringing together of leading accessibility scholars into a single volume - make it an invaluable reference for scholars and policymakers in the areas of transportation, land use, and public-service provision.'- Jonathan Levine, University of Michigan, US'Efficiency and equity are key issues in accessibility studies. Infrastructure investment should be as economically efficient as possible while ensuring a basic level of accessibility for all social groups and territories. This book is set within the complex relationship between efficiency and equity, providing a number of contributions that reveal the importance of accessibility on regional growth, access to services, house prices, modal choice and transport policies. The authors of these chapters are leading researchers in different disciplines making high level contributions in the field of accessibility. Without a doubt, this book will be very attractive for readers interested in accessibility and transportation.'- Javier Gutiérrez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SpainLeading researchers from around the world show, in this volume, the importance of accessibility in contemporary issues such as rural depopulation, investments in public services and public transport, and transport infrastructure investments in Europe. The trade-offs between accessibility, economic development and equity are comprehensively examined, and a variety of approaches to measuring accessibility and equality presented. The book's interdisciplinary contributions also provide different geographical contexts, from the US to various European and developing countries, and cover ex ante and ex post evaluation of transport investment.Improving transport accessibility is a main objective in transport policy and planning in developed and developing countries all over the world. Investment is motivated by the need to develop and/or reduce spatial or social inequalities. However, the economic and equity implications of investments in transport are not straightforward. The concepts of accessibility and equity can be defined and operationalized in many different ways, influencing outcomes and conclusions. Moreover, equity and efficiency goals are often conflicting. Accessibility models not only help to explain spatial and transport patterns in developed and developing countries but are also powerful tools to explain the equity and efficiency impacts of urban and transport policies and projects.This state-of-the-art overview of the accessibility-economic efficiency-equity relationship will appeal to researchers as well as transport and urban planners interested in accessibility issues and transport/regional developments.Contributors: P.R. Anciães, B. Büttner, K. Button, Z. Chen, P. Christidis, H. Demirel, T.P. Dentinho, J. Evans, K.T. Geurs, M. Kompil, K.J. Krizek, L. La Paix, D. Levinson, E. López, D.P. McArthur, P. Mogush, A. Monzón, R. Neiva, E. Ortega, L. Osland, C. Pakissi, R. Patuelli, B.A. Portnov, I. Thorsen, J. Ubøe, G. Wulfhorst
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook of Entrepreneurship and Marketing
This timely and incisive Handbook provides critical contemporary insights into the theory and practice of entrepreneurship and marketing in the twenty-first century. Bringing together rich and varied contributions from prominent international researchers, it offers a reflective synthesis of scholarship at the interface between marketing and entrepreneurship. Emphasising the need for contextual analysis of marketing and entrepreneurial practices, this Handbook explores the effectiveness of a variety of behaviours, supporting its insights with relevant theory. Chapters cover areas such as innovation, strategy and networking for SMEs, social media and crowdfunding, and entrepreneurial marketing in the arts, including a focus on the growing phenomenon of cultural entrepreneurship. Scholars and postgraduate students in entrepreneurship and marketing, and particularly those working on the intersections between them, will find this Handbook an invaluable read. Its examination of the efficacy of various practices will also be of great interest to marketing professionals and entrepreneurs themselves. Contributors include: C. Ball, A. Bayraktar, S. Brown, D. Cummins, J.H. Deacon, N. Dennis, E. Erdogan, I. Fillis, J.B. Ford, I.S. Fraser, P.J. Fraser, L. Frondigoun, E. Gallagher, A. Gilmore, V. Gustafsson, B. Hynes, B. Jones, R. Jones, M. Kelly, F. Kerrigan, A. Kincaid, T.A. Kirchner, O.F. Lee, K. Lehman, E. Lloyd-Parkes, S. Loane, M. Macaulay, S. Mawson, M.P. Miles, S. Mirvahedi, S.C. Morrish, T. Morrow, S. Mottner, E.L. Ngan, K. Nightingale, R. Noorda, A. Patterson, C. Preece, E. Ramsey, R. Rentschler, E. Ritch, V.L. Rodner, J.E. Schroeder, Z. Sethna, R. Shannon, A.M.J. Smith, R. Smith, M. Suoranta, N. Telford, P. Tjabbes, C. Uslay
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Elgar Companion to Recent Economic Methodology
Economic methodology has traditionally been associated with logical positivism in the vein of Milton Friedman, Karl Popper, Imre Lakatos and Thomas Kuhn. However, the emergence and proliferation of new research programs in economics have stimulated many novel developments in economic methodology. This impressive Companion critically examines these advances in methodological thinking, particularly those that are associated with the new research programs which challenge standard economic methodology. Bringing together a collection of leading contributors to this new methodological thinking, the authors explain how it differs from the past and point towards further concerns and future issues. The recent research programs explored include behavioral and experimental economics, neuroeconomics, new welfare theory, happiness and subjective well-being research, geographical economics, complexity and computational economics, agent-based modeling, evolutionary thinking, macroeconomics and Keynesianism after the crisis, and new thinking about the status of the economics profession and the role of the media in economics. This important compendium will prove invaluable for researchers and postgraduate students of economic methodology and the philosophy of economics. Practitioners in the vanguard of new economic thinking will also find plenty of useful information in this path-breaking book.Contributors: A. Alexandrova, E. Angner, R.E. Backhouse, B.W. Bateman, P.L. Borrill, L. Bruni, D. Colander, J.B. Davis, K. Dopfer, P. Garcia Duarte, D.W. Hands, D.M. Haybron, F. Heukelom, G.M. Hodgson, K. Juselius, U. Mäki, C. Marchionni, T. Mata, P. Mirowski, P.L. Porta, D. Ross, A.C. Santos, L. Tesfatsion, P. Tubaro, K. Vela Velupillai, J. Vromen, L.R. Wray, S. Zambelli
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Impact Assessment and Sustainable Development: European Practice and Experience
Translation of the principle of sustainable development into policy and practice, and the evaluation of the outcomes of these strategic interventions, are some of the most pressing challenges facing policymakers in Europe and beyond. The chapters in this book contribute to the debate surrounding these challenges. By exploring the conceptual and methodological issues relating to the evaluation of sustainable development and analysing European practice and experience, this work provides a coherent and integrated contribution to our understanding of these issues. With contributions from a distinguished international group of authors, this book will be of interest to researchers, policy analysts and practitioners in the area of impact assessment and sustainable development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Contingency, Complexity and the Theory of the Firm: Essays in Honour of Brian J. Loasby, Volume II
This is the second book celebrating Brian Loasby's contribution to economics by an internationally renowned group of authors including Mark Casson, G.B. Richardson, Nicolai Foss, Keith Pavitt, Martin Fransman and Richard Day. It extends Brian Loasby's work in the area of the theory of the firm and related methodological issues. This book is mainly concerned with the theory of the firm, a subject central to much of Brian Loasby's work. The authors begin by considering the existence and nature of firms and their internal and external relations, paying special attention to the themes of coordination and communication costs in a world of surprise and change. The discussion then moves on to the way in which firms use and create knowledge and capabilities, referring to questions of organization, with some detailed empirical investigation of high technology industries. The final part focuses on methodological issues including rationality, knowledge, incommensurability and equilibrium, in the context of different traditions. This book will be welcomed by microeconomists especially those interested in the theory of the firm and methodology.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Effectuation: Elements of Entrepreneurial Expertise
To effectuate is to engage in a specific type of entrepreneurial action. It has special importance for situations where the future is truly unknowable or human agency is of primary importance. In this new and updated edition of the bestselling Effectuation, Saras Sarasvathy explores the theory and techniques of non-predictive control for creating new firms, markets and economic opportunities.Using empirical and theoretical work done in collaboration with Nobel Laureate Herbert A. Simon, the author employs methods from cognitive science and behavioral economics to develop the notion of entrepreneurial expertise and effectuation. Supportive empirical evidence is provided by the author’s study of 27 entrepreneurs as well as other independent studies. The book then traces the consequences of effectuation for business management, economics and social philosophy. The author finds that effectuators generate constraint-satisfying solutions rather than searching for optimal ones, make rather than find opportunities, and in a deep sense, convert ‘as-if’ propositions into ‘even-if’ ones. The way they accomplish this is the central discussion of the book.Students and scholars of entrepreneurship will find this path-breaking research of great value. The book’s conclusions will also be of interest to those in the fields of behavioral and evolutionary economics, cognitive science and management.Praise for the first edition:‘The concept of effectuation is as subtle as it is profound. On the one hand, it challenges long held beliefs about the nature of cause and effect in social science. On the other hand, it generates a host of new insights about social phenomena. This concept is particularly well suited to analyzing entrepreneurial behavior – behaviors undertaken in settings where the relationship between cause and effect is understood, at best, very poorly.’– Jay B. Barney, The Ohio State University, US‘Things rarely turn out as we expected or intended. Neither rational choice between well-defined prospects nor commitment to a vision, which can be realised by will power or persuasion, offers a credible representation of much human activity – even the activities of entrepreneurs. But although uncertainty (or unknowledge) is inescapable it may be productively managed. If we understand our present circumstances and some of its possibilities, build constructive relationships with others, and be ready to adjust both our objectives and the means of achieving them in order to take advantage of new contingencies, then we can at least participate in shaping our own future. By taking this perspective Saras Sarasvathy makes entrepreneurship a natural human activity, expressing the limitations and potential of human motivation and human intelligence.’– Brian J. Loasby, University of Stirling, UK‘In Effectuation Saras Sarasvathy presents a carefully researched and reasoned view of entrepreneurial behavior that both challenges and extends prevailing wisdom in the field. There is little doubt that these ideas will serve as an important foundation for anyone desirous of stimulating positive action in the world. With Effectuation we are equipped to provide a generation of students and managers with the methods to make and find opportunities that create value. . . everywhere.’– Leonard A. Schlesinger, President, Babson College, US
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Provision of Public Services in Europe: Between State, Local Government and Market
The book is the first of its kind to provide a comparative analysis of the provision of social and public services in France, Italy, Germany, the UK and Norway. This volume, co-authored by leading national experts, topically examines whether, when, how and why the delivery of social and public services, which was historically a responsibility of local authorities, has been significantly shifted to marketized and commodified forms. However, despite this considerable change, there have been recent indications of remunicipalization in some sectors. Combining both cross-country and cross-policy comparisons in a broad range of pertinent service fields, this volume fills a noticeable gap in the international literature currently available.Mirroring the underlying interdisciplinary approach of the book, the findings will be useful and attractive to students of law and economics as well as political science and sociology. Academic researchers and politicians on all intergovernmental levels will also find this book insightful and stimulating.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Elder Law: Evolving European Perspectives
Population ageing poses a huge challenge to law and society, carrying important structural and institutional implications. This book portrays elder law as an emerging research discipline in the European setting in terms of both conceptual and theoretical perspectives as well as elements of the law. Providing a deepened understanding of population ageing in terms of vulnerability, intergenerational conflict and solidarity, expert contributors highlight the necessity for a contextualized ageing concept. As well as offering a comparative analysis of active ageing policies across the EU, this book examines a range of topics including age discrimination in employment and the freedom of movement of EU citizens from the ageing individual's point of view. It also goes on to describe elder care developments, discussing the ageing individual's autonomy in relation to both traditional inheritance rights and growing instances of dementia. Timely and engaging, this book will appeal to academic scholars and students in relevant areas of law as well as those studying across the social sciences. Exploring a broad range of socio-legal issues in relation to demographic ageing, it will also inform legal practitioners and policymakers alike.Contributors include: M. Axmin, A. Blackham, C. Brokelind, J. Fudge, E. Holm, A. Inghammar, M. Katzin, M. Kullmann, T. Mattsson, P. Norberg, A. Numhauser-Henning, H. Pettersson, M. Rönnmar, E. Ryrstedt, K. Scott, E. Trolle Önnerfors, C. Ulander-Wänman, J.J. Votinius, A. Zbyszewska