Search results for ""author erik"
Stanford University Press A History of Madness in Sixteenth-Century Germany
This magisterial work explores how Renaissance Germans understood and experienced madness. It focuses on the insanity of the world in general but also on specific disorders; examines the thinking on madness of theologians, jurists, and physicians; and analyzes the vernacular ideas that propelled sufferers to seek help in pilgrimage or newly founded hospitals for the helplessly disordered. In the process, the author uses the history of madness as a lens to illuminate the history of the Renaissance, the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, the history of poverty and social welfare, and the history of princely courts, state building, and the civilizing process. Rather than try to fit historical experience into modern psychiatric categories, this book reconstructs the images and metaphors through which Renaissance Germans themselves understood and experienced mental illness and deviance, ranging from such bizarre conditions as St. Vitus’s dance and demonic possession to such medical crises as melancholy and mania. By examining the records of shrines and hospitals, where the mad went for relief, we hear the voices of the mad themselves. For many religious Germans, sin was a form of madness and the sinful world was thoroughly insane. This book compares the thought of Martin Luther and the medical-religious reformer Paracelsus, who both believed that madness was a basic category of human experience. For them and others, the sixteenth century was an age of increasing demonic presence; the demon-possessed seemed to be everywhere. For Renaissance physicians, however, the problem was finding the correct ancient Greek concepts to describe mental illness. In medical terms, the late sixteenth century was the age of melancholy. For jurists, the customary insanity defense did not clarify whether melancholy persons were responsible for their actions, and they frequently solicited the advice of physicians. Sixteenth-century Germany was also an age of folly, with fools filling a major role in German art and literature and present at every prince and princeling’s court. The author analyzes what Renaissance Germans meant by folly and examines the lives and social contexts of several court fools.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Modeling and Control of Engines and Drivelines
Control systems have come to play an important role in the performance of modern vehicles with regards to meeting goals on low emissions and low fuel consumption. To achieve these goals, modeling, simulation, and analysis have become standard tools for the development of control systems in the automotive industry. Modeling and Control of Engines and Drivelines provides an up-to-date treatment of the topic from a clear perspective of systems engineering and control systems, which are at the core of vehicle design. This book has three main goals. The first is to provide a thorough understanding of component models as building blocks. It has therefore been important to provide measurements from real processes, to explain the underlying physics, to describe the modeling considerations, and to validate the resulting models experimentally. Second, the authors show how the models are used in the current design of control and diagnosis systems. These system designs are never used in isolation, so the third goal is to provide a complete setting for system integration and evaluation, including complete vehicle models together with actual requirements and driving cycle analysis. Key features: Covers signals, systems, and control in modern vehicles Covers the basic dynamics of internal combustion engines and drivelines Provides a set of standard models and includes examples and case studies Covers turbo- and super-charging, and automotive dependability and diagnosis Accompanied by a web site hosting example models and problems and solutions Modeling and Control of Engines and Drivelines is a comprehensive reference for graduate students and the authors’ close collaboration with the automotive industry ensures that the knowledge and skills that practicing engineers need when analysing and developing new powertrain systems are also covered.
Watershed Media Press The Post Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century's Sustainability Crises
This diverse collection by best-selling authors, renowned scientists, and experienced activists is an engaging and practical book that will be of interest to the lay reader as well as university students in both graduate and undergraduate courses. The expert contributors to The Post Carbon Reader were asked to unflinchingly describe the deep and interconnected sustainability crises confronting humanity in the 21st century--and then give readers concrete steps for addressing those crises. This unprecedented collection of writings (34 essays, 4 previously published) is an honest, informed and engaging exploration of the most challenging issues of our time. It includes chapters by best-selling authors like climate activist Bill McKibben, renowned scholars like "ecological footprint" co-founder William Rees, and up-and-coming experts like urban food systems pioneer Erika Allen. Lead editor Richard Heinberg is the world's leading author of mass-market books on fossil fuel dependence and depletion. Heinberg says, "We've run out of time, natural resources and capital, so this is our only chance to get things right."
Annick Press Ltd Fighting Words
The award-winning author of Abuelita and Me explores the power of language in this energetic, imaginative picture book that takes readers on a wild word chase.When Ali's cousin rips his favorite book, angry words explode out of him. The words are so angry, they come to life! They tease Ama, wreak havoc on their abuelita's home, and crash through the neighborhood. Ali didn't mean to hurt anyone, but now that the words are on the loose, it's up to him to catch themand to repair the damage they've done.Acclaimed illustrator Erika Medina brings Ali's word monsters to life in this fun and fast-paced exploration of anger, accountability, and resolving conflict.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Nonconformist Writing in Nazi Germany: The Literature of Inner Emigration
An innovative, critical, historically informed, yet accessible reassessment of writers who remained in Nazi Germany and Austria yet expressed nonconformity - even dissent - through their fiction. 2016 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Studies of literary responses to National Socialism between 1933 and 1945 have largely focused on exiled writers; opposition within Germany and Austria is less well understood. Yetin both countries there were writers who continued to publish imaginative literature that did not conform to Nazi precepts: the authors of the so-called Inner Emigration. They withdrew from the regime and sought to express theirnonconformity through camouflaged texts designed to offer sensitized readers encouragement, reassurance, and consolation. This book provides a critical, historically informed reassessment of these writers. It is innovative inscope, in its use of little-known sources, in placing authors and texts in a detailed social and political context, and in analyzing seminal topoi and tropes of oppositional discourse. One of the most extensive studies of the topic in German or English, it provides a state-of-the-art text for literary historians, scholars, and students of German literature, but also, thanks to its accessibility and translation of all material, serves as an introduction for English-speaking readers to this poorly understood group of writers. Two contextualizing chapters are followed by chapters devoted to Werner Bergengruen, Stefan Andres, Friedrich Reck-Malleczewen, Gertrud von le Fort, Reinhold Schneider, Ernst Jünger, Ernst Wiechert, and Erika Mitterer. John Klapper is Professor in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Birmingham, UK.
University of Pittsburgh Press The Language of the In-Between: Transvestism, Subalternity, and Writing in Contemporary Chile and Peru
Often, the process of modern state formation is founded on the marginalisation of certain groups, and Latin America is no exception. In The Language of the In-Between, Erika Almenara contends that literary production replicates this same process. Looking at marginalised communities in Chile and Peru, particularly writers who are travesti, trans, cuir/queer, and Indigenous, the author shows how these writers stake a claim for the liminal space that is neither one thing nor the other. This allows a freedom to expose oppression and to critique a national identity based on erasure. By employing a language of non-normative gender and sexuality to dispute the state projects of modernity and modernisation, the voice of the poor and racialised travesti evolves from powerlessness to become an agent of social transformation.
Springer International Publishing AG Socio-Spatial Theory in Nordic Geography: Intellectual Histories and Critical Interventions
This open access book is about socio-spatial theory in, and the nature of, Nordic geography. From both historical and contemporary perspectives, the book engages with theorisations of geography in the Nordic countries. Including chapters by geographers from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, it reflects how theories about the relations between the social and the spatial have been developed, adopted and critiqued in Nordic human geography in relation to a wide range of themes, concepts and approaches. The book also traces institutional developments, distinct geographical traditions and intellectual histories, as well as authors’ own experiences as geographers in and beyond the Nordic area. The chapters together introduce and engage with debates and discussions that permeate Nordic geography and allows readers a glimpse of geographical thinking and the role of socio-spatial theory in the Nordic countries. By providing insights into how geographical ideas emerge, travel and are translated and adapted in specific contexts, the book contributes to debates about historical-geographical situatedness and theorisations of geography.
Floris Books Little Sister Rabbit Gets Lost
Little Sister Rabbit wants to have an adventure all by herself. She loves stamping in puddles, building boats and skimming stones without her clever big brother telling her what to do. But she's having so much fun that she loses her way! Will Little Sister Rabbit be able to find her way home?From the award-winning Swedish children's author, Ulf Nilsson, and one of Europe's best-loved illustrators, Eva Eriksson, comes this charmingly illustrated tale of independence and sibling love. These classic Little Sister Rabbit stories are much-loved bestsellers in Sweden and can now be enjoyed by new generations in English. They are beautiful, full colour, hardback, gift editions with a cloth spine.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Mariana and Her Familia
A heartwarming picture book about a young girl on her first trip to visit family in Mexico, who learns there is no language barrier when it comes to love—from debut author Mónica Mancillas and rising star illustrator Erika Meza. Perfect for fans of Where Are You From? and Mango, Abuela, and Me.Mariana is visiting her abuelita and extended family in Mexico for the first time. Her tummy does a flip as she and Mami cross the frontera.There are all new sights, smells, and sounds. And at Abuelita’s house, Mariana is overwhelmed by new faces and Spanish phrases she doesn’t understand.But with a story, some kindness, and a few new words from Abuelita, Mariana discovers that the love of family knows no cultural divide.
Johns Hopkins University Press American Defense Policy
A vital text for understanding the twenty-first-century battlefield and the shifting force structure, this book prepares students to think critically about the rapidly changing world they'll inherit.American Defense Policy, first published in 1965 under the leadership of Brent Scowcroft, has been a mainstay in courses on political science, international relations, military affairs, and American national security for more than 50 years. This updated and thoroughly revised ninth edition, which contains about 30% all-new content, considers questions of continuity and change in America's defense policy in the face of a global climate beset by geopolitical tensions, rapid technological change, and terrorist violence.The book is organized into three parts. Part I examines the theories and strategies that shape America's approach to security policy. Part II dives inside the defense policy process, exploring the evolution of contemporary civil-military relations, the changing character of the profession of arms, and the issues and debates in the budgeting, organizing, and equipping process. Part III examines how purpose and process translate into American defense policy. This invaluable and prudent text remains a classic introduction to the vital security issues the United States has faced throughout its history. It breaks new ground as a thoughtful and comprehensive starting point to understand American defense policy and its role in the world today.Contributors: Gordon Adams, John R. Allen, Will Atkins, Deborah D. Avant, Michael Barnett, Sally Baron, Jeff J.S. Black, Jessica Blankshain, Hal Brands, Ben Buchanan, Dale C. Copeland, Everett Carl Dolman, Jeffrey Donnithorne, Daniel W. Drezner, Colin Dueck, Eric Edelman, Martha Finnemore, Lawrence Freedman, Francis Fukuyama, Michael D. Gambone, Lynne Chandler Garcia, Bishop Garrison, Erik Gartzke, Mauro Gilli, Robert Gilpin, T.X. Hammes, Michael C. Horowitz, G. John Ikenberry, Bruce D. Jones, Tim Kane, Cheryl A. Kearney, David Kilcullen, Michael P. Kreuzer, Miriam Krieger, Seth Lazar, Keir A. Lieber, Conway Lin, Jon R. Lindsay, Austin Long, Joseph S. Lupa Jr., Megan H. MacKenzie, Mike J. Mazarr, Senator John McCain, Daniel H. McCauley, Michael E. McInerney, Christopher D. Miller, James N. Miller, John A. Nagl, Henry R. Nau, Renée de Nevers, Joseph S. Nye Jr., Michael E. O'Hanlon, Mancur Olson Jr., Sue Payton, Daryl G. Press, Thomas Rid, John Riley, David Sacko, Brandon D. Smith, James M. Smith, Don M. Snider, Sir Hew Strachan, Michael Wesley, Richard Zeckhauser
Bristol University Press Reconstructing the Global Political Economy: An Analytical Guide
In an era of post-globalization, the global political economy needs restructuring. This textbook examines the challenges facing the world economy as a result of climate change and social and economic inequality, and provides future-oriented solutions to them. Andersson presents and explains key concepts from Global Political Economy to show how to design and analyse potential reconstructions of the economic system. With a comprehensive exploration of the different ideological pathways that change might take, and taking account of gender, race and class, the author expertly guides the reader through thematic chapters, including: • the political economy of everyday life; • the regulation of global trade; • post-development; • the production of global value chains; • financial markets. This book will help readers see that global economic change is possible and support clear thinking about a global future that is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Exchange and Development: An Anatomy of Economic Transactions
This innovative and important book develops a new framework for analysing exchange that takes place within and outside markets over the course of development. The authors argue that development and social and economic progress are greatly enhanced by a fluent and efficient exchange system. Conversely, the process of development encourages and facilitates trade. The authors introduce the concept of exchange configurations to capture the multiplicity of settings within which exchange occurs and the many different forms exchange and transactions can take. The book shows how exchange configurations can help to identify the factors that constrain the exchange process and lead to the formulation of effective reforms. It then uses a historical analysis of systems of exchange during different phases of development over the last two millennia to illustrate different exchange configurations. Exchange and Development will appeal to students at both the graduate and undergraduate level in the fields of economic development, international trade, microeconomics, institutional economics and economic history. Researchers in universities and policy makers in governments and international agencies will also draw much benefit from the entirely novel approach formulated in this book.
Amazon Publishing The Mongoliad: Book One
The first novel to be released in The Foreworld Saga, The Mongoliad: Book One, is an epic-within-an-epic, taking place in 13th century. In it, a small band of warriors and mystics raise their swords to save Europe from a bloodthirsty Mongol invasion. Inspired by their leader (an elder of an order of warrior monks), they embark on a perilous journey and uncover the history of hidden knowledge and conflict among powerful secret societies that had been shaping world events for millennia. But the saga reaches the modern world via a circuitous route. In the late 19th century, Sir Richard F. Burton, an expert on exotic languages and historical swordsmanship, is approached by a mysterious group of English martial arts aficionados about translating a collection of long-lost manuscripts. Burton dies before his work is finished, and his efforts were thought lost until recently rediscovered by a team of amateur archaeologists in the ruins of a mansion in Trieste, Italy. From this collection of arcana, the incredible tale of The Mongoliad was recreated. Full of high adventure, unforgettable characters, and unflinching battle scenes, The Mongoliad ignites a dangerous quest where willpower and blades are tested and the scope of world-building is redefined. A note on this edition: The Mongoliad began as a social media experiment, combining serial story-telling with a unique level of interaction between authors and audience during the creative process. Since its original iteration, The Mongoliad has been restructured, edited, and rewritten under the supervision of its authors to create a more cohesive reading experience and will be published as a trilogy of novels. This edition is the definitive edition and is the authors’ preferred text.
Hachette Children's Group Lose You to Find Me: Swoon-worthy queer YA romance - can you get a second shot at first love?
From the bestselling author of All That's Left in the World comes a swoon-worthy LGBTQ+ romance, perfect for fans of If This Gets Out and What If It's Us.Tommy Dees is in the weeds - restaurant speak for beyond overwhelmed. He's been working at Sunset Estates Retirement Community to get the experience he needs to attend one of the best culinary schools in the world. And he also needs a letter of recommendation from his sadistic manager. In exchange for the letter, Tommy has to meet three conditions - including train new-hire Gabriel.Gabe, with the dimples and kind heart, who Tommy crushed on during summer camp at age ten and then never saw again. Unfortunately, Gabe doesn't remember Tommy at all. The training proves distracting as old feelings resurface, and the universe seems to be conspiring against them.With the application deadline looming and Gabe on his mind, can Tommy keep it all together or is it a recipe for disaster?
Stanford University Press The Truth of the Technological World: Essays on the Genealogy of Presence
Friedrich Kittler (1943–2011) combined the study of literature, cinema, technology, and philosophy in a manner sufficiently novel to be recognized as a new field of academic endeavor in his native Germany. "Media studies," as Kittler conceived it, meant reflecting on how books operate as films, poetry as computer science, and music as military equipment. This volume collects writings from all stages of the author's prolific career. Exemplary essays illustrate how matters of form and inscription make heterogeneous source material (e.g., literary classics and computer design) interchangeable on the level of function—with far-reaching consequences for our understanding of the humanities and the "hard sciences." Rich in counterintuitive propositions, sly humor, and vast erudition, Kittler's work both challenges the assumptions of positivistic cultural history and exposes the over-abstraction and language games of philosophers such as Heidegger and Derrida. The twenty-three pieces gathered here document the intellectual itinerary of one of the most original thinkers in recent times—sometimes baffling, often controversial, and always stimulating.
Vintage Publishing Ten Trips: The New Reality of Psychedelics
Neuropsychologist Andy Mitchell punctures the hype around psychedelic drugs while providing the fullest picture yet of their limitlessly fascinating possibilities.'An incisive, deeply personal and beautifully written account of the power, the uses and the modern misuses of psychedelics. Highly recommended' Anil Seth, author of Being You‘A collection of tales from the far frontiers of psychedelic experience . . . superb . . . brilliant’ Charles Foster, TLSPsychedelics have made a comeback but remain a mystery. They are now a 'breakthrough therapy' for mental illness but in truth we have only a vague idea how they work and there is a limit to what the science can reveal. To have any hope of understanding them, we must broaden our view - dramatically - of what they actually are.In this daring, perception-shifting odyssey, clinical neuropsychologist Andy Mitchell takes ten different drugs in ten different settings, journeying from a London neuroimaging lab to the Colombian Amazon via Silicon Valley and his friend's basement kitchen. His encounters with scientists and gangsters, venture capitalists and con men, psychonauts and shamans, as well as with the drugs themselves, reveal the reality of psychedelics in all their strangeness, hilarity, darkness and wonder.'Original and thrilling ... achieving profound insights' Mike Jay, author of Psychonauts'A hair-raising hurtle of a ride' Henry Shukman, author of One Blade of Grass'Utterly compelling ... like having an out of body experience' Mark Miodownik, author of Stuff Matters'The psychedelic world has been waiting for this book' Professor Erika Dyck
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Color of Dragons
Powerhouse adult fantasy author R. A. Salvatore and Erika Lewis deliver a sweeping, action-packed, romantic pre-Arthurian tale of the origins of magic (and Merlin), perfect for fans of Falling Kingdoms and Seraphina.Magic needs a spark.And Maggie’s powers are especially fickle. With no one to help her learn to control her magic, the life debt that she owes stretches eternally over her head, with no way to repay it.Until she meets Griffin, the king’s champion, infamous for hunting down the draignochs that plague their kingdom.Neither has any idea of the destiny that they both carry, or that their meeting will set off a chain of events that will alter every aspect of the life they know—and all of history thereafter.This epic, romantic tale will enchant readers and draw them into a thrilling world of star-crossed lovers, magic, destiny, and the paths we choose.
Karnac Books Learning from Action: Working with the Non-verbal
Since the early 1990s, Enrico Pedriali with R. D. Hinshelwood organised workshops in Italy known as the learning from action workshops. This novel approach evolved from applying the principles of therapeutic communities to a group relations form of experiential conference. The group relation tradition, however, does not focus particularly on mental health organisations and tends to focus on senior management issues of leadership and authority. In contrast, the learning from action workshops are tailored to the care workers engaged in the direct work, in particular for those working with clients and patients with significant problems with verbal and symbolic communication. The workshops also include an element of research into the unconscious messaging systems employed in making relations, which contribute to therapeutic and other mental health care services. There are also chapters on a related form of workshop – the living and learning experience – which was established primarily for learning about therapeutic communities, which bring further insight to working practices. The book brings together a community of 21 authors: Giada Boletti, Louisa Diana Brunner, Davide Catullo, Heather Churchill, John Diamond Donna M. Elmendorf, Giovanni Foresti, Rex Haigh, R. D. Hinshelwood, Yuko Kawai, Eriko Koga, Jan Lees, Simona Masnata, Luca Mingarelli, Gilad Ovadia, Mario Perini, Barbara Rawlings, Antonio Sama, Edward R. Shapiro, Lili Valkó, and Zsolt Zalka. It will be a must-read for those working in mental health care. The information within will be of use to those new to the profession, for whom there is often very little preparation or reading material, and also to more senior members to use not only for their own development but also in training and research activities in mental health.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Pricing in Road Transport: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective
Transport pricing is high on the political agenda throughout the world, but as the authors illustrate, governments seeking to implement this often face challenging questions and significant barriers. The associated policy and research questions cannot always be addressed adequately from a mono-disciplinary perspective. This book shows how a multi-disciplinary approach may lead to new types of analysis and insights, contributing to a better understanding of the intricacies of transport pricing and eventually to a potentially more effective and acceptable design of such policies. The study addresses important policy and research themes such as the possible motives for introducing road transport pricing and potential conflicts between these motives, behavioural responses to transport pricing for households and firms, the modelling of transport pricing, and the acceptability of pricing.Studying road transport pricing from a multi-disciplinary perspective, this book will be of great interest to transport policymakers and advisors, transport academics and consultants and students in transport studies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd New Movements in Academic Entrepreneurship
Focusing on academic entrepreneurship in the university context, the authors explore how researchers, teachers, students, academic managers and administrators make sense of entrepreneurship and of the paradoxes and contradictions involved. The book investigates how these diverse entrepreneurial actors and their stakeholders interpret and analyse entrepreneurial activities within the university ecosystem.New Movements in Academic Entrepreneurship covers research commercialisation, academic start-up companies and entrepreneurship education, as well as university-society relationships more widely. With contributions from Europe, North America and Asia, this book helps to broaden our understanding of academic entrepreneurship using original theoretical insights and rich empirical data.Essential reading for students and researchers of entrepreneurial universities and ecosystems, this book provides fresh theoretical frameworks and an inclusive understanding of academic entrepreneurship.
Pluto Press Climate, Capitalism and Communities: An Anthropology of Environmental Overheating
Until now, the growing body of work on environmental anthropology has largely ignored the unavoidable impact of global capitalism on the environment and the extent to which capital itself is a key driver of climate change. Climate, Capitalism and Communities focuses explicitly on that nexus, examining the injustices and inequalities - as well as the activist responses - that have arisen as a result, and the contradictions between the imperatives of exponential economic growth, and those of environmental sustainability, and society as a whole. Bringing an innovative, ethnographic toolkit to bear on a crisis that is at once global and highly localised, the authors shift attention away from the consequences of climate change, to a focus on the social relations and power structures that continue to prevent effective action.
Yale University Press Asian America: A Primary Source Reader
An essential collection that brings together the core primary texts of the Asian American experience in one volume"A vital, up-to-date collection of critical sources that shed new insight into the lives of diverse Asian Americans, past and present."—Erika Lee, author of The Making of Asian America: A History An essential volume for the growing academic discipline of Asian American studies, this collection of core primary texts draws from a wide range of fields, from law to visual culture to politics, covering key historical and cultural developments that enable students to engage directly with the Asian American experience over the past century. The primary sources, organized around keywords, often concern multiple hemispheres and movements, making this compendium valuable for a number of historical, ethnic, and cultural study undergraduate programs.
BIS Publishers B.V. Worlds of Wonder: Experience Design for Curious People
This book is about immersive experience design, the art of creating spaces that tell a story. lt’s the result of 25 years of work by one of Europe’s first specialised XD agencies. Starting in 1991, the authors witnessed the rise of a completely new industry, mixing graphic, spatial and theatrical arts with interaction design and personal growth. Worlds of Wonder is the illustrated summary of that ongoing journey. lt is intended for everyone in the process of revealing their brand, art, history or ideas about the future. Spatial storytelling is as old as architecture, and modern media technologies have boosted its scale and expressive powers. The more the online world grows, the greater the need becomes for actual spaces of wonder and imagination. People seek out those spaces to indulge in immersive experiences and social interaction. A very exciting industry is emerging. One that is growing in depth and in strength. This book contains many examples, with the intention of giving you a sense of what works and why, from the psychological foundations of consumer behaviour to practical steps to action. Worlds of Wonder is an invitation to anyone involved in this inspiring field.
Johns Hopkins University Press American Defense Policy
A vital text for understanding the twenty-first-century battlefield and the shifting force structure, this book prepares students to think critically about the rapidly changing world they'll inherit.American Defense Policy, first published in 1965 under the leadership of Brent Scowcroft, has been a mainstay in courses on political science, international relations, military affairs, and American national security for more than 50 years. This updated and thoroughly revised ninth edition, which contains about 30% all-new content, considers questions of continuity and change in America's defense policy in the face of a global climate beset by geopolitical tensions, rapid technological change, and terrorist violence.The book is organized into three parts. Part I examines the theories and strategies that shape America's approach to security policy. Part II dives inside the defense policy process, exploring the evolution of contemporary civil-military relations, the changing character of the profession of arms, and the issues and debates in the budgeting, organizing, and equipping process. Part III examines how purpose and process translate into American defense policy. This invaluable and prudent text remains a classic introduction to the vital security issues the United States has faced throughout its history. It breaks new ground as a thoughtful and comprehensive starting point to understand American defense policy and its role in the world today.Contributors: Gordon Adams, John R. Allen, Will Atkins, Deborah D. Avant, Michael Barnett, Sally Baron, Jeff J.S. Black, Jessica Blankshain, Hal Brands, Ben Buchanan, Dale C. Copeland, Everett Carl Dolman, Jeffrey Donnithorne, Daniel W. Drezner, Colin Dueck, Eric Edelman, Martha Finnemore, Lawrence Freedman, Francis Fukuyama, Michael D. Gambone, Lynne Chandler Garcia, Bishop Garrison, Erik Gartzke, Mauro Gilli, Robert Gilpin, T.X. Hammes, Michael C. Horowitz, G. John Ikenberry, Bruce D. Jones, Tim Kane, Cheryl A. Kearney, David Kilcullen, Michael P. Kreuzer, Miriam Krieger, Seth Lazar, Keir A. Lieber, Conway Lin, Jon R. Lindsay, Austin Long, Joseph S. Lupa Jr., Megan H. MacKenzie, Mike J. Mazarr, Senator John McCain, Daniel H. McCauley, Michael E. McInerney, Christopher D. Miller, James N. Miller, John A. Nagl, Henry R. Nau, Renée de Nevers, Joseph S. Nye Jr., Michael E. O'Hanlon, Mancur Olson Jr., Sue Payton, Daryl G. Press, Thomas Rid, John Riley, David Sacko, Brandon D. Smith, James M. Smith, Don M. Snider, Sir Hew Strachan, Michael Wesley, Richard Zeckhauser
Ebury Publishing Surrounded by Vampires: Or, How to Slay the Time, Energy and Soul Suckers in Your Life
From the Sunday Times and international bestselling author of Surrounded by IdiotsDo you often feel exhausted by conversations?Are there people in your life with belittle you through words or actions?Or, do you have colleagues who take up your time and don't actually do much?You could be surrounded by vampires! International bestselling author and behavioural expert Thomas Erikson will help you recognise and deal with the four most common vampires.Be it time, energy, attention or habit vampires, these ubiquitous social villains can leave you feeling drained and depleted. Whether they're lurking in your office, hiding amongst friends and family, or invading your thoughts, vampires can be found all around you.Fortunately, no human or habit Vampire can survive when the sun shines on them. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, Thomas Erikson will help you spot the vampires around you and find your light to vanish their influence for good.
Transworld The God is Not Willing
Archaeologist and anthropologist, Steven Erikson is the bestselling author of the genre-defining The Malazan Book of the Fallen, a multi-volume epic fantasy that's been hailed a masterwork of the imagination' and one of the top ten fantasy series of all time. The first novel in the series, Gardens of the Moon, was short-listed for the World Fantasy Award. He has also written several novellas set in the same world. Forge of Darkness is the first Kharkanas novel and takes readers back to the origins of the Malazan world. Fall of Light continues this epic tale. A lifelong science fiction reader, he has also written fiction affectionately parodying a long-running SF television series and Rejoice, a novel of first contact. The God is Not Willing is the opening chapter in a new sequence The Tales of Witness and is set in the world of the Malazan Empire, ten years after the events recounted in The Crippled God.Steven Erikson lives in V
Ebury Publishing Surrounded by Narcissists: Or, How to Stop Other People's Egos Ruining Your Life
From the Sunday Times bestselling author of Surrounded by IdiotsAre you overshadowed by the narcissists in your life? Are you worn out by their constant demands for attention, their absolute belief they are right (even when clearly they are not), their determination to do what they want (regardless of impact), and their baffling need to control everyone and everything around them?In this thought-provoking, sanity-saving book, Thomas Erikson helps you understand what makes narcissists tick and, crucially, how to handle them without wearing yourself out in the process. With the help of the behavioural model made famous in Surrounded by Idiots, Erikson provides all the tools you need to manage not just the narcissists around you but everyday narcissism as well - itself becoming more widespread in this age of social media. Engaging and practical, Surrounded by Narcissists will help you free yourself from narcissistic agendas so you can pursue a happier, more fulfilling and successful life.
Baker Publishing Group The Words We Lost
Three friends. Two broken promises. One missing manuscript. As a senior acquisitions editor for Fog Harbor Books in San Francisco, Ingrid Erikson has rejected many a manuscript for lack of defined conflict and dramatic irony--two elements her current life possesses in spades. In the months following the death of her childhood best friend and international bestselling author Cecelia Campbell, Ingrid has not only lost her ability to escape into fiction due to a rare trauma response, but she's also desperate to find the closure she's convinced will come with Cecelia's missing final manuscript. After Ingrid jeopardizes her career, she fears her future will remain irrevocably broken. But then Joel Campbell--the man who shattered her belief in happily-ever-afters--offers her a sealed envelope from his late cousin, Cecelia, asking Joel and to put their differences aside and retrieve a mysterious package in their coastal Washington hometown. Honoring Cecelia's last request will challenge their convictions and test their loyalties, but through it all, will Ingrid and Joel be brave enough to uncover a twice-in-a-lifetime love? "The Words We Lost is thought-provoking and tender, capturing the transformative beauty of surviving."--T.I. LOWE, bestselling author of Under the Magnolias "A poignant, masterful exploration of the enduring power of friendship and love."--IRENE HANNON, author of the bestselling Hope Harbor series
Orion Publishing Co Austral: A gripping climate change thriller like no other
A prescient and chilling climate change thriller set on the harsh landscape of Antarctica from one of the best science fiction writers of the present dayThe great geoengineering projects have failed.The world is still warming, sea levels are still rising, and the Antarctic Peninsula is home to Earth's newest nation, with life quickened by ecopoets spreading across valleys and fjords exposed by the retreat of the ice.Austral Morales Ferrado, a child of the last generation of ecopoets, is a husky: an edited person adapted to the unforgiving climate of the far south, feared and despised by most of its population. She's been a convict, a corrections officer in a labour camp, and consort to a criminal, and now, out of desperation, she has committed the kidnapping of the century. But before she can collect the ransom and make a new life elsewhere, she must find a place of safety amongst the peninsula's forests and icy plateaus, and evade a criminal gang that has its own plans for the teenage girl she's taken hostage.Blending the story of Austral's flight with the fractured history of her family and its role in the colonisation of Antarctica, Austral is a vivid portrayal of a treacherous new world created by climate change, and shaped by the betrayals and mistakes of the past. Austral has been optioned for television by Circle of Confusion, the company who brought The Walking Dead and Locke and Key to the small screen. They've recruited award-winning screenwriter Elise McCredie (Stateless) and director Erik Skjoldbjærg (An Enemy of the People, Insomnia) to work on this exciting project.'Paul McAuley's balanced grasp of science and literature, always a rare attribute in the writer of prose fiction, is combined with the equally rare ability to look at today's problems and know which are really problems, and what can be done about them.' William GibsonReaders are captivated by Austral:'Austral feels very timely, as it confronts questions about borders, climate change, geoengineering, biodiversity, racism, and xenophobia . . . An excellent climate change novel' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'Devastating, humane, extraordinarily harsh and beautiful' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'The world building is very nicely done, with a strong sense of place and landscape. And the tale is infused with thoughtful reflection on climate change, wilding and genetic modifications' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐'A gorgeous, haunting novel-brimming with fractal stories-within-stories-about a fugitive on the run through the backcountry of the new nation established on a greening Antarctica' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 'Genius . . . I love the intersection of gene editing and anarchy. Imagining a world drastically changed by global warming but still crumpling under the dire weight of capitalism' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Taylor & Francis Ltd Survival 61.4
Survival, the bi-monthly publication from The International Institute for Strategic Studies, is a leading forum for analysis and debate of international and strategic affairs. With a diverse range of authors, thoughtful reviews and review essays, Survival is scholarly in depth while vivid, well-written and policy-relevant in approach. Shaped by its editors to be both timely and forward-thinking, the publication encourages writers to challenge conventional wisdom and bring fresh, often controversial, perspectives to bear on the strategic issues of the moment.
Gallic Books Shes A Killer
''Satire at its best'' ELEANOR CATTON, author of Birnam Wood''Outrageous, comic, disturbingly timely'' THE GUARDIAN A stubborn slacker is spurred to radical climate action by a snarky teenager with big ideas in this bold, darkly funny and brilliantly bizarre debut.Thirty-something Alice has an IQ of 159 (almost a genius) and lives at home with her mother, with whom she communicates only by Morse code. Meanwhile, the climate is in crisis. Wealthy immigrants are flocking to New Zealand for shelter, stealing land, driving up food prices and taking over. When Alice meets attractive wealthugee Pablo, she thinks she has found a way out of her dull existence. But then in walks his teenage daughter, Erika, an actual genius with impeccable eye makeup, and Alice finds herself drawn into action of the most radical - and dangerous - kind. Jus
Little, Brown Book Group The Ladies of the Secret Circus: enter a world of wonder with this spellbinding novel
'Romance, mystery, and a family curse - The Ladies of the Secret Circus has it all' PopsugarFrom the author of A Witch in Time comes a magical story spanning from Jazz Age Paris to modern-day America of family secrets, sacrifice, and lost love set against the backdrop of a mysterious circus. Perfect for fans of The Night Circus and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue.The surest way to get a ticket to Le Cirque Secret is to wish for it . . .Paris, 1925: To enter the Secret Circus is to enter a world of wonder - a world where women weave illusions, carousels take you back in time, and trapeze artists float across the sky. Bound to her family's circus, it's the only world Cecile Cabot knows until she meets a charismatic young painter and embarks on a passionate affair that could cost her everything.Virginia, 2004: Lara Barnes is on top of the world, but when her fiancé disappears on their wedding day every plan she has for the future comes crashing down. Desperate, Lara's search for answers unexpectedly lead to her great-grandmother's journals.Swept into a story of a dark circus and ill-fated love, secrets about Lara's family history come to light and reveal a curse that has been claiming payment from the women in her family for generations. A curse that might be tied to her fiancé's mysterious fate . . .Why readers love The Ladies of the Secret Circus . . .'A spellbinding historical fantasy . . . Fans of Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus will love this page-turning story of dark magic, star-crossed love, and familial sacrifice' Publishers Weekly (starred review)'At times decadent and macabre, The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a mesmerizing tale of love, treachery, and depraved magic percolating through four generations of Cabot women' Luanne G. Smith, author of The Vine Witch'Ambitious and teeming with magic, Sayers creates a fascinating mix of art, The Belle Époque, and more than a little murder' Erika Swyler, author of The Book of Speculation'The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a dazzling tale, laced with sinister magic, blood and beauty, love and loss. This is a book that will haunt you long after the last page is turned' Alyssa Palombo, author of The Spellbook of Katrina Van Tassel'Spellbinding. The Ladies Of The Secret Circus is a dazzling, high-wire feat of storytelling' Catherine Taylor, author of Beyond the Moon'The Ladies of the Secret Circus is a book to get lost in' BookPage
Drago Arts & Communication B.A.D. Beautiful And Determined
This project began in America, 2013: authors Erika Z. Figabomba and Alessandra Tisato drove from Nevada to the Bay Area, via San Diego, taking over 10,000 photos of beautiful, powerful women and non-binary people. These photographs do not only celebrate beauty in a way that is far from the polished, glossy images of fashion and advertising; they also explore the meaning of nakedness in a society that seems to prioritise superficial entertainment over women/non-binary sexuality and overall body positivity. B.A.D. Beautiful And Determined, with 224 pages and more than 100 colour photographs, is a celebration of beauty, determination and empowerment free from all genders and stereotypes. The book also contains critical texts by Carlotta Cossutta, a researcher in political philosophy, who works on feminism and queer theories in and out of academia and Elle Stanger, a queer person who writes sex education, short stories and advice columns that work to reduce shame and harm related to sexuality and touch.
Hachette Children's Group To The Other Side: A powerful story of two refugees searching for safety
A powerful and timely story, exploring the journey of two young refugee children in search of safety. Perfect for opening up conversations about conflict and war, encouraging empathy and understanding. A young boy and his older sister have left home to play a game. To win, she tells him, they must travel across endless lands together and make it to the finish line.Children they meet along the way imagine what might be waiting for them across the border: A spotted dog? Ice cream! Or maybe a new school. But the journey is difficult, and the monsters are more real than they imagined.And when it no longer feels like a game, the two children must still find a way to forge ahead, and reach the other side.Beautifully brought to life by author-illustrator Erika Meza, this is a symbolic and emotionally rich picture book about the spirit and strength it takes to leave your home behind.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing
Taking a comprehensive approach to two central, closely intertwined themes in the field of transport economics, this illuminating Handbook recognizes the critical socioeconomic importance of transport pricing and financing.The expert contributors provide insights into how pricing goes beyond fulfilling pure financial requirements, and may help pursuing economic efficiency. The Handbook also devotes attention to new technologies such as digital payment channels, information provision, and dynamic pricing techniques. The authors cover the challenges and opportunities caused by the appearance of new modes of transport such as ride-hailing and automated vehicles. Furthermore, this timely Handbook also helps to address ongoing global issues such as climate change and sustainable development, explicitly recognizing challenges faced in regions across Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania.This immersive Handbook will provide undergraduate and postgraduate students of economics, environmental science, transport, political science and urban planning studies with a useful introduction to the topics and the necessary tools to undertake research in transport pricing and financing. Practitioners wishing to understand the theory behind transport pricing and financing decisions will also find this Handbook a useful resource.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Survival 60.2
Survival, the bi-monthly publication from The International Institute for Strategic Studies, is a leading forum for analysis and debate of international and strategic affairs. With a diverse range of authors, thoughtful reviews and review essays, Survival is scholarly in depth while vivid, well-written and policy-relevant in approach. Shaped by its editors to be both timely and forward-thinking, the publication encourages writers to challenge conventional wisdom and bring fresh, often controversial, perspectives to bear on the strategic issues of the moment.
Johns Hopkins University Press Design for Change in Higher Education
It's time to design the next iteration of higher education.There is no question that higher education faces significant challenges. Most of today's universities aren't prepared to tackle issues like demographic change, the continued defunding of public education, cost pressures, and the opportunities and challenges of educational technologies. Then, of course, there is the shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, which will reverberate for years and may very well usher higher education into an era of significant structural change. Some critics argue that a premium should be placed on change functions—that is to say, on creativity, innovation, organizational learning, and change management. Yet few institutions of higher education have functions focused on thoughtful, iterative problem-solving and opportunity identification. The authors of Design for Change in Higher Education argue that we must imagine and actively make our way to new institutional forms. They assert that design—a practical art that is conceptually rich and visible in its concreteness—must become a core internal competency of the university. They propose one grounded in the practical experiences of a specific educational design organization: Michigan State University's Hub for Innovation in Learning and Technology, which all three authors have helped to run. The Hub was created to address issues of participation, impact, and scale in moving learning innovations from the individual to the collective and from the classroom to the institution. Framing each chapter around a case study of design practice in higher education, the book uses that case study as the foundation on which to build design theory for higher education. It is complemented by an online playbook featuring tactics that can be used and adapted by others interested in facilitating their own design work.Touching on learning experience design (LXD) as an increasingly critical practice, the authors also develop a constructivist view of designing conversations. A playbook that grounds theory in practice, Design for Change in Higher Education is aimed at faculty, staff, and students engaged in the important work of imagining new forms of education.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Field Geophysics
This handy pocket-sized field guide provides practical information and assistance to anyone engaged in small-scale surveys on the ground. Fully revised and updated throughout, the Fourth Edition includes comprehensive updates on the use of GPR and GPS and new sections on surface wave seismics and towed array systems. This has become the standard text in this area for use in the field and the experience of the two authors will ensure the book retains its place as one of the most popular handbooks in applied geophysics. Fully revised and updated to incorporate new developments in the field; Focus on quality control of the acquisition of data and basic field interpretation; User-friendly, accessible writing style; Includes updates on Ground Penetrating Radar and the use of GPS; New section on surface wave methods. Additional material available on the companion website at
Columbia University Press The Science of Chinese Buddhism: Early Twentieth-Century Engagements
Kexue, or science, captured the Chinese imagination in the early twentieth century, promising new knowledge about the world and a dynamic path to prosperity. Chinese Buddhists embraced scientific language and ideas to carve out a place for their religion within a rapidly modernizing society. Examining dozens of previously unstudied writings from the Chinese Buddhist press, this book maps Buddhists' efforts to rethink their traditions through science in the initial decades of the twentieth century. Buddhists believed science offered an exciting, alternative route to knowledge grounded in empirical thought, much like their own. They encouraged young scholars to study subatomic and relativistic physics while still maintaining Buddhism's vital illumination of human nature and its crucial support of an ethical system rooted in radical egalitarianism. Showcasing the rich and progressive steps Chinese religious scholars took in adapting to science's rising authority, this volume offers a key perspective on how a major Eastern power transitioned to modernity in the twentieth century and how its intellectuals anticipated many of the ideas debated by scholars of science and Buddhism today.
Dynamic Forces Inc Dean Koontz' Frankenstein: Prodigal Son Volume 2
Dean Koontz's hit series returns! Detectives O'Conner and Maddison delve deeper into the mysterious life of Victor Helios, trying to uncover his ultimate goal, while members of Victor's "New Race" begin to show they are not as perfect as he assumed. Randall Six continues his quest to escape from Hands of Mercy, as Officer Harker descends further into madness. And Erika Helios discovers some of her husbands' unfinished creations. Mysteries are revealed and revenge is exacted as this horror epic reaches its apocalyptic conclusion. From the masterly pen of New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz — and featuring an adaptation by legendary comic book writer Chuck Dixon and gorgeous illustrations by artists Tim Seely and Scott Cohn — Dean Koontz's Frankenstein: Prodigal Son is a story filled with fast-paced action, gripping horror, and thrilling adventure.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Smart Revolution Towards the Sustainable Digital Society: Beyond the Era of Convergence
The objective of this book is to present a comprehensive evaluation of the smart revolution, including its social and economic impacts. It proposes a modern framework to help assess how recent information and communication technologies (ICTs) can contribute to societies as a whole.The authors offer a guide to how advanced network technologies have led to a greater variety of applications and social networking services. These allow people to connect with each other both at a more personal and global level, and will ultimately herald a new era of ICTs that will shape the 'digital society'.This essential resource will appeal to academics, government officials and practitioners in telecommunications and media.Contributors: H. Ahmad, E. Bohlin, T. Bunno, M. Cave, M. Ehrler, N. Freund, H. Fuke, T. Garín-Muñoz, C. Gijón, K. Hatta, A. Henten, H. Idota, T. Jitsuzumi, N. Kasuga, M. Kimura, C. Kongaut, Y.-L. Liu, R. López, M. Lundborg, G. Madden, H. Mitomo, K.-Y. Na, A. Nakamura, T. Otsuka, T. Pérez-Amaral, E.O. Ruhle, N. Sakurai, M. Shishikura, M. Sugaya, R. Tadyoni, K. Takachi, M. Tsuji, C.-H. Yoon
CABI Publishing Medicinal Plants of the World
Medicinal plants and plant-derived medicine are widely used in traditional cultures all over the world and they are becoming increasingly popular in modern society as natural alternatives to synthetic chemicals. As more and more natural remedies are being commercialised, there is a need for a user-friendly reference guide to the plants and their products. The book gives the reader a bird's eye view of more than 350 of the best known medicinal plants of the world and their uses, in a compact, colourful and scientifically accurate reference text. It provides quick answers to the most obvious questions: Where does this plant originate? What does it look like? In which culture is it traditionally used? What is it used for? Which chemical compounds does it contain? How safe is it? What is known about its pharmacological activity? What evidence is there that it is effective? The authors also provide short overviews of the various health conditions for which medicinal plants are used and the active compounds (secondary metabolites) found in the plants and their modes of actions. This new edition has an additional 30 plant species, many new and improved photographs and the text has been fully updated to reflect the latest regulatory status of each plant.
Penguin Books Ltd High on Life
***AS SEEN ON LORRAINE***This book is for everyone who longs to feel high on life naturally''A hands-on manual for influencing human happiness through your own biology. It doesn''t get any better than this!'' Thomas Erikson, author of Surrounded by Idiots: The Four Types of Human Behaviour''Useful for anyone wishing to brighten up their lives' Sunday Times''These six hormones have the power to change your life'' Telegraph____OPTIMIZE YOUR BRAIN AND BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELFNeurochemicals affect just about everything in our bodies, including how we think and feel.David JP Phillips, an internationally acclaimed Swedish public speaker and coach, guides you through ways to harness the immense power of your mind and optimize your body''s chemical factory by diving deep into six neurochemicals and how they can transform your life from within.<
Simon & Schuster Ltd Stop! That's Not My Story!
'A brilliant rhyming picture book that will help children see themselves at the centre of a story.' Joseph Coelho, Children's LaureateA joyful, empowering call to be the hero of your OWN story! A girl opens up a book looking for the story that’s perfect for HER and tumbles inside. But Goldilocks is not her story, and nor is Jack and the Beanstalk or Little Red Riding Hood… There’s only one thing for it: she’s going to have to write her own story – and this time, SHE will be the hero. A celebration of the stories we ALL love and the stories we are yet to write, this vivid, irresistible picture book introduces the terrific new partnership of Smriti Halls (bestselling author of I'm Sticking with You illustrated by Steve Small and Rain Before Rainbows illustrated by David Litchfield) and Erika Meza (award-winning illustrator of My Two Border Towns written by David Bowles). Also by Smriti Halls and published by Simon & Schuster:I'm Sticking With You I'm Sticking With You Too Let's Stick Together
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Computer Science Education: Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in School
Drawing together the most up-to-date research from experts all across the world, the second edition of Computer Science Education offers the most up-to-date coverage available on this developing subject, ideal for building confidence of new pre-service and in-service educators teaching a new discipline. It provides an international overview of key concepts, pedagogical approaches and assessment practices. Highlights of the second edition include: - New sections on machine learning and data-driven (epistemic) programming - A new focus on equity and inclusion in computer science education - Chapters updated throughout, including a revised chapter on relating ethical and societal aspects to knowledge-rich aspects of computer science education - A new set of chapters on the learning of programming, including design, pedagogy and misconceptions - A chapter on the way we use language in the computer science classroom. The book is structured to support the reader with chapter outlines, synopses and key points. Explanations of key concepts, real-life examples and reflective points keep the theory grounded in classroom practice. The book is accompanied by a companion website, including online summaries for each chapter, 3-minute video summaries by each author and an archived chapter on taxonomies and competencies from the first edition.
St Martin's Press A Summer to Remember
Erika Montgomery''s A Summer to Remember is an unforgettable tale of love, loss and finding your place that glitters as brightly as the golden age of Hollywood.--Kristy Woodson Harvey, USA Today Bestselling author of Feels Like FallingBest Debut Novels of Spring and Summer *Library Journal * Fresh Fiction * Booktrib For thirty-year-old Frankie Simon, selling movie memorabilia in the shop she opened with her late mother on Hollywood Boulevard is more than just her livelihoodit's an enduring connection to the only family she has ever known. But when a mysterious package arrives containing a photograph of her mother and famous movie stars Glory Cartwright and her husband at a coastal film festival the year before Frankie's birth, her life begins to unravel in ways unimaginable.What begins is a journey along a path revealing buried family secrets, betrayals between lovers, bonds between friends. And for Frankie, as the past unl
Vagabond Voices I Loved a German
The newly independent Estonia may be moving forward from its dark past, but not quickly enough for young lovers Oskar, an Estonian university student, and Erika, a Baltic German descended from a now defunct nobility. The old prejudices remain, and they are strong between the Baltic Germans and the Estonians who once worked on their estates. After meeting Erika's grandfather to request her hand in marriage, Oskar questions the source of his love: is he merely a slave pining after his master? Does he really love Erika as a person, or is he subconsciously drawn to her ancestry and the dynamics of the old order? Published in 1935, I Loved a German is one of the final and best-known works of celebrated Estonian author A.H. Tammsaare. It has been praised for its psychological realism, its diary format and its rare Baltic German perspective, and has been adapted for both stage and screen.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Democratic Governance and European Integration: Linking Societal and State Processes of Democracy
As the power and scope of the European Union moves further, beyond traditional forms of international cooperation between sovereign states, it is important to analyse how these developments are impacting upon national institutions and processes of democratic representation and legitimacy in the member countries. The authors in this book identify four core processes of democratic governance present in any democratic political system that link societal and state processes of decision-making: opinion formation, interest intermediation, national executive decision-making and national parliamentary scrutiny. From a normative perspective they discuss what impacts this process of Europeanization has on democracy in the evolving system. They conclude that more changes are seen within the state-centric than in the societal-centred processes of democracy, thus the public seems to have been 'left behind' in the process of constructing Europe. The empirical research and normative discussion presented in this book are designed to further our knowledge concerning the Europeanization of social and state processes of democracy and to contribute to the continuing dialogue on democracy in the European Union.This book will be of great interest to academics and researchers of political science, public policy and international relations, as well as those interested in European studies and comparative politics.