Search results for ""Inter-Varsity Press""
Inter-Varsity Press 1 & 2 Kings: Tyndale Old Testament Commentary
The book of Kings is a unique source for understanding the history of Israel from the last days of the united kingdom under David to the eventual fall of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Presenting Israel's national history from a divine viewpoint, these narratives measure the kings of Israel and Judah, not by the mark they leave on secular history, but by their 'doing what is right in the Lord's sight'. Embedded in this story are enduring lessons of the ways of God with his people in every age.
Inter-Varsity Press Walk His Way: Following Christ through the Book of Psalms
'This warm and wonderful book will be a tremendous help to very many' Christopher Ash, Writer-in-Residence, Tyndale House, Cambridge. What does it mean to walk in the way of Jesus? What if reading the same scriptures that he read, and praying the same prayers that he prayed, made following Jesus easier? The Psalms are intended for people who would follow Christ along his path of trust and obedience. Andrew Shead shows us that we can follow Christ through the book of Psalms, a journey through many hardships that ends in joy. He combines an appreciation for the overall story of the book of Psalms, the art of reading poetry well, and the discipline of biblical theology to invite you to follow Christ more faithfully.
Inter-Varsity Press But I Say to You: Christ The Controversialist
Jesus, meek and mild? Think again: Jesus was a controversialist. And he still is today. Are you prepared to be challenged? Jesus has a way of cutting right across our logic and opinions, just as he did while on earth. He took issue with his contemporaries on basic questions like: - Who is God? - How do we obey Scripture? - How are we saved? - How should we live morally? - How should we worship authentically? In exploring these questions, John Stott shows that evangelical Christianity is authentic Christianity, as Jesus taught, and has the power to utterly transform us.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Malachi
Peter Adam explores The Message of Malachi, part of The Bible Speaks Today Old Testament series of commentaries.
Inter-Varsity Press Basic Christianity
'A must-read for those who are seeking God, wishing to refresh their own faith, or hoping to lead others into the loving arms of Jesus Christ.' William van der Hart Who was Jesus? Why was he crucified? Did he really rise from the dead? Is it plausible that he was truly divine? Whether you are seeking to understand the Christian faith for the first time, or looking to be reminded of the basics, John Stott offers a clear and full explanation of the Gospel. With over 2.5 million copies sold, this classic introduction is as clear and relevant on the centenary of Stott's birth as when it was first published in 1958.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of 1 & 2 Samuel: Personalities, Potential, Politics And Power
Within the Old Testament books of 1 and 2 Samuel we find some of the most well-known stories of the Bible – those of Hannah, David, Absalom and many more which have been fruitful sources of inspiration for classic artworks and musical compositions, as well as innumerable Sunday school lessons. Yet often we only consider these stories in a way that’s disconnected from our everyday faith. In this accessible and stimulating commentary, Mary Evans guides us through The Message of 1 & 2 Samuel in the conviction that they are a vital part of God's Word, full of teaching that is dynamically relevant for all Christian believers. Exploring the narratives and creatively bringing out their application, she shows us how we can interpret and respond to them today in a way that is both challenging and exciting. With questions for further reflection that can be used by individuals and small groups, this is an invigorating study that will help you better understand the meaning of 1 & 2 Samuel and their continued relevance for today. Part of the much loved Bible Speaks Today series of commentaries, The Message of 1 & 2 Samuel offers a thoughtful and readable exposition of the Biblical text as well as considering the lessons Christians can still learn from it today. Used by Bible students and teachers around the world, the Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for students and preachers who are looking to delve more deeply into the riches of Scripture. This beautifully redesigned edition has also been sensitively updated to include modern references and use the NIV Bible text. The Message of 1 & 2 Samuel will be helpful for anyone looking for commentaries on Samuel that will give them a better knowledge and understanding of its meaning both for its original audience and for modern Christians.
Inter-Varsity Press Rejoice!: Advent in All the Scriptures
25 Bible meditations based on Scripture verses and teaching nuggets from John Stott, with commentary and prayers from Christopher Wright. Accessible and bite-sized, fresh and exciting, each meditation deepens our appreciation of the timeless spiritual truths of Advent and Christmas. Introduction: The God who comes and comes - and comes again Week 1 The God who comes in Scripture's story 1 God comes rejoicing in creation 2 God comes questioning sinners 3 God comes promising a meal 4 God comes bringing life and light 5 God comes sending light to the nations 6 God comes to put things right 7 God comes bringing a whole new world Week 2 The God who came in person 8 My rock and my salvation 9 God comes to the rescue 10 God comes to speak 11 God comes for a meal 12 God comes to stay 13 God comes to forgive 14 God comes to lead the way Week 3 The God who came as promised 15 The One who came to do God's will 16 The promise of God's return 17 The promise of a ruler from Bethlehem 18 The promised herald of salvation 19 The promise of a transformed world 20 The promised light for the nations 21 The promised sin-bearing Servant Week 4 The God who will come in Glory 22 Creation rejoices 23 Creation renewed 24 Creation redeemed 25 Immanuel: God with us!
Inter-Varsity Press The Incomparable Christ
Jesus Christ has been the dominant figure in the history of Western culture for two millennia, and His birth the pivotal event of our calendar. He is the focus of Scripture: as Luther declared, 'The entire Scripture deals only with Christ everywhere.' He is the heart of mission, the message that countless Christians cross land and sea, continents and cultures, to deliver. In masterly surveys, John Stott looks at the New Testament witness, at the way the church has portrayed Christ down through the centuries, and at the influence Christ has had on individuals over the last two millennia. Finally, turning to the book of Revelation, he asks what Jesus Christ should mean to us today. Here is the fruit of a lifetime of biblical study, rigorous Christian thought and devotion to the person of Jesus Christ. 'John Stott paints a picture of the incomparable Christ on a huge canvas. He applies his incisive mind, his commitment to Scripture and his sense of awe at God's purpose in human history, focusing with humility on the Jesus he knew and loved throughout his life. The result is a rare combination of wisdom and inspiration.' - Roy McCloughry
Inter-Varsity Press Paul and the Law: Keeping The Commandments Of God
For neither circumcision counts for anything nor uncircumcision, but keeping the commandments of God' (1 Cor. 7:19). The apostle Paul's relationship to the Law of Moses is notoriously complex and much studied. Difficulties begin with questions of definition (of the extent of Paul's corpus and the meanings of 'the law') and are exacerbated by numerous problems of interpretation of the key texts. Major positions are entrenched, yet none of them seems to know what to do with all the pieces of the puzzle. Inextricably linked to Paul's view of the law is his teaching concerning salvation history, Israel, the church, anthropology, ethics and eschatology. Understanding 'Paul and the law' is critical to the study of the New Testament, because it touches on the perennial question of the relationship between the grace of God in the gift of salvation and the demand of God in the call for holy living. Misunderstanding can lead to distortions of one or both. This fresh and valuable study is something of a breakthrough, bringing neglected evidence to the discussion and asking different questions of the material, while also building on the work of others. Brian Rosner argues that Paul undertakes a polemical re-evaluation of the Law of Moses, which involves not only its repudiation as law-covenant and its replacement by other things, but also its wholehearted re-appropriation as prophecy (with reference to the gospel) and as wisdom (for Christian living).
Inter-Varsity Press The Rise of Evangelicalism
This series presents, for the first time, a connected history of evangelical movements throughout the English-speaking world, from the 1730s to the 1990s. The five volumes are united by their use of a common definition of evangelicalism that stresses conversion, reliance on Scripture, activism (especially in evangelism) and the centrality of the cross of Christ. The series offers provocative interpretations as well as factual details, provides extensive bibliographical references and is accessible to a wide readership. This volume provides a coherent, multi-national narrative of the origins, development and rapid diffusion of evangelical movements in their first two generations, from the 1730s to the 1790s. The primary focus is on Britain and North America; historical links to Europe and then connections to Africa, Australia and beyond are also important. Much of the discussion is devoted to landmark individuals, events and organizations, and contains many biographical sketches of the era's best-known leaders - Jonathan Edwards, John and Charles Wesley, George Whitefield, Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, John Newton, Hannah More - along with many lesser-known figures.
Inter-Varsity Press A Time to Care: Loving Your Elderly Parents
So you're now a carer. Your elderly parents need you as never before. Nobody's ever trained you for what comes next, yet you re the unofficial project manager. Emily Ackerman looks at practical and emotional issues like finding time, coping with pressure, the sandwich generation, cutting apron-strings, memory loss and caring from a distance. Underpinning it all is helpful advice from the Bible, for isn't it God who calls us to honour and care for our parents? The author shares generously and sometimes humorously from her own experience, acting as a wise, sure-footed and sensitive guide. This book will be useful to all who care for elderly relatives. You are not alone!
Inter-Varsity Press The God Who Makes Himself Known: The Missionary Heart Of The Book Of Exodus
The Lord's commitment to make himself known throughout the nations is the missionary theme that spans the Bible, and is the central theological concern of the book of Exodus. Countering scholarly tendencies to fragment the text due to theological problems, Ross Blackburn contends that Exodus can be read as a unified whole, and that an appreciation of this missionary theme in its canonical context is of great help in dealing with difficult issues that the book poses. For example, how is Exodus 6:3 best understood? Is there a tension between law and gospel, or mercy and judgment? How should we understand the painstaking detail of the tabernacle chapters? From a careful examination of Exodus, Blackburn demonstrates that: * the Lord humbles Pharaoh so that the world would know that only God can save; * the Lord gives Israel the law so that she might display his goodness to the world, and live in a state of order and blessing; * the Lord deals with Israel's idolatry severely, yet mercifully, for his goodness cannot be known if his glory is compromised. In the end, Exodus not only sheds important light on the church's mission, but also reveals what kind of God the Lord is, one who pursues his glory and our good, ultimately realizing both as he makes himself known in Christ Jesus.
Inter-Varsity Press Soul Food for Mums: An Ideal Devotional For Baby'S 1St Year
You are too exhausted to think, never mind pray, your home is a mess and you can't find your Bible ... 'Soul Food' will nourish you through your baby's first year, offering inspirational and practical ideas for applying God's word and incorporating prayer into your daily life. It won't make you feel guilty about the time or energy you simply don't have. With honesty and humour, the authors draw upon their own, and others', experiences of motherhood. The result is both delightful and unusual. Succinct, accessible, weekly biblical reflections. A lifeline for every mother with a new baby.
Inter-Varsity Press Captured by a Better Vision: Living Porn-Free
You long to be free but... Pornography has reached epidemic proportions. And in God's eyes porn is ugly. It devalues other human beings and the good gift of sex in favour of a destructive imitation. Tim Chester points us to something infinitely better, something that captivates without causing shame, remorse or embarrassment: the glory and beauty of Christ. We are made to be satisfied with God alone, and told to avoid the sin that hinders our relationship with him. Tim exposes the lies and deceptions of porn, inviting us to be fully free, and showing positively and practically how this can be possible in daily life. We can be captured by a better vision.
Inter-Varsity Press Dig Deeper: Tools To Unearth The Bible's Treasure
A straightforward, user-friendly guide to how to read the Bible - dig deep into God's word for yourself.
Inter-Varsity Press Out of the Saltshaker and into the World: Evangelism As A Way Of Life
Across the centuries, as people have considered their individual and social needs, many solutions for transforming human existence have been offered — psychological, political and religious. However, the New Testament claims that genuine and lasting change can only be found in Jesus Christ. The transformation he makes possible is spiritual, moral and physical, bringing us ultimately to share in his resurrection from death in a new creation. Foundational to this teaching is the promise of 'a new covenant' in Jeremiah 31:31-34 and in parallel predictions in Ezekiel and Isaiah. In this valuable new study, David Peterson expounds Jeremiah's oracle and its significant influence on the way New Testament writers understand transformation in Christ. The definitive forgiveness of sins achieved by his sacrificial death brings a new knowledge or experience of God and his grace, which transforms hearts and minds, leading to a new devotion to God and obedience to his will. In this way, the people of the New Covenant are established in an eternal relationship with God and a renewed community that embraces every nation. In terms of the Bible's teaching as a whole, the New Covenant fulfils and perfects the covenant first established by God with Abraham and his offspring. It has profound implications for Christian ministry, with respect to both evangelism and the nurture of believers.
Inter-Varsity Press Philosophy of Religion: Thinking About Faith
With over 40,000 copies in print since its original publication in 1982, Steve Evans's Philosophy of Religion has served many generations of students as a classic introduction to the philosophy of religion from a Christian perspective. Over the years the philosophical landscape has changed, and in this new edition Zach Manis joins Evans in a thorough revamping of arguments and information, while maintaining the qualities of clarity and brevity that made the first edition so appreciated. New material on divine foreknowledge and human freedom has been added as well as on Reformed epistemology. The discussions on science now cover new developments from cognitive psychology and naturalism as well as on the fine-tuning of the cosmos. The chapter on faith and reason has been expanded to include consideration of evidentialism. The problem of evil now forms its own new chapter and adds a discussion of the problem of hell. The standard features remain: a survey of the field, an examination of classical arguments for God's existence, and an exploration of contemporary challenges to theism from the social sciences and philosophy as well as the natural sciences. The meaning and significance of personal religious experience, revelation and miracles--all within the realm of contemporary religious pluralism--are likewise investigated. A classic introduction thoroughly updated and refreshed for today's student.
Inter-Varsity Press Joshua: Tyndale Old Testament Commentary
The book of Joshua memorializes a transitional episode in Israel's national history. The heroic figure Joshua leads the new generation of Israel across the Jordan and into the land of promise, conquering Canaanites and overseeing the allotment of the inheritance among the tribes.
Inter-Varsity Press From Eden to the New Jerusalem: Exploring God's Plan For Life On Earth
Why does the earth exist? What is the purpose of human life? These are two of life's most fundamental questions - and they are addressed by the Bible's remarkably unified story, which centres on a unique deity. Desmond Alexander explores this story by beginning at the end, in the final chapters of the book of Revelation. Anticipating the creation of a new earth and a new heaven, these chapters bring to fulfilment a process that began with the creation of the earth, as described in the opening chapters of Genesis. These passages frame the entire biblical 'meta-story'. This stimulating study outlines some of the central themes that run through the Bible, with broad brush strokes designed to show the general shape of the meta-story. Seeing the big picture enables us to appreciate the details more clearly; and since the themes were an integral part of the thought-world of the biblical authors, an appreciation of them may alter significantly our reading of individual books. Good theology always has pastoral implications, and the study occasionally moves into areas of application - the truths revealed are extremely important for shaping our life-style choices.
Inter-Varsity Press Matthew: An Introduction and Survey
Matthew - the visit of the Magi, the Sermon on the Mount, the Great Commission: these are only a few of the well-known passages that draw readers specifically to Matthew's gospel. Yet it begins with a forbidding list of unknown names and apparently irrelevant 'begettings'. In fact, the early church may have placed Matthew first in the New Testament because it more fully than any other Gospel provides a Christian perspective on the relation between the church and the Jews, an issue that is still important today. R. T. France tackles this and other key issues in the Gospel with clarity, reliability and relevance.This classic commentary has been completely retypeset and presented in a fresh, vibrant new large paperback format, with new global branding.
Inter-Varsity Press The Mission of God: Unlocking The Bible's Grand Narrative
Winner, 2007 Christianity Today Missions/Global Affairs Book The Bible doesn't just provide a basis for mission. Mission is much bigger! Mission is the basis for the whole Bible - it is generated by, and is all about, God's mission. In order to understand the Bible, we need an interpretative perspective that is in tune with this great missional theme. We need to see the 'big picture' of God's mission and how all parts of Scripture fit into its grand narrative. In this comprehensive and accessible study, Chris Wright begins with the Old Testament understanding of who God is, what he has called his people to be and to do, and where the nations belong within God's mission. These themes are followed into the New Testament. Throughout, Wright emphasizes that biblically-defined mission is intrinsically holistic. God's mission is to redeem his whole creation from all that sin and evil have inflicted upon it, and the mission of God's people must reflect the breadth of God's righteous and saving love for all he has made.
Inter-Varsity Press Adopted into God's family: Exploring A Pauline Metaphor
'... you received the Spirit of adoption' (Romans 8:15) The relationship between God and his people is understood in various ways by the biblical writers, and it is arguably the apostle Paul who uses the richest vocabulary. Unique to Paul's writings is the term huiothesia, the process or act of being 'adopted as son(s)'. It occurs five times in three of his letters, where it functions as a key theological metaphor. Trevor Burke argues that huiothesia has been misunderstood, misrepresented, or neglected through scholarly preoccupation with its cultural background. He redresses the balance in this comprehensive study, which discusses metaphor theory; explores the background to huiothesia; considers the roles of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; examines the moral implications of adoption, and its relationship with honour; and concludes with the consequences for Christian believers as they live in the tension between the 'now' and the 'not yet' of their adoption into God's new family.
Inter-Varsity Press Life in the Son: Exploring participation and union with Christ in John’s Gospel and letters
The New Testament writers use spatial language and imagery to portray our relationship with God, speaking both about God or Christ in us, and us in them. Believers are also described as possessing and participating in divine qualities such as life and glory. Both aspects are prominent in John's Gospel and letters. However, outside the Pauline writings, union with Christ has hardly been addressed in New Testament scholarship. Dr. Clive Bowsher seeks to redress this balance in Life in the Son. In John's Gospel, the oneness of the Father and Son is described as the Father and Son being 'in-one-another.' Clive Bowsher's study shows that union with Christ in John's Gospel and letters is the in-one-another relationship of believers with the Father and Son by the Spirit - the intimate, loving, relational participation of the believer and God, each in the life, affections, ways and work of the other. Insightful and accessible, Bowsher's study also explores connections with the shape of sonship, and with covenant and the life of the age to come. This new volume in the NSBT series fills a significant gap in the literature and promises to be a blessing to pastors, preachers and scholars alike.
Inter-Varsity Press From Prisoner to Prince: The Joseph Story In Biblical Theology
The story of Joseph is one of the most well known in the Bible, yet is rarely mentioned in Scripture outside the Book of Genesis. How then do we understand Joseph’s significance in redemptive history? Is Joseph, as has often been suggested, a type of the Messiah? From Prisoner to Prince offers a comprehensive commentary on the Joseph narrative, exploring both its function within the overall narrative of Genesis as well as how it is used by later Biblical authors. Samuel Emadi considers the literary and theological context in which Joseph’s story was first written, as well the intra-canonical development of the story via inner-biblical allusion and how it is referenced and alluded to within the New Testament. Thorough, cogent and detailed, Emadi’s study contains the methodological rigour that has often been missing from messianic interpretations of Joseph. Carefully unpacking Joseph’s role throughout the Bible, he demonstrates that this story is both the resolution to Genesis’s narrative and typologically influences the later narration of redemptive history. The culmination is the New Testament’s portrayal of Jesus as an antitypical, new and final Joseph. Insightful and accessible, From Prisoner to Prince is a valuable new addition to the New Studies in Biblical Theology series. Full of stimulating insight, it is ideal for students studying the Joseph story, pastors preaching from Genesis and anyone looking for a study of the life and impact of Joseph that digs deeply into its theological echoes in the wider Bible.. From Prisoner to Prince will leave you with a greater understanding of the story of Joseph both as part of the Book of Genesis, and as part of the whole of Scripture that points ultimately towards Jesus Christ.
Inter-Varsity Press Belonging (Lifebuilder Bible Study): Accessibility, Inclusion and Christian Community
God created all of us to be in relationship with him and with each other. Yet for those with disabilities, attitudes and systems of ableism create barriers to fully participating in God's kingdom work, as well as leading to deep hurt – and when any members of the body of Christ are not included, we all miss out. In Belonging, Deborah Abbs guides us through nine Bible studies on inclusion. Exploring the deep love and acceptance of our heavenly Father, she shows us what that means for offering love and acceptance to one another. In both Old and New Testament stories and teachings on Christian community we see how God responds in love to those who are often marginalized and excluded. In turn, through these examples and lessons we can see the importance of disability inclusion in church and learn to welcome people of all different abilities. Part of the LifeBuilder Bible Studies series, Belonging features questions that can be used both individually or in small groups. It is a brilliant resource for anyone wanting to understand Biblical teaching on inclusion and acceptance better, and for those wanting to make their church a more welcoming place for those with disabilities.
Inter-Varsity Press British Evangelical Theologians of the Twentieth Century: An Enduring Legacy
Throughout the twentieth century, Britain produced some of the most prominent evangelical theologians in both church and academic circles. This survey and introduction, edited by Thomas Noble and Jason Sexton, presents twelve of these theologians, exploring what made their work so influential and their continued relevance for today. As well as surveying each man’s work, British Evangelical Theologians of the Twentieth Century considers what is meant by calling these theologians 'evangelical' Christians – taking into account their understanding of biblical authority, standing in the Reformation tradition and treatment of Scripture as well as their approaches to biblical criticism and liberal theology. As a result, it is ideal for students looking to deeper their understanding of British evangelical Christianity as a whole, as well as increasing their knowledge of the individual figures From James Orr and Lesslie Newbigin to John Stott and J. I. Packer, a range of perspectives within British evangelicalism is reflected. Along with brief biographies, each body of work is examined in three particular areas: stance on the Bible (‘biblicism’), the atonement (‘crucicentrism’), and concern for mission and evangelism (‘conversionism’). British Evangelical Theologians of the Twentieth Century is a thorough introduction to twelve of the keenest and most influential minds in British evangelical thought. It will leave you with an appreciation of each man’s contribution to English-speaking evangelicalism, as well as helping you to engage critically with their theology and understand how their work is relevant to the development and discussion of British evangelical theology today.
Inter-Varsity Press Why?: Looking at God, Evil & Personal Suffering
Why do bad things happen in our world? Why does God allow suffering? If he exists, why doesn't he do something? Of all the hurdles to faith, suffering must be the greatest. But how do we answer the question of ‘Why?’ in a credible, satisfying way? In this revised and updated edition of an award-winning book that has helped thousands in their journey of faith, scientist Sharon Dirckx explores some of the most agonizing and bewildering questions we all ask. With compassionate warmth and insight, she offers advice to help us cope with suffering and difficulties. Alongside, she interweaves her own experiences and the personal stories of individuals who have faced some of life's toughest challenges, showing us that it is possible to believe in a powerful loving God and acknowledge the reality of evil and suffering. Why? is a book for anyone who has questioned how suffering and a compassionate God can coexist. It will help you better understand the nature of God in Christianity, and will equip you to answer the question of ‘Why?’ with confidence and clarity. It is also an ideal apologetics book to give to friends and family just beginning on their faith journey or who are struggling and looking for answers. If you have ever asked or wondered why God allows suffering, Sharon Dirckx’s gentle wisdom in Why? will help you see life from a new perspective – one that makes more, not less, sense of our hurting world.
Inter-Varsity Press Invest Your Future: Making Godly Choices Using Your Head, Your Heart and Your Bible
Making big decisions can be desperately difficult. Often we end up paralysed with indecision, afraid that making the wrong choice – whether it’s going to the wrong university, applying for the wrong job, or moving to the wrong place – will ruin our lives. So how do we make good decisions? When does the Bible guide us, and when should we just use our common sense or talk things through with friends and family? Using his huge experience and pastoral heart, Paul Mallard comes right alongside us in Invest Your Future to help us practice spiritual discernment. He shows us where to find wisdom and how it works in God's economy. He helps us find the balance in what is, for many of us, a constant challenge. He teaches us how to understand God’s purpose, so we can see what are the truly important factors in making our decisions. You don't have to spend your life in indecision, confusion, guilt or regret. Drawing on examples from Scripture as well as from life, Invest Your Future shows how you can cultivate spiritual discernment in order to grow in maturity and wisdom, and know where to turn for guidance when making decisions. If you have ever questioned how to make good decisions, or find yourself worrying and second-guessing your choices, this is the book for you. Compassionate and grounded, Invest Your Future will leave you more confident in your own and in God’s wisdom, so that you can make sure-footed, stress-free choices in the future.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Judges
The book of Judges contains some of the most famous of the Bible's stories, as well as some of the least known. They show us the deepest sin of humanity, but reveal it in the light of God's abundant grace. Behind judges of Israel like Samson, Jephthah and Barak stands a Judge, discerning and deciding. Michael Wilcock astutely explores The Message of Judges to show that God never abandons his people – then or now. In this clear, discerning Biblical exposition, he illuminates the meaning the book of Judges still holds for us today as the story of God's grace; the Judge of all ensures that his people will never manage to destroy themselves, even though it may look as if they are on course for disaster. Part of the loved and trusted The Bible Speaks Today series of commentaries, The Message of Judges offers an insightful, readable exposition of the biblical text and thought-provoking discussion of how it relates to contemporary life. Used by Bible students and teachers around the world, The Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for anyone studying or preaching Judges and who want to delve deeper into the text. This beautifully redesigned edition has also been sensitively updated to include modern references and use the NRSV Bible text. Readable and reliable, The Message of Judges is a book for anyone looking for a commentary on Judges that make clear its meaning both in its original context and for twenty-first century readers.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Joshua: Promise And People
The book of Joshua tells the action-packed story of Israel's entry into and conquest of Canaan, the promised land. Yet it is often troubling for contemporary Christian readers, perhaps more than any other part of the Old Testament – isn't the violence shown inconsistent with the gospel of Jesus? In The Message of Joshua, David G Firth explores this story as part of God's mission, which goes on to find its ultimate focus in Jesus Christ. He illuminates the meaning that the book of Joshua still has for Christians today; it challenges us, just as it challenges those who have read it down through the ages, to recognize that God not only includes those who join him in his mission, he also excludes those who choose to set themselves against it. Part of the loved and trusted The Bible Speaks Today series of commentaries, The Message of Joshua offers an clear, readable exposition of the Biblical text and thought-provoking discussion of how its meaning relates to contemporary life. Used by Bible students and teachers around the world, The Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for anyone studying or preaching Joshua and who want to delve deeper into the text. This beautifully redesigned edition has also been sensitively updated to include modern references and use the NRSV Bible text. The Message of Joshua will help for anyone looking for a commentary on Joshua that makes clear its meaning both in its original context and for Christians in the twenty-first century.
Inter-Varsity Press ESV Search the Scriptures Bible: The English Standard Version Bible with integrated study guide
Do you want to study your Bible for yourself, not just receive pre-packaged answers? God has given us his Word as a vital means of encountering him, and the ESV Search the Scriptures Bible gives you the questions to go deeper in knowing him. The Search the Scriptures Bible reading plan offers guidance for daily Bible study and aims to make it a delight as well as a source of strength. Using a question-and-answer approach, it helps you discover God's truth for yourself. Its built-in flexibility and clear presentation allow you to adapt the course to your own needs. The studies are undated so you can set your own pace working through them. - Questions to help you explore the entire Bible, integrated with the ESV Bible text - Follow the reading plan to cover the Bible in three years, or follow your own path and pace - Concise introductions to each book of the Bible as you meet it - Meaning and application for each daily passage Search the Scriptures has been used and appreciated by many thousands of readers for over half a century. Now combined with the ESV Bible text for the first time, it gives you all you need for studying God's Word in depth in one integrated package.
Inter-Varsity Press Purposeful Sexuality: A Short Christian Introduction
If God means for us to save sex for marriage, why doesn't he just zap us with sexuality on our wedding night? Why do most of us experience sexual feelings throughout our adult lives, not just in the safe confines of marriage? Is limiting marriage to the union of a man and a woman anything but outdated prejudice? What is our sexuality actually for? Today's culture overwhelmingly tells us that sex is essential for human flourishing. Far too often the church perpetuates the same message - as long as you are married. But far from being liberating, this idolising of sex leaves us even more sexually broken than before. With refreshing honesty and clarity, Ed Shaw calls on the church to rediscover its confidence in the Bible's teaching about our ability to experience or express sexual feelings. He points us to how God's word reveals that sexuality's ultimate purpose is to help us better know God and the full power of his passionate love. He shows us how this is surprisingly good news for all our joys and struggles with sexuality.
Inter-Varsity Press Healthy Faith and the Coronavirus Crisis: Thriving in the Covid-19 Pandemic
"COVID-19 has transformed our everyday lives. It’s as if another world has arrived in the blink of an eye. Yet life is not on pause. We still need to live. The pandemic, like any other time, is a moment both of opportunity as well as challenge. Healthy Faith in the Coronavirus Crisis is a briefing on how to thrive in a world of restrictions. Twenty leading Christian thinkers have come together to help you begin to navigate this strange reality. Each contributor writes on their area of expertise, and topics covered include prayer, loneliness, work, singleness, marriage, parenting, grief, death, imagination, conversations, humour, and much more. They offer practical advice as well as helpful perspective from Scripture. This is an essential resource for anyone looking to cultivate a healthy faith which infuses all areas of life during this disorienting time.
Inter-Varsity Press God's Church for God's World: Faithful Perspectives on Mission and Ministry
What is really going on inside the Church of England? God’s Church for God’s World offers essays and testimony from Evangelical Anglicans ahead of the Lambeth Conference 2022, that explore both the current state of Anglicanism and the future of Anglicanism in the UK. Featuring contributions from the likes of Andrew Goddard, Esther Prior, a number of serving bishops and many more, this collection offers a unique window into recent Anglican history that has often be tumultuous, and the workings of the Anglican Communion today. With a rare blend of theological reflection and timely storytelling, each essay offers something fresh – with no easy answers. Combining critical reflection with good news stories, they explore topics such as church planting and mutual flourishing, and encourage all of us to think through what faithfulness might look in our own context. God’s Church for God’s World brings together voices drawn from all major Anglican evangelical networks in the UK, demonstrating a commitment to the Gospel being proclaimed and a unity both throughout and beyond the Church of England. With a number of young contributors, it also offers a glimpse of possible futures for the Anglican Church. An honest, behind-the-scenes look at the Church of England in the twenty-first century, God’s Church for God’s World is a book for anyone looking for insight into the Anglican Communion from an evangelical perspective, and to understand what might lie ahead for the church.
Inter-Varsity Press Philippians: An Introduction and Commentary
The letter to the Philippians illuminates a warm relationship between the apostle Paul and the Philippian believers. Despite difficult situations being experienced on both sides, Paul finds ample reason to celebrate what God in Christ has done and is doing in the believers' lives. Jeannine K. Brown's commentary explores the themes of this epistle, how its message is still relevant to Christians in the twenty-first century. She shows how motifs of joy, contentment and unity abound as Paul reminds the Philippians of the supreme value of knowing Jesus the Messiah, and highlights their significance for shaping the contemporary church towards living more deeply its identity in Christ. Part of the Tyndale New Testament commentary series, Philippians: An Introduction and Commentary examines the text section-by-section – exploring the context in which it was written, providing thoughtful commentary on the letter to the Philippians, and then unpacking its theology. It will leave you with a thorough understanding of the content and structure of Paul’s writing, as well as its meaning and continued relevance for Christians today. The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries are ideal Bible commentaries for students and teachers of theology, as well as being usable for preachers and individual Christians looking to delve deeper into the riches of Scripture and discover its meaning for today. Insightful and comprehensive, Jeannine K. Brown’s commentary on Philippians is a brilliant introduction that will give you a renewed appreciation for this rich Pauline epistle and a greater knowledge of why it is important to the Christian faith.
Inter-Varsity Press The Message of Colossians and Philemon: Fullness And Freedom
Fullness and freedom - two aspects of Christian life that we all want to share. Paul wrote about them at length (and depth) in his letter to the Christians at Colossae, where certain new teachers were proclaiming that 'mere Christianity' is not enough. There is, they suggested, a fuller experience, a greater liberation, than they had so far enjoyed. But Paul was adamant: all God's fullness is in Christ alone, and only through his complete work are we set free. Paul’s letter to Philemon is of particular interest to us as a letter to an individual friend and convert. Yet it is not marked ‘personal and private’. It was also to be read by the church in Philemon’s house. This letter applies the themes of the fullness and freedom found in the gospel to the complex situation of Onesimus and Philemon, a scenario with much to teach us today about the relationship of the gospel of Christ to social concerns. These are the great objective truths of the faith that Dick Lucas highlights in his exposition, enabling us to see both the riches that are ours in Christ and the irrelevance - even blasphemy - of all would-be improvements on what God has done.
Inter-Varsity Press Broken Planet: If There's a God, Then Why Are There Natural Disasters and Diseases?
In Broken Planet, Dr Sharon Dirckx, scientist and apologist, offers a measured and thoughtful case for how there could be a God of love that allows natural disasters. The question of suffering is one of the greatest hurdles to Christian faith. When believers respond to the question of why there is suffering in the world, they often turn to the free-will defence. This states that humans make choices for good or ill that can bring about suffering in the lives of others. However, that doesn't explain why children die of cancer, or why the latest earthquakes, tsunamis or pandemics have been so destructive. These seem to happen not because of our choices, but in spite of them. So how do we make sense of these events? Dr. Sharon Dirckx blends argument, science and first-person narrative in this unique book, weaving answers to real questions with compassion and empathy, while also acknowledging the element of mystery we will always live with while on earth. Dr Dirckx addresses topics such as: If God exists, why would he make a world with earthquakes and tsunamis? Why is there so much suffering in a natural disaster? Are natural disasters God's judgement? Is my illness a punishment from God? What kind of God would allow natural disasters and diseases? If you have ever struggled to reconcile the idea of a loving God with all the pain in our world, this book will encourage you that belief in such a God is not as unreasonable as it may seem. In fact, it may be where God is revealed most profoundly.
Inter-Varsity Press Depending on Jesus: Discovering the Sufficiency of Christ
"I’ve learned I have to depend on Jesus for everything." That is what a friend going through a rough time said to us. It was an extreme statement. It sounded almost too radical. Of course believers know we have to depend on Jesus for many things: for salvation, for guidance, for forgiveness, for daily needs. But to depend on Christ for everything? Excluding nothing? It was a scary idea. It was also, we realized, a profoundly biblical idea. Biblical people who followed Christ encountered every kind of obstacle: hostility, loneliness, injustice, failure, and other seemingly impossible difficulties. Here are ten instances of biblical people learning that they could rely on Christ to see them through, even when all other avenues of help failed. Just as they discovered that Christ is sufficient for any and all circumstances, we pray that you will be encouraged to discover the same.
Inter-Varsity Press Persevere
Encouragement. Perseverance. Stickability. How we need these in our daily lives if we are to grow as Christians and not become jaded and discouraged. So much for the theory, but how can this work out in practice? And when we feel like just giving up? With insightful teaching and application from Michael Baughen, David and Ian Coffey, Jonathan Lamb, Nigel Lee, Ivor Poobalan, Andy Prime, Matt Sleeman, Rico Tice and others, this short volume digs into the Bible, offering timeless wisdom from the Psalms, Ephesians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Timothy, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter and Revelation. It draws from the inspirational life of pioneer missionary Amy Carmichael. It equips us for those times when we just need to keep on keeping on. A 30-day undated devotional tailored for real people in the real world today.
Inter-Varsity Press Genesis: An Introduction and Commentary
Genesis is a book of origins: of the world, of sin, of God's promise of redemption, and of the people of Israel. It traces God's pledge of a Saviour through Abraham's line down to his great-grandson Judah. It is foundational for the New Testament and its teaching that Jesus is the fulfilment of God's promise to save humankind from sin and death. Andrew Steinmann's thorough exegetical commentary includes a reconstructed timeline of events from Abraham's life through to the death of Joseph.
Inter-Varsity Press Isaiah: An Introduction And Commentary
No other prophetic book rivals Isaiah's clear message, powerful imagery and confident hope in God's future deliverance. His vision of God's glory and holiness in chapter 6 permeates the whole book, and he never tires of correcting misplaced faith in power or false gods. While many scholars divide the book with the gap of about 150 years between chapters 39 and 40, Wegner highlights the unified message of the book with its three Introductions (Isa. 1:1; 2:1; 13:1) paired with its three refrains (Isa. 48:22; 57:21; 66:24): the whole book illuminates God's glorious plan for his people. The Tyndale Commentaries are designed to help the reader of the Bible understand what the text says and what it means. The Introduction to each book gives a concise but thorough treatment of its authorship, date, original setting, and purpose. Following a structural Analysis, the Commentary takes the book section by section, drawing out its main themes, and also comments on individual verses and problems of interpretation. Additional Notes provide fuller discussion of particular difficulties. In the new Old Testament volumes, the commentary on each section of the text is structured under three headings: Context, Comment, and Meaning. The goal is to explain the true meaning of the Bible and make its message plain.
Inter-Varsity Press L is for Lifestyle: Revised and Updated
How can we live more responsibly? In this A-Z, Ruth Valerio highlights the main threats to people and our planet, God's beloved creation. She shows us how, by making small but significant changes to our lifestyle, we can learn the secret of a life that is both fair and simple. Scenario: you wake up and jump in the shower. The water is hot and the house warm. You eat breakfast: coffee made with water boiled in the kettle, and cereal with milk kept cool in the fridge. You throw out the foil trays from last night's takeaway before jumping in the car and setting off for work. You've done nothing unusual, but already your lifestyle choices - yes, choices - have had an impact on people and the environment across the world. With warmth and honesty, the author shares her personal journey as well as disturbing findings and deep concerns. It is her passion that we would all play our part in caring for the amazing earth that our God has so wisely and generously created.
Inter-Varsity Press Joel and Amos: An Introduction And Commentary
Joel's arresting imagery – blasting trumpet, darkened sun and marching hosts – has shaped the church's eschatological vision of a day of wrath. Amos's ringing indictments – callous oppression, heartless worship and self-seeking gain – have periodically awakened the conscience of God's people. Two thousand five hundred years later, those prophetic words still speak powerfully. Tchavdar Hadjiev’s commentary on the books of Joel and Amos examines their literary features, historical context, theology and ethics.
Inter-Varsity Press The Disciple: A Calling to Be Christlike
If Christ is our Lord, then we are his servants, and if he is our teacher, then we are his pupils. Following Christ is a multi-faceted responsibility. We should remember: * Every true disciple is a listener * We are both rational and emotional * We can discern God's call and will Love is the first fruit of the Spirit, a core ingredient of discipleship.
Inter-Varsity Press Biblical Theology According to the Apostles: How The Earliest Christians Told The Story Of Israel
Although relatively few in number, the New Testament’s explicit summaries of the Old Testament story of Israel give readers direct access to the way the earliest Christians told this story -- which is to say, to the way they did biblical theology. These curiously overlooked summaries are the subject of this stimulating study. Bruno, Compton and McFadden examine the passages in the Synoptic Gospels, Acts, Paul's letters and Hebrews that recount the characters, events, and institutions of Israel’s story in chronological order and at substantial length. They demonstrate just how valuable a lens these summaries provide for a clearer vision of the earliest Christians’ practice of biblical theology. The authors' ultimate goal is to move beyond the descriptive to the prescriptive, to show how contemporary readers can and should follow the apostles' example.
Inter-Varsity Press The Messiah (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
This study guide explores some of the key passages in the Old Testament about the Messiah and their completion in the life and saving work of Jesus. These passages have had a profound effect on the imagination and worship of Christians for two thousand years. One of the greatest expressions of worship and adoration was written by George Handel. Although the focus is on the biblical passages about the coming Messiah, you will also have the option of exploring sections of Handel's adaptation of some of these passages in Messiah.
Inter-Varsity Press Prayer (Lifebuilder Study Guides): An Adventure with God
We pray for our own needs and for the needs of others. We pray in the face of conflict, and we pray for forgiveness. And we can learn how to pray by praying and being prayed for by others. In this guide we learn from biblical examples such as Mary, Abraham, Moses and Daniel, gaining new insights and experiences in the adventure of prayer. This revised LifeBuilder Bible Study features additional questions for starting group discussions and for meeting God in personal reflection, together with expanded leader's notes and an extra 'Now or Later' section in each study.
Inter-Varsity Press Names of God (Lifebuilder Study Guides): Glimpses of His Character
The God who revealed himself to Moses and to Abraham is the same God we relate to today. We have come to know him as God the Father and as Jesus the Saviour and as the Spirit of holiness—but he is also the LORD Almighty and the God who provides. As you study some of the key names of God, be prepared to have your heart and mind stirred as you explore God’s nature in greater depth — to have your life and worship changed by these encounters with the living God!