Search results for ""Transcript Verlag""
Transcript Verlag Lesen im Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz
Transcript Verlag IMMOBIL Schnittstellen zwischen Architektur und Technik
transcript Verlag Masculinities Ageing between Cultures
Transcript Verlag Conceptual Change in den weichen Schulfächern
Transcript Verlag Der unsichtbare Wohnraum
transcript Verlag Lifewide Learning in Postdigital Societies
Transcript Verlag Klöster als Konsumenten am Wiener Musikalienmarkt
Transcript Verlag POP
Transcript Verlag Friedensethik der Zukunft
Transcript Verlag Solidarische Mittelvergabe
Transcript Verlag Philosophie des Windes
Transcript Verlag Die bildgesteuerte Gesellschaft
Transcript Verlag Queere Nation
transcript Verlag Social Forms of Religion
Transcript Verlag Wie kommt Tanz ins Museum
Transcript Verlag Individuelles Handeln und Gemeinwohl
Transcript Verlag Racial Profiling und Polizeigewalt
Transcript Verlag SpielKritik
Transcript Verlag Die Praxis des Nudging
Transcript Verlag In Deutschland wartet das Paradies auf uns
Transcript Verlag Vom Mythos der algerischen Revolution
Transcript Verlag Existenz und Gesellschaft
Transcript Verlag Cripqueere Körper
transcript Verlag Beyond Quantity
Transcript Verlag Wohnen in Hamburg
transcript Verlag Living at Night in Times of Pandemic
Transcript Verlag Entmietet und verdrängt
transcript Verlag Performing Technocapitalism
Transcript Verlag Besser ausstellen
Transcript Verlag Dokumentarische Gefüge
transcript Verlag Shared Heritage Revisited
transcript Verlag The Palladio Method
Transcript Verlag Breathe - Critical Research into the Inequalities of Life
Breathing is an unavoidable, vital act, yet it cannot be taken for granted, as the experiences of the pandemic, profound changes in our environment, but also structural, racist discrimination make clear. In the physical act of breathing, we are symbolically, materially and radically thrown back to our own bodies and connected to the bodies of others.In conversation with artists and theorists from different fields, the contributers to this volume explore different acts of suffocation and release. They show how the protection of bodies is unequally and ambivalently distributed and how it can be an act of resistance. It is an insistence on life, a demand for existential, political, symbolic and ethical recognition.
Transcript Verlag Solidarität und ihre Widersprüche
Transcript Verlag Dialektik des Lebendigen
Transcript Verlag Brennpunkte der neuen Rechten
Transcript Verlag Science Fiction im Radio
Transcript Verlag Der Gang aufs Land
Transcript Verlag Death is Served: The Serialization of Death and Its Conceptualization Through Food Metaphors in US Literature and Media
The American cultural imaginary is hungry for death, and thus representations of death are prominently repeated and serialized in US literature and media. Stella Castelli shows how American culture fetishizes death as part of a repetition compulsion which stems from the inability of language to satisfactorily grasp death. Taking an intermedial approach, she investigates the forms and tropes born from this preoccupation with death and conceptualizes its imagination alongside an appetite which manifests as repetitive encoding. These metaphors of food consumption provide a hermeneutic framing for analyzing representations of death across American literature and media.
Transcript Verlag Verbergen Umschließen Vergraben
Transcript Verlag Design und Transformation
Transcript Verlag Terrorismus Crash und Krise in der Literatur
transcript Verlag Grain Noise Artists in Synthetic Biology Labs
Transcript Verlag Hands Across the Sea John Philip Sousa und der musikalische Amerikanismus in Kontinentaleuropa
Transcript Verlag Ästhetik des Anderen
Transcript Verlag Konnektiver Zynismus
Transcript Verlag Transport in Capitalism: Transport Policy as Social Policy
Transport is the only sector that has not yet contributed to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions. To understand why sustainable transport has not been developed yet, Oliver Schwedes highlights the special features of the transport sector and describes the political conditions for a successful change in transport development. He makes clear that technical innovations alone will not be enough; rather, transport policy must be practised as social policy.
Transcript Verlag Die Politik der Toten